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The examination of the respiratory function in 184 sleeping infants gave evidence of a significant difference in several parameters between the so-called SIDS risk group and the control group. The risk group (97 babies) consists of 60 infants with frequent prolonged apneas, 30 infants with postnarcotic apneas and 7 near miss infants. Polygraphic registration during sleep showed significantly more apneas in the risk group. These apneas often appeared more frequently during certain periods. The average respiratory deficit expressed as the MA-value (MA = average apnea duration) in the risk group was significantly higher than in control infants. Besides that we were able to prove a more frequent pathological gastroesophageal reflux in the risk infants than in control infants.  相似文献   

Prone infant sleeping despite the "Back to Sleep" campaign.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVES: To determine sleep position variation during the first 6 months of life and to identify risk factors for prone sleeping. DESIGN: Cohort study of healthy term newborns recruited from November 1995 to September 1996 and followed up to age 6 months. Pediatricians were surveyed about sleep position advice. At recruitment, all parents were instructed to avoid prone sleeping. Parents were telephoned at 1 week and then monthly to ensure that they recorded sleep position. Investigators were unaware of sleep position until the infant was 6 months of age, when sleep log data and reasons for sleep position choice were ascertained. SETTING: Practice-based study conducted by the Children's National Medical Center Pediatric Research Network, Washington, DC. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 402 consecutive healthy term newborns followed up by a Pediatric Research Network pediatrician were enrolled. Exclusion criteria were prematurity, a serious medical condition, and absence of a telephone. Of the 402 enrolled newborns, 348 (86.6%) completed the study. RESULTS: Only 34.0% of infants maintained a consistent sleep position. Prone sleeping increased from 12.2% at birth to 32.0% at 6 months. One third of pediatricians discussed sleep position beyond the newborn period. The following were associated (P<.05) with prone sleeping: male sex, lower maternal education level, single marital status, having siblings, and black race. Perceived infant comfort was the main reason for prone sleeping. CONCLUSIONS: Most newborns are placed by parents in nonprone sleep positions. Pediatricians need to consistently reinforce the "Back to Sleep" message when the infants are 2 to 4 months of age because this is the most likely time that they are switched to prone sleeping and the highest risk period of sudden infant death syndrome. Parents should not use prone sleeping as a means of comforting infants.  相似文献   

The association between gastro-oesophageal reflux and sleep state in 24 infants with confirmed or suspected gastro-oesophageal reflux was studied by monitoring both the pH in the lower oesophagus and polygraphic tracings made during sleep at night. Gastro-oesophageal reflux during the night was confirmed in 20 infants. Three hundred and sixteen precipitous drops of more than one unit of pH were recorded during the studies, 186 during periods of wakefulness. Of 130 drops in pH during sleep, 62 (48%) began during active sleep and 62 during indeterminate sleep. Of the latter, 56 (90%) were associated with brief gross body movements. Only five of the drops in pH (4%) began during quiet sleep. Gastro-oesophageal reflux stopped during active sleep on 56 occasions (43%), in indeterminate sleep in 62 (47%), and in quiet sleep in 12 (9%). Episodes of gastro-oesophageal reflux starting or ending in quiet sleep were uncommon. The occurrence of gastro-oesophageal reflux during active sleep may partly explain why reflux during sleep is a risk factor for pulmonary disease.  相似文献   

