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目的 探讨肩胛上神经卡压症的解剖学机制,为临床诊断和治疗提供解剖学依据。 方法 22具(男13具,女9具)44侧成尸标本,解剖观测肩胛上切迹,冈盂切迹的形态特点以及肩胛上神经走行、分支及分布的解剖学特点,所测数据统计学处理。 结果 肩胛上切迹类型:U型占40.91%(18侧),浅U型占22.73%(10侧),大弧型占27.27%(12侧),方形占9.01%(4侧)四种。肩胛上切迹的厚度为(1.55±0.36)mm。肩胛上神经主干与冈上肌支所成角为(86.04±1.28)°。冈下肌支的入肌点,有22.73%在该肌的起点处,77.27%在中或外1/3处。冈盂切迹的厚度在(6.82±1.21)mm 。肩胛上神经自肩胛上孔穿出点至肩胛冈基底部的高度为(11.13±0.21)mm;至冈盂切迹的水平距离为(14.03±0.64)mm 。肩胛上神经转折角为(49.65±1.63)°。 结论 肩胛上切迹的类型、肩胛上切迹和冈盂切迹的厚度,肩胛上神经转折角的大小、神经主干与冈上肌支的角度以及冈下肌支的入肌点等均是肩胛上神经卡压的危险因素。  相似文献   

本文在40侧成人下肢标本上观察了隐神经及其髌下支穿Hunter’s管前壁的形式及位置,并以腹股沟韬带中点至股骨内上髁最突出点的连线为标准,测量了缝匠肌前缘距该线以及隐神经穿出点距连线远端的距离。为探讨隐神经卡压症的病因、症状及选用的治方方法提供了应用解剖学基础。  相似文献   

Various anatomic structures including bone, muscle, or fibrous bands may entrap and potentially compress branches of the mandibular nerve (MN). The infratemporal fossa is a common location for MN compression and one of the most difficult regions of the skull to access surgically. Other potential sites for entrapment of the MN and its branches include, a totally or partially ossified pterygospinous or pterygoalar ligament, a large lamina of the lateral plate of the pterygoid process, the medial fibers of the lower belly of the lateral pterygoid muscle and the inner fibers of the medial pterygoid muscle. The clinical consequences of MN entrapment are dependent upon which branches are compressed. Compression of the MN motor branches can lead to paresis or weakness in the innervated muscles, whereas compression of the sensory branches can provoke neuralgia or paresthesia. Compression of one of the major branches of the MN, the lingual nerve (LN), is associated with numbness, hypoesthesia, or even anesthesia of the tongue, loss of taste in the anterior two thirds of the tongue, anesthesia of the lingual gums, pain, and speech articulation disorders. The aim of this article is to review, the anatomy of the MN and its major branches with relation to their vulnerability to entrapment. Because the LN expresses an increased vulnerability to entrapment neuropathies as a result of its anatomical location, frequent variations, as well as from irregular osseous, fibrous, or muscular irregularities in the region of the infratemporal fossa, particular emphasis is placed on the LN.  相似文献   

Summary The sensory sequelae after lesions of the median nerve cause difficulties in treatment since few sensory transfers are available. Neurotisation of the median by sensory branches of the radial nerve have aroused little interest although they have already been used by some authors after anastomosis at the wrist or through the first or second interosseous spaces. Based on what was originally a purely anatomic study, our interest was directed to the possibilities of performing more distal neurotisation for the treatment of sensory disorders of limited extent. The chief object was to obtain faster sensory reinnervation. 30 hands were dissected and a radial branch was defined as suitable for neurotisation whose diameter approximated that of its palmar digital homolog. Only those findings constantly observed in analysis of the hands studied were taken into account. It is therefore possible to reliably define the type and site of the routes of approach as well as the sensory branches suitable for neurotisation.
Bases anatomiques de la neurotisation du nerf médian à la main par le nerf radial
Résumé Les séquelles sensitives après lésion du nerf médian posent un problème thérapeutique car peu de transferts sensitifs sont disponibles. La neurotisation du médian par les branches sensitives du radial suscite peu d'intérêt bien que déjà utilisée par quelques auteurs après anastomose au poignet ou à travers le ler ou 2ème espace inter-osseux. A partir d'un travail uniquement anatomique, notre intérêt s'est porté sur les possibilités effectives de neurotisations plus distales pour le traitement de troubles sensitifs limités dans leur topographie. L'intéret étant surtout d'obtenir une réinnervation sensitive plus rapide. 30 mains ont ainsi été disséquées. Nous avons défini comme neurotisable un rameau radial dont le diamètre était voisin de son homologue digital palmaire. Seules ont été prises en compte les données constantes retrouvées après l'analyse des mains étudiées. Il est ainsi possible de définir de manière fiable le type et le siège des voies d'abord ainsi que les rameaux sensitifs utilisables pour la neurotisation.

