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A simple, inexpensive, reproducible, and reliable model for digital replantation is described utilizing the rabbit ear. When compared to the human digit, it provides benefits over previous models. It is of similar tissue type and characteristics. The vessels closely approximate the digit in size and number. Results are easily quantified and the opportunity for a paired control in the same animal exists. Therefore, experimental design and statistical calculations may be simplified. The model can function for either replantation or revascularization with only slight changes in its preparation. Survival rates have been over 90%. In addition, the model provides an excellent forum for the development of technical expertise in the aspiring microvascular surgeon.  相似文献   

目的探讨指尖再植的手术要点。方法对86指指尖离断进行再植。既吻合指动脉末端分支,又吻合指静脉分支68指,仅吻合指动脉末端分支,不吻合指静脉分支16指,动静脉转流2指;神经直接缝合84指,抽出神经束植入指尖皮下2指。结果成活80指,成活率为93%。6指因术后血管危象坏死而截除。术后随访6~36个月,除8指指甲有增厚卷曲畸形,2指指腹有不同程度萎缩外.70指外形良好,感觉已恢复正常,两点辨别觉为5~8mm。结论熟悉指尖部动静脉的解剖,根据断指的情况,选择合适的手术方法和高质量的血管吻合技术。是保证指尖再植成功的关键。  相似文献   

目的探讨指尖再植的手术要点.方法对86指指尖离断进行再植.既吻合指动脉末端分支,又吻合指静脉分支68指,仅吻合指动脉末端分支,不吻合指静脉分支16指,动静脉转流2指;神经直接缝合84指,抽出神经束植入指尖皮下2指.结果成活80指,成活率为93%.6指因术后血管危象坏死而截除.术后随访6~36个月,除8指指甲有增厚卷曲畸形,2指指腹有不同程度萎缩外,70指外形良好,感觉已恢复正常,两点辨别觉为5~8*!mm.结论熟悉指尖部动静脉的解剖,根据断指的情况,选择合适的手术方法和高质量的血管吻合技术,是保证指尖再植成功的关键.  相似文献   

The term, “acute pancreatitis”, covers in terms of clinical, pathological, biochemical and bacteriological data, different entities in regard to the natural course of the disease. Interstitial edematous pancreatitis and necrotizing pancreatitis are the most frequent clinical manifestations; pancreatic abscess and postacute pseudocyst are late complications, mostly of necrotizing pancreatitis, developing after 3–5 weeks. The first choice of treatment is non-surgical management, even in patients with a severe complicated course of the disease. Patients who develop surgical acute abdomen, clinical sepsis syndrome, shock syndrome, or a severe type of mechanical or adynamic ileus must be treated surgically. Patients who do not respond to maximum intensive care measures for pulmonary, renal, cardiocirculatory, and metabolic dysfunction are candidates for surgical treatment, despite the possibility of sterile necrosis causing systemic complications. Surgical treatment is indicated in patients with infected necrosis, debridement and continuous closed lavage or open packing with re-operation being the most accepted treatment protoclos. When necrosectomy/debridement plus closed postoperative lavage was employed as a standard surgical treatment, hospital mortality was less than 20% in patients with infected necrosis as well as those with sterile necrosis. In pancreatic abscess and postacute pseudocyst, the treatment of first choice is intervention via ultrasound- or CT-guided percutaneous puncture and drainage of the abscess cavity. However, the majority of patients with a pancreatic abscess, treated interventionally, are candidates for a surgical drainage procedure because the interventional drainage fails to control the sepsis rapidly.  相似文献   

Arteriovenous shunt in digit replantation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
From May 1958 to May 1987, 331 digits were replanted successfully with an overall survival rate of 86.2%. Complete success in replantation of amputated fingers requires an accurate anastomoses of both arteries and veins. However, anastomosis between arteries may not be possible in some patients. Since reports that a thumb amputated at the interphalangeal joint area could be successfully replanted by an arteriovenous shunt on the palmar side, we did arteriovenous shunts in four such cases. Two replantations were successful; necrosis developed in the other two patients.  相似文献   

多指再植和功能恢复   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
目的阐述多指离断再植术后按时间有顺序地进行随访和康复治疗的必要性。方法对40例多指离断再植术后系统地进行随访及康复治疗的病人,进行全面分析。于术后10天至术后6个月,对40例再植的多指进行阶段性的各种不同的康复治疗,如各关节的主、被动活动,感觉训练等。在随访时根据功能恢复情况,可增加支具的应用,决定晚期矫形手术的时间等。结果经术后6个月的随访,手部功能优良率达到87.5%。结论多指再植后手指功能有较好的恢复才能算再植成功。多指再植后系统地进行随访及康复治疗是保证成功的重要措施  相似文献   