《Jornal de pediatria》2019,95(6):720-727
ObjectiveTo evaluate the prevalence and risk factors associated with progression to recurrent wheezing in preterm infants.MethodsThe cross-sectional study was carried out in 2014 and 2015 and analyzed preterm infants born between 2011 and 2012. The search for these children was performed in a university maternity hospital and a Special Immunobiological Reference Center. The evaluation was performed through a questionnaire applied during a telephone interview.ResultsThe study included 445 children aged 39 (18–54) months. In the univariate analysis, the risk factors with the greatest chance of recurrent wheezing were birth weight <1000 g, gestational age <28 weeks, living with two or more siblings, food allergy, and atopic dermatitis in the child, as well as food allergy and asthma in the parents. In the multivariate analysis, there was a significant association between recurrent wheezing and gestational age at birth <28 weeks, food allergy and atopic dermatitis in the child, and living with two or more children. Of the 445 analyzed subjects, 194 received passive immunization against the respiratory syncytial virus, and 251 preterm infants were not immunized. There was a difference between the gestational age of these subgroups (p < 0.001). The overall prevalence of recurrent wheezing was 27.4% (95% CI: 23.42–31.70), whereas in the children who received passive immunization it was 36.1% (95% CI: 29.55–43.03).ConclusionsPersonal history of atopy, lower gestational age, and living with two or more children had a significant association with recurrent wheezing. Children with lower gestational age who received passive immunization against the respiratory syncytial virus had a higher prevalence of recurrent wheezing than the group with higher gestational age.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Mortality from SIDS has declined since the recommendation that infants are not placed prone to sleep. SIDS mortality is higher in infants born preterm than those born at term. AIM: To determine if risk factors for SIDS are any different for preterm and term infants. METHODS: Mortality data over time were used to determine whether the reduction in SIDS mortality rates had occurred equally in term and preterm infants. Data from two New Zealand studies (a case-control study and a case-cohort study) were used to determine if any differences existed in risk factors for SIDS between term and preterm infants before and after the SIDS prevention campaign. RESULTS: SIDS mortality appears to have decreased by similar proportions in term and preterm infants. Risk factors for SIDS were similar in preterm and term infants, except for parity where there was a significant interaction. Increasing parity was a risk factor for SIDS in term infants but not preterm infants. CONCLUSION: SIDS rates have decreased at comparable rates in term and preterm infants, but preterm birth still remains a risk factor for SIDS. The magnitude of the odds ratios associated with modifiable risk factors were similar for both groups. There may however be a difference in risk associated with parity between term and preterm infants. The messages for risk factors for SIDS are applicable to mothers of preterm as well as term infants.  相似文献   

Prevalence and independent risk factors for hearing loss in NICU infants   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
AIM: To determine the prevalence and independent relationship between hearing loss and risk factors in a representative neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) population. METHODS: Automated auditory brainstem response (AABR) hearing screening has been introduced since 1998 in the Dutch NICUs. After a second AABR failure, diagnostic ABR was used to establish diagnosis of hearing loss. Newborns who died before the age of 3 months were excluded. In the present study only the NICU infants who were born with a gestational age <30 weeks and/or a birth weight <1000 g between October 1, 1998 and January 1, 2002 were included. Risk factors included in the study were familial hearing loss, in utero infections, craniofacial anomalies, birth weight <1500 g, hyperbilirubinemia, ototoxic medications, cerebral complications, severe birth asphyxia, assisted ventilation > or =5 days and syndromes. RESULTS: A nationwide cohort of 2186 newborns were included. Mean gestational age was 28.5 weeks (SD 1.6) and mean birth weight was 1039 g (SD 256). Prevalence of uni- or bilateral hearing loss was 3.2% (71/2186; 95% CI 2.6-4.1). Multivariate analysis revealed that the only independent risk factors for hearing loss were severe birth asphyxia (OR 1.7; 95% CI 1.0-2.7) and assisted ventilation > or =5 days (OR 3.6; 95% CI 2.1-6.0). CONCLUSION: The prevalence of hearing loss in a representative NICU population was 3.2%. Independent risk factors for hearing loss were severe birth asphyxia and assisted ventilation > or =5 days.  相似文献   



Before reunification, the post‐neonatal mortality rate was lower in East Germany than in West Germany. Moreover, the incidence of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) was much lower in the East.


Mortality data on sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) from West and East Germany since 1980 as well as post‐neonatal mortality data for both states since 1970 were examined. 95% Confidence intervals were calculated for the rates. Witnesses from the former East Germany who were involved at the time were also interviewed and archives were searched.


We found that as early as 1972 active monitoring of infant and child mortality rates in East Germany had shown that the prone sleeping position was dangerous for infants: the post‐neonatal mortality rate was approximately 1 per 1000 live births lower in East than in West Germany during the 20 years before reunification. In contrast, in the West, prone sleeping was only discovered to be a risk factor for SIDS in the early 1990s.