目的 探讨肘部正中神经卡压综合征的解剖学基础。方法 解剖观察50侧上肢标本,结果 肱二头肌腱膜与正中神经的关系有非覆盖40例(80%),部分覆盖型6侧(12%)和完全覆盖型4侧(8%)。旋前圆肌纤维桥斜过正中神经前方32侧(64%)。旋前圆肌肱骨头肌内有腱束8例(成人,占18.6%),尺骨头汪岙较厚筋膜47侧(94%)。指浅屈肌起始结构有联合腱弓型44侧(88%),纤维情怀2侧型(4%)和腱束型(  相似文献   

Median artery revisited   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study confirms that the median artery may persist in adult life in 2 different patterns, palmar and antebrachial, based on their vascular territory. The palmar type, which represents the embryonic pattern, is large, long and reaches the palm. The antebrachial type, which represents a partial regression of the embryonic artery is slender, short, and terminates before reaching the wrist. These 2 arterial patterns appear with a different incidence. The palmar pattern was studied in the whole sample (120 cadavers) and had an incidence of 20%, being more frequent in females than in males (1.31), occurring unilaterally more often than bilaterally (41) and slightly more frequently on the right than on the left (1.11). The antebrachial pattern was studied in only 79 cadavers and had an incidence of 76%, being more frequent in females than in males (1.61); it was commoner unilaterally than bilaterally (1.51) and was again slightly more prevalent on the right than on the left (1.21). The origin of the median artery was variable in both patterns. The palmar type most frequently arose from the caudal angle between the ulnar artery and its common interosseous trunk (59%). The antebrachial pattern most frequently originated from the anterior interosseous artery (55%). Other origins, for both patterns, were from the ulnar artery or from the common interosseous trunk. The median artery in the antebrachial pattern terminated in the upper third (74%) or in the distal third of the forearm (26%). However, the palmar pattern ended as the 1st, 2nd or 1st and 2nd common digital arteries (65%) or joined the superficial palmar arch (35%). The median artery passed either anterior (67%) or posterior (25%) to the anterior interosseous nerve. It pierced the median nerve in the upper third of the forearm in 41% of cases with the palmar pattern and in none of the antebrachial cases. In 1 case the artery pierced both the anterior interosseous and median nerves.  相似文献   

Summary Five examples of the popliteal entrapment syndrome have been reported in 4 patients aged between 17 and 41. The diagnosis in each case was made pre-operatively. The anatomical anomalies consisted in three instances of an abnormally high insertion of the inner gemellus (medial head of gastrocnemius) muscle tendon with the artery located twice in front and once in the middle of the tendon, in another instance compression was due to a hypertrophic musculus plantaris and finally, in the last instance, the anomalies were caused by abnormal fibrous bands. In two instances the artery was thrombosed, in three it was compressed in an intermittent fashion. The patients responded well to treatment, by a graft in the case of thrombosis, and by sectioning the abnormal insertions of the gemellus muscle or the fibrous bands in the others. The frequency of these different anatomical types, the relative evolutivity and the embryological hypotheses are studied in the 111 cases recorded in the literature between 1970 and 1983.
Le piège poplité
Résumé Cinq cas de poplitées piégées sont rapportés chez 4 patients dont l'âge était compris entre 17 et 41 ans. Le diagnostic a été fait dans chaque cas en pré-opératoire. Les anomalies anatomiques consistaient trois fois en une insertion anormalement haute du tendon du jumeau interne, l'artère siégeant 2 fois en avant et 1 fois au milieu du tendon, dans un cas en une compression par un muscle plantaire grêle hypertrophique, enfin dans le dernier cas, il s'agissait de bandes fibreuses anormales. Dans 2 cas, l'artère était thrombosée, dans 3 cas, elle était comprimée de façon intermittente. Les patients ont été traités avec succès par pontage en cas de thrombose, et par section des insertions anormales du jumeau interne ou des bandes fibreuses dans les autres cas. La fréquence des différents types anatomiques, l'évolutivité relative, et les hypothèses embryogénétiques sont étudiées à partir de 111 autres cas rapportés dans la littérature entre 1970 et 1983.

