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1990~2006年地病中心克山病研究所发表论文的影响力分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的分析中国疾病预防控制中心地方病控制中心克山病防治研究所1990~2006年发表科研论文情况。方法从研究所科技存档资料中查询1990~2006年发表的论文资料,采用普赖斯定律分析核心作者。在CNKI数据库中按照第一作者和发表时间进行检索,记录被引用情况并进行描述性统计分析。结果1990~2006年研究所在国内外59种杂志上发表论文419篇,其中实验研究论文270篇(64.4%),流行病学调查62篇(14.9%),临床医学研究87篇(20.7%);第一作者96人,核心作者40人,占第一作者总数的41.7%,核心作者共发表论文322篇(76.85%)。419篇文献中被CNKI收录267篇,有引证文献167篇,总被引频次726,单篇论文最高被引频次为43,平均被引频次为2.72。结论克山病研究所已经形成核心作者群;发表的论文有一定的学术影响力。 相似文献
目的分析中国疾病预防控制中心寄生虫病预防控制所的学术影响力,为科技管理部门了解本所的科研发展动向,制定科研政策提供科学量化的依据。方法以SCIE数据库中收录的中国疾病预防控制中心寄生虫病预防控制所的科技论文为基础数据,对本所2011-2015年发表论文的产出、被引频次、h值、资助来源等指标进行统计分析,评估本所学术影响力。结果中国疾病预防控制中心寄生虫病预防控制所5年间共发表论文316篇,发文量呈逐年增加趋势,发文类型以论文居多;总被引次数为1 641次,篇均引用次数为5.19,h值为17;发表期刊多以国外专业期刊为主,影响因子在1.194~6.751之间;资助来源以国内居多;同美国和瑞士的国际间合作较为密切;在寄生虫学和热带医学2个学科领域中,本所在国内和亚洲处于领先水平。结论中国疾病预防控制中心寄生虫病预防控制所年度发文量总体呈上升趋势,论文发表质量较高;在专业学科领域中,本所同世界排名前列的研究机构还是存在一定差距。 相似文献
心血管康复医学杂志编辑部 《心血管康复医学杂志》2022,(3):344-344
为提高论文的科学性和准确性,我刊自2014年第一期起改进论文统计学处理。要求:提供具体P值,不是不等式的P<0.05等,其前要配有检验值(t,χ2等)。从而显著提高了我刊的学术水平,使2020年发表的中国科技期刊引证报告的核心影响因子达到0.611,扩展影响因子达到2.489。 相似文献
心血管康复医学杂志编辑部 《心血管康复医学杂志》2022,(5):660-660
为提高论文的科学性和准确性,我刊自2014年第一期起改进论文统计学处理。要求:提供具体P值,不是不等式的P<0.05等,其前要配有检验值(t,χ2等)。从而显著提高了我刊的学术水平,使2020年发表的中国科技期刊引证报告的核心影响因子达到0.611,扩展影响因子达到2.489。 相似文献
心血管康复医学杂志编辑部 《心血管康复医学杂志》2021,(6):746-746
为提高论文的科学性和准确性,我刊自2014年第一期起改进论文统计学处理。要求:提供具体P值,不是不等式的P<0.05等,其前要配有检验值(t,χ2等)。从而显著提高了我刊的学术水平,使2020年发表的中国科技期刊引证报告达到核心影响因子0.611,扩展影响因子2.489。 相似文献
1997~2007年广西壮族自治区龙潭医院作者国内发表论文计量分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
科研论文是科技成果和学术研究的重要载体,是衡量一个单位科研能力和学术成就的重要标志,对广西龙潭医院1997~2007年11年间在国内生物医学期刊上发表的论文情况进行文献计量分析,旨在进一步了解广西龙潭医院科研状况,为申报课题、申报成果及本院的科研建设提供依据。1资料与方 相似文献
对《中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志》2000~2004年刊载的论文和主要评价指标进行分析。5年共发表论文833篇,主要为论著(39.4%)、综述(9.1%)和实验报道(4.4%)。核心著者群主要来自高等院校(53.4%)和疾病防治机构(29.4%)。发表论文8篇以上的核心著者机构有20个,占总论文数的38.1%。基金论文比(平均0.50)和国际基金论文比(平均0.09)均稳中有升,2004年为近年来最高,分别为0.52和0.07。国家基金项目、省部级基金项目和国际项目分别为29.9%、43.9%和20.4%。总被引频次和影响因子分别从2000年的325和0.377上升至2004年的437和0.462,均在同类期刊中名列前茅。本刊在该领域学术水平最高,在国内外具有较高的影响。 相似文献
目的 分析<中国地方病学杂志>未被引论文的内在规律,明确杂志的组稿方向,为提高刊文学术质量和刊文被引用率提供依据.方法 在中国知网中检索2004-2006年在<中国地方病学杂志>发表的被引频次为0的论文(检索日期截至2011年3月24日),对未被引论文的发表时间、发表栏目、下载频次等进行统计分析.结果 共检索出200篇未被引论文,占3年发表论文总数的23.04%(200/868);其中2004年46篇、2005年70篇、2006年84篇,分别占当年发表论文总数的17.23%(46/267)、24.39%(70/287)、26.75%(84/314).述评、专家论坛栏目未被引论文数为0,是刊文100%被引用的栏目;其次是综述栏目.未被引论文数占发表论文数的6.98%(3/43);简报栏目未被引论文比例最高,为54.02%(121/224);实验研究、现场调查、临床医学、检测方法、卫生管理等栏目均有一定比例的未被引论文.200篇未被引论文均被下载过,下载频次为1~109,平均27.21次.结论 应保证并提高述评、专家论坛、综述、实验研究、现场调查栏目的 刊出比例,适当降低简报类文章的发表数量.期刊应进一步提高刊文的被引用率,全面提高文章的学术质量,为学术交流和学科发展作出贡献.Abstract: Objective To analyze the inherent quality of non-cited papers published in Chinese Journal of Endemiology, so as to identify the direction of invitation for contributions, and to provide the evidence for improving the academic quality and the cited rates. Methods Scientific papers published in Chinese Journal of Endemiology from 2004 to 2006, with zero cited rates were retrieved in China National Knowledge Infrastructure by March 24, 2011. These articles were statistically analyzed according to publication year, section type, download frequency, etc. Results A total of 200 papers were not cited, accounting for 23.04% (200/868) of the total number of papers published in the journal in the three years. Respectively, 17.23% (46/267), 24.39% (70/287)and 26.75% (84/314) of the papers published in 2004, 2005 and 2006 did not receive a single citation. The number of non-cited papers in editorial and expert forum column was zero, all articles in those column had been