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Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article:
W. Damon and R. M. Lerner (eds.), Handbook of Child Psychology. Fifth Edition. Vol. One: Theoretical Models of Human Development
W. Damon, D. Kuhn and R. S. Siegler (eds.), Handbook of Child Psychology. Fifth Edition. Vol. Two: Cognition, Perception and Language
D. Shaffer, C. P. Lucas, & J. E. Richters (eds.), Diagnostic Assessment in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
S. Baron-Cohen, H. Tager-Flusberg, & D. Cohen (eds.), Understanding Other Minds
D. P. H. Jones & P. Ramchandani, Child Sexual Abuse: Informing Practice from Research
A. Wetherby & B. Prizant (eds.), Autism Spectrum Disorders. Vol. 9. A Transactional Developmental Perspective
Beverley Raphael and John P. Wilson (eds.), Psychological Debriefing: Theory, Practice and Evidence
R. A. Thompson & P. R. Amato (eds.), The Postdivorce Family: Children, Parenting and Society  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article.
Affective Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence: an Update . Edited by D ennis P. C antwell and G abriel C arlson
Encouraging Language Development . P hyllis H astings and B essie H ayes
Living with Children 5–10—a Parent's Guide . Open University/Health Education Council
The Psychosocial Aspects of Pediatrics . D. P rugh
Psychology of the Human Newborn . Edited by P eter S tratton
Multicultural Childhood . Edited by C hristopher B agley and G ajendra K. V erma . G ower
Training Staff in Behavioural Methods . T. F oxen and J. M c B rien
Managing Stress and Anxiety . J ames A rcher
Pediatric Consultation Liaison Psychiatry . Edited by C. E. H ollingsworth
Social Work and Child Sexual Abuse . Edited by J. R. C onte and D. A. S hore
Helping Young Children with Behaviour Difficulties . M. C hazan , A. F. L aing , J. J ones , G. C. H arper and J. B olton
Handbook of Clinical Child Psychology . Edited by C. E ugene W alker and M ichael C. R oberts
Peer Relationships and Social Skills in Childhood . K. H. R ubin and H. S. R oss
Handbook of Child Psychology (4th Edn) . Edited by P aul H. M ussen
History, Theory and Methods . Edited by W. K essen
Infancy and Developmental Psychobiology . Edited by M. M. H aith and J. J. C ampos
Cognitive Development . Edited by J. H. F lavell and E. M. M arkman
Socialization, Personality and Social Development . Edited by E. M. H etherington
Behaviour Problems in Handicapped Children: the Beech Tree House Approach . M alcolm J ones  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this articles:
Self-destructive Behavior in Children . Edited by C arl F. W ells and I rving R. S tuart .
The Theory and Practice of Homosexuality . J ohn H art and D iane R ichardson .
The Abused Child in the Family and in the Community . Edited by C. H. K empe , A. W. F ranklin and C. C ooper .
The Psychology of Musical Ability . R. S huter -D yson and C. G abriel .
Aggression in the Schools . D an O lweus .
Children with Handicaps . L orna S elfe and L ynn S tow .
Communication in Development . Edited by W. P. R obinson .
The Life Cycle: Readings in Child Development . Edited by L aurence D. S teinberg .
Psychosocial Issues in Retarded Performance . Vol. I: Issues and Theories in Development. Vol. II: Strategies for Improving Competence. Edited by M. J. B egab , H. C. H aywood and H. L. G arber .
The Early Years . M aurice C hazan and A lice L aing .
Reading Retardation and Multi-sensory Teaching . C harles H ulme .
Friendship and Social Relations in Children . Edited by H. C. F oot , A. J. C hapman and J. R. S mith .
The Role of the Father in Child Development (2nd Edition) . Edited by M ichael E. L amb .
Straight Talk About Mental Tests . A rthur J ensen .
Gay Fathers. Some of their Stories, Experience and Advice . G ay F athers OF T oronto .
Pregnancy-A Psychological and Social Study . Edited by S. W olkind and E. Z ajicek .
Helping the Noncompliant Child . F orehand , R. K. and M c M ahon .
Educational Psychology of the Gifted . J. K hatena .
Studies of Children . Edited by F elton E arls .
Le Devenir D'Enfants Abandonnés . N. L outre -D u P asquier .
Involving Parents in Nursery and Infant Schools: a Source Book for Teachers . B. T izard , J. M ortimore and B. B urchell .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Headaches in Children. Compiled and edited by P. F riedmann and E. H arms .
