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我国已经成为全球第三大留学目的地国,来华留学生临床医学专业留学生项目(bachelor of medicinebachelor of surgery,MBBS),是我国留学生教育的重要组成部分,提高MBBS留学生的教学质量是我国医学院校教学中的一个普遍课题。笔者以自身MBBS留学生教学中的经验和体会,对MBBS留学生的教学特点进行了总结,以便促进MBBS留学生教学的发展和交流,推动MBBS留学生临床教学的规范化进程,增强培养高水平医学留学生的能力。  相似文献   

结合自身带教,分析留学生外科实习教学存在的问题,探讨对策,提高带教经验与效果。我们认为首要需加强教师、学生双语教学,提高教师专业素质;同时建立典型病例资源库与人体疾病模具,创造模拟外科疾病诊治、操作机会;改善教学制度,考核方向与内容,以上是提高医学留学生外科临床实习教学质量的关键。  相似文献   

尊敬的专家、学者: 您好! 2011广州中医药大学一耶鲁大学麻醉和镇痛论坛将于2011年7月29—31日在广州召开,诚挚地欢迎各位的到来。广州中医药大学作为国家首批兴建的4所重点中医药高等学府之一,招收的港澳台、外国留学生(覆盖23个国家)一直是我国最多的大学之一。大学一直致力于和国外进行交流,中西文化的碰撞才能擦出灵感的火花。  相似文献   

教育不断改革,以找到符合时代的最佳教学方法是必然的,特别是中小学教育.大学教育改革更应走在前列,然而,大学不同专业的教学各具特点,绝不可千篇一律,更不可简单效仿.目前对于临床医学教学方法进行过多种尝试,但经验不足,改革后的教学效果不尽人意.本文对临床医学的教学方法进行了论证,认为临床医学教学应以传统教学方法为主.  相似文献   

【摘要】 我国现行临床医学研究生培养体系中存在临床实践与基础研究严重脱节现象,将“转化医学”理念导入我国的临床医学研究生教育,将有利于产生新的培养模式。转化医学是基础研究与临床实践之间双向转化的培养体系,在此探索通过优化教学体系、临床技能培养、基础科研训练、凝炼临床课题、参与并申报课题与人文素质培养的方式培养临床医学研究生的“转化”能力,最终造福患者。  相似文献   

当前,培养学生的自主学习能力已越来越得到广大教师的重视。据统计表明,一个人一生所需要的知识,在校期间所学仅占1/3左右,还有2/3的知识需要走出学校以后不断自学获得,正所谓“活到老,学到老”。由此可见,一个人要想适应社会,必须具有较强的自学能力。现代社会,具有自学能力是一个人的基本能力之一,医学生更是如此。在临床医学教学中如何培养学生的自主学习能力呢?我结合平时的教学实践,谈谈几点看法。1转变观念,变教学为导学要突出学生是学习和发展的主体,就必须确定“学生是学习的主人”的观念。在教学过程中,教师首先要转变教学观念,要把培养学生的临床医学自学能力,当作教学的一个专门的独立的任务来完成,当作教学的一个重要目标来对待。关注学生学习的过程,该引的引,该点的点。以往那种注入式教学方法,课堂气氛沉闷和程式化,学生缺乏学习的兴趣,学生的能力难以得到真正的提高,他们只是处于听众的地位,即使有时能举手回答问题,也不过是配角罢了。因此,要破除急于求成,包办代替的做法,充分认识到学生的差异性,树立相信学生的意识,要以发展的眼光看学生,让学生自主决定学习的进程轨迹。从而达到自我控制,自我体验,自主学习的境界,使学生在自主学习过程中学...  相似文献   

循证医学--临床医学和医学教育的新观念   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
循证医学 (evidencebasedmedicine ,EBM )是一门新型的科学 ,发展迅速。当前 ,人们正在越来越多地运用EBM的观念进行表达、审视和判断有关临床医学的问题 ,特别是判断治疗的有效性和基础医学进展应用于临床的效果。但在临床医学和医学教育中 ,应用EBM进行思维、判断和决策 ,以及在教学中运用EBM还不够普遍。为此 ,提请医学界同道重视。一、EBM建立和发展背景长期以来 ,临床医学和医学教育遵循的是经验医学。尽管基础医学取得了明显进步 ,临床医学也已经采用医学统计学的手段进行研究 ,但其结论的真实性和可靠性尚难令人满意。加拿大M…  相似文献   

