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Optimal baseball throwing mechanics require a significant contribution of thoracolumbar motion, particularly in the sagittal and transverse planes. This motion is key for proper transmission of forces from the lower to upper extremity, thereby minimizing a throwing athlete''s risk of injury and maximizing athletic performance.


To define the active‐assisted thoracolumbar ROM of both baseball pitchers and position players and to compare these motions both within and between groups.


Fifty‐six asymptomatic, collegiate and minor league baseball pitchers and 42 position players volunteered to participate. Active‐assisted thoracolumbar flexion, extension, and bilateral rotation ROM, were measured in a standing position, using two bubble inclinometers. Two‐tailed t tests were used to determine differences in ROM between and within the pitchers and position players.


The pitchers had significantly more rotation to the non‐throwing arm side as compared to the position players (p = .007, effect size = .61). The pitchers also had more rotation to the non‐throwing arm side as compared to their throwing side (p = .006, effect size = .47). There were no other significant differences between the pitchers and the position players (p > .53). Furthermore, the position players did not have a side‐to‐side rotation difference (p = .99).


Pitchers have a greater amount of rotation ROM towards the non‐throwing arm side as compared to position players. Pitchers also have a greater amount of rotation ROM to the non‐throwing arm side as compared to their throwing side rotation. Because pitchers often present with posterior shoulder tightness and subsequent altered shoulder horizontal adduction and internal rotation ROM, the increase in non‐throwing side rotation ROM may occur in response to these adaptations. More specifically, this increase in non‐throwing side trunk rotation ROM may allow such athletes to bring the arm across the body during the follow‐through phase of the throwing motion despite posterior shoulder tightness. However, future research is necessary to investigate this relationship. Based on these results, clinicians should consider these thoracolumbar ROM adaptations in the prevention, evaluation, and treatment of baseball players.

Level of Evidence:

2b  相似文献   

Background/Purpose:Greater humeral retroversion has been associated with shoulder and elbow injuries. Methods for measuring torsion include radiography, computed tomography (CT) and sonography (US) which may be costly or unavailable. A palpation method might be a reliable alternative to imaging techniques. The purpose of the current study was to examine the construct validity of the palpation technique for humeral torsion by (1) determining if a side‐to‐side difference in humeral torsion (HT) could be detected in a cohort of baseball pitchers using the palpation technique and (2) compare the side‐to‐side difference in HT obtained through the palpation method to the US method.Hypothesis:Clinical assessment of HT by palpation is reliable and is as accurate as sonographic HT measurements among overhead athletes.Methods:Twenty collegiate and high school pitchers were assessed. Bilateral shoulder passive external rotation (ER) and internal rotation (IR) range of motion were measured. Humeral torsion was indirectly measured using sonographic and palpatory methods. Paired t‐tests were used to determine HT side‐to‐side difference measured by US versus palpation. Pearson''s correlation coefficient (r) was used to determine the relationship between HT side‐to‐side difference detected by palpation and US, and relationships among IR and ER of the shoulder and HT side to‐side difference measurements.Results:There was significantly greater HT in dominant versus nondominant arm assessed by both palpation (5°±5, p=0.0004) and ultrasound (9°±11, p=0.0007). There was a positive correlation between both methods of HT measurement (r = 0.522, p=0.018). Palpation significantly underestimated HT as compared to US measurements (difference 4°±9, p=0.048). Difference in IR between shoulders correlated with HT measured by palpation (r=‐0.651, p=0.002) and US (r=0.569, p=0.009). Increased ER in the dominant versus nondominant arm correlated with the side‐to‐side difference in HT measured by both palpation (r = 0.509, p=0.02) and US (r = 0.602, p=0.005).Conclusion:Greater HT on the dominant versus nondominant shoulder via palpation indicated this method can be used to assess HT in pitchers. HT assessed by palpation correlated with HT assessed by US. However, the magnitude of side‐to‐side difference in HT was smaller with palpation compared to US, and the two techniques should not be used interchangeably. Nevertheless, assessment of HT via palpation is a reliable and practical method and its use should be encouraged.Level of Evidence:Level 3, measurement study.  相似文献   



