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目的评价WHO发布的骨折风险评估工具FRAX对南京地区中老年人群的适用性,预测本地区不同性别组中老年人群的骨折风险,讨论联合股骨颈BMD及既往骨折病史对于FRAX的影响。材料和方法对1383例南京地区中老年人群进行分组性研究。输入相关资料及FRAX工具中所包含的危险因素,计算10年内髋部骨折及全身骨质疏松性骨折风险概率,比较骨折既往病史人群及髋部BMD对FRAX预测结果影响。结果南京地区女性中老年人群未来10年内骨折风险远高于同年龄组男性;伴随年龄增大,髋部及全身骨折风险概率均同步增高;有既往骨折史的老年人群10年内再发骨折风险远高于无骨折史人群。除外既往骨折史,联合或不联合BMD后预测髋部及全身骨折结果无显著性差异。结论 FRAX工具可以对南京中老年人群骨折风险做出有效评估,联合髋部BMD值后获取的FRAX预测在既往骨折或未骨折患者中均具有临床应用价值。 相似文献
目的探讨FRAX骨折风险预测工具评价呼和浩特蒙古族与汉族人群的骨折风险性的临床应用性。方法选取2016年1月至2016年6月在我院检查者435例(蒙古族56例,汉族379例),收集FRAX风险评估工具所需各项危险因素,输入FRAX中国版,计算10年内主要部位(包括髋部、脊柱、肱骨近端及腕部)及髋部骨折的概率,比较不同民族FRAX预测值。结果354例女性研究对象中,蒙古族女性未来10年主要部位骨折概率1.1%~20.5%,髋部骨折概率0%~13%,汉族女性未来10年主要部位骨折概率1.1%~28.8%,髋部骨折概率0%~27%。81例男性研究对象中,蒙古族男性未来10年主要部位骨折概率1.2%~7.3%,髋部骨折概率0%~4%,汉族男性未来10年主要部位骨折概率1.1%~17.7%,髋部骨折概率0%~6.8%。蒙古族与汉族主要部位骨折及髋部骨折概率之间比较无明显差异(P0.05),然而蒙古族人群股骨颈及腰椎骨密度显著高于汉族人群(P0.05)。结论呼和浩特地区蒙古族人群未来10年髋部骨折与主要部位骨折风险性与汉族人群未表现出明显差异。 相似文献
目的 通过对国内已发表使用FRAX工具进行骨折风险评估的相关文献进行分析评价,寻找更适合国人的FRAX评估骨折风险的国内阈值。方法 检索2021年4月以前的中国知网与万方数据库,主题词为“FRAX”,检索筛选出有具体FRAX计算结果、样本量≥30例和以国人为研究对象的文献,由2名评价者单独进行资料提取,做出文献质量评价后,摘录文中相关数据,采用SPSS 17.0软件进行统计分析。结果 共检索到216篇相关文献,其中19篇文献符合标准,包括20508例次数据,其中男性11632例,女性8876例。将男女的结果分开统计计算,使用FRAX工具评估10年全身多部位骨折发生概率(PMOF),其中女性为(4.01±1.57)%,男性为(2.94±1.91)%,使用FRAX工具评估10年内髋部骨折风险概率(PHF),其中女性为(1.25±0.68)%,男性为(1.09±0.75)%,男女在10年内PMOF及PHF的差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 国内FRAX工具估算10年PMOF和PHF与国外指南存在差异,PMOF推荐男性参考3%、女性参考4%;PHF推荐男性参考1%,女性参考1.25%。 相似文献
目的评价WHO发布的骨折风险评估工具FRAX对北京地区中老年人群的适用性,预测北京地区不同性别及年龄亚组中老年人群的骨折风险,讨论既往骨折病史对于FRAX的影响。方法对3021例北京地区中老年人群进行分组性研究。输入相关资料及FRAX工具中所包含的危险因素,计算未来10年内发生全身骨质疏松性骨折及髋部骨折的风险概率,比较既往骨折病史人群对FRAX预测结果影响。结果北京地区女性中老年人群未来10年内骨折风险远高于同年龄组男性;伴随年龄增大,未来10年内发生全身骨质疏松性骨折及髋部骨折的风险概率不分性别均同步增高。有既往骨折病史的老年人群10年内再发骨折风险远高于无骨折史人群。结论利用FRAX工具可以对北京地区中老年人群骨折风险做出有效评估,针对于不同性别、不同年龄亚组的人群,联合髋部BMD值后获取的FRAX预测在既往骨折或未骨折患者中均具有临床应用价值。FRAX评估工具在骨质疏松的诊断、治疗及预后评价等方面具有良好的临床应用价值。 相似文献
目的应用FRAX工具模拟评估中国、日本、德国三国人群的10年内重要部位骨折概率(PMOF)及10年内髋部骨折概率(PHF),分析比较不同国家的骨折风险性差异,分析比较各国骨折风险与年龄、性别的变化关系。方法收集2976例受检者FRAX骨折风险评估危险因素11项及股骨颈骨密度BMD,应用FRAX骨折风险评估网站分别模拟评估中国、日本、德国三国模式下PMOF、PHF,采用两独立样本t检验及Mann-Whitney U检验分别对三国数据进行两两比较,并观察三国PMOF、PHF性别间差异及随年龄的变化趋势。结果 1)三国不论男性、女性,均表现为PMOF在40~49岁中国最小、德国最大,50岁以上中国最小、日本最大,且差异有统计学意义。PHF在40岁~59岁日本最小、德国最大,60岁以上中国最小、德国最大,且差异有统计学意义。(2)三国不论男性、女性,PMOF、PHF均随年龄的增长而增长,仅中国在80岁以上年龄组两者概率有所下降。三国50岁以后女性10年内骨质疏松性骨折概率均大于男性,且女性PMOF、PHF概率增长的速度明显大于男性。结论骨质疏松性骨折的发生概率存在地域差异,在同等条件下,欧洲国家发生骨质疏松性骨折的概率大于亚洲国家,发达国家骨折的概率大于发展中国家。骨质疏松性骨折的发生概率随年龄增长而增长,女性较男性更易发生骨质疏松性骨折。 相似文献
目的 探讨骨折危险性评估工具(FRAX)评估系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)患者骨质疏松性骨折风险并进行相关因素分析.方法 纳入2018年1月至2019年6月我院治疗的90例SLE患者以及60例正常体检人员,分别设为研究组与对照组.采用双能X线骨密度仪测定骨密度,比较两组骨密度差异;采用FRAX评估SLE患者骨质疏松性骨折风险... 相似文献
