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We present the case of a 64-year-old male who was diagnosed with esophageal cancer with tracheal invasion and distant lymph node metastases, and he received chemoradiation therapy. The therapy resulted in complete remission. However, he was unable to eat anything because of missed swallowing caused by a large tracheoesophageal fistula. The placement of a covered self-expandable metallic stent (SEMS) improved his quality of life and palliated dysphagia for 3 months. Stenting in the cervical or upper esophagus may cause discomfort. However, the placement of a covered SEMS is one of the useful palliative treatments for esophageal cancer with tracheoesophageal fistula.  相似文献   

金属食管支架对放射治疗剂量分布的影响   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
目的测量网状自扩金属食管支架对放射线引起的空腔效应及散射效应对放射治疗剂量分布的影响,为食管癌支架置入术后放射治疗的剂量修正提供依据.方法应用模拟食管癌网状自扩金属支架置入术后放射治疗的体模,分别应用60Co γ射线和直线加速器的8 MV X射线进行照射,使用薄窗电离室、热释光剂量仪分别对不锈钢合金支架及钛镍合金支架空腔的界面及界面下一定深度进行了对比测量,并用治疗计划系统对单纯空腔情况下百分深度剂量的变化进行了模拟计算与测量结果进行对照.结果射野7 cm×15 cm 60Co治疗机照射支架前点、后点与无支架均匀水模对应点剂量增加值不锈钢支架分别为1.8%和3.2%,钛镍合金支架分别为1.7%和2.9%.直线加速器的8 MV X射线照射支架前点、后点与无支架均匀水模对应点剂量增加值不锈钢支架分别为1.5%和2.8%,钛镍合金支架分别为1.4%和0.9%.射线经过支架空腔后形成二次建成效应,剂量增加的峰值达7.6%. 结论网状金属食管支架对放射线的散射效应造成的剂量增加<2%,支架空腔形成的二次建成效应,剂量增加>5%. 建议实际放射治疗时须对支架的空腔效应修正计算剂量.  相似文献   

目的:探讨自膨式覆膜金属支架在治疗食管癌术后颈部吻合口瘘中的应用价值。方法:在胃镜下对17例食管癌术后颈部吻合口瘘患者进行自膨式覆膜金属支架植入治疗。结果:所有患者一次植入成功,恢复正常饮食。1例支架脱落后重新植入。总治愈率为94.1%。全组术后均出现轻度的胸骨后疼痛不适或胃液反流的症状,所有患者均痊愈出院。结论:自膨式覆膜金属支架植入是内镜下治疗食管癌术后颈部吻合口瘘的简单安全有效的方法。  相似文献   

食管带膜自扩金属支架姑息治疗晚期食管癌   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
傅剑华  戎铁华 《癌症》1998,17(2):123-125
目的:观察和评价Gianturco-Z食管带膜自扩金属支架姑息治疗晚期食管癌吞咽梗阻或合并食管呼吸道瘘/纵隔瘘的疗效及并发症。材料和方法:在X光及金属食管镜指引下,应用Gianturco-Z食管带膜金属支架姑息治疗晚期食管癌15例,其中6例合并食管呼吸道瘘,2例食管纵隔瘘。食管扩张器扩张后,安放入支架16个,长6~14cm,直径18mm。结果:全部支架安放成功,进入预定位置,支架扩张满意。吞咽困难评级(0~4级)平均从3.38±0.40级降至1.13±0.14级,食管呼吸道瘘/纵隔瘘被阻断,生活质量评分(Karnofsky评分)平均提高28.4±5.12。无出血穿孔等严重并发症,6例出现短期胸骨后痛,1例支架下端肿瘤过长,需安放与第一个支架部分重叠的第2个支架。随访至1997年3月,12例死亡,平均生存4.10±0.82月,2例仍存活分别已生存4、3月。结论:Gianturco-Z食管带膜自扩金属支架用于姑息治疗恶性食管梗阻,食管呼吸道瘘/纵隔瘘,操作简单、安全、姑息效果好,并发症少,生活质量明显提高。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: A specially designed self-expandable covered metallic stent impregnated with the beta-emitting radioisotope 166Ho (166Ho, energy: 1.85 and 1.76 MeV, T12: 26.8 h) was developed at our institute for the purpose of intraluminal palliative brachytherapy, as well as for treating malignant esophageal stricture and swallowing difficulty. The aim of this study was to evaluate the tissue response to brachytherapy and the safety of the radioactive metallic stent with regard to the normal canine esophagus before clinical application. METHODS AND MATERIALS: 166Ho was impregnated into the polyurethane membrane (50 micron thickness) covering the outer surface of a self-expandable metallic stent (diameter, 18 mm; length, 40 mm). Stents with radioactivity 4.0-7.8 mCi (Group A, n = 15), 1.0-1.8 mCi (Group B, n = 5), and 0.5-0.7 mCi (Group C, n = 5) were placed in the esophagi of 25 healthy beagle dogs, and the stents were tightly anchored surgically to prevent migration. The estimated radiation dose calculated by Monte Carlo simulation was 194-383 Gy in Group A, 48-90 Gy in Group B, and 23-32 Gy in Group C. The dogs were killed 8-12 weeks after insertion of the stents, and histologic examinations of the esophageal walls were performed. RESULTS: In Group A, 3 of 15 dogs died of wound infection, so specimens were obtained from only 12 dogs; all 12 cases showed esophageal stricture with mucosal ulceration. Microscopically, severe fibrosis and degeneration of the muscular propria were found in 3 dogs, complete fibrosis of the entire esophageal wall was found in 7 dogs, and esophageal fibrosis with radiation damage within periesophageal soft tissue was found in 2 dogs. However, esophageal perforation did not develop, despite extremely high radiation doses. In Group B, glandular atrophy and submucosal fibrosis were found, but the muscular layer was intact. In Group C, no histologic change was found in 3 dogs, but submucosal inflammation and glandular atrophy with intact mucosa were found in 2 dogs. CONCLUSIONS: A radioactive, self-expandable covered metallic stent can be used as an alternative therapeutic modality for the palliative treatment of malignant esophageal stricture.  相似文献   