We made a thorough observation of the morphology and course of the lingual nerve (LN) and inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) to clarify their topographical relationships in the infratemporal fossa and in the paralingual area. Thirty-two Korean hemi-sectioned heads were dissected macroscopically and microscopically from a clinical viewpoint. On the 32 tracings on the radiograph, the average distance between the retromolar portion and the LN was 7.8 mm, and no case was found where the LN ran above the alveolar crest as passing along the mandibular lingual plate. The bifurcation of the LN and IAN was located around the mandibular notch, inferior to the otic ganglion in 66% of the cases, and a plexiform branching pattern of the mandibular nerve was observed in only two cases. The bifurcation spot of the LN and IAN was located 14.3 mm inferior to the foramen ovale and 16.5 mm superior to the tip of hamulus. Collateral nerve twigs from the LN to the retromolar area were observed in 26 cases (81.2%), with an average of one nerve twig. We observed four types of variations in terms of communication pattern. In four specimens, the mylohyoid nerve passed through the mylohyoid muscle and connected with the LN. In other four specimens, the IAN communicated with the auriculotemporal nerve. We also observed another type of variational communication between the IAN and the nerve to the lateral pterygoid (LPt); this was observed in only one specimen, and it could be predicted that motor innervation from the nerve to the LPt was transmitted via the mental nerve to the depressor anguli oris. Another type was observed where the IAN divided into two branches with the posterior branch being partially entrapped by the LPt muscle fibers.  相似文献   

Entrapment neuropathies are debilitating clinical conditions, creating significant morbidity in the upper and lower extremities in terms of pain, sensory abnormalities, and motor weakness, becoming a challenge to diagnose and treat. Because entrapments can have multiple origins, a misinterpretation of anatomy during examination can lead to incorrect diagnosis and treatment. This review addresses understanding of the anatomy of fascia that can play an important role in this syndrome. There is a specific microenvironment around the nerve composed of connective tissues that include deep fascia, intermuscular septa, epineurium, and perineurium. The microenvironmental modifications can be translated into change in mobility with consequence decreasing of the independency of the nerve from the surrounding structures lading to entrapments and “internal stretch lesion.” The entrapments reported in this article reinforce the importance of fascia tissue in generating common symptoms that pose more difficult diagnostic challenges and may often be confused with more common clinical conditions. Clin. Anat. 32:883–890, 2019. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary We report 15 examples of popliteal artery entrapment syndrome observed in 11 patients. The anatomical causes were as follows: in one case, the popliteal artery presented an aberrant course medially to the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle. In 5 cases, there was a small fibrous band linking the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle to the lateral condyle and crossing behind the popliteal artery; in 5 cases this anomaly was also found in association with an abnormally high and/or internal insertion of the medial head of gastrocnemius muscle. In the last 4 cases, there was a muscular insertion anomaly associated with muscular hypertrophy causing arterial compression. Arteriography performed in the 11 patients showed evocative signs of the diagnosis in all cases where the artery was patent. Two popliteal arteries were occluded. CT scan and MRI examination of the popliteal fossa enabled us to define the muscular origin of the popliteal compression. All of the patients were operated upon; two received a reversed saphenous bypass and all of the others were treated by liberation of the popliteal artery and/or vein by a posterior approach. Follow-up in all patients at long term showed good prognosis. All of the patients were able to take up their previous physical activities without sequelae. Our review of the literature, which is based on 374 cases of popliteal artery entrapment observed in 280 patients, made it possible to define the frequency of the various anomalies observed, their symptoms and the different therapeutic possibilities. The multiple anatomical classifications as well as the arterial and muscular embryology are also described.
Syndrome de l'artère poplitée piégée. Bases anatomiques et embryologiques, considérations diagnostiques et thérapeutiques à partir d'une expérience de 15 cas et d'une revue de la littérature
Résumé Nous rapportons 15 cas de syndrome de l'a. poplitée piégée observés chez 11 patients. Les causes anatomiques ont été les suivantes : dans un cas l'a. poplitée présentait un trajet aberrant en dedans du chef médial du m. gastrocnémien. Dans cinq cas existait une bandelette fibreuse reliant le chef medial du m. gastrocnémien au condyle latéral du fémur, et croisant l'a. poplitée par en arrière ; dans cinq cas cette anomalie était également présente associée à une insertion anormalement haute et/ou médiale du chef médial du m. gastrocnémien. Dans les quatre derniers cas existait une anomalie d'insertion associée à une hypertrophie musculaire responsable d'une compression artérielle. L'artériographie pratiquée chez les 11 patients a montré des signes évocateurs du diagnostic dans tous les cas où l'artère était perméable. Deux aa. poplitées étaient occluses. L'examen tomodensitométrique et l'IRM des fosses poplitées ont permis de préciser l'origine musculaire de la compression poplitée. Tous les patients ont été opérés ; deux ont bénéficié d'un pontage en v. grande saphène inversée et tous les autres ont été traités par libération de l'a. et/ou de la v. poplitée par voie postérieure. Les suites opératoires ont été simples chez tous les patients y compris à long terme. Tous les patients ont pu reprendre leur activité physique sans séquelle. Notre revue de la littérature qui porte sur 374 pièges poplités observés chez 280 patients permet de préciser la fréquence des différentes anomalies observées, la symptomatologie qu'elles entraînent ainsi que les différentes possibilités thérapeutiques. Les multiples classifications anatomiques ainsi que l'embryologie artérielle et musculaire sont également rappelées.

