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Tree hollow development was studied in Eucalyptus pilularis (blackbutt) and Eucalyptus microcorys (tallowwood) in wet sclerophyll forests, and Eucalyptus signata (scribbly gum) in dry sclerophyll forest in south-east Queensland, Australia. In all three tree species hollow development appeared to be primarily initiated by fungal infection entering trees through dead branches and/or branch stubs rather than from fire scars. The process of hollow development appeared to commence when the trees were around 100 years old.

The size and abundance of hollows increased with the size and age of the tree but there were apparent differences between species. Hollows were found in the majority (>50%) of E. pilularis trees above 100 cm dbh. By contrast most E. microcorys and E. signata larger than 80 cm dbh had hollows. There was a similar difference between species in the numbers of hollows present in trees of different size. E. pilularis trees 100–110 cm dbh had two hollows per tree but this number were present in much smaller E. microcorys or E. signata trees. The rate of growth of E. pilularis is faster than either E. microcorys or E. signata and the rate of hollow formation appears to be dependent on the growth rate of the species. This suggests that hollows begin to develop after comparable times in the different species although the time taken for large hollow development differs between the species.

The analyses suggest that the smallest arboreal marsupials and hollow dependent birds could recolonise regrowth E. pilularis trees after about 165 years but hollows suitable for larger animals would not be available for around 210 years. This time frame would be longer for slower growing species of trees. Some of the implications of this work in connection with management practices that aim to ensure the maintenance of hollow-dependent fauna in these forests are discussed.  相似文献   

A survey was undertaken lo assess 5 to 10-year-old rehabilitated bauxite minesite vegetation as suitable habitat for birds while breeding during spring in the jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) and marri (E. calophylla) forest at Jarrahdale. Western Australia. The minesites had been rehabilitated and revegetated with local shrub species and a mix of local and eastern eucalypts resistant to the root rot fungus Phytophthora cinnamomi.

Twenty-one species of birds used the former minesites for foraging or hunting while breeding; twelve of these were found nesting or rearing fledglings in the revegetation. Among the breeders were four understorey dwelling species which were otherwise uncommon in surrounding upland forest or (in two cases) confined in stream zone undergrowth. Total densities of all pairs or groups breeding in minesites were similar to those in nearby forest. Breeding territories often spanned areas of both minesite and forest around the edge of pits.

Eleven other species were found breeding only in the adjacent forest and all were nesting in sites as yet unavailable within minesites, such as tree hollows, fissures, bark crevices and crown foliage. The possible use of nest-boxes to aid in the early provision of sites for hollow-nesting species is being investigated.  相似文献   

The history of forest management and logging regulation in New South Wales is reviewed from 1839 as a preamble to a case study analysis of three decades of measurement data (1960–1990), from over 300 continuous forest inventory (CFI) plots, located in a north coast blackbutt forest.

The plots are located in 22 865 hectares of blackbutt forest in Kendall Management Area (KMA) on the north coast of NSW, where logging has been continuous for 110 years (1880–1990), timber yields have been recorded for the last 70 years of logging, and stand volume, stocking and tree size distribution have been monitored over the last 30 years of logging. The objectives and progress of management practices, aimed at balancing wood yield against growth, and re-ordering stand stocking and size distribution to a predetermined plan are reviewed. Some future management options, including that of ecologically sustainable development, are canvassed.

Although more than 1 000 000 cubic metres of timber were harvested from the KMA over the period 1960 to 1990, indications are that the standing log volume in 1990 had not changed significantly from that standing in the same area in 1960. Thus, in gross terms, growth has balanced harvest over the whole forest in the recent 30-year period. However, there are indications that the forest was overcut prior to 1960.

In line with timber management objectives, both tree size and tree age distribution have been substantially altered toward the concept of an “ideal” stand structure, which has increased the forest growth rate.

Changing markets and community attitudes suggest that some adjustments to the “ideal” structure are warranted. An increase in the stocking density of the smaller trees to allow for increases in thinning for smallwood products, and an increase in the stocking density of the largest trees (greater than 100 cm dbhob) to provide habitat for arboreal wildlife are recommended.