目的:探讨PBL教学法在我院临床医学生普通外科见习中应用的可行性.方法:通过将PBL法引入临床医学生在普通外科的见习教学,通过调查问卷评价其教学效果.结果:采用PBL教学法能显著提高学生的学习兴趣和自学能力,能培养学生分析问题与解决问题的能力,能使学生将所学的基本理论与实际相结合,有助于培养学生的临床思维方式和解决临床问题的能力.结论: PBL教学法是一种适合于临床医学生普通外科见习学习的教学模式.  相似文献   

΢��������ٴ�ҽѧ��չ������   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
随着人们对医疗水平的要求不断提高 ,临床医学中的诊断、治疗技术必然会有所改变 ,哪怕这些改变是缓慢的、渐进的。微创外科的兴起也就是这种改变之一。1 微创外科的概念和腹腔镜外科治疗的进展微创治疗是一个很大范围的医学进步 ,目前已涉及医学中许多分科疾病的治疗 ,并正在改变传统的分科治疗。我们在将腹腔镜专业病区称为微创外科病区时 ,影像科称我们介入治疗也是微创治疗 ,如门静脉高压症采用经皮肝穿曲张静脉栓塞术 (PTVE)、经颈内静脉肝内门腔分流术(TIPS)等都改变了以前外科剖腹手术治疗门静脉高压性上消化道出血的手术方…  相似文献   

The Asian Journal ofAndrology (AJA) is the official publication of the Asian Society of Andrology, and is sponsored by the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The Journal has been included in 11 international indexing systems, including BiologyBrowser, BIOSIS, CA, CAB Abstracts, CAB Health, CSCD, CSTPC, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, EMBASE, Index Copernicus, Index Medicus, MEDLINE, PASCAL, Research Alert and SCI-Expanded.  相似文献   

中国器官移植事业的改革和法治化进程始于2007年首部器官移植法规《人体器官移植条例》的颁布。历经10年的探索,我国根据自身社会发展阶段和文化传统的具体情况,建立了一个遵循世界卫生组织指导原则和国际伦理准则且符合我国国情的国家器官捐献与移植体系。中欧双方一直重视在医学专业技术人员培训、临床科研等领域开展国际合作。多年来,双方开展了一系列卓有成效的合作项目,其中包括中欧10所大学联合向欧盟委员会"伊拉斯谟+"项目申报的"中欧器官捐献领导力培训及专业技术输送计划"。该课程旨在中国医学教育领域建立一个高等教育(研究生)新课程——器官捐献。课程融合中欧教育特点,以网络教学与临床实践相结合,联合培养了首批中国器官捐献国际师资团队及器官捐献管理人才,并正式出版了我国首部器官捐献高等教育专业双语教程——《中欧器官捐献管理(双语版)》。项目至今已成功培养了144名本地在职医务人员或在读医学研究生,并在导师指导下产出了40余篇学术论文。  相似文献   

目的 了解护理专业中专、大专及本科毕业生的主观幸福感和应对方式,为进一步开展不同层次护理专业毕业生心理健康教育提供参考。方法 以总体幸福感量表(GWB)和应对方式问卷对护理专业临毕业的在枝中专(134名)、大专(136名)、本科(95名)学生进行自评调查。结果不同层次护理专业毕业生主观幸福感比较,差异无显著性意义(P〉0.05);但应对方式中解决问题、自责、求助、退避和合理化因子得分比较,差异有显著性意义(P〈0.05,P〈0.01);采用成熟型应对方式(解决问题、合理化)的毕业生幸福感较高(P〈0.01)。结论 不同层次护理专业毕业生的应对方式存在差异,应加强毕业生(尤其是中专、本科毕业生)应对方式的指导。  相似文献   

