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活体肝移植的供肝处理技巧   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨活体肝移植术供肝的选择,切取和修整,方法 1997至2001年期间,第四军医大学西京医院共完成活体肝移植术3例。其中2例是儿童活体肝移植术,另1例是成人辅助性原位活体肝移植术,供肝切取均为左外叶,供者术中作必要的肝周韧带游离和肝门解剖,超声刀切取供肝,不阻断肝脏血流。结果 供者手术时间为5-6.5h,失血量为200-400ml,无并发症发生。目前所有的供者肝功能均正常。恢复正常的工作和生活。结论 左肝外叶切除对供者是非常安全的。一般无手术并发症发生。  相似文献   

目的总结分析原位背驮式肝移植手术后并发症与供肝修整的关系。方法回顾性分析我院12例行原位背驮式同种异体肝移植患者的资料。结果本组12例肝移植围手术期无死亡;手术成功率为100%。12例中行动脉血管变异整形2例.门静脉搭桥吻合1例;各韧带修剪后缝合7例.未缝合5例。手术后发生腹腔内出血3例,其中2例与供肝修整有关,即修肝时各韧带未仔细缝合及结扎而导致细小血管出血,另1例系凝血功能障碍所致;在供肝修整中注意了血管的变异整形及胆管的血供.术后无动脉及门静脉血管并发症和胆道并发症发生。结论修肝质量的好坏,直接关系到术中植肝时手术操作的难度、术后供肝的存活质量、并发症的发生和患者的康复。  相似文献   

供肝短缺形势下的我国肝移植策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近5年来我国肝移植发展非常迅速,然而,供肝短缺成为制约临床肝移植发展的瓶颈。因此,拓展供肝来源成为目前肝移植临床的重点。活体肝移植在尸体供肝受限的情况下可以很好地扩展供肝来源,且活体供肝具有活力强、冷缺血时间短等优势;劈裂式肝移植可增加15%~28%的供肝数量,有望成为解决供肝短缺的主要手术方式之一;脑死亡供者在西方国家是移植器官的主要来源,在我国亦有广大的应用前景,但脑死亡供者器官移植刚刚起步,有许多问题亟待研究;此外,边缘供肝,包括脂肪变性肝脏、HBsAg阳性肝脏、超过60岁的高龄供者捐献的肝脏、冷缺血时间超过14h的盱脏等均可用以缓解日益突出的供肝短缺矛盾。  相似文献   

供肝切取与保存技术中几个关键环节的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨提高和完善供肝切取与保存技术,提高器官利用率,减少肝移植术后近、远期并发症的发生。方法 1995年5月至2005年6月我院实施了122例原位肝移植,采用腹腔器官联合快速切取技术进行了165例供肝和供肾联合切取,先行经肠系膜上静脉至门静脉插管,随即行腹主动脉插管,UW液原位灌洗。灌洗开始后优先处理胆道,用UW液经胆总管冲洗胆道。整块切取肝脏、双侧肾脏。回手术室进一步修剪,对变异的肝动脉(25例,20.5%)整形使之变为单支。结果 165例供肝热缺血时间120~310s,冷缺血时间260~840min。移植肝通血20~30min后均有金黄色胆汁分泌。术后均未发生原发性无功能和器官功能延迟。结论 对于脑死亡的供者器官切取采取原位灌洗,整块切取及体外修整,可最大限度地缩短热缺血时间,有效避免变异血管损伤,进而提高供者器官的利用率。确切的胆道冲洗对避免肝内外胆管自溶和术后胆道狭窄非常重要。良好的供肝切取与保存是移植成功的保证,可有效地减少手术并发症,进而取得良好的疗效。  相似文献   

目的探讨提高和完善供肝切取与保存技术,提高器官利用率,减少肝移植术后近、远期并发症的发生。方法1995年5月至2005年6月我院实施了122例原位肝移植,采用腹腔器官联合快速切取技术进行了165例供肝和供肾联合切取,先行经肠系膜上静脉至门静脉插管,随即行腹主动脉插管,UW液原位灌洗。灌洗开始后优先处理胆道,用UW液经胆总管冲洗胆道。整块切取肝脏、双侧肾脏。回手术室进一步修剪,对变异的肝动脉(25例,20.5%)整形使之变为单支。结果165例供肝热缺血时间120~310 s,冷缺血时间260~840 min。移植肝通血20~30 min后均有金黄色胆汁分泌。术后均未发生原发性无功能和器官功能延迟。结论对于脑死亡的供者器官切取采取原位灌洗,整块切取及体外修整,可最大限度地缩短热缺血时间,有效避免变异血管损伤,进而提高供者器官的利用率。确切的胆道冲洗对避免肝内外胆管自溶和术后胆道狭窄非常重要。良好的供肝切取与保存是移植成功的保证,可有效地减少手术并发症,进而取得良好的疗效。  相似文献   

