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Objective. To describe a successfully sustained interprofessional introductory pharmacy practice experience (IPPE) in which third-year pharmacy students were paired with nonpharmacist practitioners.Methods. Course data were retrospectively reviewed and analyzed to reveal details about the program. Provider participant numbers and student perception data were reviewed and reported on.Results. The number of students and providers participating increased during the 13 years of the program. On average, preceptors participated for 3 years and hosted 4 pharmacy students. Students consistently agreed the course helped increase student communication competencies and integration into interdisciplinary practice (mean agreement of 88.4% and 91.6%, respectively).Conclusion. A required interprofessional IPPE course designed to develop students’ self-confidence working and communicating with nonpharmacist practitioners has been successfully sustained for more than a decade. Students report improvements in self-confidence and achievement of the course’s primary outcomes.  相似文献   

Objective. To develop and implement a 1-credit-hour oncology pharmacy practice elective course for third-year pharmacy students and assess its impact on examination scores in a required pharmacotherapeutics course.Design. Major topics were identified to focus on therapeutic management and supportive care of the oncology patient. Psychosocial topics were incorporated to help pharmacy students better relate to oncology patients.Assessment. Learning was assessed by means of 2 computer-based examinations, weekly reflection posts, and a completed oncology service-learning project and reflection paper. Students enrolled in the course achieved higher pharmacotherapeutics oncology section examination scores than students who had not taken the course. Also, this course increased students’ interest in oncology pharmacy.Conclusion. The oncology pharmacy elective course has received overwhelmingly positive feedback from students and student enrollment continues to grow. We will continue to offer this course to future practitioners.  相似文献   

我院门诊药局开展人性化药学服务实践体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱旻 《中国药业》2009,18(20):57-58
目的探讨门诊药局开展人性化药学服务的意义。方法回顾性分析门诊药局开展人性化药学服务后各项措施的效果。结果与结论门诊药局人性化药学服务开展后患者满意度提高。因此,医院门诊药局开展此项工作很有必要。  相似文献   

刘春雨  李健  苏兰  唐尧 《中国药房》2007,18(32):2558-2560
目的:探索适合我国临床药学工作开展的模式。方法:阐述药学诊断的定义及主要内容,结合开展临床药学的经验,将药学诊断的主要内容设计成"药学诊断临床应用表",并进行实践。结果与结论:"药学诊断临床应用表"可在临床实践中帮助临床药师理清思路,发现药物应用相关性问题,提高工作技能和药学服务质量。  相似文献   

Objective. To evaluate the effect of providing educational video podcasts to first-year pharmacy students enrolled in a self-taught pharmaceutical calculations module.Methods. Six video podcasts were designed and posted online for pharmacy students to review prior to taking pharmaceutical calculations quizzes over the course of one year. The video podcasts demonstrated how to solve the most difficult problems on each of the six quizzes. Quiz performance was compared for the 2017-2018 year (no videos available) and the 2018-2019 year (videos available). Students provided feedback about the videos in a year-end survey.Results. Overall quiz scores and passing rates improved during the 2018-2019 academic year. Enhanced student performance on three of the six quizzes was demonstrated. A majority of students strongly agreed that the videos were helpful.Conclusion. Watching video podcasts was effective in improving pharmacy students’ performance on calculations quizzes. The students indicated that the podcasts were helpful in improving their math skills and facilitated their learning of the material.  相似文献   

目的探讨门诊药房药学服务模式,提高患者用药依从性,促进合理用药。方法通过提供用药指导、药物咨询、ADR收集与报告、合理用药宣传等方式进行药学服务。结果药师发挥了应有的作用,提高了患者的满意度,药物得到有效应用。结论药师积极开展药学服务,对确保药物疗效、降低不良反应发生率、减少不合理用药等方面起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

目的 探讨在药房管理和药学服务中采用信息化手段,保障患者用药安全,提高药事管理水平。方法 总结中南大学湘雅二医院五官科药房在药品调剂、药学服务和团队建设各方面的信息化建设进展及经验,分析对比实施效果,提出改进方案。结果 笔者所在医院五官科药房信息化建设程度较高,尤其是建立了用于药品养护的温湿度监控管理系统、用于住院药房调剂的数字化智能药房系统以及促进合理用药的审方平台。各病区医嘱领药组车效率均>65%,眼科医嘱单调配时间均<2 min。结论 医院药房全流程信息化建设有助于提高工作效率,降低调剂差错,保障患者安全用药。  相似文献   

Objective. To describe the development and assessment of an online elective health informatics course and determine its potential for universal integration into doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) curricula.Design. A 2-credit hour online elective course was developed and offered to all PharmD students; voiced-over Powerpoint lectures were used to deliver content.Assessment. Assessment of student performance was measured using quantitative metrics via discussion questions, quizzes, written papers, and examinations. Qualitative findings were measured through discussion questions, a goal-setting classroom assessment technique, and an end-of-course reflection. Students report finding value in the course and recognizing how the knowledge gained could impact their future practice as pharmacists. Conclusion. An online course in health informatics can be an effective way to deliver content and provide a blueprint for continued integration of the content into curricula.  相似文献   



To implement and assess a Web-based patient care portfolio system for development of pharmaceutical care plans by students completing advanced pharmacy practice experiences (APPEs) throughout a statewide preceptor network.