Notwithstanding the long history of wood production, the option to retain many non-wood values (particularly wildlife), still appears to be open. However, management decisions to realise some of these options will need to be made in the near future, preferably within the next two cutting cycles.  相似文献   

Habitat assessments often require observers to estimate tree hollows in situ, which can be costly, destructive and prone to bias. An alternative is to count the number of trees above a specific size. The size at which a tree develops hollows differs substantially among tree species. To assist with setting standards for habitat assessment we defined a large tree as the size at which a species has a 50% probability of supporting a 2-cm diameter hollow. We estimated this size for 68 species using a meta-analysis based on 18 data sources. We found that large tree size ranged from 21 to 106 cm diameter at breast height (DBH). Each species was attributed to vegetation types (formations and classes) to explore variation in large tree sizes. Despite considerable variation within vegetation classes and formations, our results suggest that a large tree size of approximately 50 cm DBH may be appropriate for most vegetation types, with lower estimates in semi-arid vegetation (~30 cm) and higher estimates in wet sclerophyll forests (~80 cm). Our estimates provide empirical support for defining large trees at species vegetation class and formation levels within New South Wales, and highlights the need for more empirical data.  相似文献   

Capsules were collected from 32 white box (Eucalyptus albens) trees growing in the vicinity of Wagga Wagga, N.S.W. and aspects of seed production were assessed on an individual tree basis. On average there were 2.0 seeds per capsule, which is low for eucalypts, and there were 1012 seeds per 10 g of capsule contents, which is only ca. 40% of the previously published figures for white box. There was a large tree to tree variation in both these measurements. The average number of seeds per capsule and the number of seeds per 10 g of capsule contents were significantly lower in isolated trees (1.1 and 422, respectively) than in trees in woodland environments (2.1 and 1122, respectively). Larger capsules were not correlated with greater numbers of seeds per capsule but were correlated with larger seeds.  相似文献   

The effects of high-intensity wildfire plus salvage logging and fire-induced natural regeneration processes on foraging ants (Formicidae) were assessed in multiple-use Eucalyptus regnans (Mountain Ash) regrowth forest approximately 60 km east of Melbourne in the Victorian Central Highlands. The study was based on 35 912 ant specimens, and on 69 493 epigeal non-ant arthropods of 27 taxa, contained in 2,160 pitfall trap samples collected at three sites over a single pre-fire year and two post-fire years.

Twenty ant species of sub-families Dolichoderinae, Formicinae, Myrmeciinae, Myrmicinae and Ponerinae were identified, but only Notoncus spinisquamis, Myrmecia pilosula and Chelaner sculpturatus could be validated. Two species were placed into the newly erected genus OcheteUus (Dolichoderinae), and one species of Myrmicinae could not be identified below sub-family rank. The biology and taxonomy of the majority of these species is uncertain, although the most commonly trapped ant, Prolasius? pallidus, is a recognised seed harvester, and two other species of Prolasius plus C. sculpturatus are suspected seed harvesters. The second most frequently trapped species, Iridomyrmex? foetans, is a carnivore and scavenger. Chelaner sculpturatus was the most frequently trapped among 18 “minor” species.

The rapid replacement of the ecologically complex regrowth forest by young even-aged regeneration of E. regnans through wildfire effects and salvage logging caused a substantial increase in foraging activity of P. pallidus during the first post-fire autumn period, and activity remained high for up to 14 months depending on elevation of the forested landscape. Activity of I. foetans declined immediately after the fire, but eight months later it was significantly higher than “control plot” levels for up to four months. The response of the less frequently trapped “minor” species to the wildfire, logging and regeneration processes remained uncertain because of the low numbers trapped before and after the fire. Prolific regeneration of E. regnans emerged in the burnt forest, suggesting that fire-induced seed fall was sufficiently large and extensive to have caused predator satiation. The implications of this for artificial regeneration programs in E. regnans forest are discussed.  相似文献   

A rating system for the assessment of damage to forest trees by termites, decay and fire is described.

Timber and royalty losses were assessed during harvest cuts of alpine ash (E. delegatensis R. T. Baker) and mountain gum (E. dalrympleana Maiden) in seven compartments in Bago State Forest, New South Wales.

