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The growth and form of 20-year-old radiata pine stands were assessed in relation to previous land use in Sunny Corner State Forest, near Lithgow, N.S.W. Basal area and merchantable volume were higher in ex-pasture (grazed land) and ex-improved pasture (grazed and cropped sites) than in an ex-native forest site, but the trees on former pastures were more deformed. A range of defects including multiple leaders, forks, stem sinuosity, butt sweep and heavy branching were most prevalent in the ex-improved pasture site. Up to 44% of trees in the ex-improved pasture were severely deformed and less than 50 stem ha?1 were considered suitable as sawlog quality trees. Only 12% of trees in the ex-native forest site had severe defects.

Soil and foliar chemistry data showed that stem and branch deformities increased with increasing site fertility, and that deformity was directly correlated with soil mineral-N concentrations.

Deformity was also correlated with foliar manganese, aluminium and calcium, and some defects were similar to symptoms of boron deficiency. The role of these elements in “poor form” requires further study. Stand density also appeared to affect deformity. The results suggest that high densities may partially counteract the effect of high site fertility in the development of stem and branch defects.  相似文献   

Above-ground biomass data are compared for 21-year-old radiata pine stands on three sites which had different types of land use prior to plantation establishment. The three sites, previously under native forest, grazed pasture and a pasture site subsequently used for crop production (cultivated) formed a continuous section of plantation in the 1968 age class. Biomass equations were developed for each tree component in relation to stem diameter for each site. There were no significant differences between sites in the coefficients for stemwood and bark, but different coefficients were required to relate stem diameter to the biomass of branches in the dead crown and foliage in the lower live crown. Stands on previously cultivated pasture (pasture followed by crops) accumulated 362,745 kg ha?1 in the above-ground biomass; 40% and 13% more than the ex-native forest (259,183 kg ha?1) and ex-pasture (320,055 kg ha?1) sites, respectively. Trees on the previously cultivated pasture allocated a larger proportion of the total biomass to branches (17.4%) compared with the ex-native forest and ex-pasture trees (11.1%). This is attributed to reduced stocking and enriched soil resulting from different previous land use practices. The high frequency of multi-leadered trees in the ex-cultivated pasture increased the non-merchantable components to 26.7% of the total biomass.  相似文献   

A trial to assess the effects of fertiliser applied after thinning was established in a ten-year-old Pinus radiata stand growing on a high elevation site in south-eastern Australia. The trial had two components. The first studied the effects of fertilisers applied in a factorial design with two levels of phosphorus (0 and 50 kg P ha–1) and three of nitrogen (0, 150 and 300 kg N ha–1) plus a mixed nutrient treatment to areas thinned to a routine intensity. In the second part, levels of thinning intensity were assessed with and without a fertiliser (N1P1) application. Over the seven years of the study, growth was affected by below average rainfall in four of the years. Significant responses to fertiliser were achieved with all treatments; the best was 150 kg N ha–1 + 50 kg P ha–1 plus trace elements. The volume increment was increased by 28%, however this was not significantly different from the N1P1 alone. The N1P1 fertiliser increased productivity at all thinning levels including the unthinned treatment. Models predicting relative growth response based on foliage nutrient levels gave reasonable predictions, that is, 29% increase in volume periodic increment and this was slightly higher than that achieved. On such low rainfall sites, rather than having multiple thinnings, one option is a relatively heavy thinning at a young age with fertiliser application and then leaving the stand until final harvest. Estate optimisation models provide forest managers with the means to evaluate fertiliser-thinning treatment options against objectives such as maximising the present value of expected future cash flow within production and budget constraints.  相似文献   