The sleeper stretch is a common intervention prescribed for individuals with decreased glenohumeral internal rotation. Passive glenohumeral internal rotation (GHIR) when quantified in sidelying has been suggested to be a more reliable measure as compared to measurments performed in supine with the humerus abducted to 908. Recently, the sidelying position has also been proposed as an evaluative measure to quantify GHIR. Minimal work however has described mean GHIR values in sidelying. Therefore, the objective of this study was to establish preliminary mean passive GHIR values in sidelying for a healthy, college‐age population. Secondary purposes were to ascertain if mean values were affected by upper extremity dominance or sex.


Using a standardized protocol, passive GHIR was measured using a digital inclinometer on the dominant and non‐dominant shoulders of 60 healthy, college‐age participants (32 female [20.66±1.15 years, 170.70±14.38 cm, 63.34±7.51 kg] and 28 male [21.50±1.40 years, 183.81±13.17 cm, 90.04±17.91 kg]).


The sidelying passive GHIR grand mean for all participants bilaterally was 50.4 ± 11.78. Mean passive GHIR values on the non‐dominant side (52.7 ± 10.28) were greater than those on the dominant side (48.0 ± 12.58) (p = 0.002). There was no difference when GHIR values were compared by sex (p = 0.327) and a significant interaction between UE dominance and sex was not apparent (p = 0.693).


In a healthy college age population, these preliminary data suggest GHIR values are statistically greater on the non‐dominant side and that sex does not significantly affect GHIR measures in a sidelying position.

Level of Evidence:

Level 3c  相似文献   

Background:Shoulder injuries in baseball related to throwing account for 60% of all baseball injuries and 75% of those throwing injuries occur in pitchers. Impingement is the beginning of a continuum of rotator cuff pathology that can result in pain and disability in pitchers. Identification of self‐reported measures and clinical tests that can indicate early pathology of shoulder impingement is needed for overhead athletes. Early identification of shoulder impingement is important to the long‐term health and function of these athletes.Hypothesis/Purpose:The purpose of this study was to determine if a correlation exists between self‐reported pain and disability using the Kerlan‐Jobe Orthopedic Clinic (KJOC) score and the Park Test‐Item Cluster (TIC) for subacromial impingement in college baseball pitchers. The research hypotheses are that there will be a correlation 1) between the KJOC score and the TIC by Park and 2) between the KJOC and the Hawkins‐Kennedy impingement, the painful arc, and the infraspinatus muscle strength tests individually.Design:Cross‐sectional pilot studyMethods:Twenty‐one collegiate baseball pitchers completed the KJOC and then were tested using the Park test‐item cluster.Data Analysis:Kruskal‐Wallis was used to test the relationship of individual demographics with KJOC scores. Spearman rho correlation was used to determine if the number of positive clinical tests in the Park TIC or with the individual tests within the TIC correlated with scores on the KJOC.Results:No significant relationships between KJOC scores and demographics were found. A significant moderate‐to‐good relationship was found between the painful arc test and the KJOC (r = −.601, p = 0.00) and a significant fair correlation was found between the number of positive tests within the Park TIC and KJOC (r = −.426, p = 0.05). No significant relationships were found between the Hawkins‐Kennedy and KJOC (r = −.348, p = 0.12) or between the infraspinatus strength test and KJOC (r = −.040, p = 0.86).Conclusion:The correlations between the painful arc test and the number of positive impingement tests with the composite score on the KJOC suggests a relationship between these two outcome measures, shoulder irritability, and decreased function in collegiate baseball pitchers. Of the three tests included in the Park TIC, the painful arc test was the only one with an independent significant correlation to the KJOC. The combination of impairment‐specific cluster testing and an activity‐focused self‐assessment tool could be utilized to identify potential pathology and alert the medical professional that assessment and intervention are necessary.Level of Evidence:Level 2 (Diagnosis)  相似文献   



Patellofemoral pain is a common condition without a clear mechanism for its presentation. Recently significant focus has been placed on the hip and its potential role in patellofemoral pain (PFP). The majority of the research has examined hip strength and neuromuscular control. Less attention has been given to hip mobility and its potential role in subjects with PFP.


