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BackgroundThis study investigated whether the association between family history of breast cancer in first-degree relatives and breast cancer risk varies by breast density.MethodsWomen aged 40 years and older who underwent screening between 2009 and 2010 were followed up until 2020. Family history was assessed using a self-reported questionnaire. Using Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS), breast density was categorized into dense breast (heterogeneously or extremely dense) and non-dense breast (almost entirely fatty or scattered areas of fibro-glandular). Cox regression model was used to assess the association between family history and breast cancer risk.ResultsOf the 4,835,507 women, 79,153 (1.6%) reported having a family history of breast cancer and 77,238 women developed breast cancer. Family history led to an increase in the 5-year cumulative incidence in women with dense- and non-dense breasts. Results from the regression model with and without adjustment for breast density yielded similar HRs in all age groups, suggesting that breast density did not modify the association between family history and breast cancer. After adjusting for breast density and other factors, family history of breast cancer was associated with an increased risk of breast cancer in all three age groups (age 40–49 years: aHR 1.96, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.85–2.08; age 50–64 years: aHR 1.70, 95% CI 1.58–1.82, and age ≥65 years: aHR 1.95, 95% CI 1.78–2.14).ConclusionFamily history of breast cancer and breast density are independently associated with breast cancer. Both factors should be carefully considered in future risk prediction models of breast cancer.  相似文献   

BackgroundInterval cancer (IC) incidence and review-based initial evaluation of Milan service screening (ASLMI1) suggested suboptimal performance. We report results in a subsequent screening round to further determine screening quality.MethodsIC was identified in subjects with a negative screening episode in 2005 (N = 33,258) by linkage with 2005–2007 Hospital Discharge Records. IC proportional incidence-based sensitivity was estimated. Radiological review, with case-mix, was conducted in a blinded manner. Linkage and review modalities were maintained as for initial evaluation.Results30 identified IC accounted for 6.99% (year 1), 27.84% (year 2), and overall 17.44% (2-year screening interval) proportional incidence. Estimated sensitivity was 93.01% (year 1), 72.16% (year 2) and 82.55% (2-year interval). Review classified 5 (16.6%) as screening error, 2 (6.7%) as minimal signs, and 23 (76.7%) as occult.ConclusionProgramme sensitivity is now within recommended European standards. Performance indicators improved relative to initial evaluation. Both increasing experience and formal training of radiologists are likely to have contributed to this improvement  相似文献   

Although many studies have examined the associations between occupational exposures and kidney cancer, the evidence is not consistent. To examine the risk of occupational exposures on kidney cancer, we carried out a follow-up study on the economically active Swedish population, based on the latest update of the Swedish Family-Cancer Database. We calculated standardized incidence ratios (SIR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for different occupational groups, adjusted for age, period, and socioeconomic status. The reference group was all the economically active population. An increased risk of renal parenchymal cancer was observed for miners and quarry workers, drivers, sales agents, transport workers, and public safety and protection workers among men, and launderers and dry cleaners among women. Significantly increased SIRs of renal pelvical cancer were also observed for the food manufacture workers among men, and journalists and shoe and leather industry workers among women. Male forestry workers, smelters, and metal foundry workers had increased risk for unspecified kidney cancer. Although smoking may explain some of these results, exposure to gasoline, diesel, their exposure products, some metal and chemicals in shoe and leather works, and dry-cleaning products may be associated with kidney cancer.  相似文献   

While the relationship between perceived risk and breast cancer screening use has been studied extensively, most studies are cross-sectional. We prospectively examined this relationship among 913 women, aged 25–72 with varying levels of familial breast cancer risk from the Ontario site of the Breast Cancer Family Registry. Associations between perceived lifetime breast cancer risk and subsequent use of mammography, clinical breast examination (CBE) and genetic testing were assessed using logistic regression. Overall, perceived risk did not predict subsequent use of mammography, CBE or genetic testing. Among women at moderate/high familial risk, those reporting a perceived risk greater than 50% were significantly less likely to have a CBE (odds ratio (OR) = 0.52, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.30–0.91, p = 0.04), and non-significantly less likely to have a mammogram (OR = 0.70, 95% CI: 0.40–1.20, p = 0.70) or genetic test (OR = 0.61, 95% CI: 0.34–1.10, p = 0.09) compared to women reporting a perceived risk of 50%. In contrast, among women at low familial risk, those reporting a perceived risk greater than 50% were non-significantly more likely to have a mammogram (OR = 1.13, 95% CI: 0.59–2.16, p = 0.78), CBE (OR = 1.11, 95% CI: 0.63–1.95, p = 0.74) or genetic test (OR = 1.29, 95% CI: 0.50–3.33, p = 0.35) compared to women reporting a perceived risk of 50%. Perceived risk did not significantly predict screening use overall, however this relationship may be moderated by level of familial risk. Results may inform risk education and management strategies for women with varying levels of familial breast cancer risk.  相似文献   

