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Antibodies to carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) from sheep and monkey were immunoadsorbent purified. Mouse monoclonal antibody (MAb) anti-CEA I-38S1 and Fab fragments of this antibody were prepared from mouse ascitic fluid. The IgG preparations were labelled with 123I or 131I, the Fab fragments with 131I. The antibody reactivity was unchanged after labelling. Patients with advanced colorectal carcinomas received an intravenous injection of 50-200 MBq 123I or 30-160 MBq 131I coupled to 250-500 micrograms antibody or antibody fragment. Patient examinations were performed using emission tomography (SPECT) and/or conventional gamma camera scintigraphy. The specific localization of labelled anti-CEA to tumor was compared to known tumor localized by CAT-scan, other x-ray methods or laparotomy, 50% of known tumors were accurately localized with sheep anti-CEA. In contrast, 70-80% of known tumor sites were correctly localized with polyclonal monkey anti-CEA antibodies, with monoclonal anti-CEA antibodies or with Fab fragments of the latter. A few previously unknown tumors were detected.  相似文献   

A mixture of 3 MAbs directed against 3 different CEA epitopes was radiolabelled with 131I and used for the treatment of a human colon carcinoma transplanted s.c. into nude mice. Intact MAbs and F(ab')2 fragments were mixed because it had been shown by autoradiography that these 2 antibody forms can penetrate into different areas of the tumor nodule. Ten days after transplantation of colon tumor T380 a single dose of 600 microCi of 131I MAbs was injected i.v. The tumor grafts were well established (as evidenced by exponential growth in untreated mice) and their size continued to increase up to 6 days after radiolabelled antibody injection. Tumor shrinking was then observed lasting for 4-12 weeks. In a control group injected with 600 microCi of 131I coupled to irrelevant monoclonal IgG, tumor growth was delayed, but no regression was observed. Tumors of mice injected with the corresponding amount of unlabelled antibodies grew like those of untreated mice. Based on measurements of the effective whole-body half-life of injected 131I, the mean radiation dose received by the animals was calculated to be 382 rads for the antibody group and 478 rads for the normal IgG controls. The genetically immunodeficient animals exhibited no increase in mortality, and only limited bone-marrow toxicity was observed. Direct measurement of radioactivity in mice dissected 1, 3 and 7 days after 131I-MAb injection showed that 25, 7.2 and 2.2% of injected dose were recovered per gram of tumor, the mean radiation dose delivered to the tumor being thus more than 5,000 rads. These experiments show that therapeutic doses of radioactivity can be selectively directed to human colon carcinoma by i.v. injection of 131I-labelled anti-CEA MAbs.  相似文献   

Five monoclonal antibodies that recognize different epitopes on carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) were reacted with tissue sections of various carcinoma specimens. The vital, non-necrotic tissues of those carcinomas of the oesophagus, pancreas, colon and rectum, medullary thyroid, ovary and cervix in which CEA related epitopes were detectable bound all five antibodies to a similar degree. In 3/5 lung carcinomas, 2/10 mammary carcinomas and 1/5 gastric carcinomas, a significantly different binding of the monoclonal antibodies by vital tumour tissue was present as determined by three independent investigators. In necrotic tissue areas, heterogeneity of antibody binding was more common. In a previous investigation, it was shown that normal granulocytes and liver tissue differentially bind the monoclonal anti-CEA antibodies, indicating the presence of crossreacting antigens. The equivalent binding of the five monoclonal anti-CEA antibodies to most of the carcinomas tested suggests that this binding is due to the presence of complete CEA molecules and not only of cross-reacting antigens.  相似文献   

Carcinoembryonic antigen was measured in serum and in extracts from 37 colorectal tumors and we found a poor correlation between circulating and tumor CEA. Monoclonal antiCEA antibodies were used in indirect immunoperoxidase staining of the corresponding formalin fixed tissue sections. We found that serum CEA measurement had a sensitivity of only 41.9% as compared to 90.3% for the immunohistochemical staining. The positive and negative predictive values for immunostaining were respectively 96.6% and 72.7%. Immunohistochemical staining of tissue sections with monoclonal anti CEA coupled to other biochemical or immunological assays could be a useful adjunct for the diagnosis of premalignant or slightly modified tissues.  相似文献   

