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The enhancing area surrounding breast carcinoma on MR mammography is correlated with findings from pathological examination. We studied 194 patients with breast cancer who underwent preoperative MR mammography. Of all malignant lesions presenting with an enhancing surrounding area on MR mammography, morphologic features including long spicules, a ductal pattern, diffuse enhancement or nodules were evaluated and compared with histopathological examination. A double breast coil was used; we performed a 3D FLASH sequence with contiguous coronal slices of 2 mm, before and after injection of 0.2 mmol/kg GD-DTPA, and subtraction images were obtained. In total, 297 malignant lesions were detected at MR mammography and 101 of them had one or more types of enhancing surrounding area. In 49 of the 53 cancers with long spicules and in 49 of the 55 cancers with surrounding ductal pattern of enhancement, pathological examination showed in situ and/or invasive carcinoma. Multiple nodules adjacent to the carcinoma were seen in 20 patients and corresponded with six cases of invasive and ten cases of ductal in situ carcinoma. A diffuse enhancing area next to a mass was seen in ten patients and consisted of carcinoma in all cases: seven in situ and three invasive carcinomas. Enhancing areas including long spicules, a ductal pattern, noduli, or diffuse enhancement surrounding a carcinoma corresponded with in situ or invasive extension of the carcinoma in 92.5, 89, 80 and 100% of cases, respectively.  相似文献   

This prospective study, involving 1,000 women referred for routine mammography, compares the breast cancer detecting abilities of state-of-the-art mammography and sonography using an automated water-path scanner. Mammography was found to be the superior technique, detecting 62 (97%) of the 64 pathologically proven cancers, while sonography detected only 37 (58%). When considering those cancers most amenable to cure, mammography detected over 90% in all categories, but sonography detected only 48% of the cancers that had not yet spread to axillary lymph nodes, only 30% of the nonpalpable malignancies, and only 8% of the cancers smaller than 1 cm. These data indicate that sonography is not an acceptable substitute for mammography in the detection and diagnosis of breast cancer. The data further suggest that radiologists who wish to improve the cancer-detecting ability of their current breast imaging operation should upgrade their mammography to state-of-the-art status before adding an automated whole-breast ultrasound scanner.  相似文献   

MR imaging of the breast: comparison with mammography and ultrasound   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fifty-seven biopsy proven breast masses have been examined at our institution by magnetic resonance (MR), mammography, and ultrasound. The three techniques have been evaluated concerning their capability to visualize the lesion and the diagnostic information obtained. Magnetic resonance proved comparable to mammography and superior to sonography in the fatty to medium dysplastic breasts but inferior to the combined examination by mammography and sonography in the dense breasts. In some selected cases, however, special advantages of MR have been found.  相似文献   

Computed tomography of breast lesions: comparison with x-ray mammography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thirty-three patients with breast lesions demonstrated by mammography were examined with computed tomography (CT) using a standard whole body scanner. Although the CT images were of good diagnostic quality, the amount of new information gained was limited. The diagnostic accuracy of mammography in the hands of an experienced reader was higher than that with CT. We conclude that, although technically a whole body scanner is capable of producing good images of the breast, the number of patients in whom CT should be used instead of or in addition to mammography is limited. The indication for its use was primarily for patients in whom quality mammograms could not be produced because either the breast was unusually dense or extensive breast disease caused technical difficulties in performing mammograms. Computed tomography was also useful if the interpretation of the mammogram was equivocal, regional lymph node enlargement was questioned, invasion of the chest wall by tumor was suspected, and for planning radiotherapy treatment.  相似文献   