High breast tissue density increases breast cancer (BC) risk, and the risk of an interval BC in mammography screening. Density-tailored screening has mostly used adjunct imaging to screen women with dense breasts, however, the emergence of tomosynthesis (3D-mammography) provides an opportunity to steer density-tailored screening in new directions potentially obviating the need for adjunct imaging. A rapid review (a streamlined evidence synthesis) was performed to summarise data on tomosynthesis screening in women with heterogeneously dense or extremely dense breasts, with the aim of estimating incremental (additional) BC detection attributed to tomosynthesis in comparison with standard 2D-mammography. Meta-analysed data from prospective trials comparing these mammography modalities in the same women (N = 10,188) in predominantly biennial screening showed significant incremental BC detection of 3.9/1000 screens attributable to tomosynthesis (P < 0.001). Studies comparing different groups of women screened with tomosynthesis (N = 103,230) or with 2D-mammography (N = 177,814) yielded a pooled difference in BC detection of 1.4/1000 screens representing significantly higher BC detection in tomosynthesis-screened women (P < 0.001), and a pooled difference for recall of −23.3/1000 screens representing significantly lower recall in tomosynthesis-screened groups (P < 0.001), than for 2D-mammography. These estimates can inform planning of future trials of density-tailored screening and may guide discussion of screening women with dense breasts.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Because many risk factors for breast cancer are related to hormonal factors and hormonal factors influence breast cancer prognosis, risk factors may have prognostic value. In order to assess the prognostic value of risk factors for breast cancer we divided patients with breast cancer into those at high risk and low risk using the Gail model. METHODS: Patients with available follow-up and information concerning age, age at menarche, number of children, age at first birth, number of first degree relatives with breast cancer, and number of previous breast biopsies were divided into low and high-risk groups by the average relative risk calculated using the Gail model. Risk factors, clinical presentations, pathologic findings, tumor characteristics, extent of disease, treatment and outcomes for the 106 high-risk women were compared with the 206 low-risk women. Stage IV patients were excluded. RESULTS: The average relative risk of breast cancer was 2.09. The 106 high-risk women were significantly older (58 years versus 53 years; P = 0.001), older at first live birth (30 years versus 23 years; P <0.001), more likely to have a first degree relative with breast cancer (57% versus 0%; P <0.001), and more likely to have previously had a breast biopsy (19% versus 1%; P <0.001). There was no difference in the average age at menarche. Low-risk patients were significantly more frequently nulliparous (40% versus 22%; P = 0.002). Clinical presentation, pathologic findings, extent of disease, and treatment were comparable in high and low-risk patients. Cancers of low-risk patients were more frequently poorly differentiated (39% versus 25%, P = 0.044). Tamoxifen was used more frequently in high-risk patients (56% versus 41%; P = 0.012). High-risk patients exhibited significantly better 5-year (95% versus 88%; P = 0.047) and 10-year distant disease-free survival than low-risk patients (88% versus 79%; P = 0.050). In multivariate analysis only the number of involved lymph nodes was related to local (P = 0.001) and distant (P <0.001) disease-free survival. CONCLUSIONS: Breast cancer patients considered high risk by the Gail model have significantly better disease-free survival than low-risk patients. This study does not support the notion that risk factors for breast cancer are prognostic factors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Providers often assume that a patient relies on the same person for primary support (PS), as emergency contact, and as health care proxy. We questioned how often this is not the case in women with breast cancer. METHODS: We questioned women who were in treatment or follow-up evaluation after a cancer diagnosis who they would name as primary support, emergency contact, and health care proxy. RESULTS: One hundred thirty-five women with breast cancer participated and 75% were married or partnered. More than 40% of women did not name the same person to these distinct roles. Even for women in relationships, almost 50% did not name their partner to all 3 support roles. CONCLUSIONS: A large proportion of breast cancer patients named different persons to these distinct support roles. By further defining the roles that social support networks play, we can identify strategies for including these support providers in the care models for women living with cancer.  相似文献   

