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We investigated interhemispheric communication and hemispheric style differences (analytic vs. holistic) in two-digit Arabic number comparison by employing the divided visual field paradigm. Interhemispheric communication modulated two-digit number comparison in a very specific way. While no advantage of interhemispheric communication was found with unit-decade compatible trials (e.g., 52 and 67, the decade comparison and unit comparison of the two numbers lead to the same response; see Nuerk et al., 2001), a significant advantage of interhemispheric interactions emerged in the attentionally more demanding incompatible trials (e.g., 47 and 62, decade and unit comparisons do not lead to the same response, because 4 < 6 but 7 > 2), thereby enhancing the efficiency of selective attention (c.f., Banich, 1998). Additionally, some results indicated a more analytical processing style in the left hemisphere and a relatively more holistic processing style in the right hemisphere.  相似文献   

Standard microelectrode recording techniques were employed to monitor single unit activity in the pigeon's nucleus intercollicularis and medial substantia grisea et fibrosa periventricularis in response to visual, tactile and auditory stimuli. Approximately 40% of the units were driven exclusively by visual stimuli, 8% by tactile stimuli, 47% by both visual and tactile stimuli and a very small percentage by auditory stimuli. Visual receptive fields were generally excitatory in the contralateral eye and suppressive in the ipsilateral eye. Most units were movement selective and some demonstrated direction sensitivity, summation and habituation. Units were generally insensitive to stimulus shape or contrast reversal. Somatosensory receptive fields were located on both sides of the body and were either excitatory or suppressive or both. Ipsilateral visual and somatosensory bimodal inputs were most often of the same sign while ipsilateral visual and contralateral somatosensory bimodal inputs tended to be of opposite sign. Visual and somatosensory receptive field locations of bimodal units tended to be in register.  相似文献   

To investigate the spatial representation of numbers and its possible hemispheric organisation, 46 participants were presented with a series of double-digit numbers in a fixed standard number comparison task using 65 (in Experiment 1) and 55 (in Experiment 2) as the standard. Visual field of presentation, distance from the target number and magnitude were manipulated. Reaction times decreased with increasing distance from the target number, in line with the well-established distance effect. There was no main effect of visual field, however the interaction between visual field, distance and magnitude was significant. For large distances, numbers of small magnitude were responded to faster in the left over the right visual field, while there was a right visual field advantage for large magnitude numbers. These results suggest that the representation of numbers has spatial qualities (i.e., smaller numbers are represented to the left of a comparison point, larger numbers to the right).  相似文献   

The effect of visual and auditory stimuli on milk ejection during suckling was studied in normal and pinealectomized lactating rats. The photic and auditory stimuli were applied to each mother for 10s every 20s during the 30 min suckling period. Both stimuli inhibited milk ejection without altering the nursing behavior. In mothers kept in complete darkness or in which the visual stimulus shone continously during the suckling period, milk ejection was not affected. The inhibition of milk ejection is therefore produced by the light on-off sequence. In lactating rats exposed to the stimulus during 3 consecutive days, a significant inhibition of milk ejection was obtained each day. A normal milk-ejection response ocurred in both non-stimulated pinealectomized and in stimulated pinealectomized lactating rats. Pinealectomy did not prevent the inhibitory effect of the sound stimulus. Treatment with methysergide prevented the inhibition of milk ejection induced by the visual stimulus but did not prevent the inhibitory effect of the auditory stimulus. It seems that the pineal gland mediates an inhibitory visual reflex acting on oxytocin release and milk ejection.  相似文献   

Abstract Repeated stimulation of the sympathetic skin response (SSR) causes habituation. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of electrical stimulus intensity on SSR in 40 healthy controls (mean age±SD, 28.0±6.7 years). Electrical stimuli at three intensities (5, 15 and 30 mA) were applied to the median nerve at the wrist in four consecutive sessions, after which a magnetic stimulus was applied to the neck. SSR were classified according to the proportion of positive (P) and negative (N) waveform components.Twentyfour subjects had both P and N waveforms. In the first session, 75% of these subjects had a P waveform, indicative of a greater SSR, in response to the 30 mA shock. In the progressive sessions, the SSR waveform was predominately negative (N waveform, session 2, 65%; session 3, 83%; session 4, 75% in response to 30 mA shock), indicating that the SSR was weaker as a result of habituation. There was no clear relationship between stimulus intensity and waveform type, indicating that SSR waveforms are more strongly influenced by habituation than stimulus intensity. However, there was a directly proportional relationship between stimulus intensity and amplitude of the SSR wave (F=70.9, P<0.0001, two-way repeated measure ANOVA), be it positive or negative. The relationship between stimulus intensity and amplitude persisted, even after habituation. Suddenly switching to a magnetic stimulus reverted the SSR wave back to positive (80%), indicating that habituation was rapidly reversible if stimulation of the SSR is altered.  相似文献   

