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Traffic noise, which is steadily increasing, is considered to be an important environmental health problem. The aim of this study was to estimate the degree of annoyance and sleep disturbance related to road traffic noise in residential settings in an urban community. The study is based on a questionnaire on environmentally related health effects distributed to a stratified random sample of 1000 individuals, 19-80 years old, in a municipality with heavy traffic in the county of Stockholm. The response rate was 76%. The individual noise exposure was estimated using evaluated noise dispersion models and local noise assessments. Frequent annoyance was reported by 13% of subjects exposed to Leq 24 hr >50 dBA compared to 2% among those exposed to <50 dBA, resulting in a difference of 11% (95% Confidence Interval (CI) 7%, 15%). Sometimes or frequently occurring sleep disturbance was reported by 23% at Leq 24 hr >50 dBA and by 13% at levels <50 dBA, a difference of 11% (95% CI 4%, 18%). A positive exposure- response relation was indicated for annoyance as well as for sleep disturbances when classifying the individuals into four different exposure categories (< 45, 46- 50, 51-55 and >55 dBA Leq 24 hr). There was some habituation to noise for problems related to sleep but not for annoyance. The prevalence of both annoyance and sleep problems was higher when bedroom windows were facing streets. People living in apartments had more sleep problems compared to people living in detached or semi-detached houses. In conclusion traffic noise exposure, even at low levels, was associated with annoyance and sleep disturbance. Access to a quiet side seemed to be a major protective factor for noise related problems.  相似文献   

High activity noise levels that result in detrimental effects on speech communication have been measured in preschools. To find out if different pedagogical ideologies affect the perceived loudness and levels of noise, a questionnaire study inquiring about the experience of loudness and voice symptoms was carried out in Iceland in eight private preschools, called “Hjalli model”, and in six public preschools. Noise levels were also measured in the preschools. Background variables (stress level, age, length of working career, education, smoking, and number of children per teacher) were also analyzed in order to determine how much they contributed toward voice symptoms and the experience of noisiness. Results indicate that pedagogical ideology is a significant factor for predicting noise and its consequences. Teachers in the preschool with tighter pedagogical control of discipline (the “Hjalli model”) experienced lower activity noise loudness than teachers in the preschool with a more relaxed control of behavior (public preschool). Lower noise levels were also measured in the “Hjalli model” preschool and fewer “Hjalli model” teachers reported voice symptoms. Public preschool teachers experienced more stress than “Hjalli model” teachers and the stress level was, indeed, the background variable that best explained the voice symptoms and the teacher''s perception of a noisy environment. Discipline, structure, and organization in the type of activity predicted the activity noise level better than the number of children in the group. Results indicate that pedagogical ideology is a significant factor for predicting self-reported noise and its consequences.  相似文献   

Summary 12 male Ss were exposed for 3 h to aircraft noise (peak value: 89–100 dB(A)) or traffic noise (Leq : 73.2 dB(A)); a mental task had to be carried out for 8 min at the end of each hour. Exposure to traffic noise caused decrease of systolic blood pressure, increase of diastolic blood pressure, decrease of pulse pressure, heart rate and quotient of heart rate and respiratory rate and increase of respiratory rate. Aircraft noise effects tended to go into the same direction, but were only significant for diastolic blood pressure (increase) and pulse pressure (decrease). Binary choice capacity was impaired only in case of exposure to aircraft noise.In the course of the 3 hours exposure to aircraft noise and also traffic noise there was a further increase of diastolic blood pressure. The other parameters were not affected by duration of exposure.These results strongly suggest that long-term exposure to noise is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease in daily living and working conditions.  相似文献   

Summary A series of human studies was performed in 12 young healthy male subjects to investigate extra-auditory effects of short-term (15 min) exposure to aircraft noise (84–91 dB(A)), to traffic noise (Leq 83.5 dB(A)), to mental load, and to combined load (noise + mental load). Exposure to noise caused increase of diastolic blood pressure and respiratory rate, decrease of pulse pressure and quotient of heart rate/respiratory rate and also decrease of performance in a mental task. Aircarft and traffic noise generally induce similar effects, which go into the same direction as induced by mental performance alone. Combined exposure induces a stronger (but not additive) effect on diastolic blood pressure and respiratory rate than each condition alone. There is suggestive evidence that exposure to noise and performance of an information processing task both induce simultaneous increase of sympathic and parasympathic tone.  相似文献   



The understanding of determinants for saliva cortisol levels in adolescents is limited. This study investigated the role of road traffic noise exposure, noise annoyance and various other factors for saliva cortisol levels.


