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Lyn Ebert RN RM PhD Debbie Massey RN Phd Tracy Flenady RN BN PhD. Samantha Nolan RM PHD Trudy Dwyer RN Nr Cert ICU Cert BHlthScn GCFlxLrn MCLinEd PHD Kerry Reid-Searl RN PhD Bridget Ferguson RN RM Elaine Jefford RN RM PhD 《分娩》2023,50(2):438-448
Early warning systems (EWS) are used across health care settings as a tool for the early identification of clinical deterioration and to determine the need to escalate care. Early detection of clinical deterioration and appropriate escalation of care in maternity settings is critical to the safety of pregnant women and infants; however, underutilization of EWS tools and reluctance to escalate care have been consistently reported. Little is known about midwives' use of EWS in the Australian context.Methods
Using a cross-sectional approach, we elicited the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of a purposive sample of Australian midwives (n = 87) with respect to the Maternal Early Warning Trigger Tool (MEWT). Participants answered a 25-question Likert scale survey and one open-ended question. Qualitative answers were analyzed using consensus coding.Results
Midwives reported positive attitudes toward the MEWT, describing it as a valuable tool for identifying clinical deterioration, especially when used as an adjunct to clinical judgment. However, midwives also identified training gaps; 25% had received no training, and only half of those who had received training felt it was effective. In addition, professional tension can create a significant barrier to the effective use of the MEWT. Midwives also reported feeling influenced by their peers in their decision-making with respect to use of the MEWT and being afraid they would be chastised for escalating care unnecessarily.Conclusions
Although the MEWT is valued by Australian midwives as a useful tool, barriers exist to its effective use. These include a lack of adequate, ongoing training and professional tension. Improving interdisciplinary collaboration could enhance the use of this tool for the safety of birthing women and their infants. 相似文献2.
Thompson JE 《Midwifery》2002,18(3):188-192
Midwives as predominantly women caring for other women are subject to the same human rights violations and abuse that affect all the women of the world. They need to know and recognise these human rights violations before being able to take action that will reduce or eliminate such harmful practices. In this article, I address gender-based violations of the basic human rights of particular concern to women during their childbearing years, such as personal safety, respect for human dignity, fair and equitable access to health services, along with autonomous decision-making based on complete and unbiased information. The ethical and legal foundations of human rights are discussed in relation to viewing women as fully human, fully persons. Guidance for midwives taken from key documents of the International Confederation of Midwives are offered as midwives work together with women to end gender-based violations of one's human rights. 相似文献
Complementary and Alternative Medicine/Therapies (CAM) options have increasingly been used by pregnant women, however literature describing midwives' views and beliefs towards CAM is sparse. This study aimed to investigate Australian midwives’ views and beliefs about CAM.MethodsA national survey of Australian College of Midwives midwife members (n = 3552) (UTSHREC 2015000614) included questions on midwives’ views and support of CAM, and beliefs using a validated CAM Health Belief Questionnaire (CHBQ).ResultsThe response rate was 16%. Most respondents believed women should have the right to choose CAM (93.3%); and didn't view CAM a threat to public health (91.7%). Nearly half (49.5%) believed that their hospital/service did not have guidelines/procedures on CAM. The CHBQ mean score was 45.43 (SD9.98).ConclusionMost respondents agreed with the fundamental beliefs of CAM. This study confirms the need for a national CAM policy for midwives; and research on midwives’ CAM training. 相似文献
《Journal d'obstetrique et gynecologie du Canada》2020,42(7):861-867
ObjectiveThe objective of our study was to explore Canadian registered midwives’ (RMs’) experiences with nipple stimulation.MethodsAn online survey was distributed to practising RMs in British Columbia and Ontario.ResultsIn total 350 RMs completed the survey. Of these, 154 (44%) practised in British Columbia and 196 (56%) practised in Ontario. This represents a response rate of 53.3% and 20.6% in B.C. and Ontario, respectively. Ninety-six percent of those surveyed (337 RMs) reported having advised clients to use nipple stimulation as a means of releasing oxytocin, and 80% (267 RMs) considered nipple stimulation to be effective. Respondents reported 926 protocols for nipple stimulation. The most common indication for nipple stimulation was for labour augmentation, used by 92% of respondents.ConclusionNipple stimulation is widely used by RMs practising in British Columbia and Ontario. Survey respondents believed it to be effective and beneficial in mitigating the need for synthetic oxytocin. Survey results showed that the most common indication for nipple stimulation is labour augmentation. Future research should prospectively address the safety and effectiveness of this non-medical method of labour augmentation. 相似文献
