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An in vivo isolated pituitary paradigm was used to examine the extent to which negative feedback actions of testicular hormones are exerted directly at the level of the anterior pituitary gland. Hypophysectomized male rats received single anterior pituitary transplants under the kidney capsule. On the next day each hypophysectomized, graft-bearing (H/G) animal was fitted with a concentric atrial catheter system which allowed for intermittent infusions of LHRH (250 ng/5 min.h) and chronic blood sampling. On the fifth or sixth day of infusions, blood samples were obtained 2 h before sham-castration (n = 6) or castration (n = 5) and at every 2-h interval for 24 h thereafter. For comparison, blood samples were similarly obtained from a group of normal pituitary-intact male rats before and after sham-castration (n = 5) or castration (n = 5). Plasma LH and PRL levels in all animals were determined by RIA. In the H/G sham-castrate rats, LH levels remained constant throughout the 24-h postsurgery period. By contrast, plasma LH concentrations in the H/G castrate rats increased steadily for 18 h, reaching a plateau at levels 2- to 3-fold higher than pretreatment values. The absolute amounts of immunoreactive LH, and the trajectory of the LH rise in the H/G castrates closely resembled those in the normal castrates during the initial 20 h after castration; at subsequent time points, however, these similarities were not apparent, as LH levels in normal castrates continued to rise, while those in H/G castrates did not. PRL levels were not significantly different in H/G rats compared to those in their pituitary-intact counterparts. We conclude from these studies that most of the acute (less than 20 h) effects of castration on LH secretion can be accounted for by pituitary escape from direct negative feedback suppression. At longer times after orchidectomy, however, the continued postcastration rise in LH secretion may increasingly depend upon additional hypothalamic input. It is hypothesized that this added input consists of an acceleration of LHRH pulse frequency.  相似文献   

L V De Paolo 《Endocrinology》1985,117(5):1826-1833
Although pulsatile LH release in ovariectomized (OVX) rats appears to be controlled by pulsatile discharges of LHRH, the neuroendocrine regulation of episodic FSH release remains to be explored. The main objective of the present study is to compare and contrast the effects of a potent LHRH antagonist (ALHRH) and a central nervous system depressant, phenobarbital (PhB), on pulsatile LH and FSH release in OVX rats. Three to 4 weeks after ovariectomy, blood samples were obtained at 10-min intervals for 3 h, after which LHRH was injected and sampling continued for an additional hour. In control OVX rats, periodic increases in plasma LH and FSH levels occurred approximately every 30 to 60 min, respectively. Treatment of OVX rats with PhB several hours earlier resulted in a suppression of mean plasma levels and pulse frequencies of both LH and FSH. Interestingly, PhB suppressed the pulse amplitude of LH, but not of FSH. Phenobarbital increased pituitary LH responses to LHRH, but did not alter the FSH responses. When ALHRH was given to OVX rats 24 h before blood sampling, mean plasma LH levels as well as LH pulse frequency and amplitude were severely diminished. In striking contrast, ALHRH did not affect the frequency or amplitude of FSH pulses. However, mean plasma FSH levels were suppressed to 31% of levels measured in control OVX rats. These results demonstrate that in contrast to LH secretion, FSH secretion in OVX rats appears to be regulated by two distinct neuroendocrine mechanisms: an LHRH-dependent mechanism controlling the nonepisodic component of FSH secretion (baseline secretion) and a LHRH-independent mechanism controlling pulsatile FSH release.  相似文献   

