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Automatic segmentation of 3D micro-CT coronary vascular images   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although there are many algorithms available in the literature aimed at segmentation and model reconstruction of 3D angiographic images, many are focused on characterizing only a part of the vascular network. This study is motivated by the recent emerging prospects of whole-organ simulations in coronary hemodynamics, autoregulation and tissue oxygen delivery for which anatomically accurate vascular meshes of extended scale are highly desirable. The key requirements of a reconstruction technique for this purpose are automation of processing and sub-voxel accuracy. We have designed a vascular reconstruction algorithm which satisfies these two criteria. It combines automatic seeding and tracking of vessels with radius detection based on active contours. The method was first examined through a series of tests on synthetic data, for accuracy in reproduced topology and morphology of the network and was shown to exhibit errors of less than 0.5 voxel for centerline and radius detections, and 3 degrees for initial seed directions. The algorithm was then applied on real-world data of full rat coronary structure acquired using a micro-CT scanner at 20 microm voxel size. For this, a further validation of radius quantification was carried out against a partially rescanned portion of the network at 8 microm voxel size, which estimated less than 10% radius error in vessels larger than 2 voxels in radius.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) high-resolution ultrasonography has proved to be useful for in vitro assessment of cartilage remodeling due to osteoarthritis. The diagnosis is performed by computation of the mean thickness of the cartilage, which reveals hypertrophy or thinning, and by 3D reconstruction of the data, which provides essential information about the size, extent, and localization of the lesion. In both cases, preliminary segmention of the cartilage is necessary. This article proposes an algorithm for automatic segmentation of the cartilage from 3D ultrasonic acquisitions of the rat patella, which includes the detection of the cartilage surface and the cartilage/bone interface. The method was designed on the assumption of regularity and smoothness of the interfaces. The use of a global threshold was sufficient to separate the patella area from the background. The cartilage/bone interface was detected by selection of regions of interest (ROIs) encompassing the interface, followed by the detection of the interface within these ROIs using the graph theory. The method was applied to 162 samples. The detection accuracy was judged to be very good or good in 99% of the cases for the cartilage surface and in 86% of the cases for the cartilage/bone interface. The mean cartilage thickness value in the central part of the patella obtained from the automatic detection method was compared to that obtained manually. The coefficient of correlation between the two measurements was 0.92. These results show that our method is reliable. Thus, fast processing of a large number of acquisitions and a more complete analysis of the cartilage surface become possible.  相似文献   

Simulated deformations and images can act as the gold standard for evaluating various template-based image segmentation and registration algorithms. Traditional deformable simulation methods, such as the use of analytic deformation fields or the displacement of landmarks followed by some form of interpolation, are often unable to construct rich (complex) and/or realistic deformations of anatomical organs. This paper presents new methods aiming to automatically simulate realistic inter- and intra-individual deformations. The paper first describes a statistical approach to capturing inter-individual variability of high-deformation fields from a number of examples (training samples). In this approach, Wavelet-Packet Transform (WPT) of the training deformations and their Jacobians, in conjunction with a Markov random field (MRF) spatial regularization, are used to capture both coarse and fine characteristics of the training deformations in a statistical fashion. Simulated deformations can then be constructed by randomly sampling the resultant statistical distribution in an unconstrained or a landmark-constrained fashion. The paper also describes a model for generating tissue atrophy or growth in order to simulate intra-individual brain deformations. Several sets of simulated deformation fields and respective images are generated, which can be used in the future for systematic and extensive validation studies of automated atlas-based segmentation and deformable registration methods. The code and simulated data are available through our Web site.  相似文献   

