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Furosemide (1 mM), a potent loop diuretic, caused a 10-mV (n = 14) depolarization of the intracellular potential difference (PDI) of isolated rabbit ciliary epithelium (CE), but produced a 9-mV (n = 5) hyperpolarization of PDI of isolated human CE. In rabbit CE, furosemide consistently depolarized PDI by 13, 7 and 8 mV in HCO3(-)-free Ringer, Na(+)-free Ringer and after BaCl2 treatment, respectively. The depolarization of PDI was reduced to 2 mV (n = 11) in Cl(-)-free conditions. A hyperpolarization of PDI caused by furosemide that was quantitatively similar to that seen in normal Ringer also occurred in human CE during immersion in HCO3(-)-free Ringer, Na(+)-free Ringer and after BaCl2 treatment. There was a small hyperpolarization (3 mV) of PDI in Cl(-)-free conditions. Human or rabbit tissue-cultured nonpigmented ciliary epithelial cells were loaded with the Cl(-)-sensitive fluorophore 6-methoxy-N-(3-sulfopropyl) quinolinium (SPQ) in hypotonic solution (145 mosm) for 4 min at 37 degrees C. Furosemide decreased intracellular Cl- fluorescence activity of both human and rabbit ciliary epithelial cells by 30 +/- 5 (n = 8) and 25 +/- 7% (n = 13), respectively, when the cells were immersed in Cl(-)-rich solution. It is suggested that a furosemide-sensitive Cl- movement exists in both rabbit and human CE, although the mode of Cl- movement to the aqueous across CE may differ between these species.  相似文献   

Norepinephrine, epinephrine, phenylephrine and isoproterenol have no effect on fluid secretion across the isolated rabbit ciliary epithelium, but all four drugs increase the hydraulic conductivity, or passive water permeability. By using a series of adrenergic antagonists (two α- and two β-compounds) it was possible to examine the type of receptor present in the ciliary epithelium which was responsible for the increased leakiness of the membrane. The results indicate that both α- and β-receptors exist in the ciliary epithelium and influence membrane permeability. From a consideration of the various influencing factors on intraocular pressure, the action of the drugs on lowering intraocular pressure is strongly suggested be on true outflow facility and pseudofacility.  相似文献   

The effects of adrenergic drugs on intracellular electrical potential difference (PDI) of rabbit ciliary epithelial cells were investigated. Epinephrine as well as norepinephrine hyperpolarized the PDI at lower concentrations (10(-6) M) and depolarized the PDI at higher concentrations (greater than 10(-5) M). Isoproterenol produced a depolarization of PDI and phenylephrine caused a hyperpolarization only. After pretreatment with propranolol, the change of PDI by isoproterenol was minimal. Selective agonists and antagonists were used to further characterize adrenergic effects on the PDI. Both beta 1 and beta 2 agonists caused a depolarization of PDI while both beta 1 and beta 2 antagonists produced a hyperpolarization. Alpha 1 antagonist depolarized the PDI and alpha 2 antagonist hyperpolarized the PDI. Such electrophysiological effects of the adrenergic drugs confirm the presence of alpha and beta adrenoceptors in the rabbit ciliary epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Sections of whole ciliary body dissected from Dutch belted rabbits were incubated with the cell entrappable pH probe BCECEF-AM. This led to a highly specific localization of epifluorescence emission at the exposed, non-pigmented cell layer (npe) of the dual layered epithelium that covers this organ. The BCECF-loaded tissue sections were superfused in a flow-through chamber and the intracellular pH (pHi) of small groups (10-20) of cells was derived from the ratio of the emission intensities derived from excitations at 490 and 440 nm. In CO2/HCO3- Ringer's, npe pHi = 7.09 +/- 0.11. Replacement of CO2/HCO3- by Hepes increased pHi by 0.22 +/- 0.02, indicating alkali secretory activity under the bicarbonate-rich conditions. Replacement of Cl- by gluconate elicited a rapid, 0.6-U increase in pHi. This effect exhibited little dependence on Na+ and was inhibited by 0.5 mM dihydro-4,4'-diisothiocyanatostilbene -2,2'-disulfonate (H2DIDS). These results indicate the presence of an electroneutral Cl-/base exchange activity. Elevation of [K-] (by partial replacement of Na+) also elicited increases in pHi. In Cl(-)-free media pHi reached 7.8-8.0, a condition under which intracellular [HCO3-] is at least twice as high as its extracellular value. This effect did not occur in the absence of Na+. The Na(+)-dependent high [K+]-induced pHi increase was inhibited by H2DIDS. The effects of Ba2+ on pHi, alone and in combination with high [K+], as well as that of full K+ removal, suggested that the link between high [K+] and pHi increase was mainly due to the effect of cell depolarization on an electronegative Na+ dependent HCO3- transporter. Under normal physiological conditions, the two acid/base transport systems are the main determinants of npe pHi.  相似文献   