Using a Web database, students in APPEs documented 6 patient cases within 5 disease state categories. Through discussion of the disease states and inclusion of patient information such as problems, desired outcomes, and interventions, a complete pharmaceutical care plan was developed for each patient.


Student interventions were compared by geographical regions to assess continuity of patient care activities by students. Additionally, students completed an evaluation of the portfolio course to provide feedback on the portfolio process. Students documented an average of 1.8 therapeutic interventions per patient case and documented interventions in all geographical regions. The majority of students indicated that the portfolio process improved their ability to develop a pharmaceutical care plan.


The Web-based patient care portfolio process assisted with documentation of compliance with Accreditation Council of Pharmacy Education (ACPE) standards and College of Pharmacy Competency Statements. Students indicated the portfolio process was beneficial in developing skills needed for creating pharmaceutical care plans.  相似文献   

Objective. To develop and implement a flexible-credit elective course to empower student pharmacists to develop lifelong leadership skills and provide teaching practice opportunities for graduate students.Design. An elective course focusing on leadership development for second- and third-year doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) students was designed and taught by 4 graduate students under the mentorship of 2 faculty members. Student pharmacists could enroll in a 1-, 2-, or 3-credit-hour version of the course.Assessment. Attainment of course objectives was measured using student pharmacist reflection papers and continuing professional development portfolios. Additionally, self-assessments of graduate students and faculty members delivering the course were conducted. In their responses on course evaluations, student pharmacists indicated they found the course a valuable learning experience. Graduate students found course development to be challenging but useful in developing faculty skills.Conclusion. This flexible-credit elective course taught by graduate students was an innovative way to offer formal leadership instruction using limited college resources.  相似文献   

Objective. To describe the development and implementation of an advanced pharmacy practice experience (APPE) in leadership.Methods. A leadership APPE was created and continuously improved over five years from being mostly content-oriented to being more of an experiential offering by identifying and implementing rich, practical leadership experiences. Activities included PhotoVoice, Power of Full Engagement, What’s Your Passion?, Transformational Leadership, Speech Acts, a Mindfulness Retreat, PeoplePack Dynamics, and a rowing experience at an Olympic training facility. After five years of developing and refining the APPE, faculty coordinators sought student feedback on the APPE beyond using a standardized APPE evaluation form students complete at the end of each rotation.Results. The majority of students agreed with all of the evaluation items. Items with the highest mean agreement included: content from previous didactic leadership courses were reinforced in the rotation; relevance of the rotation to one’s career; rotation objectives facilitated learning; and a variety of teaching methods helped in applying knowledge to future practice. Analysis of comments regarding the leadership APPE identified three main themes: gratitude, development, and more connection.Conclusion. An elective APPE with the primary purpose of leadership training and development can be created and incorporated into the Doctor of Pharmacy curriculum. This leadership APPE can serve as an example for other institutions interested in implementing a similar experience.  相似文献   



To quantify the benefits of an enhanced advanced pharmacy practice experience (APPE) community pharmacy model compared to the traditional program by comparing basic and comprehensive pharmaceutical care provided by students and assessing preceptors’ perceptions of the APPE.


A pilot study consisting of 1 enhanced APPE arm and 2 traditional APPE (control) arms was conducted. The enhanced APPE consisted of a preceptor education program, a 5-day onsite student orientation, and an 8-week experience completed at 1 rather than 2 community sites.


The level of interventions provided by students in the enhanced APPE arm significantly surpassed that of students in the control arms. In addition, preceptor questionnaires indicated overwhelming support for the enhanced model over the traditional APPE.


The study''s findings demonstrated that the enhanced APPE model enabled the participating pharmacies to provide increased level of patient care (as compared to the control sites) and improved preceptor satisfaction with the APPE.  相似文献   



To implement a shared learning approach through fourth-year students’ mentorship of third-year students and to assess the perceptions of the mentored students on the value of their shared learning experience.


We introduced the shared learning experience in clinical pharmacy and pharmacotherapeutic practice experiences involving 87 third-year and 51 fourth-year students. Both student groups undertook the practice experiences together, with third-year students working in smaller groups mentored by fourth-year students.