Spatial relationships are used to mentally represent numerical information. We visualize small numbers on the left and large numbers on the right, forming a mental number line. When determining the midpoint between two numbers, healthy participants show a bias to the left, similar to the bias on line bisection. Upper space distractors increase leftward line bisection biases and the current study examined the influence of distractors on mental number line bisection. Participants viewed sequential number triplets, presented concurrently with distractors. In Experiment 1, participants performed more accurately when numbers were presented in ascending order and showed stronger left biases for descending trials. Further, a responding bias was observed, where participants pressed the response key on the same side as the distractors. In Experiment 2, an orthogonal response mapping was used, which confirmed the occurrence of a responding bias. Interestingly, distractors weakened pseudoneglect, demonstrating a dissociation between line bisection and mental number line bisection in terms of distractibility. Numerical direction influenced asymmetries, such that leftward biases were stronger on descending trials. It is suggested that a right-to-left orientation of attention on descending trials might lead participants to overestimate how far along the number line they have moved, which increases leftward biases.  相似文献   

Although a left hemisphere advantage is usually evident during language processing, the right hemisphere is highly involved during the processing of weakly constrained inferences. However, currently little is known about how the emotional valence of environmental stimuli influences the hemispheric processing of these inferences. In the current study, participants read texts promoting either strongly or weakly constrained predictive inferences and performed a lexical decision task to inference-related targets presented to the left visual field-right hemisphere or the right visual field-left hemisphere. While reading these texts, participants either listened to dissonant music (i.e., the music condition) or did not listen to music (i.e., the no music condition). In the no music condition, the left hemisphere showed an advantage for strongly constrained inferences compared to weakly constrained inferences, whereas the right hemisphere showed high facilitation for both strongly and weakly constrained inferences. In the music condition, both hemispheres showed greater facilitation for strongly constrained inferences than for weakly constrained inferences. These results suggest that negatively valenced stimuli (such as dissonant music) selectively influences the right hemisphere’s processing of weakly constrained inferences during reading.  相似文献   



In the numerical Stroop paradigm (NSP) participants decide whether a digit is numerically or physically larger than another simultaneously presented digit. This paradigm is frequently used to assess the automatic number processing abilities of children. Currently it is unclear whether an equally refined evaluation of numerical magnitude occurs in both controlled (the numerical comparison task of the NSP) and automatic (the physical comparison task of the NSP) numerical comparison in both children and adults. One of our objectives was to respond this question by measuring the speed of controlled and automatic magnitude processing in children and adults in the NSP. Another objective was to determine how the immature executive functions of children affect their cognitive functions relative to adults in numerical comparison.  相似文献   

This study investigates the extent to which working memory, motor speed and perceptual processing speed influence Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III (WAIS-III) Processing Speed Index (PSI) scores. Sixty-eight adult outpatients with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) of varying severity and complete data on all outcome measures were identified. Two cases with outlying values on one outcome measure were omitted from the final sample. Working memory was measured by the Working Memory Index score from the WAIS-III. Motor speed was measured as score on the Halstead-Reitan Finger Oscillation Test (finger tapping) and perceptual processing as score on the Trail Making Test--Part B. In hierarchical multiple regression analyses, working memory accounted for 10% of the variance in PSI scores, whereas motor speed only accounted for 3%. An independent measure of perceptual processing, Trail Making Test--B, accounted for 26% of the variance in WAIS-III PSI scores. The total variance accounted for by the three factors was 56%. Findings confirm that the WAIS-III PSI scores of individuals who have received a TBI reflect perceptual processing speed, with an additional component attributable to working memory. Motor speed made only a small contribution to WAIS-III PSI scores in the present sample.  相似文献   

