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Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) are believed to lnitlate the basic contractile activity of the gastrointestlnal tract. Interstitial cells of Cajal express c-kit receptor tyroslne kinase and are deficient in Ws/Ws mutant rats with a small deletion of the c-kit gene . As Ws/Ws rats show remarkable bile reflux to the stomach, the contraction pressure of the pylorus was compared between Ws/Ws and control +/+ rats. The contraction pressure of the pylorus was measured using a mlcrotransducer, which was Inserted through a pln-hole in the anterlor wall of the stomach under anesthesla. The magnitude of bile reflux was estimated by measurlng the content of bile acids In the stomach. The c-kit messenger RNA-expressing cells were detected by in sltu hybrldlzatlon. Frequency and the maxlmum pressure of the contractlon were comparable between Ws/Ws and +/+ rats, but the duration of the contractlon was significantly shorter In Ws/Ws rats than In +/+ rats. The number of c-kit messenger RNA-expresslng ICC in the pylorus of Ws/Ws rats was 1.7% that of +/+ rats. The bile reflux observed in Ws/Ws rats was attributed to the decrease in the duration of the pyloric contraction, which appeared to result from the deficlency of c-kit messenger RNA-expressing ICC.  相似文献   

Two distinct populations of interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) exist within the tunica muscularis of the gastric antrum, and these cells serve different physiological functions. One population of ICC generates and actively propagates electrical slow waves, and the other population of ICC is innervated by excitatory and inhibitory motor neurons and mediates enteric motor neurotransmission. In spite of the key role of ICC in gastric excitability, little is known about the ionic conductances that underlie the functional diversity of these cells. In the present study we isolated ICC from the murine gastric antrum and investigated the Ca2+-dependent ionic conductances expressed by these cells using the patch clamp technique. Conductances in ICC were compared with those expressed in smooth muscle cells. The cells studied were identified by RT-PCR using cell-specific primers that included Myh11 (smooth muscle cells), Kit (ICC) and Uchl1 (enteric neurons) following electrophysiolgical recordings. Distinct ionic conductances were observed in Kit-positive cells. One group of ICC expressed a basal non-selective cation conductance (NSCC) that was inhibited by an increase in [Ca2+]i in a calmodulin (CaM)-dependent manner. A second population of ICC generated spontaneous transient inward currents (STICs) and expressed a basal noisy NSCC that was facilitated by an increase in [Ca2+]i in a CaM-dependent manner. The [Ca2+]i-facilitated NSCC in ICC was blocked by the Cl channel antagonists 4,4'-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulphonic acid (DIDS), anthracene-9-carboxylate (9-AC) and niflumic acid. These data suggest that distinct NSCC are expressed in subpopulations of ICC and these conductances may underlie the functional differences of these cells within the gastric antrum.  相似文献   