 目的 探讨内镜下覆膜支架治疗癌性难治性食管狭窄和瘘的临床疗效。方法 选择失去手术机会的复杂性食管狭窄和(或)瘘的患者51例进行内镜下扩张及支架置入术,根据病情的不同情况选择不同的治疗方式,并观察治疗后1个月及1年的临床疗效。结果 经过治疗,全部患者症状得到缓解,生活质量提高,51例患者共放置支架66个,置管后狭窄处直径由(4.05±1.34)mm增至(13.03±3.99)mm(P<0.01),吞咽困难由(3.29±0.44)级改善为(0.95±0.73)级(P<0.01),食管瘘患者瘘口全部闭合。随访1个月及1年有效率分别为100 %,78.38 %,1年失访共3例,复发共8例,经重复治疗缓解。6 个月、1,2,3年生存率分别为86.3 %,72.6 %,33.3 %,6.3 %。结论 内镜直视扩张置管治疗难治性食管狭窄和瘘,操作直观简便,定位准确,成功率较高,近、远期效果较好。  相似文献   

王刚  毕聪  潘鑫 《现代肿瘤医学》2020,(12):2075-2079
目的:探讨在DSA(数字减影血管造影)引导下置入钛镍记忆合金支架治疗晚期左半结肠癌合并急性肠梗阻的可行性与临床疗效。方法:选择2012年1月至2017年1月120例符合条件的晚期左半结肠癌合并急性肠梗阻患者,其中60例在DSA引导下行永久性支架植入姑息治疗(支架组),另60例行常规急诊手术治疗(对照组),比较两组患者的相关临床指标。结果:支架组手术成功率为93.3%,并发症发生率为8.33%(术后发生支架再狭窄3例,肠穿孔2例),患者术后即可下床活动,不需人工肛门,术后随访1年生存率为96.7%;对照组手术成功率为100.0%,并发症发生率为31.6%(术后发生切口感染8例,肺内感染8例,腹腔感染3例),术后1年随访生存率为95%,所有随访患者均未进行放化疗。术后两组患者肠梗阻症状均明显缓解,但支架组与对照组相比,肠梗阻症状缓解更迅速,并发症发生率低,而且生活质量得到明显提高,住院费用更少,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论:针对左半结肠癌合并梗阻的患者,DSA引导下置入的钛镍记忆合金支架可迅速缓解梗阻症状,具有操作简单、创伤小、并发症少、减轻患者痛苦、提高生活质量等优点,并且患者生存时间与外科手术相当。  相似文献   

International Journal of Clinical Oncology - We assessed the technical and oncological safety of self-expandable metallic stent (SEMS) insertion followed by laparoscopic colorectal surgery as a...  相似文献   

