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1例75a女性患者,因左足肿胀、皮肤破溃2月余,发热4d入院,入院后接受降糖、营养神经、改善微循环、抗感染、降压、调脂等综合治疗方案。药师参与了患者住院期间抗菌药物治疗方案的制定,药物不良事件的监护与处理等过程,为其提供了全程的药学服务。患者初始抗感染治疗时经验性选择头孢米诺联用莫西沙星,药敏结果回示后改为万古霉素静脉滴注,初次输液开始约20min后,患者出现面颈部发红、伴瘙痒,考虑为药物引起的红人综合征,次日滴速适当控制后未再出现类似症状。用药16d后,足部分泌物菌培养结果为阴性,遂停用万古霉素。患者用药期间,肌酐清除率由58mL·min-1下降至51mL·min-1,提示在应用万古霉素期间应密切监测其肾毒性等不良反应。患者于入院第5天清晨空腹血糖为2.9mmol·L-1,言语少,精神萎靡,但无饥饿、心慌、出汗等低血糖症状,当即嘱患者食糖块,卧床休息,20min后复查血糖升至5.8mmol·L-1,患者精神恢复,提示老年病人在应用胰岛素期间应密切监测血糖,以防发生症状不典型的低血糖事件。  相似文献   

Gallbladder perforation is a serious clinical condition. A definitive diagnosis is contentious before surgery. We discuss a case where a young patient with Crohn's disease taking oral steroids presented with an acute abdomen. CT scan demonstrated a perforated gallbladder without evidence of gallstones. The patient underwent an emergency cholecystectomy and peritoneal lavage. The history and clinical findings of this patient are reviewed to highlight perforation of the gallbladder in relation to steroid therapy.  相似文献   

We report a 71-year-old male with microscopic polyangiitis (MPA) who developed sudden-onset, progressive, bilateral visual loss associated with a relapse of MPA symptoms. The patient was referred to our hospital, and treated with intravenous pulse steroid therapy and high-dose oral prednisolone. Although the right eye remained vision deficient, visual acuity in the left eye recovered. Ocular manifestations of MPA are quite uncommon. This case emphasizes the necessity of early detection and initiation of prompt therapy where ocular manifestations of MPA occur.  相似文献   

Dapsone is a drug commonly used in the treatment of various dermatological diseases. Here, we report the case of a 45-year-old female prescribed dapsone for chronic urticaria after which she developed extensive livedo reticularis in the limbs, abdomen, and trunk. The use of dapsone may be associated with a plethora of adverse effects including rash but livedo reticularis has been very rarely reported. Emphasis should be laid on the possible drug etiology in any patient who develops new signs and symptoms while on medications, even if it may not be supported by enough literature.KEY WORDS: Chronic urticaria, Dapsone, livedo reticularis, rash  相似文献   

Purple toes syndrome is an extremely uncommon, nonhemorrhagic, cutaneous complication associated with warfarin therapy. It is characterized by the sudden appearance of bilateral, painful, purple lesions on the toes and sides of the feet that blanch with pressure. The syndrome usually develops 3-8 weeks after the start of warfarin therapy. A 47-year-old man with a history of purple toes syndrome that resolved after discontinuing warfarin--prescribed for a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in his right lower leg--experienced an acute, proximal DVT in his other leg. Warfarin again was prescribed; 1 week later, purple toes syndrome developed in that extremity. Warfarin therapy again was discontinued, and intravenous unfractionated heparin was started; the patient's clinical picture indicated a possible pulmonary embolism, and laboratory analysis suggested antiphospholipid syndrome. The patient's toe pain resolved, but the purple discoloration persisted. Follow-up laboratory analysis confirmed antiphospholipid syndrome, and warfarin was restarted with close monitoring. No further complications occurred with long-term therapy. Although a rare complication of therapy, clinicians should monitor for the development of purple toes syndrome in patients taking warfarin.  相似文献   

We describe a patient who developed rhabdomyolysis 6 weeks after starting combination therapy with hydroxychloroquine and quinacrine for the treatment of chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CCLE). Myopathy due to 4-aminoquinolone antimalarials has been well documented. It is plausible that quinacrine may induce muscle injury in a manner similar to other antimalarials but, to our knowledge, rhabdomyolysis associated with antimalarial therapy has not been reported.  相似文献   

