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We applied the QGS program for LV function analysis (described by Germano, 1995) to a 201Tl SPECT study at rest, and estimated its accuracy. We performed 201Tl ECG-gated myocardial SPECT in 25 patients with ischemic heart disease under an acquisition time used in the routine 99mTc ECG-gated SPECT study. The quality of the gated images was visually assessed with a 4-point grading system. LVEDV, LVESV, LVEF determined by the QGS program were compared with those by Simpson's method on biplane LVG in 25 patients. Regional wall motion scores in 7 myocardial segments were assessed on the three-dimensional display created by the QGS program and the cine display of biplane LVG with a 5-point grading system. Wall motion scores obtained by the QGS program were compared with those by LVG. Although 72.0% of 201Tl ECG-gated SPECT images were fair or poor in image quality, there were good correlations between the values obtained by the QGS program and LVG (LVEDV: r = 0.82, LVESV: r = 0.88, LVEF: r = 0.89). In addition, wall motion scores by the QGS program were correspondent to those by LVG in 77.1% of all 175 myocardial segments. We conclude that the QGS program provides high accuracy in evaluating left ventricular function even from 201Tl ECG-gated myocardial SPECT data.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Present study was designed to evaluate the accuracy of the measurement of left ventricular volume by quantitative gated SPECT (QGS) software using 201T1 and the effect of cutoff frequency of Butterworth prereconstruction filter on the calculation of volume. METHODS: The RH-2 type cardiac phantom and 20 patients with ischemic heart disease were studied. Left ventricular end-diastolic volume (EDV), end-systolic volume (ESV) and ejection fraction (EF) were calculated by the QGS software using the various frequency of Butterworth filter. These parameters were evaluated by Simpson's method using left ventriculography (LVG). RESULTS: The volume of the phantom calculated by QGS was under-estimated by 14%. In the clinical study, EDV and ESV measured by QGS were smaller than those obtained from LVG by 10%. When the cutoff frequency of Butterworth filter was 0.43 cycles/cm, the values measured by QGS were best correlated with those by LVG (EDV: r = 0.80, p < 0.001; ESV: r = 0.86, p < 0.001; EF: r = 0.80, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: These data suggest that 201Tl quantitative gated cardiac SPECT can estimate myocardial ischemia and left ventricular function simultaneously.  相似文献   

AIM: To report our data concerning the changes in post-stress and at-rest left ventricular ejection fraction and ventricular volumes in patients with thallium gated SPECT. METHODS: Post-stress and at-rest thallium gated SPECT was performed in 629 consecutive patients; left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), left ventricular volumes and quantitative perfusion data were obtained. Transitory left ventricular dysfunction was diagnosed when post-stress LVEF did not increase at least 5% from LVEF at-rest. RESULTS: In all patients post-stress LVEF was 64%+/-17 while at-rest LVEF was 66%+/-15 (P=0.6). Post-stress end diastolic volume (EDV) was 142 ml+/-7, at-rest EDV was 141 ml+/-92 (P=0.57), post-stress end systolic volume (ESV) was 54 ml+/-51 and at-rest ESV was 56 ml+/-59 (P=0.38). Data from the perfusion study were used to divide patients into three groups: normal patients (group I), patients with total or partially reversible defects (group II) and patients with fixed defects (group III). In group I and group III patients LVEF at-rest was lower than post-exercise (LVEF 75%+/-11 vs 81%+/-10 (P<0.001) and 57%+/-16 vs 60%+/-18 (P=0.025)), respectively. Patients in group II had a higher at-rest LVEF than post-exercise (LVEF 66%+/-14 vs 64%+/-16 (P=0.003)). While the left ventriuclar volumes in group I and III patients decreased with exercise, group II patients had increased post-stress ESV. CONCLUSIONS: Post-stress and at-rest LVEF are similar when all patients are considered but significant differences appear when patients are divided according to the results of the perfusion study. Normal and fixed defect patients have increased post-exercise LVEF. Patients with reversible defects have decreased LVEF, which is largely due to an increased ESV. Transitory left ventricular dysfunction is related to the presence of reversibility and may benefit from revascularization.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess whether resting 201Tl scintigraphy is superior in detecting viable myocardium than previous conventional methods. We performed not only stress 201Tl SPECT but also resting 201Tl SPECT within one month in 65 patients with coronary artery disease. Resting 201Tl images were quantitatively compared with 4 hour late images of stress study using a polar map. In stress study, redistribution was recognized on 83% (25/30) of non-MI SEGs with perfusion defect in the stress 201Tl image, and on 39% (18/46) of infarcted SEGs. The agreement of resting 201Tl study with 4 hour late images of stress study was shown on 93% (28/30) of non-MI SEGs and on 52% (24/46) of MI SEGs. The increased uptake of 201Tl in resting study, however, was found on 13 (46%) of 28 MI SEGs showing fixed defects in stress study. In stress delayed image with fixed defect, the %Tl uptake of improved SEGs was higher than that of unchanged SEGs (59 +/- 10% vs 48 +/- 11%; p greater than 0.05). There was no viable myocardium which had %Tl uptake less than 40% at stress delayed image. In conclusion, the resting 201Tl imaging will give an important information as for the myocardial viability showing fixed defects, if more than 40% Tl uptake is observed.  相似文献   

