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Does halothane really reduce diaphragmatic contractility?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Background: It has been proposed that halogenated anaesthetics interfere with the endothelium-dependent circulatory control by attenuating the effects of endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF/NO). This study was designed to determine whether or not volatile anaesthetics in vivo influence the microvascular tone in hepatic sinusoids. Methods: Using epifluorescence videomicroscopy, we compared the effects of the volatile anaesthetics halothane, enflurane, and isoflurane on hepatic microcirculation in ventilated Lewis rats. Animals were initially anaesthetized with pentobarbitone (50 mg-kg-1 i.p.) to allow instrumentation and laparotomy and were randomly allocated to one of 4 groups (n=5–6 each) to receive either a supplementary dose of i.v. pentobarbitone (25 mg kg-1; control group) or 0.75 MAC halothane, enflurane or isoflurane (1.5 MAC h). Results: Halothane decreased significantly the volumetric blood flow as compared with isoflurane (P < 0.05) or pentobarbitone controls (P < 0.05). The decrease in sinusoidal blood flow caused by halothane was largely attributable to a decrease in sinusoidal diameter (P < 0.05), while red blood cell velocity remained unchanged. Isoflurane led to a significant decrease in sinusoidal width compared with controls (P < 0.05) but an increase in red cell velocity offset the effect of sinusoidal narrowing on volumetric blood flow, while enflurane had no significant effect on any of the measured parameters. Conclusion: This study provides the first direct evidence that the volatile anaesthetics halothane and isoflurane in vivo shift the hepatic microvascular tone toward a more constricted state; however, flow velocity is enhanced with isoflurane, offsetting this effect. As a result the volumetric flow is at least affected by isoflurane, then enflurane and most significantly by halothane. Furthermore, our data are consistent with the concept that volatile anaesthetics in clinically relevant concentrations may influence the balance between endothelium-derived vasoactive factors which control microvascular tone.  相似文献   

The ventilatory effects of halothane and enflurane were studied in permanently tracheostomized dogs at the same anesthetic depth of 1 MAC. Inspiratory and expiratory durations were longer and tidal volume greater during enflurane than during halothane anesthesia. Mean inspiratory flow rate and minute ventilation during enflurane anesthesia were less than those during halothane anesthesia. As a result, end-expiratory carbon-dioxide concentration was higher during enflurane than during halothane anesthesia. When end-expiratory carbon-dioxide concentration was held at 7.5%, tidal volume was not different between the two anesthetics, while the difference of other parameters still remained. In addition, the magnitude of Hering-Breuer reflex determined by end-expiratory airway occlusion was essentially identical between halothane and enflurane anesthesia. The present results indicate that 1) depressant effect of enflurane on respiratory drive is greater than that of halothane and 2) the two anesthetics act on the respiratory timing mechanism differently.  相似文献   

The cardiovascular effects of a single dose of ketamine administered during halothane or enflurane anesthesia were studied in 24 patients. During halothane anesthesia, ketamine caused a rapid and significant increase in arteriolar peripheral resistance (p less than 0.01) and a decrease in cardiac output, stroke volume, and systolic diastolic, and mean arterial blood pressures. Heart rate was not significantly changed. Ketamine resulted in similar, though less dramatic and slower developing, changes in patients anesthetized with enflurane. These results demonstrate that general anesthesia blocks the cardiovascular-stimulating properties of ketamine. They also indicate that ketamine has significant cardiovascular-depressant qualities when used during halothane or enflurane anesthesia.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Xenon at two different concentrations (30%, 60%) has no effect on diaphragmatic contractility. This study was undertaken to compare the effects of xenon and nitrous oxide (N2O), a commonly used and well-established gas anesthetic, on diaphragmatic contractility in dogs. METHODS: Twenty-one pentobarbitone-anesthetized dogs were randomly divided into three groups of seven each: group 1 received xenon 30% (0.25 MAC) in oxygen; group 2 received N2O 47% (0.25 MAC) in oxygen; and group 3 received N2O 60% (0.32 MAC) in oxygen. Diaphragmatic contractility was assessed by transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi) at low- (20-Hz) and high-frequency (100-Hz) stimulation, after maintaining 60 min of stable condition. The integrated electrical activity of diaphragm (Edi) to each stimulus was measured. RESULTS: With an inhalation of xenon 30%, N2O 47%, or N2O 60%, Pdi and Edi at both stimuli did not change. No difference in Pdi or Edi was observed among the groups. CONCLUSION: When used at clinical concentration, xenon or N2O does not affect contractility and electrical activity of the diaphragm in dogs.  相似文献   

