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We investigate the impact of monitor frame rate on the human ocular following response (OFR) and find that the response latency considerably depends on the frame rate in the range of 80-160 Hz, which is far above the flicker fusion limit. From the lowest to the highest frame rate the latency declines by roughly 10 ms. Moreover, the relationship between response latency and stimulus speed is affected by the frame rate, compensating and even inverting the effect at lower frame rates. In contrast to that, the initial response acceleration is not affected by the frame rate and its expected dependence on stimulus speed remains stable. The nature of these phenomena reveals insights into the neural mechanism of low-level motion detection underlying the ocular following response.  相似文献   

Several studies show that the perception of occlusion may affect various aspects of motion perception. Here we present data indicating that occlusion cues also influence the visual interpolation of sampled motion. Normally, sampled motion stimuli are perceived as less smooth and jerkier when the spatial gaps between successive presentations of the “moving” target stimulus increase. Adding surfaces occluding the spatial gaps, however, we found that the perceived smoothness of motion was not only better, but also independent of the gap width. We argue that this effect occurs because the visual system attributes the interruptions in the motion path to occlusion rather than to the moving object itself.  相似文献   

We employed filtered random-dot kinematograms to determine the maximum displacement (dmax) at which sampled directional motion was reliably detected. The images were produced using ideal band-pass filters that varied in lower cut-off frequency (f1), in bandwidth, and in range (alpha) of component orientations that were passed. Results showed that dmax, expressed in cycles of f1, increased with f1 and alpha, and decreased with bandwidth. In many conditions, dmax exceeded half a cycle of f1, a result that appears to contradict predictions from quadrature models of motion detection. However, an account that does not violate the half-cycle limit can be given on two assumptions. First, motion perception is mediated by a population of orientation and frequency-selective sensors that respond correctly to displacements up to half a cycle in the preferred direction. Second, the outputs from all sensors (notably including off-axis sensors) are linearly summated to yield perception of motion. A computer simulation based on these assumptions provided a remarkably close fit to the psychophysical data.  相似文献   

Perception of directional motion was studied by displaying two images (F1 and F2) in rapid succession. The two images were identical except for a horizontal displacement of F2 with respect to F1. Observers reported the direction of horizontal motion over a wide range of displacements. The stimuli in Experiment 1 were one-dimensional gratings with spatial frequency between 0.125 and 6 c/deg. Motion was seen at all displacements to almost 0.5 cycles (counterphase) and remained invariant across spatial frequencies. In Experiment 2 the stimuli were band-pass filtered random-dot patterns. The bandwidth of the filters was 1 octave, and centre frequencies ranged from 0.75 to 12 c/deg. In every case, the response functions exhibited quasi-periodic oscillations related to structural properties of the images. One-dimensional analyses based on autocorrelation did not provide a satisfactory account of the data. By contrast, the data were fitted successfully by a two-dimensional analysis that integrated the responses of neighbouring motion detectors so as to yield a smooth motion flow field from which left-right directional motion could be derived. Practically and conceptually, the outcome supports a unitary motion system as distinct from separate systems subserving short-range and long-range motion.  相似文献   

A target moving physically in discrete spatial jumps could elicit smooth tracking eye movements in practised observers, but this tracking was increasingly interrupted by saccades when the temporal interval between the spatial jumps of the target was greater than 150 msec. A target that could elicit and sustain smooth tracking appeared perceptually to be moving continuously, rather than discretely, even when the eyes were voluntarily prevented from following the target. An objective measure of this perceived continuity of an apparently moving target, based upon the effects of an interocular delay on apparent depth, showed that perceptual continuity also broke down when the inter-flash interval exceeded a critical value. However, the breakdown in perceived continuity began at a smaller inter-flash interval than the breakdown in smooth pursuit. These results are discussed in relation to the hypothesis that the neural mechanism underlying smooth eye tracking may also be involved in the perception of continuous motion, even when overt eye movements are voluntarily prevented.  相似文献   

Induced motion, the apparent motion of an object when a nearby object moves, has been shown to occur in a variety of different conditions, including motion in depth. Here we explore whether similar patterns of induced motion result from induction in a lateral direction (frontoparallel motion) or induction in depth. We measured the magnitude of induced motion in a stationary target for: (a) binocularly viewed lateral motion of a pair of inducers, where the angular motion is in the same direction for the two eyes, and (b) binocularly viewed motion in depth of inducers, where the angular motions in the two eyes are opposite to each other, but the same magnitude as for the lateral motion. We found that induced motion is of similar magnitude for the two viewing conditions. This suggests a common mechanism for motion induction by both lateral motion and motion in depth, and is consistent with the idea that the visual signals responsible for induced motion are established before angular information is scaled to obtain metric motion in depth.  相似文献   