Post-planting vegetation control in commercial Pinus radiata D.Don forests within New Zealand almost exclusively uses a mixture of the two triazine herbicides, terbuthylazine and hexazinone. However, neither of these herbicides is endorsed for use on land certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), based on criteria relating to their persistence or toxicity in the environment. This is a problem for the forest industry as these herbicides are inexpensive, are not phytotoxic to P. radiata, and their residual action enables continued control of competing vegetation for up to a year following application. Using measurements obtained from three short-term field trials where herbicides were applied as pre- and post-emergent, post-planting treatments to a wide range of competitive vegetation species, the efficacy of alternative mixes of herbicides was compared to the triazine mix (the current industry standard). As the restrictions on the use of terbuthylazine by FSC may be lifted, this herbicide was also trialled in mixes with herbicides other than hexazinone. Tree growth was quantified one year after herbicide application using a biomass index. Results from all three trials showed that the triazine mix provided the greatest level of vegetation control, with the trees in this treatment attaining the highest biomass index. Where herbicide mixes were applied as pre-emergent treatments, the best alternative herbicide, as assessed by tree growth at one year, was indaziflam applied at 300 g active ingredient (a.i.) ha–1. Compared to the triazine mix, the biomass index for this treatment was reduced by <1%. Where herbicides were applied as post-emergent treatments, the best alternatives to the triazine mix were very similar across trials and included treatments where terbuthylazine (at 7000 g a.i. ha–1) had been applied in combination with one of either mesotrione (at 150 g a.i. ha–1; 300 g a.i. ha–1), triclopyr (at 113 g a.i. ha–1), or clopyralid (at 1500 g a.i. ha–1) or where a mixture of clopyralid, triclopyr and haloxyfop (1125 g a.i. ha–1, 113 g a.i. ha–1 and 250 g a.i. ha–1) was used. Reductions in biomass index at one year in these five treatments, relative to the triazine mix, ranged between 5% and 35%, with smallest reductions being recorded for terbuthylazine used in combination with either clopyralid or mesotrione.  相似文献   

Predicting soil depth using simple ground-based measurements of the tree stem has multiple benefits for precision (site-specific) forest management and estimating carbon stocks of plantation forests. Current methods of mapping soil depth rely on collecting a sufficient density of direct soil measurements, which is expensive and typically not feasible over extensive forest areas. The availability of detailed soil depth information under forest plantations is consequently sparse and this presents a significant impediment to precision forest management and the ability to estimate forest soil carbon stocks. In this study, we propose that the relationship between stem shape and taper in the butt swell of individual Pinus radiata trees and soil depth can be described in a simple empirical model. We demonstrate that shape and taper of the butt-swell section of the tree stem are as robust predictors of soil depth as individual tree height, and also have the advantage of being easy to measure from the ground. This finding has potential benefits for reducing the cost of soil data collection and improving fine-scale forest soil mapping.  相似文献   

The quantity of phosphorus (P) accumulated in the wood and bark of tree stems, and which is removed from the forest by harvesting, has been estimated for native Eucalyptus delegatensis stands and Pinus radiata plantations on the southern tablelands of New South Wales. The rates at which P is accumulated and removed in logs are compared for the two species grown on either short (20 yr) or longer (40 yr for P. radiata, 60 yr for E. delegatensis) rotations.

The comparison showed that in stands which are older than about 7 years, 3–5 times more P is removed from the forest when harvesting a unit weight of P. radiata log (wood and bark) because this species contains more sapwood (which persists for 17–25 years before being transformed to heartwood) than E. delegatensis (7 years of sapwood), and the concentration of P is much greater in sapwood than in heartwood. The concentration of P is more than three (and can be ten) times greater in the heartwood of P. radiata than it is in E. delegatensis.

Shortening of rotations will increase the amount of P removed per unit of wood harvested for both species. If E. delegatensis were to be managed on short rotations of about 7 years when all or most of the harvest is sapwood, then there may be little difference in the quantity of P removed per unit of wood between this species and P. radiata of the same age.