201Tl myocardial SPECT findings in infantile ventricular tachycardia (VT) were examined. The subjects were 4 cases of infantile VT subjected exercise-loading 201Tl scintigraphy in 1990. These cases (3 males and 1 female) were aged 11-14 years, being persistent and non-persistent type VT (2 cases each). Echocardiography revealed no abnormal findings in these 4 cases. Exercise-loading was performed by means of sitting ergometer. ECG revealed sinus arrhythmia except for one case which throughout its course of treatment, had already been presenting ventricular extrasystole from before the exercise-loading. Myocardial SPECT revealed persistent defects (anteroseptal wall defects in three case). The above suggests that 201Tl myocardial SPECT enables us to search for etiology of VT, prognosis and the like.  相似文献   

201Tl myocardial imaging was performed at rest and after dipyridamole (0.44 mg/kg) on 50 patients with known or suspected ischemic heart disease. The dipyridamole had no effect in 14 patients (group Dip. 0). In 17 patients (group Dip±) it significantly modified the contrast of the rest image (by increasing or decreasing a rest perfusion defect). In 19 patients (group Dip-Steal) the drug induced a paradoxical response interpreted as a coronary steal effect (an active region at rest becomes hypoactive after dipyridamole while an underperfused region at rest improves).All patients underwent coronary arteriography and left monoplane ventriculography; results were interpreted in relation to these angiographic data. The mean percentage of stenoses (per patient) was about the same in the three groups but it was found that, despite these stenoses, the patients of the group Dip —Steal had a good left ventricular function ( =0.62±0.12). On the other hand, the ejection fraction was very poor in the two other groups (0.50±0.17 and 0.48±0.17). Moreover it was found that: (1) the frequency of high grade or even complete obstruction was notably less in group Dip-Steal (P<0.05); (2) the frequency of angiographically visible collaterals was higher in group Dip-Steal (P<0.05); (3) the left anterior descending artery was less diseased than the right coronary artery in group Dip-Steal (P<0.05).These results have a real prognostic value for the assessment of the preserved cardiac performance in Dip-Steal patients despite severe stenoses, and are discussed in terms of compensatory collateral circulation and preservation of the coronary-flow reserve in the myocardium distal to a critical stenosis.  相似文献   

Left ventricular myocardial mass can be measured by 201Tl SPECT, but the effects of changes in heart rate and contractility have not been determined. We constructed a dynamic computer model simulating the contracting left ventricle. Thirty two summed static views at each of 3 heart rates and 3 ejection fractions were manufactured to simulate a 180° acquisition. Each image set underwent tomographic reconstruction. Left ventricular mass was measured at a fixed percent threshold in each slice. The results show that left ventricular mass varied little with heart rate (4%) and only slightly more (8%) with ejection fraction. Thus, in the normal clinical setting, left ventricular mass measurements by SPECT are minimally affected by the dynamic state of the heart.  相似文献   

