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<正>孕妇26岁,孕1产0,既往体健,本次怀孕无药物接触史,妊娠初期有感冒史。孕32周胎儿超声检查:胎儿双顶径7.81cm,股骨长5.32cm,羊水指数12.03cm,肝、胃、肾脏、膀胱及四肢正常;超声心动图于胎儿右心室流出道切面动脉导管与左肺动脉间探及2.22cm×1.73cm囊性包块,壁薄、边界清晰、内部透声良好(图1A),CDFI未见明显血流信号(图1B);气管-左右主支气管冠状切面扫查示囊性包块位于气管隆突下,主动脉弓切面扫查示囊性包块位于主动脉弓下(图1C)。超声诊  相似文献   

病人女性,71岁。查体发现上腹部囊性占位病变10d。于2007-04-07入院。腹部彩超检查发现上腹部囊性占位病变,胃小弯后内侧有一10 cm×6 cm囊性包块。CT示胃小弯内后方10 cm×6 cm×4 cm囊性包块,边界清晰(图1)。无腹痛、腹泻,无畏寒、发热。腹部平坦,无压痛及反跳痛。上腹部包块  相似文献   

<正>胃支气管源性囊肿极其罕见,笔者医院2014年收治1例胃后壁来源支气管源性囊肿,治疗效果良好。现报告如下。1病历简介病人女性,49岁。因"中上腹阵发性疼痛不适1个月"于2014-08-13入院。病人疼痛时不伴恶心呕吐,无寒战发热,无腹泻便秘,1周前在当地医院诊断为急性胰腺炎,经过抑酶、抗炎、止痛后症状缓解。查体:神志清楚,皮肤巩膜无黄染,中上腹轻压痛,无反跳痛,无肌紧张,肝脾肋缘  相似文献   

患者 患者女,49岁.因体检发现上腹部肿物3个月入院.B超示上腹部囊性占位,倾向良性.CT示食管下端贲门胃小弯侧占位病变,大部突出于胃腔外,略呈分叶状,密度均匀,与周围组织分界较清晰,不除外间质瘤.  相似文献   

<正>1病例简介患者,男,25岁。主因腰背部酸痛伴双下肢乏力2个月,于2013年1月25日入院。患者缘于2个月前无明显诱因出现腰背部酸痛不适,休息后缓解不明显,自觉双下肢乏力,大、小便正常。于当地医院行腰椎MRI检查显示L2椎体上缘水平椎管内囊肿(髓外硬膜下),未给予特殊治疗,为求进一步治疗来本院。入院查体:脊柱四肢无畸形,腰部屈伸活动略受限,胸腰段叩击疼痛,无双下肢放射痛,双下肢感觉正常,双下肢各关键肌力Ⅲ级,双下肢无指凹性  相似文献   

病例资料患者,女,28岁,因发现右颈部包块20余天入院。患者右侧前颈部包块约3.0 cm×2.0 cm大,无疼痛等其他不适。查体:双侧甲状腺未扪及明显异常,右侧前颈部近下颌处扪及一包块,约3.0 cm×2.0 cm大,质软,边界清楚,表面光滑,无压痛,不随吞咽上下移动,颈部未扪及肿大淋巴结。  相似文献   

先天性支气管源性肺囊肿52例   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
1982年1月至2002年12月,我们收治52例经手术治疗及病理诊断为先天性支气管源性肺囊肿的病人,现报道如下。  相似文献   

<正>支气管源性囊肿是一种极少见的先天性前肠发育畸形疾病,是由于胚胎时期呼吸系统发育障碍引起的一种囊性肿物,此病发病率较低,多数发生在肺实质及纵隔,发生在胸腔以外其他部位的极其罕见。笔者介绍1例成人贲门异位支气管源性囊肿并进行文献回顾。  相似文献   

1 临床资料男性患者 ,17岁 ,因腰痛两月 ,双下肢麻木、乏力 3周余入院。腰痛为渐进性 ,翻身困难 ,牵涉左下腹痛 ,无大小便功能障碍。查体 :被迫体位 ,心、肺、腹未查及异常。脊柱生理弯曲存在 ,无压痛及叩击痛 ,腰椎前弯及后伸明显受限 ,左右侧弯轻度受限 ,双下肢肌力 4级 ,肌张力减弱。双侧中腹壁反射减弱 ,下腹壁反射消失 ,提睾反射消失 ,肛门反射减弱 ,膝腱反射减弱 ,跟腱反射消失 ,踝阵挛阴性 ,病理反射未引出。双侧T10 感觉平面以下触觉、痛觉及温度觉减退。血生化检查无异常。X线片显示L5椎体骶化 ,T10、11椎体融合 ,考虑为先天…  相似文献   