Harvesting of boles from P. radiata grown on a rotation of 20 years compared with that of E. delegatensis grown on a rotation of 57 years can increase the amount of P removed from the forest by a factor of almost 6. Since both the amount of P in the soils and the natural inputs of P are small, we conclude that fertilisation is likely to be necessary in order to sustain reasonable productivity in many Australian plantations of radiata pine.  相似文献   

We report the changes in nutrient concentrations in unthinned stands of Pinus radiala aged 7, 11 and 15 years old planted across 11 soil types. Correlations between nutrients in foliage, litter and soil (0–20 cm and 20–40 cm) indicated that the links between the components increased with stand age for N and P. Litter weight on the forest floor was dependent upon standing wood volume, and the mass of nutrients in the litter, particularly N and Ca, increased concomitantly with wood volume. The litter layer provided a large pool of nutrients which was related to nutrient concentrations in the surface soil. Concentrations of N and P declined in foliage with age concomitantly with an increase in the amounts immobilized in litter. However, wood volume at age 15 years was positively correlated with foliar N and P concentrations, and the rate of decline in foliar N or P was not correlated directly with a decrease in the rate of wood production.  相似文献   

E-health is developing at a high rate and represents an opportunity for the development and spreading of information and communication channels to interested parties. The aim of this study was to get an overview and comprehension of the e-health field, with special focus on depression. A survey of initiatives and studies regarding e-health and depression was carried out. Relevant articles were found through searches on databases, search engines and reference lists. This paper shows that many different initiators with differing goals and motives are active within the e-health field. In the field of e-health and depression, the following areas show interesting results: studies mapping users' profile and habits, the quality of health-related information and the effectiveness of online therapies and supportive communities. Numerous initiators have launched different kinds of e-health initiatives. The potential of the Internet to be used constructively by health-care professionals and health-care consumers for health-enhancing purposes still needs to be mapped, evaluated and developed.  相似文献   

To determine the distribution of interstitial fluid pressure (Pi) and volume (Vi), and to relate the distribution of these parameters to the distribution of potential meridians located by measurement of electrical impedance, we measured Pi, extracellular fluid (Ve) and plasma volumes (Vp) in 14 pre‐defined skin areas, 2 × 2 mm, and in concave and convex regions on the hind‐limb and groin of rats in control conditions. Pi was measured with sharpened glass capillaries connected to a servo‐controlled counter‐pressure system, while Ve and Vp were determined as the extravascular distribution spaces of 51Cr‐EDTA and 125I‐human serum albumin, respectively. Vi was calculated as VeVp, and Vw as the difference between skin wet and dry weight. Grand mean Pi averaged –0·81 mmHg (SD 0·83, n=95). Pi in skin was significantly higher in lateral and medial parts of the medial aspect of hind‐limb compared to pressures in the intermediate area (P<0·05). Pressures in the concave groin and the convex knee area were more negative and positive, respectively, than in the flat intermediate central hind‐limb area. There was a significantly higher Vi (P<0·05) and Vw (P<0·05) in the lateral side than that in the medial side. Vp was higher medially and laterally than in the intermediate area (P<0·05 for both comparisons), and correlated positively and significantly with Pi (r=0·66, P<0·05). No correlation was found between Pi and electrical impedance. The study suggests that the distribution of Pi, Vi, Vp and Vw is heterogeneous in hind‐limb skin at a macroscopic level without obvious relations to potential meridians.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are known to be effective in wound healing, but not much has been reported on quantitative correlations between MSCs injected into the wound site and MSCs that actually participate in wound healing. This study traced MSCs participating in wound healing by using small intestinal submucosa (SIS) as a cell carrier, identified their moving path and calculated the number of MSCs involved in wound healing. First, MSCs were isolated from the nude mouse and 1 × 106 cells were seeded onto the centre of the SIS. MSC‐seeded SIS complexes were injected onto full‐thickness skin wounds made on the dorsum of nude mice. Tracing of MSC‐seeded SIS complex transplanted to the wound site revealed that 27.6% of the MSCs were migrated to the wound site at the first attempt. Second, repeated injection of additional MSCs did not increase the number of MSCs participating in wound healing beyond a certain constant maximum amount. The number of MSCs present in the wound site remains constant in the range 2–3 × 105 from day 1 to day 10. The expression of skin regeneration‐related growth factors was confirmed by real‐time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). MSCs participating in wound healing were found not only to suppress inflammation of the wound but also to increase the skin regeneration‐related growth factors that enable the recovery of the skin. An optimal number of about 3 × 105 MSCs injected into the site was found to adapt themselves to the skin wound‐healing process effectively. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Purpose: This study investigated the relationship between self-reported use of the upper limbs and clinical tests in persons with multiple sclerosis (pwMS). Methods: This cross-sectional study involved 25?pwMS with upper limb dysfunction. The Motor Activity Log (MAL) was bilaterally applied to investigate the self-reported use of both upper limbs. Clinical tests on function level were the Motricity Index (MI) and the Brunnström–Fugl–Meyer (BFM). On activity level, the Action Research Arm test (ARAt) was conducted. To identify the relationship between the self-reported use and the clinical tests, Spearman correlation coefficients were calculated. Subgroups of dominant and non-dominant arms were differentiated, and compared with the Wilcoxon Signed rank test. Results: The highest correlations were found between the MAL and function level tests: MI (r?=?0.83, p?<?0.01) and BFM (r?=?0.75, p?<?0.01). A lower correlation was found between the MAL and the ARAt (r?=?0.49, p?<?0.01). For all outcome measures, the absolute scores were higher for the dominant hand. Higher correlations were found for the non-dominant compared to the dominant hand. Conclusion: The self-reported use of the upper limbs was highly associated with measures on function level. The association with activity level was, however, less pronounced. Magnitudes of relationships were influenced by hand dominance.
  • Implications for Rehabilitation
  • Self-reported use of the upper limbs in persons with MS, measured by the MAL, is highly associated with muscle strength and movement control.