Interleukin 1 alpha (IL-1 alpha), a powerful endogenous pyrogen released from monocytes and macrophages by bacterial endotoxin, stimulates corticotropin, prolactin, and somatotropin release and inhibits thyrotropin release by hypothalamic action. We injected recombinant human IL-1 alpha into the third cerebral ventricle, to study its effect on the pulsatile release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) in conscious, freely moving, ovariectomized rats. Intraventricular injection of 0.25 pmol of IL-1 alpha caused an almost immediate reduction of plasma LH concentration; this decrease was statistically significant 20 min after injection and occurred through a highly significant reduction in the number of LH pulses, with no effect on pulse amplitude. In contrast, there was no change in pulse frequency but a small significant elevation in amplitude of FSH pulses. Intraventricular injection of the diluent had no effect on gonadotropin release. The results provide further evidence for separate hypothalamic control mechanisms for FSH and LH release. To determine the mechanism of the suppression of LH release, mediobasal hypothalamic fragments were incubated in vitro with IL-1 alpha (10 pM) and the release of LH-releasing hormone (LHRH) and prostaglandin E2 into the medium was measured by RIA in the presence or absence of norepinephrine (50 microM). IL-1 alpha reduced basal LHRH release and blocked LHRH release induced by norepinephrine. It had no effect on the basal release of prostaglandin E2; however, it completely inhibited the release of PGE2 evoked by norepinephrine. To evaluate the possibility that IL-1 alpha might also interfere with the epoxygenase pathway of arachidonic acid metabolism, epoxyeicosatrienoic acids were also measured. IL-1 alpha had no effect on the content of epoxyeicosatrienoic acids in the hypothalamic fragments as measured by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. In conclusion, IL-1 alpha suppresses LH but not FSH release by an almost complete cessation of pulsatile release of LH in the castrated rat. The mechanism of this effect appears to be by inhibition of prostaglandin E2-mediated release of LHRH.  相似文献   

Although LHRH can stimulate the release of both LH and FSH from the pituitary, there are a number of instances in which the secretion of LH and FSH are divergent. Previous studies from our laboratory have indicated that pulsatile LH and FSH secretion are independently regulated by gonadal factors. We have, therefore, reexamined the role of LHRH in regulating pulsatile gonadotropin secretion by evaluating the effect of passive LHRH immunoneutralization on LH and FSH secretion in castrate adult male rats. Injection of 500 microliters ovine anti-LHRH serum no. 772 (LHRH-AS) into 2-week-castrate rats caused an 85% suppression of mean plasma LH levels by 2 h, which lasted through 48 h. Mean plasma FSH, however, was reduced by only 19% after 2 h and by only 59% after 48 h. When cannulated 2-week-castrate rats were bled every 10 min, both LH and FSH were secreted in a pulsatile manner. Injection of 500 microliters LHRH-AS caused an immediate abolishment of LH pulses and a rapid reduction in mean plasma LH through 24 h. Pulsatile FSH secretion, as characterized by the parameters of pulse frequency and amplitude, was unaffected by LHRH-AS, although mean plasma FSH levels were significantly reduced. Collectively, the results suggest that pulsatile FSH secretion is regulated by a separate factor(s) distinct from LHRH, but that LHRH is required for the maintenance of elevated FSH levels.  相似文献   

C L Corless  I Boime 《Endocrinology》1985,117(4):1699-1706
The pituitary hormones LH, FSH, and TSH are secreted as dimers of two subunits, alpha and beta. The alpha-subunit, identical in all three hormones, is produced by the pituitary in excess of beta and secreted as free subunit. Bovine free alpha does not combine with purified beta-subunit and contains an extra O-linked oligosaccharide not found on dimer alpha. We have developed an assay to quantitate this modified form of alpha in the medium of incubated steer pituitary slices. The assay, based on reverse phase HPLC analysis of radiolabeled alpha-subunit tryptic peptides, shows that under basal conditions, 75% of secreted free alpha is O-glycosylated. When the secretagogue LHRH is added to the slices, a 14-fold increase in LH dimer release is observed, but secretion of the modified alpha is increased by only 2-fold. Our results indicate that the majority of free alpha-subunit secreted by the pituitary contains O-linked oligosaccharide, and that secretion of this form of alpha differs from that of LH dimer.  相似文献   