The Psychology of Learning and Instruction. J. P. D e C ecco .
Brain Damage and Mental Retardation—A Psychological Evaluation. Edited by J. L. K hanna .
Atlas for Somatotyping Children. G. P etersen .
Guidance and Counseling in the Elementary School, Readings in Theory and Practice. D on C. D inkmeyer (Ed.).
The Psychological Basis of Education ( Revised Edition ). E. A. P eel .
Developmental Language Disability. M argaret B. R awson .
Children in Care. R. J. N. T od (Ed.).
The Child and the Institution—A Study of Deprivation and Recovery. B etty M. F lint .
Some Psychological Aspects of the Ghoreatiform Syndrome. W. E. N oteboom .
Children Growing Up. (3rd Edition.) J ohn G abriel .
Recent Developments in Affective Disorders. A Symposium. Edited by A lec C oppen and A lexander W alk .
The Discrimination Process and Development. B. J. F ellows .
Studies in Environment Therapy. Vol. 1. A rthur T. B arron (Ed.).
Group Counselling and Psychotherapy with Adolescents. B. W. M acl. ennan and N. F elsenfeld .
Child-Adolescent Psychology. P aul A. C larke .
Neurosis in the Ordinary Family—A Psychiatric Survey. A nthony R yle .
School Counseling and Counselor Education in the United States. H ugh L ytton .
Organisation of Services for the Mentally Retarded. World Health Organisation Technical Report Series No. 392.
Disturbed Children (Papers on Residential Work, Vol. 2). R. J. N. T od (Ed.).  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Reviewed in this article:
The Nature of Adolescence. J ohn C. C oleman
Children's Thinking: What Develops? Edited by R oberts S. S iegler
Exceptional Infant. Vol. 4: Psychosocial Risks in Infant-Environment Transactions. D ouglas B. S awin , R aymond C. H awkins , L orraine O lszewski W alker and J oy H inson P enticuff
A Society under Stress. Children and Young People in Northern Ireland. Edited by J eremy and J oan H arrison
Psychological Disorders of Children. A Handbook for Primary Care Physicians. M. A. S tewart and A nn G ath
Longitudinal Research in the Study of Behavior and Development. Edited by J. R. N esselroade and P. B. B altes
Hyperactive Children: The Social Ecology of Identification and Treatment. Edited by C arol K. W halen and B arbara H enker
Juvenile Delinquents: Psychodynamic Assessment and Hospital Treatment. R ichard C. M arohn , D iane D alle -M olle , E laine M ccarter and D oris L inn
Children's Language. Vol. 2. Edited by K eith E. N elson
Television and Youth: 25 Years of Research and Controversy. J. P. M urray
Developmental Psychology and Society. Edited by J ohn S ants
Neuropsychodiagnosis in Psychotherapy (Revised edition). L eonard S mall
Divorce, Child Custody and the Family. C ommittee on the F amily G roup for the A dvancement of P sychiatry  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Born Too Early. M. E. R edshaw , E.P.A. R ivers and D.B. R osenblatt
The Epidemiology of the Cerebral Palsies. Edited by F iona S tanley and E va A lbrhman
Child Psychiatry for Students(3rd edn.). F.H. S tone and C. K oupernik
The Child in Context: Family Systems Theory in Educational Psychology. J ean C ampion
Paediatric Perspectives on Epilepsy. Edited by E. R oss and E. R eynolds .
Child Sexual Abuse — New Theory and Practice. D avid F inkelhor
Treating Bulimia, A Psychoeducational Approach. L. W eiss , M. K atzman and S. W olchik
Working with Troubled Children. S avicki and B rown
Sharing Psychological Skills. A special edition of the British Journal of Medical Psychology. Edited by H ilton D avis and P eter B utcher
Development of Antisocial and Prosocial Behavior. Edited by D. L. O lweus , J. B lock and M. R adke -Y arrow
Positive Behaviour Management. P. L. C heesman and P. E. W aits
Language Intervention with Young Children. M arc E. F ev
Psychology and Schooling: What's the Matter? G uy C laxton , W ill S wann , P hillida S almon , V alerie W alkerdine , B o J acobsen and J ohn W hite
Education of the Hearing Impaired Child. Edited by F. P owell , T. F initzo -H ieber , S. F riel -P atti and D. H enderson
Children of Handicapped Parents. Research and Clinical Perspectives. S. K eneth T hurman
Language Development in the Pre-school Years. Vol.II. Language at Home and at School. G orden W ells
Pharmacological and Behaviour Treatment–an Integrative Approach. H ersen M ichael
Kinder- und Jugend-psychiatrie in Klinik und Praxis. Edited by H elmut R emschmidt and M artin H. S chmidt
A Guide to Individual Psychotherapy with School-age Children and Adolescents. J oseph P. L ord , C harles C. T homas  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Theory and Practice of Mental Health Consultation. G. C aplan .