1例56岁老年男性患者,因"左眼失明2个月余,确诊肺脓肿、肝脓肿2个月"入院。入院后,给予抗感染、控制血糖、祛痰、增强免疫等综合治疗。针对患者糖尿病多年,肝脓肿、肺脓肿、左眼眶蜂窝组织炎多处感染灶的存在,我们复习了感染与应激性高血糖发生时强化胰岛素治疗的相关文献,探讨了临床药师在实际工作中应该如何对糖尿病伴发感梁的患者进行个体化药学监护。  相似文献   

目的 探讨1例肝功能异常伴感染患者出现药疹时,如何判断药疹、优化抗组胺药物及糖皮质激素的使用。方法 结合患者肝肾功能及血常规、治疗药物、过敏史等情况,通过查阅药疹诊疗文献、抗组胺药物使用说明书及糖皮质激素指导原则,从药物联用、药物组成及制剂特点、抗组胺药的分类及各自代谢、排泄特点、患者感染控制和皮疹进展情况,明确引起药疹的药物并优化治疗方案。结果 临床药师建议加用氯苯那敏(肌注)+西替利嗪(口服),在皮疹仍控制不佳的情况下,建议加用地塞米松(静脉滴注),医师接受建议。结论 临床药师面对脏器功能异常伴感染患者发生药疹并进行药物治疗时,应综合分析疾病及药物特点,及时准确地提供药学建议。  相似文献   

目的 探讨在治疗化脓性血栓静脉炎继发转移性肺部感染患者过程中药学监护的作用。方法 回顾性分析1例确诊为化脓性血栓静脉炎,并继发肺部转移性感染患者的治疗及临床药师参与监护的全过程,评价抗菌药物的使用,并探索化脓性血栓性静脉炎治疗中抗凝管理的经验。结果 临床药师基于感染部位、脓毒性血栓特点、万古霉素血药浓度监测、抗菌药物代谢动力学/药效学特性等,在抗感染方案调整、万古霉素个体化治疗优化、抗凝时机等方面为临床医师及患者提供全面药学服务,患者全身感染及脓毒性血栓得到有效控制,促进了化脓性血栓静脉炎患者的治疗。结论 临床药师能在重症患者治疗团队中发挥重要作用,提高抗菌药物的合理使用。  相似文献   


Necrotizing fasciitis (NF) is a rarely seen, life-threatening soft tissue infection characterized by progressive necrosis of skin, subcutaneous tissues and fasciae. Herein, we present a case of NF in a patient with bullous pemphigoid. A 78-year-old female patient was admitted with the left leg pain, swelling, redness and blistering. Streptococcus pyogenes was isolated from the wound culture. In the skin biopsy and the left leg magnetic resonance imaging, signs of NF were observed. The diagnosis of NF was considered. Then, urgent surgical debridement was performed by the department of plastic surgery. While under treatment with intravenous antibiotics therapy, unfortunately the patient died of acute renal insufficiency.  相似文献   

Concurrent use of warfarin and 5-fluorouracil has resulted in elevated international normalized ratios (INRs). Although this drug interaction is well established in the literature, we found no documented cases that address its effects on anticoagulation parameters in patients requiring repeated cycles of 5-fluorouracil and continuous warfarin therapy. We describe the effect of multiple cycles of 5-fluorouracil administration in a patient receiving warfarin therapy. The patient's INR increased 11-14 days after each cycle of chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin. In addition, she required additive reductions of 33-42% in her weekly warfarin dose with each chemotherapy cycle to maintain a therapeutic INR (goal range 2.0-3.0). After three cycles of chemotherapy over a 10-week period, the patient's dosage requirements returned to her baseline level (before treatment with 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin had started). Pertinent literature was reviewed to provide supporting evidence for the mechanism and clinical implications of the drug interaction. Based on this report and previous case reports, caution is advised when concurrent warfarin and 5-fluorouracil are prescribed. In addition, patients should be closely monitored for a possible delayed interaction that may occur with each repeated cycle of 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy.  相似文献   