Background/aimThe Trento screening program transitioned to digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) screening based on evidence that DBT improves breast cancer (BC) detection compared to mammography; an evaluation of the transition to DBT is reported in this pilot study.MethodsProspective implementation of DBT screening included women aged ≥50 years who attended the Trento program for biennial screening. DBT screening included DBT acquisitions with synthesized 2D-images. A historical cohort of women who attended the program (January 2013–October 2014) and received digital mammography (DM) provided a comparison group. Independent double-reading (with a third arbitrating read for discordance) was used for DBT and DM screening. Screening outcomes included cancer detection rate (CDR/1000 screens), percentage of screens recalled to assessment (recall%), interval cancer rate (ICR/1000 screens) at 2-year follow-up, and screening sensitivity. Rate ratios (RR) and 95% confidence interval (95%CI) examined outcomes for DBT versus DM screening.ResultsFrom women aged 50–69 years who accepted an invitation to screening (October 2014October 2016) 46,343 comprised the DBT-screened group: amongst these 402 BCs (includes 50 ductal carcinoma in-situ (DCIS)) were detected (CDR 8.67/1000), whereas 205 BCs (includes 33 DCIS) were detected amongst 37,436 DM screens (CDR 5.48/1000) [RR for CDR:1.58 (1.34–1.87)]. Recall% was lower for DBT (2.55%) than DM (3.21%) [RR:0.79 (0.73–0.86)]. Compared to DM, DBT screening increased CDR for stage I-II BC, for all tumour size and grade categories, and for node-negative BC, but did not increase CDR for DCIS. Estimated ICR for DBT was 1.1/1000 whereas ICR for DM was 1.36/1000 [RR:0.81 (0.55–1.19)]. Screening sensitivity was 88.74% for DBT versus 80.08% for DM [RR:1.11 (0.94–1.31)].ConclusionDBT significantly improved early-detection measures but did not significantly reduce ICR (relative to DM screening), suggesting that it could add benefit as well as adding over-detection in population BC screening.  相似文献   



Women treated for breast cancer have an increased risk for developing metachronous contralateral breast cancer (CBC). Patient perception of this risk is often overestimated and has been found to contribute to the decision to undergo contralateral prophylactic mastectomy. An individual's risk is dependent on both patient and tumor characteristics. This review examines and summarizes the current literature on the factors that affect CBC risk.

Data Sources

English-language publications with the keyword “contralateral breast cancer” were identified through a MEDLINE literature search.


The global incidence of CBC is decreasing, a trend that is attributed to more effective adjuvant therapies. Patients with BRCA germ-line mutations demonstrate the highest risk for CBC. In the absence of known genetic mutations, patients with strong family histories who are diagnosed at young ages (<35 years) with estrogen receptor–negative index tumors appear to have a higher incidence of CBC.  相似文献   

BackgroundGrowing numbers of older women receive adjuvant breast cancer therapies, but little is known about the long-term effects of current therapies upon health-related quality of life outside of clinical trials.MethodsA population-based cohort of postmenopausal women with incident breast cancer aged sixty-five and older was identified from Medicare claims from four states and followed over five years. General health-related quality of life (HRQOL) was assessed using the Medical Outcomes Study SF-12 Health Survey, and breast cancer-related HRQOL was assessed using the breast cancer subscale of the functional assessment of cancer therapy (FACT-B BCS). The association of HRQOL with sociodemographic variables, comorbidity, and breast cancer variables (stage, treatments, and treatment sequelae) was examined in longitudinal models.ResultsAmong the 3083 older breast cancer survivors, general HRQOL as measured by SF-12 mental and physical component scores was similar to norms for non-cancer populations, and remained stable throughout follow-up. Breast cancer treatments, including surgery and radiation, adjuvant hormonal therapy, and cytotoxic chemotherapy were not associated with worsened general health scores. A similar pattern was seen for breast cancer-related HRQOL scores, except that chemotherapy was associated with slightly worse scores. Lymphedema occurred in 17% of the cohort, and was strongly associated with all measures of HRQOL. Reductions in general HRQOL with lymphedema development were larger than those with an age increase of 10 years.ConclusionsThere is little association of breast cancer treatment with HRQOL in older breast cancer patients followed for up to five years, but the development of lymphedema is associated with substantial reductions in HRQOL.  相似文献   

