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AstragalusmembranaceusisoneofthemajortonicsoftenusedintraditionalChinesemedicine.TherootofAstragalusmongholicusBungeandAstragalusmembranaceus(Fisch)Bungeusedtobeapprovedforclinicaluse,whilethestemandleafofthemwerethrownaway.Manystudieshaveshownthatth…  相似文献   

TheInfluenceofThymectomyonGerm-cellsoftheTestisinMiceZENGJin(曾进),ZHANGYong-shang(章咏裳);S.POMER,G.STAEHLERREN;Da-hong(任大洪)(Depa...  相似文献   

TheEffectsofAstragalusmembranaceusandTripterygiumhypoglaucumonNKActivityinSystemicLupusErythematosusZhaoXiao-zhong(赵小忠)(Depar...  相似文献   

Background The mechanism of mucosal damage induced by ischemia-reperfusion (IR) after hemorrhagic shock is complex; mast cells (MC) degranulation is associated with the mucosal damage. Astragalus membranaceus can protect intestinal mucosa against intestinal oxidative damage after hemorrhagic shock, and some antioxidant agents could prevent MC against degranulation. This study aimed to observe the effects of astragalus membranaceus injection on the activity of intestinal mucosal mast cells (IMMC) after hemorrhage shock-reperfusion in rats Methods Thirty-two Wistar rats were randomly divided into the normal group, model group, low dosage group, (treated with Astragalus membranacaus injection, 10 g crude medication/kg) and high dosage group (treated with Astragalus membranacaus injection, 20 g crude medication/kg). The rat model of hemorrhagic shock-reperfusion was induced by hemorrhage for 60 minutes followed by 90 minutes of reperfusion. The animals were administrated with 3 ml of the test drug solution before reperfusion. At the end of study, intestinal pathology, ultrastructure of IMMC, and expression of tryptase were assayed. The levels of malondisldehyde (MDA), TNF-α, histamine, and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in intestine were detected, and the number of IMMC was counted. Results The Chiu's score of the rats in the model group was higher than in other groups (P〈0.01). The Chiu's score in the high dosage group was higher than that in the low dosage group (P〈0.05). Hemorrhage-reperfusion induced IMMC degranulation: Astragalus membranaceus injection attenuated this degranulation. Expression of tryptase and the number of IMMC in the model group increased compared with the other groups (P〈0.01) and was significantly reduced by the treatments of Astragalus membranaceus injection at both doses. There was no significant difference between the two treatment groups (P〉0.05). MDA content and concentration of TNF-α in the model group were higher than that in the other three groups (P〈0.05), and the concentration of TNF-α in the low dosage group was higher than that in the high dosage group (P〈0.05). SOD activity and the concentration of histamine in the model group were lower than the other three groups (P〈0.05). There was a negative correlation between the Chiu's score and the concentration of histamine and a positive correlation between the Chiu's score and the concentration of TNF-α and between the SOD activity and the concentration of histamine in the four groups (P〈0.05). Conclusion Astragalus membranaceus injection may reduce the damage to small intestine mucosa by inhibiting the activated IMMC after hemorrhagic shock.  相似文献   

Objective: To study the effect of Weiganli (维肝力)on bone marrow hemopoiesis. Methods: The effects of Weiganli on the peripheral blood picture and the number of bone marrow nucleated cells (BMCs) were observed in myelosuppressed anemic model mice, and the effects of Weiganli on the growth of colony forming unit-granulocyte macrophage (CFU-GM), colony forming unit-erythroid (CFU-E), burst forming unit-erythroid (BFU-E), colony forming unit-megkaryocyte (CFU-Meg) were investigated by in vitro cell culture technique. The hemopoietic stem cells (HSCs, c-kit ) in bone marrow were double stained with fluorescent antibody PE-C-Kit and FITC-CD45, and the HSCs (c-kit ) were counted by flow cytometer with CD45/SSC (side scatter) gating. Results: Peripheral blood cell counts and the number of BMCs were significantly improved after Weiganli administration; and bone marrow hemopoietic stem/progenitor cells were significantly increased. Conclusion: Weiganli can effectively promote the recovery of hemopoietic function in the myelosuppressed anemic mice.  相似文献   