刘素香 《中国骨质疏松杂志》2016,(11):1488-1490, 1495
骨质疏松性骨折是骨质疏松最严重的后果,世界卫生组织推荐使用简单易行的骨折风险预测工具FRAX评估患者的骨折风险,针对高风险人群进行及时干预,大大降低其危害。国外有关FRAX应用研究逐渐精细和深入,有关FRAX在不同疾病患者中的适用性,及结合、不结合股骨颈BMD对FRAX预测结果影响的研究逐渐增多。本文就FRAX在国外类风湿关节炎、绝经后女性和糖尿病患者中的应用现状进行综述,FRAX在不同病种的应用为临床医生及护士积极采取防治及护理措施提供决策和依据。 相似文献
目的对行DXA检查的藏族、汉族患者同时行FRAX骨折风险预测评估,比较DXA检查提示骨质疏松检出率及FRAX评估提示高骨折风险率在藏汉两族患者间检出的差异;探讨FRAX骨折风险预测工具应用于藏族骨质疏松患者的临床价值。方法选取2017年9~10月到我院骨密度室行DXA检查的患者252例(藏族128例,汉族124例),对上述患者进行FRAX评估,估算其未来10年主要部位骨折风险、髋部骨折风险(使用中国香港测评系统, https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/FRAX/)。采用SPSS 19.0统计软件,正态性分布的计量资料以均数±标准差表示,非正态分布计量以中位数和四分间距位表示。组间比较独立样本t检验;诊断能力的评价指标用敏感性、特异性、Youden index表示。结果藏族患者平均DXA T/Z值水平高于汉族,但二者髋部骨折风险、主要部位骨折风险均无明显区别。藏族患者FRAX未来10年髋部主要骨折风险≥3%为治疗阈值时Youden index=0.4465。以主要部位骨折概率≥20%作为诊断标准时在藏族患者中敏感性为16.67%,在汉族患者中敏感性为12.5%,以髋部骨折风险概率≥3%,在藏族患者中敏感性为55.56%,在汉族患者中敏感性为37.5%。FRAX在评估藏族、汉族患者髋部及主要骨折部位骨折风险时,以主要部位骨折概率≥20%作为诊断标准,在藏、汉两族患者中特异性均为100%。以髋部骨折风险概率≥3%,在藏族患者中特异性为89.09%,在汉族患者中特异性为92%。结论 FRAX对于藏族患者骨折风险有较好的评估效能,使用未来10年髋部主要骨折风险≥3%为治疗阈值有较高的临床价值。在部分贫困藏区,当临床医生通过FRAX评估出高骨折风险(FRAX-M≥20%,FRAX-H≥3%)时,建议积极将患者转诊至上级医院进行及时诊疗。 相似文献
目的评估FRAX■工具对江苏镇江地区中老年人骨质疏松性骨折的预测价值。方法对1070例江苏镇江地区中老年人群进行分组性研究,应用FRAX■工具计算未来10年主要骨质疏松性骨折(probability of major osteoporosis fracture,PMOF)和髋部骨折的概率(probability of hip fracture,PHF),分析年龄、体质量指数、有无骨质疏松性骨折史以及不同骨量对FRAX预测结果的影响。结果随着年龄的增长10年内PMOF和PHF同步增加;随着体重指数的增加,10年内PMOF和PHF同步下降;有骨质疏松性骨折史的人群10年内PMOF和PHF明显增加;随着骨量下降,10年内PMOF和PHF逐渐增加;不同骨量受人群在不同骨质疏松骨折风险组中的分布不同。在骨质疏松性骨折高风险人群中,骨质疏松者占78.1%,低骨量者占20.7%,正常骨量者占1.3%。结论FRAX■工具可用于江苏镇江地区中老年人群骨质疏松骨折风险的评估。FRAX■工具可能低估了低骨量人群的骨质疏松性骨折的风险,该工具对中老年低骨量人群的预测价值值得进一步研究。 相似文献
目的探讨北京南郊地区不同性别成年人非优势手臂桡骨远端骨密度及骨折风险预测工具FRAX计算出的全身骨折风险与身体质量指数(body mass index,BMI)及年龄之间的关系。方法回顾性分析2015年1月至2017年6月期间在我院接受双能X线骨密度检测(DEXA)的体检人群2 680名作为研究对象,其中男性944名,女性1 736名,收集相关临床指标,计算BMI值,检测受检者非优势手臂的桡骨远端骨密度,登录网站计算FRAX骨折风险评分。按年龄及BMI分组,采用方差分析的方法分别研究桡骨远端骨密度及FRAX骨折风险评分与BMI及年龄之间的关系。采用最小显著性差异法(least significant difference,LSD)分别比较BMI各组及各年龄组桡骨远端骨密度和FRAX骨折风险评分的组间差异。结果 (1)北京南郊地区成年人非优势手臂桡骨远端骨密度(bone mineral density,BMD)随年龄增高而降低,FRAX骨折风险评分即10年内发生全身骨质疏松性骨折的概率(probability of a major osteoporotic fracture,PMOF)随年龄增高而增高,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05),且各年龄组骨密度BMD值男性均高于女性,PMOF男性均低于女性,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。(2)北京南郊地区成年人非优势手臂桡骨远端骨密度BMD随BMI的升高呈而增高,且差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。不论性别,PMOF在BMI为24~27.9(超重组)达高峰,正常体重组及肥胖组均低于超重组。(3)BMI各组中男性BMD值均高于女性,PMOF各BMI组中男性均低于女性,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论桡骨远端骨密度BMD及PMOF与受检者性别、年龄、BMI均相关,其中同等年龄及BMI情况下,女性的骨折风险均高于男性;随着年龄增长,骨密度降低,骨折风险增加;随着BMI的增高,骨密度BMD逐渐增高,但此时骨折风险不随BMD的增高而降低,而表现为超重人群骨折风险最高,正常体重人群骨折风险最低,故超重亦是使骨折风险增加的危险因素。通过利用FRAX软件,测量桡骨远端骨密度的高低并充分考虑性别、年龄、BMI等因素可有效评估患者的骨折风险。 相似文献