The nesting-cup task has been used to assess cognitive capability in humans as well as non-human primates. Previous studies have attempted to highlight interesting aspects of behavior by constructing and assessing various categories of manipulation. The present study introduces a new notation system for describing manipulation in nesting-cup tasks in the form of sequential codes. Following this notation, the entire process of manipulating cups can be divided into a sequence of behavioral segments. Each segment corresponds to a single manipulation of a cup, recorded as two numerical and one letter codes indicating object, location, and action, respectively. These codes describe the full extent of the subjects' manipulation, which can thus be traced retrospectively in its entirety by decoding the behavioral segments from the sequence. The subjects were three infant chimpanzees, three adult chimpanzees, and two human children. Segment-based analysis revealed developmental changes in the use of three strategies (pairing, pot, and subassembly), which previous studies have used as reliable indicators of cognitive development. Subassembly, regarded as the most advanced strategy for combining cups in human development, is defined as the placing of a previously constructed structure consisting of two or more cups into or onto another cup or cup structure. The three infant chimpanzees and two adult chimpanzees rarely showed subassembly, in contrast with frequent use by experienced adult chimpanzees and humans. Analysis of transition in cup state revealed a dynamic process in terms of progression and regression within a trial. The tendency to show progressive patterns of transition was related to the use of the subassembly strategy in both humans and chimpanzees. In addition, a case study of nine-cup manipulation by a chimpanzee is reported through sequential codes. Taken together, these data clearly demonstrate the potential of the proposed notation system in describing subjects' performance in nesting-cup tasks.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used in 14 healthy subjects to measure brain activation, while response shifting was performed. In the activation phase, subjects were asked to shift their attention between two different types of visually presented stimuli. In the baseline phase, subjects were required to attend to one stimulus type only. Subjects responded by pressing a left or right key according to the side of presentation of the target stimuli. In a verbal task, subjects were required to switch between letters and numbers. In a figural task, subjects reacted to round and square shapes. Stimuli were presented for 750 or 1500 ms. Response shifting revealed significantly increased activation compared to non-switching in the bilateral superior parietal cortex, right occipital cortex, left inferior frontal cortex, left and right striatum, and bilateral dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). Superior parietal and occipital cortex activation may be due to spatial analysis during response shifting. Subvocal rehearsal of the task instructions may have led to activation in the left inferior frontal cortex. Activation in the striatum was related to prefrontal activation and may represent the association between basal ganglia and prefrontal activation during executive control. However, the most important brain region involved in the execution of response shifting was the bilateral DLPFC. Higher task speed increased executive top-down attentional control and, therefore, significantly increased activity in the bilateral DLPFC. Brain activation did not differ significantly between verbal and figural stimulus material. This result suggests that brain activation in the present study illustrates the brain regions involved in the basic cognitive mechanisms of response shifting.  相似文献   

In frozen sections of the occipital lobes of a brain of Macaca fascicularis after injection of [3H]proline and [3H]fucose into one eye it was possible to distinguish the monocular segment from the binocular region of area 17. The number of nerve cells in a narrow 30 μm wide strip through the depth of cortex has been found to be the same in the monocular and binocular regions, and the number is more than twice that in the cortex of the adjoining area 18.  相似文献   

The contribution of each hemisphere to the generation of number representations was investigated by two lateralized priming experiments in which participants had to compare Arabic digits to a fixed standard of four. In Experiment 1, unmasked primes (Arabic digits or word numerals) were used. In Experiment 2, masked primes were presented consciously or subconsciously. In both experiments similar priming effects were found in the left (LH) and the right hemisphere (RH) when the prime was presented consciously. However, asymmetries emerged when the primes were presented subconsciously: while the priming effects of digits and word numbers were equally large in the right visual half field (RVF-LH), the influence of the word prime on the semantic and the response stage of the left visual half field (LVF-RH) was absent, indicating that a word prime was no longer processed when it was presented subconsciously in LVF-RH. We believe that the origin of the latter effect can be attributed to a failure to transfer word number primes from the RH to the LH when attentional resources are restricted.  相似文献   

Conduction along the sural nerve was studied in 64 normal subjects using near-nerve electrodes. Conduction velocities over the same nerve segments were calculated: (1) from the latency recorded from a site of stimulation to a site of recording (1R-method); and (2) from the difference in latency between 2 recording sites, the site of stimulation being situated elsewhere along the nerve (2R-method). Consistently faster velocities were seen with the 2R-method and could best be explained by a fixed delay of about 0.15 ms at the stimulus site (latency of activation, utilization time). This delay was markedly prolonged when a ramp rather than a rectangular stimulus was applied, though fast fibers were excited with both types of stimuli. The delay is thought to be dependent on the relationship between the density of current at the stimulus site and the threshold of responding fibers.  相似文献   

Analysis of recordings of single neuronal activity in the striatum of monkeys engaged in behavioural tasks has shown that tonically active neurons (TANs) can be distinguished by their distinct spontaneous firing and functional properties. As TANs are assumed to be cholinergic interneurons, the study of their physiological characteristics allows us to gain an insight into the role of a particular type of local-circuit neuron in the processing of information at the striatal level. In monkeys performing various behavioural tasks, the change in the activity of TANs, unlike the diversity of task-related activations exhibited by the phasically active population of striatal neurons, involves a transient depression of the tonic firing related to environmental events of motivational significance. Such events include primary rewards and stimuli that have acquired a reward value during associative learning. These neurons also respond to an aversive air puff, indicating that their responsiveness is not restricted to appetitive conditions. Another striking feature of the TANs is that their responses can be modulated by predictions about stimulus timing. Temporal variations in event occurrence have been found to favour the responses of TANs, whereas the responses are diminished or abolished in the presence of external cues that predict the time at which events will occur. These data suggest that the TANs respond as do detectors of motivationally relevant events, but they also demonstrate that these neurons are influenced by predictive information based on past experience with a given temporal context. TANs represent a unique subset of striatal neurons that might serve a modulatory function, monitoring for temporal relationships between environmental events.  相似文献   

