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Previous studies have found an association between elevated second trimester maternal serum α-fetoprotein (MS-AFP), in the absence of fetal anomalies, and adverse pregnancy outcome. We studied the association between elevated second trimester maternal serum β-HCG, now also routinely measured by prenatal screening programs, and adverse pregnancy outcome by reviewing retrospectively the pregnancy outcomes among women with markedly elevated midtrimester β-HCG in our prenatal screening program. Seven (0.23%) of 3,000 consecutively screened women had a serum β-HCG above 5 MOM. Four (57%) of these 7 women had an adverse pregnancy outcome including severe preeclampsia (n = 2), abruptio placentae (n = 1), or preterm labor (n = 1). A concurrently elevated MS-AFP was found in only one of these 4 patients. Elevated midtrimester maternal serum β-HCG may be an independent risk factor for subsequent adverse pregnancy outcomes.  相似文献   

目的探讨孕中期甲胎蛋白(AFP)与不良妊娠结局的相关性,为妊娠管理提供建议。方法对孕中期14 008例孕妇进行唐氏筛查。研究组:①AFP MoM>2.0孕妇338例。②AFP MoM<0.5孕妇224例。依据AFP MoM值不同分组。对照组:AFP MoM值都在正常范围内的孕妇318例。回顾分析妊娠结局资料。结果①AFP MoM>2.0的孕妇发生出生缺陷(P<0.01)的机会明显比正常孕妇高。②AFP MoM>3.5的孕妇发生出生缺陷(P<0.001)和早产(P<0.05)的机会明显比正常孕妇高。③AFP MoM>5.0的孕妇发生出生缺陷(P<0.001)、早产(P<0.01)和胎儿窘迫(P<0.05)的机会明显比正常孕妇高。④AFP MoM<0.5和<0.25的孕妇均未发现与不良妊娠结局相关。结论异常水平的标志物除了能够提供开放性神经管缺损风险外,还能提供不良妊娠结局的风险信息,而这些信息对产前遗传咨询和妊娠管理是非常重要。  相似文献   

目的 对孕中期多种产前筛查方案进行比较、评价,为选择较为适宜的方案提供依据.方法 收集2009年在青岛市产前诊断中心知情同意接受产前筛查的单活胎妊娠30 547例,分别检测母血清中二联或三联血清标记物,均用Lifecycle软件评估胎儿罹患唐氏综合征的风险,对二者的检出率和成本效益进行比较、分析;同时收集64例唐氏综合征妊娠的血清标本,采用二联筛查(double test,DT)+2T-Risks软件计算风险(DT-2T),二联筛查+Lifecycle软件计算风险(DT-LC),三联筛查(triple test,TT)+2T-Risks软件计算风险(TT-2T)和三联筛查+ Lifecycle软件计算风险(TT-LC)4种不同的筛查方案对胎儿罹患唐氏综合征的风险进行评估,并对各种不同的筛查方案进行比较、评价.结果 (1)64例唐氏综合征妊娠的血清标本,采用Lifecycle软件进行风险评估,检出率均高于同样指标筛查而采用2T-Risks软件评估风险方案;三联筛查不适宜使用2T-Risks软件;(2)30 547例单活胎妊娠的筛查中,DT-LC方案和TT-LC方案对于唐氏综合征的检出率分别为56.25%和57.14%;每检出1例唐氏综合征的平均费用DT-LC方案明显低于TT-LC方案,为优选方案.结论 孕中期DT-LC方案是一种利于在全国广泛开展的、经济有效的筛查方案.
Objective To provide basis for selecting the suitable method of Down's syndrome biochemical screening in the second trimester pregnancy. Methods A total of 30 547 singleton pregnancies between 14 and 20+6 weeks of pregnancy were collected and analyzed for maternal serum alpha-fetoproteins (AFP) and human chorionic gonadotrophin,free beta subunit (β-HCG) with or without unconjugated estriol (uE3). The screening risks were calculated using the software Lifecycle. The detection rates and the cost of per Down's syndrome detected were calculated and compared. And four different methods were compared in a series of 64 serum samples from Down's syndrome pregnancies. Results (1) Among the 64 affected cases, the detection rate of Down's syndrome was improved no matter in the double test (DT) or in the triple test (TT) if software Lifecycle (LC) was used to evaluate risks. And it was not suitable to evaluate risks with software 2T-Risks in the triple tests. (2) In the cohort of 30 547 singleton pregnancies, the detection rate of Down's syndrome with project DT-LC, which was double test using AFP and free β-HCG together with software Lifecycle, and project TT-LC, which was triple test using AFP, free β-HCG and uE3 together with software Lifecycle, was 56.25% and 57.14%, respectively. The former project was better because it decreased the false positive rate at a lower running cost. Conclusion The DT-LC is an effective screening strategy for second trimester detection of fetal Down's syndrome in mainland China.  相似文献   