Microelectrode recordings from cells in rabbit ciliary epithelium have been made in vitro. Ionophoresis of Lucifer Yellow dye from microelectrodes during measurements of potential confirmed that the recordings were intracellular. Dye passed from the impaled cells into adjacent cells in both the nonpigmented and pigmented layers of the epithelium. Electrical coupling between epithelial cells also was observed. The mean (+/- SD) values of the potential measured across the basolateral membranes of the nonpigmented cells was -65 +/- -15 mV (n = 77); the mean value of the input resistance at this intracellular recording site was 37 +/- 28 M omega (n = 17). The membrane potential was reduced by raising the concentration of extracellular potassium but unaffected by changes in the concentrations of sodium, chloride, or bicarbonate ions. After a period of deprivation of extracellular potassium, the cells hyperpolarized without a measurable change in membrane resistance when potassium was restored to the bathing solution; this transient response to potassium was abolished by preincubation with ouabain or by bathing the epithelium in a solution lacking sodium. It was concluded that the ciliary epithelial cells are permeable to potassium but exhibit only a low permeability to sodium, chloride, or bicarbonate ions; that the cells possess an electrogenic Na/K pump; and finally, that all of the cells in the epithelium function as a syncytium.  相似文献   

We examined the ability of rabbit ciliary epithelium to metabolize arachidonic acid in vitro. The epithelium was homogenized and incubated with 14C-labeled arachidonic acid. 14C-labeled metabolites were extracted and then separated by thin layer chromatography. The range of arachidonic acid metabolites synthesized by ciliary epithelium was compared to the metabolites generated by rabbit iris-ciliary body. Ciliary epithelium produced substantial amounts of arachidonic acid metabolites that comigrated with 5-HETE and 12-HETE. Authenticity of the 12-HETE produced by ciliary epithelium was confirmed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The ciliary epithelium generated only small amounts of the cyclooxygenase products, PGF2 alpha, PGE2, PGD2 and 6k-PGF1 alpha. In contrast, the iris-ciliary body produced large amounts of cyclooxygenase products such as PGF2 alpha and PGD2. The ability of the ciliary epithelium to generate 12-HETE is noteworthy since 12(R)-HETE is known to be capable of lowering intraocular pressure.  相似文献   

The rate of fluid movement across rabbit ciliary body in vitro has been measured as a function of applied hydrostatic pressure. Previous studies from other laboratories carried out with the ciliary body clamped between two half chambers have yielded a value of 4600 ± 600 μm/sec. We have presently reproduced those results by using a similar mounting procedure. On the other hand, however, we report the development of a technique for edge-damage-free mounting of the ciliary body with which the tissue is not clamped and tissue glue is employed in order to achieve a proper seal. With this last procedure, the values thus obtained for the hydraulic conductivity were much lower than the previous ones, namely, 210 μm/sec for pressure applied on the stromal side of the ciliary epithelium (pressure range: 0–10 cm H2O, n = 13; T = 37°C), or 109 μm/sec (pressure difference range: 0–31 cm H2O) for pressure applied from the aqueous side. We conclude that the notion of aqueous production by ultrafiltration cannot be supported by the present results.  相似文献   

