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OBJECTIVE: To establish whether admissions, discharges and hospital utilisation for tuberculosis (TB) in Russia are independent of sex, age, disability and employment status. STUDY POPULATION AND METHODS: Analysis of hospital admissions, discharges and in-patient utilisation using routinely collected data in Samara Region of the Russian Federation. RESULTS: Male, unemployed and disabled adults were significantly more likely to be hospitalised (P < 0.001). The unemployed and pensioners were more likely to have multiple admissions. Unemployed adults were more likely to have longer average lengths of stay per admission (P < 0.001), with a cumulative length of stay for unemployed and disabled adults significantly greater than for employed adults and adults with no disability. Interruption of hospital care was significantly more frequent in male, disabled and unemployed patients (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Socio-economic factors influence hospital admission patterns and the length of stay for patients when hospitalised, as the providers of TB services attempt to mitigate the lack of social care provision for patients. For the WHO DOTS strategy to be effectively implemented and sustained in the Russian Federation health system, social sector linkage issues need to be addressed.  相似文献   

The joint activity of the Institute staff together with local health institutions has favoured qualified tuberculosis care to become more accessible to the rural population. Favourable changes in the epidemiological situation have been registered in a high tuberculosis incidence area.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To describe the strengths and weaknesses of two Mexican health care providers for poor populations [Ministry of Health (MoH) and Social Security (SS)] in order to facilitate policy decisions about the future of the two systems. METHODOLOGY: In four Mexican states we conducted (i) a household interview survey in 10 724 households; (ii) a user satisfaction survey in 1319 households; (iii) a satisfaction survey of 236 health workers; (iv) in-depth interviews with 190 health workers; (v) 188 focus-group discussions with different population groups; (vi) a document analysis. RESULTS: Both systems serve populations with similar characteristics of poverty. The availability of resources was better in the MoH system; SS care was better concerning process indicators (family planning, antenatal care; in-service delivery of drugs, staff productivity, user satisfaction and staff motivation), efficiency and effectiveness (reduction of morbidity and mortality). Possible explanatory factors for the better performance of the SS system were strong supervision, regular communication, joint data analysis and annual population surveys. CONCLUSION: Better service organization makes a difference regarding efficiency and effectiveness. Policy-makers, deciding on which kind of health services are best for the poor, should take into account health services' analyses.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Risk factors for myocardial infarction (MI) have not been well characterized in older adults, and in estimating risk, we sought to assess the individual and joint contributions made by both traditional risk factors and measures of subclinical disease. METHODS: In the Cardiovascular Health Study, we recruited 5888 adults aged 65 years and older from 4 US centers. At baseline in 1989-1990, participants underwent an extensive examination that included traditional risk factors such as blood pressure and fasting glucose level and measures of subclinical disease as assessed by electrocardiography, carotid ultrasonography, echocardiography, pulmonary function, and ankle-arm index. Participants were followed up with semiannual contacts, and all cardiovascular events were classified by the Morbidity and Mortality Committee. The main analytic technique was the Cox proportional hazards model. RESULTS: At baseline, 1967 men and 2979 women had no history of an MI. After follow-up for an average of 4.8 years, there were 302 coronary events, which included 263 patients with MI and 39 with definite fatal coronary disease. The incidence was higher in men (20.7 per 1000 person-years) than women (7.9 per 1000 person-years). In all subjects, the incidence was strongly associated with age, increasing from 7.8 per 1000 person-years in subjects aged 65 to 69 years to 25.6 per 1000 person-years in subjects aged 85 years and older. Glucose level and systolic blood pressure were associated with the incidence of MI, but smoking and lipid measures were not. After adjustment for age and sex, the significant subclinical disease predictors of MI were borderline or abnormal ejection fraction by echocardiography, high levels of intimal-medial thickness of the internal carotid artery, and a low ankle-arm index. Forced vital capacity and electrocardiographic left ventricular mass did not enter the stepwise model. Excluding subjects with clinical cardiovascular diseases such as prior angina or congestive heart failure at baseline had little effect on these results. Risk factors were generally similar in men and women. CONCLUSIONS: After follow-up of 4.8 years, systolic blood pressure, fasting glucose level, and selected subclinical disease measures were important predictors of the incidence of MI in older adults. Uncontrolled high blood pressure may explain about one quarter of the coronary events in this population.  相似文献   

Calcium has been implicated as a mediator of cell injury in ischemia and reperfusion, but direct measurements of Ca2+ are required to refine this idea. We used nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and the Ca2+ indicator 5F-BAPTA to measure [Ca2+]i in perfused ferret hearts. Several lines of evidence are presented to show that loading with the acetoxymethyl ester of 5F-BAPTA is not significantly complicated by accumulation of partially de-esterified metabolites, compartmentalization into mitochondria, or disproportionate uptake into endothelial cells. During 20 minutes of total global ischemia at 30 degrees C, time-averaged [Ca2+]i increased significantly, reaching peak values roughly three times control at 15-20 minutes. Reperfusion resulted in a persistent elevation of [Ca2+]i during the first 5 minutes, but not afterward. Although the nonlinear response of 5F-BAPTA to [Ca2+] leads to underestimation of the true time-averaged [Ca2+]i, the measured alterations of intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis during ischemia are large compared with the likely errors in quantification. Phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of 5F-BAPTA-loaded hearts reveals changes during ischemia similar to those recorded previously in hearts not containing a Ca2+ indicator. Developed pressure recovers to only 50% of control values during reflow, indicating that the presence of 5F-BAPTA in the cytosol does not protect against stunning, at least when the extracellular calcium concentration has been raised to 8 mM. We conclude that 5F-BAPTA provides useful measurements that reveal that time-averaged [Ca2+]i rises during ischemia and returns to control levels soon after reperfusion.  相似文献   

The present experiments were performed to study the binding characteristics of delta opioid receptors in membrane preparations obtained from the brain of adult male rats, and to analyze whether aging modifies these binding parameters. The binding characteristics of delta opioid receptors were evaluated on membrane preparations derived from dissected brain regions (hypothalamus, amygdala, mesencephalon, corpus striatum, hippocampus, thalamus, frontal poles, anterior and posterior cortex) collected from male rats of 3 and 24 months of age; the highly selective ligand 3H-[D-Pen2-D-Pen5] enkephalin (3H-DPDPE) was used. The results obtained in young rats show that the distribution of delta opioid receptors is different in the various brain areas examined; these receptors appear to be maximally concentrated in the frontal poles, anterior and posterior cortex; lower concentrations were found in the other structures considered. Kd (dissociation constant) for the delta sites was found very similar in all areas. The distribution of delta opioid receptors in the brain of 24-month-old rats was similar to that observed in young animals; this result was surprising in view of the fact that aging modifies the number of other types of brain opioid receptors (mu and kappa).  相似文献   

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