In one compartment, part of which was a virgin stand of alpine ash, the combined losses due to these agencies were assessed at £37/13/- per acre, of which £1/15/- was due to downgrading merchantable logs, £23/12/- due to rejection of logs because of defect and £12/6/- per acre due to losses in trees which were ringbarked because of excessive defect. The total royalty return in this compartment was £71 per acre. These trees were from 60 to 150 years old when cut.

In a compartment previously treated by logging and ring-barking, and protected from fire from 1917 onwards, the losses were £6/5/- per acre, of which £5 per acre was contained in overmature seed trees. The royalty return in this compartment was £34 per acre from trees, 90 per cent of which were less than 70 years old when cut.

The losses were due mainly to termites Porotermes adamsoni (Froggatt) which caused up to 80 per cent of the damage, and to decay which caused 13 to 36 per cent. The actual loss due to damage by fire was less than 5 per cent of all losses; but fire was the cause of most scars, through which fungi and termites gained entry.

Between 80 and 91 per cent of the loss in each compartment was contained in large trees 90–150 years old.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to evaluate wood volume estimates of Pinus nigra trees in forest stands, which were derived utilizing Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis. Information on forest parameters such as wood volume and number of trees is useful for forest management facilitating forest sustainability. Most of the existing approaches used to estimate wood volume of forest trees require field measurements, which are laboursome. In this study, the collected field data were utilized only in order to investigate the results. Wood volume was estimated based on an individual tree crown approach and using monoscopic satellite images in combination with allometric data. The study area is the Pentalofo forest, which is located in Kozani prefecture in western Macedonia, Northern Greece. About 1 plot surface of 0.1143 ha was utilized. During the preprocessing, a pansharpened image was produced from two Quickbird satellite images (one multispectral image of 2.4 m spatial resolution and one panchromatic image of 0.6 m spatial resolution). Bands of this image were utilized single or in combination in order to delineate the tree crowns individually. The allometric equation served in order to calculate the tree Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) utilizing the detected tree crowns. The evaluation was conducted on three levels: (i) number of trees, (ii) DBH class distribution and (iii) wood volume. On the third level, the evaluation procedure was conducted twice; once using field height and once without. The difference between the results and the field data for the wood volume reached a maximum of approximately 30%. The total number of trees was exactly the same as counted in the field and the DBH distribution showed a tendency for the trees to move to a higher DBH class, resulting in an overestimation of the wood volume.  相似文献   

Population densities of jarrah leafminer Perthida glyphopa in adjoining areas of jarrah Eucalyptus marginata forest in southwest Western Australia were monitored before and after autumn and spring fires, then compared to examine the effect of fire season and intensity. Densities of leafminer were reduced in tree canopies and on ground coppice after autumn fire scorched the host canopies. Densities of larval mines on ground coppice increased by the second spring after an autumn fire. Numbers of mines on leaves returned to levels indistinguishable from pre-fire values by the second autumn after fire. Leafminer populations on ground coppice appeared unaffected by a spring fire. Mechanisms that may account for observed differences between the effects of spring and autumn fires are discussed. Managed fires are not considered a practical tool for control of leafminer populations.  相似文献   

Dimethoate injected into the tree trunk as a 30 per cent emulsifiable concentrate (Rogor 40) successfully controlled the jarrah leaf miner in Eucalyptus marginata Sm. and in E. rudis Endl. Good control of psyllids on E. rudis was also achieved.

The dosage required for trees of 8 in. dbh was 8 g active ingredient. For smaller and larger trees, dosages should be calculated on the assumption that they will be proportional to the breast-high cross-sectional areas, that is. 2 g for a tree of 4 in. dbh. and 32 g for a tree of 16 in. dbh.

Technical crystalline dimethoate placed in holes drilled into the tree trunk achieved satisfactory control of both pests, but the results were not as consistent as with the emulsifiable concentrate.  相似文献   

Some differences between the effects of clearfelling and wildfire on the vegetation structure of montane ash forests in the Central Highlands of Victoria are reported. The significance of these differences is considered in terms of their possible impacts on wildlife, particularly those species which are dependent on hollows in trees.