Phase advancement of electrical slow waves and regulation of pacemaker frequency was investigated in the circular muscle layer of the gastric antra of wild-type and W/WV mice. Slow waves in the murine antrum of wild-type animals had an intrinsic frequency of 4.4 cycles min−1 and were phase advanced and entrained to a maximum of 6.3 cycles min−1 using 0.1 ms pulses of electrical field stimulation (EFS) (three pulses delivered at 3–30 Hz). Pacing of slow waves was blocked by tetrodotoxin (TTX) and atropine, suggesting phase advancement was mediated via intrinsic cholinergic nerves. Phase advancement and entrainment of slow waves via this mechanism was absent in W/WV mutants which lack intramuscular interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC-IM). These data suggest that neural regulation of slow wave frequency and regulation of smooth muscle responses to slow waves are mediated via nerve-ICC-IM interactions. With longer stimulation parameters (1.0–2.0 ms), EFS phase advanced and entrained slow waves in wild-type and W/WV animals. Pacing with 1–2 ms pulses was not inhibited by TTX or atropine. These data suggest that stimulation with longer pulse duration is capable of directly activating the pacemaker mechanism in ICC-MY networks. In summary, intrinsic excitatory neurons can phase advance and increase the frequency of antral slow waves. This form of regulation is mediated via ICC-IM. Longer pulse stimulation can directly activate ICC-MY in the absence of ICC-IM.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings were made from myenteric interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC-MY) distributed in the guinea-pig gastric antrum to investigate the properties of unitary potentials. In most cells studied, pacemaker potentials with initial fast transient and following plateau components were generated periodically, and intervals between the potentials were quiescent. However, there were few cells (less than 5% of cells examined) which showed discharge of unitary potentials spontaneously in the intervals between pacemaker potentials. The amplitude and frequency of unitary potentials appeared to be random variables, as observed in isolated circular smooth muscle bundles of the guinea-pig gastric antrum. BAPTA-AM (an intracellular Ca2+ chelator) or papaverine (a non-selective phosphodiesterase inhibitor) reduced the discharge frequency of unitary potentials, with associated decrease in the frequency of pacemaker potentials. These agents finally abolished both unitary potentials and pacemaker potentials. In preparations showing no detectable generation of unitary potentials, depolarization of the membrane with high-K solution ([K+]o = 10.6 mM) elicited generation of unitary potentials during intervals between pacemaker potentials. Pinacidil (an opener of K(ATP)-channels) hyperpolarized the membrane and increased the frequency and amplitude of unitary potentials with no alteration to the relationship between the amplitudes of unitary potentials and their half-widths. These results suggest that the elevation of intracellular Ca2+ concentration is causally related to the generation of unitary potentials in pacemaker cells. They are consistent with the proposition that the depolarization produced by a burst of unitary potentials triggers the primary component of pacemaker potentials in ICC-MY, which induces a release of Ca2+ from inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3)-sensitive internal stores and then activates Ca2+-sensitive Cl- -channels to form the plateau component. Similarities and differences in unitary potentials between circular muscle and pacemaker cells are discussed.  相似文献   

目的明确小型猪胃肠道Cajal间质细胞(interstitialcellsofCajal,ICC)超微结构特点。方法麻醉后取小型猪胃肠组织小进行透射电镜观察。结果小型猪胃肠道壁内神经及Cajal间质细胞的突起相互连接形成网络,分布均匀。Cajal间质细胞的主要结构特点为:胞核清晰,完整的基膜,丰富的沿细胞膜分布的小空泡,细胞质内细胞器丰富,以线粒体最显著。以及内质网和发育良好的高尔基氏器,核糖体丰富,异染色质较多,沿核膜分布,其胞质突起围绕神经束形成不完整的“鞘”样结构。Cajal间质细胞之间、与神经元细胞、肌细胞之间形成很多的缝隙连接。结论Cajal间质细胞具有独特的超微结构特点,易于识别,且其超微结构特点与其功能相适应运动功能  相似文献   

The distribution of different subtypes of interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) in the tunica muscularis of the stomach of wild-type and W/W (v) mice was studied by immunohistochemical staining for Kit. Special attention was also given to the distribution of the gap junction protein connexin 43 (Cx 43) immunoreactivity. Kit-immunoreactive cells of the circular and longitudinal muscle layers (ICC-CM and ICC-LM) were densely distributed throughout the cardia, fundus, the squamous epithelial portion of the corpus and the pylorus, but they were decreased in number within the glandular epithelial portion of the corpus. Kit-immunoreactive cells of the myenteric region (ICC-AP) emerged slightly proximal to the squamous-glandular epithelial transition and increased in number towards the pylorus. Kit-positive cells were also observed at the submucosal border of the circular muscle layer (ICC-SM). ICC-CM and ICC-LM were not observed in the stomachs of W/W (v) mice, but a few ICC-AP were observed in the pylorus. Cx 43 immunoreactive deposits were only sparsely distributed in the circular muscle layers of the cardia, fundus and the squamous epithelial portion of corpus. However, the Cx 43 immunoreactive deposits were densely distributed in the glandular epithelial portion of the corpus that contained fewer ICC-CM. Cx 43 immunoreactive deposits were rare in the circular muscle layer of the pylorus. No Cx 43 immunoreactivity was detected in the longitudinal muscle layer throughout the whole stomach. The distribution of Cx 43 immunoreactivity in the W/W (v) mouse stomach was almost the same as in wild-type mice. The functional significance of each type of ICC at each region is discussed in reference to regional differences in the distribution of both ICC and Cx 43, and differences between wild-type and W/W (v) mice.  相似文献   