To characterize the CEA in colonic effluent, anti-CEA monoclonal antibody COL-4 was used in a qualitative radioimmunoassay in both fractionated and unfractionated colonic effluent. Both effluent samples and tissue extracts, were subjected to Western blotting and tissue sections to immunohistochemistry. Quantitative levels of colonic effluent CEA were determined by a kit (Abbott-EIA). Higher mean values of COL-4 binding activity were seen only in patients with a past history of polyps (P < 0.01). Quantitated CEA correlated with the presence of colorectal cancer (CRC) as compared to normal subjects, (1133 +/- 875 vs. 459 ng/ml +/- 602, P < 0.05) but not when standardized for protein content. COL-4 reacted with an 180,000 M(r) CEA in the effluent and activity was associated with membrane fraction of the effluent, but bore no relation to the immunohistological staining. We conclude that CEA is detectable in colonic effluent and is membrane associated, but the overlapping values in effluent samples do not make this a useful test in the diagnosis of CRC.  相似文献   

Anti-tumor-associated glycoprotein (TAG)-72 PEG-immunoliposomes (PILs) were prepared by conjugation of Fab' fragments of recombinant humanized monoclonal antibody, HuCC49, to sterically stabilize unilamellar liposomes (90-110 nm in diameter) to target TAG-72-overexpressing cancer cells. The liposomes consisted of 1-palmitonyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphocholine (POPC), 92 mol percent, O,O'-dymyrisyl-N-lysyl aspartate (DMKD cationic lipid), 4 mol percent, distearoyl-phosphatidyl-ethanolamine-polyethylene glycol 2000 (DSPE-PEG(2000)), 3 mol percent and DSPE-maleimide (DSPE-PEG(2000)-Mal), 1 mol percent. These anti-TAG-72 PILs were able to adhere to the surface of TAG-72-overexpressing LS174 T human colon cancer cells more effectively than conventional liposomes. Also, in vitro gene transfection of the LS174 T cells by the anti-TAG-72 PILs in the presence of a high concentration of fetal bovine serum (up to 60%) was greater than that by conventional cationic lipoplexes. Intravenously administered anti-TAG-72 PILs efficiently localized in the LS174 T tumor tissues, while the non-targeted conventional liposomes did not. Intravenous administration of the anti-TAG-72 PILs containing plasmids encoding antiangiogenic proteins, such as angiostatin K1/3, endostatin and saxatilin, significantly inhibited in vivo growth of LS174 T tumors and angiogenesis in the tumor tissues. These results demonstrated the potential of TAG-72-mediated targeting of immunoliposomes as a modality for systemic gene delivery to human colon cancer cells.  相似文献   

We have generated three hybridoma-producing monoclonal antibodies (MAs) that show a different spectrum of reactivity to human mammary tissues. Two of these antibodies, 1F10B4 and 1F10G2, recognize a cytoplasmic determinant highly expressed in most of the primary and metastatic breast carcinomas studied, and weakly (or not at all) in normal breast and nonbreast tissues. 3C6F9 detected a surface determinant common to both normal and neoplastic mammary epithelium. Five hundred hybridomas were obtained from the fusion of NS-1 myeloma cells with spleen cells of mice hyperimmunized with the well-characterized human breast carcinoma cell line BT-20. After the initial screenings and clonings, three monoclonal antibodies (1F10B4, 1F10G2, and 3C6F9) showing a restricted range of reactivity were selected for further investigation. These three antibodies recognized a panel of neoplastic mammary cell lines; however, the degree of reactivity could not be correlated to any of the various characteristics of these epithelial cell lines. Moreover, immunofluorescence analysis of acetone-fixed cryostat section showed that 1F10B4 and 1F10G2 recognize the vast majority of the 37 primary and metastatic breast cancers tested, binding strongly to 47% and 67% of them respectively. Only one of the primary carcinomas was not recognized by 1F10B4. On the other hand, these two MAs reacted weakly or not at all with normal breast and nonbreast tissues showing only few focal reactivities with the luminal pole of some ducts of the breast; very weak staining in renal tubular epithelial cells, in few keratinocytes and epithelial cells lining some sebaceous glands in the skin; and a moderate staining in biliary ducts of the liver. All mesenchymal structures including smooth and striated muscle tissues, lymph nodes, and connective tissue were negative. On the other hand, 3C6F9 recognized a more limited number of human mammary tumors and reacted with normal ductal epithelium in the breast and with nonbreast tissues. Because of their wide spectrum of reactivity with breast cancer cells and restricted recognition of normal mammary tissues, their cytoplasmic localization, and their heterogeneous distribution within a single neoplasm, 1F10B4 and 1F10G2 are now being used to characterize antigenic phenotypes of tumor-associated antigens in retrospective studies performed on conventional formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded human mammary carcinomas.  相似文献   