ObjectiveTo study midwives’ experience in their role as a preceptor and their perception on how to best support midwifery students in obstetrics units. Obstetric units are an important learning area for student midwives but knowledge on how to become a good midwife preceptor is limited.DesignThis qualitative study explores midwife preceptors’ experience of supervising midwifery students in three obstetric units in Sweden. Following ethical approval seventeen midwife preceptors were interviewed and data were analysed thematically.FindingsThematic analysis of the interviews resulted in the identification of two themes and five subthemes: (1) self-efficacy in the preceptor role which involves (a) being confident in the professional position and (b) having the support of management and colleagues and (2) supporting the student to attain self-confidence and independence which entails (a) helping the student to grow, (b) facilitating reflection in learning situations, and (c) “taking a step back”.Key conclusionGood preceptorship occurs when midwives achieve full self-efficacy, when they master the preceptor role, and when they have enhanced their abilities to help, the student reach confidence and independence.Implications for practiceHealth care organisations needs to develop and support midwifery preceptorships. 相似文献
Backgroundperinatal mental health is an important public health issue and consideration must be given to care provision for effective support and care of women in the perinatal period.Aimto synthesise primary research on midwives’ perceived role in Perinatal Mental Health (PMH).Designintegrative review.MethodsWhittemore and Knafl's (2005) framework was employed. A systematic search of the literature was completed. Studies were included if they met the following criteria: primary qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods research studies published in peer reviewed journals between January 2006 to February 2016, where the population of interest were midwives and the outcomes of interest were their perceived role in the management of women with PMH problems. The methodological quality of studies was assessed using the relevant CASP (Critical Appraisal Skills Programmes, 2014) criteria for quantitative and qualitative research studies. Data extraction, quality assessment and thematic analysis were conducted.Findingsa total of 3323 articles were retrieved and 22 papers were included in the review (15 quantitative, 6 qualitative and one mixed method study). The quality of the studies included was good overall. Two overarching themes emerged relating to personal and professional engagement. Within personal engagement four sub themes are presented: knowledge, skills, decision making and attitude. Within professional engagement four themes are presented: continuous professional development, organisation of care, referral, and support.Conclusions and implications for practicethe findings indicate midwives require continuous professional development opportunities that address knowledge, attitudes to PMH, communication and assessment skills. However educational and training support in the absence of appropriate referral pathways and support systems will have little benefit. 相似文献
《Best practice & research. Clinical obstetrics & gynaecology》1999,13(1):95-105
Expert and aggressive pre-operative preparation of the woman with severe pre-eclampsia will ultimately determine her intraoperative outcome. Such considerations as the effect of endotracheal manipulation on intracranial pressure, of thrombocytopenia on the potential to produce a compressive epidural haematoma following epidural or combined spinal–epidural neuraxial block and of adequacy of invasive monitoring for Caesarean section loom large in the eyes of an anaesthetist preparing such a patient for surgery. Time spent pre-operatively in fluid volume optimization, in assessment of ventricular function, filling pressures and systemic vascular resistance, on aspiration pneumonitis and seizure prophylaxis, on control of hypertension, on correction of coagulopathy and on attenuation of pressor responses is time well spent and will have profound effects on the peri-operative course.The choice of agents and techniques for control of hypertension and reduction of vascular resistance, for induction and maintenance of general anaesthesia, for eclampsia prophylaxis and for regional anaesthesia or analgesia for operative or spontaneous delivery is, likewise, important and, at times, problematic. 相似文献
《Human fertility (Cambridge, England)》2013,16(3):231-235