促胰液素通过大鼠Cajal间质细胞促进胃平滑肌舒张   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
观察Cajal间质细胞(interstitial cells of Cajal,ICC)在胃平滑肌收缩的起搏作用,以及促胰液素对ICC促进胃平滑肌细胞舒张的影响。采用大鼠胃体上1/3起搏区及胃窦环行肌肌条以Kreb’s液恒温灌流,通过张力换能器输人生理记录仪记录胃肌条的机械运动。用美蓝加光照选择性损伤ICC,观察促胰液素对胃平滑肌舒张的作用。结果显示:(1)带有ICC的胃体起搏区和胃窦肌条记录到稳定的收缩活动,胃窦收缩频率和振幅较胃体起搏区高。(2)损伤胃环肌层ICC后,导致胃体起搏区和胃窦平滑肌收缩频率与振幅明显下降,运动几乎消失。(3)促胰液素0.06~0.5mg/L明显减少胃体起搏区和胃窦区的收缩频率和振幅,呈剂量依赖性减少。损伤ICC后几乎完全取消促胰液素促进胃肌的舒张作用。抗促胰液素血清和阿托品可阻断促胰液素的作用。  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings were made from isolated bundles of the circular muscle layer of mouse gastric antrum and the responses evoked by stimulating intrinsic nerve fibres were examined. Transmural nerve stimulation evoked a fast inhibitory junction potential (fast-IJP) which was followed initially by a smaller amplitude long lasting inhibitory junction potential (slow-IJP) and a period of excitation. The excitatory component of the response was abolished by atropine, suggesting that it resulted from the release of acetylcholine and activation of muscarinic receptors. Fast-IJPs were selectively reduced in amplitude by apamin and slow-IJPs were abolished by N ω-nitro- l -arginine. Slow-IJPs were associated with a drop in membrane noise, suggesting that inhibition resulted from a reduced discharge of unitary potentials by intramuscular interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCIM). The chloride channel blocker, anthracene-9-carboxylic acid, reduced the discharge of membrane noise in a manner similar to that detected during the slow-IJP. When recordings were made from the antrum of W/WV mice, which lack ICCIM, the cholinergic and nitrergic components were absent, with only fast-IJPs being detected. The observations suggest that neurally released nitric oxide selectively targets ICCIM causing a hyperpolarization by suppressing the discharge of unitary potentials.  相似文献   

Peristaltic contractions in the stomach are regulated by the spread of electrical slow waves from the corpus to the pylorus. Gastric slow waves are generated and propagated by the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC). All regions distal to the dominant pacemaker area in the corpus are capable of generating slow waves, but orderly gastric peristalsis depends upon a frequency gradient in which the corpus pacemaker frequency exceeds the antral frequency. Cholinergic, muscarinic stimulation enhances pacemaker frequency. We investigated this phenomenon using intact murine gastric muscles and cultured ICC. Acetylcholine (ACh) increased the frequency of slow waves in antrum and corpus muscles. The increase was significantly greater in the antrum. ACh and carbachol (CCh) increased the pacemaker currents in cultured ICC. At high doses of CCh, transient pacemaker currents fused into sustained inward currents that persisted for the duration of stimulation. The effects of CCh were blocked by low doses of the M3 receptor antagonist 1-dimethyl-4-diphenylacetoxypiperidinium. Frequency enhancement by CCh was not affected by forskolin, but the phospholipase C inhibitor U-73122 inhibited both the increase in frequency and the development of tonic inward currents. 2-Aminoethyldiphenyl borate also blocked the chronotropic responses to CCh. Inhibitors of protein kinase C did not block responses to CCh. These studies show that mice are an excellent model for studying mechanisms that regulate gastric slow-wave frequency. CCh, apparently via production of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, accelerates the frequency of pacemaker activity. High concentrations of CCh may block the entrainment of pacemaker currents, resulting in a tonic inward current.  相似文献   