Distinct differences between the vegetation of montane ash forests which have been clearfelled and those burnt by wildfire include: –(1) the range in ages of trees in a stand, and, (2) the spatial pattern, abundance and longevity of hollow-bearing trees. In stands burnt by wildfire, the longevity of hollow-bearing trees may be more than 50 years and several forms of such trees can be present. These trees are removed from clearfelled forest. In unlogged stands and stands regenerating from selective logging the spacing of hollow-bearing trees was typically regular in distribution. In contrast, the spatial distribution of hollow-bearing trees was clustered in stands which had regenerated after clearfelling.

These differences may have a significant detrimental impact on wildlife and lead to a reduction in the abundance of some vertebrates in a given area of forest. Species such as arboreal marsupials, owls and cockatoos, which are reliant on a hollow-bearing trees for shelter and breeding, will probably be those most affected.  相似文献   

The density and distribution of arboreal marsupial and nocturnal bird fauna in thinned regrowth, unthinned regrowth and old lowland forest was examined. The presence of each species recorded is influenced by the structure and species composition of the forest. Significantly higher densities of arboreal marsupials requiring hollows and undisturbed mixed eucalypt forest (Yellow-bellied Glider, Mountain Brushtail, Sugar Glider) were recorded in old forest. These species are substantially reduced in number in thinned forest. Conversely, thinned and unthinned regrowth is utilised by a range of nocturnal birds (Sooty Owl, Southern Boobook), with many smaller species (nightjars) increasing in number in thinned forest. The retention of some proportion of old trees in regrowth forest or in close proximity, is seen as critical to the maintenance nocturnal bird and arboreal marsupial species in regrowth forest. This study represents a preliminary investigation. Long term monitoring of these sites will be necessary to determine how these species and groups respond to changes in the forest after thinning, particularly if overwood and remnant stags are removed.  相似文献   

Bird populations were studied in experimental plots of silvicultural treatments in subtropical rainforest. The results of mist-netting in the lower strata of logged and intact forest in May, August, and November/December 1973 showed that the number of insectivorous birds was large in the areas where selective logging occurred several years ago; and that two control areas and one recently logged area had similar compositions and densities of bird fauna. The high density of birds in logged areas was associated with dense undergrowth and this was interpreted as part of their normal response to local tree falls and forest edge conditions. Selective logging, however, causes a much greater degree of disturbance to the forest than natural tree falls, and this has important implications in the management of rainforest for production and conservation.  相似文献   

We tested an automated multi-scale approach for detecting individual trees and estimating tree crown geometry using high spatial resolution satellite imagery. Individual tree crowns are identified as local extrema points in the Laplacian-of-Gaussian scale-space pyramid that is constructed based on linear scale-space theory. The approach simultaneously detects tree crown centres and estimates tree crown sizes (radiuses). We evaluated our method using two 0.6-m resolution QuickBird images of a forest site that underwent a large shift in tree density between image captures due to drought-associated mortality. The automated multi-scale approach produced tree count estimates with an accuracy of 54% and 73% corresponding to the dense and sparse forests, respectively. Estimated crown diameters were linearly correlated with field-measured crown diameters (r = 0.73–0.86). Tree count accuracies and size estimates were comparable with alternative methods. Future use of the presented approach is merited based on the results of our study, but requires further investigation in a broader range of forest types.  相似文献   

Six geographically separate sandalwood (Santalum spicatum) tree families were established together in a trial near Narrogin, Western Australia to compare oil content and tree size variation at ages 10 and 18 years. The trial site contained a total of 300 sandalwood trees with 41–55 trees from each family. All 300 sandalwood trees were measured for tree size: height, stem diameter and bole length. Wood core samples (heartwood + sapwood) were also taken at 300 mm above the ground from 71 to 72 separate trees, at ages 10 and 18 years. Each wood core sample was ground separately and then a sub-sample was analysed for oil concentration, and α- and β-santalol concentration within the oil.

