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To validate a 13C-Spirulina platensis breath test for measurement of accelerated or delayed gastric emptying, we measured gastric emptying of egg containing 13C-S. platensis and 99mTc-sulphur colloid by breath 13 CO2 every 15 min over 3 h and scintigraphy every 15-30 min over 5 h in 57 healthy volunteers. Thirty-three received no treatment, 10 received erythromycin, and 14 atropine. A generalized linear regression model predicted half-emptying time by scintigraphy (t1/2S) from breath 13CO2 (t1/2B) data. Accuracy was assessed by standard deviation (SD) of differences between t1/2S and t1/2B and by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. Regression models using breath samples at baseline, and 45, 90, 105 and 120 min, predicted t1/2B (mean +/- SD) at 118 +/- 59 min, similar to t1/2S (118 +/- 67 min). Correlation between t1/2B and t1/2S was significant (r=0.88; P < 0.0001). Differences between t1/2S and t1/2B were: 18-19.2 min for t1/2 < 70-150 min, and 68.3 min for t1/2 > 150 min. Breath test detected abnormal emptying with a sensitivity of 86% and specificity of 80%. Thus, the 13C-S. platensis test measures gastric emptying t1/2 for solids, which is accelerated or delayed to mimic a range of conditions from dumping syndrome to severe gastroparesis, with high sensitivity and specificity. Additional breath samples are needed to increase sensitivity in detecting accelerated gastric emptying.  相似文献   

Abstract  The applicability of the 13C-octanoic acid breath test for the assessment of gastric emptying is discussed. In the current issue of this journal, Keller and her colleagues described the application of different mathematical models for analysis of the 13C-octanoic acid test in a very large patient population.  相似文献   

Background Antidepressants such as mianserin can improve symptoms in some functional dyspeptic patients but their mechanism of action remains unclear. We aimed to assess the effects of mianserin on gastric sensorimotor function in man. Methods In this randomized, placebo‐controlled, double‐blind, crossover study 12 healthy subjects (six men) underwent a gastric barostat study and a gastric emptying breath test after 7 days pretreatment with placebo or mianserin (20 mg; p.o.). Graded isobaric and isovolumetric distentions were performed to determine gastric compliance and sensitivity. Subsequently, intrabag pressure was held constant and the volume increase after administration of a liquid meal (200 mL; 300 kcal) was studied. Breath was sampled before and after ingestion of a test meal and half‐emptying times for solids and liquids were determined from the breath samples. Mianserin was compared to placebo using t‐tests and mixed model analysis (mean ± SD). Key Results Mianserin did not affect pressures or volumes needed to induce first perception or discomfort. During isovolumetric distensions compliance was decreased after mianserin treatment (1.8 ± 0.4 vs 2.0 ± 0.3 mmHg 100 mL?1; P < 0.05). Premeal volumes were comparable in both treatment arms (221 ± 99 vs 220 ± 88 mL), but meal‐induced relaxation during the first 30 min was significantly inhibited after mianserin treatment (F6,40 = 2.58, P < 0.05). Mianserin did not affect either solid or liquid gastric emptying. Conclusions & Inferences Mianserin does not alter gastric emptying rate or sensitivity to gastric distension, but inhibits gastric accommodation to a meal in its early phase. These observations provide no explanation for the effects of mianserin in functional dyspeptic patients.  相似文献   

Predictors of gastric emptying (GE) in patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease (PD) of a solid and liquid meal are not well defined. For measurement of GE 80 patients with PD were randomly assigned to receive either a solid meal (250 kcal) containing 13C-octanoate (n = 40) or a liquid meal (315 kcal) with 13C-acetate (n = 40). All patient groups were off medication affecting motility and were matched for age, gender, body mass index, disease duration and severity, using Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). Gastric emptying was compared with a healthy control group (n = 40). Multiple regression analysis was used to determine predictors of gastric emptying. Exactly 88% and 38% of PD patients had delayed GE of solids and liquids respectively. Solid and liquid emptying was similar in women and men. There were no differences in GE in PD patients < 65 years of age when compared with patients > or = 65 years. Multiple regression analysis showed that motor handicaps such as rigour and action tremor are independent predictors of solid GE (r = 0.68, P < 0.001). The severity of motor impairment, but not any other neurological symptom, as assessed by UPDRS is associated with gastroparesis in PD and solid emptying is more likely to be delayed.  相似文献   