Rohlfing T  Brandt R  Menzel R  Maurer CR 《NeuroImage》2004,21(4):185-1442
This paper evaluates strategies for atlas selection in atlas-based segmentation of three-dimensional biomedical images. Segmentation by intensity-based nonrigid registration to atlas images is applied to confocal microscopy images acquired from the brains of 20 bees. This paper evaluates and compares four different approaches for atlas image selection: registration to an individual atlas image (IND), registration to an average-shape atlas image (AVG), registration to the most similar image from a database of individual atlas images (SIM), and registration to all images from a database of individual atlas images with subsequent multi-classifier decision fusion (MUL). The MUL strategy is a novel application of multi-classifier techniques, which are common in pattern recognition, to atlas-based segmentation. For each atlas selection strategy, the segmentation performance of the algorithm was quantified by the similarity index (SI) between the automatic segmentation result and a manually generated gold standard. The best segmentation accuracy was achieved using the MUL paradigm, which resulted in a mean similarity index value between manual and automatic segmentation of 0.86 (AVG, 0.84; SIM, 0.82; IND, 0.81). The superiority of the MUL strategy over the other three methods is statistically significant (two-sided paired t test, P < 0.001). Both the MUL and AVG strategies performed better than the best possible SIM and IND strategies with optimal a posteriori atlas selection (mean similarity index for optimal SIM, 0.83; for optimal IND, 0.81). Our findings show that atlas selection is an important issue in atlas-based segmentation and that, in particular, multi-classifier techniques can substantially increase the segmentation accuracy.  相似文献   

目的评价3.0 T MR T2 mapping成像技术对膝关节早期软骨病损评价的临床应用价值。材料与方法采用3.0 T高场强MR成像仪分别对膝关节病变组(A组)和健康对照组(B组)各100例进行MR T2 mapping成像,将膝关节软骨分为11个区(股骨内侧中区、内侧后区、外侧中区和外侧后区,胫骨内侧前区、内侧中区、内侧后区、外侧前区、外侧中区和外侧后区、髌骨软骨面区),测量其T2值,并进行统计学分析。结果 A组关节软骨T2平均值为(44.39±15.28) ms,B组关节软骨T2平均值为(31.70±8.33) ms,A组关节软骨T2值高于B组,两组间差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。A组T2值与WORMS评分具有的相关性(r=0.405~0.847,P<0.01)。结论 MR T2 mapping成像可以有效反应早期关节软骨损伤T2值的变化,是评价膝关节软骨病损的有效手段。  相似文献   

Automatic segmentation of MR images of the developing newborn brain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper describes an automatic tissue segmentation method for newborn brains from magnetic resonance images (MRI). The analysis and study of newborn brain MRI is of great interest due to its potential for studying early growth patterns and morphological changes in neurodevelopmental disorders. Automatic segmentation of newborn MRI is a challenging task mainly due to the low intensity contrast and the growth process of the white matter tissue. Newborn white matter tissue undergoes a rapid myelination process, where the nerves are covered in myelin sheathes. It is necessary to identify the white matter tissue as myelinated or non-myelinated regions. The degree of myelination is a fractional voxel property that represents regional changes of white matter as a function of age. Our method makes use of a registered probabilistic brain atlas. The method first uses robust graph clustering and parameter estimation to find the initial intensity distributions. The distribution estimates are then used together with the spatial priors to perform bias correction. Finally, the method refines the segmentation using training sample pruning and non-parametric kernel density estimation. Our results demonstrate that the method is able to segment the brain tissue and identify myelinated and non-myelinated white matter regions.  相似文献   

A collaborative framework was initiated to establish a community resource of ground truth segmentations from cardiac MRI. Multi-site, multi-vendor cardiac MRI datasets comprising 95 patients (73 men, 22 women; mean age 62.73 ± 11.24 years) with coronary artery disease and prior myocardial infarction, were randomly selected from data made available by the Cardiac Atlas Project (Fonseca et al., 2011). Three semi- and two fully-automated raters segmented the left ventricular myocardium from short-axis cardiac MR images as part of a challenge introduced at the STACOM 2011 MICCAI workshop (Suinesiaputra et al., 2012). Consensus myocardium images were generated based on the Expectation–Maximization principle implemented by the STAPLE algorithm (Warfield et al., 2004). The mean sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive and negative predictive values ranged between 0.63 and 0.85, 0.60 and 0.98, 0.56 and 0.94, and 0.83 and 0.92, respectively, against the STAPLE consensus. Spatial and temporal agreement varied in different amounts for each rater. STAPLE produced high quality consensus images if the region of interest was limited to the area of discrepancy between raters. To maintain the quality of the consensus, an objective measure based on the candidate automated rater performance distribution is proposed. The consensus segmentation based on a combination of manual and automated raters were more consistent than any particular rater, even those with manual input. The consensus is expected to improve with the addition of new automated contributions. This resource is open for future contributions, and is available as a test bed for the evaluation of new segmentation algorithms, through the Cardiac Atlas Project (www.cardiacatlas.org).  相似文献   