The mean extractable oil concentrations within the sandalwood stems at 300 mm above the ground were significantly greater from the Borden and Dumbleyung families (1.1–1.6%) than the Ravensthorpe family (0.5–0.8%), at both ages 10 and 18 years. However, the oil quality (mean concentration of α- and β-santalol) was not significantly different between the six families at ages 10 or 18 years. Instead, oil quality was highly variable within each family.

Between sandalwood ages 10 and 18 years, the overall mean extractable oil concentration from the six different families increased significantly from 0.8 to 1.3%. During the same time period, mean α-santalol concentration increased significantly from 8.6 to 13.8%, and mean β-santalol concentration also increased significantly from 3.3 to 4.5%.

Mean tree height, stem diameter and bole length varied significantly between the six families at age 18 years. The Borden family appeared to be more tree-like in form, with a significantly longer bole length, than some of the other families which were more shrub-like in appearance.  相似文献   

Various interactions appear to be involved in bell miner associated dieback (BMAD) of eucalypts. Native bell miner birds (Manorina melanophrys) defend the psyllids from predation by other birds while a dense understorey (notably Lantana camara) appears to favour the bell miners. The understory is likely to influence soil nutrient availability to the trees by changing the carbon to nitrogen ratio. We investigated the link between soil and leaf nutrient status and crown health as measured by crown index (CI) for Eucalyptus propinqua. Study sites included Bald Knob State Forest (SF), Donaldson SF, Mt Lindesay SF around Woodenbong and two locations on a Toonumbar private property in north-eastern New South Wales. Comparison of E. propinqua leaf macro- and micronutrient status using the ‘paired data sign test’ detected leaf nutrient differences between lightly and severely BMAD-affected tree crowns. Single and multivariate analysis investigated nutrient association with CI. Sign test results across all sites indicated that leaf iron content in trees with low CI (less healthy trees) was significantly higher (P = 0.01) than in healthy trees. In the three SFs the affected crowns also had significantly higher nitrogen to potassium ratios (P = 0.02). Other elements correlated with low CI were low boron (P = 0.06) across all sites and high zinc (P = 0.09) and low sodium values (P = 0.09) for Toonumbar sites. The correlation between soil and leaf nutrients was not significant and we found no significant correlations between soil nutrients and CIs. We did not detect any clear association between understorey (L. camara) and soil nutrients. During leaf sampling we found few psyllids but many concealer moth caterpillars. The scarcity of psyllids during sampling, inconclusive nutrient cycling results and nutrient correlations with CI were likely to be due to drought. Resampling under normal weather conditions with more typical organic matter decomposition rates is recommended.  相似文献   

The breeding programme at Traralgon aims to improve Eucalyptus regnans F. v. M. as a forest tree by increasing the rate of growth, improving wood quality, and increasing resistance to damage by fire. Improvement may be accomplished in three ways:—(1) provenance trials (to determine the best place to collect seed for afforestation in a given location), (2) selection of individual trees within the chosen provenance, and (3) hybrids with species with greater resistance to fire and the ability to grow on poor sites. The major part of the work has been the provenance trials which show continuous genetic variation with altitude on the south eastern side of Mount Erica, Victoria.

Seed for the trials was collected in October 1959 from 68 trees on Mount Erica. with an average of 10 trees at each of seven altitudes from 1200 feet to 3250 feet. Studies were made of capsule size, germination, cotyledon area, and growth of seedlings in the nursery. Sixty-four open pollinated progenies were planted in a cubic lattice design in the Strzelecki Ranges at 1650 feet, and some smaller trials were planted at other places. Field measurements at two years of age and again at three years confirmed the trend shown in the nursery that seedlings from higher altitudes grew more slowly. Leaf shape also varied with altitude but survival of seedlings did not. A study of the relation of nursery measurements to field measurements showed promise of a technique for culling the slowest growing progenies in the nursery without the need for field planting all the progenies.

An examination of growth rates of progenies from a given altitude showed that large dominant trees rarely produced the fastest growing seedlings, consequently trees selected for breeding should not be simply the largest individuals but rather the parents which give the best progeny in nursery and field trials.