In a physiological medium (134 mM Na+ concentration), unidirectional blood-to-aqueous and aqueous-to-blood Na+ fluxes across the isolated rabbit ciliary epithelium are large, rendering the detection of a net transport difficult. At 134 mM an active component for Na+ may be obscured by diffusional fluxes and a bidirectional Na(+)-Cl- cotransport. Considering that the active transport saturates at about 30 mM, experiments were performed at this reduced Na+ concentration to minimize the influence of diffusional pathways. A net blood-to-aqueous Na+ flux that ranged from 0.25 to 0.81 mu eq/hr was obtained. Addition of ascorbic acid to the aqueous side under this condition increased the blood-to-aqueous flux with little effect on the flux in the opposite direction. Ouabain inhibited both the Na+ and ascorbate-stimulated Na+ transport. The increase in blood-to-aqueous Na+ flux by ascorbate was also observed in tissues bathed with [Na+] closer to physiological levels (100 mM). These results indicate that the rabbit ciliary epithelium transports Na+ into the posterior chamber. Since aqueous ascorbate stimulates Na+ transport, it may be implicated in both Na+ movement and aqueous humor secretion. However, the rate of Na+ transport can only account for a small fraction of total aqueous humor production.  相似文献   

Active transport of ascorbate across the isolated rabbit ciliary epithelium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The transepithelial transport of ascorbate across the isolated rabbit ciliary epithelium (CE) was investigated. Unidirectional 14C-ascorbate fluxes were measured in the presence of equal concentrations of ascorbate on both sides of the tissue within the range of 0.025 to 1 mM. The blood to aqueous (Bl----Aq) flux increased from 6 to 95 nmoles/hr and showed nonlinearity and saturation. The aqueous to blood (Aq----Bl) flux increased, for the same range, from 0.5 to 23 nmoles/hr in a linear fashion. The permeability calculated from the Aq----Bl flux was similar to the CE permeability for mannitol suggesting that the Aq----Bl flux is mainly paracellular. The flux ratio Bl----Aq/Aq----Bl was between 4 to 12. Anoxia, ouabain and low Na+ in the media inhibited the Bl----Aq flux indicating that the transport system requires energy and a Na+ gradient. 3-O-methyl-D-glucose, D-isoascorbic acid and phlorizin also inhibited the Bl----Aq flux, suggesting that ascorbate and glucose may share a common carrier mechanism. Although the isolated CE preparation was clearly capable of flux separation and active transport, the rate of ascorbate transport measured in vitro is insufficient to maintain the aqueous ascorbate concentration observed in vivo.  相似文献   

The movement of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in the epithelium of isolated rabbit iris/ciliary body preparations, has been studied with the electron microscope. HRP was applied at the stromal side of the epithelium, and was left for 60 and 120 min. The distribution pattern of HRP found in the epithelium of the iridial and ciliary processes is consistent with in vivo studies, i.e. the progression of HRP is blocked at the site of the zonula occludens of the superficial epithelium. The HRP distribution pattern found in the iris epithelium indicates that also the superficial epithelial cells of this epithelium are girdled by zonulae occludentes. Specimens treated with prostaglandins E1, E2, and F2alpha, showed no change in the epithelial distribution pattern of HRP, and the occluding zonules were found to be intact.  相似文献   

The aqueous humor of the eye is thought to be secreted by the epithelium of the ciliary body. This epithelium has been difficult to study, in part because of its complicated morphology. The authors attempted to circumvent this difficulty by growing the epithelial cells in tissue culture. A procedure is described for producing pure primary cultures of rabbit nonpigmented ciliary body epithelial cells. This procedure was used with whole-cell patch-clamp recording to characterize voltage-activated currents in the nonpigmented cells. These experiments show that most nonpigmented cells contain two kinds of currents: a rapidly activating and inactivating inward current, carried by Na+ and blocked by tetrodotoxin (TTX), and a more slowly activating and inactivating outward current, blocked by tetraethylammonium (TEA+), Ba2+, and 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) and presumably carried by K+. Both of these currents have been observed in freshly dissociated cells and in cultures up to 7 days old. The voltage-gated currents in ciliary body epithelial cells are remarkably similar to those of neurons and raise the possibility that these epithelial cells are capable of spike propagation.  相似文献   