Left ventricular myocardial mass can be measured by 201Tl SPECT, but the effects of changes in heart rate and contractility have not been determined. We constructed a dynamic computer model simulating the contracting left ventricle. Thirty two summed static views at each of 3 heart rates and 3 ejection fractions were manufactured to simulate a 180 degrees acquisition. Each image set underwent tomographic reconstruction. Left ventricular mass was measured at a fixed percent threshold in each slice. The results show that left ventricular mass varied little with heart rate (4%) and only slightly more (8%) with ejection fraction. Thus, in the normal clinical setting, left ventricular mass measurements by SPECT are minimally affected by the dynamic state of the heart.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We have assessed the reproducibility of the estimates of regional left ventricular wall thickening between resting and redistribution Tl gated single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) studies. METHODS: Thirty patients (28 males, two females) aged between 38 and 72 years (57.0 +/- 8.4 years) underwent resting and redistribution Tl gated SPECT. Perfusion was assessed semi-quantitatively using scores of 0-4. The assessment of wall thickening was performed both visually and by using automated software using scores of 0-3. The assessment of reproducibility was performed in 20 individual segments and 37 pairs of contiguous segments in each patient. RESULTS: In resting studies, mean global left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), end diastolic volume and end systolic volume were 34.2 +/- 11.7%, 180.5 +/- 70.6 ml and 123.3 +/- 60.0 ml, respectively. The corresponding values for the redistribution studies were 32.7 +/- 10.1%, 179.7 +/- 70.6 ml and 125.5 + 63.0 ml, respectively. There was good correlation between the resting and redistribution LVEFs (r=0.88), end diastolic volumes (r=0.90) and end systolic volumes (r=0.933). Reproducibility of visual wall thickening was 66% in individual segments and 82% in pairs of contiguous segments, and that of automated wall thickening was 48.0% in individual segments and 68% in pairs of contiguous segments. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, global left ventricular functional parameters obtained by resting Tl gated SPECT studies are highly reproducible in patients with impaired resting left ventricular function and large areas of scarred myocardium. Wall thickening and wall motion data are more reproducible in contiguous segments than in individual segments.  相似文献   

The unfolded map is a new method to show the 201Tl distribution of left ventricle using SPECT. In 52 cases these maps were obtained at the stress study and 4 h later. The maximal count profiles of the perimeters for each short axis image were unfolded and were arranged from the apex to base of the left ventricle into a two dimensional map. All patients had chest pain and were suspected of coronary artery disease. The unfolded map had significant correlations between coronary arteriogram and exercise ECG findings. In conclusion, this method reflects the ischemic area of left ventricular myocardium, closer to the real left ventricular myocardium than Bull's eye display and is useful in the diagnosis of coronary heart disease.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that selective digital left ventricular angiography using small amounts of contrast material minimized both symptoms and hemodynamic alterations and provided good images for assessment of regional ventricular function. However, comparisons of ejection fraction (EF), end-systolic volume (ESV), and end-diastolic volume (EDV) from digital angiography, at 10 frames per second, with measurements derived from conventional angiography, showed only a fair correlation between the two methods. Using a new generation of digital equipment and an acquisition time of 30 frames per second, we studied the correlation between digital and conventional angiography in 29 patients with coronary artery disease for a wide spectrum of left ventricular functions. Ventricular volumes and EF were calculated by computer using the area-length method. The correlation coefficient (r) between both the methods was 0.93 for EF, 0.95 for ESV and 0.89 for EDV. Thus digital left ventricular angiography provides an accurate evaluation of left ventricular function and can with advantage replace conventional angiography for this purpose.  相似文献   