Active monitoring is an effective tool in the early detection of risk factors and serves to prevent unnecessary deaths.  相似文献   

Objective : To assess the impact on mothers' knowledge and anxiety of the 1991-92 health promotion campaign on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) risk factors.
Methodology : A telephone survey of a population based sample of 339 mothers in Victoria, Australia, conducted 1992-94.
Results : Recall by mothers of the risk factors for SIDS was as follows: not breast-feeding. 15%; smoking, 46%; overheating, 48%; and prone sleeping, 84%. Recall rate increased as the campaign progressed. Receiving the campaign pamphlet was associated with an increased recall of all risk factors. Discussion of the pamphlet with a health professional was rare (9%). One-third of all mothers reported being very worried about cot death when caring for their babies. Self-reported worry was significantly more common among mothers whose babies were born at the time of the campaign introduction.
Conclusions : The campaign pamphlets were effective in increasing knowledge of the risk factors. The limited discussion with health professionals suggests that future campaigns need increased professional involvement to address problems, including anxiety among new mothers.  相似文献   

Background: The incidence of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) has been falling in Germany over the last decade. However, little is known about the prevalence and the importance of well-known risk factors in Germany since a local prevention campaign in 1992. Design: A 3-y, population-based, case-control study was conducted in half of Germany, consisting of 333 cases. All sudden and unexpected deaths in infancy, if they fitted the inclusion criteria, were included in the study. Parental interview was carried out soon after the death, and three living control infants, matched for age, gender, region and sleep time, were recruited. Results: The prevalence of placing infants prone to sleep was only 4% in the control group, but this was associated with a markedly increased risk of SIDS (adjusted odds ration, aOR=6.08). Other modifiable risk factors for SIDS were: maternal smoking during pregnancy, breastfeeding for less than 2 wk (aOR=1.71) and co-sleeping (aOR=2.71), while using a pacifier during the last sleep reduced the risk (aOR=0.39).

Conclusions: Previously recognized risk factors for SIDS also occur in Germany. Despite knowledge about the major modifiable risk factors for SIDS, these factors are still present in Germany. To reduce the incidence of SIDS in Germany, a continued effort is needed to inform all parents about preventable risk factors for SIDS.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Before reunification, the post-neonatal mortality rate was lower in East Germany than in West Germany. Moreover, the incidence of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) was much lower in the East. METHODS: Mortality data on sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) from West and East Germany since 1980 as well as post-neonatal mortality data for both states since 1970 were examined. 95% Confidence intervals were calculated for the rates. Witnesses from the former East Germany who were involved at the time were also interviewed and archives were searched. RESULTS: We found that as early as 1972 active monitoring of infant and child mortality rates in East Germany had shown that the prone sleeping position was dangerous for infants: the post-neonatal mortality rate was approximately 1 per 1000 live births lower in East than in West Germany during the 20 years before reunification. In contrast, in the West, prone sleeping was only discovered to be a risk factor for SIDS in the early 1990s. CONCLUSIONS: Active monitoring is an effective tool in the early detection of risk factors and serves to prevent unnecessary deaths.  相似文献   

目的:了解重庆城区婴幼儿超重与肥胖现况及其危险因素,为儿童肥胖早期干预提供依据。方法:采用分层整群抽样的方法,对生后1月龄的2139名儿童进行3、6、9、12和18月龄的生长监测、评估和问卷调查。以18月龄是否超重与肥胖为应变量进行多元回归分析。结果:(1)婴儿超重与肥胖检出率生后前半年增长迅速,6月龄达26.04%,之后逐渐降低,至18个月龄时为15.89%。(2)Logistic回归分析显示父亲营养状况、儿童出生时、6月龄、9月龄和12月龄的营养状况、3月龄喂养方式、12月龄蔬菜进食频次、18月龄甜饮料添加频次以及18月龄上床时间共9个因素与18月龄儿童超重与肥胖显著相关。结论:重庆城区婴幼儿超重与肥胖现状突出,存在多种因素共同作用,应给予早期综合干预。  相似文献   



Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) is a common complication in patients with cystic fibrosis. This crosssectional study was planned to determine the prevalence and risk factors for ABPA in Indian children with cystic fibrosis.


Clinical evaluation, spirometry, chest radiograph, sputum, total IgE, specific IgE for Aspergillus fumigatus, IgG precipitins and skin prick tests were done in 33 CF patients.


Prevalence of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis was 18.2% (95% CI 6.9%–35.4%): allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis was higher in patients with low cystic fibrosis score, age >12 years, atopy, and eosinophilia.