BackgroundSome reports indicated that apparent diffusion coefficient can predict pathologic response to treatment in breast cancer (BC). The purpose of the present meta-analysis was to provide evident data regarding use of ADC values for prediction of treatment response in BC.MethodsMEDLINE library, EMBASE and SCOPUS databases were screened for associations between ADC and treatment response for neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer (BC) up to March 2020. Overall, 22 studies met the inclusion criteria. For the present analysis, the following data were extracted from the collected studies: authors, year of publication, study design, number of patients/lesions, mean and standard deviation of the pretreatment ADC values. The methodological quality of the included studies was checked according to the QUADAS-2 instrument. The meta-analysis was undertaken by using RevMan 5.3 software. DerSimonian and Laird random-effects models with inverse-variance weights were used without any further correction to account for the heterogeneity between the studies. Mean ADC values including 95% confidence intervals were calculated separately for responders and non responders.ResultsThe acquired 22 studies comprised 1827 patients with different BC. Of the 1827 patients, 650 (35.6%) were reported as responders and 1177 (64.4%) as non-responders to the neoadjuvant chemotherapy. The pooled calculated pretreatment mean ADC value of BC in responders was 0.98 (95% CI = [0.94; 1.03]). In non-responders, it was 1.05 (95% CI = [1.00; 1.10]). The ADC values of the groups overlapped significantly.ConclusionPretreatment ADC alone cannot predict response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in BC.  相似文献   

目的探讨乳腺癌患者术后1年合并骨质疏松症的相关因素。方法选取41例乳腺癌术后1年合并骨质疏松症患者为骨质疏松组(OP组),年龄53~75岁;56例骨密度正常的乳腺癌患者为非骨质疏松组(NOP组),年龄46~64岁。采用美国GE公司产的双能X线骨密度仪测定入组患者左侧股骨颈、腰椎1-4(L1-4)骨密度,并分析其与年龄、体重指数(BMI)、生产、绝经、绝经年限、雌激素受体(ER)、孕激素受体(PR)、人表皮生长因子受体2(HER-2)等的相关性。结果 OP组年龄、体重指数(BMI)、绝经及绝经年限与NOP组比较,差异有统计学意义(P0.05),而两组雌激素受体(ER)、孕激素受体(PR)、人表皮生长因子受体2(HER-2)阳性及是否生产之间比较无明显差异(P0.05)。相关性分析显示腰椎BMD与BMI呈正相关,而与年龄、绝经年限呈负相关。结论乳腺癌妇女骨质疏松症患病率较高,年龄、绝经年限、BMI为影响骨质疏松的关键因素。  相似文献   

A number of different models for assessing individual risk of breast cancer use known risk factors such as age, age at menarche, age at first live birth, previous breast biopsies, and family history. High bone mass in white women is also associated with an increased breast cancer risk; however, bone mass as a risk factor has not been studied in African-American women. We conducted a case-control study to evaluate bone mineral density as a risk factor for breast cancer in white and African-American women. We recruited 221 women with newly diagnosed breast cancer from a comprehensive breast cancer center at a large university hospital, and 197 control women who were frequency matched for ethnicity and age. Odds ratios were based on proximal and distal radial bone density measured by peripheral bone densitometry (Norland pDEXA) and expressed as a standardized Z-score (age and ethnicity specific). Logistic regression models were fitted controlling for body mass index, menopausal status, age, and HRT use (ever/never and duration). With proximal bone density Z-score included in the model as a continuous variable, a one-unit increase in radial shaft bone density increased the risk of breast cancer by 25% (p=0.02). When proximal bone density Z-score was analyzed as a dichotomous variable (0, >0) the odds ratio was 1.98 (95% CI, 1.32 to 2.97); that is, having an above average proximal bone density (age-specific) doubles the risk of breast cancer. There were no significant interactions with, and no appreciable confounding effects by, other covariates. An above-average radial shaft Z-score is a significant risk factor for breast cancer in both white and African-American women. The present study extends the association between bone mass and breast cancer risk to African-Americans, and suggests another potential application for bone density testing.  相似文献   