cited;followed by review column, non-cited rate was 6.98% (3/43);articles published in the column of short reports were seldom cited and non-cited rate was the highest of 54.02%( 121/224);all the columns of experimental study, field epidemiological investigation, clinical medicine, detection method and sanitary control had a certain percentage of non-cited papers. All of the 200 non-cited papers were downloaded, the download frequency ranged from 1 to 109, with an average of 27.21 times. Conclusions Adequate space should be given to the columns of editorial, expert forums, review, experimental study and field epidemiological investigation;the number of short reports should be reduced appropriately. The journal should enhance cited rate of published papers, comprehensively improve the academic quality of the articles, and contribute to the academic exchange and discipline development. 相似文献
目的 分析<中国地方病学杂志>高被引论文的内在规律,以期进一步明确杂志的组稿方向,吸引并挖掘优质稿源,从而提高期刊的核心竞争力.方法 在中国知网中检索2000-2006年<中国地方病学杂志>发表的被引频次≥20次的论文(检索日期截至2010年12月27日),对高被引论文的发表时间、发表栏目、第一作者、作者单位及地区分布进行统计分析.结果 共检索出高被引论文68篇,被引频次为20~94,平均31.09次.高被引论文发表时间以2000年最多,占25.0%(17/68);2001年次之,占20.6%(14/68);2006年最少,占2.9%(2/68).实验研究类论文在高被引论文中所占比例最高,为30.9%(21/68);其次是现场调查类论文,占23.5%(16/68);述评、综述类论文分别占10.3%(7/68)和8.8%(6/68);简报、病例报告、会议纪要等栏目没有高被引论文;述评、专家论坛、学术争鸣栏目的 高被引论文数占该栏目论文总数的比例较高(7/19、3/11、3/7).高被引论文来自13个省(直辖市),有2篇及以上高被引论文的作者有10位,有2篇及以上高被引论文的单位有8家.结论 实验研究、现场调查、述评、专家论坛和学术争鸣类论文对杂志总被引频次贡献较大,应该保证并提高其刊出比例.需进一步巩固和扩大优秀作者队伍,加大组织重点选题和向有影响力的专家的约稿力度.Abstract: Objective To analysis the inherent quality of highly cited papers published in Chinese Journal of Endemiology, so as to identify the direction of invitation for contributions, find high quality articles, and to improve the journal's core competitiveness. Methods Scientific papers published in Chinese Journal of Endemiology from 2000 to 2006, with citation rate equal to or higher than 20 times were retrieved in China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI) by December 27, 2010. These articles were statistically analyzed according to publication year, section type, author, and geographical distribution of units. Results A total of 68 highly cited papers were obtained. The citation frequency of the highly cited papers ranged from 20 to 94, with an average of 31.09 times. The highly cited papers were published in 2000 at most, accounting for 25.0%(17/68); followed by 2001,accounting for 20.6% (14/68); at least in 2006, accounting for 2.9% (2/68). Of the highly cited papers, experimental study articles was in the highest proportion of 30.9%(21/68); followed by field epidemiological investigation articles,accounting for 23.5%(16/68); editorial, review articles accounting for 10.3%(7/68) and 8.8%(6/68), respectively;short reports, case reports, meeting records etc were not highly cited papers. The number of highly cited papers in editorial, expert forums, academic contend accounted for higher proportion of total number in corresponding section types(7/19, 3/11, 3/7). Highly cited papers came from 13 provinces(municipalities), there were 10 authors contributed two or more highly cited papers, and 8 units contributed two or more highly cited papers. Conclusions Adequate space should be given to experimental research, field epidemiological investigation, editorial, expert forums andacademic contend articles due to their high rate of citation. More attention should be paid to further consolidate and expand excellent authors group, and to intensify the invitation for key issues from influential experts. 相似文献
杨霞 《糖尿病天地(学术刊)》2021,(8)