目的 探讨原位肝移植肝动脉并发症的预防及治疗。方法 回顾性分析1999年2月至2001年2月完成的22例原位肝移植,其中4例行体外静脉转流下的原位肝移植术,17例行背驮式原位肝移植,1例为活体供肝部分肝移植。11例供肝的肝固有动脉与受者的肝固有动脉吻合,4例供者脾动脉与受者肝总动脉吻合,3例供者腹腔动脉与受者肝总动脉吻合,2例应用供者髂动脉在供者肝固有动脉与受者腹主动脉间架桥吻合,1例供者肝右动脉与受者肝固有动脉吻合,1例供者肝固有动脉与受者异位肝右动脉吻合。术后以多普勒超声扫描监测肝动脉血流。结果 1例术后5d时发生肝动脉血栓形成,以尿酶介入溶栓后出现吻合口出血,再次手术行肝动脉吻合。21例无肝动脉并发症发生。15例随访1-20个月,多普勒超声扫描提示肝动脉血流、形态正常,胆道造影未见肝外胆管狭窄,血清学检查提示肝功能状态良好。结论 原位肝移植预防肝动脉并发症的关键在于血管吻合时操作精细,实现血管内膜对内膜的无张力吻合。  相似文献   

同种异体原位肝移植10例报告   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 探讨原位肝移植的适应证、手术技术及手术期期处理特点。方法 对1例肝尾叶癌,2例先天性弥漫性肝内胆管囊性扩张症及7例晚期肝硬变进行了原位肝移植,对其中1便11岁女孩进行了减体积肝移植(RSLT)。供肝均取20-40岁脑死亡的健康人。8例供、受者ABO血型相同,2例供者为O型,受者为A型。供肝采用单独肝脏切取法,以UW液进行门静脉和腹主动脉灌注。病肝采用经典式原位肝移植切肝法,在生物泵转流下切除  相似文献   

目的 探讨原位肝移植供肝动脉变异的修整与重建的方法与技巧. 方法 回顾性分析91例原位肝移植供肝修整以及变异肝动脉重建时处理的方法和技巧.结果 修整的91例供肝全部用于肝移植.发现其中20例(21.9%)存在肝动脉解剖变异,20例中12例需行变异肝动脉重建,动脉重建方法包括将变异的肝右动脉与脾动脉(7/12)或胃十二指肠动脉(5/12)吻合.供肝应用后未出现与修整相关的手术并发症. 结论 供肝的正确修整及合适的供肝动脉重建可减少肝移植后并发症.  相似文献   

活体供肝原位部分肝移植手术麻醉处理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
活体供肝部分肝移植是肝移植的一个新领域,手术十分复杂,麻醉难度大。我院于1995年1月成功地进行了活体供肝部分原位肝移植,现报告如下。临床资料一、一般资料 1.受者,男,30岁,体重45kg。晚期肝癌伴肝硬变,一般情况较差,无黄疸、腹水。肝肋下8cm,质硬,B超及计算机断层扫描示肝右叶肿块20cm×22cm×15cm。甲胎蛋白>400μg/L,血型B型,胸片心肺正常,生化检查ALT、AST、GGT轻度增高,TP、ALB、  相似文献   

