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Somatosensory evoked potentials in syringomyelia.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The two types of upper limb somatosensory evoked potential abnormality observed in nine patients with syringomyelia were reduced amplitude or absent cervical potentials and an abnormal central conduction time. Although this pattern of abnormalities resembles that observed in other intrinsic spinal cord lesions, it differs from peripheral nerve diseases and cervical radiculopathy in which the central conduction time is normal.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Use epidural recording of evoked spinal cord potentials (ESCPs) to investigate the pathology of cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM) in patients with normal central motor conduction time (CMCT) in upper and lower limbs. METHODS: A total of 75 patients with CSM were studied. All patients were examined before surgery for motor evoked potentials (MEPs) following transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). They were also evaluated during surgery by epidurally recorded ESCPs following stimulation of the median nerve, brain and spine. RESULTS: Seven patients (9%) showed normal CMCT in upper and lower limbs upon TMS examination. Only the ESCPs following median nerve stimulation (MN-ESCPs) were abnormal in these patients. In 5 of the 7 patients, a marked block in conduction of MN-ESCPs was observed at the C3-4 intervertebral level. The remaining two patients showed attenuation in the amplitude of MN-ESCPs at mid-cervical levels. CONCLUSIONS: We present 7 cases of CSM with negative CMCT findings. From the MN-ESCP results, we surmise that the pathology of CSM with normal CMCT is due predominantly to dysfunction of sensory systems involved in the upper limbs. SIGNIFICANCE: Examination by TMS is useful in the diagnosis of CSM but the possibility of negative CMCT findings upon TMS must be borne in mind. Multi-functional evoked spinal cord responses demonstrate that lesions in the sensory system are the major underlying pathology.  相似文献   

The amplitude and latency of somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) in healthy subjects depend on intensity of stimulation. The effect of this parameter on SEPs in patients with neurologic disorders has not been systematically studied, although it could have a profound impact if SEPs are to be used for prognostication. We have compared the latency and amplitude of SEPs in healthy subjects and patients with spinal cord injury (SCI). Stimulation intensity was standardized at two different biologically calibrated levels. Cortical SEPs in patients with SCI showed greater decrease in latency and increase in amplitude with increased intensity of stimulation in comparison to healthy subjects. These phenomena were observed in the majority of patients with incomplete SCI who subsequently showed improvement in cortical SEPs. We observed situations in which the SEP was absent with the usual intensity of stimulation and present only with the stronger stimulation intensity. Furthermore, SEP latencies often changed dramatically with different intensities of stimulation, potentially making any calculation of central conduction velocity meaningless without precise standardization of stimulation. These findings demonstrate a necessity for a biological calibration of stimulation intensity to improve the repeatability of SEPs. We suggest the use of two different standardized intensities of stimulation for SEP studies in SCI patients, one of which should be stronger than the intensity presently recommended.  相似文献   

Spinal cord evoked potentials (SCEP) elicited by simultaneous distal tibial and sural nerve stimulation were continuously recorded from the epidural space at the T9 and T12 levels of urethane anaesthetized rats before and after a unilateral incision (about 3 mm deep and 5 mm long) in the right dorsal horn of the T10-11 segments. The changes in SCEP were correlated with the increase in spinal cord water content measured 5 h after injury. In addition, the influence of serotonin (5-HT) in mediating such changes was explored using a pharmacological approach. The changes in SCEP immediately after injury correlated well with development of spinal cord edema measured 5 h after injury. Thus, the maximal negative peak (MNP) amplitude of SCEP decreased by an average of 64.0% immediately after injury and the water content of the spinal cord was increased from 71.6% (controls) to 77.6% 5 h after injury. Pretreatment with p-CPA (a serotonin synthesis inhibitor) prevented the initial decrease of the MNP amplitude and also the increase of water content (72.5%). On the other hand, pretreatment with cyproheptadine (a 5-HT2 receptor antagonist) enhanced both the initial decrease of the MNP amplitude as well as the increase of water content (81.3%). The results show a good correlation between changes of SCEP immediately after injury and the magnitude of spinal cord edema (r = 0.9) measured 5 h after injury. The findings reveal a major role of serotonin in mediating early changes of SCEP and later development of spinal cord edema and demonstrate a prognostic value of early SCEP recordings in predicting the final outcome of traumatic spinal cord injuries.  相似文献   