Tumor-specific antigens are usually defined by monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) and can play critical roles in the diagnosis and therapy of carcinomas. Despite advances in the understanding of the molecular genetics of human prostate carcinomas, therapeutic approaches require that tumor-specific markers, preferably on the cell surface, should be defined. In this study, we examined the expression of an oncofetal antigen tumor-associated glycoprotein-72 (TAG-72) in prostatic adenocarcinomas with a Gleason grade of six or higher. Using a second generation MAb CC49 against TAG-72, immunoreactivity was detected in 88% (29/33) of the prostatic cancer tissues. Occasionally, the benign epithelium showed a very faint immunostaining but in most of the specimens, no reactivity was detected. Positive staining was present in the cytoplasm and the cell membrane of the malignant cells similar to reports on other cancer tissues. A weaker staining pattern of this antigen was seen in poorly differentiated areas. A significant negative correlation (r = -0.36, p < 0.05) was observed between TAG-72 antigen expression and Gleason grade. The TAG-72 antigen expression in prostatic adenocarcinomas may be used as a target for radioimmunotherapy by the multivalent single chain antibody CC49 constructs recently generated by our group.  相似文献   

Patients with primary and/or metastatic colorectal cancer who had been scheduled for operative intervention were injected intravenously with 200 micrograms of a high-affinity anti-carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) monoclonal antibody labeled with 2 mCi of 111-indium (Indacea). Patients were imaged by gamma camera at 24 and 48 hours. Primary tumors were identified in 3/10 cases and were not visualized in 3/10 cases. Four scans were considered equivocal. Hepatic metastases were identified as image defects in 5/13 cases and were not visualized in 8/13 cases. All tumors contained CEA by immunoperoxidase staining. In all cases, the primary tumor uptake (5.44 +/- 1.07% ID/kg) was much higher than the uptake of the adjacent fat (0.18 +/- 0.04% ID/kg). There was a direct correlation between tumor CEA content, tumor radioactivity, and the imaging of primary tumor by Indacea. High liver uptake (30.3 +/- 3.0% ID/kg), seen when scanning all patients, was the main limitation of imaging and led to photopenic visualization of hepatic metastases. These results suggest that selection of patients with colorectal carcinoma on the basis of tumor CEA content will lead to improved rates of tumor imaging by Indacea in post-surgical scanning.  相似文献   

Murine monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) reactive with distinct epitopes on carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) have been analyzed systematically by radioimmunoassays, Western blotting, and immunohistochemical assays to define CEA expression in adenocarcinomas, benign lesions, and normal tissues of the stomach. Each of four COL-MAbs (COL-1, COL-4, COL-6, and COL-12) reacted preferentially with cell extracts of adenocarcinomas versus those of normal mucosae in solid-phase radioimmunoassays. Using Western blotting analyses MAbs COL-1, COL-4, COL-6, and COL-12 detected only the Mr 180,000 molecule characteristic of CEA in adenocarcinoma of the stomach; no reactivity was observed in an extract of normal gastric mucosa. Antibody competition radioimmunoassays were then carried out to define relations among COL-MAbs using 125I-radiolabeled MAbs, and nonradiolabeled MAbs as competitors. A spectrum of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded normal, benign, and malignant tissue sections of the stomach were examined for immunoreactivities with COL-MAbs using immunohistochemical assays to define whether the COL-MAbs were able to detect CEA expression in early foci of gastric carcinomas. All of the COL-MAbs generally demonstrated selective reactivities to adenocarcinomas (n = 40) versus benign lesions (n = 15) and normal mucosae (n = 6) of the stomach. From 72 to 100% of adenocarcinomas at early stage (n = 18) were reactive with the COL-MAbs, suggesting that these MAbs might serve as immunohistochemical diagnostic tools to detect early foci of gastric carcinoma. The data reported here indicate that the COL-MAbs can potentially be utilized as radioimmunological and immunohistochemical adjuncts to differentiate early adenocarcinomas from normal mucosae or benign lesions of the stomach on the basis of differential CEA expression.  相似文献   

Six monoclonal antibodies directed against ovarian adenocarcinoma were generated by use of 100,000 x g supernatants of Triton-X-100 solubilized extracts of ovarian serous adenocarcinoma as the antigen source. Immunoperoxidase preparation of frozen-sections and routinely processed paraffin section specimens revealed a highly restricted reactivity of these antibodies when tested with adult (n = 2) and fetal (n = 3) tissue types. Coreactivities were occasionally observed with epithelia of the kidney, mammary gland, and pancreas. One monoclonal antibody, Ki-OC I-6-2, cross-reacted only with epididymal epithelia. No coreaction occurred with normal tissue of the ovary, Fallopian tube, or uterus. All antibodies were additionally tested on 74 cases of nonovarian malignancies, 15 cases of ovarian metastases of nonovarian carcinomas, and 114 specimens of ovarian neoplasms other than carcinomas. Ki-OC I-6-2 had no cross-reactivity with these tumors except for one case of renal cell carcinoma. This monoclonal antibody recognized serous, mucinous, and poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma cell types. None of the six antibodies reacted with clear cell or endometrioid carcinoma. All were found to be of the IgG-1 subclass. The tumor antigen to which Ki-OC I-6-2 immunoreacted was estimated to have a molecular weight of 80 kilodaltons (KD).  相似文献   