目的探讨肝动脉重建在肝移植中的作用。方法回顾性研究1999年4月至2007年1月进行的140例尸体肝移植和2例活体肝移植的随访结果,分析肝动脉的重建技术及其对移植后胆道并发症的影响。所有供、受者肝动脉均采用显微技术端端吻合,术中根据供、受者动脉条件,选择管径相互匹配的动脉进行吻合,其中,管径≥3mm者采用连续缝合,〈3mm者采用间断缝合。术后常规以多普勒超声监测肝动脉血流。结果142例中未发现肝动脉血栓形成,术后出现高胆红素血症17例,其中,吻合效果满意5例(5/86),一般12例(12/56)。结论影响肝动脉吻合效果的因素主要有供者和受者肝动脉条件、术者的显微缝合技术及术后抗凝治疗,良好的肝动脉吻合在预防移植术后胆道并发症及提高肝移植生存率方面有着重要的作用。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Using lacerated livers for liver transplantation (LTx) can add an option to the extended donor criteria. We present an LTx case using a severely lacerated liver and review of the literature for reported cases. We used a high-grade lacerated liver from a 19-yr-old brain-dead patient caused by traffic accident. The liver had grade IV and II lacerations in the right and left lobe, respectively. Lacerations were managed by sealants, stitching and perihepatic packing. The liver was transplanted to a 49-yr-old man suffering from hepatocellular carcinoma on hepatitis C-induced liver cirrhosis. The two-yr follow-up was uneventful. All published LTx cases using traumatized livers (n = 18) were analyzed. The liver injury ranged from subcapsular hematoma to deep ruptures. Most reported lacerations were in the right lobe, which were managed by digital compression, suturing, electrocautery, and perihepatic packing. The reported complications were primary non- (18%), or poor function, liver abscess, bilioma, and subhepatic hematoma each in one case (5.5%). Six-month graft and patient survival were 71% and 88%, respectively. With meticulous management lacerated livers can be transplanted successfully. Because of complexity of the management, procurement and transplantation should be done by experienced liver surgeons. These organs are marginal grafts and should be offered to selected patients.  相似文献   

We developed a novel protocol for rat orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT), using a suture method to establish hepatic artery flow. After determining that early inferior vena cava (IVC) unclamping maintained better circulation compared with the portal vein (PV) using porto-systemic shunted recipients, we developed a rat OLT model with total vascular reconstruction using a suture method. After connecting the suprahepatic IVC, the infrahepatic IVC was anastomosed, using a running suture method. IVC circulation was established immediately. The PV was anastomosed without intestinal congestion, using porto-systemic shunted recipients. The aortic conduit, including the donor celiac and hepatic artery, was anastomosed to the recipient abdominal aorta end-to-side. Eight of 11 OLT cases (72.7%) survived indefinitely. Biliary connection was achieved using a one-stent method. Three cases died 3-5 days postoperatively. Hepatic angiography showed good patency. The graft liver was histologically normal in long-surviving rats.  相似文献   

Donor hypernatremia was reported to cause postoperative graft dysfunction in human orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT). However, the effects of the correction of donor hypernatremia before organ procurement have not been confirmed. The aim of this study is to determine whether donor hypernatremia is associated with early graft dysfunction after OLT and to determine the effect of the correction of donor hypernatremia. One hundred eighty-one consecutive OLTs performed between May 1997 and July 1998 were entered onto this study. The cases were divided into three groups according to the donor serum sodium concentration: group A, serum sodium of 155 mEq/L or less before organ procurement (n = 118); group B, peak sodium greater than 155 mEq/L and final sodium 155 mEq/L or less (n = 36); and group C, final sodium greater than 155 mEq/L (n = 27). Graft survival within 90 days after OLT and early postoperative graft function were analyzed. There were no significant differences in donor and recipient variables among the three groups. The frequencies of graft loss were 15 of 118 grafts (12.7%) in group A, 4 of 36 grafts (11.1%) in group B, and 9 of 27 grafts (33.3%; P <.05 v groups A and B) in group C. The liver enzyme values in groups B and C were significantly greater than those in group A postoperatively. The prothrombin times of group C were significantly longer than those of group A for the first 4 postoperative days. Recipients of hepatic allografts from donors with uncorrected hypernatremia had a significantly greater incidence of graft loss compared with recipients of hepatic allografts from normonatremic donors. However, the differences in graft survival were abrogated by the correction of donor hypernatremia before procurement.  相似文献   