To study the effect of Weiganli (维肝力) on bone marrow hemopoiesis. Methods: The effects of Weiganli on the peripheral blood picture and the number of bone marrow nucleated cells (BMCs) were observed in myelosuppressed anemic model mice, and the effects of Weiganli on the growth of colony forming unit-granulocyte macrophage (CFU-GM), colony forming unit-erythroid (CFU-E), burst forming unit-erythroid (BFU-E), colony forming unit-megkaryocyte (CFU-Meg) were investigated by in vitro cell culture technique. The hemopoietic stem cells (HSCs, c-kit+) in bone marrow were double stained with fluorescent antibody PE-C-Kit and FITC-CD45, and the HSCs (c-kit+) were counted by flow cytometer with CD45/SSC (side scatter) gating. Results: Peripheral blood cell counts and the number of BMCs were significantly improved after Weiganli administration; and bone marrow hemopoietic stem/progenitor cells were significantly increased. Conclusion: Weiganli can effectively promote the recovery of hemopoietic function in the mvelosuooressed anemic mice.  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the effect of Astragalus Injection (AI) on levels of blood selenium (Se)and cytokines, and T cellular immune function with viral myocarditis (VM) in children. Methods: Eighty children with VM were randomly divided into 2 groups. The control group consisted of 38 patients, to whom conventional therapy, including energy mixture, vitamin C and coenzyme Q10, etc. were given. The treated group (n=42), to whom combination therapy of conventional therapy and AI were given. The levels of blood Se and cytokine, including interleukin-1 (IL-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and also evaluation of T lymphocyte subsets and cardiac function were observed. Results: The results showed that after treatment, the levels of blood Se were significantly higher (P<0.01), while IL-1, IL-6 and TNF-αwere significantly lower (P<0.01) than those before treatment in the control group. The left ventricular end diameter (LVED) were significantly decreased (P<0.01), left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and left ventricular fractional shortening (LVFS) were significantly increased than those before treatment in the treated group(P<0.01, P<0.05). T lymphocyte subsets got normalized (P<0.01), and compared with the control group, the difference was significant (P<0.01). Conclusion: Astragalus membranaceus possesses anti-viral effect, adjusts the balance of cytokine and T cellular immunity, and improves the clinical manifestation and cardiac function. It is an effective approach in treating viral myocarditis.  相似文献   

In order to study the modulatory effects of compound polysaccharide Erweikang on the immune function of the immunosuppressive mice, the positive immune modulation of Erweikang at different doses and different time points was compared when normal saline and cyclophosphamide served as controls.The results showed that different doses of Erweikang could effectively reverse the decreased induction levels of NK, IL-2,γ-IFN and the contents of TNF and IgG of the im-munoduppressive mice after administration of Erweikang for 7 to 14 days.It was suggested that compound polysaccharide Erweikang presents positive immune modulation in dose-and time-de-pendent manners.  相似文献   

Asthma is a clinical syndrome character-ized by intermittent episodes of wheezing andcoughing,and associated closely with reversibleairway obstruction,airway inflammation,airwayhyper-responsiveness(AHR),and airway re-modeling.In asthma,the polarized T lympho-cyte response and enhanced secretion of cyto-kines got involved in the regulation of immuno-globin E(IgE),mast cells,basophils,and eo-sinophils,ultimately leading to airway inflam-mation(1).The pro-inflammatory cytokines pro-duced by Tc…  相似文献   

Aplastic anemia (AA) is characterized by mul tilineage bone marrow failure and pancytopenia.Differentiation of hematopoietic cells is governedby a number of cytokines and their receptors, inwhich stem cell factor (SCF) and its receptor (c kit) play an important role in regulating primaryhematopoietic stem cell and progenitor cellgrowth. To date, the relationship between SCF/c kit and the pathogenesis of pediatric AA has notbeen reported in C…  相似文献   

Experimental studies showed that hydroxyap-atite ultrofine powder(HAUFP) had inhibitory ef-fecton various tumor cells.The mechanism mightberelated to the fact that HAUFP could result in theDNA damage on tumor cells and the change of Ca2 concentration in cytoplasm[1,2 ] .Further study on themechanism of inhibitory effect and the effect of im-mune function on body was important..This studyexplored the effectof HAUFP on the activity of IL- 2in the spleen cells and tumor necrosis factor (…  相似文献   