5933例孕中期母血清产前筛查回顾性分析与诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨孕中期母血清三联筛查法的临床意义及了解枣庄地区21-三体综合征(唐氏综合症)、18-三体综合征及NTD(神经管畸形)的发病率,旨在促进枣庄市产前筛查工作的更好开展。方法采用时间分辨荧光免疫分析法(DELFIA)对枣庄市产前诊断中心自2012年10月至2013年10月采集的5933个标本进行三联法孕中期母血清产前筛查。结果5933例孕妇中446例高风险,总体高风险率是7.5%;其中21-三体综合征高风险324例,高风险率是5.5%;18-三体高风险101例,高风险率是1.7%;NTD高风险21例,高风险率是0.4%。在自愿以及知情基础上经遗传咨询后有164例高风险孕妇行产前诊断,共确诊8例,确诊率是4.8%,其中21三体综合征4例,NTD 2例,畸胎瘤1例,三X综合征1例。结论结果表明孕中期母血清三联筛查法对于预测胎儿染色体病具有重要临床价值,可有效降低新生儿出生缺陷的发生;扩大产筛覆盖率,对实施出生干预工程,提高出生人口素质有重大意义。  相似文献   

The maternal and fetal endocrine effects of the maternal administration of the anti-progestin mifepristone in mid-pregnancy have been investigated. Mifepristone and the metabolite RU 42,633 were detected in the fetal circulation and in the amniotic fluid 4, 24 and 48 h after oral ingestion. Maximum fetal plasma concentrations of mifepristone occurred 4 h after treatment indicating rapid placental transfer of the drug. No significant changes in progesterone, cortisol, oestradiol or aldosterone concentrations were detected in the maternal circulation after mifepristone treatment. No significant changes occurred in the fetal progesterone, oestradiol or cortisol concentrations, but a significant increase in fetal aldosterone occurred 4 and 24 h after treatment. The significance of these results is discussed in relation to the possible therapeutic uses of mifepristone for inducing labour.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In the USA, between 1980 and 2004, the proportion of all births increased 2-fold in women aged > or = 30, 3-fold in women aged > or = 35 and nearly 4-fold in women aged > or = 40. The objective of this study was to evaluate the risks of pregnancy complications and adverse outcomes with increasing maternal age using national vital statistics data. METHODS: The study population included 8,079,996 live births of singletons of > or = 20 weeks among women aged 30-54 from the 1995-2000 US Birth Cohort Linked Birth/Infant Death Data Set. Outcomes were modelled by maternal age and parity using multinomial logistic regression to calculate adjusted odds ratios (AORs) and 95% confidence intervals. RESULTS: The risks for most outcomes paralleled increasing maternal age including prolonged and dysfunctional labour, excessive labour bleeding, breech and malpresentation and primary Caesarean delivery. The highest AORs among women aged > or = 45 versus 30-34 by parity (primiparas and multiparas, respectively) were for chronic hypertension (3.70, 4.89), diabetes (2.19, 2.58), primary Caesarean (3.14, 2.85), excessive labour bleeding (1.54, 1.49), pregnancy hypertension (1.55, 2.13) and birth <32 weeks (2.11, 1.77). CONCLUSIONS: Increasing maternal age is associated with significantly elevated risks for pregnancy complications and adverse outcomes, which vary by parity.  相似文献   

To investigate the relationship between low unconjugated estriol (uE3) levels in the second trimester and adverse perinatal outcomes in pregnancies without increased risk for Down's syndrome, 1,096 women under 35 years of age underwent a mid-trimester AFP-hCG-uE3 screening test between January 1995 and June 1998. Multiple pregnancies, maternal diabetes, smoking and elevation of AFP and hCG levels more than 2.0 multiple of median (MoM) were excluded from our study population. The results were divided into a low-uE3 group with uE3 levels at or below 0.75 MoM and a normal uE3 group with uE3 levels above 0.75 MoM. The risk for adverse pregnancy outcome was compared between the two groups and the role of low uE3 as a predictor of adverse pregnancy outcome was determined. The data were assessed using chi 2 or Fisher exact test and then logistic regression was used for the final analysis. The odds ratio (OR) and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI) were also calculated. Unconjugated E3 levels at or below 0.75 MoM was significantly associated with fetal growth restriction after adjustment for maternal age, weight, sampling weeks, AFP and hCG levels (OR 0.413, 95% CI 0.174-0.900; P = 0.035). Low uE3 levels in the second-trimester could help in the detection of fetal growth restriction by a low risk group in Down's syndrome. Careful gestational dating and serial clinical and sonographic assessment of fetal growth may be required for the clinician to manage these parturients.  相似文献   