Organ shortage is the major limitation for the growth of deceased donor liver transplant worldwide. One strategy to ameliorate this problem is to maximize the liver utilization rate. To assess predictors of liver utilization in Argentina. The national database was used to analyze transplant activity in 2010. Donor, recipient, and transplant variables were evaluated as predictors of graft utilization of number of rejected donor offers before grafting and with the occurrence of primary nonfunction (PNF) or early post‐transplant mortality (EM). Of the 582 deceased donors, 293 (50.3%) were recovered for liver transplant. Variables associated with the nonrecovery of the liver were age ≥46 years, umbilical perimeter ≥92 cm, organ procurement outside Gran Buenos Aires, AST ≥42 U/l and ALT ≥29 U/l. The median number of rejected offers before grafting was 4, and in 71 patients (25%), there were ≥13. The only independent predictor for the occurrence of PNF (3.4%) or EM (5.2%) was the recipient's emergency status. During 2010 in Argentina, the liver was recovered in only half of donors. The low incidence of PNF and EM and the characteristics of the nonrecovered liver donors suggest that organ acceptance criteria should be less rigorous.  相似文献   

Donor and recipient factors are closely associated with graft survival after orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT). This study was performed to analyze clinical characteristics of recipients and donors, which affect 30-day graft loss after OLT. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One hundred eighty-six livers from heart-beating donors were accepted between May 1997 and June 1998 at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Donor variables that were analyzed included age, sex, cold ischemia time (CIT), warm ischemia time (WIT), imported versus local procurement, cardiopulmonary arrest, serum sodium level, and dopamine dose. The recipient characteristics included native liver disease and UNOS status. Two-sided Fisher exact test and stepwise logistic regression were used for univariate and multivariate analyses. P-values < .05 were considered statistically significant. RESULTS: Twenty-eight grafts (15.1%) were lost within 30 days of OLT. The following factors were found to adversely affect graft survival: donor sodium > 155 mEq/L (P = .002); CIT > 12 hours (P = .002); WIT > 45 minutes (P = .002); and imported liver graft (P = .048). Logistic regression revealed that donor sodium (odds ratio, 3.03; 95% CI, 1.05 to 8.74), CIT (OR 1.20; 95% CI 1.05 to 1.38), WIT (OR 1.06; 95% CI 1.01 to 1.09) were independent predictors of early graft loss. CONCLUSION: Donor hypernatremia as well as warm and cold ischemia times independently affect graft outcomes in the early postoperative period after OLT. Avoidance of long preservation and correction of donor sodium level are recommended to optimize results and survival in OLT.  相似文献   

Since the first liver transplantation (OLT) was performed by Starzl in 1963, this has become the standard therapy for end stage chronic liver disease and acute hepatic failure. It is also the therapy of choice in selected cases of hepatic malignancy. Due to the optimization of intra- and perioperative management, new immunosuppressant drugs and improved organ procurement, the clinical outcome in patient and graft survival has increased continuously. The shortage of donor organs has led to the development of new surgical techniques such as split- and living related transplantation. OLT should also be offered to elderly patients. Careful evaluation and patient selection results in good patient and graft survival after transplantation, which is comparable to that in with younger recipients.  相似文献   

Arterial complications after orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT), including hepatic artery thrombosis (HAT), are important causes of early graft failure. The use of an arterial conduit is an accepted alternative to the utilisation of native recipient hepatic artery for specific indications. This study aims to determine the efficacy of arterial conduits and the outcome in OLT. We retrospectively reviewed 1,575 cadaveric adult OLTs and identified those in which an arterial conduit was used for hepatic revascularisation. Data on the primary disease, indication for using arterial conduit, type of vascular graft, operative technique and outcome were obtained. Thirty-six (2.3%) patients underwent OLT in which arterial conduits were used for hepatic artery (HA) revascularisation. Six of these were performed on the primary transplant, while the rest (n=30) were performed in patients undergoing re-transplantation, including six who had developed hepatic artery aneurysms. The incidence of arterial conduits was 0.4% (6/1,426 cases) in all primary OLTs and 20.1% (30/149 cases) in all re-transplants. Twenty-nine procedures utilised iliac artery grafts from the same donor as the liver, six used iliac artery grafts from a different donor, and a single patient underwent a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) graft. Two techniques were used: infra-renal aorto-hepatic artery conduit and interposition between the donor and recipient native HAs, or branches of the HAs. The 30-day mortality rate for operations using an arterial conduit was 30.6%. Three conduits thrombosed at 9, 25 and 155 months, respectively, but one liver graft survived without re-transplantation. The arterial conduits had 1- and 5-year patency rates of 88.5% and 80.8%. The 1- and 5-year patient survival rates were 66.7% and 44%. We can thus conclude that an arterial conduit is a viable alternative option for hepatic revascularisation in both primary and re-transplantation. Despite a lower patency rate than that of native HA in the primary OLT group, the outcomes of arterial conduit patency and patient survival rates are both acceptable at 1 and 5 years, especially in the much larger re-OLT group.  相似文献   