In this paper, a new, fully automated, content-based system is proposed for knee bone segmentation from magnetic resonance images (MRI). The purpose of the bone segmentation is to support the discovery and characterization of imaging biomarkers for the incidence and progression of osteoarthritis, a debilitating joint disease, which affects a large portion of the aging population. The segmentation algorithm includes a novel content-based, two-pass disjoint block discovery mechanism, which is designed to support automation, segmentation initialization, and post-processing. The block discovery is achieved by classifying the image content to bone and background blocks according to their similarity to the categories in the training data collected from typical bone structures. The classified blocks are then used to design an efficient graph-cut based segmentation algorithm. This algorithm requires constructing a graph using image pixel data followed by applying a maximum-flow algorithm which generates a minimum graph-cut that corresponds to an initial image segmentation. Content-based refinements and morphological operations are then applied to obtain the final segmentation. The proposed segmentation technique does not require any user interaction and can distinguish between bone and highly similar adjacent structures, such as fat tissues with high accuracy. The performance of the proposed system is evaluated by testing it on 376 MR images from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI) database. This database included a selection of single images containing the femur and tibia from 200 subjects with varying levels of osteoarthritis severity. Additionally, a full three-dimensional segmentation of the bones from ten subjects with 14 slices each, and synthetic images with background having intensity and spatial characteristics similar to those of bone are used to assess the robustness and consistency of the developed algorithm. The results show an automatic bone detection rate of 0.99 and an average segmentation accuracy of 0.95 using the Dice similarity index.  相似文献   



Segmenting the cardiac ventricles in magnetic resonance (MR) images is required for cardiac function assessment. Numerous segmentation methods have been developed and applied to MR ventriculography. Quantitative validation of these segmentation methods with ground truth is needed prior to clinical use, but requires manual delineation of hundreds of images. We applied a well-established method to this problem and rigorously validated the results.  相似文献   

Li W  Tian J  Li E  Dai J 《NeuroImage》2004,23(4):1507-1518
Manual region tracing method for segmentation of infarction lesions in images from diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI) is usually used in clinical works, but it is time consuming. A new unsupervised method has been developed, which is a multistage procedure, involving image preprocessing, calculation of tensor field and measurement of diffusion anisotropy, segmentation of infarction volume based on adaptive multiscale statistical classification (MSSC), and partial volume voxel reclassification (PVVR). The method accounts for random noise, intensity overlapping, partial volume effect (PVE), and intensity shading artifacts, which always appear in DT-MR images. The proposed method was applied to 20 patients with clinically diagnosed brain infarction by DT-MRI scans. The accuracy and reproducibility in terms of identifying the infarction lesion have been confirmed by clinical experts. This automatic segmentation method is promising not only in detecting the location and the size of infarction lesion in stroke patient but also in quantitatively analyzing diffusion anisotropy of lesion to guide clinical diagnoses and therapy.  相似文献   

Since hippocampal volume has been found to be an early biomarker for Alzheimer's disease, there is large interest in automated methods to accurately, robustly, and reproducibly extract the hippocampus from MRI data. In this work we present a segmentation method based on the minimization of an energy functional with intensity and prior terms, which are derived from manually labelled training images. The intensity energy is based on a statistical intensity model that is learned from the training images. The prior energy consists of a spatial and regularity term. The spatial prior is obtained from a probabilistic atlas created by registering the training images to the unlabelled target image, and deforming and averaging the training labels. The regularity prior energy encourages smooth segmentations. The resulting energy functional is globally minimized using graph cuts. The method was evaluated using image data from a population-based study on diseases among the elderly. Two set of images were used: a small set of 20 manually labelled MR images and a larger set of 498 images, for which manual volume measurements were available, but no segmentations. This data was previously used in a volumetry study that found significant associations between hippocampal volume and cognitive decline and incidence of dementia. Cross-validation experiments with the labelled set showed similarity indices of 0.852 and 0.864 and mean surface distances of 0.40 and 0.36 mm for the left and right hippocampus. 83% of the automated segmentations of the large set were rated as ‘good’ by a trained observer. Also, the proposed method was used to repeat the manual hippocampal volumetry study. The automatically obtained hippocampal volumes showed significant associations with cognitive decline and dementia, similar to the manually measured volumes. Finally, direct quantitative and qualitative comparisons showed that the proposed method outperforms a multi-atlas based segmentation method.  相似文献   

Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) image segmentation can provide more detailed vessel and plaque information, resulting in better diagnostics, evaluation and therapy planning. A novel automatic segmentation proposal is described herein; the method relies on a binary morphological object reconstruction to segment the coronary wall in IVUS images. First, a preprocessing followed by a feature extraction block are performed, allowing for the desired information to be extracted. Afterward, binary versions of the desired objects are reconstructed, and their contours are extracted to segment the image. The effectiveness is demonstrated by segmenting 1300 images, in which the outcomes had a strong correlation to their corresponding gold standard. Moreover, the results were also corroborated statistically by having as high as 92.72% and 91.9% of true positive area fraction for the lumen and media adventitia border, respectively. In addition, this approach can be adapted easily and applied to other related modalities, such as intravascular optical coherence tomography and intravascular magnetic resonance imaging.  相似文献   

MAP MRF joint segmentation and registration of medical images   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The problems of segmentation and registration are traditionally approached individually, yet the accuracy of one is of great importance in influencing the success of the other. In this paper, we aim to show that more accurate and robust results may be obtained through seeking a joint solution to these linked processes. The outlined approach applies Markov random fields in the solution of a maximum a posteriori model of segmentation and registration. The approach is applied to synthetic and real MRI data.  相似文献   

Intensity-invariant local phase features based on Log-Gabor filters have been recently shown to produce highly accurate localizations of bone surfaces from three-dimensional (3-D) ultrasound. A key challenge, however, remains in the proper selection of filter parameters, whose values have so far been chosen empirically and kept fixed for a given image. Since Log-Gabor filter responses widely change when varying the filter parameters, actual parameter selection can significantly affect the quality of extracted features. This article presents a novel method for contextual parameter selection that autonomously adapts to image content. Our technique automatically selects the scale, bandwidth and orientation parameters of Log-Gabor filters for optimizing local phase symmetry. The proposed approach incorporates principle curvature computed from the Hessian matrix and directional filter banks in a phase scale-space framework. Evaluations performed on carefully designed in vitro experiments demonstrate 35% improvement in accuracy of bone surface localization compared with empirically-set parameterization results. Results from a pilot in vivo study on human subjects, scanned in the operating room, show similar improvements.  相似文献   

A new method has been developed for probabilistic segmentation of five different types of brain structures: white matter, gray matter, cerebro-spinal fluid without ventricles, ventricles and white matter lesion in cranial MR imaging. The algorithm is based on information from T1-weighted (T1-w), inversion recovery (IR), proton density-weighted (PD), T2-weighted (T2-w) and fluid attenuation inversion recovery (FLAIR) scans. It uses the K-Nearest Neighbor classification technique that builds a feature space from spatial information and voxel intensities. The technique generates for each tissue type an image representing the probability per voxel being part of it. By application of thresholds on these probability maps, binary segmentations can be obtained. A similarity index (SI) and a probabilistic SI (PSI) were calculated for quantitative evaluation of the results. The influence of each image type on the performance was investigated by alternately leaving out one of the five scan types. This procedure showed that the incorporation of the T1-w, PD or T2-w did not significantly improve the segmentation results. Further investigation indicated that the combination of IR and FLAIR was optimal for segmentation of the five brain tissue types. Evaluation with respect to the gold standard showed that the SI-values for all tissues exceeded 0.8 and all PSI-values exceeded 0.7, implying an excellent agreement.  相似文献   

The treatment of focal cartilage defects in the knee remains a challenging clinical problem. One relatively new unique treatment option is particulated articular cartilage, which includes autograft and off-the-shelf allogeneic juvenile grafts. The use of particulated cartilage has the advantage of being a single-stage procedure. In the case of autograft, it is cost efficient, while in the juvenile allograft form, it may have increased proliferative and restorative potentials. Laboratory and clinical data are limited for particulated cartilage grafts; however, there are promising histologic and clinical outcomes. This review provides a summary of the indications, surgical technique, and most up-to-date research on particulated cartilage for the repair of symptomatic chondral defects in the knee.  相似文献   