The Mentally Retarded Child and His Family . A Multidisciplinary Handbook, Ed. R. Koch and. J. C. D obson .
The Neurological Examination of the Child with Minor Nervous Dysfunction. Clinics in Developmental Medicine No. 38. B ert C. L. T ouwen and H einz F. R. P rechte .
Assessement of Children. (Report of a Study Group set up by the Chief Social Work Adviser, Social Work Adviser, Services Group.) Chairman: B eti J ones .
Children as Individuals. An Analytical Psychologist's Study of Child Development. M ichael F ordham .
Techniques for Behaviour Change: Applications of Adlerian Theory. 1st Edition. Ed. A. G. N ikelly .  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Psychiatric Illness in Adolescence—Its Psychopathology and Prognosis. M. T. H aslam.
Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities. An Annual Review edited by J oseph W ortis.
Abnormalities in Parents of Schizophrenics. S. H irsch and J. L eff.
And Say What He is: The Life of a Special Child. J. B. M urray and E mily M urray.
Support, Innovation, and Autonomy. Tavistock Clinic Golden Jubilee Papers. Edited by R obert G osling.
The Gifted Child. C. B urt.
Psychological Aspects of a First Pregnancy and Early Postnatal Adaptation. Edited by P auline M. S hereshefsky and L eon J. Y arrow.
The Birth of a First Child. Towards an Understanding of Femininity. D ana B reen.
Early Child Care in Sweden. R. B erfenstam and I. W illiam -O lsson.
Early Child Care in the U.S.A. H. B. R obinson , N. M. R obinson , M. W olins , U. B ronfenbrenner and J. S. R ichmond.
Early Child Care in Switzerland. K. K. B uscher , P. G ross and V. R itter.
Aberrant Development in Infancy: Human and Animal Studies. Edited by N orman R. E llis.
Friendship and Peer Relations. Edited by M ichael L ewis and L eonard R osenblum.
Your Child's First Five Years. M. B ax and J. B ernal.
Help for the Epileptic Child. A Handbook for Parents, Nurses and Teachers. J orge C. L agos.
Psychology and Education: A Science for Instruction. J. R. B ergan and J, A. D unn.
Paraprofessional Work with Troubled Children. J ames E. G ardner.
The Cognitive Unconscious: A Piagetian Approach to Psychotherapy. M elvin W einer.
Minimal Brain Dysfunction. M ortimer D. G ross and W illiam C. W ilson.
Handbook of Mental Retardation Syndromes. (3rd Edn.). C harles H. G arter.
The T.A.T., C.A.T. and S.A.T, in Clinical use. (3rd Edn.). L eopold B ellak.
The Rorschach: A Comprehensive System. J ohn E. E xner , J r.  相似文献   

Handbook of Psychiatric Consultation with Children and Youth. Edited by N R B ernstein and J. S ussex .
Young Children Learning. B. T izard and M. H ughes .
Behaviour Disorders of Childhood. R ita W icks -N elson and A llen C. I srael .
The Measurement of Human Growth. N oel C ameron .
Home Life: A Code of Practice for Residential Care.
Applied Developmental Psychology, Vol. I. Edited by F. M orrison , C. L ord and D. K eating .
Prevention of Problems in Childhood: Psychological Research and Applications. Edited by M. C. R oberts and L. P eterson .
Longitudinal Studies in Child Psychology and Psychiatry: Practical Lessons from Research Experience. Edited by A. R. N icol .
Remediating Children's Language. Edited by D. J. M Üller .
Using Family Therapy. Edited by A ndy T reacher and J ohn C arpenter .
Multiaxiale Diagnostik in der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie. Edited by H. R emschmidt and M. S chmidt .
The Common Secret: Sexual Abuse of Children and Adolescents. S. R uth and C. H enry K empe .  相似文献   

Behavior Analysis of Child Development. S idney W. B ijou and D onalw M. B aer
Aggression in the Schools: Bullies and Whipping Boys. D. O lweus
Starting Off. C. K iernan , R. J ordan and C. S aunders
Helping Your Handicapped Baby. G. C unningham and P. S oper
The Child in His Family. Vol. 4. Vulnerable Chieldren. Edited by E. J. A nthony , C K oupernik and C. C hiland .