Dopamine, at concentrations between 1·25 × 10?7m and 1·25 × 10?3m, increases both fluid secretion and passive fluid permeability across the isolated rabbit ciliary epithelium. These effects can be blocked by α- and β-adrenergic antagonists but not by specific dopaminergic antagonists. The present data suggest that dopaminergic receptors are not present in the ciliary epithelium.  相似文献   

Nonpigmented epithelial (NPE) and pigmented epithelial (PE) cells were carefully dissected from both human and rabbit ciliary processes and have been maintained in vitro and partially characterized by morphology and immunocytochemical techniques using polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies against S-100 proteins, collagen type I and type III. The tissue distribution of these proteins was studied in formalin fixed deparaffinized tissue sections of human and rabbit eyes by immunoperoxidase staining techniques. Both NPE and PE cell lines from human and rabbit showed hexagonal morphology by light microscopy; distinct granules containing pigment could be visualized in the PE cell lines, but not in the NPE cells. Antibodies against S-100 proteins stained NPE layer intensely and PE layer slightly in the human tissue sections. The staining was less intense in rabbit tissues than human tissues. The ciliary body stroma was positive for collagen type III and negative for collagen type I or S-100.  相似文献   

Effect of selenite on epithelium of cultured rabbit lens.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Selenite (Se) cataract in rabbit lenses was investigated in vitro to define target sites of Se that might be involved in calcium elevation and lens opacification. Experiments in which the anterior or the posterior surface of the lens was exposed to Se showed that anterior exposure led to ionic imbalances and opacification in the whole lens. Posterior exposure to Se (1 mM, 2 hr) had no effect. Se treatment (0.1 mM) of epithelial homogenates led to a 56% loss of thiol (SH) groups, and treatment of lenses cultured in Se led to a 22% loss. Experiments to assess the effects of Se on SH groups of Ca-ATPase showed that the transport enzyme was not affected by the poison. To determine whether this negative finding was due to the lack of accessibility of Se for SH sites in an ordered membrane, Ca-ATPase was also assayed in homogenate preparations treated with Se; still no inhibition of Ca-ATPase activity was observed. Therefore, an alternative explanation of calcium elevation was explored. The passive movement of labeled chloride (36Cl) was found to be twice as fast in Se-treated lenses as it was in control lenses. Measurement of the lens voltage indicated an 18-mV depolarization in Se-treated lenses, suggesting that Se increased membrane permeability. All cataractogenic changes that occurred after Se treatment were irreversible-despite intervention with external application of reduced glutathione or cysteine. This finding suggests that irreversible loss of SH groups in lens membranes is important in maintaining ion homeostasis.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To identify and characterize P2 purinergic receptors and their signaling pathways in the epithelial cells of the rabbit ciliary body. METHODS: Real-time fluorescence ratio imaging of the intact fura-2-loaded nonpigmented ciliary body epithelial (NPE) cells of rabbit were used to record changes in the intracellular free calcium concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)), in response to a number of purinergic agonists and antagonists. The effects of some of these drugs on the inositol phosphate (IP) levels in ciliary processes were also examined. RESULTS: Adenosine diphosphate (ADP), adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and uridine triphosphate (UTP) dose dependently increased the [Ca(2+)](i) and IP levels. The [Ca(2+)](i) increases induced by ADP and UTP were distinguishable, both kinetically and pharmacologically. The effect of ADP on [Ca(2+)](i) was mimicked by a number of P2Y(1)-selective agonists, and was blocked by three P2Y(1)-receptor-specific antagonists. The [Ca(2+)](i) increases elicited by ADP (or its analogs) and UTP were additive. CONCLUSIONS: Rabbit ciliary body epithelium possesses both P2Y(1) and P2Y(2) metabotropic purinergic receptor subtypes, which differentially use the IP(3)/Ca(2+) second-messenger pathway.  相似文献   

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