M D Culler  A Negro-Vilar 《Endocrinology》1989,124(6):2944-2953
The purpose of these studies was to ascertain which parameters of pulsatile gonadotropin secretion are regulated by endogenous inhibin in the intact diestrous female rat. This was determined by examining the changes in the secretion parameters of FSH and LH that resulted from immunoneutralizing endogenous inhibin in diestrous I female rats. Passive immunoneutralization of endogenous inhibin was achieved using specific, high titer ovine antiserum generated against the alpha-subunit of the recently described inhibin molecule. The optimal times after inhibin immunoneutralization to observe the changes in FSH secretion were determined in initial experiments. Pulsatile secretion of both FSH and LH was observable in the diestrous female. Two hours after inhibin immunoneutralization, the mean trough level, mean peak level, and overall mean level of FSH began to increase. The maximal increase and plateau of these parameters were observed 5 h after antiserum injection. During the period of increase, mean FSH pulse amplitude was also increased, but returned to the level observed in control (normal sheep serum-injected) animals when the parameters of trough, peak, and overall mean FSH reached their plateau levels. FSH pulse frequency was not changed at any time. These results indicate that endogenous inhibin affects only the basal parameters of FSH secretion without affecting pulsatile FSH secretion. The transient increase in FSH pulse amplitude resulted from FSH pulses being superimposed on the increasing basal FSH secretion. In contrast, immunoneutralization of endogenous inhibin rapidly increased all parameters (i.e. pulse amplitude and frequency, mean trough and peak levels, and mean plasma levels) of LH secretion. In addition, pituitary sensitivity to an exogenous LHRH challenge was increased in inhibin-immunoneutralized females in terms of stimulated LH secretion. As a result of the already increased rate of basal secretion, the actual quantity of FSH released in response to the LHRH challenge was greatly increased in the inhibin-immunoneutralized rats compared with the normal sheep serum-injected controls; however, the increase in the rate of FSH secretion stimulated by the LHRH challenge was the same in both groups. The observations from these studies collectively demonstrate that inhibin acts endogenously to suppress those parameters of gonadotropin secretion that are regulated by LHRH.  相似文献   

M D Culler 《Endocrinology》1992,130(3):1605-1614
Previous studies have suggested that the ovary produces a factor that maintains the pituitary in a state of low LHRH responsiveness that must be overcome by the self-priming action of LHRH. To determine the role of inhibin in maintaining low LHRH responsiveness in pituitaries of diestrous female rats, endogenous inhibin was passively immunoneutralized in vivo, and the pituitaries were removed 18-20 h later and examined for LHRH responsiveness in vitro. Pituitaries from diestrous control rats produced the biphasic pattern of gonadotropin secretion that typifies LHRH self-priming: an initial low secretory response to LHRH (lag phase), followed by a protein synthesis-dependent transition to an enhanced rate of secretion with continued LHRH exposure (primed phase). Immunoneutralization of endogenous inhibin [antiserum (AS) treated] resulted in an increased rate of LH secretion during the lag phase, while no change was observed in the primed phase rate of LH secretion. FSH secretion from pituitaries of AS-treated rats was increased during the lag phase to a rate of secretion similar to that observed during the primed phase of FSH secretion from control pituitaries, and it was increased further during the primed phase of secretion. These results suggest that inhibin is at least partially responsible for the low secretion of LH observed during the lag phase response to LHRH exposure and is totally responsible for the lowered rate of FSH secretion during the lag phase. The observation that the enhanced rate of gonadotropin secretion observed with AS-treated pituitaries during the lag phase was resistant to inhibition of protein synthesis provides further evidence that a partial transition from the lag to the primed phase had already occurred. Pituitaries from ovariectomized rats were also examined in order to place the contribution of inhibin in perspective with the total ovarian influence on pituitary responsiveness to LHRH. Unexpectedly, LH secretion during the lag phase was similar to the low secretion rate of diestrous control pituitaries, and the higher primed rate of secretion failed to fully develop, suggesting that an additional ovarian factor was required to induce and maintain pituitary responsiveness to LHRH in terms of LH secretion. FSH secretion from the ovariectomized rats was similar to that observed from pituitaries of AS-treated rats, thus further supporting the concept that inhibin is fully responsible for the suppression of FSH secretion in response to LHRH. Plasma from the AS-treated rats revealed a 2-fold increase in estradiol levels compared with diestrous control rats.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