两种供体肝切取方法的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 进行肝移植的两种供肝切取方法的比较。方法 分析作者在国内进行的6例快速供肝切取和在国外参加的4例标准供肝切取的资料,重点对两种手术中的几个时间进行统计学处理,还对两种手术的方法和结果进行了较为详尽的比较。结果 快速法的手术时间明显较标准法为短(P〈0.001),其灌注前解剖时间也明显短于后者(P〈0.001),但两种方法的热缺血时间相同、冷灌注时间的差异不显著。结论 快速取肝法对供肝的影响与标准取肝法无明显差异,更适合于中国国情。  相似文献   

 目的 探讨采用局部修复和(或)异体肌腱重建治疗急性膝关节后外侧复合结构(postero-lateral complex,PLC)损伤的方法及疗效。方法 2006年5月至2008年10月,收治急性P LC损伤患者12例,男9例,女3例;年龄23~47岁,平均31岁;合并后十字韧带损伤9例,合并前、后十字韧带同时损伤3例。首先在关节镜下采用异体肌腱解剖重建前、后十字韧带,然后对于P LC两端附着点撕脱损伤的患者采用铆钉固定、缝线缝合修复治疗;对于P LC实质部断裂的患者采用局部缝合修复和(或)异体肌腱重建的方法治疗。术后根据K T-1000、IKDC及Lysholm功能评定标准评价膝关节功能恢复情况。结果12例患者均获得随访,随访时间12~18个月,平均13.3个月。膝关节活动度由术前118.00°±6.77°提高至术后130.75°±3.05°。KT-1000由术前(14.85±1.83)mm改善至术后(4.18±1.88)mm。根据IKDC综合评定标准,A级7例,B级3例,C级1例,D级1例。Lysholm膝关节功能评分由术前35~44分[平均(38.83±3.16)分]提高至术后79~91分[平均(84.92±3.73)分]。所有患者患膝均无感染及免疫排斥反应。3例患者住院期间B超显示患侧小腿肌间静脉血栓,经低分子肝素钙治疗后好转。2例患者膝关节屈曲较对侧少15°。结论对于急性P LC损伤患者,PLC两端附着点撕脱损伤采用铆钉固定、缝线缝合修复;实质部断裂的患者采用局部缝合修复和(或)异体肌腱重建治疗可取得较好的效果。  相似文献   

目的:探讨退变性腰椎滑脱(degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis,DLS)的解剖学危险因素。方法:以2009年7月~2010年9月在我院确诊的60例DLS患者为观察对象(滑脱组),男20例,女40例,年龄51~75岁,平均65.3±7.8岁,L4滑脱42例,L5滑脱18例。以性别和年龄匹配无DLS的60例健康志愿者为对照(对照组)。在腰椎侧位X线片上测量腰椎前凸角(lumbar lordosis angle,LLA)、骶骨水平角(sacral horizontalangle,SHA)及滑脱节段(对照组取相应节段)的椎体指数(lumbar index,LI)、椎间盘角度(disc angle,DA)、椎间盘高度(disc height,DH),在腰椎正位X线片上测量L5横突的长度(the length of transverse process of L5,TPL)和宽度(the width of transverse process of L5,TPW)。采用t检验比较两组间各指标的差异,应用Logistic逐步回归分析影响退变性腰椎滑脱的解剖学危险因素。结果:滑脱组患者LLA、SHA、LI、DA、DH分别45.83°±10.42°、28.35°±11.16°、0.85±0.13、7.24°±3.83°、9.12±2.73mm;对照组分别为47.48°±10.75°、23.16°±10.68°、0.96±0.10、9.68°±5.54°、10.54±2.48mm,两组间SHA、LI、DA、DH有显著性差异(P<0.05),LLA无显著性差异(P>0.05)。滑脱组TPL、TPW分别为2.15±0.43cm、1.64±0.41cm,对照组为2.06±0.39cm、1.57±0.32cm,两组间比较无显著性差异(P>0.05)。Logistic回归分析结果显示DLS与LI、DA有显著性相关关系,回归系数分别为-1.693、-1.406。结论:DLS患者的LI下降,DA减小,其可能是DLS的危险因素。  相似文献   

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