The respiratory effects of halothane, isoflurane and enflurane were assessed during nitrous oxide anaesthesia (N2O 50%) in three groups of unstimulated, spontaneously breathing children who weighed 10-20 kg and were aged 1-6 years. Respiratory variables were measured or calculated from capnographic and pneumotachographic recordings at three multiples of minimal alveolar concentration (MAC). The slope of the carbon dioxide response was measured. Similar increases in end tidal carbon dioxide were found for the three agents at each MAC multiple, and similar decreases in tidal volume and in the slope of the ventilatory response to carbon dioxide. A dose-related tachypnoea occurred with halothane and a significant decrease in the duration of inspiration and the duration of each breath at the deepest level of anaesthesia. A significant increase in both these times occurred with enflurane, and a decrease in respiratory rate. No change in respiratory rate occurred with isoflurane at increasing alveolar concentrations whereas at each level of anaesthesia inspiratory time was significantly reduced.  相似文献   

The respiratory effects of nitrous oxide (N2O) were studied during halothane and enflurane anaesthesia in 12 children (mean age 46.4 +/- 29.3 months, mean weight 15.3 +/- 4.2 kg) during surgery under continuous extradural anaesthesia. Four equipotent anaesthetic states were studied in random order: 1) halothane 1 MAC in oxygen, 2) halothane 0.5 MAC + 50% N2O, 3) enflurane 1 MAC in oxygen, 4) enflurane 0.5 MAC +50% N2O. End-tidal fractions of CO2 (PetCO2) and halothane and enflurane were measured using infrared analysers. The respiratory variables (tidal volume VT, minute ventilation VE, respiratory frequency F, inspiratory time Ti, mean inspiratory flow VI, effective inspiratory time Ti/Ttot) were measured using a pneumotachograph. Significant changes were observed between the four states for VE, VI, F and PetCO2, whereas the values of VT, Ti and Ti/Tot did not differ significantly. The respiratory depressant effect of 1 MAC of either halothane alone or of the mixture of halothane and N2O was very similar. During enflurane anaesthesia, PetCO2 was less increased when N2O was substituted for enflurane, owing to a significant increase in respiratory frequency. A marked decrease in VE together with an increase in PetCO2 was observed during enflurane anaesthesia (states 3 and 4) when compared to the corresponding states during halothane anaesthesia (states 1 and 2). The respiratory depressant effect of enflurane is greater than that of halothane in unpremedicated children, even when substituting N2O for an equal MAC fraction of enflurane.2+ The effect of N2O on respiratory patterns seems to depend on the inhalational agent used and/or on the vesting respiratory frequency.  相似文献   

The effect of halothane and enflurane on tracheal tone were studied in 21 patients during the induction of anesthesia. Endotracheal tube cuff pressure was used to measure tracheal tone. Anesthesia, maintained by nitrous oxide 70% in oxygen, was supplimented with succinylcholine drip infusion to immobilize the patient. Ventilation was controlled by a Volume-preset ventilator. In the halothane group, the initial cuff pressure was 14.8 ± 1.3 (mean ± SE) cmH2O but 10min after 0.15mg/kg of pancuronium injection, it increased to 21.7 ± 2.3cmH2O (control). Ten min after inhalation of 0.75% of halothane, cuff pressure decreased to 14.7 ± 2.3cmH2O (34 ± 11% decrease from the control value). In the enflurane group, the initial cuff pressure was 17.6 ± 1.8cmH2O and it increased to 21.0 ± 1.7cmH2O (control) 10min after pancuronium injection. Ten min after 1.7% of enflurane inhalation, cuff pressure decreased to 17.1 ± 2.3cmH2O (23.9 ± 6% decrease from the control value). Halothane and enflurane produced similar tracheal dilatation in healthy individuals.(Yasuda I, Irimada M, Hirano T et al.: Tracheal dilatation by halothane and enflurane in man. J Anesth 2: 46–49, 1988)  相似文献   

