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The present paper describes a method of membrane preparation from ewe mammary gland using a sucrose cushion (1.3 M) to select smooth membranes; this results in a membrane preparation richer in PRL receptors than the microsomal preparation classically used. This method was used for the characterization and measurement of PRL and ovine placental lactogen (oPL) receptors in three organs of the ewe (mammary gland, liver, and adipose tissue). PRL receptors were measured by competition of iodinated human GH ([125I]hGH) with ovine PRL (oPRL). This hormone, which has both growth and lactogenic activities, appears to interact with PRL receptors with a higher affinity than oPRL itself and is a good probe for the determination of PRL receptors in the ewe. oPL receptors were measured by the specific binding of [125I]oPL. This hormone appears to bind exclusively to a somatogenic site in the ewe, since various GHs compete efficiently for binding, whereas oPRL is without effect. The evolution of PRL and oPL receptors was determined during pregnancy and lactation and at different periods after an estradiol and progesterone treatment, which provokes growth of the mammary gland and milk secretion. During pregnancy, PRL receptors increased in the mammary gland up to day 100. During the last trimester, receptor content remained stable, and a second increase occurred during early lactation. No additional significant changes were observed either for PRL receptors in liver or adipose tissue or for oPL receptors in any of the organs studied (mammary gland, liver, adipose tissue). Injections of large doses of estradiol and progesterone to nonpregnant ewes were able to reproduce effectively the pattern of PRL receptors observed during pregnancy, but had no effect on oPL receptor levels. These studies demonstrate the independence of PRL and PL receptor sites in the ewe and suggest a different hormonal regulation for each type of receptor.  相似文献   

To examine the relative roles of placental lactogen (PL) and GH in fetal metabolism, we have examined the effects of ovine PL (oPL), ovine GH (oGH), and ovine PRL (oPRL) on glycogen metabolism in cultured ovine fetal hepatocytes and have examined the binding of these hormones to hepatic membranes from fetal and neonatal lambs. In ovine fetal hepatocytes, oPL (150 ng/ml-20 micrograms/ml) stimulated dose-dependent increases in [14C]glucose incorporation into glycogen (18-167%) and total cellular glycogen content (10-69%). oGH and oPRL also stimulated glycogen synthesis in fetal hepatocytes, but the potencies of these hormones were only 12% and 4% that of oPL. The dose-response curves of the three hormones were parallel, and their maximal effects were identical, suggesting a common mechanism of action. In hepatic membranes from fetal lambs, the maximal specific binding of [125I]oPL was 26.3% while the maximal specific binding of [125I]oGH was only 0.9-1.5%. The binding of [125I]oPL was saturable and reversible and varied with incubation time and temperature. Unlabeled oPL (1 ng/ml-5 micrograms/ml) caused a dose-dependent inhibition of the binding of [125I]oPL to fetal hepatic membranes, with half-maximal displacement of [125I]oPL by 5-7 ng unlabeled oPL/ml. oGH and oPRL caused parallel displacement of [125I]oPL, but with potencies only 2% and 0.1% that of oPL. Scatchard analysis of oPL dose-response curves indicated that the hormone bound to a single class of receptors with a dissociation constant of 1.1 X 10(-10) M. The maximal specific binding of [125I]oGH to hepatic membranes of neonatal lambs (20.1%) greatly exceeded the binding of oGH to fetal hepatic membranes. In addition, the potency of oGH in competing for [125I]oPL binding sites in neonatal liver greatly exceeded the potency of oGH in competing for [125I]oPL binding sites in fetal liver. Although the biological effects of both oPL and oGH in postnatal subprimate tissues may be mediated through binding to nonprimate GH receptors, the results of these studies suggest that the glycogenic effects of oPL in ovine fetal liver are mediated through binding to specific fetal oPL receptors. The relatively weak biological effects of oGH and oPRL in ovine fetal liver appear to be mediated through the binding of the hormones to fetal oPL receptors. The presence of specific, high affinity PL receptors in ovine fetal tissues provides a mechanism whereby oPL may function as a GH in the ovine fetus.  相似文献   