目的:探讨353例中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变患者眼底荧光血管造影检查结果调查研究.方法:回顾分析我院353例(365眼)中浆患者的眼底彩色照相以及患者接受眼底荧光血管造影(FFA)检查结果.结果:≤45岁的CSC患者中单灶渗漏、多灶渗漏、不典型渗漏情况与>45岁CSC患者差异有统计学意义,P<0.05.渗漏点情况... 相似文献
The HIV epidemic is growing among men who have sex with men (MSM) in China. Frequent HIV testing is associated with reduced HIV risk among MSM. However, little is known about factors associated with frequency of HIV testing in this population. We aimed to characterise sociodemographic characteristics and psychosocial factors associated with frequent HIV testing in HIV-negative MSM in Guangzhou, China.Methods
We did this cross-sectional survey among MSM who were visiting a gay-friendly community clinic in Guangzhou between Sept 2 and Nov 24, 2016. Men were eligible if they were aged 18 years or more, self-identified biological males, and reported sexual contact with male partners in the past 12 months. Surveys were self-administered via a handheld electronic tablet. We collected sociodemographic characteristics and psychosocial measurements. HIV testing frequency was defined by three groups based on testing history: never tested, irregularly tested, or frequently tested. Irregularly tested MSM tested less than twice per year or tested less than every 6 months. Frequently tested MSM tested twice per year or tested more than once every 6 months. We compared sociodemographic and psychosocial measurements among MSM who never tested, irregularly tested, and frequently tested using χ2 testing or one-way ANOVA. Multinomial logistic regression and ordinal logistic regression were used to identify independent correlates that were associated with differences in frequency of HIV testing. Ethics approval was obtained from the ethics review boards of the Guangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the University of Pittsburgh.Findings
495 MSM participated in this survey. Three participants refused to answer HIV testing history information and were excluded from this present analysis. Among the 492 MSM, 67 (13·6%) were never tested, 207 (42·1%) were tested irregularly, and 218 (44·3%) were tested frequently in the past 2 years. MSM who tested for HIV frequently were more likely to be older (p=0·001), reside in Guangzhou (p=0·016), and have higher monthly income (p=0·016). Compared with MSM who tested frequently, MSM who never tested were less likely to report that their sexual partner had ever received HIV tests (adjusted odds ratio 0·27; 95% CI 0·11–0·63) or that their good friends had ever received HIV tests (0·42; 0·22–0·78). Compared with MSM who tested frequently, those who never tested were also less likely to report having HIV-positive gay friend (0·39; 0·19–0·78) or ever discussing HIV with sexual partners (0·24; 0·12–0·47); they were more likely to report perceiving barriers to HIV testing (1·13; 1·03–1·24). Compared with MSM who tested frequently, those who tested irregularly were less likely to report having HIV-positive gay friends (0·65; 0·43–0·97) or to disclose their sexual orientation to non-gay friends (0·59; 0·38–0·92). Compared with MSM who tested frequently, those who teested irregularly reported greater barriers to HIV testing (1·07; 1·01–1·13) and higher internalised homophobia (1·06; 1·01–1·11). Ordinal logistic regression showed HIV testing frequency was associated with HIV testing by sexual partners and good friends, knowing gay friends who were HIV-positive, discussing HIV with sexual partners, disclosing sexual orientation to non-gay friends, barriers to HIV testing, and internalised homophobia.Interpretation