目的 观察二聚体Cajal间质细胞(interstitial cells of Cajal,ICC)在豚鼠膀胱不同组织及部位的分布特点,并探讨其意义。 方法 电子显微镜下观察豚鼠膀胱壁组织切片黏膜层,黏膜下层,肌层内二聚体ICC分布情况;对膀胱组织切片进行免疫荧光染色,用c-Kit抗体标记ICC,激光共聚焦显微镜下观察二聚体ICC在膀胱顶部、体部、颈部的分布特点。 结果 在电子显微镜下见二聚体ICC主要分布于黏膜下层,而肌层主要以单体ICC为主。免疫荧光染色发现每高倍镜视野下膀胱顶部二聚体ICC平均数量为(3.47±0.53)个,体部和颈部为(1.57±0.45)个和(0.49±0.19)个。膀胱顶部二聚体ICC数量明显高于体部和颈部(P<0.01)。 结论 二聚体ICC主要分布于豚鼠膀胱顶部的黏膜下层,可能是感受黏膜张力刺激,引发顶部膀胱自发兴奋的起搏细胞。  相似文献   

The role of interstitial cells of Cajal associated with Auerbach's plexus (ICC-AP) in the pathophysiology of inflammation-induced abnormalities in gut motor activity is poorly understood. Therefore we applied a well-described model of inflammation (infection by Trichinella spiralis) to the mouse small intestine where the structure and function of ICC-AP are best known. Electron microscopic evaluation revealed that 1 to 3 days after infection, selective and patchy damage to the ICC processes occurred, thereby disrupting contacts between these ICC and smooth muscle cells as well as ICC and nerves, which was associated with disordered electrical activity and abnormal peristalsis. Ten to 15 days after infection, damage to ICC-AP was maximal and now involving the cell body and major processes. Marked synthetic activity and regrowth of their processes occurred from day 3 onward and recovery was completed at day 40 after infection. No changes to the network of ICC-AP were seen with c-Kit immunohistochemistry. From day 1 after infection, macrophages infiltrated the AP area, making close contact including peg-and-socket-like junctions with smooth muscle cells and ICC-AP but up to day 6 after infection without any sign of phagocytosis. By day 6 after infection, lymphocytes entered the musculature forming close contacts with ICC-AP. This was not associated with damage to ICC-AP but with proliferation of rough endoplasmic reticulum. From day 23 onward, immune cells withdrew from the musculature except macrophages, resulting in a markedly increased population of macrophages in the AP area at day 60 after infection.  相似文献   