Background The [13C]‐Spirulina platensis gastric emptying breath test (GEBT) with five samples is accurate relative to scintigraphy. This study was primarily designed to further validate this GEBT using a slightly different process for incorporating [13C] in Spirulina and to evaluate the utility of additional samples for assessing early gastric emptying. Methods After a 223 kcal, test meal labeled with 99mTc and [13C]‐S. platensis, scintigraphic images, and five breath samples (45, 90, 120, 180, and 240 min, GEBT5) were collected in 14 controls (Part A). In Part B, nine breath samples were collected at 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, and 240 min (GEBT9) in 30 subjects (15 controls, 15 dyspepsia). Using correlation between [13C] breath excretion and scintigraphic emptying, lag time (t10, time for 10% emptying), emptying at 30 min (GE30), and half time (t50) were estimated for GEBT5 (Parts A and B) and GEBT9 (Part B). Key Results Half time values for scintigraphy, GEBT5, and GEBT9 were highly concordant. t10 by GEBT9 (90%CI, 6–15 min) was more strongly correlated [CCC 0.80 (95% CI, 0.63–0.90)] with scintigraphy (90% CI, 5–12 min), than GEBT5 [10–19 min, CCC 0.73 (95% CI, 0.54–0.85)]. The correlation between estimated values (GEBT9) and linearly interpolated values (GEBT5) was closer at 60 [CCC 0.95 (95% CI, 0.91–0.97)] than 30 min [CCC 0.81 (95% CI, 0.71–0.89)]. Conclusions & Inferences The [13C]‐S. platensis GEBT can accurately measure GE. While 5‐ and 9‐samples are equally accurate for measuring t50, GEBT9 provides a more comprehensive assessment of early GE (t10 and GE30).  相似文献   

Background 13C‐Acetate labeled meals are widely used to determine meal emptying by means of analyzing resulting 13CO2 exhalation dynamics. In contrast to the underlying metabolic processes, only few 13C breath test meal emptying studies have focused on intragastric processes that may alter 13CO2 exhalation. This work assessed the effect of enhanced gastric secretion on the reliability of half emptying time (t50) measurements by 13C‐acetate breath test. Methods 13CO2 exhalation data were acquired in a double‐blind, randomized, cross‐over gastric emptying study in 12 healthy volunteers receiving either pentagastrin or placebo intravenously. The standard method proposed by Ghoos et al. was applied to calculate t50 (t50_Ghoos) from 13CO2 exhalation data, which were compared and tested for agreement to meal half emptying times (t50_MV) from concurrent recorded MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) volume data. In addition, the accumulated gastric secretion volumes during infusion as detected by MRI (AUC_SV60) were correlated with the corresponding cumulative percent 13C doses recovered (cPDR60). Key Results t50_Ghoos and t50_MV showed a linear correlation with a slope of 1.1 ± 0.3 (r2 = 0.67), however, a positive offset of 136 min for t50_Ghoos. No correlation was detected between AUC_SV60 and cPDR60 (r2 = 0.11). Both, breath test and MRI, revealed a prolonged t50 under pentagastrin infusion with median differences in t50_Ghoos of 45[28–84] min (P = 0.002) and t50_MV of 39[28–52] min (P = 0.002). Conclusions & Inferences This study suggests that 13CO2 exhalation after ingestion of a 13C‐labeled liquid test meal is not affected by stimulated gastric secretion, but is rather reflecting the dynamics of meal or caloric emptying from the stomach.  相似文献   

Abstract The assessment of gastric accommodation and emptying by different methodologies provides inconsistent results. We aimed to compare magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), barostat and 13C‐acetate breath test (BT) for the assessment of gastric volume responses and emptying in healthy controls (HC) and patients with functional dyspepsia (FD). Eight HC and eight FD patients underwent: (i) continuous BT with simultaneous MRI in the upright position after ingestion of isocaloric, 300 kcal, 200 and 800 mL meals, both labelled with 100 mg of 13C‐acetate; and (ii) BT with gastric barostat after ingestion of the 200 mL meal. MRI measured total gastric volume and gastric content volume (GCV) at baseline, after filling and during emptying. Meal emptying half‐times (T½) for MRI and BT were calculated (mean ± SD). We found: (i) Initial GCV was lower in FD than in HC (762 ± 22 vs 810 ± 52 mL, P < 0.04) after the 800 mL meal but not the 200 mL meal. T½MRI was shorter for the 800 mL than the 200 mL meal (P < 0.001), but similar in HC and FD (200 mL: HC 117 ± 30 min vs FD 138 ± 42 min, ns; 800 mL: HC 71 ± 16 min vs FD 78 ± 27 min, ns). In contrast, T½BT was similar between meals and groups (200 mL: HC 111 ± 11 min vs FD 116 ± 19 min; 800 mL: HC 114 ± 14 min vs FD: 113 ± 17 min). (ii) Barostat measurements showed similar postprandial volume increases between groups. We conclude that direct measurements by MRI provide a sensitive, non‐invasive assessment of gastric accommodation and emptying after a meal. In contrast to MRI, BT did not detect faster emptying of high‐volume compared to low‐volume liquid nutrient meals in HC or FD.  相似文献   

