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患者男,18岁。全身红色丘疹伴瘙痒23d,面部疱疹9d。皮肤科情况:面部及耳后多发较一致的红色丘疱疹,直径2~3mm,表面结痂黄色,部分疱疹中央可见脐凹。诊断:Kaposi水痘样疹。  相似文献   

患儿男,11个月。因头面部水疱、脓疱伴高热,于2003年11月1日来我院儿科就诊。患儿出生后20余天头面部即出现红斑、丘疹、水疱、疱破后糜烂、渗出、结痂,在当地多家医院均诊断为“湿疹”,予以抗组胺药,糖皮质激素等治疗后即好转,但停药后反复发作。2d前无明显诱因患儿头面部突然出现黄豆大水泡、脓泡伴高热,遂以“湿疹继发感染”收住儿科,入院后予青霉素、头孢曲松钢静脉滴注,氯苯那敏(扑尔敏)、钙片口服,同时加强支持治疗。治疗5d后患儿仍高热不退,皮损亦无明显好转,遂请皮肤科急会诊。  相似文献   

患儿男,出生70d.1个月前左面颊、额部反复起丘疹.并有少量渗出,在当地医院诊断为湿疹,给予外用药一直未痊愈.5d前左额部出现起数个红色丘疹,未处理.次日增多并延至头顶部.  相似文献   

Kaposi水痘样疹1例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
患者男,17岁,因面部起皮疹1周伴发疱疹4天就诊。在起皮疹前3周因面部痤疮每周1次在美容院行挑除术,共3次。诊断为Kaposi水痘样疹。用阿昔洛韦治疗,疗效满意。  相似文献   

婴幼儿Kaposi水痘样疹10例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报告10例婴幼儿Kaposi水痘样疹.均为3岁以内的湿疹患儿,均有典型的皮肤损害,皮损分布以头面部为主,另有3例胸部、会阴部及大腿同时受累,伴发热2例,并发败血症、心衰1例.3例有典型的单纯疱疹接触史,血清单纯疱疹病毒抗体阳性4例.结果表明典型的皮损仍为诊断Kaposi水痘样疹的主要依据.  相似文献   

<正>临床资料患者,女,40岁。因双眼睑红斑、丘疱疹伴瘙痒、疼痛5 d,于2013年03月22日入院。患者于5 d前右眼睑开始出现散在红斑,伴瘙痒,无发热,曾在我科门诊就诊,予以抗过敏(地塞米松注射5 mg/d,生理盐水+地塞米松湿敷)、抗炎(克林霉素注射液0.9 g/d)治疗,次日双眼睑均出现水肿性红斑、丘疹、丘疱疹,伴瘙痒,疼痛明显,无畏光、视物模糊,无发热,无乏力。发病前10余天,右侧口角出现单纯疱疹,自行外搽药物(具体药物不详)后痊愈。既往有高血压病病史4年,最高血压达160/110mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa),间断口服降压药,血压  相似文献   

患儿 ,女性 ,4岁 ,因全身性水疱五天伴发热入院。患儿五天前无明显诱因颈部开始出现水疱 ,逐渐扩展波及头面部及四肢躯干 ,同时伴有发热、纳差、嗜睡等症状。入院检查 :体温 3 9 3℃ ,脉搏 1 3 0次 /分 ,呼吸 3 0次 /分 ,一般情况差 ,精神萎糜 ,心肺未见明显异常 ,头面部、四肢、躯干满布绿豆至黄豆大小不等紧张性水疱 ,壁紧张疱液基本清亮 ,部分水疱中央呈脐窝状凹陷 ,基底无红晕 ,尼氏征 (一 ) ,水疱弥漫分布于全身皮肤、头皮内 ,手足心部亦呈弥漫性分布 ,部分水疱糜烂、渗出。既往史 :二周前左肩部曾出现脓疱样损害 ,疑单纯疱疹。血常规 …  相似文献   

报告2例成人Kaposi水痘样疹,患者男,60岁,周身红斑附屑10余年,加重2个月伴面部躯干丘疱疹;患者男,78岁,周身红斑丘疹伴痒8余年,加重1个月伴面部躯干四肢丘疱疹。均诊断:Kaposi水痘样疹,予抗病毒治疗好转。  相似文献   

患儿男,13个月.因发热3 d,面颈部红斑、水疱2 d于2008年11月5日入院.3 d前患儿突然发热,最高达39℃以上.2 d前,面、颈部出现红斑、丘疹、水疱伴渗出.  相似文献   

临床资料 患者,男,14岁,汉族,学生,甘肃武威人。因面,肩及腕伸侧丘疱疹伴发热7天,于2004年4月就诊于我科。7天前患者在鼻跟部原瘙痒性皮损基础上突然出现密集分布的绿豆大小淡红色丘疱疹,水疱疱壁紧张,疱液清亮,表面有脐凹,尼氏征阴性,皮损界限清楚,轻度痛痒感,病情迅速发展,  相似文献   

患者男,32岁。口腔上颚出现褐色增生物、面颈部及阴茎出现褐色斑块和结节4个月,周身乏力3个月。皮损组织病理示:真皮血管扩张,充血明显,部分呈出芽状生长,间质内可见小灶性梭型细胞。血清抗HIV抗体阳性;RPR(-);球蛋白52.2g/L;免疫全项:CD4:12细胞/μL;CD8:430细胞/μL;CD4/CD8:0.03;β微球蛋白6.4mg/L;A/G:0.7;WBC:1.4×109/L,L:0.5×109/L。诊断:艾滋病相关型Kaposi肉瘤。  相似文献   