Hsieh PJ  Caplovitz GP  Tse PU 《Vision research》2005,45(23):2972-2985
A new motion illusion, "illusory rebound motion" (IRM), is described. IRM is qualitatively similar to illusory line motion (ILM). ILM occurs when a bar is presented shortly after an initial stimulus such that the bar appears to move continuously away from the initial stimulus. IRM occurs when a second bar of a different color is presented at the same location as the first bar within a certain delay after ILM, making this second bar appear to move in the opposite direction relative to the preceding direction of ILM. Three plausible accounts of IRM are considered: a shifting attentional gradient model, a motion aftereffect (MAE) model, and a heuristic model. Results imply that IRM arises because of a heuristic about how objects move in the environment: In the absence of countervailing evidence, motion trajectories are assumed to continue away from the location where an object was last seen to move.  相似文献   

In four experiments, observers interpolated parabolic sampled contours confined to planes in three-dimensional space. Each sampled contour consisted of eight visible points, placed irregularly along the otherwise invisible parabolic contour. Observers adjusted an additional point until it fell on the contour. We sought to determine how each visible point influenced interpolation by measuring the effect of slightly perturbing its location. Influence fell rapidly to zero as distance from the interpolated point increased, indicating that human visual interpolation of parabolic contours is local. We compare the measured influence for human observers to that predicted by three standard interpolation algorithms. The results were inconsistent with a fit of a quadratic to the points, but were reasonably consistent with a cubic spline and most consistent with an algorithm that minimizes the variance of angles between neighboring line segments defined by the sampled points.  相似文献   

Apparent motion (AM) was studied using the missing-fundamental square-wave grating, displaced discretely over time. At inter-stimulus intervals (ISIs) greater than about 40 msec, AM was seen in the direction of displacement of the visible features of the pattern, while at shorter ISIs AM was seen in the reversed direction, following the displacement of the third harmonic spatial frequency component. This confirms (a) that the "long-range", feature-based process can bridge much greater time-gaps than the "short-range" motion sensors and (b) that the missing-fundamental pattern is a particularly useful tool for teasing the two processes apart.  相似文献   

M Green 《Vision research》1983,23(9):861-865
Observers viewed a CRT display which contained both real and apparent motion. When the apparent motion was in the same direction as the real motion, the strength of the apparent motion was enhanced. Real motion in the opposite direction completely cancelled apparent motion. However, the appearance of the real motion was not affected by apparent motion.  相似文献   

We asked subjects to align a target that flashed as their eyes rotated to the right in pursuit of a moving ring, with a target that flashed as their eyes rotated to the left in pursuit of the ring. Subjects systematically mislocalised the targets in the direction of pursuit. When the ring and flashes were the only structures that were visible, the alignment error was about 4 cm, corresponding to a timing error of about 100 ms. The timing error was independent of the position along the ring's path, but did depend to some extent on pursuit velocity. Adding a textured background reduced the mislocalisation considerably, presumably because it enabled subjects to localise the targets relative to the surrounding. There was almost no mislocalisation if the subject was not pursuing the ring. It is suggested that the mislocalisation arises because incoming retinal signals are combined directly with outgoing oculo-motor commands, with no attempt to account for any of the involved neuronal and muscular delays.  相似文献   

Thresholds were measured for detecting spatial luminance modulation in regular lattices of visually discrete dots. Thresholds for modulation of a lattice are generally higher than the corresponding threshold for modulation of a continuous field, and the size of the threshold elevation, which depends on the spacing of the lattice elements, can be as large as a one log unit. The largest threshold elevations are seen when the sample spacing is 12 min arc or greater. These results are similar to those observed by Burr, Ross and Morrone [Vision Research, 25, 717-727 (1985)], who proposed an explanation based on a compressive point nonlinearity. Although their explanation is not consistent with the present data, the results may be explained in terms of nonlinear saturation of a spatially opponent stage early in the visual pathway. Theories based on response compression cannot explain the further observation that the threshold elevations due to spatial sampling are also dependent on modulation frequency: the greatest elevations occur with higher modulation frequencies. The idea that this is due to masking of the modulation frequency by the spatial frequencies in the sampling lattice is considered.  相似文献   

Interpolating sampled contours in 3-D: analyses of variability and bias   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Warren PA  Maloney LT  Landy MS 《Vision research》2002,42(21):2431-2446
In two experiments, we examined how observers interpolated the missing parts of sampled, planar contours in 3-D space. We varied (1) contour type (linear or parabolic), (2) orientation of the plane containing the contour and (3) the number of points on a sampled contour.Interpolation performance was very accurate, comparable to results from Vernier tasks. Setting variability was highest along the line of sight and for the parabolic contour. Setting variability did not decrease with increasing number of points on either contour, suggesting that observers do not use all available, relevant information in this task.  相似文献   