The most disabling aspect of human peripheral nerve injuries, the majority of which affect the upper limbs, is the loss of skilled hand movements. Activity-induced morphological and electrophysiological remodeling of the neuromuscular junction has been shown to influence nerve repair and functional recovery. In the current study, we determined the effects of two different treatments on the functional and morphological recovery after median and ulnar nerve injury. Adult Wistar male rats weighing 280 to 330 g at the time of surgery (N = 8-10 animals/group) were submitted to nerve crush and 1 week later began a 3-week course of motor rehabilitation involving either “skilled” (reaching for small food pellets) or “unskilled” (walking on a motorized treadmill) training. During this period, functional recovery was monitored weekly using staircase and cylinder tests. Histological and morphometric nerve analyses were used to assess nerve regeneration at the end of treatment. The functional evaluation demonstrated benefits of both tasks, but found no difference between them (P > 0.05). The unskilled training, however, induced a greater degree of nerve regeneration as evidenced by histological measurement (P < 0.05). These data provide evidence that both of the forelimb training tasks used in this study can accelerate functional recovery following brachial plexus injury.  相似文献   

The rat models currently employed for studies of nerve regeneration present distinct disadvantages. We propose a new technique of stretch-induced nerve injury, used here to evaluate the influence of gabapentin (GBP) on nerve regeneration. Male Wistar rats (300 g; n=36) underwent surgery and exposure of the median nerve in the right forelimbs, either with or without nerve injury. The technique was performed using distal and proximal clamps separated by a distance of 2 cm and a sliding distance of 3 mm. The nerve was compressed and stretched for 5 s until the bands of Fontana disappeared. The animals were evaluated in relation to functional, biochemical and histological parameters. Stretching of the median nerve led to complete loss of motor function up to 12 days after the lesion (P<0.001), compared to non-injured nerves, as assessed in the grasping test. Grasping force in the nerve-injured animals did not return to control values up to 30 days after surgery (P<0.05). Nerve injury also caused an increase in the time of sensory recovery, as well as in the electrical and mechanical stimulation tests. Treatment of the animals with GBP promoted an improvement in the morphometric analysis of median nerve cross-sections compared with the operated vehicle group, as observed in the area of myelinated fibers or connective tissue (P<0.001), in the density of myelinated fibers/mm2 (P<0.05) and in the degeneration fragments (P<0.01). Stretch-induced nerve injury seems to be a simple and relevant model for evaluating nerve regeneration.  相似文献   