Elisabeth Sornay‐Rendu Françoise Munoz Pierre D Delmas Roland D Chapurlat 《Journal of bone and mineral research》2010,25(10):2101-2107
The FRAX tool estimates an individual's fracture probability over 10 years from clinical risk factors with or without bone mineral density (BMD) measurement. The aim of our study was to compare the predicted fracture probabilities and the observed incidence of fracture in French women during a 10‐year follow‐up. The probabilities of fracture at four major sites (hip, clinical spine, shoulder, or wrist) and at the hip were calculated with the FRAX tool in 867 women aged 40 years and over from the Os des Femmes de Lyon (OFELY) cohort.The incidence of fracture was observed over 10 years. Thus 82 women sustained 95 incident major osteoporotic (OP) fractures including 17 fractures at the hip. In women aged at least 65 years (n = 229), the 10‐year predicted probabilities of fracture with BMD were 13% for major OP fractures and 5% for hip fractures, contrasting with 3.6% and 0.5% in women younger than 65 years (p < .0001). The predicted probabilities of both major OP and hip fractures were significantly higher in women with osteoporosis (n = 77, 18% and 10%) and osteopenia (n= 390, 6% and 2%) compared with women with normal BMD (n = 208, 3% and <1%; p < .0001. The predicted probabilities of fracture were two and five times higher in women who sustained an incident major OP fracture and a hip fracture compared with women who did not (p < .0001). Nevertheless, among women aged at least 65 years with low BMD values (T‐score ≤ –1; n = 199), the 10‐year predicted probability of major OP fracture with BMD was 48% lower than the observed incidence of fractures (p < .01). A 10‐year probability of major OP fracture higher than 12% identified more women with incident fractures than did BMD in the osteoporotic range (p < .05). In French women from the OFELY cohort, the observed incidence of fragility fractures over 10 years increased with age following a pattern similar to the predicted probabilities given by the FRAX tool. However, in women aged at least 65 years with low BMD, the observed incidence of fractures was substantially higher than the predicted probability. © 2010 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. 相似文献
Risedronate decreases fracture risk in patients selected solely on the basis of prior vertebral fracture 总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3