The decision to replant a severed part is based on the numerous factors that influence survival of the part and the functional and aesthetic benefits gained from replanting. Not all amputees will benefit from or are candidates for replantation. The decision to proceed is therefore made by the surgeon who must consider the mechanism and extent of injury, the age of the patient, the presence of other medical or surgical conditions, the likely functional outcomes, and the patient's motivation to undergo a difficult procedure, which is followed by a lengthy recovery. This is a meta-analysis of the available studies that tracks the outcomes, based on 9 criteria, after the amputation of a total of 1803 digits in 1299 patients. By combining the data from numerous sources, a statistically significant picture emerges which may be used to educate patients and help guide the surgeon in the decision to replant.  相似文献   

The replantation and revascularization of a distal finger following a crush injury or avulsion are difficult because of the shortness of the vessels after debridement. The success rate of the anastomoses may decrease when they are under tension. To address this, many maneuvers have been described, such as shortening the amputated part or proximal finger stump for tensionless closing, interposing a vein graft between the vessel ends, and vessel transfer from a neighboring finger. Regardless of which of these techniques is chosen, it is an additional drawback for the already traumatized hand or amputation stump. Y-V-I pedicle lengthening is a method for providing extra pedicle length. This article presents a pediatric patient with a traumatic partial amputation at the fourth distal interphalangeal joint in whom the finger was salvaged by achieving anastomoses using the Y-V-I pedicle-lengthening principle.  相似文献   

Even though replantation surgery has now become a routine procedure, it remains delicate and demanding surgery, requiring adequate training and expertise in microsurgical techniques. Well-defined selection criteria for replantation procedures have evolved over the past few years, including definitive guidelines for thumb, single digit, multiple digit and mid-palm amputations. For more complex cases, other techniques, including transpositional microsurgery and various secondary reconstructive procedures, such as toe-to-hand transfer, are now available. Although replantation procedures have been simplified, a second surgical team can save valuable surgical time by debriding and identifying the vessels in the amputated part, harvesting microvenous grafts, and performing bone fixation or tendon repair among other things, while the chief surgeon focuses on revascularization. Overall, the most significant guideline underlining the philosophy of digital replantation today reflects the aim of not only ensuring the survival of a digit, but its functional use as well. Experience dictates that this can be achieved only if the basic principles and indications of replantation surgery are adhered to.  相似文献   

In this study we sought to evaluate the potential of rat tail replantation as a tool for very-small-vessel microvascular anastomoses. We used 10 adult Sprague-Dawley rats. The tail was completely amputated 2.0-cm distal to the base of the tail. Then the tail was replanted with anastomoses of two superficial dorsal veins from both sides and one artery. All 10 replanted tails were pink, viable, and normal-appearing at all daily inspections performed from the first to the fourteenth postoperative days. This model can provide a training tool for the acquisition of superior microvascular surgical technique for the repair of very small vessels that stimulate digital replantation. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc. MICROSURGERY 18:364–367, 1998  相似文献   

Background: With the decrease of life-threatening obstructive upper airway infections and the ongoing improvement of intensive care medicine, the role of tracheostomy in children has been changing considerably, until now. The aim of this study was to establish data regarding indications, complications, and techniques of pediatric tracheostomy, which would reflect the current state of science. Methods: The authors analyzed the international literature as well as their own experience with 25 children less than 6 years of age who were operated on between 1980 and 1996. Results: Literature proved to be very heterogeneous in terms of terminology, patient groups, operation techniques, indications, and complications. Within the past decades, long-term intubation and congenital anomalies of the upper respiratory tract have become increasingly prevalent, whereas inflammatory diseases were less and less an indication for tracheostomy. Endotracheal intubation as an alternative has resulted in less frequent tracheostomies in general. Today, children can be ventilated for months without considerable complications. However, individual, clinical, and fiberoptical controls are necessary. Tracheostomy-related complications have not changed significantly. Fatalities are mostly caused by the underlying disease. The most frequent causes of tracheostomy-related death are cannula obstruction and accidental decannulation. The most frequent early complications are pneumomediastinum, pneumothorax, wound complications, and bleedings. Subsequent complications most often are granulations and tracheal stenosis. Conclusions: The authors' research agreed widely with that in the literature. However, no tracheostomy-related death occurred. Possibly, this was because of their operative technique. In the opinion of the authors, establishing a cartilage window facilitates cannula exchange and reduces the risk of a fatal accidental decannulation.  相似文献   