Study objectiveThis study aimed to evaluate whether (regarding the Surviving Sepsis Campaign [SSC] guidelines) the training of Malawis scarce medical staff is adequate. Hospitals in Malawi have a severe shortage of human resources and therefore rely heavily on junior staff. Sepsis is a leading cause of admission to hospitals particularly in resource poor countries. It is associated with a high mortality rate. The SSC guidelines have been developed to help frontline staff diagnose and treat patients with sepsis.DesignA questionnaire consisting of 10 multiple choice questions, which was to be completed before and after a teaching module.SettingAnesthesia courses at the University of Malawi.InterventionParticipants had to answer the questionnaire before and after their teaching block on anesthetics and critical care. The medical students have a 2-week teaching block, and the nonmedical staff have an intensive 3-day training course. MBBS 1 was asked only once as a baseline.Participants: 168 medical students and 31 nonphysician staff returned 345 questionnaires (return rate, 97.1%).MeasurementsA total of 345 anonymous multiple choice questionnaires were completed. The same questionnaire was then repeated after their teaching block on anesthesia and critical care (not MBBS 1). The aim was for us to assess the knowledge the students had of sepsis.Overall 67% of the questions were answered correctly (2299 correct answers of 3450). The MBBS IV students had an average score of 68% to 72%, and the MBBS I students had a score of 42%. The highest score was achieved by the nonphysician clinical staff after their teaching as they improved by 11% (65%-76%).ConclusionsMedical students and health care workers have a lack of knowledge regarding the SSC guidelines which needs to be addressed via training. The medical student teaching was not as effective as the nonphysician clinical staff course, and therefore, we need to think about restructuring their teaching block by having an intensive “Sepsis Day” that focuses on the SSC guidelines.  相似文献   

目的了解医学院校开设灾难护理相关课程的现状,为完善灾难护理教育学科体系提供依据。方法采用自行设计的调查表对全国95所招收全日制护理本科的院校专家进行调查。结果 16门课程中,人际沟通学、急救护理学、危重监护学等10门课程实际开设率低于专家认为需要开设率;不同地区危重监护学和流行病学开设率比较,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论医学院校灾害护理相关课程开设情况不乐观,不同地区有一定差异;相关部门应重视灾害护理学建设,加强灾害护理师资培养,加强国际间灾害护理学的交流,以完善我国灾害护理课程体系。  相似文献   

Objective: to assess the outcomes and competencies of medical undergraduates regarding their learning abilities after introducing Clinical Presentation Curriculum (CPC) instead of Traditional Curriculum in Quaid-i-Azam Medical College, Bahawalpur. Design: a cross-sectional comparative study. Place and Duration of Study: 3rd and 4th year MBBS class during session 2004-2005 at Quaid-i-Azam Medical College (QMC), Bahawalpur. Subjects and Methods: Five hundred students of 3rd year and 4th year MBBS who were taught for 176 and 172 hours respectively, appeared in 20 tests during session 2004-2005, were included in the study. Students were taught pathology according to Traditional Curricular model for 88 and 86 hours, respectively during college hours. Ten class tests each of 3rd and 4th year MBBS were taken and scores recorded. In the next step, the same group of students were taught in accordance with CPC model for 88 and 86 hours respectively in college hours. Ten class tests each were taken and scores recorded. A standardized questionnaire was given to all 500 students after finishing with each curricular model and then the results were compared on SPSS 8.0 regarding their study trends, thinking abilities, intellectual skills and liking of CPC. Chi-square test was used to get significance values and percentages were used for the evaluation of differences. Results: This study detected the positive effects of CPC model not only on study trends and thought process but also had the beneficial effects on learning potential of students in QMC where traditional curriculum was being followed for teaching students. When compared with traditional curricula, CPC model significantly ( p =< 0.01) improved the learning methods to improve knowledge and intellectual skills e.g; group discussions, internet use, reading latest and relevant journals and visits to wards and concerned teachers. Academic performances of these students significantly (p =< 0.01) improved regarding their class test attendance, class room attendance and marks obtained in tests when compared with traditional curricula. Similarly, there was significant (p =< 0.01) increase in divergent thinkers. Conclusion: CPC, introduced in 3rd and 4th year MBBS of QMC, Bahawalpur, with traditional curriculum, significantly improved the academic performance, learning behaviour and intellectual skills of students.  相似文献   

目的明确护理本、专科毕业生就业的核心竞争力,为护理院校进行有针对性的就业竞争力培训提供依据。方法运用调查研究法、文献查阅法、专家访谈法建立护理本、专科毕业生就业核心竞争力测试量表,并对228名护士进行调查;根据人力资源管理理论及核心竞争力理论,应用模型量表各维度建立护理本、专科毕业生就业核心竞争力识别模型,将各要素的竞争强度以点的形式标于核心竞争力识别模型上。结果该模型包括专业力、意志力、思维力、凝聚力等8个维度及从业稳定性,量表总体Cronbach’sq系数为0.955,各维度Cronbach’s a系数均〉0.7;专业力、思维力、创造力、可持续发展力是护理本科生就业的核心竞争力,意志力、凝聚力、执行力、从事护理专业的稳定性是护理专科生就业的核心竞争力。结论识别模型量表具有较好的信度和效度,据此建立的识别模型可以客观地评价不同学历护理专业学生的就业核心竞争力,可作为教学的参考。  相似文献   