Frequency of HIV testing could be improved among sexually active, HIV-negative MSM in Guangzhou, China. Enhanced interventions using HIV testing promotion via social networks, reducing structural barriers to HIV testing, and creating a gay-friendly environment could increase the frequency of HIV testing among MSM and increase the percentage of HIV-positive MSM receiving antiretroviral therapy, thus contributing to reducing HIV incidence in this population.Funding
amfAR, the Foundation for AIDS Research. 相似文献12.
在预防AIDS/STD中影响安全套推广使用的相关因素分析 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
目的通过对育龄人群中安全套的使用状况、接受程度、影响因素的分析,探讨在预防艾滋病,陛传播疾病(AIDS/STD)中推广使用安全套的行动措施。方法对育龄人群、管理服务人员等进行相关因素的问卷和访谈调查。结果511例未用过安全套的青年中,有57.73%和72.21%的对象分别知道安全套可以预防AIDS/STD,85%以上的知晓者愿意使用安全套;180例安全套使用者中,有67.78%和76.11%的对象分别知道安全套可以预防AIDS/STD,知晓者安全套使用满意程度高于未知者;知道如何正确使用安全套者认为安全套不影响性生活者,安全套使用满意程度亦高。安全套使用率低的影响因素较多,主要与安全套预防AIDS/STD知晓程度、安全套的提供、获取及对性生活有无影响等因素有关。结论进一步加强预防AIDS/STD宣传教育,健全安全套发售网络,与计生服务相结合推广安全套的使用。 相似文献
With the rapid pace of population ageing, tuberculosis in older people has become a public health challenge in China. However, the age-structured epidemiological transition and its impact on achieving the end tuberculosis targets by 2035 have not been understood well. We analysed the age-structured incidence and mortality of pulmonary tuberculosis reported in China to inform current and future control programmes.Methods
In this longitudinal study, we compared the trends of age-specific reported incidence and mortality of pulmonary tuberculosis from 2005 to 2015 in China. In addition to crude rates, we calculated age-adjusted rates from 2006 to 2015 by taking the population in 2005 as reference. We determined the annual crude and age-adjusted rates of reduction by fitting an exponential linear regression model, and extrapolated up to 2035 given fixed decline rates. All data were collected from national Infectious Disease Reporting System and Diseases Surveillance System.Findings
We noted overall downward trends of reported tuberculosis incidence and mortality in all age and sex groups since 2005, whereas the proportion of older people (aged 65 years and older) among reported patients with tuberculosis and deaths increased gradually. The total tuberculosis incidence and mortality were significantly higher in older people (193·0 cases per 100?000 people and 18·7 deaths per 100?000 people, respectively) than in younger groups (66·6 cases per 100?000 and 1·7 deaths per 100?000 people). The average annual decline in crude incidence was 4·2% (95% CI 3·5–4·9) and 5·1% (4·3–5·9%) in age-adjusted incidence; the annual decline in crude mortality was 9·7% (95% CI 8·4–10·9) and 12·4% (10·9–13·8) in age-adjusted mortality. Extrapolating this trend, by 2035, the crude incidence of tuberculosis was expected to reach 26·8 cases per 100?000 people and the age-adjusted incidence to reach 20·6 cases per 100?000 people, which would result in a total reduction of 57·8% and 65·0%, respectively, compared with the rates in 2015. By 2035, the crude mortality was expected to reach 0·33 deaths per 100?000 people and the age-adjusted mortality to reach 0·15 deaths per 100?000 people, which would result in a total reduction of 86·0% and 92·0%, respectively, compared with the rates in 2015.Interpretation
These findings demonstrated an age transition of tuberculosis epidemic and the effects of population ageing on slowing down tuberculosis control progress made in China. An average 6–7% reduction would be cancelled out by 2035 given current tuberculosis decline trend and demographic change. An enhanced surveillance with age-sensitive analysis of patients with tuberculosis and a targeted response are needed.Funding
None. 相似文献16.