The aim of this study was to examine the effects of risedronate (5 mg/daily) in patients identified solely on the basis of a prior fragility fracture, without BMD as an inclusion criterion. A total of 1,802 patients were examined from the VERT-NA and VERT-MN clinical trials. Lateral radiographs (T4 to L4) were obtained at baseline and annually; incident fractures were evaluated using quantitative and semiquantitative methods at the central facility. BMD was measured at the lumbar spine and femoral neck by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Secondary analyses evaluated vertebral fracture efficacy in patient subgroups categorized according to the presence of risk factors for osteoporosis at baseline (age, femoral neck BMD, lumbar spine BMD, more severe BMD, height, weight, body mass index, prevalent nonvertebral fracture status, smoking, and bone turnover marker levels). Over 3 years, risedronate reduced the risk of new vertebral fractures by 44% (95% CI, 28% to 56%) compared with placebo. In patients subgrouped according to the presence or absence of putative risk factors, the efficacy of risedronate was comparable across all groups (all treatment-by-non BMD subgroup interactions p0.210). Adjustment for age, baseline BMD, and prevalent vertebral fractures on fracture risk gave results similar to the unadjusted analysis. In patients taking placebo, the incidence of new vertebral fracture was higher in several of the high-risk categories (elderly, T-score –2.5 SD). In conclusion, the findings of this study suggest that risedronate is effective in patients identified solely on the basis of a prior fragility fracture and that the efficacy of risedronate in the reduction of vertebral fractures is largely independent of the presence of clinical risk factors for osteoporotic fracture.Abbreviations LS Lumbar spine - VERT-MN Vertebral Efficacy with Risedronate Therapy Multinational - VERT-NA Vertebral Efficacy with Risedronate Therapy North American 相似文献
目的探讨北京南郊地区中老年人FRAX评估未来10年全身骨折风险PMOF、骨密度BMD、骨代谢相关指标指标25(OH)D3、PTH、N-MID等在年龄、性别、体质指数之间的差异及变化趋势,研究PMOF、骨密度与各骨代谢相关生化指标之间的相关性。方法收集接受DXA桡骨远端骨密度(BMD)检查的体检人群1133例,代入FRAX骨折风险评估工具计算全身主要部位骨折概率(PMOF),收集相应骨代谢生化指标:25-羟维生素D3[25(OH)D_3],血清骨钙素N端中分子片段(N-MID),甲状旁腺素(PTH)、血钙(Ca)、血磷(P)、血清碱性磷酸酶(ALP)等。分析比较各指标随年龄的变化趋势,比较各年龄组各指标性别间差异;分析比较不同性别、各年龄组中各指标在不同体质指数之间的差异及其变化趋势;采用多元逐步回归法分别分析未来10年骨折风险概率(PMOF)、BMD与各因素、各生化指标之间的相关回归关系。结果非优势手臂桡骨远端1/3处骨密度BMD随年龄增长而降低,各年龄组男性BMD值均大于女性,PMOF随年龄增长而增加,各年龄组男性PMOF均小于女性,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);各年龄组25(OH)D_3水平男性均大于女性,50岁以上年龄组N-MID男性均小于女性,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);多元逐步回归分析中BMD与年龄、N-MID呈负相关,与BMI为正相关,男性大于女性;PMOF与BMD、年龄呈负相关,与BMI、N-MID呈正相关,男性小于女性;在不同性别、各年龄组中BMI正常组的PMOF最低,超重组最高,差异有统计学意义。其他生化指标与BMD、PMOF之间的相关关系不显著(P0.05)。结论 BMD、PMOF与性别、年龄、BMI、骨钙素均相关,其中女性OF的风险均高于男性;BMD随年龄增长而降低,骨折风险增加;BMD与BMI呈正相关,但PMOF表现为超重人群骨折风险最高,故超重亦是使骨折风险增加的危险因素。随血清骨钙素增高,BMD降低,骨折风险增高,可在一定程度上反映骨组织的新陈代谢情况。关注骨代谢生化指标变化可在一定程度上预判骨密度及PMOF水平,对骨质疏松及其骨折的的早发现、早诊断、早预防和早治疗提供一定参考及理论依据。 相似文献