  • The ARAt (activity level of the ICF) is less associated with self-reported use compared to outcome measures at function level.

  • The ARAt seems to be less sensitive to mild arm dysfunction.

  • This study indicates that it is feasible and clinically relevant to apply the MAL as a self-reported outcome measure of upper limb use in MS.


We describe a case of ultrasound (US)‐facilitated spinal anesthesia in a patient with a prior lumbar laminectomy and spinal fusion who presented for total knee arthroplasty. Traditional, landmark‐guided spinal anesthesia had previously failed. Although pre‐procedural US identified a soft‐tissue window at L3/4, a 25G pencilpoint needle encountered resistance. Reassured from US imaging that this was not bone, we used a 22G cutting tip needle successfully. We believe spinal anesthesia would not have been possible in this patient without US, adding to the evidence that US‐facilitated neuraxial anesthesia is useful, particularly in technically difficult, if not ‘impossible,’ cases. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Clin Ultrasound, 2009  相似文献   

Evaluation of coronary pressures during angioplasty may functionally quantify collateral circulation. The aim of the study was to evaluate the relation between the amount of collateral circulation and development of myocardial ischemia during balloon occlusion, anatomic degree of collaterals, and functional improvement of myocardium. Study population consisted of 31 pts (mean age 53 ± 7 years; 25 male) with previous myocardial infarction and significant one-vessel stenosis undergoing angioplasty. Collateral circulation was calculated as the ratio between distal coronary pressure during balloon occlusion (P w) and aortic pressure (P a). Angiographic appearance of collaterals was evaluated by Rentrop classification. Patients were evaluated by echo for functional improvement of myocardium in the follow-up period. Mean P w/P a was 0.24 ± 0.10 (range of 0.07–0.51). Rentrop grade 0 of collaterals was present in 16 patients (52%), grade 1 in11 patients (35%), and grade 2 in 4 patients (13%). A mild correlation between angio and hemodynamic evaluation of collaterals was observed (r = 0.38, P = 0.035). In patients without ECG changes during angioplasty (21 pts, 68%), P w/P a was significantly higher in comparison to patients with ECG changes (0.28 ± 0.09 vs. 0.15 ± 0.06, P < 0.001; area under the curve 0.93). In patients with myocardial functional improvement during follow-up (21 pts, 68%), P w/P a was significantly higher than in the patients without echo improvement (0.26 ± 0.10 vs. 0.18 ± 0.08, P = 0.035). The amount of recruitable collaterals is not negligible even in the patients with no angio visible collaterals. Low values of P w/P a are associated with ECG changes during balloon occlusion. Higher P w/P a was associated with better functional improvement of myocardium.  相似文献   