东莞市HIV感染现况及防制策略研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
目的:了解东莞市艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染现况,评价业已采取的防制措施,为进一步开展防制工作提供依据。方法:对1991-2000年的常规监测和2001年的专项研究资料进行综合分析。结果:东莞市主要通过被动监测发现HIV感染者,且感染人数有逐年升高的趋势;HIV感染者主要以青壮年男性、境外和外省籍人员为主;主要的传播途径为经血传播,占66.99%,其中静脉注射毒品占56.52%;其次为性传播,占21.36%。目前东莞市已初步形成了一个多部门合作和全社会参与的艾滋病防制体系,艾滋病监测和预防控制网络也正发挥着积极有效的作用。结论:东莞市目前正处于艾滋病流行初期,也是处于防制艾滋病的关键时期,建议采取以宣传教育为主的综合性防制措施。 相似文献
West China exhibits poorer newborn health outcomes than in other parts of mainland China. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the effect of the Early Essential Newborn Care (EENC) on neonatal outcomes in west China.Methods
We did an observational study of 14 counties in three west provinces of China. Licensed doctors, nurses from obstetrics and paediatrics, and midwives in each county were trained by experienced EENC facilitators. 3 months after the first EENC coaching, we did a quality control assessment to examine the effects of the EENC coaching. We examined hospitals that had the highest number of births in each county and selected post-partum mothers to be interviewed and have their medical records checked by convenience sampling. Institutional ethics approval to do this study was obtained from the Institutional Review Boards at National Centre for Women and Children's Health Care, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. We obtained written informed consent from all participants.Findings
Between March 25, 2018, and May 5, 2018, we examined 14 hospitals with the highest number of births in each county, of which we selected 126 post-partum mothers. EENC has turned out to be a useful and practical tool in west China. Out of the core interventions, some practices were relatively easy to implement, such as no routine suctioning for newborn babies (increasing from 0 at baseline to 100% after EENC coaching) and bathing after 24?h of birth (from 24% to 85%). However, hospitals encountered different kinds of difficulties in the EENC implementation. For example, 90 min of skin-to-skin contact was often interrupted because of inadequate facility resources (increasing from 0 to 62%). It was also noticed that hospitals that could guarantee 90 min of skin-to-skin contact could ensure early breastfeeding initiation (p=0·002), and successful first-time breast milk intake is associated with exclusive breastfeeding from birth till interview time (p=0·001).Interpretation
Hospitals need to remove all the obstacles and emphasise on the EENC recommended practices, including receiving 90 min of uninterrupted skin-to-skin contact within 1 min of birth, initiation of early and exclusive breastfeeding, and the use of neonatal nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation. Additional communications should be encouraged among medical professionals from different regions, so ideas could be shared.Funding
Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF. 相似文献18.
西部一中等城市流动人口STD/AIDS危险因素分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 调查分析西部一中等城市流动人口的性病/艾滋病(STD/AIDS)危险因素.方法 随机抽取711名在四川省南充市顺庆区城区工作3个月以上、年龄在15~49岁的流动人口,采用问卷调查的方法,了解他们的流动性、STD/AIDS相关知识、性行为等情况.结果 调查对象的流动频率(平均外出打工城市数/平均打工年数)为0.43;在婚者占68%,91%的在婚者与其夫/妻生活在一起;STD/AIDS的认知较差;有性行为者占84%,最近一次性行为对象82%是固定性伴,安全套使用率为28%;6%的人患过性病.结论 所调查人群的流动性、不安全性行为等危险因素的危险性较低,但STD/AIDS认知水平、性病患病率、风险意识及安全套使用等危险因素的危险性较高. 相似文献