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充分利用快检技术加速药品靶向抽验 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
药品抽验是药品监督的一种重要手段,每年国家要花费大量的经费进行抽验工作.抽验的盲目性会造成经费的浪费,给被抽验单位造成不必要的损失,遗漏掉一些应该及时发现和检出的假劣药品,给患者带来危害.加速靶向抽验成为目前迫切需要解决的现实问题. 相似文献
药品快检技术在药品监管中的应用探究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 对药品快检技术在药品监管中的应用进行探究.方法 在北京市药品监督管理局市场监管处统一部署及北京市药品检验所技术指导下,利用广东达元公司生产的6种试剂盒及北京市药品检验所研究开发的避孕类试剂,对辖区零售药店、医疗机构销售的降糖、降压、减肥、壮阳类药品、保健食品是否非法添加化学成分及避孕药品真伪鉴别进行现场初筛(即药品快检),并对结果进行汇总分析.结果与结论 药品快筛作为提高药品抽验针对性、靶向性的有力手段之一,在药品监管中发挥重要作用.但是药品快筛作为创新监管手段,也有待进一步发展和完善,需要我们在实践中不断探索. 相似文献
目的 为加强药品质量监管寻找有效方法。方法 通过现场快速检验进行样品初筛,实行靶向抽验。结果 靶向抽验能节约人力物力,提高药品抽验效能。结论 靶向抽验具有药品监管的科学性和实用性,是加强药品质量监管的有力措施。 相似文献
农村药品监管工作面广、量大、难度高,群众医药基础知识薄弱,难以识别和抵挡假劣药品,极易成为假劣药品的侵害对象。近年来,国家药监局大力推广药品快速鉴别技术与方法,药品快检工作成为打击假劣药品的有力武器。三明市药品检验所高度重视快检工作,加强组织领导,加大人员培训力 相似文献
随着医药经济的飞速发展和药品监管任务的日益繁重,现行药品抽验运行机制与“经济必要、突出重点、分工合理、追踪问效”的抽样原则不相适应的矛盾越来越突出地显现在我们面前,并将继续困扰我们。2004年6月,国家食品药品监督管理局局长郑筱萸在全国食品药品监督管理工作座谈会上指出,要以科学发展观统揽食品药品监管工作全局,要整合监管资源,增强监管合力,提高监管效率。这为我们客观正视、深入研究并着力解决这一矛盾指明了方向。 相似文献
加强药品抽验工作的探索与思考 总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1
近两年来,我市充分发挥药品抽验在药品监管中的重要作用,切实提高抽验针对性和有效性,监督抽验数增加,抽验品种数增多,抽样覆盖面扩大,抽验针对性提高,抽验的监督效能得到了很好的发挥。1 2003、2004年全市药品抽验工作总体情况见表。表2003、2004年全市药品抽验工作总体情况20 相似文献
药品快检是对药品市场进行技术监督的主要手段,有针对性的进行抽查检验,可以降低执法成本,增加依法监管的技术含量,对行政监督起到有力的技术支撑作用。检品原始记录为检验所得数据的记录及运算等原始记录资料,是最真实、最完整的记录,如实的反映着药品最初检验结果,直接影响着药品质量的确定,也是以后发生法律纠纷时最原始的依据。为保证药品检验工作的科学性和规范化,检品原始记录应做到记录准确、数据真实、字迹清晰、资料完整。在实际工作中,经常看到有的单位和个人对药品检验的原始记录不重视,不按要求填写、改错不规范等现象随处可见… 相似文献
目前,药品抽验分评价性抽验和监督性抽验。药品评价性抽验旨在建立以科学理论为基础,以数理统计为手段的药品质量评价抽验方式,准确客观地评价一类或一种药品的质量状况;监督性抽验是根据药品监督管理的需要所进行的抽验,有效的监督性抽验能够促进评价性抽验合格率的提高。本文主要讨论监督性抽验,探索适合本地区药品质量情况的监督方式,提高药品监督抽验效能。 相似文献
Nowadays, CFDA has released a series of reform documents in drug registration review system, which may optimize the new drug evaluation model to accelerate the development of drugs. In this review, we summarized the qualifications and features of expedited approaches in drug review and approval in China, and compared these approaches with FDA. In conclusion, the expedited programs of drug approval in China have been gradually established and translated into policy benefits for drug makers and patients. 相似文献
Drug regulation is the most important policy to ensure drug safety. In this article, we analyzed institutional changes and problems in China’s drug regulation. In addition, suggestions were provided to enhance the capacity of drug regulation, including a clearer functional positioning for drug regulation, increased resource inputs in drug regulation at central level, a more rational allocation of vertical drug regulatory functions, and an improved supervision mechanism for regulatory departments. 相似文献
Status quo of resource allocation of Chinese grass-roots food and drug administrations: from 2011 to 2016 下载免费PDF全文
County grass-root food and drug administrations (CGFDA) undertake the front-line supervision of food and drug safety, whose resource allocation is vitalto the regulation efficiency and performance. In this article, we aimed to analyze the status quo of resource allocation of CGFDA from the aspects of regulatory organization, staff, funding and equipment using officialpanel data from 2011 to 2016. The results illustrated that the total amount of regulatory resources of CGFDA was increased annually, reaching a rather large scale. However, many problems still existed in its allocation. Therefore, a series of measures should be taken to optimize the resource allocation of CGFDA, such as improving the network of institutional CGFDA, increasing the recruitmentrequirements on educational level and major, reallocating the structure of resources and guaranteeing the resource demand in less-developed areas. 相似文献
The relationship between the mean residence time after oral dosing or any other non-instantaneous mode of administration (MRTni) was explored by a series of computer simulations. MRTni was calculated from the ratio of AUMC to AUC (where AUC and AUMC are the zeroth and first statistical moments, respectively, of the drug concentration-time curve). A continuous linear relationship between MRTni and 1/ka or 1/k0 was observed. In the 'flip-flop' case where ka less than K (where K is the last elimination rate constant), the extrapolation from t* to infinity (where t* is the last observed plasma concentration) should be done using ka instead of K. If K is used, underestimated values of MRTni will be obtained. The findings from this investigation have practical application in the design and pharmacokinetic evaluation of novel sustained-release dosage forms. 相似文献