It is unknown whether the use of ordered-subsets expectation maximization (OSEM) and depth-dependent resolution recovery (RR) will increase the accuracy of (201)Tl electrocardiogram-gated SPECT (GSPECT) for the measurement of global left ventricular (LV) function. METHODS: Fifty-six patients having both rest (201)Tl GSPECT and planar equilibrium radionuclide angiography (planar(RNA)) on the same day were studied. Twenty-nine patients also had LV conventional contrast angiography (Rx). LV ejection fraction (LVEF), end-diastolic volume (EDV), and end-systolic volume (ESV) were calculated with the quantitative gated SPECT software (QGS) using 4 different processing methods: filtered backprojection (FBP), OSEM, RR + FBP, and RR + OSEM. LVEF calculated with planar(RNA) and LV EDV and ESV calculated with Rx were considered gold standards. LVEF and volumes provided with the GSPECT methods were compared with the gold standard methods. RESULTS: LVEF calculated with GSPECT methods (FBP, OSEM, RR + FBP, and RR + OSEM) were similar (not statistically significant) and correlated well with planar(RNA). On Bland-Altman analysis, the mean +/- SD of absolute difference in LVEF with GSPECT FBP, OSEM, RR + FBP, and RR + OSEM methods versus planar(RNA) were similar, with relatively large limits of agreement. LV volumes calculated with the 4 GSPECT methods were significantly lower but correlated well with Rx LV volumes. LV volumes calculated with FBP and OSEM were lower than those calculated with RR + FBP and RR + OSEM (P < 0.01). On Bland-Altman analysis, the mean +/- SD of absolute difference in LV volumes with FBP, OSEM, RR + FBP, and RR + OSEM versus Rx was, respectively, 56 +/- 45 mL (P < 0.01 vs. the other 3 methods), 57 +/- 45 mL (P < 0.01 vs. the other 3 methods), 43 +/- 48 mL, and 46 +/- 47 mL, with correspondingly large limits of agreement. The variance of random error did not differ between FBP, OSEM, RR + FBP, and RR + OSEM for either LVEF or volumes. CONCLUSION: OSEM and FBP presented similar accuracy for LVEF and volume measured with the QGS software. Their combination with depth-dependent RR provided similar LVEF but more accurate LV volumes.  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate the myocardial damage and metabolic disorder of the left ventricle in patients with mitral stenosis. We studied 15 patients with mitral stenosis. Their grade of chronic heart failure using New York Heart Association classification were class I: 5 patients, class II: 5, class III: 3, class IV: 2, respectively. The severely stenotic group (valve area < 1.5 cm2) included 6 patients, mildly stenotic group (1.5 cm2 < or = valve area < 2.5 cm2) included 9. A 111 MBq of 123I-BMIPP was intravenously injected at rest, SPECT images were obtained at 15 min and 3 hours after injection. A 111 MBq of 201Tl was intravenously injected at rest, and SPECT images were obtained at 15 min after injection. Washout rate (WR) of 123I-BMIPP from the whole left ventricle was obtained using polar maps. The concentration of norepinephrine (NE: pg/ml) in the blood at rest was measured. The mean values of pulmonary artery pressure was measured in ten patients using Swan-Ganz catheter. 123I-BMIPP myocardial SPECT and measurement of NE were reexamined in 5 patients after mitral valvuloplasty. NE values were 476 +/- 72 and 793 +/- 286 in classes I + II and III + IV, respectively. NE values was increased in the severe heart failure group (p < 0.05). NE values were 480 +/- 69 and 743 +/- 295 in the mildly and severely stenotic groups, respectively. NE value was increased in severely stenotic group (p < 0.05). Twelve patients showed normal uptake on both 201Tl and 123I-BMIPP myocardial SPECT. Three patients showed slightly reduced uptake on both 201Tl and 123I-BMIPP myocardial SPECT. WR was 27.2 +/- 4.8% and 44.3 +/- 6.7% in class I + II and class III + IV, respectively. WR was increased in severe heart failure group (p < 0.05). WR was 27.8 +/- 6.0% and 41.3 +/- 9.4% in the mildly and severely stenotic group, respectively. WR was increased in the severely stenotic group (p < 0.05). NE was correlated with WR (p < 0.001). In patients with mitral valvuloplasty, WR was 44.3 +/- 6.7% and 31.4 +/- 4.7% before and after mitral valvuloplasty, respectively. NE values were 857 +/- 266 and 574 +/- 165, respectively. Both WR and NE were decreased after mitral valvuloplasty (p < 0.01). In patients with mitral stenosis, WR was increased in the severe heart failure group and severely stenotic group without apparent myocardial damage. Myocardial metabolism in the left ventricle might be influenced by right heart failure through, for example, NE and neurohormonal factors.  相似文献   