A majority of the students (> 75%) believed that they learned to work as a team during their practice experiences and that the shared learning approach provided an opportunity to practice their communication skills. Similarly, most respondents (> 70%) agreed that the new approach would help them become effective members of the healthcare team and would facilitate their professional relationships in future practice. Almost two-thirds of the students believed that the shared learning enhanced their ability to understand clinical problems. However, about 31% of the pharmacy students felt that they could have learned clinical problem-solving skills equally well working only with peers from their own student group.


The pharmacy students in the current study generally believed that the shared-learning approach enhanced their ability to understand clinical problems and improved their communication and teamwork skills. Both groups of students were positive that they had acquired some skills through the shared-learning approach.  相似文献   

超越pharmaceutical care,呼吸中国特色的药学实践规范   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文将各种药学实践模式及中国药学实践规范加以阐述。药学实践在美国可分为5个阶段,Pharmaceutical care(PC)是美国药学发展的一个新阶段,此概念已进入国内药学。虽然国外药学已走上规范化发展,但国内药学存在许多问题,药学工作离规范化发展相距甚远,因而建立中国药学实践规范极有必要。为此,我们提出了中国药学实践规范的初步建议。  相似文献   

Objective. To determine whether and how pharmacy students used knowledge learned in the classroom during their introductory pharmacy practice experiences (IPPEs) in community and hospital settings.Design. To reinforce course concepts and make connections between coursework and practice, students documented examples of how knowledge from first-year courses was used in IPPEs.Assessment. Data submitted were categorized by classroom-based pharmacy course, including the frequency with which each course was cited. For community practice experiences, most student examples of knowledge application related to the self-care therapeutics course, pharmacy practice laboratory course, and dose form/compounding laboratory courses. Hospital IPPE examples were most frequently based on the pharmaceutical calculations course, physiology/pathophysiology course, medicinal chemistry course, and pharmacy practice laboratory course.Conclusion. All prior classroom-based pharmacy courses were cited by students as being useful during IPPEs, although some were more frequently cited than others. This activity provided useful programmatic assessment data.  相似文献   



To evaluate early predictors of advanced pharmacy practice experience (APPE) performance using either timed pharmaceutical care plan (TPCP) reports of 4 case histories or traditional lecture-based pharmacotherapy course examinations.


Statistical process control (SPC) methods were used to identify a group of third-year pharmacy students “at risk” for poor APPE performance (defined as an APPE grade point average of < 3.0). Examination scores from an integrated lecture-based pharmacotherapy sequence were used for comparison.


TPCP scores but not lecture-based examination scores successfully identified 6 of 10 students who ultimately performed poorly in their APPEs.


Adaptation of SPC methods to assess student performance during problem-based learning (PBL) case reports is a useful technique for identifying students “at risk” for poor APPE performance.  相似文献   

Objective. To assess course instructors' and students' perceptions of the Educating Pharmacy Students and Pharmacists to Improve Quality (EPIQ) curriculum.Methods. Seven colleges and schools of pharmacy that were using the EPIQ program in their curricula agreed to participate in the study. Five of the 7 collected student retrospective pre- and post-intervention questionnaires. Changes in students' perceptions were evaluated to assess their relationships with demographics and course variables. Instructors who implemented the EPIQ program at each of the 7 colleges and schools were also asked to complete a questionnaire.Results. Scores on all questionnaire items indicated improvement in students' perceived knowledge of quality improvement. The university the students attended, completion of a class project, and length of coverage of material were significantly related to improvement in the students' scores. Instructors at all colleges and schools felt the EPIQ curriculum was a strong program that fulfilled the criteria for quality improvement and medication error reduction education.Conclusion The EPIQ program is a viable, turnkey option for colleges and schools of pharmacy to use in teaching students about quality improvement.  相似文献   

Objective. To improve pharmacy and nursing students’ competency in collaborative practice by having them participate in an interprofessional diabetes experience involving social networking.Design. An existing elective course on diabetes management was modified to include interprofessional content based on Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) competency domains. Web-based collaborative tools (social networking and video chat) were used to allow nursing and pharmacy students located on 2 different campuses to apply diabetes management content as an interprofessional team.Assessment. Mixed-method analyses demonstrated an increase in students’ knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of the other profession and developed an understanding of interprofessional communication strategies and their central role in effective teamwork.Conclusion. Interprofessional content and activities can be effectively integrated into an existing course and offered successfully to students from other professional programs and on remote campuses.  相似文献   

基层医疗机构开展临床药学工作的实践与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郝少君 《中国药事》2009,23(7):670-671,678
目的阐述基层医疗机构开展临床药学工作的重要性。方法简要分析了基层医疗机构临床药学工作的现状,阐述了开展临床药学的重要性与必要性。结果与结论提出基层医疗机构开展临床药学工作,要建立临床药师机制,强化用药跟踪指导机制,优化信息服务机制,积极延伸药学服务触角,严格药物不良反应监测,着力当好临床用药参谋。  相似文献   

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