骨质疏松性骨折是骨质疏松症最常见和最严重的并发症。骨质疏松患者一旦发生骨折,严重影响其生活质量,可致残或致死,而由此产生的治疗和护理费用给家庭及社会带来巨大的负担,因此进行骨折风险评估、预防骨质疏松性骨折显得尤为重要。WHO推荐FRAX作为骨折风险的预测工具,国外对此已有诸多报道,而国内使用FRAX评估骨折风险的研究尚处于起步阶段,相关报道仍较少。本文就FRAX在国内各类疾病患者、不同地区的应用现状作一综述,旨在探讨FRAX对国人的适用性,预测未来骨折风险,降低骨折发生率、提高生活质量。 相似文献
Meghan G. Donaldson Lisa Palermo John T. Schousboe Kristine E. Ensrud Marc C. Hochberg Steven R. Cummings 《Journal of bone and mineral research》2009,24(11):1793-1799
The validity of the WHO 10‐yr probability of major osteoporotic fracture model (FRAX) for prediction of vertebral fracture has not been tested. We analyzed how well FRAX for major osteoporotic fractures, with and without femoral neck BMD (FN BMD), predicted the risk of vertebral fracture. We also compared the predictive validity of FRAX, FN BMD, and prevalent vertebral fracture detected by radiographs at baseline alone or in combination to predict future vertebral fracture. We analyzed data from the placebo groups of FIT (3.8‐yr follow‐up, n = 3221) with ORs and areas under receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves (AUC). FRAX with and without FN BMD predicted incident radiographic vertebral fracture. The AUC was significantly greater for FRAX with FN BMD (AUC = 0.71) than FRAX without FN BMD (AUC = 0.68; p = 0.002). Prevalent vertebral fracture plus age and FN BMD (AUC = 0.76) predicted incident radiographic vertebral fracture as well as a combination of prevalent vertebral fracture and FRAX with FN BMD (AUC = 0.75; p = 0.76). However, baseline vertebral fracture status plus age and FN BMD (AUC = 0.76) predicted incident radiographic vertebral fracture significantly better than FRAX with FN BMD (AUC = 0.71; p = 0.0017). FRAX for major osteoporotic fractures (with and without FN BMD) predicts vertebral fracture. However, once FN BMD and age are known, the eight additional risk factors in FRAX do not significantly improve the prediction of vertebral fracture. A combination of baseline radiographic vertebral fracture, FN BMD, and age is the strongest predictor of future vertebral fracture. 相似文献
目的探讨应用FRAX联合腰椎或股骨颈骨密度评估中老年女性骨折风险。方法选取2017年3月至2018年6月在连云港市第一人民医院行骨密度检查的女性337例,收集其个人基本信息、FRAX风险评估值及腰椎和股骨颈骨密度,按照骨密度及年龄分组,根据上述资料计算10年内主要部位骨质疏松性骨折概率和10年内髋部骨折概率,比较FRAX联合腰椎或股骨颈骨密度评估骨折风险的差异。结果无论代入股骨颈骨密度还是腰椎骨密度计算骨折风险,骨质疏松组的骨折风险均高于骨量减少组(P0.05);②无论是在骨质疏松组还是在骨量减少组,采用股骨颈骨密度计算的骨折风险均高于采用腰椎骨密度计算的值(P0.05)。③进一步分析显示,不同年龄组采用股骨颈骨密度计算出的骨折风险均高于采用腰椎骨密度计算的值(P0.05)。结论对于不同年龄组的骨量异常女性,FRAX联合股骨颈骨密度预测的骨折风险高于联合腰椎骨密度预测的骨折风险。 相似文献