Purification and structural characterization of ovine placental lactogen   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Discrepancies exist in the reported purity and biological activity of ovine placental lactogen (oPL), and little structural characterization has been reported. Ovine PL was purified from fetal cotyledonary tissue (day 100 of gestation) by monitoring activity with a recombinant bovine GH (bGH) liver radioreceptor assay. Two hundred grams of tissue yielded 4.2 mg of oPL, with an approximately 1000-fold purification of oPL specific activity following initial tissue extraction. The oPL was radioiodinated and used in an ovine fetal liver (day 100 of gestation) radioreceptor assay to examine competitive displacement of oPL, ovine GH (oGH) and ovine prolactin (oPRL). The potency of oPL (ED50 = 0.18 nmol/l; ED50 is the quantity of ligand necessary to displace 50% of specifically bound 125I-labelled oPL) was greater than that of oGH (ED50 = 4.1 nmol/l) and oPRL (ED50 = 1.1 mumol/l) in competing for 125I-labelled oPL-binding sites. Attempts to sequence the NH2 terminus of oPL by vapour-phase sequencing indicated that the NH2 terminus was blocked. Purified oPL was subjected to trypsin and CnBr digestion, and two CnBr and six tryptic peptides were sequenced. The peptide sequences were compared with other PLs, oPRL and bGH for sequence similarity, and found to be most similar to bovine PL (bPL; 68% overall identity) and oPRL (47% overall identity). Complementary DNA (cDNA) clones were isolated for oPL by screening a lambda ZAP cDNA library with a cDNA coding for bPL. Three cDNAs were nucleotide sequenced, and their combined sequence included 41 nucleotides of 5'-untranslated region, the complete coding region of pre-oPL (708 nucleotides) and a portion of the 3' untranslated region (158 nucleotides).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Ovine placental lactogen (oPL), has been purified approximately 1,000-fold from sheep cotyledons using conventional protein purification procedures. Radioreceptor assays using rabbit liver particulate fractions for growth hormone (RRA-GH) and using rabbit mammary gland particulate fractions for prolactin (RRA-PRL) were employed to monitor the hormonal activities. The molecular weight of oPL is approximately 22,000 as determined by gel filtration on Sephadex G-100, and its isoelectric point as determined by isoelectric focusing is 8.8. In the two RRA's, the displacement curve of oPL is parallel to bovine growth hormone (bGH) and ovine prolactin (oPRL) standards and the ratio of GH-activity to PRL-activity of oPL is 1:2. In a body weight gain assay using hypophysectomized rats, oPL has a growth-promoting potency of 1.3 U/mg. In rabbit mammary explants, oPL stimulates casein synthesis. In a receptor assay for growth hormone using human liver, oPL and hGH are equipotent in competing for receptor sites, suggesting that oPL and hGH have common structural features that are lacking in other non-primate hormones.  相似文献   

A method has been described for the purification of ovine placental lactogen (oPL) involving the use of freshly obtained sheep foetal cotyledons. Tissue was extracted with 0.1 M-ammonium bicarbonate and the supernatant fraction, adjusted to pH 7, was brought to 60% saturation with ammonium sulphate. The resulting precipitate was then subjected to a sequence of chromatographic steps using columns of Sephadex G-100 and carboxymethylecellulose. During each stage of the purification, the lactogenic activity was monitored with a pregnant rabbit mammary gland radioreceptor assay. The yield of oPL corresponded to 8 mg/kg wet foetal tissue and the oPL possessed lactogenic activity equivalent to 1 mg ovine prolactin/mg protein and GH-like activity equivalent to 0.8 mg human GH/mg protein. The biological activity of oPL was confirmed using a rabbit intraductal mammary gland assay in vivo. After polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at pH 8.9, oPL was resolved into one major band (isoelectric point 8.2--8.4) and four minor components, which were thought to be deamidation products of oPL. Microimmunoelectrophoresis and immunodiffusion studies confirmed that the preparation of oPL was free from serum protein contaminants.  相似文献   