History of Behaviour Modification. A lan E. K azdin
Child Effects on Adults. R ichard Q. B ell and L awrance V. H arper
The Acquisition of Reading. Edited by F. B. M urray and J. J. P ikulski
Practical Training for the Severely Handicapped Child. (2nd Edition). M ilan M orgenstern , H elen L ow -B eer and F ranz M orgenstern
Development Paediatrics. K.S. H olt
Classroom Management, the Successful Use of Behaviour Modification (2nd Edition). K. D aniel O'l eary and S usan G. O'l eary
Chield Behaviour Therapy. Edited by D. M archolin II
Research to Practice in Mental Retardation, Vol. II. Education and Training; Vol. III. Biomedical Aspects. Edited by P. M ittler
Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities. (An Annual Review) Edited by Joseph Wortis
Early Developmental Hazards: Predictors and Precautions. Edited by F rances D egan H orowitz
Deprivation and the Infant School. Edited by M. C hazan and P. W illiams.
Down's Syndrome and the Family: The Early Year. A nn G ath
Imitation: A Developmental Perspective. R. Y ando , V. S eitz and E. Z igler
Conduct Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence: A Behavioural Approach to Assessment and Treatment. M. H erbert
Children Living in Long-Stay Hospitals. (S.I.M.P. Research Monograph No. 5) M. O swin
Secrets in the Family. L ily P incus and C hristopher D are  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Encouraging Language Development . P hyllis H astings and B essie H ayes
Cognitive Development in the School Years . Edited by A. F loyd
Becoming Female: Perspectives on Development . Edited by C laire B. K opp (in the series Women in Context: Development and Stresses)
Services for the Mentally Handicapped in Britain . N igel M alin , D avid R ace and G lenys J ones
The Developmental Approach to Childhood Psychopathology . H umberto N agera
Developments in Family Therapy . Edited by S ue W alrond -S kinner
The Promise of Cognitive Psychology . R ichard E. M ayer
Child Maltreatment: A Handbook for Mental Health and Child Care Professionals . A rthur H. G reen
Using Child Psychiatry . D erek S teinberg  相似文献   

Books reviewed by this article:
Widening Horizons of Child Health (1st Edition). A lfred W hite F ranklin .
The Self and Autism. Vol. 3. Library of Analytical Psychology. M ichael F ordham .
Educating Maladjusted Children. R. L aslett .
Human Resources for Troubled Children. W erner I. H alpern and S tanley K issel .
Learning and Perceptuo-motor Disabilities in Children. K. W edell .
Cognitive Styles in Infancy and Early Childhood. N athan K ogan .
Male Youths. A Sociopsychiatric Study of a Total Annual Population of Swedish Adolescent Boys. U lf O tto .
Psychiatry and the Paediatrician. F rederick H. S tone (Post Graduate Paediatrics Series).  相似文献   

Books Reviewed in this article:
Specific Reading Disability: Advances in Theory and Method. Ed. D irk J, B akker and P aul S atz .
Children of Mentally Ill Parents: Problems in Child Care. E lizabeth P. R ice , M iriam G. E kdahl and LEO M jller .
The Educational Needs of Severely Subnormal Children. M ildred S tevens .
Student Casualties. A nthony R yle .
Emotional Problems of the Student. (2nd Edition). Edited by G railam B. B laine , J r . and C harles C. M c A rthur .
Mental Illness in Childhood: A Study of Residential Treatment. V. L, R ahan .
Counselling of Parents of the Mentally Retarded. (1st Edition). Ed. R. L. N oland .
Loss and Grief: Psychological Management in Medical Practice. Edited by B. S chenbery , A. C. C arr , D. P eretz , and A. H. K utscher .
Non-Communicating Children. L. M inski and M argaret J. S hepperd .
The Growth and Development of Children. C atherine L ee .
Father, Child, and Sex Role. H enry B. B enry , B iller .
Stress in Youth. A Five-Year Study of the Psychiatric Treatment, Schooling and Care of 150 Adolescents. M ary C apes , E lizabeth G uld and M olly T ownsend .