AbstractThis paper seeks to explore midwives’ experiences of pregnancy and childbirth. It draws on interviews with nine midwives who completed their midwifery training prior to becoming mothers, to discuss how midwives use their professional knowledge to exercise agency (the choices made about their own care), and assume autonomy (the control and responsibility in relation to their own care), in pregnancy and childbirth. It illustrates that a reliance on professional knowledge may create opportunities for choice and increased autonomy in some situations, although the need for intervention during childbirth, for example, may challenge the degree of autonomy exercised by midwives and the choices available to them. As knowledgeable experts, midwives demonstrate a very different understanding of risk and safety in relation to their own experiences of childbirth. Professional knowledge may increase their anxieties which may not be addressed appropriately by caregivers due to their professional status. The use of knowledge in this way highlights potential conflict between their position as midwives and their experience as mothers, illustrating that midwives’ ability to exercise agency and autonomy in relation to their pregnancy and childbirth experiences is potentially problematic. 相似文献
Melva Craft-Blacksheare CNM DNP MSN MS Peggy Kahn PhD 《Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health》2023,68(1):62-70
This study aimed to identify how perinatal health workers, especially midwives, explained US Black maternal mortality and morbidity and what ameliorative measures they suggested across categories of primary social determinants, health care access, and provider practices.Methods
Using a mixed closed-ended and open-ended researcher-designed exploratory survey, 227 perinatal health workers responded to a series of questions probing views of causation and strategies for improvement. The closed-ended responses were summarized. Open-ended responses were analyzed using basic categorical and thematic coding.Results
Perinatal health workers’ responses prominently identified racism as a cause of Black maternal morbidity and mortality, and their recommendations ranged across levels of social determination of health.Discussion
Results suggest that the views of perinatal health workers, the majority of whom were midwives, are complex and correspond to the problems and solutions identified in the research literature. Midwives and other perinatal health workers are well positioned to help center health equity in perinatal care, through both clinical practice and policy advocacy. 相似文献17.
Objectivesto understand the challenges experienced by midwives providing obstetric high dependency care and identify the training they perceive is needed for work in an obstetric high dependency unit.Designsixteen midwives who worked in the obstetric high dependency unit participated in one of three focus groups. Focus groups lasted 60–90 minutes and were conducted in the workplace and facilitated by author (IE). Data were digitally recorded, transcribed and analysed manually by author (IE), specifically using a ‘codebook’ model to generate codes, categories and themes.Settinga purpose built, two-bed obstetric high dependency unit located in the delivery suite of a large, urban tertiary teaching hospital in New Zealand.Findingsfive themes were conceptualised: Theme 1: ‘high dependency care is not our bread and butter’; the midwives felt that working in the obstetric high dependency work did not constitute ‘normal’ midwifery work. Theme 2: ‘we are family… embracing the baby and partner in HDU’; the midwives recognised that an obstetric high dependency unit enabled the mother and infant to be cared for together, was beneficial for maternal psychosocial wellbeing, and supported mother-infant bonding and breastfeeding. Theme 3: ‘primum non nocere; First, do no harm’; the midwives voiced concern that they lacked the skills and training to provide obstetric high dependency care and considered this a potential risk to sick women in their care. Theme 4: ‘graceful swans and headless chickens’; the midwives reported feelings of stress, anxiety, fear and of being overwhelmed by the demands of obstetric high dependency care. The more experienced midwives were able to portray calmness and poise despite lots going on beneath the surface. This was in contrast to other, often less experienced midwives, who appeared confused and less organised. Theme 5: ‘please sir, can I have some more training?’; the midwives unanimously sought training in the provision of obstetric high dependency care and saw facilitation of training to be a responsibility of the hospital.Key conclusionsmidwives who are competent in obstetric high dependency care are well placed to provide holistic care to sick women within an obstetric high dependency unit. Midwives found this work challenging and identified the need for specific knowledge and skills beyond those required in the provision of care to well women. The midwives sought post-registration training in obstetric high dependency care. These findings are consistent with other studies reported in the literature.Implications for practicepost-registration training must be made available to midwives providing high dependency care to sick women to ensure they have the specialised skills and knowledge for practice. Responsibility to facilitate training rests with hospitals providing this service. 相似文献
《The journal of sexual medicine》2020,17(7):1312-1325
