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In order to determine the effects of monovalent cations on the binding of 3H-neuroleptics to canine striatal dopamine D-2 receptors, a study of the effects of ions on the binding of two 3H-neuroleptics from different drug classes was undertaken. Dopamine D-2 receptors are selectively labeled in a sodium-sensitive manner by the benzamide ligand [3H]YM-09151-2. In the presence of 120 mM NaCl, [3H]YM-09151-2 had a dissociation constant of 55 pM and a maximal receptor density of 34 pmol/g of tissue. In the absence of NaCl, the dissociation constant was 440 pM with no change in the receptor density. The binding of [3H]YM-09151-2 (52 pM) was increased by 700% with 150 mM Na+, 440% with 500 mM Li+ and 290% with 500 mM K+. The ion concentrations producing half-maximal increases in binding were 4 mM Na+, 8.5 mM Li+ and 115 mM K+. The ionic strength control, N-methyl-D-glucamine, did not increase [3H]YM-09151-2 binding. [3H]Spiperone binding was much less affected by monovalent cations. Analysis of saturable binding showed that these changes were due to changes in binding affinity, independent of changes in receptor density. The sulfhydryl alkylating agent, N-ethylmaleimide, inactivated [3H]YM-09151-2 binding. Sodium ions at 120 mM protected approximately 40% of the susceptible sites while lithium and potassium ions (120 mM) did not. The anion exchange blocker, 4,4'-diisothiocyano-2,2'-stilbene disulfonic acid (DIDS), has been shown to be capable of blocking the effect of Na+ on the binding of agonists to alpha 2-adrenoceptors.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The recently developed 5-HT2A receptor selective antagonist [3H]MDL100,907 ((+/–)2,3-dimethoxyphenyl-1-[2-(4-piperidine)-methanol]) has been characterized as a radioligand for the autoradiographic visualization of these receptors. [3H]MDL100,907 binding to rat brain tissue sections was saturable, had sub-nanomolar affinity (Kd=0.2–0.3nM), and presented a pharmacological profile consistent with its binding to 5-HT2A receptors (rank order of affinity for [3H]MDL100,907-labelled receptors: MDL100,907 > spiperone > ketanserin > mesulergine). The distribution of receptors labelled by [3H]MDL100,907 was compared to the autoradiographical patterns obtained with [3H]Ketanserin, [3H]Mesulergine, and [3H]RP62203 (N-[3-[4-(4-fluorophenyl)-piperazin-1-y1]propyl]-1,8-naphtalenesultam) and to the distribution of 5-HT2A receptor mRNA as determined by in situ hybridization. As opposed to the other radioligands, [3H]MDL100,907 labelled a single population of sites (5-HT2A receptors) and presented extremely low levels of non-specific binding. The close similarity of the distributions of [3H]MDL100,907-labelled receptors and 5-HT2A mRNA further supports the selectivity of this radioligand for 5-HT2A receptors and suggests a predominant somatodendritic localization of these receptors. The present results point to [3H]MDL100,907 as the ligand of choice for the autoradiographic visualization of 5-HT2A receptors. Received: 7 April / Accepted: 18 May 1997  相似文献   