Group Work with Parents in Special Circumstances. J essie P aritt .  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
The Family and Individual Development. D. W. W innicott
Infantile Autism: The Syndrome and its Implications for a Neural Theory of Behaviour. B ernard R imland
Behavioral Characteristics of Children Known to Psychiatric Out-Patient Clinics. E dgar F. B orgatta and D avid F anshel
Frustration and Conffict. A ubrey J. Y ates
The Child who Does Not Talk. Edited by C. R enfrew and K. M urphy
The Syndrome of Stuttering: Clinics in Developmental Medicine No. 17. G avin A ndrews and M ary H arris with R oger G arside and D avid K ay
Social Work with Families. Edited by E ileen Y ounghusband
Mother and Blind Child. S. I mamura
The Psychology of Learning. R. G arry
The Disorganized Personality. G eorge W. K isker
The Mentally Retarded Child, Identification, Acceptance and Curriculum. R. D. W illey and K. B. W aite  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article:
Child Behavior Therapy. A lan O. R oss
Behavioural Treatment of Problem Children. A Practice Manual. M artin H erbert
Piaget. M. A. B oden
Work and the Family. Edited by P eter M oss and N ickie F onda
Prevention of Psychiatric Disorders in General Practice.
Problem Behaviour in the Secondary School. Edited by B ill G illham
Clever Children in Comprehensive Schools. A uriol S tevens
Psychology Survey No. 1. Edited by B. M. F oss
Psychology Survey No. 2. Edited by K. C onnolly
The Roots of Human Behavior: An Introduction to the Psychobiology of Early Development. M yron A. H offer
Children with Specific Learning Difficulties. P aula T ansley and J ohn P anckhurst
Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities. Edited by J oseph W ortis
Children with Specific Learning Difficulties. P aula T ansley and J ohn P anckhurst
The Condition of English Schooling. Edited by H enry P luckrose and P eter W ilby
Surviving the Breakup. J. S. W allerstein and J. B. K elly
Children's Friendships. Z ick R ubin
Psychopathology of Childhood. A Clinical-Experimental Approach. S teven S chwartz and J amesh H. J ohnson
One Child: A Remarkable True Story. T orey L. H ayden
Roots of Delinquency. M icheal W adsworth
Parents and Mentally Handicapped Children (2nd Edition). C harles H annam
Psychosocial Aspects of Drug Treatment for Hyperactivity. Edited by K. D. G adow and J. L oney
What is a Case? The Problem of Definition in Psychiatric Community Surveys. Edited by J. K. W ing , P aul B ebbington and L ee N. R obins
Uttering, Muttering: Collecting, Using and Reporting Talk for Social and Educational Research. Edited by C lem A delman
Maternal Deprivation Reassured (2nd Edition) M ichael R utter
Serving Autistic Children Within a Large Rural Area. Edited by C. K. L owry , K. Q uinn and M. A. S teward  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Profound Retardation and Multiple Impairment (Vol. 3), Medical and Physical Care and Management. Edited by J. Hogg, J. Sebba and L. Lambe.
Child Sexual Abuse. By Jean La Fontaine.
Tourette Syndrome and Human Behavior. By D. E. Comings.
Behavioural and Mental Health Research: A Handbook of Skills and Methods. Edited by Glenys Parry and Fraser N. Watts.
The Abusing Family (revised edn). By Blair Justice and Rita Justice.
Continuities of Deprivation? The Newcastle 1000 Family Study. By I. Kolvin, F. J. W. Miller, D. McI. Scott, S. R. M. Gatzanis and M. Fleeting.
Suicide in Children and Adolescents. Edited by G. Maclean.
An Introduction to the Psychology of Children's Drawings. By G. V. Thomas and A. M. Silk.
Recollections and Reflections. By Bruno Bettelheim.
Biology of Adolescent Behaviour and Development. Edited by Gerald R. Adams, Raymond Montemayor and Thomas P. Gullotta.
Psychological Aspects of Developmental and Physical Disabilities: A Casebook. Edited by M. Hersen and V. B. Van Hasselt.
Ideal Adoption: A Comprehensive Guide to Forming an Adoptive Family. By Shirley C. Samuels.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books Reviewed in this Article:
Handbook of Sexology. Vol. VII. Childhood and Adolescent Sexology . Edited by M. E. Perry
Behavioural Pediatrics . By D. E. Greydanus and M. L. Wolraich (Eds)
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with ADHD Children: Child, Family and School Interventions . By Lauren Braswell and M. Bloomquist
Child Psychiatry: A Developmental Approach (2nd Edn) , By Philip Graham  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books Reviewed:
M. Bennett Developmental Psychology: Achievements and Prospects.
L. Balter & C. S. Tamis-LeMonda. Child Psychology. A Handbook of Contemporary Issues.
Ann Clarke and Alan Clarke. Jessica Kingsley Early Experience and the Life Path.