A new automated edge detection program has been developed to estimate left ventricular mass from single photon emission computed tomographic (SPECT) 201Tl images and 14 dogs were studied. Six of the 14 dogs underwent imaging before and 5 hr after coronary artery occlusion with a closed-chest technique. True left ventricular mass was determined at time of killing within 1 hr of the last 201Tl study. Left ventricular mass determined by tomography correlated well with autopsy left ventricular mass (r = 0.94; p less than 0.001, s.e.e. = 5.9 g) over a range of 62-156 g. The intraobserver variation between repeated measurements of the same SPECT study yielded an r = 0.99; p less than 0.0001; s.e.e. = 2.3 g. The reproducibility of the mass determination was assessed in four animals with two studies performed 10-14 days apart. The estimate of left ventricular mass from the two studies were highly correlated (r = 0.98; p less than 0.001) with a mean absolute difference of 4 g (3.3%). In the six dogs with a control and postinfarct study the mean total left ventricular mass by 201Tl tomography varied by less than 3.8% (r = 0.89; p less than 0.001). In conclusion, tomographic imaging with 201Tl can define left ventricular mass accurately and reproducibly in the dog model. The ability of this 201Tl tomographic left ventricular mass program to measure both normal and infarcted tissue accurately suggests the possibility of documenting interventions designed to alter left ventricular mass and of sizing acute infarcts and assessing interventions that may alter acute infarct size.  相似文献   

Objective The objective of the present study is to investigate the correlations across various types of interface software for 201Tl gated myocardial perfusion SPECT (MPS) in calculating two common diastolic function parameters (DFx), peak-filling rates (PFR), and time-to-peak filling (TTPF). Methods A total of 109 patients (66 men and 43 women; age 35–78 years) were studied. All patients were classi-fied into three groups (i.e., ND, no-defect group; SD, small-defect group; LD, large-defect group) to clarify the influence of perfusion defects possibly affecting the analysis. Two kinds of available software, namely, quantitative gated SPECT (QGS2) and perfusion and functional analysis for gated SPECT (pFAST2) with cardioGRAF were used to obtain PFR and TTPF. Finally, we analyzed the correlation between DFx obtained with the two different kinds of software. Results The values of LVEF, PFR, and TTPF were assessed in all patients. In both the ND (correlation coefficients were 0.92, 0.79, and 0.99, respectively) and SD groups (correlation coefficients were 0.74, 0.88, and 0.98, respectively), a strong correlation was observed. In contrast, PFR did not show a significant correlation in the LD group. Conclusions With the two different kinds of software, QGS2 and pFAST2, the calculated PFR was almost equal and showed good correlations in both ND and SD groups. In contrast, the numerical value varied between the two methods, and its correlation was poor in the LD group. However, TTPF showed a good correlation regardless of the presence of perfusion defects, and the values were equal. TTPF was confirmed to be a stable diastolic index across the two kinds of software, QGS2 and pFAST2, in 201Tl gated MPS.  相似文献   

Recently many investigators reported that conventional stress-redistribution myocardial scintigraphy with 201Tl underestimated the presence of ischemic but viable myocardium. We studied the usefulness of 24 hour 201Tl myocardial single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) to assess myocardial viability and investigated the factors affect to the quality of 24 hour SPECT images. Study patients were consisted with 70 patients with old myocardial infarction (OMI), 72 patients with angina pectoris without OMI (AP) and 43 patients with angiographically proven normal coronary arteries. To obtain SPECT images, 10 minute and 4 hour imagings were sampled 30 seconds per projection. Twenty-four hour imaging was sampled 60 seconds per projection. Twenty-four hour images were visually interpreted as good, moderate and poor quality. Then study patients were divided into 2 groups, group A with good 24 hour images and group B with moderate or poor 24 hour images. One hundred and fifty-eight patients (85.4%) of study patients had 24 hour SPECT images on a good quality. Only 4 patients (2.2%) had poor quality SPECT. All of these 4 patients had broad myocardial infarction. In patients with OMI 61 patients (87.1%), in AP 63 patients (87.5%) and in normal 35 patients (81.4%) had a good 24 hour SPECT. Total sampling counts and myocardial ROI counts were significantly higher in group A than in group B. Body weight was significantly higher and there were more male patients in group B than in group A. Late redistribution was seen in 20 patients (28.5%) with OMI and in 11 patients (15.3%) with AP.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Transient postischemic stunning (TIS) has been reported in images obtained (1/2) to 1 hour after stress with technetium 99m tracers but has not been investigated in images obtained shortly after stress with thallium 201. We also quantified the global extent and severity of TIS, which has not been done previously. METHODS AND RESULTS: We evaluated 82 patients with either treadmill or dobutamine stress Tl-201 myocardial perfusion imaging. Images were semiquantitatively examined with a 20-segment model. The extent and severity of myocardial ischemia and TIS were assessed by the summed difference score from the early and delayed scores of perfusion, wall motion (WM), and wall thickening (WT). The mean left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was significantly lower in early images than in delayed images in patients with ischemia (P <.01), TIS by WM (P <.001), and TIS by WT (P <.001), and the LVEF difference was more significantly different as the summed difference score of perfusion, WM, or WT increased. No significant LVEF difference was seen in patients with ischemia who did not have TIS. CONCLUSIONS: In stress gated Tl-201 single photon emission computed tomography myocardial perfusion imaging, early TIS is frequently seen in patients with ischemia and is equivalently detected by WM and WT assessments. Significant exercise-induced transient left ventricular global dysfunction is associated with more severe and extensive ischemia and can be predicted by the measurement of the extent and severity of TIS from the same images.  相似文献   