1. Binding of D,L-(E)-2-amino-4-[3H]-propyl-5-phosphono-3-pentenoic acid ([3H]-CGP 39653), a high affinity, selective antagonist at the glutamate site of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor, was investigated in rat brain by means of receptor binding and quantitative autoradiography techniques. 2. [3H]-CGP 39653 interacted with striatal and cerebellar membranes in a saturable manner and to a single binding site, with KD values of 15.5 nM and 10.0 nM and receptor binding densities (Bmax values) of 3.1 and 0.5 pmol mg-1 protein, respectively. These KD values were not significantly different from that previously reported in the cerebral cortex (10.7 nM). 3. Displacement analyses of [3H]-CGP 39653 in striatum and cerebellum, performed with L-glutamic acid, 3-((+/-)-2-carboxypiperazin-4-yl)propyl-1-phosphonic acid (CPP) and glycine showed a pharmacological profile similar to that reported in the cerebral cortex. L-Glutamic acid and CPP produced complete displacement of specific binding with Ki values not significantly different from the cerebral cortex. Glycine inhibited [3H]CGP 39653 binding with shallow, biphasic curves, characterized by a high and a low affinity component. Furthermore, glycine discriminated between these regions (P < 0.005, one-way ANOVA), since the apparent Ki of the high affinity component of the glycine inhibition curve (KiH) was significantly lower (Fisher's protected LSD) in the striatum than the cortex (33 nM and 104 nM, respectively). 4. Regional binding of [3H]-CGP 39653 to horizontal sections of rat brain revealed a heterogeneous distribution of binding sites, similar to that reported for other radiolabelled antagonists at the NMDA site (D-2-[3H]-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid ([3H]-D-AP5) and [3H]-CPP). High values of binding were detected in the hippocampal formation, cerebral cortex and thalamus, with low levels in striatum and cerebellum. 5. [3H]-CGP 39653 binding was inhibited by increasing concentrations of L-glutamic acid, CPP and glycine. L-Glutamic acid and CPP completely displaced specific binding in all regions tested, with similar IC50 values throughout. Similarly, glycine was able to inhibit the binding in all areas considered: 10 microM and 1 mM glycine reduced the binding to 80% and 65% of control (average between areas) respectively. The percentage of specific [3H]-CGP 39653 binding inhibited by 1 mM glycine varied among regions (P < 0.05, two-ways ANOVA). Multiple comparison, performed by Fisher's protected LSD method, showed that the inhibition was lower in striatum (72% of control), with respect to cortex (66% of control) and hippocampal formation (58% of control). 6. The inhibitory action of 10 microM glycine was reversed by 100 microM 7-chloro-kynurenic acid (7-CKA), a competitive antagonist of the glycine site of the NMDA receptor channel complex, in all areas tested. Moreover, reversal by 7-CKA was not the same in all regions (P < 0.05, two-ways ANOVA). In fact, in the presence of 10 microM glycine and 100 microM 7-KCA, specific [3H]-CGP 39653 binding in the striatum was 131% of control, which was significantly greater (Fisher's protected LSD) than binding in the hippocampus and the thalamus (104% and 112% of control, respectively). 7. These results demonstrate that [3H]-CGP 39653 binding can be inhibited by glycine in rat brain regions containing NMDA receptors; moreover, they suggest the existence of regionally distinct NMDA receptor subtypes with a different allosteric mechanism of [3H]-CGP 39653 binding modulation through the associated glycine site.  相似文献   

L-[3H]Glutamate, D-[3H]aspartate, DL-[3H]2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate (AP5) and [3H]N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) were evaluated as radioligands using postsynaptic density (PSD) preparations from rat brain. L[3H]Glutamate had the highest affinity and greatest percentage specific binding, followed by D-[3H]aspartate greater than DL-[3H]AP5 greater than [3H]NMDA. The pharmacological specificity of the binding of each radioligand indicated an interaction with NMDA-preferring receptors, the order of potency of displacing compounds tested being L-glutamate greater than D-aspartate greater than D-AP5 greater than DL-AP5 greater than ibotenate greater than NMDLA greater than quisqualate. For L-[3H]glutamate, the data revealed an interaction with two sites, the major one having NMDA receptor characteristics and the minor one resembling the quisqualate-preferring receptor. Against L-[3H]glutamate binding, quisqualate showed a two-component inhibition profile with an affinity of 25 microM at the NMDA site and 0.19 microM at the quisqualate site. Thus, by using several radioligands possessing activity at NMDA receptors, we confirm that an NMDA receptor binding site is present in crude PSDs. Although it is less selective than D-[3H]aspartate, DL-[3H]AP5 and [3H]NMDA, L-[3H]glutamate remains, by virtue of its high affinity, the ligand of choice for the study of NMDA receptors in preparations where such sites predominate.  相似文献   

(-)Piquindone is a new antipsychotic pyrroloisoquinoline derivative that binds to dopamine D2 receptors. We used in vitro quantitative autoradiography to determine the distribution of [3H](-)piquindone binding sites in rat forebrain. [3H](-)Piquindone binding to brain slices was sodium dependent, saturable and of high affinity (Kd = 5 nM at 0 degree C). In autoradiographic experiments, there was a good signal to noise ratio for [3H](-)piquindone binding with nonspecific binding representing only about 20% of total binding in caudate putamen. The D2 antagonists (-)sulpiride and raclopride were much more potent inhibitors of [3H](-)piquindone binding than the D1 antagonist SCH 23390. Dopamine inhibited binding with a potency similar to that previously found with standard membrane binding procedures. Autoradiography indicated that binding sites [3H](-)piquindone are localized to olfactory tubercle, accumbens nucleus, caudate putamen, cell bridges between caudate putamen and olfactory tubercle, and substantia nigra. Binding in these areas is stereoselective since we found no specific binding with [3H](+)piquindone, the biologically inactive enantiomer. Within caudate putamen, there was a lateral to medial gradient in the optical density of [3H](-)piquindone autoradiograms which might, in part, be attributable to white matter density rather than to D2 receptors.  相似文献   