Numerous neoplastic lesions of the salivary glands often share a number of similar histopathological features and different areas of the same tumor specimen, not infrequently, may show a diverse histomorphology. The present study evaluates expression of single keratin proteins recognized by monoclonal anti-K7, K8, K18, K19 and keratins recognized by monoclonal KL1 and K8.12 in tubular-duct-like or cribriform structures, solid nests, clear cells, microcystic, basaloid cells and squamous metaplastic histomorphology present in tissue specimens of adenoid cystic carcinoma (n=11), acinic cell carcinoma (n=5), polymorphous low grade adenocarcinoma (n=1) and adenocarcinoma, not otherwise specified (NOS, n=5) of salivary glands. Expression of vimentin in the epithelial tumor cells was further evaluated using an anti-vimentin monoclonal antibody. A great heterogeneity of keratin expression was observed in the luminal and abluminal cells forming the tubular-duct-like and cribriform structures. The abluminal cells in more than half of the instances of adenoid cystic carcinoma had immunoreactive vimentin. In addition, heterogeneity was more pronounced in tumor cells forming the solid nests, comedo-necrosis, microcysts, clear cells or squamous metaplasia. A heterogeneity of keratin profile in different histomorphologies of different tumor types and even in different areas of the same tumor specimen, in the present study, and the available evidence so far limits the use of cytokeratin immunostaining in the differential diagnosis of neoplastic salivary lesions and characterization of a particular histomorphology which, in many instances, are ubiquitous in different tumor subtypes.  相似文献   

The immunohistological distribution of blood group (BG)-related antigens including A, B, H type 2, and sialylated Lex in lung adenocarcinomas was examined using monoclonal antibodies. BG-A, B, and H type 2 compatible with the ABO status in tumor cells were expressed in 60% of the cases. Accumulation of H type 2, associated with loss of BG-A and B, was observed in tumor cells of patients with BG status other than 0. Tumor-associated antigens, Lex and sialylated Lex were detected in 36.0% and 72.0%, respectively. Modification of carbohydrate antigens in cancer may be associated with incomplete synthesis; accumulation of precursor antigen; and activated sialylation.  相似文献   

Double-label immunofluorescence was used to monitor basement-membrane composition and integrity in 22 human colon polyps, 36 adenocarcinomas and 2 metastases. Cryostat sections were stained with polyclonal anti-laminin anti-serum combined with monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to all major basement-membrane components (laminin, entactin/nidogen, collagen type IV and large heparan sulfate proteoglycan), as well as to keratin 8. In all adenocarcinomas, including mucinous, basement membranes were altered more at the invasive front than in the parenchyma. The degree of this alteration was inversely correlated with the level of tumor differentiation. An uncoordinated loss of basement membrane components (dissociation of markers), previously described by us in rat colon adenocarcinomas, was also found in human tumors. In the great majority of adenocarcinomas a pronounced stromal reaction was seen. It was manifested by the presence of fibrillar deposits of basement-membrane components, mainly of collagen type IV and/or heparan sulfate proteoglycan. This reaction was never observed in polyps and may be derived from myofibroblasts reported to accumulate in colon cancer stroma. The combined use of antibodies to basement-membrane components and to a specific keratin may constitute an adequate immunohistochemical test for the presence of invasion, and may be useful in the histologic analysis of polyps, especially in dubious cases.  相似文献   

The hybridomas No. 165.28T, No. 473.54S, and No. 653.25N derived from the fusion of myeloma cells with splenocytes from mice immunized with cultured human melanoma cells secreted monoclonal antibodies recognizing antigenic determinants maximally expressed on cultured human melanoma cells and freshly explanted melanoma cells. Monoclonal antibody No. 376.74T reacted also with carcinoma cell lines but with a significantly lower titer. Rosette inhibition assay showed that these antigenic determinants were expressed on antigenic structures, which are not associated with beta 2 microglobulin and histocompatibility antigens. Two monoclonal antibodies recognized the same or closely associated antigenic determinants, and the remaining two monoclonal antibodies reacted with distinct antigenic determinants. All four monoclonal antibodies could mediate antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity of cultured melanoma cells, but none could mediate complement-dependent cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

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