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1968年瑞典Elekta公司研制成世界上第一台γ-刀,30余年来,全球已陆续建立起130个左右治疗研究中心。国内16台旋转式头部γ-刀累计治疗病人万例以上。这种立体定向放射技术的推广,避免了手术之“短”,发扬了手术之“长”,不必开刀,胜似开刀,两全其美。本文从以下几个方面谈谈体会。  相似文献   

蜡泪样骨病较少见 ,多侵犯一侧肢体 ,好发于四肢的长骨 ,亦见于短骨及扁骨 ,颅骨、脊柱和肋骨较少累及。我们遇1例 ,并经 2 2年随访观察 ,特报告如下。患者 男 ,70岁。腰背部疼痛 ,活动后减轻 ,近年来腰背部疼痛加重 ,呈持续性 ,腰椎活动受限 ,伴右下肢疼痛、麻木 ,于 1997年 2月 2 1日就诊。自 1975年起感腰背部疼痛曾来院检查。体检 :腰椎向右侧弯曲 ,右第十一肋处可见沿肋骨走行的皮肤隆起 ,肤色正常 ,触诊表面凹凸不平、坚硬。T11~L2 棘突右侧可见皮肤隆起 ,肤色正常 ,触诊坚硬、固定。实验室检查无特殊。经皮穿刺右侧第十一肋远端并…  相似文献   

蜡泪样骨病为一种罕见的骨质硬化性疾病,笔遇见1例,现报告如下。  相似文献   

蜡泪样骨病(MelorhostosisLeri)为一种罕见的骨质硬化性疾病,属于发育不良性骨病中骨硬化症的一种,又名肢骨纹状增生症、单侧象牙性骨质增生症、单肢流波状骨质增生症等,好侵犯单一肢体,增生的骨质自上而下沿骨干一侧向下流注,很象蜡烛表面的烛泪,故命名为蜡泪样骨病或烛泪骨。本症由Leri氏于1928年首先报告,故又称为Leri氏病。我院曾诊治两例蜡泪样骨病,现报道如下。1一般资料1.1例1男性,8岁,因右手中、环指屈曲挛缩伴疼痛1年就诊。行X线右手正斜位片检查,发现右手第3、4掌骨及中指近、中节指骨,环指诸指骨骨…  相似文献   

患者男,28岁,车祸入院。查体患肢皮肤损伤,无畸形,无深压痛,活动度正常。患者日常活动正常,经常从事体育活动,患肢无任何不适,否认具有家族史。影像所见:右侧下肢整侧性受累,右耻骨、右股骨干、右胫骨干及足部跗骨增  相似文献   

患者女23岁。以“左髋部疼痛一年”为主诉入院,PE:体温37.312,血压120/65mmHg,脉搏60次份,心肺正常,四肢活动正常,左髋部托马斯征阳性。X线表现:左股骨头见结节状宽度增高,关节面清晰,左髋臼见斑片状,密度增高,关节间隙正常,关节腔内见多发性游离体,左股骨上段内侧缘见局限性皮质增厚,骨膜增生硬化,髓腔密度正常,诊断:蜡油样骨病,病人于住院期间行关节腔内游离体摘除术,术后病理报告,骨软骨病。  相似文献   

男,41岁。因右下肢间歇性疼痛,活动受限十余年。右股骨、胫腓骨及足部平片示:右髋关节、膝芙节、踝关节各骨及足跖骨的皮质和髓腔有异常骨质增生.呈象牙质样,髓腔变窄。似蜡油流下之形态.关节面清晰(见图1~4)。  相似文献   

患者女性,16岁。因走路时跌倒左膝疼痛1天来院。自述曾是校运动员,于3年前跑步时跌倒,左膝髌骨外移。在当地医院就诊行手法复位,并拍膝关节X光片示左侧髌骨及胫骨上端、股骨下端高密度影,但未予特殊治疗。此后受轻度外力即出现左侧髌骨移位。查体:双下肢无畸形,左膝关节浮髌试验可疑阳性,化验室检查无异常。MRI检查示:左侧股骨下端、胫骨上端、髌骨内可见蚯蚓状无信号灶,边缘光滑锐利,左侧股骨下段、胫骨上段部分骨皮质呈条带状增厚。髌上囊及关节腔内见长T1长T2液性信号影(图1,2)。考虑为骨质硬化,不除外蜡油骨病,建议X线进一步检查。X…  相似文献   