The purpose of this study was to compare passive hip range of motion (ROM) of hip extension and hip internal and external rotation in subjects with PFP and healthy control subjects. The hypothesis was that subjects with PFP would present with less total hip ROM and greater asymmetry than controls.


Two groups, case controlled.


Clinical research laboratory


30 healthy subjects without pain, radicular symptoms or history of surgery in the low back or lower extremity joints and 30 subjects with a diagnosis of PFP.

Main Outcome Measures:

Passive hip extension, hip internal rotation (IR) and hip external rotation (ER). A digital inclinometer was used for measurements.


There was a statistically significant difference (p<0.001) in hip passive extension between the control group and the PFP group bilaterally. Mean hip extension for the control group was 6.8° bilaterally. For the PFP group, the mean hip extension was −4.0° on the left and −4.3° on the right. This corresponds to a difference of means between groups of 10.8° on the left and 11.1° on the right with a standard error of 2.1°. There was no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) in either hip IR or ER ROM or total rotation between or within groups.


The results of this study indicate that a significant difference in hip extension exists in subjects with PFP compared to controls. These findings suggest that passive hip extension is a variable that should be included within the clinical examination of people with PFP. It may be valuable to consider hip mobility restrictions and their potential impact on assessment of strength and planned intervention in subjects with PFP.

Level of Evidence:

2b  相似文献   

Background:Standardized testing of hip muscle strength and fatigue in the sagittal plane is important for assessing, treating and preventing a number of trunk and lower extremity pathologies. Furthermore, individuals displaying asymmetries of muscle strength between limbs are more likely to sustain an injury.Purpose:To evaluate the test-retest reliability of isometric strength and isokinetic fatigue measurements of the hip flexor and hip extensor muscles, and to examine whether there is a significant limb dominance effect on strength, fatigue and flexor-extensor ratios.Study design:Cross-sectional study.Methods:To evaluate reliability, 30 healthy individuals (33.2 + /- 13.1 years) were included. On a separate occasion, 24 healthy individuals (29.0 + /- 10.3 years) participated to assess between-limb differences. Reliability was established using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs), standard error of measurements (SEM) and minimal detectable change (MDC). Isometric strength (best peak torque of three maximal contractions; Nm/kg), isokinetic fatigue (total work of 20 consecutive maximal concentric flexor-extensor contractions at 120 °/s; Joule/kg), and flexor-extensor ratios, were recorded using a Biodex dynamometer.Results:Reliability was good-to-excellent (ICCs>0.83) and measurement errors were acceptable (SEM<13.6% and MDC%<37.8%). No significant between-limb differences in strength, fatigue and flexor-extensor ratios were detected.Conclusions:Isometric strength and isokinetic fatigue of the hip flexor and hip extensor muscles can be reliably assessed in healthy individuals using the Biodex dynamometer. Limb dominance did not significantly affect strength, fatigue or flexor-extensor ratios.Level of Evidence:2b  相似文献   



Hip range of motion is an important component in assessing clinical orthopedic conditions of the hip, low back and lower extremities. However it remains unclear as to what constitutes the best tool for clinical measurement. The purpose of this study was to investigate the concurrent validity of passive range of motion (ROM) measurements of hip extension and hip internal and external rotation using a digital inclinometer and goniometer.


Criterion Standard


Clinical research laboratory


30 healthy subjects without pain, radicular symptoms or history of surgery in the low back or hip regions.

Main Outcome Measures:

Passive hip range of motion for extension, hip internal rotation and hip external rotation. A digital inclinometer and universal goniometer were utilized as the tools for comparisons between measurements.