Placental lactogen (PL) is found in fetal plasma throughout gestation, and PL receptors occur on many types of fetal cells. In this study, the entry rate of PL into the fetal circulation was estimated by injection of 125I-labelled ovine PL into two mid- and four late-gestation fetuses. At both ages, PL appears to be distributed into two body pools. One pool has a rapid half-life (approximately 9 min) and a volume of distribution approximately 8% of body weight, while the second pool has a longer half-life (approximately 45 min) and a distribution volume only 4% of body weight. The first pool is presumably blood plasma, but the physiological identity of the second pool is unknown. The effective half-life of PL is approximately 15 min, and the liver is suggested as a probable major site of degradation. These estimates were confirmed in late gestation by measuring fetal plasma concentrations of PL in response to a continuous infusion of unlabelled PL. The kinetic parameters estimated in this study can be used to determine the quantity of exogenous hormone required to alter PL concentration in fetal plasma in a predictable manner.  相似文献   

Previous studies from our laboratory showed that high-density lipoproteins (HDL) stimulate the release of human placental lactogen (PL) from cultured trophoblast cells from normal pregnant women. To determine whether HDL stimulates PL secretion in vivo, ovine HDL was infused over 2-5 min into 11 pregnant ewes (22 separate experiments) at 86-130 days of gestation via an indwelling catheter into the maternal jugular vein. The HDL, freshly prepared from the plasma of pregnant ewes by differential flotation ultracentrifugation, was greater than 99% purified as judged by SDS-PAGE. Plasma samples were obtained from the ewes before and at 0.5-h intervals for 6 h following the infusions and were assayed for PL by a specific homologous radioimmunoassay. The maternal infusion of HDL at doses of 302-784 mg (5.3-13.8 mg/kg body weight) stimulated significant increases in maternal plasma PL concentrations in six out of eight experiments (six ewes), and the infusion of 108-264 mg (1.9-4.6 mg/kg) stimulated plasma PL concentrations in two out of six experiments. In contrast, HDL at doses less than 100 mg were without effect in eight experiments. The response to the HDL infusions was characterized by a sustained increase in plasma PL concentrations beginning 1.5-2.5 h after the infusions, reaching a maximum 274.2 +/- 21.9% of the baseline value (P less than 0.001). In contrast, the maternal infusion of lipoprotein-free plasma proteins or saline had no effect on maternal plasma PL concentrations.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Ovine placental lactogen (oPL) is produced by the conceptus trophectoderm and is secreted into both the maternal and fetal circulations. The present study was designed to examine in vivo the luteotropic effect of recombinant oPL (roPL), as determined by monitoring progesterone concentration and cycle length (experiment 1), and the antioxidative and antiapoptotic effects of roPL, as determined respectively by monitoring antioxidant enzymatic activity and apoptosis in the corpus luteum (CL) of cyclic ewes (experiment 2). We also studied whether roPL is capable of stimulating progesterone secretion in vitro by cultured luteal tissue of functionally active CL obtained from day-10 cyclic ewes (experiment 3) and day-60 pregnant ewes (experiment 4). Circulating concentrations of progesterone and cycle length were not affected by treatment of ewes with 80 microg/kg body weight per day of roPL (n = 4 ewes) for 10 days beginning on day 11 post-estrus, as compared with saline-treated ewes (n = 4 ewes). Luteolysis occurred between days 15 and 16 post-estrus in the four saline-treated ewes and in 3/4 roPL-treated ewes. The activities of the key antioxidant enzymes copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu,Zn-SOD), manganese SOD (Mn-SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPX), glutathione reductase (GSR) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) were unaffected by treatment of ewes with 80 microg/kg per day of roPL (n = 4 ewes) for 3 days, between days 11 and 14 post-estrus, as compared with saline-treated ewes (n = 4 ewes). In situ TUNEL method revealed that the number of apoptotic cells was not different between the two groups of ewes. There was no significant change in progesterone secretion by explants from day-10 estrous cycle (n = 3 ewes) or day-60 pregnancy (n = 3 ewes) CL cultured with different concentrations (10, 100 and 1000 ng/ml) of roPL, whereas treatment with oLH at the concentration of 100 or 1000 ng/ml caused a significant increase in progesterone secretion by explants from day-10 estrous cycle CL (P < 0.05) and by explants from day-60 pregnancy CL (P < 0.01). In conclusion, our results demonstrate that oPL has no luteotropic and/or luteoprotective actions in sheep, either in vivo or in vitro.  相似文献   