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study is to investigate the use of computer-extracted features of lesions imaged by means of two modalities, mammography and breast ultrasound, in the computerized classification of breast lesions. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We performed computerized analysis on a database of 97 patients with a total of 100 lesions (40 malignant, 40 benign solid, and 20 cystic lesions). Mammograms and ultrasound images were available for these breast lesions. There was an average of three mammographic images and two ultrasound images per lesion. Based on seed points indicated by a radiologist, the computer automatically segmented lesions from the parenchymal background and automatically extracted a set of characteristic features for each lesion. For each feature, its value averaged over all images pertaining to a given lesion was input to a Bayesian neural network for classification. We also investigated different approaches to combine image-based features into this by-lesion analysis. In that analysis, mean, maximum, and minimum feature values were considered for all images representing a lesion. We considered performance by using a leave-one-lesion-out approach, based on image features from mammography alone (two to five features), ultrasound alone (three to four features), and a combination of features from both modalities (three to five features total). RESULTS: For the classification task of distinguishing cancer from other abnormalities in a lesion-based analysis by using a single modality, areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves (A(z) values) increased significantly when the computer selected the manner (mean, minimum, or maximum) in which image-based features were combined into lesion-based features. The highest performance was found for lesion-based analysis and automated feature selection from mean, maximum, and minimum values of features from both modalities (resulting in a total of four features being used). That A(z) value for the task of distinguishing cancer was 0.92, showing a statistically significant increase over that achieved with features from either mammography or ultrasound alone. CONCLUSION: Computerized classification of cancer significantly improved when lesion features from both modalities were combined. Classification performance depended on specific methods for combining features from multiple images per lesion. These results are encouraging and warrant further exploration of computerized methods for multimodality imaging.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether pre-operative MR mammography could predict the extent of breast cancer in patients with dense breasts or whether dense parenchyma will lead to false-positive or inconclusive examinations. Sixty-seven patients with dense breasts with a malignant breast tumor planned for conservative surgery were reviewed. Detection rates of mammography, ultrasound, and MR mammography were studied, and the diameters of the lesions were measured and compared with pathological examination. Pathology revealed breast cancer in 65 patients. Sensitivity for detection of index lesions was 83% for mammography, 70.8% for ultrasound, and 98% for MR mammography. Mammography underestimated tumor extent in 37%, ultrasound in 40%, and MR in 12.5%. Of the 20 patients (31%) with multifocal or multicentric carcinoma, mammography detected the lesions in 35%, ultrasound in 30%, and MR in 100%, with a false-positive rate of 12.5, 14, and 23%. The MR mammography is more accurate in assessing tumor extent and multifocality in patients with dense breasts, but benign changes may lead to false-positive examinations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study was performed to determine the negative predictive value of sonography with mammography in evaluating palpable breast lesions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four hundred twenty patients with 455 palpable breast lesions were retrospectively identified from our mammography database as having negative mammographic and sonographic results. For patients diagnosed with breast cancer, images and medical records were reviewed to determine whether the palpable lesion evaluated on sonography and mammography corresponded to the patient's breast cancer. On the basis of the number of breast cancers that correlated to the palpable areas imaged, the negative predictive value of sonography with mammography was determined. RESULTS: Sixty-two of the 420 patients in the study group were already diagnosed with breast carcinoma, and eight new carcinomas were diagnosed during the study period. Only one of six ipsilateral cancers corresponded to a palpable lesion that had a negative imaging evaluation. This lesion was diagnosed as an invasive lobular cancer, hard and fixed at physical examination. Imaging and clinical follow-up of the remaining patients showed no abnormality at the sites of previously investigated palpable abnormalities. The mean imaging follow-up was 25 months. The negative predictive value of sonography and mammography in the setting of a palpable lesion was 99.8%. CONCLUSION: The negative predictive value of sonography with mammography is high, and together these imaging modalities can be reassuring if follow-up is planned when the physical examination is not highly suspicious. However, if the physical examination is suspicious, biopsy should not be delayed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of our study was to determine the relative accuracy of mammography, sonography, and MRI in predicting residual tumor after neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer as compared with the gold standards of physical examination and pathology. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Forty-one women with stage IIB-III palpable breast cancer were prospectively enrolled in a study investigating the effects of sequential single-agent chemotherapy (doxorubicin followed by paclitaxel or vice versa) on tumor imaging. The study cohort consisted of the first 31 patients (age range, 31-65 years; mean, 45 years) who completed the protocol. All underwent physical examination, mammography, sonography, and MRI before and after receiving each neoadjuvant chemotherapeutic drug. Imaging studies were reviewed by two radiologists using conventional lexicons for lesion analysis, and the findings were compared with clinical response and pathology results. RESULTS: Complete, partial, and stable clinical response as defined by clinical examination was seen in 15, 14, and two of the 31 patients, respectively. Agreement rates about the degree of response were 32%, 48%, and 55%, respectively, for mammography, sonography, and MRI compared with clinical evaluation and did not differ statistically. Agreement about the rate of response as measured by clinical examination, mammography, sonography, and MRI compared with the gold standard (pathology) was 19%, 26%, 35%, and 71%, respectively. Of the four, MRI agreed with the gold standard significantly more often (p < 0.002 for all three paired comparisons with MRI). When there was disagreement with the gold standard, none of the four exhibited a significant tendency to either under- or overestimate. CONCLUSION: MRI appears to provide the best correlation with pathology-better than physical examination, mammography, and sonography-in patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy. However, MRI may overestimate (6%) or underestimate (23%) residual disease in approximately 29% of the patients (95% confidence interval, 14-48%).  相似文献   

目的:探讨数字化乳腺摄影在小乳癌诊断中的优越性。方法:经手术病理证实的小乳癌57例,采用数字化乳腺摄影及普通钼靶摄影方法。结果:数字化乳腺摄影诊断51例,其敏感性、特异性、准确性分别为89.4%、95.O%、90.9%;普通钼靶摄影术前诊断46例,其敏感性、特异性、准确性分别为80.7%、85.O%、81.8%。结论:在小乳癌诊断中。数字化乳腺摄影在敏感性、特异性、准确性方面均优于普通钼靶摄影。  相似文献   