At school, children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) struggle with mathematics. However, little attention has been paid to their numerical cognition abilities. The goal of this study was to better understand the cognitive basis for mathematical difficulties in children with DCD.Twenty 7-to-10 years-old children with DCD were compared to twenty age—matched typically developing children using dot and digit comparison tasks to assess symbolic and nonsymbolic number processing and in a task of single digits additions.Results showed that children with DCD had lower performance in nonsymbolic and symbolic number comparison tasks than typically developing children. They were also slower to solve simple addition problems. Moreover, correlational analyses showed that children with DCD who experienced greater impairments in the nonsymbolic task also performed more poorly in the symbolic tasks.These findings suggest that DCD impairs both nonsymbolic and symbolic number processing. A systematic assessment of numerical cognition in children with DCD could provide a more comprehensive picture of their deficits and help in proposing specific remediation.  相似文献   

Spatial relations between objects can be represented either categorically or coordinately. The metric, coordinate representation is associated with predominant right hemisphere activity, while the abstract, qualitative categorical representation is thought to be processed more in the left hemisphere [Kosslyn, S. M. (1987). Seeing and imagining in the cerebral hemispheres: A computational analysis. Psychological Review, 94, 148-175]. This hypothesized lateralization effect has been found in a number of studies, along with indications that specific task demands can be crucial for these outcomes. In the current experiment a new visual half field task was used which explores these hemispheric differences and their time course by means of a match-to-sample design. Within retention intervals that were brief (500 ms), intermediate (2000 ms), or long (5000 ms), the processing of categorical and coordinate representations was studied. In the 500 ms interval, the hemispheric effect suggested by Kosslyn (1987) was found, but in the longer intervals it was absent. This pattern of the lateralization effect is proposed to be caused by the differential effect the retention interval has on coordinate and categorical representations. Coordinate spatial relations appear susceptible to changes in retention interval and decay very quickly over time, congruent with previous findings about accurate location memory. The processing of categorical spatial relations showed less decay and only between 2000 ms and 5000 ms. Qualitative self reports suggest that the decay found for categorical relations might be caused by a switch from a visual to a more verbal memorization strategy.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that mathematical disabilities (MD) emerge as a consequence of impairments in basic number processing skills. The aim of the present study was to investigate basic number processing skills in children with Velo-Cardio-Facial Syndrome (VCFS), a common genetic disorder with a high prevalence of MD, and to examine whether these basic low-level skills account for their performance in single-digit arithmetic. Twenty-five children with VCFS and 25 individually matched controls (age range: 6-12 years) participated. They all completed two basic number processing tasks (number reading, number comparison) and three single-digit arithmetic tasks comprising addition, subtraction and multiplication. In the latter tasks, strategy use was recorded next to accuracy and speed. Our data revealed that children with VCFS were significantly slower than controls on number comparison but not on number reading. Analysis of the single-digit arithmetic data revealed that children with VCFS performed more poorly than controls on large addition and subtraction problems. Both groups did not differ on multiplication and small additions and subtractions. At the strategy level, children with VCFS were significantly slower in executing backup strategies in addition and subtraction, but showed preserved retrieval of arithmetic facts. Taken together, children with VCFS show a consistent pattern of deficits at the level of number representations, arithmetic operations and strategy use, which suggests an impaired quantity subsystem in terms of Dehaene et al.'s model (2003). Most importantly, the correlational analyses showed that basic number processing skills directly accounted for single-digit arithmetic performance and strategy use in the children of the present study.  相似文献   

1. 1. The study aimed to investigate the effects of clozapine on the speed and accuracy of information processing in patients with schizophrenia. Data are reported from 13 subjects with schizophrenia, treated with clozapine for 6.8 (± 1.8) months.
2. 2. Reaction time and accuracy of target detection on a tone detection task were measured before and during clozapine treatment, and these results were compared with a matched control group.
3. 3. Symptom severity and performance on three timed tests of cognitive function were also measured prior to clozapine treatment in the schizophrenia group, and these measures were repeated during treatment with clozapine.
4. 4. Treatment with clozapine was found to significantly improve reaction time and the accuracy of target detection in patients with schizophrenia. Despite this improvement their performance remained significantly inferior to that of a matched control group. Both positive and negative symptoms improved with clozapine treatment, as did performance on the WAIS-R digit symbol substitution test.
5. 5. Improved performance on the WAIS-R digit symbol substitution test correlated with reduction in negative symptoms, and faster reaction time showed some correlation with reduction in positive symptoms.
6. 6. The results of this pilot study indicate that treatment with clozapine can produce limited improvement in cognitive function in schizophrenia.

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