Somatosensory evoked potentials were recorded from the skin surface overlying the spinal cord, from the lower lumbar to the lower cervical regions. The recorded responses did not vary over time in any one individual and at each level a consistent wave shape was obtained across all individuals tested. Since the initial signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for the evoked response recorded at any cord level is very low, the signal data must be processed. In this study, bandpass filtering or matched filtering was used together with ensemble averaging to obtain a usable signal in a reasonable processing time. SNR was improved approximately 1.5 X with bandpass filtering and 2 X with matched filtering. Although the output of the matched filter is a distorted version of the input signal, detection of information is enhanced and processing time using the matched filter and ensemble averaging can be reduced to 1/4 that required for ensemble averaging alone.  相似文献   

It remains unclear whether spinal cord ischemia-reperfusion injury caused by ischemia and other non-mechanical factors can be monitored by somatosensory evoked potentials. Therefore, we monitored spinal cord ischemia-reperfusion injury in rabbits using somatosensory evoked potential detection technology. The results showed that the somatosensory evoked potential latency was significantly prolonged and the amplitude significantly reduced until it disappeared during the period of spinal cord ischemia. After reperfusion for 30-180 minutes, the amplitude and latency began to gradually recover; at 360 minutes of reperfusion, the latency showed no significant difference compared with the pre-ischemic value, while the somatosensory evoked potential amplitude in- creased, and severe hindlimb motor dysfunctions were detected. Experimental findings suggest that changes in somatosensory evoked potentia~ ~atency can reflect the degree of spinat cord ischemic injury, while the amplitude variations are indicators of the late spinal cord reperfusion injury, which provide evidence for the assessment of limb motor function and avoid iatrogenic spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

Scalp somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) were recorded after electrical stimulation of the spinal cord in humans. Stimulating electrodes were placed at different vertebral levels of the epidural space over the midline of the posterior aspect of the spinal cord. The wave form of the response differed according to the level of the stimulating epidural electrodes. Cervical stimulation elicited an SEP very similar to that produced by stimulation of upper extremity nerves, e.g., bilateral median nerve SEP, but with a shorter latency. Epidural stimulation of the lower thoracic cord elicited an SEP similar to that produced by stimulation of lower extremity nerves. The results of upper thoracic stimulation appeared as a mixed upper and lower extremity type of SEP. The overall amplitudes of SEPs elicited by the epidural stimulation were higher than SEPs elicited by peripheral nerve stimulation. In 4 patients the CV along the spinal cord was calculated from the difference in latencies of the cortical responses to stimulation at two different vertebral levels. The CVs were in the range of 45-65 m/sec. The method was shown to be promising for future study of spinal cord dysfunctions.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION In elderly patients who have cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) frequently demonstrates multiple intervertebral level compressions of the cervical spinal cord. However, it should be taken into account that…  相似文献   

目的调查高龄脊髓型颈椎病患者的颈脊髓机能状态,并结合磁共振影像学(MRI)及X线放射学探讨其病理生理形成机制.方法对23例MRI显示为多椎间脊髓压迫的高龄脊髓型颈椎病患者,采用经颅电刺激-脊髓硬膜外记录、经脊髓硬膜外刺激-脊髓硬膜外记录、经正中神经刺激-脊髓硬膜外记录的三种脊髓诱发电位进行颈脊髓机能测定.结果17例患者(73.9%)显示为颈脊髓单一椎间的障碍,其中10例位于C3-4、5例位于C4-5、2例位于C5-6.另外6例患者(26.1%)的正中神经刺激-脊髓硬膜外记录结果表现为多个或两个椎间的障碍.结论在MRI影像学上显示为多椎间脊髓压迫的高龄脊髓型颈椎病患者,其多数在脊髓电生理上:表现为单一颈椎椎间的脊髓白质损伤,特征是不仅脊髓后索的感觉传导束,而且侧索的皮质脊髓束也受到损伤.结合X线放射学结果分析,C3-4或C4-5颈椎椎间的过大活动度或不稳是导致高龄脊髓型颈椎病患者脊髓传导束损伤的一个重要原因.  相似文献   