Summary. Background: Current use of menopausal hormone therapy (HT) increases the risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) and the formulations used may affect risk. Methods: A total of 1 058 259 postmenopausal UK women were followed by record linkage to routinely collected National Health Service hospital admission and death records. HT use and risk of VTE was examined using Cox regression to estimate relative risks (RRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Results: During 3.3 million years of follow‐up, 2200 women had an incident VTE, diagnosed, on average, 1.5 years after last reporting HT use. RRs in current vs. never users at last reporting varied by HT formulation: the risk was significantly greater for oral estrogen‐progestin than oral estrogen‐only therapy (RR = 2.07 [95%CI, 1.86–2.31] vs. 1.42 [1.21–1.66]), with no increased risk with transdermal estrogen‐only therapy (0.82 [0.64–1.06]). Among users of oral estrogen‐progestin, the risk from HT varied by progestin type, with significantly greater risks for preparations containing medroxyprogesterone acetate than other progestins (2.67 [2.25–3.17] vs. 1.91 [1.69–2.17]; Pheterogeneity = 0.0007). Current users of oral HT at last reporting had twice the risk of VTE in the first 2 years after starting HT than later (Pheterogeneity = 0.0006). Associations were similar for deep vein thrombosis with and without pulmonary embolism. Over 5 years, 1 in 660 who had never used HT were admitted to hospital for (or died from) pulmonary embolism, compared with 1 in 475 current users of oral estrogen‐only HT,1 in 390 users of estrogen‐progestin HT containing norethisterone/norgestrel, and 1 in 250 users of estrogen‐progestin HT containing medroxyprogesterone acetate. Conclusions: The risk of VTE varied considerably by HT formulation, being greatest in users of oral estrogen‐progestin HT, especially formulations containing medroxyprogesterone acetate.  相似文献   

Background The accuracy of estimating glomerular filtration rate from plasma creatinine (eGFR) has been questioned but it is unclear how much covert error in several reference methods that have been used has contributed to this perceived inaccuracy. The aim of the study was to evaluate eGFR in comparison with a second ‘gold standard’ to test the performance of the primary gold standard and to examine the influence of patient demographics (age, body mass index (BMI), extracellular fluid volume (ECV) and gender). Design Non‐fasting multisample GFR and ECV were measured in 80 subjects simultaneously and independently with Cr‐51‐EDTA (GFREDTA) and iohexol (GFRiohexol). Percentage bias and imprecision in the prediction of, and disagreement with, GFREDTA were compared between eGFR and GFRiohexol. Another simplified method for measuring GFR, the slope‐only method (SOGFR), was also evaluated against multisample GFR (measured with the opposing indicator). Accuracies were assessed in all subjects and across age, BMI and ECV boundaries of 65 y, 29 kg m?2 and 14 L. Results eGFR was less precise than GFRiohexol (imprecisions of 22·3% and 12·9%; P < 0·01). The precision of SOGFR was intermediate between eGFR and GFRiohexol. Both GFRiohexol and eGFR were less precise in the elderly, the obese and men, but minimally influenced by ECV. SOGFR was minimally influenced by subject demographics. Conclusion Although eGFR does not predict GFR (based on a primary gold standard) as accurately as a second gold standard, a significant component of its poor performance is the result of inaccuracy in the primary gold standard. SOGFR measured with Cr‐51‐EDTA is superior to eGFR.  相似文献   