当前医学生的教育虽然融合了多元素的教学方法,但本质上仍以灌输式教育为主,对创新能力的培养相对薄弱,创新性教育改革的速度和力度不能满足人才培养的巨大需求。培育创新型医学人才将促使更多优秀的原创性医疗技术和医疗手段脱颖而出,推动我国临床医学的发展。教师应充分认识创新性教育对培养医学生创新能力的重要性,借鉴丰富的教育模式,做好创新型医学人才的培育。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Emergency medicine is team work from the field to the hospital and therefore it is also important for physicians to understand the work of paramedics, and vice versa. Interprofessional emergency medicine education for medical and paramedic students in Helsinki was started in 2001. It consisted of a 15 European credit transfer system (ECTS) credits programme combining 22 students in 2001. In 2005, the number of students had increased to 25. The programme consisted of three parts: acute illness in childhood and adults (AI), advanced life support (ALS) and trauma life support (TLS). In this paper, we describe the concept of interprofessional education of medical students and paramedics in emergency medicine. METHODS: After finishing the programmes in 2001 and in 2005, the students' opinions regarding the education were collected using a standardized questionnaire. RESULTS: There were good ratings for the courses in AI (2001 vs. 2005, whole group; 4.3 +/- 0.7 vs. 4.2 +/- 0.4, P = 0.44) ALS (4.7 +/- 0.5 vs. 4.4 +/- 0.5, P = 0.06) and TLS (3.9 +/- 0.7 vs. 4.4 +/- 0.5, P = 0.01) in both years. Most of the medical students considered that this kind of co-education should be arranged for all medical students (2001 vs. 2005; 4.8 +/- 0.6 vs. 4.4 +/- 0.5, P = 0.02) and should be obligatory (3.5 +/- 1.5 vs. 3.1 +/- 1.3, P = 0.35). CONCLUSIONS: Co-education was well received and determined by the students as an effective way of improving their knowledge of emergency medicine and medical skills. The programme was rated as very useful and it should be included in the educational curriculum of both student groups.  相似文献   

目的 调查将胃肠外科发展史内容引入床旁教学前后,医学生对胃肠外科发展史的认知情况。方法 2020年9月至2021年2月对在复旦大学附属中山医院普通外科参加床旁教学的复旦大学上海医学院临床医学专业学生进行问卷调查。其中,2020年11月前的床旁教学中未专门安排胃肠外科发展史教学内容(对照组),2020年12月后的床旁教学中专门安排了胃肠外科发展史教学内容(研究组)。结果 共回收有效问卷73份,其中对照组40份(54.8%),研究组33份(45.2%)。胃肠外科发展史知识测试平均得分为(39.0±18.0)分,其中对照组(35.3±18.1)分,研究组(43.6±17.1)分,两组间存在显著统计学差异(P=0.047)。78.1%(57/73)的医学生认为“学习胃肠外科发展史有助于更好的了解胃肠外科的理论体系”。86.3%(63/73)的医学生认为“外科学的发展必然具有时代局限性”。84.9%(62/73)的医学生认为“每位大师创立或改进术式的初衷”是为了“更好的救治病人”。对于“推动外科学发展的最重要因素”,37.0%(27/73)的医学生认为是“临床病人的需求”,32.9%(24/73)认为是“科学理论的发展”。结论 将胃肠外科发展史教学融合进医学生的床旁教学,有助于医学生掌握胃肠外科的理论知识,理性把握医学发展的科学规律,是加强和改进医学人文教育的有益尝试。  相似文献   

郑军  徐江  曾妍 《中国美容医学》2014,(12):1019-1020,1022
探讨将循证医学思维运用在口腔医学教育及临床实践中,有助于激发学生学习的兴趣和主动性,真正做到提升学生的个人综合医学素质和应用能力,提高口腔医学教学的质量和培养出高素质口腔医学人才以适应社会需求,对高校口腔医学教育将产生强大的促进作用。  相似文献   

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