Using non-cephalic reference and by median nerve stimulation, P 13 component and N 13 component are recorded on the scalp (scalp P 13) and the posterior neck (spinal N 13), respectively, in the short latency somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEP). The purpose of this study is to disclose the origin, characteristics and clinical significance of these two components. Ten healthy volunteers served for normal subjects. Ten patients with pontine lesion or brain death were studied. The effect of barbiturate was also studied in additional 5 patients during anesthesia for cranioplastic surgeries. Electrical stimuli of 0.2 msec square wave pulse were used in routine examination. To confirm the effects of stimulation frequency, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24 and 27 Hz were also used in normal subjects. Recording electrodes were placed in the following sites. (1) Scalp electrode at the Shagass' point contralateral to the stimulated side (Par.). (2) Posterior neck electrode on the spinous process of the fifth cervical vertebrae (Cv5), (3) Anterior neck electrode on the thyroidal cartilage (Ant. C). (4) Erb's electrode just above the mid-clavicular point ipsilateral to the stimulation. Erb's electrode contra-lateral side of stimulation was used as a reference. Spinal N 13 on posterior neck reversed its polarity into P 13 (spinal P 13) on the anterior cervical electrode. A study with different stimulus rates revealed that the latency of scalp P 13 significantly prolonged at 24 Hz stimulation. On the other hand, the latency of spinal N 13-P 13 easily prolonged even at 18 Hz. This suggested that spinal N 13-P 13 were generated polysynaptically.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Monitoring Motor Evoked Potential (MEP) to Transcranial Stimulation (TMS) monitoring (MEP) is a growing technique to assess motor function under anesthesia. The following primate study was conducted to analyze the non-myogenic spinal motor and sensory volleys and to examine their reproducibility under nitrous oxide-methohexidone anesthesia. The traveling periodic spinal descending MEP to TMS and ascending somatosensory (SEP) to posterior tibial nerve stimulation across the thoracic cord were recorded in 12 cynomolgus monkeys. Through a small T11-T12 laminotomy, an insulated stainless steel electrode was inserted into the epidural thoracic space. The potentials were analyzed under 50 vol% NO in O2 with methohexital (0.1-0.2 mg kg-1 min-1). A well-defined periodic TMS-MEPs and PTN-SEPs were recorded with high reproducibility and consistency in repeated trials under N2O-methohexital anesthesia. MEP tracing consisted of an initial peak (direct (D) wave), occurring at 2.43 (+/- 0.28) msec followed by subsequent five positive (indirect (I) waves). Spinal SEPs-MEPs were clearly defined, morphologically stable, and consistent over time under N2O-methohexitone anesthesia. The present primate study may set a model to monitor both modalities in anesthetized neurosurgical patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe two cases in which intraoperative monitoring of neurogenic 'motor' evoked potentials (NMEPs) did not identify a spinal cord injury that resulted in paraplegia. METHODS: Bilateral tibial nerve somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) and NMEP testing was performed in two patients during spinal deformity corrective surgery using standard stimulation and recording parameters. These potentials were obtained repetitively throughout the primary procedures and were performed again during a subsequent procedure that took place after the discovery of paraplegia. RESULTS: SEP and NMEP signals were preserved in both patients and no adverse events were identified during the initial procedures. Postoperatively, paraplegia was identified immediately upon recovery from anesthesia and preserved posterior column function was apparent on clinical exam. In the procedures following the discovery of paraplegia, SEP and NMEP signals remained comparable with signals elicited in the initial surgeries. CONCLUSIONS: Based on these cases and previously published experimental evidence, we conclude that while 'NMEPs' remain a useful second test of spinal cord function, they are not reliable indicators of motor tract function. An alternate term, such as 'spinally-elicited peripheral nerve responses' should be used.  相似文献   

Scalp somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) and spinal evoked potentials (SpEP) were simultaneously recorded from the exposed surface of the upper cervical cord after median nerve stimulation in five patients undergoing surgery for upper cervical neurinomas. Two of the neurinomas were localized at C1 nerve root, two at C2, and one at C3. All patients showed good postsurgical recovery, suggesting that the tumors had not progressed to the stage where most of the nerve fibers were irreparably damaged. In patients with unaffected superficial and deep skin sensation, both SEP and SpEP were normal. In patients with more advanced tumor, the superficial sensation was abnormal but the deep skin sensation was intact. In these patients, the action potential propagation slowed down but continued partially through the tumor site on the relatively less affected side contralateral to the tumor; however, it stopped at the site of the tumor on the ipsilateral side. It is possible that full functional recovery becomes more difficult during the next stage of tumor development when the propagation of action potentials ceases bilaterally. The intraoperative monitoring of both SEP and SpEP thus appears useful for inferring details of functional integrity and prognosis of the spinal cord near a space-occupying tumor during the critical first two stages of neoplasm in which the spinal function is normal, or a sufficiently large fraction of ascending and descending nerve fibers are functionally suppressed, but are capable of recovery after a surgical intervention.  相似文献   

Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) to median and posterior tibial stimulation were obtained in 22 patients with syringomyelia. All patients had magnetic resonance imaging (MR) which defined the maximum transverse diameter of the syrinx as well as its longitudinal extension. SEP was abnormal in 16 (72%) patients. Median and posterior tibial SEPs were abnormal in 11 and 15 patients respectively. Both tests were abnormal in 10 patients. Ten patients showed absence of one or more central potentials (P/N13, N20, N22) and 7 patients demonstrated increased conduction times (N9-N20, P/N13-N20, N22-P40). The mean maximum transverse diameter of the syrinx was 7.5 mm in patients with normal SEPs and 16.2 mm in patients with abnormal SEPs. Abnormal SEP was observed in all 5 patients with loss of position sense, in 9 of 13 (69%) with loss of superficial pain and temperature, and 1 of 2 patients with motor deficit only. Central SEP abnormalities were observed in 3 of 5 patients with sensory deficits indistinguishable from a peripheral neuropathy and in 2 patients in the asymptomatic extremity. Three of 4 patients with syringomyelia and Chiari malformation had a normal SEP.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of abnormal short-latency somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs) recorded by a noncephalic reference montage with clinical variables in cervical myelopathy patients and to reexamine the diagnostic utility of SSEPs in such patients. We studied cervical SSEPs elicited by stimulating the median and ulnar nerves in 87 patients. Our grade classification of spinal N13, which is based on the normal limits of latencies or amplitudes, corresponded well with the clinical variables and is of value when trying to localize the cervical lesion segmentally. The N9-P14 interpeak latency in response to ulnar nerve stimulation correlated well with lower extremity function (r = -0.440, P <0.0001). We suggest a combined assessment of N13 amplitude, and N9-N13 and N9-P14 interpeak latencies to estimate dorsal column and dorsal horn function separately in patients with cervical myelopathy.  相似文献   

Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) from peroneal nerve were recorded continuously on 13 patients undergoing extensive aortic replacement of thoracic, abdominal, or thoracico-abdominal aneurysms. During this surgical procedure, the descending aorta is completely occluded, and circulation to the spinal cord may thus be compromised, causing a risk of postoperative paraplegia. This risk may be minimized if changes in the SEP seen during intraoperative monitoring prove to correlate well with clinical outcome. Changes in the SEP observed during complete occlusion of the aorta and subsequent restoration of blood flow included: (1) progressive latency prolongation within the first 10 min of occlusion, (2) coincident and progressive amplitude depression, (3) eventual loss of the SEP, (4) rapid reversal of these changes with restoration of circulation, and (5) preservation of the lumbar response when the cephalic response became abnormal. The degree of prolongation of latency after restoration of blood flow appeared related to the duration of aortic occlusion and to the duration of SEP absence. These findings indicate that conduction through the spinal pathways that mediate the SEP is sensitive to ischemia produced by aortic occlusion. Intraoperative monitoring of SEPs as a means of reducing the neurological morbidity of extensive aortic replacement is discussed.  相似文献   

Pathways of the ascending evoked potentials (AEPs) of the spinal cord of the dog were investigated by stimulating rear leg nerves and recording at thoracic levels before and after making selective partial or complete transections of topographic regions of the spinal cord in the L-1 segment: hemisection; ventral quadrant (VQ); dorsal quadrant (DQ); dorsolateral fasciculus (DLF); dorsal columns (DCs). The AEPs were found to be propagated in all topographic areas of the spinal cord. The contribution by the DQ ipsilateral to the stimulated nerve appeared to be the largest. Within the DQ, both the DLF and the DC participated in the AEP but the DLF contribution tended to predominate in the earliest parts while the DC contribution tended to lag somewhat behind that of DLF. The predominance of DLF activity in early phases of the AEP probably reflected the influence of high conduction velocities in muscle afferents and in postsynaptic DLF axons having connections with muscle afferents or with cutaneous afferents. The VQ contribution to the AEP appeared to arise from both crossed and uncrossed pathways but was not otherwise defined. Based on the results and on data in the literature, important considerations in interpretation of AEPs are: the relative numbers of muscle or cutaneous afferent fibers in the stimulated nerves; temporal dispersion of action potentials associated with differences in conduction velocities; conduction distances in the stimulated primary afferent axons and in postsynaptic spinal cord axons.  相似文献   

31 control subjects and 14 patients with dorso-lumbar spinal cord lesions were studied using the spEP (spinal evoked response). The presented responses were recorded by subcutaneous needle electrodes following stimulation of the peroneal nerve. Results from control subjects are presented first (triphasic negative potential, latency increasing with level of recording). The 14 patients were grouped according to their clinical symptoms. The prognostic value of the spEP response was considered. Results were as follow: flaccid paraplegia with no motor response to stimulation: no spEP was recorded; complete anatomoclinical paraplegia: the spEP was normal caudal to the lesion and negative rostral to the lesion; complete paraplegia with minor anatomical lesions: prognosis was good when spEP rostral to the lesion was recorded and poor when no response was detected; motor paraplegia: the spEPs rostral and caudal to the lesion were normal. In all cases, the levels of the lesions were in accordance with the upper level at which changes in spEPs were observed.  相似文献   

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