The result of airway stent and adjuvant therapy for airway obstruction caused by advanced esophageal carcinoma was evaluated. In Tokyo Metropolitan Ohkubo Hospital, four cases of esophageal carcinoma with airway obstruction were treated by tracheo-bronchial stent. Two were primary cases and the others were recurrent cases. Three of the patients demonstrated progressive dyspnea due to airway obstruction, and the other complained of bloody discharge. An ultraflex non-covered stent was used cases. After insertion of the airway stent. The patients' dyspnea improved immediately. One patient was discharged without adjuvant treatment, and died of the cancer one month later. Adjuvant treatment was adopted in the other three cases. The size of the tumor decreased, but fistula formation was observed in two cases. An airway stent is an effective treatment with immediate results for dyspnea caused by airway obstruction. Adjuvant treatment after stent placement is often associated with fistula formation. It should be considered carefully.  相似文献   

晚期食管癌支架置入术后放疗和化疗的价值   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
目的 评价晚期食管癌支架置入术后放疗和 (或 )化疗的价值。方法 通过对 5 3例晚期食管癌患者前瞻性随机对照研究 ,比较单纯支架置入术组与支架置入术后放疗和 (或 )化疗组的总生存期、生活质量 (KPS)评分及并发症发生率。结果 单纯支架置入术组与支架置入术后放疗和(或 )化疗组相比 ,治疗后的吞咽功能分级、KPS评分、并发症发生率差异无显著性 ;再狭窄发生率分别为 9/ 2 7和 1/ 2 6 ,差异有显著性 (P =0 .0 0 7) ,两组平均生存期分别为 (2 4 5± 4 1)d和 (2 6 2± 4 3)d ,差异无显著性 (P =0 .813)。结论 晚期食管癌支架置入术后续行的放疗和 (或 )化疗降低了再狭窄的发生率 ,未延长患者的生存期。  相似文献   

目的再程放疗已经越来越多的应用于首程放疗后复发食管癌患者中,然而食管瘘是其最严重的并发症之一。本研究探索食管鳞癌患者行再程放疗伴或不伴化疗发生食管瘘的高危因素。方法回顾性分析山东省肿瘤医院2014-08-01-2019-04-30收治的71例食管鳞癌复发行再程放疗患者临床和剂量学资料,采用Logistic回归模型进行单因素和多因素分析筛选出发生食管瘘的高危因素。结果纳入研究的71例患者中有17例患者发生食管瘘(23.94%),3例患者在再程放疗过程中发生食管瘘,14例患者再程放疗结束后发生食管瘘;在本研究中食管瘘的类型包括食管气管瘘8例,食管纵隔瘘9例。中位随访时间为12.75(0.33~46.83)个月。单因素分析显示,年龄、性别、T分期、放疗总剂量、超分割放疗、肿瘤最大厚度、溃疡型食管癌和2次放疗时间差与食管瘘发生相关。多因素分析显示,T分期、放疗总剂量和两次放疗时间差为食管瘘发生的高危因素,均P<0.05。结论再程放疗食管癌患者食管瘘发生率显著增加,T4分期、放疗总剂量较高、两次放疗时间间隔较短是发生食管瘘的高危因素,超分割放疗可降低再程放疗食管瘘的发生率。  相似文献   

目的了解内镜下覆膜支架置入对晚期食管癌患者生活质量的影响。方法采用欧洲癌症研究与治疗组织生存质量问卷第3版(EORTCQLQ-C30V3.0)和食管癌专用量表(QLO-OES18)对2004年9月至2008年10月在我院进行覆膜支架置入治疗的伴有吞咽困难的38例无法手术治疗的晚期食管癌患者在治疗前、治疗后1周、4周和12周进行生存质量评估。结果覆膜支架置入后患者整体生活质量(37.8±14.9对74.3±10.8;P〈0.01)和所有功能领域生活评分显著提高并持续到治疗后12周。患者吞咽困难症状明显改善(18.9±24.5对90.8±7.9;P〈0.01),并持续到治疗后12周。梗阻(48.1±27.5对18.3±30.5;P〈0.01)和进食(25.2±15.7对5.1±18.7;P〈0.01)等症状方面均有显著改善。结论覆膜支架置入能够显著提高患者的整体生存质量和全部功能领域评分,并能改善患者的吞咽困难和梗阻等症状。  相似文献   

Esohophageal stents are often used in treating malignant stricture. But, when stents are placed across the esophagogastric junction, they may lead to esophagogastric reflux. We report a case of successfully treated esophagogastric strictures using the new stent with anti-reflux mechanism (long cover type Niti-S? esophageal stent). A 78-year-old man presenting with severe strictures from the lower esophagus to cardiac part of stomach was histopathologically diagnosed as adenocarcinoma. CT scan images showed multiple liver metastatic tumors. However, he refused chemotherapy. Palliation using long cover type Niti-S? esophageal stent was performed. No adverse effect was occurred. He started solid meals on the 7th postoperative day. He was thereafter able to ingest solid meals without the symptom of esophgogastric reflux and stenosis until he died of the primary disease two month later.  相似文献   