M D Culler  A Negro-Vilar 《Endocrinology》1987,120(5):2011-2021
We recently reported that passive immunoneutralization of endogenous LHRH in castrate male rats completely abolishes pulsatile LH secretion and, within 1 h, lowers mean plasma LH by 86%. While pulsatile FSH secretion, in terms of pulse amplitude and frequency, is not affected, mean plasma FSH is gradually lowered but only by 49% after 24 h. In the present study, we have examined the effect of replacing pulsatile LHRH biological activity on LH and FSH secretion in 4-week castrate male rats in which endogenous LHRH has been immunoneutralized by ovine anti-LHRH serum 772 (LHRH-AS) for 24 h. The LHRH-AS requires the 3-10 amino acid sequence of LHRH including the amidated C terminus for complete recognition. In order to circumvent the antiserum blockade, we utilized the LHRH agonist [Des Gly10]-LHRH ethyl amide (DG-LHRH) which is minimally recognized by the LHRH-AS but which possesses 2.6-fold the LH-releasing activity of LHRH. Twenty-four hours after injecting 500 microliter LHRH-AS into cannulated, castrate rats, sequential blood samples were taken every 10 min for 4 h. Bolus 3-ng injections of either DG-LHRH or saline were given iv either every 30 min during the 4-h collection period or every 30 or 60 min for 10 h before the initiation of and continuing through the 4-h collection period. Each DG-LHRH injection stimulated the release of a single pulse of LH, while pulsatile FSH secretion was unaffected. No synchrony was observed between the DG-LHRH pulses and the endogenous FSH pulses. Short term DG-LHRH treatment partially restored, and long term DG-LHRH treatment every 60 min completely restored, mean plasma FSH to the level observed in nonantiserum-treated castrate control rats. Long term DG-LHRH treatment every 30 min caused a rise in mean plasma FSH which exceeded the plasma FSH level of the nonantiserum-treated controls. The mean plasma level of LH was entirely dependent on the frequency of the DG-LHRH injection. The results of this study clearly demonstrate that pulsatile FSH secretion is independent of LHRH but that LHRH is required to elevate and/or maintain high mean plasma FSH levels. Trough levels of LH, however, are dependent on the frequency of LHRH-induced pulsatile LH secretion.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Yearling rams actively immunized against GnRH were used as a hypogonadotropic model for studies of the significance of the pulsatility of LH secretion in determining the trophic actions of the hormone on testicular steroidogenesis. GnRH-immunized rams, in which testicular regression was complete, were infused iv for 12-20 days with ovine LH (NIDDK oLH 24) in three different regimens, delivering a total daily dose of 60 micrograms/100 kg: 1) 1-min pulses of 5 micrograms/100 kg every 2 h (low amplitude, high frequency), 2) 1-min pulses of 30 micrograms/100 kg every 12 h (high amplitude, low frequency), or 3) continuous infusion of 2.5 micrograms/100 kg.h. Serum testosterone levels and acute responses to LH challenges were monitored at intervals throughout the infusion periods. Acute responses to LH were evaluated in terms of the area under the curve for serum testosterone vs. time after LH and the lag time between the infusion of LH and attainment of maximum serum testosterone levels. At the beginning of the experiments, serum testosterone was at castrate values, and testosterone responses to LH were of low magnitude with a long lag time. LH infusion in the low amplitude, high frequency regimen consistently increased the magnitude and decreased the lag time of acute responses to LH; these effects were significant by the sixth day of treatment and persisted for the duration of the experiments. This regimen also had positive effects on morphological features of testes and Leydig cells. Infusion of the high amplitude, low frequency regimen, however, had neither of the positive effects on responsiveness to LH, but did seem to improve testicular and Leydig cell morphology. Continuous infusion of LH also increased the magnitude and decreased the lag time of responses to low amplitude pulses of LH, at least as well as the high frequency infusion regimen did. These results suggest that the high frequency, low amplitude pattern of LH secretion characteristic of reproductively active animals has trophic actions on the testes, increasing their responsiveness to acute gonadotropic stimulation, but the pulsatility of that pattern of LH secretion is not necessary for its trophic actions. The efficacy of high frequency LH secretion may depend only on the elevation of basal or mean LH concentrations, rather than on the low amplitude peaks or the dynamic changes in LH concentrations to which the testes are exposed.  相似文献   