The ability of ovine placental lactogen (oPL) to bind to the growth hormone receptor (GHR) raises the possibility that oPL may exert a growth hormone (GH)-like action on galactopoiesis. We have compared the effects of treating lactating ewes for 5 days with an equimolar dose (0.1 mg/kg/day, administered as two equal doses 12 hourly) of either bovine growth hormone (bGH) (n = 10), oPL (n = 10) or saline (n = 9) on hepatic and mammary GHR, insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and IGF-binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) gene expression and hepatic GHR number. Hepatic GHR and IGFBP-3 mRNA were unaltered by bGH or oPL treatment. Hepatic IGF-I mRNAs increased following bGH (P < 0.05) but not oPL treatment. GHR gene expression was greater in liver compared to mammary gland extracts. There was no effect of either bGH or oPL treatment on mammary GHR, IGF-I or IGFBP-3 mRNA or hepatic GHR number. These studies confirm the galactopoietic effects of bGH in lactating ruminants and suggest that the mechanism of this action is not via increased hepatic GHR number or gene expression. In addition, the increase in hepatic but not mammary IGF-I mRNA with bGH treatment suggests an endocrine action of IGF-I on milk synthesis. These studies also demonstrate that an equimolar dose of oPL is not galactopoietic or somatogenic in the lactating ewe.  相似文献   

Ovine placental lactogen (oPL) is structurally similar to PRL, is a product of the chorionic epithelium, and has been implicated in playing a supportive role in fetal growth. This study examined the concentration and cellular location of oPL mRNA at five stages of pregnancy (days 60, 90, 105, 120, and 135) in 21 cross-bred ewes, and results were compared to maternal and fetal serum oPL concentrations, cotyledonary DNA and actin mRNA concentrations, and total fetal weight. The concentration of oPL mRNA in fetal cotyledonary tissue increased (P < or = 0.05) from day 60 (15.4 pg/micrograms total cellular RNA) to day 120 (73.7 pg/micrograms total cellular RNA) of gestation and then plateaued, whereas no significant changes occurred in the concentration of actin mRNA over the gestational ages examined. The concentration of DNA in cotyledonary tissue (micrograms per mg wet tissue) increased (P < or = 0.05) from days 60 through 120 and remained constant through day 135, such that when oPL mRNA was expressed on a picogram per microgram DNA basis, no stage of gestation effect (P > or = 0.10) was observed. The maternal serum oPL concentration increased (P < or = 0.05) from day 60 (7.1 ng/ml) to day 105 (417.7 ng/ml), followed by a large but nonsignificant (P > or = 0.10) increase in maternal serum oPL occurring on day 135 (902.0 ng/ml). Fetal serum oPL concentrations increased (P < or = 0.05) from day 60 (11.0 ng/ml) to day 90 (29.0 ng/ml) and then remained relatively constant. Maternal serum oPL (r = 0.68; P < or = 0.01) and cotyledonary oPL mRNA levels (r = 0.61; P < or = 0.05) were correlated with total fetal weight when adjusted for fetal number and gestational age, and together accounted for 80.6% (r2 value) of the variation found in total fetal weight. The correlation between fetal serum oPL concentrations and total fetal weight was nonsignificant (P < or = 0.10). Examination of placentome cross-sections by immunocytochemistry and in situ hybridization at the five gestational ages indicated that the chorionic binucleate cell was the sole source of oPL. These data provide evidence that, like maternal serum concentrations of oPL, oPL mRNA expression by chorionic binucleate cells increases until late gestation, whereas fetal serum concentrations of oPL plateau during midgestation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