We collected morning and evening saliva samples from 1751 adolescents from the BAMSE birth cohort based in Stockholm County. Façade noise levels from road traffic were estimated at the residences of the study subjects and repeated questionnaires and medical examinations provided extensive information on various exposures and conditions, including annoyance to noise from different sources. Cortisol was measured using radioimmunoassay. Associations between determinants and saliva cortisol levels were analysed using linear regression.


Morning saliva cortisol levels were significantly higher in females than in males (geometric mean 42.4 and 35.0 nmol/l, respectively) as well as in subjects with allergy related diseases. Height and age were related to saliva cortisol levels as well as sampling season. Road traffic noise exposure was not associated with saliva cortisol, however, annoyance to noise tended to increase the levels. Saliva cortisol levels appeared particularly high among those who were highly annoyed and exposed to road traffic noise levels?≥?55?dB?Lden (50.5 nmol/l, p?=?0.02).


Our findings suggest that individual perception of noise may be of importance for saliva cortisol levels. The results also point to the complexity of using saliva cortisol as a marker of noise exposure in adolescents.  相似文献   

目的选用工业噪声预测模型,预测建设项目营运后工业噪声源对环境受声点的影响,为工业噪声环境卫生学评价提供科学依据。方法以工业噪声源现状监测、影响预测及对建设项目营运后环境受声点的实测数据为依据,采用工业噪声预测模式,对工业噪声环境影响预测结果进行分析。结果采用工业噪声预测模式,可以较为准确地分析、预测建设项目营运后环境受声点噪声影响程度。结论介绍的工业噪声影响预测评价方法在开展区域环境卫生学评价中有一定的使用价值,不但能够起到噪声污染预评价的目的,而且可以为工业噪声污染源治理提供设计依据。  相似文献   

Environmental intolerance (EI) is characterized by attribution of several, multisystem symptoms to specific environmental exposures, such as exposure to odorous/pungent chemicals, certain buildings, electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and everyday sounds. The symptoms are medically unexplained, non-specific and the symptoms overlap between different types of EI. To approach the issue of underlying mechanisms the matter of overlap in prevalence between intolerances can provide valuable information. The aim of the study was to examine if the overlap between intolerance to odorous/pungent chemicals, certain buildings, EMFs and sounds is larger than the expected overlap if no association would exist between them. The study was using cross-sectional data from the Västerbotten Environmental Health Study in Sweden; a large questionnaire-based survey. 8520 adults (18–79 years) were randomly selected after stratification for age and sex, of whom 3406 (40%) participated. Individuals with the four types of intolerance were identified either through self-report, or by having been physician-diagnosed with a specific EI. The overlaps between the four EIs were greater than predictions based on coincidence for both self-reported and diagnosed cases (except for the overlap between diagnosed intolerance to sounds and EMFs). The results raise the question whether different types of EI share similar underlying mechanisms, or at least that the sufferers of EI share some predisposition to acquire the conditions.  相似文献   