静脉动脉化在手指再植与再造中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨静脉动脉化再植与再造修复手指创伤的方法。方法对手指斜行离断伤、复合组织块离断伤、套脱伤,离断的部分不含动脉或动脉血管纤细无法吻合,或技术因素经多次动脉吻合失败,无法再吻合时,采用静脉动脉化再植,共7例8指。在切取拇甲瓣或第二足趾再造拇、手指时,由于血管变异无法携带可吻合的动脉进行移植、移植术中多次吻合动脉失败或术后发生动脉广泛栓塞,无动脉可再吻合时,改用静脉动脉化修复血管,共2例。结果9例全部成活。术后随访6个月.3年,功能恢复:优5例,良3例,可1例,优良率达89%。结论静脉动脉化手指再植与再造,对无法行动脉吻合的手指及复合组织离断伤,是一种可行的治疗方法。对游离足趾或足趾复合组织移植再造手指术,若动脉系统出现问题,该方法是挽救指体的一种补救措施。  相似文献   

吸烟对断指再植手术的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着断指再植技术的日臻完善 ,手术成功率呈上升趋势。尽管如此 ,仍有众多因素影响再植断指成活率 ,吸烟即是其中重要因素之一。为此 ,断指再植术后戒烟 (起码是一段时间内戒烟 )早已成为显微外科术后的常规“医嘱”。吸烟从哪些环节增加断指再植的失败机会 ?许多学者对此从不同方面作了研究 ,现将有关进展综述如下。1 尼古丁对微血管内皮细胞的毒理尼古丁是吸烟的主要危害因子 ,1支烟卷中尼古丁的含量可达 1 3mg〔1〕。研究发现 ,尼古丁对微血管的危害包括形态学及功能影响两方面。用烟草浸出液作皮内实验 ,发现血管闭塞性脉管炎患者阳…  相似文献   

某些断指的伤情复杂,常合并血管缺损,回植难度大。我们在微血管移植动物实验和尸体手指显微解剖的基础上,据情分别采用了12种方法,修复断指中血管缺损共207例(261指),成活240指,成活率92%。我们认为精湛的显微外科技术和正确选择处理方法,是手术成功的关键。  相似文献   

某些断指的伤情复杂,常合并血管缺损,回植难度大。我们在微血管移植动物实验和尸体手指显傲解剖的基础上,据情分别采用了12种方法,修复断指中血管缺损共207例(261指),成活240指,成活率92%。我们认为精湛的显微外科技术和正确选择处理方法,是手术成功的关键。  相似文献   

目的:探讨断指再植术后坏死的主要相关因素以采取有效的预防和控制措施。方法:对2013年1月至2013年12月收治的236例断指再植患者进行回顾性分析,共311指,其中男183例,女53例;年龄2~62岁,平均34.5岁,其中6岁以下6例,6岁以上230例。拇指51指,示指87指,中指78指,环指63指,小指32指。将再植术后坏死的40例40指作为观察组,其他再植存活病例作为对照组。比较两组年龄、性别、指别、吸烟史、受伤类型、断指缺血时间、离断平面、动静脉修复质量等方面的差异,分析引起再植术后坏死的相关因素。结果:手指完全离断再植236例共311指,术后坏死40指。完全离断指体再植术后坏死的主要相关影响因素包括:吸烟史、受伤类型、离断平面、动静脉修复情况(P<0.05).而与年龄、性别、指别、断指缺血时间无明显相关性(P>0.05).结论:吸烟史、受伤类型、离断平面及动静脉修复情况是完全离断指体再植术后坏死的独立预测因素,提示断指再植时应综合考虑患者基本情况、伤情,严格把握手术适应证,积极做好手术处理。  相似文献   

目的探讨手指挤压离断再植的手术方法及影响成活的因素和对策。方法对65例82指挤压指完全离断的病例进行再植,为提高手术的成功率,术中尽可能多的吻合指背及指掌侧静脉,对血管挫伤严重的手指采用血管移植、血管神经束转位、带血管皮瓣转移等方法进行再植修复;根据术后血小板活化的程度或临床表现,用适量尿激酶以纠正高血凝状态,以提高毛细血管的灌注。结果82个断指中成活78指,成活率95.1%,42例得到随访,随访时间6个月~3年,平均1年5个月,手指外形及感觉、运动功能恢复满意。按中华医学会手外科学会上肢部分功能评定试用标准评定,优52指,良21指,差5指,优良率93.6%。结论挤压伤断指只要手指外形未完全破坏,远端可寻见能吻合的血管,通过血管移植、血管神经束转位、静脉皮瓣转移等方法,应尽可能的进行再植修复,有较高的再植成活率。  相似文献   

Lumbar spinal stenosis is the most common indication for lumbar surgery. The objective of this article is to review the efficacy of open laminectomy as a treatment option for patients who fail conservative management. Identification of appropriate surgical candidates (those with clinical findings supported by imaging) and adequate surgical decompression affect ultimate outcomes. Review of current surgical techniques and documented outcomes indicates that laminectomy remains a viable treatment option in treating symptomatic stenosis.  相似文献   

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