PurposeC-kit positive interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs) play an important role in the regulation of the smooth muscle motility, acting as pacemakers to provide the slow wave activity in various organs. Recent studies have shown that c-kit positive ICCs are widely distributed in the urinary tract of animals and humans. The aim of our study was to examine the distribution of ICCs in the children's neurogenic bladder.MethodsAn immunohistochemical study of specimens obtained from neurogenic urinary bladder (from the trigonum and the corpus) of children with meningomyelocele and during autopsy was performed using antibody against c-kit (CD 117). Histological morphometry of immunoexpression of c-kit positive ICCs was performed by means of an image analyzing system.ResultsOur investigation demonstrated ICCs located in the vesical muscle layers. The distribution of those cells is different in the trigonum and the corpus of the urinary bladder. No remarkable differences were observed in c-kit immunoexpression between the neurogenic and the control group.ConclusionThere was no difference in the distribution of ICCs in the urinary bladder of healthy children as compared to children with myelomeningocele. Biopsy revealed different distribution of ICCs in particular parts of the bladder (trigonum/corpus) in both groups of children.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural characterization of the interstitial cells of Cajal   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Recent studies on the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) have determined ultrastructural criteria for the identification of these previously enigmatic cells. This review deals with the electron microscopic findings obtained by the author's research group in different tissue regions of the gut in mice, rats and guinea-pigs, comparing these with reports from other groups in different species and in humans. ICC are characterized by the following morphological criteria: numerous mitochondria, abundant intermediate filaments and large gap junctions which connect the cells with each other and with smooth muscle cells. Due to their location in the gut and the specific species, the ICC are markedly heterogeneous in appearance, ranging from cells closely resembling smooth muscle cells to those similar to fibroblasts (Table 1). Nevertheless, the above-mentioned morphological features are shared by all types of ICC and serve in identifying them. Recent discoveries on a significant role of c- kit in the maturation of the ICC and their specific immunoreactivity to anti-c-Kit antibody have confirmed the view that the ICC comprise an independent and specific entity of cells. This view is reinforced by the findings of the author's group that the ICC characteristically possess vimentin filaments and are stained with the zinc iodide-osmium tetroxide method which provides a staining affinity similar to methylene blue, the dye used in the original work by Cajal, (1911). Developmental studies indicate that the ICC are derived from a non-neuronal, mesenchymal origin. This paper further reviews advances in the physiological studies on the ICC, in support of the hypothesis by THUNEBERG (1982) that they function as a pacemaker in the digestive tract and a mediator transmitting impulses from the nerve terminals to the smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings were made from isolated bundles of the circular muscle layer of mouse and guinea-pig gastric fundus. These preparations displayed an ongoing discharge of membrane noise (unitary potentials), similar to that recorded from similar preparations made from the circular layer of the antrum. Bundles of muscle from the fundus of W/WV mice, which lack intramuscular interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCIM) lacked the discharge of membrane noise observed in wild-type tissues. When the membrane potential was changed by passing depolarizing or hyperpolarizing current pulses, the discharge of membrane noise was little changed. The membrane noise was unaffected by adding chloride channel blockers; however, agents which buffered the internal concentration of calcium ions reduced the discharge of membrane noise. Treatment of tissues with CCCP, which interferes with the uptake of calcium ions by mitochondria, also reduced the membrane noise and caused membrane hyperpolarization. Similar observations were made on bundles of tissue isolated from the circular layer of the guinea pig antrum. Together the observations indicate that membrane noise is generated by a pathway located in ICCIM. The properties of this pathway appear to vary dramatically within a given organ. The lack of voltage sensitivity of the discharge of membrane noise in the fundus provides a possible explanation for the lack of rhythmic electrical activity in this region of the stomach.  相似文献   

The number of myenteric interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC-MY), responsible for the generation and propagation of the slow wave in the small intestine, has been shown to decrease in diabetes, suggesting impairment of slow-wave (SW) propagation and related motility. To date, however, this expected decrease in SW propagation has neither been recorded nor analysed. Eleven rats were treated with streptozotocin and housed in pairs with 11 age-matched control animals. After 3 or 7 months, segments of duodenum, jejunum and ileum were isolated and divided into two parts. One part was processed for immediate freezing, cryosectioning and immunoprobing using anti-c-Kit antibody to quantify ICC-MY. The second part was superfused in a tissue bath, and SW propagation was recorded with 121 extracellular electrodes. In addition, a cellular automaton was developed to study the effects of increasing the number of inactive cells on overall propagation. The number of ICC-MY was significantly reduced after 3 months of diabetes, but rebounded to control levels after 7 months of diabetes. Slow-wave frequencies, velocities and extracellular amplitudes were unchanged at any stage of diabetes. The cellular automaton showed that SW velocity was not linearly related to the number of inactive cells. The depletion of ICC-MY is not as severe as is often assumed and in fact may rebound after some time. In addition, at least in the streptozotocin model, the initial reduction in ICC-MY is not enough to affect SW propagation. Diabetic intestinal dysfunction may therefore be more affected by impairments of other systems, such as the enteric system or the muscle cells.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings were made from isolated bundles of the circular muscle layer of guinea-pig gastric antrum and the responses produced by stimulating intrinsic nerve fibres were examined. After abolishing the effects of stimulating inhibitory nerve terminals with apamin and l -nitroarginine (NOLA), transmural nerve stimulation often evoked a small amplitude excitatory junction potential (EJP) and invariably evoked a regenerative potential. Neurally evoked regenerative potentials had similar properties to those evoked in the same bundle by direct stimulation. EJPs and neurally evoked regenerative potentials were abolished by hyoscine suggesting that both resulted from the release of acetylcholine and activation of muscarinic receptors. Neurally evoked regenerative potentials, but not EJPs, were abolished by membrane hyperpolarization, caffeine and chloride channel blockers. In the intact antrum, excitatory vagal nerve stimulation increased the frequency of slow waves. Simultaneous intracellular recordings of pacemaker potentials from myenteric interstitial cells (ICCMY) and slow waves showed that the onset of each pacemaker potential normally preceded the onset of each slow wave but vagal stimulation caused the onset of each slow wave to precede each pacemaker potential. Together the observations suggest that during vagal stimulation there is a change in the origin of pacemaker activity with slow waves being initiated by intramuscular interstitial cells (ICCIM) rather than by ICCMY.  相似文献   