Endovascular aortic replacement (EVAR) is an established technique, which uses stent grafts to treat aortic aneurysms in patients at risk of aneurysm rupture. Late stent graft failure is a serious complication in endovascular repair of aortic aneurysms. Better understanding of the motion characteristics of stent grafts will be beneficial for designing future devices. In addition, analysis of stent graft movement in individual patients in vivo can be valuable for predicting stent graft failure in these patients.To be able to gather information on stent graft motion in a quick and robust fashion, we propose an automatic method to segment stent grafts from CT data, consisting of three steps: the detection of seed points, finding the connections between these points to produce a graph, and graph processing to obtain the final geometric model in the form of an undirected graph.Using annotated reference data, the method was optimized and its accuracy was evaluated. The experiments were performed using data containing the AneuRx and Zenith stent grafts. The algorithm is robust for noise and small variations in the used parameter values, does not require much memory according to modern standards, and is fast enough to be used in a clinical setting (65 and 30 s for the two stent types, respectively). Further, it is shown that the resulting graphs have a 95% (AneuRx) and 92% (Zenith) correspondence with the annotated data.The geometric model produced by the algorithm allows incorporation of high level information and material properties. This enables us to study the in vivo motions and forces that act on the frame of the stent. We believe that such studies will provide new insights into the behavior of the stent graft in vivo, enables the detection and prediction of stent failure in individual patients, and can help in designing better stent grafts in the future.  相似文献   

Optimum template selection for atlas-based segmentation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Atlas-based segmentation of MR brain images typically uses a single atlas (e.g., MNI Colin27) for region identification. Normal individual variations in human brain structures present a significant challenge for atlas selection. Previous researches mainly focused on how to create a specific template for different requirements (e.g., for a certain population). We address atlas selection with a different approach: instead of choosing a fixed brain atlas, we use a family of brain templates for atlas-based segmentation. For each subject and each region, the template selection method automatically chooses the 'best' template with the highest local registration accuracy, based on normalized mutual information. The region classification performances of the template selection method and the single template method were quantified by the overlap ratios (ORs) and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) between the manual tracings and the respective automated labeled results. Two groups of brain images and multiple regions of interest (ROIs), including the right anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and several subcortical structures, were tested for both methods. We found that the template selection method produced significantly higher ORs than did the single template method across all of the 13 analyzed ROIs (two-tailed paired t-test, right ACC at t(8)=4.353, p=0.0024; right amygdala, matched paired t test t(8)>3.175, p<0.013; for the remaining ROIs, t(8)=4.36, p<0.002). The template selection method also provided more reliable volume estimates than the single template method with increased ICCs. Moreover, the improved accuracy of atlas-based segmentation using optimum templates approaches the accuracy of manual tracing, and thus is valid for automated brain imaging analyses.  相似文献   

膝关节软骨在维持正常关节活动中起着重要作用,但它的耐受力较弱,年龄的增长、外伤及各种关节疾患均可导致软骨发生病理改变。X线、CT检查均不能显示软骨的外形和轮廓,亦不能显示软骨内部的病理改变,只能通过膝关节间隙的变窄、关节周围骨质增生等间接征象,  相似文献   

Segmentation of contrast-enhanced abdominal CT images is required by many clinical applications of computer aided diagnosis and therapy planning. The research on automated methods involves different organs among which the liver is the most emphasized. In the current clinical practice more images (at different phases) are acquired from the region of interest in case of a contrast-enhanced abdominal CT examination. The majority of the existing methods, however, use only the portal-venous image to segment the liver. This paper presents a method that automatically segments the liver by combining more phases of the contrast-enhanced CT examination. The method uses region-growing facilitated by pre- and post-processing functions, which incorporate anatomical and multi-phase information to eliminate over- and under-segmentation. Another method, which uses only the portal-venous phase to segment the liver automatically, is also presented. Both methods were evaluated using different datasets, which showed that the result of multi-phase method can be used without or after minor correction in nearly 94% of the cases, and the single-phase method can provide result comparable with non-expert manual segmentation in 90% of the cases. The comparison of the two methods demonstrates that automatic segmentation is more reliable when the information of more phases is combined.  相似文献   

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