Depending upon the steroid hormonal milieu, centrally administered neuropeptide Y (NPY) exerts differential effects on the release of LH. Ovarian hormones also effect the concentrations of NPY in hypothalamic nuclei, and some of the changes are similar to those caused by LHRH. The present studies tested whether NPY acts directly on the pituitary gland, either alone or in combination with LHRH, to modify LH secretion. Hemipituitary fragments obtained from ovariectomized rats were incubated in medium 199, and the in vitro effects on LH release of LHRH, NPY, or the two peptides together were assessed. As expected, LHRH (10(-9)-10(-7) M) produced a dose-dependent release of LH, whereas NPY alone had a lesser stimulatory effect at concentrations of 10(-7) or 10(-6) M. On the other hand, 10(-6) M NPY significantly enhanced LH release in response to 10(-9) M LHRH. A potentiation by NPY of the LHRH-induced LH response was observed in an anterior pituitary cell culture system. Cells from the pituitaries of ovariectomized rats were dispersed and cultured for 3 days in medium 199 with BSA, gentamicin, horse serum, and fetal calf serum. During a 3-h incubation, NPY alone (10(-9)-10(-7) M) failed to affect LH release, but significantly potentiated the release induced by 10(-9) or 10(-8) M LHRH. These findings are in accord with the hypothesis that hypothalamic NPY neurons may participate in the regulation of LH secretion in the rat and indicate that one of the mechanisms of its action may be to increase the pituitary LH response to LHRH.  相似文献   

The effect of streptozotocin-induced diabetes on circulating levels of immunoactive LH (I-LH) and bioactive LH (B-LH) was investigated. LH was measured in adult ovariectomized (OVX) rats before and after acute LHRH administration, with or without estradiol benzoate (Eb) treatment (10 micrograms, 48 and 24 h before experiments). I-LH and B-LH were measured in the same samples by RIA and the rat interstitial cell testosterone assay, respectively. OVX diabetic animals showed a significant reduction in both I-LH (63%) and B-LH (73%). Treatment with Eb induced a decrease in basal I-LH and B-LH levels in all experimental groups (50%). These values were normalized after insulin therapy. No alterations in the pituitary responsiveness to LHRH were detected when I-LH levels were determined. However, B-LH levels assayed after LHRH stimulation were significantly decreased in diabetic animals. Insulin treatment was unable to restore this response. The effect of Eb treatment on these parameters was also tested. In these conditions LHRH injections induced similar increases in serum I-LH and B-LH in both diabetic and control rats. These results indicate that, in diabetic OVX rats, basal and LHRH-induced LH has a reduced bioactivity, but this reduction is reversed by Eb treatment. This might indicate that the major defect lies in the ovary rather than at the pituitary level, supporting the notion of an important role of the steroid milieu on the B-LH modulation.  相似文献   

LHRH antagonists suppress pituitary and gonadal function by competing with endogenous LHRH for binding to gonadotroph receptors. To determine the mechanism of suppression of gonadotropin secretion we studied the effects of a single dose of a LHRH antagonist on the pulsatile activity of serum bioactive LH (Bio-LH), immunoreactive LH (IR-LH), alpha-subunit, and testosterone for 24 h in normal men. The LHRH antagonist, Nal-Glu [( Ac-D2Nal1,D4ClPhe2,D3Pal3,Arg5,DGlu6-(AA), DAla10]LHRH) was given as a single sc injection of 5 mg to five normal men. Blood samples were collected every 10 min during a 10-h baseline period and for 14 h after administration of the antagonist. IR-LH, alpha-subunit, and testosterone were measured in triplicate, and Bio-LH in duplicate. Pulses were then evaluated using Cluster analysis; all replicates were entered in the pulse analysis. After administration of the Nal-Glu antagonist, IR-LH levels decreased (P less than 0.001) from 2.81 +/- 0.06 at baseline to a nadir of 0.75 +/- 0.02 U/L. Bio-LH levels followed the same pattern, decreasing by 89% (P less than 0.001) from 4.54 +/- 0.13 to a nadir of 0.51 +/- 0.13 U/L 6.8 h after the injection of Nal-Glu. In contrast, serum alpha-subunit levels did not change (P greater than 0.05) during the 14-h period after antagonist administration (0.85 +/- 0.01 and 0.75 +/- 0.01 microgram/L before and after Nal-Glu, respectively). Serum testosterone levels decreased by more than 80%, from 17.6 +/- 0.2 at baseline to a mean nadir of 3.3 +/- 0.7 nmol/L 12.8 h after Nal-Glu administration. Pulse frequency and the number of significant pulses remained the same for all of the measured hormones during the 10-h baseline period and the 14 h after Nal-Glu administration. In contrast, the pulse amplitude of IR-LH, Bio-LH, and testosterone decreased significantly after injection of the antagonist. The pulse amplitude of the alpha-subunit also declined, albeit not significantly. Coincidence analysis revealed that during both the 10-h baseline and the 14-h post-Nal-Glu period there was a highly significant (P less than 10(-5) nonrandom synchrony between peaks of IR-LH, Bio-LH, alpha-subunit, and testosterone. These results suggest that coordinate pulsatile secretion of IR-LH, Bio-LH, and testosterone persists after the administration of 5 mg Nal-Glu LHRH antagonist.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