乳腺癌X线影像学表现与病理对照研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
目的:分析乳腺癌影像学特征和病理表现,揭示影像病理基础,提高影像诊断的准确性。方法:50例病人均经影像学检查及手术病理证实,在镜下观察病灶内部、边缘及周围结构。结果:50例乳腺癌中肿块影21例,微小钙化24例,致密影9例,星芒影3例,局部结构紊乱9例,血管影增多、增粗7例;病理为浸润性导管癌22例,单纯癌21例,大汗腺样癌3例,粘液腺癌2例,乳头状癌1例,小叶浸润癌1例。结论:致密影、星芒征可作为早期乳腺癌的特征影像学表现,结构紊乱、血管影增多及增粗是乳腺癌重要的影像学间接征象。  相似文献   

We compared the results of endoscopic sonography and CT in the preoperative staging of 46 patients with esophageal carcinoma studied prospectively. All patients had surgery and 44 had pathologic examination of the mediastinal and celiac lymph nodes. The results of CT and endoscopic sonography were compared with surgical and pathologic findings. A total of 51 tumors were found in 46 patients. Sonographic estimation of tumor extension through the different layers of the esophagus was correct in 37 (73%) of all 51 tumors and in 22 (85%) of the 26 tumors in which the examination was complete. The echoendoscope (13-mm diameter) could not pass through the tumor in 23 cases (50%). Infiltration to adjacent organs was found in 15 cases at surgery. In four of these 15, the extension was detected by CT; in seven of the 15 cases, it was detected by sonography. False-negative determination of tumor extension occurred with endoscopic sonography in patients with stenotic tumor. There were no false-positive results with either CT or endoscopic sonography. For detection of mediastinal lymph-node involvement, the sensitivity of CT was 48%. The sensitivity of sonography was 50% if metastatic nodes unexplored by sonography were included, or 84% if only cases in which stenosis was passed were considered. Statistical comparison revealed that sonography was superior to CT for the detection of metastases to lymph nodes. CT and endoscopic sonography provide complementary information. When the echoendoscope can be maneuvered past the tumor, sonography can be used accurately to define extension through the layers of the esophagus, extension to the adjacent organs, and involvement of the lymph nodes. When the tumor cannot be passed by the echoendoscope, CT is superior to sonography for detection of mediastinal extension.  相似文献   

The accuracy of MR imaging with Gd-DTPA enhancement was compared with mammography and ultrasonography in 52 patients with clinically palpable benign and malignant breast masses (36 carcinomas, 2 malignant phyllodes tumors, 7 fibroadenomas, 7 cysts). On dynamic MR imaging, carcinomas and fibroadenomas were discriminated by their different dynamic enhancement profiles. In carcinomas, signal intensity increased rapidly, reaching a peak or plateau within 2 min after the injection of contrast medium. In fibroadenomas, signal intensity showed a much slower continuous increase without ceasing until about 8 min after injection. Malignant phyllodes tumors showed a dynamic enhancement profile identical to that of benign fibroadenomas. MR imaging correctly identified 84% of malignant tumors, 86% of fibroadenomas, and 100% of cysts, and was substantially more accurate in tissue characterization than mammography. The results of ultrasonography were highly similar to those of MR imaging. However, no single modality was infallible, and the three modalities were complementary rather than competitive. Considering the high cost and long examination time of MR imaging, mammography supplemented by ultrasonography seems to be the method of choice in the diagnosis of breast lesions. Nevertheless, MR imaging can add important information when the results of mammography and ultrasonography are insufficient or contradictory.  相似文献   



To determine the performance of combined single-view mediolateral oblique (MLO) digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) plus single-view cranio-caudal (CC) mammography (MX) compared with that of standard two-view digital mammography.


A multi-reader multi-case (MRMC) receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) study was conducted, involving six breast radiologists. Two hundred fifty patients underwent bilateral MX and DBT imaging. MX and DBT images with the adjunct of the CC-MX view from 469 breasts were evaluated and rated independently by six readers. Differences in mean areas under the ROC curves (AUCs), mean sensitivity and mean specificity were analysed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) to assess clinical performance.


The combined technique was found to be non-inferior to standard two-view mammography (MX(CC+MLO)) in mean AUC (difference: +0.021;95 % LCL = ?0.011), but was not statistically significant for superiority (P?=?0.197). The combined technique had equivalent sensitivity to standard mammography (76.2 % vs. 72.8 %, P?=?0.269) and equivalent specificity (84.9 % vs. 83.0 %, P?=?0.130). Specificity for benign lesions was significantly higher with the combination of techniques versus mammography (45.6 % vs. 36.8 %, P?=?0.002).


In this enriched study population, the combination of single-view MLO tomosynthesis plus single-view CC mammography was non-inferior to that of standard two-view digital mammography in terms of ROC curve area, sensitivity and specificity.

Key Points

? Breast tomosynthesis (DBT) has emerged as a valuable adjunct to mammography (MX). ? Combination DBT/MX demonstrated non-inferior clinical performance to standard two-view MX. ? Combination DBT/MX was superior to two-view MX in recognising benign lesions. ? Combination DBT/MX reduced variability compared with two-view MX.  相似文献   

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