目的探讨阿昔洛韦联合人丙种球蛋白(IVIG)治疗Kaposi水痘样疹的疗效。方法21例年龄在2个月~3岁的Kaposi水痘样疹患儿,随机分为阿昔洛韦治疗组和阿昔洛韦联合IVIG治疗组。结果联合治疗组新发皮疹控制时间、体温恢复正常时间以及皮疹干涸、结痂到痂皮脱落时间均显著少于阿昔洛韦治疗组,两组间有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论阿昔洛韦联合IVIG治疗能缩短Kaposi水痘样疹的自然病程,疗效佳,且耐受性好。  相似文献   

患者男,57岁。全身皮肤红斑、瘀斑伴瘙痒、发热10d。患者1个月前因"溃疡性结肠炎"口服"柳氮磺胺吡啶",20d后全身皮肤出现红斑、瘀斑伴瘙痒、发热。血常规检查示单核细胞及嗜酸性粒细胞增多,血小板减少;肝功能异常;胸部CT平扫示腋窝淋巴结肿大。结合病史、临床表现和辅助检查诊断为:重症药疹。予甲基泼尼松龙联合人免疫球蛋白等治疗痊愈。  相似文献   

Kaposi's varicelliform eruption (KVE) or eczema herpeticum is characterized by disseminated papulovesicular eruption caused by a number of viruses like Herpes simplex virus I and II, Coxsackie virus, and Vaccinia and Small pox viruses in patients with pre-existing skin disease. The occurrence of KVE with psoriasis has been reported recently as a new entity psoriasis herpeticum. The rare causation of psoriasis herpeticum due to Varicella zoster virus in a patient with underlying psoriasis is being reported for the first time.  相似文献   

Kindler Syndrome: Report of Two Cases and Review of the Literature   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We evaluated two patients with hereditary bullous poikiloderma. Both had acral bullae, generalized poikiloderma with prominent atrophy, and acral keratoses. One patient, with sporadic disease, had, in addition, urethral and subglottic stenoses, webbing of digits, and poor dentition. The other patient, whose disease was dominantly inherited, had koilonychia. The results of cutaneous histopathology, electron microscopy, and immunofluorescence mapping studies are presented. It is possible that Kindler syndrome and Weary's hereditary acrokeratotic poikiloderma are variants of the same disease.  相似文献   

Abstract: Two boys, age 7 and 9 years, with the diagnosis of primary anetoderma are presented, in one patient a growing number of indolent lesions developed for one year on the neck. The other boy complained of Single lesions appearing over four months on the arms, teet, and chest wall. Individual lesions measured up to 1 cm In diameter and showed a palpable herniation phenomenon and wrinkled surface. The lesions did not have an inflammatory onset. Histologically, in both patients the diagnosis of anetoderma was verified by loss of elastic fibers and a lympho-histiocytic infiltration in the middermis. Administration of oral penicillin for three weeks did not result in marked improvement, and atrophic macules continued to appear in the younger boy. Although no autoimmune logic abnormalities or other associated diseases have arisen in our patients, long-term follow-up is mandatory to detect autoimmune disorders that are reported to occur In the course of the disease.  相似文献   

目的归纳、分析S啨zary综合征的临床表现特征,提高对该病的诊疗水平。方法报告1例S啨zary综合征患者,并复习相关文献。结果患者男59岁,以全身皮肤潮红伴瘙痒为主要特征,外周血淋巴细胞达171.9×109/L,骨髓中异常淋巴细胞达33.5%,经大剂量糖皮质激素等治疗后缓解。1994年至今国内共报道11例S啨zary综合征患者,男性10例占90.9%,平均年龄56.9±19.1岁,以红皮病、剧痒为显著皮肤表现。结论S啨zary综合征是一种较罕见的T细胞淋巴瘤,多见于老年男性,早期皮肤损害显著但不典型,易被误诊为神经性皮炎、湿疹等。  相似文献   

Subepidermal calcified nodule (SCN) is a form of calcinosis cutis that most commonly occurs in children. The typical clinical presentation is of a solitary verrucous nodule on the face, but occasionally multiple lesions may be seen. We describe SCN on the eyelids of two female patients; one of whom had four lesions. The histopathology was typical of calcinosis cutis. Both patients were in good health.  相似文献   

Dermatomyofibroma is a rare, benign mesenchymal proliferation not commonly reported in children. Two patients with biopsy‐proven dermatomyofibroma were identified (one female, one male) at our institution, both with rather atypical clinical presentations. The clinical and histopathologic findings and a review of the literature are presented here. Features of dermatomyofibroma should be recognized and differentiated from those of similar‐appearing entities since the prognosis of this benign tumor is favorable after complete excision.  相似文献   

Abstract: Spitz nevus is most commonly a benign solitary lesion. Multiple lesions arranged in clusters (agminated) are very rare. Malignant degeneration has not been reported. Although spontaneous involution may occur, the nevi are frequently treated by surgical excision. We describe two preschool girls with multiple agminated Spitz nevi, and review the current world literature on multiple Spitz nevi.  相似文献   

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