In order to clarify the dynamics in maternal calcium metabolism during pregnancy, serum concentrations of ionized calcium, calcium regulating hormones and intestinal calcium absorption were measured in pregnant and hypophysectomized(HX) rats. Serum concentrations of ionized calcium decreased significantly late in pregnancy. Serum levels of 1 alpha,25-(OH)2 vitamin D3 (D3) increased late in pregnancy, however, those of parathyroid hormone (PTH) increased not significantly throughout pregnancy. Serum levels of calcitonin(CT) and intestinal calcium absorption increased as pregnancy progressed. Administration of human placental lactogen(hPL), bovine growth hormone(bGH) and ovine prolactin(oPRL) to the HX-rats remarkably enhanced intestinal calcium absorption. Serum concentrations of 1 alpha,25-(OH)2D3 significantly increased by administration of bGH and hPL to the HX-rats, but they did not increase significantly by oPRL administration. These data suggest that 1) maternal intestinal calcium absorption might be increased by the action of increased serum 1 alpha,25-(OH)2D3 and the maternal bone might be kept at the same density throughout pregnancy because serum CT protects the maternal skeleton by resisting the bone-resorption activities of 1 alpha,25-(OH)2D3; and 2) placental lactogen may play an important role on the increase of intestinal calcium absorption by stimulating the production of 1 alpha,25-(OH)2D3 during pregnancy. From these results, it is considered that these alterations of calcium metabolism in the maternal side are the rational responses to supply Ca to the fetus and newborn for keeping their calcium homeostasis.  相似文献   

In the first part of the investigations the interaction between oestradiol-17 beta, progesterone and prolactin on the formation of the lobuloalveolar structure of the mammary gland was studied in 21 nulliparous intact postpubertal ewes. Tissue specimens of the mammary gland were evaluated by light microscopical examination and prolactin was measured in blood samples. Combined treatment with oestradiol and progesterone induced physiological development of the lobuloalveolar structure of the mammary gland in the presence of prolactin. Suppression of prolactin by bromocriptine prevented this effect. Treatment with progesterone alone was not effective and revealed histological structures comparable to the controls. The interaction of oestradiol-17 beta with prolactin appears to be a main trigger for mammary gland development. In the second part of the investigations the effect of bromocriptine treatment during pregnancy on mammary gland development was studied in primigravid ewes and heifers. Mammary gland specimens were obtained for light and electron microscopical evaluation in ewes and heifers 5 and 10 days respectively before the expected date of parturition. Concentrations of prolactin and ovine placental lactogen were determined by radioimmunoassay. Bromocriptine treatment suppressed prolactin concentrations in ewes to minimal values but did not affect ovine placental lactogen concentrations. The histological evaluation revealed almost comparable stages of mammogenesis in both ewes and heifers. This effect can be attributed, at least in ewes, to the action of placental lactogen on mammogenesis. Placental lactogen might therefore be of physiological relevance during mammogenesis.  相似文献   

From a single cell fusion, five stable hybridomas secreting antiovine placental lactogen (oPL) antibodies were obtained. Three of these secrete immunoglobulin (Ig)G subclass, and the other two secrete IgM class antibodies. Ascites fluids were raised in mice for each clone and were used as the antibody component for the development of solid phase RIA. Three solid-phase RIAs were successfully established using individual IgG subclass monoclonal antibodies, but the IgM class antibodies were ineffective. In all three individual solid-phase RIAs, the binding of [125I]iodo-oPL to the immobilized antibody was inhibited by unlabeled oPL, but not by ovine pituitary PRL (oPRL), ovine GH (oGH), or ovine pituitary extract. Two of the IgG subclass antibodies were able to inhibit the binding of [125I] iodo-oPL to PRL receptors(s) and to GH receptor(s) in rabbit mammary gland and liver, respectively. One of these two IgG subclass antibodies was more effective at inhibiting the binding of oPL to PRL receptor(s) in rabbit mammary gland, whereas the other one is more effective in inhibiting the binding of oPL to GH receptor(s) in rabbit liver. These antibodies, however, could only weakly inhibit the binding of [125I]iodo-oPRL to rabbit mammary gland and were ineffective in inhibiting the binding of [125I]iodo-oGH to rabbit liver. The addition of monoclonal antibodies in both radioreceptor assay (RRA) for PRL (RRA-PRL) and for GH (RRA-GH) did not affect the parallelism of the displacement curve of oPL standard. Our results suggest that oPL might contain two distinct binding sequence(s): one responsible for the binding of oPL to PRL receptor(s) and the other responsible for the binding of oPL to GH receptor(s). These two binding sequences might overlap or be located adjacent to one another. The interaction of monoclonal antibodies with these binding sequences of oPL may block the binding of oPL with PRL and GH receptor(s). Alternatively, our studies suggest that the monoclonal antibodies do not bind to hormone receptor(s)-binding sequence(s) in oPL, but the interaction between oPL and monoclonal antibody might alter the conformational structure of the oPL which will consequently lead to a lower binding of oPL to PRL and GH receptor(s).  相似文献   