Experiments were commenced on the value for forestry of hybrids of E. regnans and some observations were made on seed production.  相似文献   

Forests in East Gippsland pose a high inherent fire risk to both internal forest values and surrounding settlements. Thinning operations have been perceived to potentially heighten this risk. Part of this risk relates to the level of fuel hazard, which is influenced by the occurrence of shrub and bark fuel. This study examined the changes in the overall fuel hazard (OFH) (McCarthy et al. 1999) and an equivalent OFH (derived for thinnings fuels) over a 15-year period after thinning. Contrary to the belief of many Gippsland fire managers, the equivalent OFH at thinned sites was on average lower than the OFH in adjacent unthinned sites, primarily due to the reduction of elevated fine fuel (bark and shrubs especially). Fine fuel from slash had largely decomposed by 4 years after thinning. Woody debris larger than 100 mm in diameter remained for 15 years or longer. Thinning, by reducing the OFH, may reduce the likely suppression difficulty by substantially reducing the potential for vertical development of fire at the flaming fire front. However, by increasing the amount of coarse woody material on the ground, thinning may increase the complete extinguishment (blacking-out) difficulty. Opportunistic observation of comparative wildfire severity in adjacent thinned and unthinned forest supported these findings. Thinned coupes may not present the fire hazard that has been assumed—they may in fact be areas of lower fire risk for at least 15 years. Once alight, however, longer burn-out times in the coarse material may prolong complete extinguishment efforts.  相似文献   

Eucalyptus cloeziana is a species of great commercial interest due to the technical characteristics of its wood. However, the expansion of areas planted is limited by difficulties encountered with its clonal propagation. The objective of this study was to develop a method for cloning select adult trees of this species by a micropropagation technique. Epicormic shoots were induced in branches of adult trees and were viable as explants for in vitro establishment. Shoots were multiplied in vitro using Woody Plant Medium (WPM) culture supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) and α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) growth regulators. The optimum concentration of these for promoting proliferation of shoots was genotype-dependent. The best multiplication results were obtained with BA concentrations greater than 0.60 mg L–1 combined with 0.10 mg L–1 NAA for adult tree genotypes numbered 03 and 13, while for tree 05 the optimal result was found for the shoots cultured in culture medium free of the growth regulator NAA. In vitro shoot elongation it was obtained in WPM supplemented with 0.1 mg L–1 BA; a pulse treatment with gibberellic acid (GA3) was found to be of no value. The ex vitro rooting and acclimatisation of micro-cuttings were successful in mini-incubators—adventitious roots formed directly on explants, providing propagules to establish a clonal micro-garden of E. cloeziana select adult trees.  相似文献   

Effects of sharp edges induced by timber harvesting and diffuse edges induced by wildfire on the distribution of arboreal marsupials, were investigated by spotlight surveys in the ash forests of the Victorian Central Highlands. Edges were examined between three age-classes of forest (165+, 55-year- old fire regrowth and logging regrowth 5–20 years after loggging), with sites at 200m intervals up to 900m from the edge. The edge itself appeared to have little effect on the distribution and abundance of the arboreal marsupials recorded in this study; the distribution of species appeared related to features of the adjoining forest patches of differing age including their structure, and the distribution of food resources and hollow-bearing trees. Greater Gliders occured in all age- classes but were most common in old forest with numbers declining across edges and into 55-year-old fire regrowth. This trend was correlated with the distribution of hollow- bearing trees, particularly live hollow-bearing trees. Yellow- bellied Gliders were mainly recorded from old forest. Fewer individuals were recorded in 55-year-old fire regrowth up to 500m from the adjoining old forest edges. Leadbeater's Possum was recorded in all age-classes but was most commonly recorded in young logging regrowth adjacent to old and 55- year-old forest. Mountain Brushtail Possums were more commonly recorded in old forest and 55-year-old fire regrowth than in the young logging regrowth. The proportion of sites occupied by this species increased significantly in the 55- year-old fire regrowth as the distance from the edge with old forest increased. Common Ringtail Possums were only recorded from 55-year-old fire regrowth, where numbers were too low to identify any relationship with distance from the edge of the other age-classes. The implications of these results for silvicultural and landscape planning are discussed.  相似文献   

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