Background: Demand for screening breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for women with a hereditary predisposition to breast cancer has increased since the introduction of a medicare item number. To aid future service planning, we examined the practicalities of establishing and running a breast MRI screening programme for high risk women and to describe the early outcomes of our screening programme. Methods: We undertook a retrospective audit of prospectively collected data. Women <50 years of age with an inherited BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation were invited to undergo annual breast screening with MRI in addition to mammography and clinical breast examination. We assessed process times for booking, performing and reporting MRIs; MRI findings and ease of interpretation; patient recall rate; MRI cancer detection rate; and patient satisfaction via questionnaire. Results: From 2006 to 2009, 82 women completed a round one screening MRI and 45, 21 and one women completed second, third and fourth round annual MRI studies, respectively. Median MRI process times were: booking 20 min; attendance in radiology department 90 min; imaging duration 45 min; reporting by one radiologist 30 min. Of the 82 round one studies, 23 (28%) were reported as ≥Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System three requiring further investigation. Of the round two and three studies completed, 13/45 (28%) and 2/21 (9%) have been recalled, respectively. Seven malignancies were detected. Questionnaires revealed women were satisfied with the service. Conclusions: Significant time, staff and equipment is required to run an effective breast MRI screening programme and this must be considered by future service providers.  相似文献   



Due to their specialist training, breast care nurses (BCNs) should be able to detect emotional distress and offer support to breast cancer patients. However, patients who are most distressed after diagnosis generally experience least support from care staff. To test whether BCNs overcome this potential barrier, we compared the support experienced by depressed and non-depressed patients from their BCNs and the other main professionals involved in their care: surgeons and ward nurses.


Women with primary breast cancer (n = 355) 2–4 days after mastectomy or wide local excision, self-reported perceived professional support and current depression. Analysis of variance compared support ratings of depressed and non-depressed patients across staff types.


There was evidence of depression in 31 (9%) patients. Depressed patients recorded less surgeon and ward nurse support than those who were not depressed but the support received by patients from the BCN was high, whether or not patients were depressed.


BCNs were able to provide as much support to depressed patients as to non-depressed patients, whereas depressed patients felt less supported by surgeons and ward nurses than did non-depressed patients. Future research should examine the basis of BCNs'' ability to overcome barriers to support in depressed patients. Our findings confirm the importance of maintaining the special role of the BCN.  相似文献   



Breast reconstruction is routinely offered to women who undergo mastectomy for breast cancer. However, patient-reported outcomes are mixed. Child abuse has enduring effects on adults’ well-being and body image. As part of a study into damaging effects of abuse on adjustment to breast cancer, we examined: (i) whether women with history of abuse would be more likely than other women to opt for reconstruction; and (ii) whether mood problems in women opting for reconstruction can be explained by greater prevalence of abuse.


We recruited 355 women within 2-4 days after surgery for primary breast cancer; 104 had mastectomy alone and 29 opted for reconstruction. Using standardised questionnaires, women self-reported emotional distress and recollections of childhood sexual abuse. Self-report of distress was repeated 12 months later.


Women who had reconstruction were younger than those who did not. Controlling for this, they reported greater prevalence of abuse and more distress than those having mastectomy alone. They were also more depressed postoperatively, and this effect remained significant after controlling for abuse.


One interpretation of these findings is that history of abuse influences women''s decisions about responding to the threat of mastectomy, but it is premature to draw inferences for practice until the findings are replicated. If they are replicated, it will be important to recognise increased vulnerability of some patients who choose reconstruction. Studying the characteristics and needs of women who opt for immediate reconstruction and examining the implications for women''s adjustment should be a priority for research.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Gross cystic disease (GCD) is a common benign breast condition. Previous studies have reported conflicting results regarding the relationship of GCD and subsequent risk of developing breast cancer. This cohort study was conducted to investigate the association of GCD and breast cancer among women at high risk for breast cancer. METHODS: The Women At Risk Registry provided the study population. The variables of interest included age at enrollment, age at breast cancer diagnosis, body mass index (BMI), presence of lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS), and Gail scores. Statistical significance was determined by calculating multivariable-adjusted rate ratios using Cox proportional hazards regression model with years of follow-up as the time scale. RESULTS: The study population included 1317 high-risk women, including 363 (28%) with GCD. The mean follow-up was 5.9 years for the GCD cohort, and 5.1 years for the non-GCD cohort (P < .001). The GCD and non-GCD groups differed by Gail score (P < .001), BMI (P < .01), presence of atypical hyperplasia (P < .001), presence of LCIS (P < .001), and family history of breast cancer (P < .001). Within the total population of 1317 women, 79 (6%) developed breast cancer; 28 (35%) out of the 79 had a prior history of GCD. Results from the Cox proportional hazards regression model showed a nonstatistically significant association of GCD and breast cancer (hazard ratio = 1.48, 95% confidence interval 0.88-2.51). The Kaplan-Meier overall survival estimate between the exposed and unexposed groups indicate that there are no differences in overall survival between the 2 groups (P = .5). CONCLUSIONS: These results do not support the contention that gross cystic disease is a significant risk factor for breast cancer.  相似文献   