Several different psychophysical paradigms are used to study human motion perception. A unifying framework for the interpretation of all data is lacking. As a step towards a universal model for motion detection we show that previously published reaction times to motion onset and thresholds for the detection of periodic motion may be derived from the velocity dependent properties of bilocal motion detectors of the Reichardt correlator type. Thus, these data sets seem to support the concept of bilocal motion detectors.  相似文献   

To examine whether visual attention shifts continuously across the visual field, we measured sensitivity to a small flash presented at various locations while the observer was tracking a moving target in an ambiguous apparent motion display. The sensitivity peaked near the target and the peak shifted smoothly along the apparent motion path. Since the peak-shift speed varied with the speed of the tracked target, we conclude that the attention mechanism selects the location to facilitate processing by tracking the target disk continuously. Attention does not simply select a location for enhanced processing, but rather predicts the future location of the object of interest based on its velocity.  相似文献   

A 'freezing point' depression technique was used to determine the osmolality of 384 samples of tear fluid originating from the middle of the lower tear prism and the lower cul-de-sac of one eye of each of 12 young adults. Tear fluid from the cul-de-sac (mean 341.0 mosm/kg) was found overall to be significantly hypertonic (p less than 0.0001) relatively to fluid from the tear prism (mean 315.5 mosm/kg). However, the difference between the two sampling sites was highly variable between individuals, ranging from a maximum mean site difference of 64.5. mosm/kg for one of the six cul-de-sacs found to be significantly hypertonic, to a mean site difference of 25.0 mosm/kg for one of the two cul-de-sacs found to be significantly hypotonic. These results suggest that a unique localised tear environment exists inside the lower cul-de-sac, which has several clinical consequences--for example, for pharmaceutical absorption, ocular microbiology, and hydrophilic contact lens performance.  相似文献   

A B Watson 《Vision research》1990,30(9):1389-1393
A grating appears to move if it is displaced by some amount between two brief presentations, or between multiple successive presentations. A number of recent experiments have examined the influence of displacement size upon either the sensitivity to motion, or upon the induced motion aftereffect. Several recent motion models are based upon quadrature filters that respond in opposite quadrants in the spatiotemporal frequency plane. Predictions of the quadrature model are derived for both two-frame and multiframe displays. Quadrature models generally predict an optimal displacement of 1/4 cycle for two-frame displays, but in the multiframe case the prediction depends entirely on the frame rate.  相似文献   

The two-process account of motion perception and its binocular organization were addressed in experiments on apparent movement (AM) with three types of grating: sinusoidal; random bar width; and square-wave with missing fundamental (MF). Monocular MF gratings sampled four times per cycle of drift always appeared to move backwards. Here AM was unrelated to the spatial appearance of the pattern, and followed the motion of the dominant spatial frequency component (the third harmonic). We take this reversed AM to be characteristic of "short-range" motion sensors. It did not occur dichoptically, implying that the direction-selective mechanism of motion sensors is purely monocular. AM was seen with dichoptic presentation for all three types of grating. Performance improved with the length of the stimulus sequence, as predicted by probability summation. This result reconciles previous positive and negative findings on dichoptic AM. The perceived direction of dichoptic AM was consistent with polarity-selective matching of features over time (the "long-range process"). The most telling effect supporting feature-matching in dichoptic motion was that dichoptic MF motion reversed direction with a change in the visible features of the pattern (induced by changes in contrast and pulse duration); monocular apparent motion did not. Two routes from spatial frequency channels to the perception of object motion are discussed.  相似文献   

I Murakami 《Vision research》1999,39(9):1671-1681
To assess the relationship among the underlying mechanisms of induced motion, motion capture, and motion transparency, directions of the former two illusions in the presence of motion-transparent inducers were examined. Two random-dot patterns (inducers) were superimposed upon a stationary disk (target), and moved in orthogonal directions. Either a high-contrast target (for induced motion) or a low-contrast target (for motion capture) was used. The task was to report the perceived direction of the target. The depth order of inducers was controlled either by adding binocular disparity or by asking the subject to report subjective depth order. For induced motion, the target appeared to move in the direction opposite to the inducer that had a disparity closer to the target; when there was no difference in disparity, induced motion occurred oppositely to the 'vector sum' of the inducers' directions. For motion capture, the target was captured by the inducer that subjectively appeared behind. These results suggest that the underlying mechanism of motion capture utilizes the output from the process for motion transparency, whereas induced motion has no clear relationship to the output of the process for motion transparency.  相似文献   

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