What did SR Cajal described as the interstitial cells? The structure of the nerve plexuses in the guinea-pig small intestine stained by the Champy-Maillet (ZIO) method was investigated by light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Scanning electron microscopic examination of the nerve elements in various layers of the intestinal wall was also performed. Results indicated that the peripheral innervation consisted of autonomic groundplexus in which neuronal processes ran along a glial-cell framework. Projections of all the neurons formed a network of bundles, while being separated from each other and not making any interconnection. The glial cells enclosed and supported these bundles of neuronal projections. In the light microscopy of the ZIO stained specimen, amalgamation of glial cells and neuronal projections frequently occurred. They represented the structure described by Cajal as interstitial cells. The so-called interstitial cells of Cajal which many histologists looked for in the earlier half of the 20th century were not true cells but these stained structural artefacts of the autonomic groundplexus and/or nearby cellular elements. The interstitial cells defined by later authors including many electron microscopists from 1960s to 1980s were another type of cells such as fibroblast-like cells. For references, see Kobayashi et al.: Arch. Histol. Cytol. 52: 267-286, 1989.  相似文献   

目的:通过谷氨酸诱导离体大鼠胃Cajal间质细胞(ICCs)建立细胞自噬模型。方法:使用高、中和低浓度(分别为10 mmol/L、5 mmol/L和2.5 mmol/L)的谷氨酸作用于原代培养的ICCs不同时间(3h、6h和24h),然后通过CCK-8法检测不同浓度谷氨酸对ICCs活力的影响;Western blot检测不同浓度谷氨酸在不同作用时点对ICCs自噬蛋白微管相关蛋白1轻链3(LC3)表达水平的影响;透射电镜观察谷氨酸干预后细胞内自噬体和超微结构的变化;免疫荧光检测谷氨酸诱导后自噬蛋白LC3的荧光表达。结果:与空白对照组相比,谷氨酸显著降低了大鼠胃ICCs活力(P0.01)。中、高浓度谷氨酸作用不同时间均可显著提高自噬蛋白LC3-II/LC3-I的比值(P0.01),其中以中浓度谷氨酸作用3 h的LC3-II/LC3-I比值最高(P0.01)。透射电镜检测中浓度谷氨酸干预3 h发现,细胞内自噬体数量明显增加,线粒体和内质网数量及结构遭到破坏。免疫荧光结果提示,与空白对照组比较,谷氨酸中浓度组平均每个细胞内自噬蛋白LC3荧光表达显著增强(P0.01)。结论:应用谷氨酸可成功诱导大鼠胃ICCs自噬,谷氨酸的最佳诱导条件为5 mmol/L作用3h。  相似文献   

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