Prevalence of ABPA is higher in Indian children with cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: American Indians and Alaska Natives have the highest suicide rates of all ethnic groups in the United States, and suicide is the second leading cause of death for American Indian and Alaska Native youth. OBJECTIVE: To identify risk and protective factors associated with suicide attempts among native male and female adolescents. DESIGN: The 1990 National American Indian Adolescent Health Survey. SETTING: Schools of reservation communities in 8 Indian Health Service areas. PARTICIPANTS: Eleven thousand six hundred sixty-six 7th- through 12th-grade American Indian and Alaska native youth. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Responses were compared among adolescents with and without a self-reported history of attempted suicide. Independent variables included measures of community, family, and individual characteristics. Separate analyses were conducted for boys and girls. RESULTS: Ever attempting suicide was reported by 21.8% of girls and 11.8% of boys. By logistic regression done on boys and girls separately, suicide attempts were associated with friends or family members attempting or completing suicide; somatic symptoms; physical or sexual abuse; health concerns; using alcohol, marijuana, or other drugs; a history of being in a special education class; treatment for emotional problems; gang involvement; and gun availability. For male and female youth, discussing problems with friends or family, emotional health, and connectedness to family were protective against suicide attempts. The estimated probability of attempting suicide increased dramatically as the number of risk factors to which an adolescent was exposed increased; however, increasing protective factors was more effective at reducing the probability of a suicide attempt than was decreasing risk factors. CONCLUSIONS: A history of attempted suicide was associated with several risk and protective factors. In addition to targeting youth at increased risk, preventive efforts should include promotion of protective factors in the lives of all youth in this population.  相似文献   

Awasthi S  Kalra E  Roy S  Awasthi S 《Indian pediatrics》2004,41(12):1205-1210
OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of asthma and wheeze and factors associated with it in children aged 6-7 and 13-14 years. METHOD: School based, prospective survey using self/parental reporting of occurrence of asthma or wheeze on pre-designed questionnaire. RESULTS: Out of 112 schools, 17 and 15 schools were randomly selected for recruitment of subjects in age group 6-7 and 13-14 years, respectively. Prevalence of asthma and wheeze reported were 2.3% and 6.2%, respectively, in age group 6-7 years and 3.3% and 7.8%, respectively, in age group 13-14 years. On the basis of adjusted odds ratio, risk factors for wheeze or asthma were tertiary education of mother, antibiotic use in the first year of life, eating pasta or fast-food or meat once or more per week and exercise once or more/week while the protective factors were intake of vegetables once or more and fruits thrice or more per week. In univariate analysis, breastfeeding was also found to be protective. CONCLUSION: Promotion of rational use of antibiotic in first year of life, avoidance of fast food and promotion of breastfeeding and intake of fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of asthma/wheeze and should be encouraged.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: North American Indian childhood cirrhosis (NAIC) is a distinct, rapidly evolving form of familial cholestasis found in aboriginal children from northwestern Quebec. This is a retrospective review of the 30 patients treated in Quebec since the discovery of NAIC in 1970. METHODS: The clinical records and histologic samples from 30 patients were reviewed. Extensive metabolic, biochemical, viral, genetic, and radiologic studies were performed in most patients. RESULTS: Genetic analysis suggests autosomal recessive inheritance and a carrier frequency of 10% in this population. Gene mapping studies showed that the NAIC gene is located on chromosome 16q22. Typically, patients have neonatal cholestatic jaundice (70%) or hepatosplenomegaly (20%) with resolution of clinical jaundice by age 1 year but persistent direct hyperbilirubinemia. Portal hypertension was documented in 29 patients (91%). Variceal bleeding (15 patients, 50%) occurred as early as age 10 months. Surgical portosystemic shunting was performed in 13 of these 15 patients (87%); 4 (31%) rebled after 1 to 5 years. Fourteen patients died (47%). In 10 (71%), liver disease was the cause. Four children died of liver failure before liver transplantation became available. In transplanted livers, no recurrence of NAIC was observed after 1 to 10 years. Recognized infectious, metabolic, toxic, autoimmune, and obstructive causes of cirrhosis have been eliminated. The histologic features of NAIC show early bile duct proliferation and rapid development of portal fibrosis and biliary cirrhosis, suggesting a cholangiopathic phenomenon. CONCLUSION: Together with gene mapping studies showing that the NAIC gene is different from those of other familial cholestases, these observations suggest that NAIC is a distinct entity that could be classified as "progressive familial cholangiopathy."  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the frequency of and risk factors for necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) among infants of <33 wk of gestation. METHODS: Prospective follow-up of 140 inpatients. RESULTS: 26 (18.6%) subjects developed NEC stage I-III and 12 (8.6%) severe NEC (stage II-III). Breast milk fortifier and duration of morphine infusion emerged as the statistically significant factors associated with NEC stage I-III, but only the latter had a significant association with severe NEC. CONCLUSION: Future studies are needed to be established whether morphine is a causative factor in NEC.  相似文献   

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