1例72a女性患者,因"血糖升高10余年,四肢麻木2月,足部破溃2月"入院,给予降脂、抗感染、胰岛素强化治疗等。在抗感染治疗中,结合患者糖尿病足感染程度、可能致病菌及近期细菌耐药性结果,临床药师建议将左氧氟沙星改为克林霉素,并对患者用药期间克林霉素可能发生的严重不良反应给予监测;结合患者骨密度检查结果,药师针对骨质疏松治疗中钙剂的选择提出建议;同时对患者进行盐酸羟考酮控释片的服药方法及糖尿病足的护理给予宣教。  相似文献   

1例42岁女性患者,因咳嗽、咳痰伴胸闷1月余,咯血3d入院。结合肺隐球菌的病理结果,先后给予抗真菌药物氟康唑和伊曲康唑治疗。住院期间药师及时评估治疗方案,并对患者的肝肾功能监测、抗真菌药物潜在药物相互作用以及药物配制注意事项等提供药学监护。患者首次静脉滴注伊曲康唑结束后,出现一过性视物模糊,11d后再次静脉滴注自觉症状加重,第13天停药后未再出现视物模糊,考虑为伊曲康唑的不良反应。接受抗真菌药物治疗32d后,因症状较前改善,患者出院继续接受抗真菌治疗。鉴于肺隐球菌病长期正规治疗的重要性,提示患者关注氟康唑的药物相互作用,谨慎合用其他药物。  相似文献   

通过检索国内外近年来牛链球菌感染相关文献,结合临床,药师参与治疗方案的制定,并对1例右侧嗅神经母细胞瘤术后切口感染合并菌血症患者进行随访并总结此类患者药学监护要点。根据血培养及药敏试验结果,先后给予注射用万古霉素、盐酸克林霉素注射液降阶梯、序贯治疗,同时积极预防霉菌感染。2周后患者痊愈出院。临床药师通过参与个体化给药方案的制定,促进了临床合理用药。  相似文献   

Motl SE  Baskin RC 《Pharmacotherapy》2005,25(8):1151-1155
A 53-year-old man developed delayed-onset neutropenia 6 weeks after completing first-line therapy with rituximab, cyclophosphamide, mitoxantrone, vincristine, and prednisone for high-grade B-cell lymphoma. Bone marrow biopsy demonstrated hypercellular marrow with normal maturation. He also developed interstitial pneumonitis, an adverse event associated with rituximab use. Infiltrates of T cells were found in the patient's lungs. For the next 6 months, the patient required subcutaneous granulocyte colony-stimulating factor 300 mug twice/week to maintain a granulocyte count above 1000 cells/mm3. He also received oral antibiotics for mouth sores and thrush. Based on the existing evidence, monitoring blood counts for as long as 8 weeks after rituximab therapy may be advisable, although the literature reports that neutropenia can develop up to 1 year after treatment. The development of a registry and uniform testing may help uncover the cause of this delayed-onset neutropenia.  相似文献   

1例77岁男性患者,因新发脑梗后肺部感染入院,入院时合并有高血压、酒精性肝硬化、脑出血后遗症、慢性阻塞性肺病等多种疾病,给予抗感染、清热解毒、祛痰、活血化瘀、营养脑细胞及对症治疗。针对患者卒中相关肺炎的情况,临床药师根据其疾病特点协助医生经验性选择美罗培南,覆盖卒中相关肺炎常见的致病菌,根据痰培养结果,结合病原菌的特点、药物的抗菌谱进行抗菌药的调整,针对支原体选择莫西沙星,针对克柔念珠菌选择伏立康唑;考虑患者新发脑梗及酒精性肝硬化,对莫西沙星神经系统不良反应及伏立康唑引起肝功能损害的不良反应进行监测;对莫西沙星与多索茶碱相互作用进行密切监测,并利用药动学知识对伏立康唑治疗方案进行优化。  相似文献   

李香善 《现代医药卫生》2006,22(23):3360-3361
目的:观察和比较朝、汉族婴儿巨细胞病毒(CMV)感染及其相关疾病的发生状况。方法:用ELISA方法检测血清中CMV-ISM。结果:(1)汉族婴儿CMV-IgM阳性检出率(21.2%)高于朝鲜族婴儿(15.4%);(2)在新生儿肝炎综合征、中枢协调障碍患儿中CMV-IgM的检出率较高。结论:婴儿CMV的感染率可能与患儿母亲的饮食、生活习惯等因素有关。  相似文献   

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