Background Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging provides direct, non‐invasive measurements of gastric function and emptying. The inter‐observer variability (IOV) of MR volume measurements and the most appropriate analysis of MR data have not been established. To assess IOV of total gastric volume (TGV) and gastric content volume (GCV) measurements from MR images and the ability of standard power exponential (PowExp), and a novel linear exponential (LinExp) model to describe MR data. Methods Ten healthy volunteers received three different volumes of a liquid nutrient test meal (200–800 mL) on 3 days in a randomized order. Magnetic resonance scans were acquired using a 1.5T system every 1–5 min for 60 min. Total gastric volume and GCV were measured independently by three observers. Volume data were fitted by PowExp and LinExp models to assess postprandial volume change and gastric emptying half time (T50). Key Results An initial rise in GCV and TGV was often observed after meal ingestion, thereafter GCV and TGV decreased in an approximately linear fashion. Inter‐observer variability decreased with greater volumes from 12% at 200 mL to 6% at 600 and 800 mL. Inter‐observer variability for T50 was <5%. PowExp and LinExp models provided comparable estimates of T50; however, only LinExp described dynamic volume change in the early postprandial period. Conclusions & Inferences Gastric MR provides quantitative measurements of postprandial volume change with low IOV, unless the stomach is nearly empty. The novel LinExp model describes the dynamic volume changes in the early postprandial period more accurately than the PowExp model used in existing gastric emptying studies.  相似文献   

Antidepressants are commonly prescribed for patients with functional dyspepsia. However, the effect of tricyclic antidepressants on satiation and gastric emptying remains unclear, and there are no data for tetracyclic compounds. To compare the effects of nortriptyline (maximum dose: 50 mg daily) and mirtazapine (30 mg daily) vs placebo on gastric emptying, gastric satiation and postprandial symptoms after a nutrient load in healthy volunteers. Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study evaluated gastric function before and after 14 days of nortriptyline (n = 13), mirtazapine (n = 13), or placebo (n = 14) in healthy volunteers. Validated methods were used to study gastric emptying ((13)C-octanoate) and satiation postnutrient drink test. The three arms were comparable with regard to age, gender, body mass index and hospital anxiety/depression scale. There were no statistically significant effects of mirtazapine or nortriptyline on gastric emptying compared to placebo (P = 0.34). Maximum tolerated volume was similar on drug and placebo (P = 0.56). Aggregate symptom score 30 min postmaximum tolerated volume after nutrient drink challenge on placebo was 132 (+/-21), vs 165 (+/-21) on mirtazapine, and 126 (+/-21) on nortriptyline 50 mg respectively (P = 0.28). Tricyclic and tetracyclic antidepressant agents do not appear to have significant effects on gastric motor or satiation postnutrient challenge in healthy individuals at the doses tested.  相似文献   

Background Measuring solid gastric emptying (GE) at 4 h is used to identify gastroparesis. GE half‐time (GE T1/2) is useful to assess overall and early GE. Aim To examine the validity of hourly imaging as a measurement of GE T1/2 compared with estimates from more detailed imaging. Methods 155 human subjects (99 female, 56 male) underwent scintigraphic GE of a solid–liquid meal. We calculated the GE T1/2 using linear interpolation based on a full set of abdominal images obtained over 4 h, and the GE T1/2 based on images at 1, 2, 3, and 4 h after the meal with interpolation of data. Key Results Differences in GE T1/2 values (entire set of scan times compared with just the hourly scans) were small [overall median (5th, 95th percentiles) = ?0.2[?7.5, 4.6] min] with slightly greater differences in males compared with females. The agreement between the two methods was very high [concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) (95% CI) = 0.993 (0.990, 0.995)] and a Bland–Altman plot indicated the variation in the results between the two methods did not change appreciably across the range of GE studied (within ±10 min for all but four subjects). Calculated GE T1/2 values, omitting the 3‐h data from the hourly measurements, were associated with similar high accuracy overall and for fast GE, but were less accurate with slow GE. Conclusions & Inferences Results of GE T1/2 solids, using hourly imaging over 4 h, are accurate in the range 75–235 min which reflects the typical range of GE of solids in health and disease.  相似文献   