Genetic testing for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer following genetic counseling is based on guidelines that take into account particular features of the personal and family history, and clinical criteria conferring a probability of having a BRCA mutation greater than 10% as a threshold for accessing the test. However, besides reducing mortality and social impact, the extension of screening programs also for healthy family members would allow a huge saving of the rising costs associated with these pathologies, supporting the choice of the “Test” strategy versus a “No Test” one. Analyses of different health care systems show that by applying the “Test” strategy on patients and their families, a decrease in breast and ovarian cancer cases is achieved, as well as a substantial decrease in costs of economic resources, including the costs of the clinical management of early detected tumors.In this review, we analyzed the most recent papers published on this topic and we summarized the findings on the economic evaluations related to breast and ovarian cancer population screenings. These results proved and validated that the population-wide testing approach is a more accurate screening and preventive intervention than traditional guidelines based on personal/family history and clinical criteria to reduce breast and ovarian cancer risk.  相似文献   

BackgroundFew studies have examined detailed features of pregnancy and the postpartum period as potential risk factors for early onset breast cancer (BC) by molecular subtype. These data may have value for improving risk assessment and prevention.MethodsWe surveyed parous enrollees in the prospective Mayo Clinic Breast Disease Registry (MCBDR) who had been diagnosed with BC at age <55 years between 2015 and 2020. Summary statistics were used to describe survey responses and reproductive risk factors by BC subtype (defined by estrogen/progesterone receptors and human epidermal growth factor receptor expression, nurse-abstracted from the medical record). Associations were assessed with Kruskal-Wallis and Chi-Square tests, followed by age-adjusted linear and logistic regression models. We compared results from this parous cohort to those from a separate cohort of nulliparous MCBDR participants with BC diagnosed at age <55 years.ResultsIn 436 parous respondents with subtype data abstracted, we identified a higher frequency of BRCA1 mutation, earlier age at diagnosis, and lower BI in patients with triple negative BC. Comparing parous to nulliparous young women with breast cancer, the proportion with TNBC was larger in the latter (12.2% vs. 15.1%, p = 0.03).ConclusionsEarly age at diagnosis and deleterious BRCA1 mutation were more frequent among TNBC patients. In addition, parous young women with TNBC had a lower BI than those with other BC subtypes, a hypothesis-generating finding that supports the need for additional research on the cycle of pregnancy-lactation-postpartum involution and BC etiology.  相似文献   

BackgroundCompared to U.S. white women, African American women are more likely to die from ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). Elucidation of risk factors for DCIS in African American women may provide opportunities for risk reduction.MethodsWe used data from three epidemiologic studies in the African American Breast Cancer Epidemiology and Risk Consortium to study risk factors for estrogen receptor (ER) positive DCIS (488 cases; 13,830 controls). Results were compared to associations observed for ER+ invasive breast cancer (n = 2,099).ResultsFirst degree family history of breast cancer was associated with increased risk of ER+ DCIS [odds ratio (OR): 1.69, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.31, 2.17]. Oral contraceptive use within the past 10 years (vs. never) was also associated with increased risk (OR: 1.43, 95%CI: 1.03, 1.97), as was late age at first birth (≥25 years vs. <20 years) (OR: 1.26, 95%CI: 0.96, 1.67). Risk was reduced in women with older age at menarche (≥15 years vs. <11 years) (OR: 0.62, 95%CI: 0.42, 0.93) and higher body mass index (BMI) in early adulthood (≥25 vs. <20 kg/m2 at age 18 or 21) (OR: 0.75, 95%CI: 0.55, 1.01). There was a positive association of recent BMI with risk in postmenopausal women only. In general, associations of risk factors for ER+ DCIS were similar in magnitude and direction to those for invasive ER+ breast cancer.ConclusionsOur findings suggest that most risk factors for invasive ER+ breast cancer are also associated with increased risk of ER+ DCIS among African American women.  相似文献   

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