Florence A Trémollieres Jean‐Michel Pouillès Nicolas Drewniak Jacques Laparra Claude A Ribot Patricia Dargent‐Molina 《Journal of bone and mineral research》2010,25(5):1002-1009
The aim of this prospective study was (1) to identify significant and independent clinical risk factors (CRFs) for major osteoporotic (OP) fracture among peri‐ and early postmenopausal women, (2) to assess, in this population, the discriminatory capacity of FRAX and bone mineral density (BMD) for the identification of women at high risk of fracture, and (3) to assess whether adding risk factors to either FRAX or BMD would improve discriminatory capacity. The study population included 2651 peri‐ and early postmenopausal women [mean age (± SD): 54 ± 4 years] with a mean follow‐up period of 13.4 years (±1.4 years). At baseline, a large set of CRFs was recorded, and vertebral BMD was measured (Lunar, DPX) in all women. Femoral neck BMD also was measured in 1399 women in addition to spine BMD. Women with current or past OP treatment for more than 3 months at baseline (n = 454) were excluded from the analyses. Over the follow‐up period, 415 women sustained a first low‐energy fracture, including 145 major OP fractures (108 wrist, 44 spine, 20 proximal humerus, and 13 hip). In Cox multivariate regression models, only 3 CRFs were significant predictors of a major OP fracture independent of BMD and age: a personal history of fracture, three or more pregnancies, and current postmenopausal hormone therapy. In the subsample of women who had a hip BMD measurement and who were not receiving OP therapy (including hormone‐replacement therapy) at baseline, mean FRAX value was 3.8% (±2.4%). The overall discriminative value for fracture, as measured by the area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC), was equal to 0.63 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.56–0.69] and 0.66 (95% CI 0.60–0.73), respectively, for FRAX and hip BMD. Sensitivity of both tools was low (ie, around 50% for 30% of the women classified as the highest risk). Adding parity to the predictive model including FRAX or using a simple risk score based on the best predictive model in our population did not significantly improve the discriminatory capacity over BMD alone. Only a limited number of clinical risk factors were found associated with the risk of major OP fracture in peri‐ and early postmenopausal women. In this population, the FRAX tool, like other risk scores combining CRFs to either BMD or FRAX, had a poor sensitivity for fracture prediction and did not significantly improve the discriminatory value of hip BMD alone. © 2010 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research 相似文献