Fresh‐frozen biological allograft remains the most effective substitute for the ‘gold standard’ autograft, sharing many of its osteogenic properties but, conversely, lacking viable osteogenic cells. Tissue engineering offers the opportunity to improve the osseointegration of this material through the addition of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). However, the presence of dead, immunogenic and potentially harmful bone marrow could hinder cell adhesion and differentiation, graft augmentation and incorporation, and wash procedures are therefore being utilized to remove the marrow, thereby improving the material's safety. To this end, we assessed the efficiency of a novel wash technique to produce a biocompatible, biological scaffold void of cellular material that was mechanically stable and had osteoinductive potential. The outcomes of our investigations demonstrated the efficient removal of marrow components (~99.6%), resulting in a biocompatible material with conserved biomechanical stability. Additionally, the scaffold was able to induce osteogenic differentiation of MSCs, with increases in osteogenic gene expression observed following extended culture. This study demonstrates the efficiency of the novel wash process and the potential of the resultant biological material to serve as a scaffold in bone allograft tissue engineering. © 2014 The Authors. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

Much evidence in the literature demonstrates the effect of cyclic mechanical stretch in maintaining, or addressing, a muscle phenotype. Such results were obtained using several technical approaches, useful for the experimental collection of proofs of principle but probably unsuitable for application in clinical regenerative medicine. Here we aimed to design a reliable innovative bioreactor, acting as a stand‐alone cell culture incubator, easy to operate and effective in addressing mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) seeded onto a 3D bioreabsorbable scaffold, towards a muscle phenotype via the transfer of a controlled and highly‐reproducible cyclic deformation. Electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry and biochemical analysis of the obtained pseudotissue constructs showed that cells ‘trained’ over 1 week: (a) displayed multilayer organization and invaded the 3D mesh of the scaffold; and (b) expressed typical markers of muscle cells. This effect was due only to physical stimulation of the cells, without the need of any other chemical or genetic manipulation. This device is thus proposed as a prototypal instrument to obtain pseudotissue constructs to test in cardiovascular regenerative medicine, using good manufacturing procedures. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Apheresis procedures in small children are technically challenging and require special planning with attention to extracorporeal volume. Discontinuous procedures such as extracorporeal photopheresis (ECP) require additional consideration. Alternative methods to perform ECP have been utilized in small children that require manipulation of mononuclear cells outside the standard closed‐loop system. We present a safe and feasible alternative to the procedure for children who weigh less than 40 Kg, while maintaining a closed loop, sterile system utilizing the UVAR XTS device. A retrospective chart review was performed analyzing the use of fluid boluses (normal saline in those between 20 and 40 Kg, 5% albumin in those under 20 Kg) before ECP. Eleven patients underwent 334 ECP procedures for acute and chronic graft‐versus‐host disease (n = 9), and for prevention of graft‐versus‐host disease (n = 2). Volumes of fluid boluses were calculated based on the expected extracorporeal volume during the first draw cycle. Treatments consisted of at least three draw cycles using the 125 mL bowl. The median weight was 28.5 Kg (range 19 to 39); nine of 11 required red cell transfusions to maintain adequate hematocrit. Complications attributed to ECP included tachycardia, dizziness, nausea, and hypotension; these occurred either in combination or isolation in 31% of the procedures and resolved following additional fluid boluses. Only three (0.8%) required early photoactivation due to these complications. The median time to completion of treatment was 2 h and 58 min (range 1:30 to 5:03). ECP is well tolerated in low‐weight pediatric patients if hematocrit and hydration are carefully maintained. J. Clin. Apheresis, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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