There was a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between the goniometer and digital inclinometer in measured hip ROM except for measurements of right hip external rotation (p > 0.05). The mean difference between the goniometer and digital inclinometer in left hip extension, internal rotation and external rotation were 3.5°, 4.5° and 5.0° respectively. The mean difference between the two devices in right hip extension, internal rotation and external rotation were 2.8°, 4.2° and 2.6° respectively. On average, the difference between the goniometer and digital inclinometer in extension was 3.2°, internal rotation was 4.5° and external rotation was 3.8°. The digital inclinometer had greater measurement during EXT and ER. Furthermore, there was no statistically significant difference (p > 0.05) in hip ROM between the left and right side for either goniometric or digital inclinometer measurements.


This results of this study indicate that a significant difference exists between the two devices in all measurements with exception of right hip extension. The differences were noted to be between 3–5 degrees for all planes measured. These findings suggest that caution should be used if these two devices are to be used interchangeably to quantify passive hip range of motion in either clinical practice or when comparing studies that utilize different instruments.

Level of Evidence:

2b  相似文献   



Low eccentric strength of the hip abductors, might increase the risk of patellofemoral pain syndrome and iliotibial band syndrome in runners. No normative values for maximal eccentric hip abduction strength have been established. Therefore the purpose of this study was to establish normative values of maximal eccentric hip abduction strength in novice runners.


Novice healthy runners (n = 831) were recruited through advertisements at a hospital and a university. Maximal eccentric hip abduction strength was measured with a hand–held dynamometer. The demographic variables associated with maximal eccentric hip abduction strength from a univariate analysis were included in a multivariate linear regression model. Based on the results from the regression model, a regression equation for normative hip abduction strength is presented.


A significant difference in maximal eccentric hip abduction strength was found between males and females: 1.62 ± 0.38 Nm/kg (SD) for males versus 1.41 ± 0.33 Nm/kg (SD) for females (p < 0.001). Age was associated with maximal eccentric hip abduction strength: per one year increase in age a ‐0.0045 ± 0.0013 Nm/kg (SD) decrease in strength was found, p < 0.001. Normative values were identified using a regression equation adjusting for age and gender. Based on this, the equation to calculate normative values for relative eccentric hip abduction strength became: (1.600 + (age * ‐0.005) + (gender (1 = male / 0 = female) * 0.215) ± 1 or 2 * 0.354) Nm/kg.


Normative values for maximal eccentric hip abduction strength in novice runners can be calculated by taking into account the differences in strength across genders and the decline in strength that occurs with increasing age. Age and gender were associated with maximal eccentric hip abduction strength in novice runners, and these variables should be taken into account when evaluating eccentric hip abduction strength in this group of athletes.

Level of Evidence:

2A  相似文献   



There is little research on how the amount of shoulder joint range of motion, specifically glenohumeral rotation, may be related to the muscle strength of the rotator cuff muscles. A long held belief is that a joint with excessive range of motion needs sufficient muscular strength for stability. However, no studies have examined this concept.


The purpose of this study was to see if total arc of glenohumeral joint rotation (External rotation [ER]+Internal rotation [IR]) could predict peak isometric muscle strength of the IR or ER muscles of the shoulder.

Study Design

Cross‐sectional study design


Fifty‐three participants (41 females, 12 males) participated in the study. Passive glenohumeral joint internal rotation and external rotation motion was measured for each participant with a standard goniometer. Isometric muscle force of the ER and IR muscles were tested using a handheld dynamometer in three positions: end range ER, neutral 0°, and end range IR. Data were analyzed using a non‐parametric tree based regression method (CART) and then cross‐validated.


The results showed that those with an increased total arc of motion of glenohumeral rotation (greater than 165.0°) had less muscle isometric muscle strength in all tests positions than those with less glenohumeral rotation.