国产覆膜支架治疗食管癌致食管-气管瘘临床观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:评价国产覆膜支架治疗恶性食管一气管瘘的疗效,并对有关技术问题进行探讨。方法:全组共30例.男性18例,女性12例,年龄45~65岁,20例有放疗史。采用国产CZES-Ⅱ型覆膜食管支架,在X线电视监视下引入导丝。首先将食管狭窄处进行扩张,沿导丝插入支架输送器,支架和瘘口准确定位后,释放支架。术后定期随访,评价疗效。结果:30例中除3例瘘口未能封堵外,其余27例均放置成功(90%),植入后口服泛影葡胺证实瘘口被封堵,术后患者呛咳立即停止,恢复进食。随访1~12个月,未发现食管-气管瘘复发及支架移位。结论:采用国产覆膜食管支架治疗食管-气管瘘是一种简便、安全、有效、患者易于接受的姑息性治疗方法。  相似文献   

In this retrospective study, we investigated the incidence of esophagorespiratory fistula (ERF) in esophageal squamous cell carcinomas, clinical characteristics and outcomes of esophageal cancer patient with ERF, and effective therapeutic options. From 1998 to 2007, 1,095 patients with squamous cell carcinomas of the esophagus were treated at Samsung Medical Center. A comprehensive retrospective review of all these patients with clinical data of ERF was performed. The incidence of ERF in patients with esophageal cancer was 4.7% (52/1095). Comparing with the patients without ERF, the patients with ERF presented with a more advanced stage of disease, more frequent involvement of upper-mid thoracic esophagus, a longer segment of the tumor, and more initial airway involvement. The median time from the diagnosis of esophageal cancer to the development of a fistula was 7.9 months. ERF could be divided into three different categories according to the causes; (1) ERF associated with complication of the cancer progression (65.4%), (2) ERF related with treatments (28.8%), (3) ERF with mixed causes (5.8%). Four patients (8%) received radiation therapy, and nine patients (17%) underwent surgery to treat the ERF. Many of the patients with ERF were palliated with esophageal stent (40%) and/or gastrostomy (38%). The median survival time after diagnosis of the ERF was 8.0 weeks. An ERF resulting from esophageal cancer entails a poor prognosis in spite of supportive and/or definitive treatment. More comprehensive approach to improve the course of ERF and active supportive care, which can prevent complication from leakage, should be developed.  相似文献   

目的采用内支架置入的方法对中晚期食管癌进行姑息性治疗,观察其疗效及不良反应.方法18例中晚期食管癌患者中,手术后吻合口肿瘤复发4例,合并食管-气管瘘及食管-纵隔瘘各1例.18例中晚期食管癌患者经食管造影显示狭窄段管腔直径均小于5mm,均先行球囊扩张,后置入支架.结果随访18个月,1例2个月后死于食管-气管瘘合并肺内感染,另1例6个月后死于消化道大出血.2例再狭窄后行放射治疗,其余患者均未出现进食障碍.结论内支架置入对中晚期食管癌治疗效果明显,操作简单、安全,无严重并发症,值得临床推广.  相似文献   

Visceral and renal artery aneurysms (VRAAs) and pseudoaneurysms are rare. Their increasing incidence is largely thought to be due to advances in medical imaging. Twenty percent of VRAAs occur in hepatic arteries, with approximately fifty percent of these represented by pseudoaneurysms, which are prone to spontaneous rupture. Many treatments for VRAAs exist, with the endovascular approach being favoured. Treatment aims to preserve visceral perfusion and exclude the aneurysm; however, complex aneurysms may require parent artery or end‐organ sacrifice. Covered stents allow rapid aneurysm exclusion while preserving parent artery patency, a favourable outcome when parent artery or end‐organ sacrifice is undesirable. The AneuGraft pericardium covered stent (PCS) combines the benefits of a low‐profile covered stent with those of a low immunogenic material. We describe the endovascular treatment of a patient with a hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm, where parent artery sacrifice was considered unacceptable. The AneuGraft PCS was used to provide immediate and complete exclusion, with dual antiplatelet therapy for 1 week, followed by single antiplatelet use. The procedure was a technical success, with preservation of the hepatic arteries and complete exclusion of the pseudoaneurysm. There were no complications immediately following the procedure or on post‐procedural follow‐up. The pseudoaneurysm remained excluded at 6‐week CT angiogram (CTA) follow‐up. This case describes a safe and effective method for completely excluding a complex pseudoaneurysm, utilising the AneuGraft PCS, allowing for the potential management of a wider range of aneurysms with unfavourable morphology.  相似文献   

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