Abstract  Gastric emptying of digestible solids occurs after trituration of food particles. Non-digestible solids are thought to empty with phase III of the migrating motor complex (MMC). The aim of this study was to determine if a non-digestible capsule given with a meal empties from the stomach with return of the fasting phase III MMC or during the fed pattern with the solid meal. Fifteen normal subjects underwent antroduodenal manometry and ingestion of a radiolabelled meal and SmartPill wireless pH and pressure capsule. In five subjects, emptying of the SmartPill was studied in the fasting period by ingesting the SmartPill with radiolabelled water. The SmartPill emptied from the stomach within 6 h in 14 of 15 subjects. SmartPill pressure recordings showed high amplitude phasic contractions prior to emptying. SmartPill gastric residence time (261 ± 22 min) correlated strongly with time to the first phase III MMC (239 ± 23 min; r  = 0.813; P  < 0.01) and correlated moderately with solid-phase gastric emptying ( r  = 0.606 with T-50% and r  = 0.565 with T-90%). Nine of 14 subjects emptied the capsule with a phase III MMC. In five subjects, the SmartPill emptied with isolated distal antral contractions. In five subjects ingesting only water, SmartPill gastric residence time (92 ± 44 min) correlated with the time to the first phase III MMC (87 ± 30 min; r  = 0.979; P  < 0.01). The non-digestible SmartPill given with a meal primarily empties from the stomach with the return of phase III MMCs occurring after emptying the solid-phase meal. However, in some subjects, the SmartPill emptied with isolated antral contractions, an unappreciated mechanism for emptying of a non-digestible solid.  相似文献   

Background Many studies assessed gastric retention over time utilizing different models, mostly with scintigraphic measures at varied endpoints from limited number of normal volunteers. With a standardized 4‐h gastric emptying (GE) protocol, we compared model fit by the linear, power exponential (PE), and modified power exponential (MPE) models to contrast differences in GE among different groups based on clinical diagnosis and gender. Methods We retrospectively collected 320 patient records with four consecutive hourly scintigraphic measures of percent intragastric residual at the Kansas University Medical Center. We obtained parameter estimates with the Bayesian hierarchical models using informative priors from previous research. Key Results The PE or MPE model captured the time dependent GE rate better than the linear model. The estimated GE rates more than doubled for those without gastroparesis compared to patients diagnosed with gastroparesis. Males tended to empty gastric content faster but were not significantly different from females at the 5% level. Conclusions & Inferences The point estimates and 95% credible interval for GE rates obtained with the PE and MPE models may provide an alternative diagnostic tool for clinicians since it utilizes gastric emptying scintigraphy measures at multiple endpoints which may be sensitive to different aspects of the disease. No agreement in lag phases was obtained by the three models based on respective definitions from previous researches, but similar results would be obtained with the PE and MPE models if both defined lag phase by back projecting the regression lines to the same gastric retention level.  相似文献   

Abstract Gastrointestinal luminal contents may interfere with concentration analysis of non-absorbable dyes. However, non-absorbable markers are broadly used for studies of gastric emptying rates of nutrient solutions. This prompted us to evaluate the properties of non-absorbable markers to mark such nutrient solutions. In vitro concentrations of polyethylene glycol phenol red, dextran blue, two anthroquinone dyes and inulin were determined spectrophotometrically in the presence or absence of a formula diet, single compounds of the diet or an oligo-peptide diet, and the reproducibility and validity of the analyses were evaluated. The presence of the formula diet or the oligopeptide diet seriously impaired the analyses of marker concentrations, whereas single nutrient compounds did not uniformly interfere. The analysis of polyethylene glycol and phenol red concentrations was impaired by proteins, while the analysis of inulin concentration was impaired by carbohydrates. Dextran blue and the anthroquinones were completely eliminated by protein-precipitation procedures. In conclusion, phenol red and polyethylene glycol should only be used as marker substances for protein-free meals or nutrient solutions, while inulin should not be used with meals or nutrient solutions containing carbohydrates. Marker dilution techniques cannot be recommended for measurements of gastric emptying rates of complete meals.  相似文献   

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