The regional distribution of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in rat brain using the selective NMDA receptor ligand [3H]3-[+/-)-2-carboxypiperazin-4-yl)propyl-1-phosphonic acid (CPP) has been quantitated by in vitro autoradiography. [3H]CCP binding was highest in the CA1 region of the hippocampus. Relatively high levels of binding were also observed in the cerebral cortex, while moderate binding was obtained in the thalamus, striatum and granule cell layer of the cerebellum. Concurrent studies examining the phencyclidine receptor ligand [3H]1-[1-(2-thienyl)cyclohexyl]-piperidine (TCP), revealed a similar pattern of binding that correlated well with the localization of [3H]CPP-labeled NMDA receptors (r = 0.88, P less than 0.01).  相似文献   

本文用体外定量受体放射自显影分析法观察了[3H]二氢埃托啡(DHE)在大鼠脑中定位分布和结合特点。结果表明,[3H]DHE特异结合较高的部位主要为纹状体,伏隔核,大脑皮质Ⅰ层和Ⅲ层,丘脑,缰核,杏仁核。脚间核和蓝斑,DHE主要作用于u-阿片受体.  相似文献   

Although saturation studies suggest that [3H]dopamine binds to a homogeneous class of stereospecific sites in rat striatal membranes, pharmacologic analysis reveals two distinct sites, one with high and another with low antagonist affinities. The affinity of antagonists for the first site is correlated with their affinity for [3H]butyrophenone binding sites; affinity for the second site is correlated with inhibitory potency against the dopamine-stimulated adenylate cyclase. These results suggest that [3H]dopamine binds to D-1 and D-2 receptors.  相似文献   

A radiolabelled form of the dopamine agonist, quinpirole (LY17155), has been evaluated as a ligand for dopamine receptors in the rat brain. Quinpirole has been reported to be a selective D2 dopamine agonist; however, a recent report has indicated that it may have high affinity for a novel dopamine binding site which has been termed D3. In rat brain sections, [3H]quinpirole binding exhibited a distribution similar to that described for dopamine D2 receptors using either agonist or antagonist labelling. High densities of binding could be found in caudate-putamen, nucleus accumbens, olfactory tubercle and islands of Calleja. When the labelling was done in the presence of 10 microM guanylyl-5'-imidodiphosphate to convert the dopamine D2 receptor to a 'low affinity agonist conformation', binding was inhibited in most brain regions with the notable exception of the islands of Calleja which retained most of the [3H]quinpirole binding. The guanine nucleotide insensitivity of this binding and distribution of this site indicates that [3H]quinpirole is binding to dopamine D3 receptors in this region of the brain. Therefore, these results indicate that [3H]quinpirole labels a high affinity agonist conformation of dopamine D2 receptors as well as dopamine D3 receptors in rat brain. In addition, this study provides the first detection the dopamine D3 receptor protein in the brain.  相似文献   

3H]spiperone binding in the nigrostriatal system in human brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The characteristics of [3H]spiperone binding in human brain were compared in three areas of the nigrostriatal pathway: areas containing the nerve terminals (caudate nucleus, putamen and pallidum); the area containing the cell bodies (substantia nigra pars compacta); the area containing the dendrites (pars reticulata). The affinity constants were calculated from saturation binding curves and from the kinetics of association and dissociation. The pharmacological profiles of the receptors was also established by displacement studies. The affinity constants and pharmacological profiles were similar in the striatum and the substantia nigra, although the latter contained a much smaller number of sites. In the substantia nigra, however, curved Scatchard plots were obtained, indicating that a second lower affinity site binding [3H]spiperone was also present. A considerable proportion (50%) of [3H]spiperone binding to nigral membranes could be displaced by the serotonin antagonist cinanserine , compared to the striatum (20%). The effect of post-mortem conditions on binding levels was studied in the rat. A loss of 20% occurred during the first hours after death, but was stable by 6 h until at least 24 h.  相似文献   

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