A crude preparation of lymphocyte chalone was extracted from calf Spleen using coldaoctone and distilled water.Its inhibitory cffect on mouse lymphocyte proliferation was demonstratedby ~3H-TdR incorporation method in vitro.This extract shoed no inhibitory effect on the~3H-TdR uptake of K_562 cells and displayed no cytotoxicity to mouse lymphocyte,suggesting thatthere existed the activity of lymphocytc chalone in the extract.The crude chalone inhibited ~3H-TdRuptake of mouse lymphocyte stimulated with concanavalin A(Con A)and mixed lymphocytc re-sponse(MLR),and the degree of the inhibition was greater as the doses of the extract in culturesbecame higher,indicating it had inhibitory effect on T lymphocytes Its influence on the numbers ofrosette-forming cells(RFC)and plaque-forming cells(PFC)in the spleen of mice revealed that ithad inhibitory effocts on some stages of immunization,including the actions on T and B lymphocytes  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor(TNF),a kind of solu-ble cytokines that produced by activated humanmacrophages,can kill tumor cells through causingnecrosis[1-3].Because of its serious side effects,clinical uses of wild type TNF are li mited.Thereare reports currently that TNF is rebuilt by bio-technology methods in order to depress its sideeffects andi mprove curative effectiveness[2,4].Recombinant mutant human tumor necrosisfactor(rmhTNF)had already been successfullydevelopedin China.It was author…  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of low level benzene exposure on neurobehavioral functions, AChE in blood and brain, bone marrow picture in Kunming mice. Forty adult Kunming male mice were divided into 4 groups. They were exposed to 12.52, 3.13, 0.78 and 0 ppm benzene for 2 h.d~(-1) for 30 d. Central nervous system (CNS) function was inhibited by 12.52 ppm and excited by 0.78 ppm benzene exposure, but irregularly affected by 3.13 ppm. AChE in blood and brain was decreased in 12.52, 3.13 ppm group. The weight of liver to body weight ratios in 12.52 ppm group was higher than those of control group significantly. Bone marrow picture revealed inhibited proliferation of white and red cell systems, especially in 12.52 ppm group, consisting of decrease of percentage of myeloblast, premyelocytes, myelocytes, erythroblasts and megakaryocytes, especially in 12.52 ppm group.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of low level benzene exposure on neurobehavioral functions, AChE in blood and brain, bone marrow picture in Kunming mice. Forty adult Kunming male mice were divided into 4 groups. They were exposed to 12.52, 3.13, 0.78 and 0 ppm benzene for 2 h.d-1 for 30 d. Central nervous system (CNS) function was inhibited by 12.52 ppm and excited by 0.78 ppm benzene exposure, but irregularly affected by 3.13 ppm. AChE in blood and brain was decreased in 12.52, 3.13 ppm group. The weight of liver to body weight ratios in 12.52 ppm group was higher than those of control group significantly. Bone marrow picture revealed inhibited proliferation of white and red cell systems, especially in 12.52 ppm group, consisting of decrease of percentage of myeloblast, premyelocytes, myelocytes, erythroblasts and megakaryocytes, especially in 12.52 ppm group.  相似文献   

EffectofAstragalusmembranacausonElectrophysiologicalActivitiesofAcuteExperimentalCoxsackieB3ViralMyocarditisinMiceRuiTao(芮涛);...  相似文献   

Diethylnitrosamine (DENA) by gastric intu-bation of 28 mg/kg in distilled water twice weeklyin Kunming mice for 4-7 months induced Pulmon-ary cancer in 19/28 (67.9%), Pulmonary tumorin 25/28(89.3%), cancer of fore--stomach in 10/28(35.7%), and tumor of the fore--stomach in 26/28(92.8%). The first cancer (a squamous cell carci-noma of bronchus) was induced, when DENA  相似文献   

Summary The expression of Smad2 and Smad3 and the influence of exogenous transforming growth factorβ1 (TGFβ1) on them in rat bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) cultured in vitro were investigated. The effects of different concentrations of TGFβ1 on cell proliferation and ALP activity were detected by MTT and PNPP in, MSCs respectively. The expression of Smad2 and Smad3 and the influence of exogenous TGFβ1 on them were also examined by immunocytochemistry and Western blot assays. The exogenous TGFβ1 induced a dose-dependent decrease in cell proliferation and a dose-dependent increase, in ALP activity, which plateaued at 5 ng/ml. Smad2 and Smad3 proteins were detected only in the cytoplasm in the absence of TGFβ1 and TGFβ1 could stimulate the translocation of them from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. The total amount of Smad2 protein remained unchanged before and after TGFβ1 treatment (P>0.05). The expression levels of Smad3 remained unchanged after 3 h and 6 h treatment (P>0.05), but decreased markedly after 24 h treatment (P<0.05). It was concluded that TGFβ1 is a latent osteoinductive factor involved in osteoblastic differentiation. Both Samd2 and Samd3 mediate TGFβ1 signaling as downstream mediators in MSCs. The biological output of TGFβ1 triggering the osteoblastic differentiation could be entirely determined by Smad3 in MSCs. WANG Yuntao, male, born in 1972, M. D., Ph.D. This project was supported by a grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30170270).  相似文献   

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