Little empirical evidence is available regarding the effects of road traffic noise on cognitive performance in adults, although traffic noise can be heard at many offices and home office workplaces. Our study tested the impact of road traffic noise at different levels (50 dB(A), 60 dB(A), 70 dB(A)) on performance in three tasks that differed with respect to their dependency on attentional and storage functions, as follows: The Stroop task, in which performance relied predominantly on attentional functions (e.g., inhibition of automated responses; Experiment 1: n = 24); a non-automated multistage mental arithmetic task calling for both attentional and storage functions (Exp. 2: n = 18); and verbal serial recall, which placed a burden predominantly on storage functions (Experiment 3: n = 18). Better performance was observed during moderate road traffic noise at 50 dB(A) compared to loud traffic noise at 70 dB(A) in attention-based tasks (Experiments 1-2). This contrasted with the effects of irrelevant speech (60 dB(A)), which was included in the experiments as a well-explored and common noise source in office settings. A disturbance impact of background speech was only given in the two tasks that called for storage functions (Experiments 2-3). In addition to the performance data, subjective annoyance ratings were collected. Consistent with the level effect of road traffic noise found in the performance data, a moderate road traffic noise at 50 dB(A) was perceived as significantly less annoying than a loud road traffic noise at 70 dB(A), which was found, however, independently of the task at hand. Furthermore, the background sound condition with the highest detrimental performance effect in a task was also rated as most annoying in this task, i.e., traffic noise at 70 dB(A) in the Stroop task, and background speech in the mental arithmetic and serial recall tasks.  相似文献   

Impulse noise generated by industrial machines and occurring at a workplace is a cause of substantial hearing loss in workers. The paper presents data on workplace impulse noise, recorded in three plants of the machine industry. The data were collected in drop-forge, punch-press and machinery shops. The results of the measurements are shown as cumulative relative frequency distributions of the C-weighted peak sound pressure level, L(Cpeak), the A-weighted maximum RMS sound pressure level (SPL), L(Amax), and the A-weighted sound exposure level, L(EA) of isolated acoustic impulse noises. The survey shows that in the drop-forge shop over 90% of acoustic impulses generated by hammer strikes exceed permissible levels of L(Cpeak) = 135 dB and L(Amax) = 115 dB. In the stamp-press shop, only 10-20% of impulses generated during the technological process exceed maximum permissible levels.  相似文献   

课桌椅型号与学生身高范围相关问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
当前 ,国内外学校卫生界一致认为 ,课桌椅的高度应与学生身高相适合。但是 ,课桌椅应设几种大小型号 ,特别是各型号的适合身高范围应怎样规定 ,各国之间存在很大差异。这一身高范围乃是计算课桌椅符合率的依据 ,探讨这个问题很有现实意义。1  1 979年以前国外情况1 9世纪中、后叶 ,课桌椅曾按学生年级、年龄规定型号 ,同时也开始考虑了学生身高。 1 86 5年Fahrner首先从学术上研究课桌椅〔1〕。他主张一名学生对同一套桌椅可使用 2年。随后 ,按年级和身高 ,对 1~ 1 0年级学生提出 7种大小型号 ,前 6种男女生通用 ,第 7号专供高身材…  相似文献   

The effects of tea and components in tea on mineral metabolism were investigated in a series of studies. In studies A and B weanling rats were fed diets containing various levels (0, 0.35, 1.17 or 3.50%) of a commercially prepared instant tea and diets containing 0 or 1.17% catechin. In study C anemic rats were fed diets containing 0 or 2.31% desiccated green or black tea infusions for 23 d. In study D rats were fed a diet containing 2.31% desiccated black tea infusions for 16 d, were fed the tea-containing diet in a single meal labeled with 59Fe or were given black tea infusions as their sole fluids. Rats fed diets containing 2.31% green or black tea or given fluid tea had elevated hematocrits but experienced minimal changes in tissue iron levels or in iron absorption; this is counter to conclusions from studies in which iron absorption was monitored indirectly. Ingestion of instant or black tea consistently elevated liver copper levels; this may be part of the mechanism by which hematological variables were affected. Although the green tea contained significant amounts of aluminum, rats fed the tea did not accumulate aluminum in their bones.  相似文献   