1 病例报告:男,17岁。运动后血尿3周,B超发现膀胱后方囊性包块收入院。全程肉眼血尿,无尿频、尿急、尿病及排尿困难。无腹痛,腹胀。大便正常。查体:直肠左侧壁可触及一囊性包块,质软,表面光滑,边界不清,无触痛。  相似文献   

Lateral cervical bronchogenic cyst: an unusual cause of a lump in the neck   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BACKGROUND: Congenital cysts of the neck in children are not uncommon. Most of these are thyroglossal, branchial cleft, or less commonly, thymic cysts. Bronchial cysts rarely are initially seen as a neck mass. METHODS: Use of an illustrative case of a bronchogenic cyst initially seen as an upper lateral neck mass. CONCLUSIONS: We emphasize that although ectopic bronchogenic cysts are rare lesions of the head and neck, especially in the upper lateral neck, they should be included in the differential diagnosis in the evaluation of congenital neck cysts.  相似文献   

1 病例资料 患儿,男,3岁,因发现右肩胛部渐增性肿块3年,疼痛1 d,于2010年8月20日入院.查体:右肩胛部可见5 cm ×4 cm 大小的肿块,质中,表面光滑,活动度可,有明显压痛.X线片: 右肩胛部见软组织肿块影,.  相似文献   

患者女,27岁,常规体检透视时发现心影后圆形高密度影,无不适感。食管吞钡造影发现食管下段向右侧移位,局部受压,受压处左侧可见6.5cm×5.0cm圆形实变影(图1A)。胸部CT示后纵隔内7.1cm×5.3cm囊性病变,边界清楚,密度较均匀,CT值约5HU,囊壁局部见少许钙化影。增强CT示囊内液性病灶无明显强化,囊壁轻度强化(图1B)。  相似文献   

IntroductionBronchogenic cysts are congenital cysts arising as an abnormal budding from primitive tracheobronchial tree. They are lined by pseudostratified columnar or cuboidal ciliated epithelium and contain smooth muscle fibers, submucosal bronchial glands and/or cartilage. They are most frequently located in the mediastinum or the lung parenchyma. Intramural occurrence of bronchogenic cyst in the gastric wall is very rare.Presentation of caseWe present a case of 65-year-old lady with a 7 × 8 cm lesion in the gastric cardia suspicious of gastrointestinal stromal tumor. Because of the large size, total gastrectomy with Roux-en-Y esophagojejunal anastomosis was performed. The postoperative course was uneventful. Histopathological examination revealed a sub-mucosal cyst lined by PCCE with presence of smooth muscle fibers and focal mucous glands. Final diagnosis of bronchogenic cyst was made. On the last follow up at one year, she was symptom free.DiscussionOn extensive Medline/Pubmed search, only 38 cases of gastric bronchogenic cysts were found to be reported till date. They are typically located in the posterior gastric wall close to the gastric cardia. On radiological imaging, they appear as well defined intramural cystic lesion without any characteristic features. Surgical resection is considered in symptomatic cases or in case of diagnostic dilemma.ConclusionGastric bronchogenic cysts often mimic gastrointestinal stromal tumor on preoperative imaging. They should be included in the differential diagnosis while dealing with an intramural gastric lesion close to the cardia or gastroesophageal junction.  相似文献   

A subdiaphragmatic, retroperitoneal bronchogenic cyst arising from the stomach is reported in a patient who was referred for evaluation of what was thought to be an adrenal tumor. To our knowledge, less than 20 cases of retroperitoneal bronchogenic cyst have been reported in the English literature. A bronchogenic cyst may be indistinguishable from an adrenal tumor and, although rare, should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a retroperitoneal mass.  相似文献   

(Received for publication on Aug. 26, 1996; accepted on May 12, 1997)  相似文献   

超声诊断骶尾部表皮囊肿1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
患者女,40岁,因直肠憋胀感6个月、外院发现盆腔包块4天来我院就诊。经腹超声:膀胱充盈好,子宫及双侧卵巢结构未见明显异常,盆腔未见明显包块和积液。经阴道超声:直肠后方见约7.3 cm×3.5 cm囊实性包块,形态不规则,似"哑铃"型,边界清,似有包膜,内部回声偏低,不均匀,  相似文献   

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