In 201Tl SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) data are acquired shortly after the stress injection to assess early post-stress left ventricle (LV) function. The purpose of this study was to use 201Tl SPECT MPI to investigate whether stress-induced myocardial ischemia is associated with LV mechanical dyssynchrony.


Enrolled in the study were 75 patients who were referred for dipyridamole stress and rest 201Tl gated SPECT MPI. The early post-stress scan was started 5?min after injection, and followed by the rest scan 4?h later. The patients were divided into three groups: ischemia group (N?=?25, summed stress score, SSS, ≥5, summed rest score, SRS, <5), infarct group (N?=?16, SSS ≥5, SRS ≥5) and normal group (N?=?34, SSS <5, SRS <5). LV dyssynchrony parameters were calculated by phase analysis, and compared between the stress and rest images.


In the ischemia group, LV dyssynchrony was significantly larger during stress than during rest. On the contrary, LV dyssynchrony during stress was significantly smaller than during rest in the normal and infarct groups. LV dyssynchrony during rest was significantly larger in the infarct group than in the normal and ischemia groups. There were no significant differences in LV dyssynchrony during rest between the normal and ischemia groups.


Stress-induced myocardial ischemia caused dyssynchronous contraction in the ischemic region, leading to a deterioration in LV synchrony. Normal myocardium had more synchronous contraction during stress. The different dyssynchrony pattern between ischemic and normal myocardium early post-stress may aid the diagnosis of coronary artery disease using 201Tl gated SPECT MPI.  相似文献   

Purpose The present study was performed to assess stress-related left ventricular (LV) function variations in various patient groups and to determine if they were affected by sex or the type of stress experienced. We used thallium (Tl)-201 gated myocardial perfusion single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) for the analysis. Materials and methods A total of 270 patients were examined by electrocardiography-gated myocardial perfusion SPECT imaging to assess LV function. After injection of Tl-201 at a dose of 111 MBq at peak stress, SPECT scans were acquired at 10 min (after stress) and 3 h (rest) after injection on a three-headed camera. Results In the normal perfusion group, the mean LV ejection fraction (LVEF) was significantly higher, and both the end-diastolic volume index (EDVI) and end-systolic volume index (ESVI) were significantly lower in women than in men (P < 0.05). Poststress stunning occurred in 29 of 98 patients (30.0%) in the ischemia group and in 42 of 90 patients (46.7%) in the fixed group. There was a significant difference in poststress stunning between bicycle ergometer stress and dipyridamole stress (P < 0.05). Conclusion In patients with normal perfusion, LVEF, EDVI, and ESVI determined by gated Tl-201 SPECT should be corrected for sex. In addition, the influence of the type of stress should be considered when assessing stress-related LV function variations.  相似文献   

目的:探讨应用M型彩色多普勒评价室壁肥厚患者左室舒张功能的临床价值。方法:研究32例左室肥厚患者,包括肥厚型心脏病(HCM)10例、高血压性心脏病(HHD)Ⅱ期左室肥厚22例,正常对照(NC)20例,分别测量左室舒张早期血流播散速度(Vp)、E峰与Vp的比值(E/Vp)等指标。结果:室壁肥厚患者不论E/A〉1,还是E/A〈1,其Vp和E/Vp与对照值相比,均有显著性差异(P〈0.01)。结论:彩色M型多普勒无“假性正常化”现象,是评价左室舒张功能的可靠指标。  相似文献   

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