Melorheostosis is a benign sclerosing dysplasia with a very unusual and characteristic roentgenographic appearance. We reported a patient with melorheostosis in the left lower extremity followed up for 14 years. Although the extraosseous lesions only slightly enlarged, the bone scintigraphy showed the activity of the metabolism to be still high.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study was undertaken to evaluate if possible changes in stretch- and H-reflexes could be related to the changes in the EMG activity of the cooled lower leg muscles observed during a stretch-shortening cycle exercise. METHODS: Eight subjects wearing shorts and jogging shoes were exposed once to 27 degrees C and twice to 10 degrees C for 60 min each. During the second exposure to 10 degrees C, the subject's lower legs were kept warm (10 degrees Clw) with electrical pillows. After the exposures Achilles tendon reflex (stretch reflex) was induced and the EMG activity of the triceps surae was measured. Immediately after reflex measurements the EMG activity of the triceps surae and tibialis anterior during a drop-jump (stretch-shortening cycle) was measured. After similar thermal exposures electrically induced H-reflex from the calf was measured. RESULTS: During the preactivity and stretch phases the EMG activity of the triceps surae increased after the exposure to 10 degrees C, whereas during the shortening phase it decreased. During the shortening phase cooling, on the contrary, increased the activity of tibialis surae anterior. These changes disappeared at 10 degrees Clw. At 10 degrees C the maximum EMG-amplitude of triceps surae during stretch reflex decreased (p<0.05), reflecting suppressed muscle spindle activity. Suppressed spindle activity causes the agonist to be unfacilitated and the antagonist muscle contraction to be uninhibited, which was seen in the present study as decreased agonist and increased antagonist EMG activity during the shortening phase at 10 degrees C. The Hmax/Mmax-ratio, H-reflex latency and amplitude increased at 10 degrees C (p<0.05), reflecting increased motoneuron pool excitability. This in part may explain the increased EMG activity during the preactivity and stretch phases. CONCLUSION: Cooling-induced increase in the excitability of the motoneuron pool and suppression of muscle spindle activity seem to be responsible of the EMG activity changes during the stretch-shortening cycle, consequently decreasing muscular performance.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates a case of multiple glomangiomas, or glomangiomatosis, including clinical presentation, imaging appearances, and subsequent management. Differentiating features from typical glomus tumors are described. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of a glomangioma involving the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis.  相似文献   

小腿脂肪肉瘤1例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
患者 男,78岁,发现左小腿后外侧肿物2个月。体检:左小腿后外侧触及一中等硬度包块,表面光滑,皮温略高,皮静脉怒张,肿物张力较大,基底摸不清。实验室检查无异常。  相似文献   

Schwannomas are relatively common, benign, peripheral nerve sheath tumours. They usually range in size from 2 to 20 cm, but when localised in the lower legs the maximum length is less than 10 cm. The case reported here was a giant fusiform schwannoma of the left fibular nerve with a length of 25.5 cm. In contrast to the usual findings of giant schwannomas, no cystic, haemorrhagic or necrotic changes could be found by ultrasonography, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. The combination of tumour size, location and radiological presentation is very unusual and, to our knowledge, has never been reported before in the literature. Received: 5 August 1996; Revision received 13 December 1996; Accepted 16 December 1996  相似文献   

患者女,27岁.右侧肩关节及右侧手臂肿痛,关节活动障碍10余年.体检:右侧拇指、右前臂外侧及右上臂肿胀、局部不规则隆起,皮肤紧张、发亮.触诊局部高低不平,坚硬,轻度压痛.关节活动障碍.X线平片示右桡骨骨皮质增生硬化,以外侧明显,表面凹凸不平,内侧缘表面较光滑,骨髓腔狭窄;右尺骨末见明确异常;右侧大多角骨、舟状骨、第1、2掌骨、第1指骨、第2指骨近节骨皮质肥厚、硬化;右侧月骨可见斑点状致密影(图1).  相似文献   

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