World wide rules for sleep staging originate to 1967. Since then many investigations aimed to give numbers for the degree of sleep disturbances due to air traffic noise. But the variables used, such as the amount of relative sleep stages, total sleep time, or sleep efficiency, could not explain impairment in health and performance sufficiently. The beginning of the eighties has given new insight into the restorative functions of sleep, according to sleep fragmentation by micro-arousals. These are originating in autonomous dysfunctions during sleep, leading to non-restorative sleep. Environmentally related sleep disturbances are described, EEG and vegetative (micro)-arousals, and the actual knowledge in sleep medicine is given in terms of the international classification of sleep disorders (ICSD). The effects on health, and disturbed performance capacity during the day are shown by self ratings of 160 patients. Elevated metabolic rate caused by micro-arousal and/or insomnia, may play an additional role in health impairment.  相似文献   

噪声对不同反应类型大鼠血压的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Transport noise is an increasingly prominent feature of the urban environment, making noise pollution an important environmental public health issue. This paper reports on the 2001-2003 RANCH project, the first cross-national epidemiologic study known to examine exposure-effect relations between aircraft and road traffic noise exposure and reading comprehension. Participants were 2,010 children aged 9-10 years from 89 schools around Amsterdam Schiphol, Madrid Barajas, and London Heathrow airports. Data from The Netherlands, Spain, and the United Kingdom were pooled and analyzed using multilevel modeling. Aircraft noise exposure at school was linearly associated with impaired reading comprehension; the association was maintained after adjustment for socioeconomic variables (beta = -0.008, p = 0.012), aircraft noise annoyance, and other cognitive abilities (episodic memory, working memory, and sustained attention). Aircraft noise exposure at home was highly correlated with aircraft noise exposure at school and demonstrated a similar linear association with impaired reading comprehension. Road traffic noise exposure at school was not associated with reading comprehension in either the absence or the presence of aircraft noise (beta = 0.003, p = 0.509; beta = 0.002, p = 0.540, respectively). Findings were consistent across the three countries, which varied with respect to a range of socioeconomic and environmental variables, thus offering robust evidence of a direct exposure-effect relation between aircraft noise and reading comprehension.  相似文献   

The diet in southern Nigeria is unusually high in carotenoids and low in preformed vitamin A. We studied the changes in serum vitamin A carotene and cholesterol induced in women in this region by the use of 3 types of contraceptives: IUD, injectable progestogen (INJ), and oral combination estrogen-progestogen (OC). The mean serum vitamin A and carotene levels were high in all groups. As expected, the serum vitamin A level in OC users was higher than in the other groups, but unexpectedly, the serum vitamin A was lower in IUD users. Serum carotene was lower in OC users than in other groups. Serum cholesterol was lower in the IUD and INJ groups than in the control and OC groups. A more detailed study of plasma transport forms of vitamin A is needed to determine if the very high serum vitamin A levels seen in some OC users in this population are potentially harmful.  相似文献   



Both traffic-related noise and air pollution have been associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD). Spatial correlations between these environmental stressors may entail mutual confounding in epidemiological studies investigating their long-term effects. Few studies have investigated their correlation – none in Spain – and results differ among cities.


We assessed the contribution of urban land-use and traffic variables to the noise–air pollution correlation in Girona town, where an investigation of the chronic effects of air pollution and noise on CVD takes place (REGICOR-AIR).


Outdoor annual mean concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) derived from monthly passive sampler measurements were obtained at 83 residential locations. Long-term average traffic-related noise levels from a validated model were assigned to each residence. Linear regression models were fitted both for NO2 and noise.


The correlation between NO2 and noise (L24 h) was 0.62. However, the correlation differed across the urban space, with lower correlations at sites with higher traffic density and in the modern downtown. Traffic density, distance from the location to the sidewalk and building density nearby explained 35.6% and 73.2% of the variability of NO2 and noise levels, respectively. The correlation between the residuals of the two models suggested the presence of other unmeasured common variables.


The substantial correlation between traffic-related noise and NO2, endorsed by common determinants, and the dependence of this correlation on complex local characteristics call for careful evaluations of both factors to ultimately assess their cardiovascular effects.  相似文献   

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