目的分析在严格质量控制的条件下,中孕期母血清学产前筛查效率及临床价值。方法通过规范的筛查前孕妇信息采集、实验中的质量控制以及筛查后高风险孕妇的召回与随访,回顾性分析2008年1月至2013年9月间进行中孕期血清二联筛查的9525例孕妇的筛查与诊断结果。结果9525例孕妇中筛查高风险589例。其中21-三体综合征高风险478例(确诊11例),漏诊3例,检出率78.57%,假阴性率4.66%,阳性预测值2.42%。18-三体高风险24例(确诊2例,无漏诊),检出率100%。ONTD高风险11l例(确诊3例),检出率100%。筛查阳性孕妇检出胎儿为其他染色体异常者5例。结论本研究通过筛查实验前、中、后各个环节严格规范的全程质量控制,获得了较好的目标疾病的检出率,说明了筛查工作多环节的质量控制、后续产前诊断服务以及随访等工作,对于全面、准确地评价和分析总体筛查效率与效益的重要性。  相似文献   

两种孕中期唐氏综合征产前筛查方法的一致性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的调查两种孕中期唐氏综合征产前筛查方法的一致性。方法对85例孕中期孕妇分别以两种筛查方法进行检测筛查,计算相应Kappa值并进行假设检验。结果两种筛查方法的筛查阳性率均为10.59%(9/85),Kappa值为0.2544,经假设检验无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论两种孕中期唐氏综合征产前筛查方法未见统计学一致性,提示当前一些孕中期唐氏综合征产前筛查方法值得进一步改进完善。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To identify trends in the utilization of second trimester maternal serum screening, follow-up amniocenteses, and the detection of Down syndrome-affected pregnancies between 1991 and 2003. METHODS: We reviewed all triple and quadruple maternal serum screening tests referred to the University of Connecticut screening laboratory from women with singleton pregnancies. For each calendar year, the total number of tests, proportion to women aged 35 or older, number of follow-up amniocenteses, and the number of prenatally and postnatally diagnosed Down syndrome cases were recorded. RESULTS: A total of 109,469 women received screening. In 1991, the proportion of older women who received screening was 58% of that present in the Connecticut population but by 2003 this had increased to 83% (P < 0.001). In Down syndrome screen-positive pregnancies, there was no significant change in the rate of amniocentesis utilization (average 73%), but in false-positives, there was a decline from 70% in 1991 to 27% in 2003 (P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Increased use of maternal serum screening by older women, use of second trimester ultrasound, and improvements in screening methodology have resulted in sharply reduced numbers of amniocenteses in unaffected pregnancies.  相似文献   

目的 探讨产前筛查27软件内置中位数的适用性,建立威海地区孕中期母体血清标志物水平中位数,并利用其对筛查性能和效率进行评估.方法 对威海地区24 400名孕105~146 d孕妇的血清进行甲胎蛋白(alpha-fetoprotein,AFP)和游离β-人绒毛膜促性腺激素(β-human chorionic gonadotropin,β-hCG)进行检测,建立本地不同孕期孕妇AFP和游离β-hCG中位数的回归方程.进一步对中位数进行体重校正得到新的模型.结果 新模型比27软件内嵌模型的血清标记物AFP和游离β-hCG中位数分别高出6%和24%.经孕龄和体重校正后,威海地区人群模型与27软件内嵌模型计算的血清标记物中位数值倍数的差异有统计学意义.结论 建立威海地区各孕周中位数十分必要,对于提高产前筛查的效率具有重要意义.  相似文献   

孕期血清学筛查唐氏综合征   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
目的通过较大样本的人群血清学筛查,确立各孕周的血清AFP、β-HCG的中位数;比较各年龄组的筛查唐氏综合征高危比例,探讨高危人群范围。方法:对孕14-22w之间的孕妇,应用全自动酶放大化学发光免疫检测系统检测血清中AFP、β-HCG值,并通过风险计算软件进行风险计算。结果对1825例孕妇进行产前筛查,共筛查出唐氏征高危101例,其中41例行羊水穿刺,39例染色体核型分析正常,1例证实为21三体,1例为47,XYY。其余60例追踪新生儿无染色体疾病。唐氏征高危的检出率为5.5%,假阳性率5.4%。未发现假阴性病例。通过统计学分析建立各孕周的β- HCG,AFP的中位数,建立的β-HCG中位数通过体重的校正与原始提供参考值比较差异有显著性(t=2.562,P= 0.034),建立的AFP中位数通过体重校正与原始提供参考值比较差异有极显著性(t=3.754,P=0.005)。筛查人群呈正态分布,而年龄小于25岁组无一例唐氏征筛查高危者,高危人群随着年龄增加,检出率随之增加。结论血清学唐氏征筛查是简单元创的筛查手段之一。随着年龄增加惠染色体疾病风险率增加,对于年龄大于35岁的孕妇应积极进行筛查。目前仍需要多中心大样本的研究以建立适合国人的唐氏征血清学筛查的AFP,β-HCG的中位数值。  相似文献   