J E Levine  M T Duffy 《Endocrinology》1988,122(5):2211-2221
The temporal relationship between LHRH release and gonadotropin secretion as well as the effects of castration on LHRH release were investigated in conscious, freely moving male rats. LHRH release was measured in hypothalamic/median eminence perfusates, while levels of pituitary gonadotropins (LH, FSH) were determined in sequential blood samples obtained via atrial catheters. Twenty-four to 26 h before experiments, rats underwent sham surgery or castration. LHRH release in push-pull perfusates from both groups was pulsatile, and nearly all identified LH pulses (83.3%) were temporally associated with LHRH pulses. Of the fewer irregular FSH pulses that were observed, only 43.7% were temporally associated with LHRH pulses. Mean LHRH pulse amplitude and mean LHRH levels were not different in intact and castrate animals. The frequency of LHRH pulses was moderately increased in castrate rats (1.30 pulses/h) compared to that in intact animals (0.83 pulses/h), and this acceleration was accompanied by a significant increase in LH pulse frequency, pulse amplitude, and mean level. It was also noted that the number of silent LHRH pulses (those not associated with LH pulses) was dramatically reduced in castrate animals. Characteristics of gonadotropin release (pulse frequency, pulse amplitude, and mean level) were not significantly different in animals undergoing push-pull perfusion/bleeding procedures from those in rats not receiving push-pull cannula implants. We conclude from these studies that 1) LH pulses show a high concordance with LHRH pulses, providing evidence that the LHRH pulse generator operates as the neural determinant of LH pulses in male rats, 2) FSH secretion is not associated with LHRH release in an obvious and consistent manner, suggesting that LHRH/FSH relationships are not easily discerned in these animals or that a FSH-releasing factor distinct from the LHRH decapeptide may regulate FSH secretion, 3) a modest increase in LHRH pulse frequency occurs 24-30 h after castration, and 4) silent LHRH pulses occur with much greater regularity in intact than in castrate rats. The latter two observations suggest that both hypothalamic and intrapituitary sequelae of castration may be critically important in the development of postcastration increases in LH secretion and the negative feedback of gonadal steroids.  相似文献   

Changes in levels of LH and FSH in the circulation were examined during repeated blood sampling in untreated rats and gonadectomized male and female rats treated with oestrogen, progesterone and thyroxine. Blood depletion induced a significant increase in levels of LH in steroid-treated rats but the increase was abolished when the depleted blood volume was replaced with egg albumen. The rise in LH was less dramatic in male than in female animals. In untreated rats, levels of LH either decreased or did not change with repeated phlebotomy. In contrast, the levels of FSH either did not alter or were lowered in all situations.  相似文献   

We investigated whether chronic administration of LHRH to normal adult rats could increase the percentages of anterior pituitary gland (APG) cells that contain immunoreactive LH and/or FSH and gonadotropin secretion. Vehicle or 1 microgram LHRH was injected sc twice daily for 6 days, and rats were decapitated 16 h after the last injection. Treatment with LHRH caused nearly a doubling in the numerical density of LH and FSH cells and in the percentage of APG cells that contained LH or FSH. It also caused a shift in the gonadotroph population from LH and LH/FSH cells to LH/FSH cells. It did not change the mean size of gonadotrophs or APG weight. These changes at the light microscopic level were not accompanied by any apparent changes in LH cells at the ultrastructural level. However, they were accompanied by an approximate doubling of the basal serum LH and FSH concentrations, an increase in the APG FSH concentration, and an increase in the basal FSH release rate (measured in vitro). The results indicate that exogenous LHRH can be administered to increase numbers of gonadotrophs in the APG, synthesis of FSH in gonadotrophs, and basal serum LH and FSH concentrations.  相似文献   