Nerve entrapment syndromes are common in instrumental musicians. Carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar neuropathy at the elbow, and thoracic outlet syndrome appear to be the most common. While electrodiagnostic studies may confirm the diagnosis of nerve entrapment, they may be falsely normal in musicians. Non‐operative treatment with instrument and technique modification may help. Involvement with the musician's teacher to implement appropriate treatment is recommended. Outcomes for both non‐operative and operative treatment for various nerve entrapment syndromes have yielded mostly good to excellent results, similar to the general population. Clin. Anat. 27:861–865, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Long thoracic nerve (LTN) is an important nerve originating from cervical nerve roots. It varies a lot in origins and branches, which lead to several clinical problems, such as diagnosis, prophylaxis and treatment of LTN injury. LTN was dissected in 38 cadavers in the present study. Origin, level of union, branches, sites where nerve entered the muscle, length of nerve trunk and branches as well as transverse diameter were documented. Different derivations of LTN were observed, and C4-7, C5-7, C5 and C7, C5-7, C5-8, C6 and C7, and branch from C6 was the most important components of LTN. After evolution, LTN trunk was composed by superior and inferior trunks at scalenus muscle or the three superior slips level. Branches of LTN traveled on the surface of the six superior slips of anterior serratus muscle and then penetrated through the inferior slips without correlation between different branches. Mean length of trunk of LTN is 111.73 (30.08) mm, axis of cross section was 2.27 × 0.96 mm at the union level and 1.91 × 0.68 mm at the end branch. Each slip was innervated by 1–4 branches of LTN. The observation and measurement data described in our study presented some variations and could provide clinicians with important information on diagnosis, prophylaxis and treatment of LTN injury and pursuing more suitable muscle flaps for reconstruction operation.  相似文献   

目的:为腹股沟神经卡压征的防治提供解剖基础。方法:在50侧(25具)成年男性尸体标本上对腹股沟区皮神经行解剖学观测。结果:髂腹下神经皮支6%(3侧),髂腹股沟神经皮支90%(45侧),生殖股神经生殖支的皮支42%(21侧),髂腹股沟神经与生殖股神经生殖支形成的吻合支12%(6侧),生殖股神经股支的皮支8%(4侧)。结论:腹股沟区皮神经行程变异很大,解剖变异是导致神经卡压的主要原因。  相似文献   

In view of the paucity of literature, this study was undertaken to reappraise the gross anatomy of the sacrotuberous ligament (STL), with the objective of providing an accurate anatomical basis for clinical conditions involving the STL. We studied the gross anatomy of the STL in 50 formalin fixed cadavers (100 sides) during the period of 2004–2005. All specimens exhibited an STL with a ligamentous part and (87%) of specimens exhibited a membranous (falciform) segment, which extended towards the ischioanal fossa. The variations of the falciform extensions were classified into three types. In Type I (69%), the falciform process extended towards and along the ischial ramus to terminate at the obturator fascia. In Type II (108%), the falciform process extended along the ischial ramus, fused with the obturator fascia and continued towards the ischioanal fossa. In addition, the medial border of the falciform process descended to fuse with the anococcygeal ligament, forming a continuous membrane. Lastly, in Type III (13%), the falciform process of the STL was absent. The above mentioned data could have an important implication to the understanding of the relationship between the pudendal nerve and the sacrotuberous ligament and their relevance to pudendal nerve entrapment syndrome.  相似文献   

目的:探讨骨间后神经卡压综合征的临床和神经电生理特点。方法:回顾性分析2006年2月至2010年2月临床疑诊骨间后神经卡压综合征患者的资料,结合神经电生理检查确诊共23例,分析其临床和神经电生理诊断特点。结果:所有患者虽然临床发病过程、病情轻重有所不同,但23例肌电图都有异常:重点检查食指固有伸肌、伸指总肌及尺侧伸腕肌基本均有自发电位出现。18例(78%)运动传导反应异常;运动传导远端潜伏期、波幅、传导速度异常分别是16例(70%)、17例(74%)和12例(52%);桡神经浅支感觉传导正常。结论:神经电生理检查是诊断骨间后神经卡压综合征的有效方法,对临床体征不明确、定位困难者,早期肌电图检查更为重要。  相似文献   

Median nerve and brachial artery in the arm are not usually overlapped by any structure. Connective tissue bands and muscular slips draping or enclosing this neurovascular bundle have been reported, however, which may produce clinical symptoms of nerve compression and vascular changes. We report an unusual musculoaponeurotic band that originates as the ligament of Struthers but terminates as the brachiofascialis muscle of Wood and in the process may have entrapped both the median nerve and brachial artery. The nerve to pronator teres originates from the median nerve within this tunnel. On histological examination the nerve was flattened and showed some perineurial thickening. In view of the flexor function of brachialis muscle, this anomalous musculoaponeurotic band may be considered a clinically important entity in the causation of idiopathic neurovasculopathy in the hand.  相似文献   

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