Decreased force of the ER and IR muscles of the shoulder was noted in those with increased total arc glenohumeral rotation ( > 165.0°), specifically those with increased glenohumeral internal rotation ( > 80.0°) when compared to those with glenohumeral rotation ( < 165.0°) and glenohumeral internal rotation ( < 80.0°). Future studies should include more males and attempt to develop strategies to assist those with larger excursions of shoulder rotation who may be at risk of developing shoulder problems.

Level of Evidence

Level 2  相似文献   



A wide variety of hip abduction and hip external rotation exercises are used for training, both in athletic performance and in rehabilitation programming. Though several different exercises exist, a comprehensive understanding of which exercises best target the gluteus maximus (Gmax) and gluteus medius (Gmed) and the magnitude of muscular activation associated with each exercise is yet to be established.


The purpose of this systematic review was to quantify the electromyographic (EMG) activity of exercises that utilize the Gmax and Gmed muscles during hip abduction and hip external rotation.


Pubmed, Sports Discuss, Web of Science and Science Direct were searched using the Boolean phrases (gluteus medius OR gluteus maximus) AND (activity OR activation) AND (electromyography OR EMG) AND (hip abduction OR hip external rotation). A systematic approach was used to evaluate 575 articles. Articles that examined injury‐free participants of any age, gender or activity level were included. No restrictions were imposed on publication date or publication status. Articles were excluded when not available in English, where studies did not normalize EMG activity to maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC), where no hip abduction or external rotation motion occurred or where the motion was performed with high acceleration.


Twenty‐three studies met the inclusion criteria and were retained for analysis. The highest Gmax activity was elicited during the lateral step up, cross over step up and rotational single leg squat (ranging from 79 to 113 % MVIC). Gmed activity was highest during the side bridge with hip abduction, standing hip abduction with elastic resistance at the ankle and side lying hip abduction (ranging from 81 to 103 % MVIC).


The methodological approaches varied between studies, notably in the different positions used for obtaining MVIC, which could have dramatically impacted normalized levels of gluteal activation, while variation also occurred in exercise technique and/or equipment.


The findings from this review provide an indication for the amount of muscle activity generated by basic strengthening and rehabilitation exercises, which may assist practitioners in making decisions for Gmax and Gmed strengthening and injury rehabilitation programs.  相似文献   



Total arc of motion (TA) measured in a supine position has been utilized as a method to detect the presence of glenohumeral internal rotation deficit (GIRD) in overhead athletes. A component of supine TA is supine internal rotation (IR) range of motion (ROM), which has many variables including the amount and location of manual stabilization. A sidelying position for gathering IR ROM has recently been proposed and, when combined with supine external rotation (ER) ROM, constitutes a new method of quantifying TA. This new sidelying TA method, however, has no normative values for overhead athletes.


The purposes of this study were to develop normative values for sidelying TA in overhead athletes, determine any ROM difference between supine and sidelying TA, and examine side‐to‐side differences within the two TA methods. A secondary purpose of the study was to examine for any effect of gender or level of competition on the two TA methods.

Study Design

Cross‐sectional study.


Passive supine IR ROM, supine ER ROM, and sidelying IR ROM were gathered on bilateral shoulders of 176 collegiate and recreational overhead athletes (122 male [21.4 ± 4.7 years, 71.7 ± 2.7 inches, 25.3 ± 2.7 BMI] and 54 female [21.4 ± 5.4 years, 67.6 ± 3.0 inches, 22.5 ± 2.37 BMI]).


Sidelying TA mean for the dominant shoulder was 159.6 °±15.0 °; the non‐dominant shoulder was 163.3 °±15.3 °. Sidelying TA for both shoulders (p < 0.0001) was 14 ° less than supine TA. Both TA methods exhibited a 4 ° dominant‐shoulder deficit (p < 0.0001). For the dominant and non‐dominant shoulder, respectively, there was no gender (p = 0.38, 0.54) or level of competition (p = 0.23, 0.39) effect on sidelying TA.