Congenital and acquired thrombophilias are the most common predisposing factors for thromboembolism, but they may also contribute to pathophysiological processes involved in recurrent pregnancy loss, fetal death, intrauterine growth restriction, placental abruption, placental infarction, and pre-eclampsia. The most common thrombophilias are deficiencies of antithrombin III, protein C, and protein S, acquired protein C resistance, genetic mutation encoding for factor V Leiden, prothrombin gene, and inherited hyperhomocysteinemia, and antiphospholipid syndrome. Although adverse pregnancy outcomes are more common in women with thrombophilia, the current evidence does not support routine thrombophilia screening of all pregnant women. Selective thrombophilia screening may be justified in certain group of women, particularly those with a history of thromboembolism. More research is required to confirm or refute the causal link between thrombophilia and abnormal placentation, and assess effectiveness and safety of thromboprophylaxis in pregnant women.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Maternal serum chorionic gonadotropin is measured to screen for fetal chromosomal abnormalities. Whether the results can also be used to predict the risk of complications or an adverse outcome of pregnancy is not known. METHODS: We reviewed the medical records of 28,743 girls and women in whom chorionic gonadotropin was measured during the second trimester of pregnancy (between July 1, 1995, and January 31, 1997), seeking information about the complications and outcome of their pregnancies. We excluded girls and women who had preexisting risk factors for complications or an adverse outcome of pregnancy. RESULTS: Higher serum chorionic gonadotropin concentrations were associated with higher rates of stillbirth (odds ratio for every increase in chorionic gonadotropin of 1 multiple of the median, 1.4; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.1 to 1.9). There was no relation between higher serum chorionic gonadotropin concentrations and the risk of gestational diabetes, premature rupture of membranes or intrauterine growth retardation or small size for gestational age (odds ratio, 1.1; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.9 to 1.2). Higher serum chorionic gonadotropin concentrations were associated with a risk of placental abnormalities (odds ratio, 1.5; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.3 to 1.7), pregnancy-induced hypertension (odds ratio, 1.4; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.3 to 1.5), and preterm delivery without pregnancy-induced hypertension (odds ratio, 1.1; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.0 to 1.2). Inclusion in certain racial or ethnic categories (black, Filipino or Pacific Islander, unknown race or ethnic group, and "other," which included those of Middle Eastern descent and Native Americans) was a better predictor of the risk of an adverse outcome than serum chorionic gonadotropin values. CONCLUSIONS: Measurements of serum chorionic gonadotropin are of little clinical value for predicting the risk of complications and the outcome of pregnancy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Serum sialic acid has recently gained interest as a possible cardiovascular risk factor as well as a potential tumour marker. The effect of pregnancy on serum sialic acid is unclear particularly in the post-partum period. DESIGN: Longitudinal cohort. SETTING: Teaching hospital antenatal clinic. POPULATION: 29 pregnant women, 27 age matched non-pregnant women. METHODS: Specific enzymatic assay for sialic acid. The first serum sample was taken between 37 and 42 weeks of gestation; in 22 women this was followed by a second serum sample at 12 weeks postpartum. Serum sialic acid concentration was also measured in the 27 controls. RESULTS: Mean (SD) serum sialic acid concentration was higher during pregnancy than post-partum: 91.1 (11.1) v 77.5 (11.1) mg/dl (p < 0.001); or in the control group: 66.0 (9.7) mg/dl (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Serum sialic acid is elevated during pregnancy and postpartum.  相似文献   

A prospective observational study was performed on 488 women with haemoglobin >/=10 g/dl at booking to examine the relationship between serum ferritin concentration quartiles at 28-30 weeks gestation with maternal characteristics, pregnancy complications and infant outcome. While there was no difference in the maternal characteristics or gestational age, the infant size decreased significantly and progressively from the lowest to the highest quartile. Despite a significant difference in the incidence of multiparous women, there was no difference in the incidence of most complications except for prelabour rupture of the membranes and infant admission to the neonatal unit. Compared with the other three quartiles, the highest quartile was associated with increased risk for preterm delivery and neonatal asphyxia, while the lowest quartile was associated with decreased risk of pre-eclampsia, prelabour rupture of the membranes, and infant admission to the neonatal unit. Overall, ferritin quartiles were correlated with other parameters of iron status and red cell indices, and ferritin concentration was inversely correlated with infant birthweight. Our findings suggested that maternal ferritin concentration is primarily a reflection of maternal iron status, and a high level is associated with unfavourable outcome. The rationale of routine iron supplementation in non-anaemic women needs to be re-examined.  相似文献   

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