In ovarian-intact lactating rats, removal of the suckling stimulus leads to restoration of pituitary LH beta mRNA levels and pulsatile LH secretion after 72 h, which correlates with a sharp decrease in plasma progesterone concentrations to basal levels. In contrast, in ovariectomized lactating rats, the increase in pituitary LH function is observed by 24 h after pup removal. To determine if progesterone secretion from the ovary participates in the delayed recovery of LH secretion, we treated lactating rats with the progesterone antagonist RU 486 and determined the effects on the time course of recovery of pulsatile LH secretion and LH subunit mRNA after pup removal and on pituitary responsiveness to GnRH. In ovarian-intact lactating rats treated with RU 486, pulsatile LH secretion was observed in about 40% of the rats within 24 h after pup removal (LH interpulse interval, 43.7 +/- 8.3 min) and in about 90% of the rats within 48 h after pup removal (LH interpulse interval, 46.1 +/- 3.6 min). The mean plasma LH level in the RU 486-treated rats was 10.1 +/- 2.2 ng/ml 24 h after removal of pups (control, less than 5 ng/ml) and had increased to 35.1 +/- 6.4 ng/ml 48 h after pup removal (control, 9.1 +/- 2.5 ng/ml). However, RU 486 treatment had no significant effect on LH mRNA subunit levels. To determine whether progesterone acts at the pituitary to block GnRH stimulation of LH secretion, we tested the effects of RU 486 on LH secretion in response to 2- and 5-ng pulses of GnRH. Pituitary responsiveness was tested 24 h after pup removal. We found that both doses of GnRH were effective in stimulating pulsatile LH secretion, and treatment with RU 486 had no significant effect on this response. We conclude from these studies that progesterone secretion from the ovary contributes to the inhibition of LH secretion that occurs after pup removal, since antagonizing progesterone's action resulted in an earlier restoration of pulsatile LH secretion. The increase in LH secretion occurred in the absence of any significant changes in responsiveness of the pituitary to GnRH stimulation or in LH subunit mRNA levels. Therefore, the primary site of action of progesterone would appear to be at the hypothalamus to suppress pulsatile GnRH secretion.  相似文献   

L V DePaolo 《Endocrinology》1991,128(4):1731-1740
Previous observations have shown that a portion of the acute (less than 12 h) FSH hypersecretion after ovariectomy (OVX) is LHRH independent, thereby suggesting that mechanisms governing the acute FSH hypersecretory response to OVX may reside largely within the anterior pituitary gland. Accordingly, the present studies were conducted to determine whether acute OVX-induced FSH hypersecretion can be elicited in an animal model in which the anterior pituitary gland is isolated from diencephalic chemical signals, and if so, whether the hypersecretion could be abated by the FSH-suppressing protein, follistatin. Adult female rats hypophysectomized (H) 1 week earlier received anterior pituitary grafts (H/G) (one to three glands per rat) under the kidney capsule. In order to increase ovarian secretion of negative feedback effectors substances (i.e. estrogen, inhibin), some H/G rats were injected sc with 30 IU PMSG 4-6 days after receiving pituitary transplants, whereas other rats were given the saline vehicle. Two days later (0830 h), a blood sample was obtained via an indwelling atrial catheter inserted the previous day. H/G rats given saline or PMSG then were further subdivided and either castrated or sham castrated. Additional blood samples were obtained from the catheter, and trunk blood was collected from decapitated rats 24 h after OVX for measurement of serum estradiol and PRL levels. For comparison, H rats not receiving renal pituitary transplants were subdivided into similar experimental groups as the H/G rats. Blood samples were also obtained after sham OVX or OVX of pituitary-intact, 4-day cycling rats on diestrous day 1. Ovariectomy of PMSG-treated H rats receiving either one or three pituitary allografts resulted in a significant (P less than 0.01) increase in serum FSH levels by 12 h after OVX followed by a 2- to 3-fold increase in FSH levels by 24 h relative to either the pre-OVX FSH levels measured in this group or the FSH levels measured in PMSG-treated H/G rats 24 h after sham OVX. In contrast, OVX of saline-treated H/G rats failed to elicit FSH hypersecretion. Similarly, FSH hypersecretion was not observed after OVX of saline- or PMSG-treated H rats. Whereas serum LH levels were increased 24 h after OVX of diestrous rats, no such increases were detected 24 h after OVX of any H or H/G rats. In an additional experiment, H rats receiving two pituitary allografts were treated with PMSG and subsequently castrated. Twenty-four hours later, rats were injected iv with either 60 micrograms purified porcine follistatin or saline.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

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