In overhead athletes, sidelying TA is a viable alternative to supine TA when examining for the presence of GIRD. Gender and level of competition does not significantly affect sidelying TA, so the mean of 160 ° on the dominant shoulder and 163 ° on the non‐dominant shoulder can be used by clinicians.

Level of Evidence

Level 3  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to systematically review the literature for functional performance tests with evidence of reliability and validity that could be used for a young, athletic population with hip dysfunction.


A search of PubMed and SPORTDiscus databases were performed to identify movement, balance, hop/jump, or agility functional performance tests from the current peer-reviewed literature used to assess function of the hip in young, athletic subjects.


The single-leg stance, deep squat, single-leg squat, and star excursion balance tests (SEBT) demonstrated evidence of validity and normative data for score interpretation. The single-leg stance test and SEBT have evidence of validity with association to hip abductor function. The deep squat test demonstrated evidence as a functional performance test for evaluating femoroacetabular impingement. Hop/Jump tests and agility tests have no reported evidence of reliability or validity in a population of subjects with hip pathology.


Use of functional performance tests in the assessment of hip dysfunction has not been well established in the current literature. Diminished squat depth and provocation of pain during the single-leg balance test have been associated with patients diagnosed with FAI and gluteal tendinopathy, respectively. The SEBT and single-leg squat tests provided evidence of convergent validity through an analysis of kinematics and muscle function in normal subjects. Reliability of functional performance tests have not been established on patients with hip dysfunction. Further study is needed to establish reliability and validity of functional performance tests that can be used in a young, athletic population with hip dysfunction.

Level of Evidence:

2b (Systematic Review of Literature)  相似文献   

Experimental allergic thyroiditis produced in strain 13 histocompatible guinea pigs after a single immunization with thyroid extract and Freund's adjuvant was followed for more than 2 years. The disease appeared as early as 5 days and persisted for the entire period studied, although it regressed in the later stages. Circulating antithyroid antibody was detected at low levels as early as 7 days after immunization, and increased to a peak at the time of most severe disease. Thereafter, antibody decreased, but was still detectable in most animals as late as 2 years. There was no correlation between antibody levels and extent of disease except at the 7 week stage. Delayed sensitivity to thyroid antigen was found as early as 5 days after immunization, and appeared to precede the development of thyroiditis in many animals. It correlated closely with thyroiditis at 5 days and 7 weeks. At 6 months, the delayed skin reaction was decreased, and a modified type of reaction appeared which persisted as long as 26 months. The time relationship of delayed sensitivity, thyroiditis, and circulating antibody continue to confirm the role of delayed sensitivity in the pathogenesis of this disease. The accumulated data demonstrating production of thyroiditis without antibody, and the converse, tend to strengthen this view.  相似文献   



To evaluate intra-rater and inter-rater reliability and measurement error in glenohumeral range of motion (ROM) measurements using a standard goniometer.

Study design:

17 adult subjects with and without shoulder pathology were evaluated for active and passive range of motion. Fifteen shoulder motions were assessed by two raters to determine reliability. The intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) were calculated and examined to determine if reliability of ICC ≥ 0.70 existed. The standard error of measurement (SEM) and the minimal clinical difference (MCD) were also calculated.


Thxe criterion reliability was achieved in both groups for intra-rater reliability of standing AROM abduction; supine AROM and PROM abduction, flexion, external rotation at 0° abduction; and for inter-rater reliability of supine AROM and PROM abduction, external rotation at 0° abduction. The SEM ranged from 4°-7° for intra-rater and 6°-9° for inter-rater agreement on movements that achieved the criterion reliability. The MCD ranged from 11°-16° for a single evaluator and 14°-24° for two evaluators.


Assessment of AROM and PROM in supine achieves superior reliability. The use of either a single or multiple raters affects the number of movements that achieved clinically meaningful reliability. Some movements consistently did not achieve the criterion and may not be the best movements to monitor treatment outcome.  相似文献   

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