The clearance rate of recombinant bovine placental lactogen (rbPL) from the blood serum of four lactating dairy cows was measured using a specific radioimmunoassay. Two animals were non-pregnant, while the other two were at approximately 120 days of gestation. The rbPL was administered as an i.v. bolus injection (4 mg total) via an indwelling jugular catheter. Blood samples were taken periodically for 180 min and assayed for rbPL. Analysis of the clearance curves for the bolus injection suggested a single-compartment model and a serum half-life of 7.25 min. In a second experiment with the same animals, following cessation of lactation, rbPL or bovine GH (bGH) were administered by s.c. injection (50 mg/day) for 5 consecutive days. Blood samples were taken twice per day during the treatment period and a 3-day pretreatment period. Samples were analysed for glucose, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), creatinine, insulin, insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and IGF-II, tri-iodothyronine (T3), progesterone and IGF-binding protein-2 (IGFBP-2) to determine whether rbPL mediates similar metabolic effects to those of bGH. Administration of bGH stimulated an increase in NEFA, glucose, T3 and insulin, whereas none of these variables was affected by rbPL. The plasma concentrations of IGF-I and IGF-II were both increased by treatment with rbPL but, to a lesser extent than occurred with bGH. Interestingly, BUN and IGFBP-2 concentrations were reduced equally by bGH and rbPL. These results suggest that rbPL does not necessarily act as a GH agonist but, rather, may have distinct effects on intermediary metabolism that could be mediated through another specific receptor.  相似文献   

Cancer-related malnutrition is a mortal threat to gastric carcinoma patients. However, conventional nutrition treatment is not effective for recovery. Recombinant human GH (rhGH) is widely accepted clinically to treat severe malnutrition caused by non-malignant diseases, but not approved to treat malignant diseases due to the safety concern. To explore the safety of rhGH on gastric cancer, we assessed the effect of rhGH on two tumor-bearing mice models in vivo established by human gastric adenoma cell lines of SGC-7901 and MKN-45. VEGF expression in tumor tissues was detected using immunohistochemistry. The expression of GH receptor (Ghr), Jak-2, Stat3, Vegf, Hif-1α, Fgf, and Mmp-2 was measured by RT-PCR and protein expression of STAT3, phosphorylated STAT3, VEGF, HIF-1α, and MMP-2 was measured by western blotting. The immunocytochemistry results showed that the GHR expression of SGC-7901 was strongly positive (GHR(+++)), while GHR expression of MKN-45 was regarded as negative (GHR(-)). After 14 days of rhGH treatment in SGC-7901 (GHR(+++)) tumor-bearing mice, we found that the tumor growth was significantly increased, and the expressions of downstream factors and VEGF were increased. However, in MKN-45 (GHR(-)) tumor-bearing mice, tumor growth was not significantly increased by rhGH, but tumor-free body weight was increased especially in high-dose rhGH-treated group (P<0.05). These findings suggest that the level of GHR expression is a key target that influences the effectiveness of rhGH on promoting the growth of gastric cancer and angiogenesis. rhGH may promote the activation of tumor angiogenesis factors through the Jak-2-STAT3 pathway.  相似文献   

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