The authors' aim was to examine direct cardiac responses to isoflurane, enflurane and halothane, as altered during mild hypoxia by the substitution of nitrogen (N2) for oxygen (O2), and additionally by the substitution of nitrous oxide (N2O) for N2. Heart rate, atrioventricular conduction time, left ventricular pressure (LVP), peak positive and negative derivatives of LVP (dLVP/dtmax), coronary flow, O2 delivery (DO2), percent O2 extraction, and myocardial O2 consumption (MVo2) were examined in 47 isolated guinea pig hearts. Changes in the ratio of DO2 to MVO2 indicated the relationship of autoregulation of coronary flow to myocardial O2 utilization. Each heart was first exposed to 96% O2 and then randomly exposed to 48% N2 and 48% N2O alone and with three equivalent concentrations of one of three volatile anesthetics: isoflurane (n = 15), halothane (n = 16), or enflurane (n = 16). Results were as follows: 1) N2 alone significantly decreased LVP, +dLVP/dtmax and -dLVP/dtmax, DO2 and MVO2; increased coronary flow; and produced no change in heart rate, atrioventricular conduction time, percent O2 extraction, or the DO2/MVO2 ratio. 2) Compared to N2, N2O alone only produced additional significant decreases in LVP and +dLVP/dtmax. 3) In the presence of N2 or N2O, each volatile anesthetic caused significant stepwise decreases in heart rate, LVP, +dLVP/dtmax and -dLVP/dtmax, MVO2, and percent O2 extraction; no additional change in coronary flow or DO2; and a stepwise increase in the DO2/MVO2 ratio. The effects of halothane and enflurane were generally greater than those of isoflurane. 4) Each volatile anesthetic caused an additive, parallel depression of LVP and percent O2 extraction as a function of MAC with N2O compared to N2. This study demonstrates that the direct negative inotropic effects of halothane and enflurane are more pronounced than those of isoflurane and are accompanied by a greater reduction in O2 utilization by halothane and enflurane than by isoflurane in the presence of mild hypoxia alone or with the addition of N2O. The study also demonstrates that N2O accentuates the negative inotropic effects of volatile anesthetics during reduced O2.  相似文献   

In six children with body weights between 11.4-18.7 kg, minute ventilation, tidal volume, respiratory rate, end-tidal CO2 concentration and CO2 elimination were measured during both CO2 free breathing and CO2 breathing due to low fresh gas flows (maximal inspired CO2 about 2%) or the addition of CO2 from Rotameters (mean inspired CO2 about 1.5%) during both halothane and enflurane anaesthesia. All patients were undergoing hypospadias repair, received caudal analgesia prior to surgery and were intubated and allowed to breathe halothane/enflurane in O2/N2O (FIO2 0.5) spontaneously through a modified T-piece system (Mapleson F). End-tidal CO2 concentrations were similar with both agents during CO2-free breathing and did not increase during CO2 breathing because of increased minute ventilation, of the same magnitude with both agents, which was achieved by larger tidal volumes. Respiratory rates were unchanged. No differences were found between halothane and enflurane at the light levels of general anaesthesia made possible by combination with caudal block.  相似文献   

To clarify the difference of negative inotropic effects, we evaluated the effects of 0, 0.5, and 1 MAC halothane and enflurane on systolic performance in anesthetized, mechanically ventilated, vagotomized dogs. Left ventricular myocardial contractility was assessed by the slope of the end-systolic pressure-diameter relationship (Ees), which have been reported to be independent of alterations in preload and afterload but sensitive to changes in myocardial contractility. Both anesthetics decreased heart rate and dose-dependently decreased left ventricular systolic pressure. Enflurane decreased heart rate and left ventricular systolic pressure more than an equivalent MAC of halothane. Both anesthetics increased left ventricular end-diastolic diameter without any change in % shortening of the left ventricular internal diameter. TheEes was decreased to a similar extent at both 0.5 and 1 MAC halothane. TheEes was decreased with increasing concentrations of enflurane. TheEes was significantly larger (P<0.05) with 1 MAC of halothane than with 1 MAC enflurane. These results suggest that halothane preserves myocardial contractility better than enflurane in the presence of fentanyl.  相似文献   