BackgroundSexual health has been identified as an important factor for postpartum quality of life. Although pregnancy-related changes in anatomy and metabolism return to their prepregnancy state, female sexual function may not be at the level it was before birth because of physical and psychological changes.AimThe goal of our study was to explore the influence of the mode of delivery, perineal injury, and peripartum expectations on postpartum sexual function.MethodsBetween 2013 and 2018, 522 women were enrolled in this prospective investigation. At time of recruitment during the peripartum hospitalization, patients completed a standardized questionnaire addressing expectations concerning postpartum sexuality with focus on expected influence of the mode of delivery. Sexual function was evaluated using the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) and Sexual Activity Questionnaire (SAQ) at time of recruitment to evaluate baseline sexual function (4 weeks before pregnancy). Follow-up assessments were conducted at 3, 6, and 12 months postpartum.OutcomesPeripartum expectations, influence of the mode of delivery, and perineal injury were analyzed for their impact on women’s sexual function within 12 months postpartum by repetitive FSFI and SAQ assessments.ResultsA total of 522 women with 263 spontaneous vaginal deliveries, 41 operative vaginal deliveries, and 218 cesarean sections were analyzed. Although the data demonstrate a significant postpartum decline in sexual function at 3 and 6 months postpartum, sexual functioning converges to baseline prepregnancy values 12 months postpartum. This observation was independent of the mode of delivery and perineal injuries with no significant between-group differences at any of the analyzed time points. Apart from breastfeeding, for which negative anticipations resulted in impaired sexuality, women’s expectations (pertaining to quantity and quality of female orgasm, partner’s sexuality, fear of altered sexuality, frequency of intercourse, the mode of delivery) do not influence female sexual function at 12 months postpartum.Clinical ImplicationsDeciphering the potential influence of patient expectations as well as pregnancy- and childbirth-related aspects on female postpartum sexuality will help in the effort to improve women’s postpartum sexual health.Strengths & LimitationsAs a strength of this study, postpartum sexuality was independently assessed with 2 different scoring systems (FSFI and SAQ). Limitations include that our follow-up is incomplete and amounts to about 2-thirds of patients who were initially recruited.ConclusionThe mode of delivery and perineal trauma do not influence women’s postpartum sexual function. With the exception of breastfeeding, peripartum expectations do not result in altered sexual functioning at 12 months postpartum.Spaich S, Link G, Alvarez SO, et al. Influence of Peripartum Expectations, Mode of Delivery, and Perineal Injury on Women’s Postpartum Sexuality. J Sex Med 2020;17:1312–1325. 相似文献
BackgroundSimulated practice using high fidelity has been shown to have significant benefits in the medical and nursing field. However, the benefits amongst paramedical and midwifery students are not well known.AimThe aim of this study was to explore and compare the impact of Immersive Simulation Training (IST) on midwifery and paramedic students' confidence to perform a skill (basic life support) in real-life stressful and life-threatening scenarios.DesignA mixed-method approach with an explanatory sequential design was used.Setting and participantsSeventeen first year student midwives and paramedics were recruited from one Higher Education Institution.MeasurementsA validated confidence questionnaire and focus groups were used to collect data.FindingsStudents' confidence following IST was significantly improved when compared to confidence following conventional simulation training (CST); a statistically significant increase of 6.71 (95% CI, 3.57 to 9.84), p < 0.001. Additionally, five themes were identified; 'Needing a solid foundation', 'The role of peer support' and 'It is just not real' following CST and 'A steep learning curve' and 'A whole new world' following IST.ConclusionThe study identified the important role of CST to establish a foundation but the need for escalation to IST to ensure deeper learning and preparedness for real life scenarios and should both be integrated in curricula. 相似文献
Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy in pregnancy: thorough comprehension of etiology and management reduces obstetricians’ stress 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In pregnancy and puerperium disseminated intravascular coagulopathy may accompany abruptio placenta, intrauterine fetal demise
with retained dead fetus, amniotic fluid embolism, endotoxin sepsis, preecalampsia with HELLP and massive transfusion. Clinical
signs and symptoms of DIC can include oozing from venupuncture sites and/or mucous membranes, red cell lysis from activation
of the complement system, hemorrhage from coagulopathy and possible uterine atony, hypotension from hemorrhage and/or bradykinin
release, and oliguria from end-organ insult and hypovolemia/hypotension. Treatment of DIC consists of replacement of volume,
blood products, and coagulation components and cardiovascular and respiratory support with elimination of underlying triggering
Received: August 1998 / Accepted: 10 May 1999 相似文献