B. Lask & R. Bryant-Waugh. Anorexia Nervosa and Related Eating Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence (2nd ed.).
Susan Harter. The Construction of the Self.
J. Solomon & C. George. Attachment Disorganization.
L. H. Willey. Pretending To Be Normal. Living with Asperger's Syndrome.
D. M. Fergusson & P. E. Mullen. Childhood Sexual Abuse: An Evidence Based Perspective.
M. Weiss, L. Trokenberg Hechtman, & G. Weiss. ADHD in Adulthood. A Guide to Current Theory, Diagnosis, and Treatment.
T. M. Levy. Handbook of Attachment Interventions.
Carol S. Dweck. Self-theories: Their Role in Motivation, Personality and Development.
P. Howlin, S. Baron-Cohen, & J. Hadwin. Wiley Teaching Children with Autism to Mind Read: A Practical Guide.
M. Barrett. The Development of Language.
D. Cicchetti, & S. L. Toth. Developmental Approaches to Prevention and Intervention: Rochester Symposium on Developmental Psychology,
P. T. Slee & K. Rigby. Children's Peer Relations.
David Messer & Stuart Miller. Exploring Developmental Psychology: From Infancy to Adolescence.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Archetype. A Natural History of the Self. A nthony S tevens .
Review of Human Development. Edited by T iffany M. F ield , A letha H uston , H. C. Q uay , L illian T roll and G. E. F inley .
The Psychiatric Hospital and the Family. Edited by H enry T. H arbin .
Understanding Learning Difficulties. (Children with Special Needs Series.) K. D evereux .
Motherhood and Mental Illness. Edited by I. F. B rockington and R. K umar .
Hyperactivity: Current Issues, Research and Theory (2nd Edn). D orothea M. R oss and S heila A. R oss .
Hyperactivity: Current Issues, Research and Theory (2nd Edn). D orothea M. R oss and S heila A. R oss .
Advances in Child Psychology , Vol. 5. Edited by B enjamin B. L ahey and A llen E. K azdin .
The Serious Business of Growing Up. A Study of Children's Lives Outside School. E. A. M edrich , J udith A. R oizen , V. R ubin and S. B uckley .
Residential Group Therapy for Children. D aphne L ennox .
Group Therapies for Children and Youth. C. E. S chaefer , L. J ohnson and J. N. W herry .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Working with Children and their Families . By M. Herbert.
Family Abuse and its Consequences. New Directions in Research . Edited by Gerald T. Hotaling, David Finkelhor, John T. Kirkpatrick and Murray A.
Coping with Family Violence. Research and Policy Perspectives . Edited by Gerald T. Hotaling, David Finkelhor, John T.
Epilepsy . Edited by Anthony Hopkins.
Recent Advances in Epilepsy , Vol. 4. Edited by Timothy Pedley and Brian Meldrum.
Childhood Obesity–A Biobehavioural Perspective . Edited by N. A. Krasnegor, G. D. Grave and N. Kretchmer.
Enriching Heredity: The Impact of the Environment on the Anatomy of the Brain. By Marian C. Diamond.
Child Psychiatry: A Developmental Approach. By Philip Graham.
Annual Progress in Child Psychiatry and Child Development. Edited by S. Chess, A. Thomas and M. E. Hertzig.
Children Who Don't Want to Live. Understanding and Treating the Suicidal Child. By I. Orbach.
The Beginnings of Social Understanding. By Judy Dunn.
Children's Reading and the Development of Phonological Awareness. Edited by Keith E. Stanovich.
Dimensions of Substitute Child Care: A Comparative Study of Foster and Residential Care Practice. By M. J. Colton.
Rituals in Families and Family Therapy. Edited by E. Imber-Black, J. Roberts and R. Whiting.
Paediatric Behavioural Neurology , Vol. 2, Aspects of Information Processing. By L. de Sonneville and C. Njiokiktjien.
Management and the Psychology of Schooling. Edited by Neville Jones and John Sayer.
Clinical Practice in Adoption. By R. C. Winkler, D. W. Brown, M. van Keppel and A. Blanchard.
Interactive Approaches to the Education of Children with Severe Learning Difficulties. Edited by Beryl Smith.
Autism. By Laura Schreibman.
Innovative Intervention in Child and Adolescent Therapy. Edited by Charles Schaefer.  相似文献   

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