The effects of halothane (H) or enflurane (E) concentration on the circulatory system were studied in dogs. Two hours of halothane or enflurane anesthesia resulted in a linear dose-dependent decrease in circulatory indices including mean arterial pressure (mAP), cardiac index (CI) and left ventricular peak dp/dt/IP (peak dp/dt/IP). Systemic vascular resistance (SVR) was unchanged during either anesthesia. The correlations between the percent change of circulatory indices and the logarithm of the blood anesthetic concentrations were expressed by correlation coefficients (r): mAP, r = -0.718 (H), and -0.650 (E): HR, r = -0. 329 (H), and -0.352 (E): CI, r = -0.597 (H), and - 0.596 (E): SI, r = -0.389 (H), and -0.449 (E): SVR, r = -0.161 (H), and -0.030 (E): peak dp/dt/IP, r = -0.708 (H), and -0.871 (E). Using several indices of anesthetic depth including MAC, MAC-EI and MAC-BAR, the percent changes of mAP, CI and peak dp/dt/IP were calculated at the same anesthetic depth using halothane or enflurane. These results indicate that enflurane depresses these circulatory indices more than halothane. The differences were: mAP, 14.51 +/- 1.46%: CI, 8.14 +/- 1.86%: peak dp/dt/IP, 7.38 +/- 3.95% (mean +/- SD).  相似文献   

Thirty patients undergoing elective eye surgery had anaesthesia induced with sodium thiopentone, suxamethonium and d-tubocurarine chloride. Patients were ventilated with nitrous oxide, oxygen and either halothane or enflurane. The volatile agents were used to decrease the systolic blood pressure to 80 mmHg. The volatile agent concentration in the blood was measured at 30 min intervals. Both agents were effective in producing hypotension, but enflurane was the more potent hypotensive agent in terms of MAC equivalents. There was no significant differences between the agents with respect to speed of recovery.  相似文献   

Equipotent concentrations of enflurane and halothane inhaled by children caused substantial hypotension and respiratory depression, these changes being more pronounced with the former agent. Plasma catecholamine levels were unaltered indicating that enflurane, like halothane, elicits little sympatho-adrenal response. Induction of anaesthesia and recovery times were largely comparable but earlier and more frequent use of narcotic analgesics was required after enflurane anaesthesia.  相似文献   

Renovascular hypertension: effect of halothane and enflurane   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Male Wistar rats were anesthetized at 6 weeks of age and a silver clip placed around the renal artery to produce renovascular hypertension. The rats were allowed to grow on a normal sodium diet for the next 6-9 weeks. Using diethyl ether anesthesia, arterial and venous cannulae were placed and the animals allowed to awaken in restraining cages. The group of rats was divided into three groups: awake (n = 7), halothane 1.3 vol% (n = 9), and enflurane 2.2 vol% (n = 8). The protocol consisted of a 1-h control awake period, 1 h of stable anesthesia (one group received no anesthesia), and 30-min iv infusion of saralasin, a competitive inhibitor of angiotensin II. Plasma renin activity (PRA) and plasma catecholamines were measured after 1 h of stable anesthesia and after the saralasin infusion. In additional rats treated identically, radiolabelled microspheres were used to measure cardiac output and regional blood flows during halothane (n = 7) or enflurane (n = 6) anesthesia. Principal responses were as follows: mean arterial pressure (MAP) was 193 +/- 4 mmHg awake and decreased to 114 +/- 3 mmHg and 135 +/- 3 mmHg with halothane and enflurane, respectively. Saralasin decreased MAP in the awake group to 176 +/- 3 mmHg and to 69 +/- 3 mmHg and 96 +/- 5 mmHg with halothane and enflurane, respectively. PRA in the awake rats was 7.24 +/- 1.3 ng X ml-1 X h-1. PRA increased with halothane but decreased with enflurane. Plasma catecholamines were decreased markedly by saralasin and by both anesthetic agents.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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