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The objective is to provide an overview and analysis of the current discussion of ways to reform the U.S. health care system. A common analytic framework is needed to evaluate the alternative approaches that are being advocated. Such a framework, organized around seven general questions, is developed and discussed. The analytic framework is then applied to five specific reform proposals, selected to be representative of the range of options being considered. The results are used to identify the basic choices that are inherent in the current discussion of health system reform. A discussion of the political realities of the health system reform movement in the U.S. concludes that an incremental reform measure will be implemented at the federal level in the near future and that the reform measure will give the federal government increased control over the health care sector. However, the pressure for more fundamental reform will continue to grow.  相似文献   

PURPOSE Public health insurance programs have expanded coverage for the poor, and family physicians provide essential services to these vulnerable populations. Despite these efforts, many Americans do not have access to basic medical care. This study was designed to identify barriers faced by low-income parents when accessing health care for their children and how insurance status affects their reporting of these barriers.  相似文献   

As a family physician, I have become increasingly uncomfortable being associated with the US health care system. While shiny, new buildings go up each day, there is still little movement toward a model that will shore up the crumbling foundation. The current delivery system and financing structures are unsustainable. Inequitable distribution of resources continues, and an increasing number of American families do not have access to adequate care. In this essay, patient stories are woven into a narrative that highlights the magnitude of the problem at multiple levels of the system. My intent is not to compare stories, because we all have patients, friends, and family members who have been affected. The purpose of this essay is to encourage each reader to reflect on his or her own experiences and to present an imperative to lead change.  相似文献   

Latinos' health care access: financial and cultural barriers   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This study aimed at investigating how income, culture, and language affect health care access. Data from a structured questionnaire administered to a random sample of 206 Latinos was analyzed using multivariate logistic regression. Qualitative data served to explain quantitative results. Point estimates for various access measures were similar to national data. In multivariate logistic regression, income and education determined having health insurance (OR 6.8 and 7.4; 95% CI 2.7-17.3 and 2.9-19.0, respectively). Time in the U.S. and health insurance determined having a regular source of care (OR 4.6 and 5.8; 95% CI 1.7-12.8 and 2.1-16.0, respectively). Having a source of care and being female determined visit to the doctor in the past year (OR 6.14 and 6.73; 95% CI 2.3-16.5 and 2.4-19.3, respectively). Language and culture showed no statistically significant effect on access measures, but qualitative data showed they were related to health care barriers.  相似文献   

In the last few years dramatic changes have occurred in the way health care is delivered and financed in the United States. Academic medical centers have been slow in helping students understand what these changes will mean. We developed a series of student-run seminars and attempted to study what effect these seminars had on the students' attitudes towards many aspects of the current health care environment. We used recent journal articles as the basis for a student-led seminar series addressing many issues in the current health care environment. A previously developed 33-item survey was administered to the students before and after the seminars to evaluate any changes that occurred in their attitudes towards the evolving health care system. The students' responses showed significant changes on eight of the items surveyed. These included a more negative feeling about non-physician health care providers, a greater appreciation of the need for physicians to become more actively involved with social issues, and a greater understanding of the financial aspects of medicine. After a student-led seminar series there were significant changes in students' attitudes regarding several aspects of the changing health care environment in the United States.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate an innovative rural service offering comprehensive primary health care for mental health service clients. Design: A formative evaluation using mixed methods. Setting: A rural NSW community. Participants: Fifteen health care providers and 120 adult clients. Intervention: A monthly clinic held in a general practice to provide primary health care for clients of the community mental health team. Main outcome measures: Client utilisation and clinic activity data. Provider views of service effectiveness, possible improvements and sustainability. Results: The GP Clinic has operated successfully for 2.5 years without access block. Some 52% of clients had no physical illness and 82% were referred to other health and community services. In total, 40% continued to attend the clinic while 32% went on to consult a GP independently. Client access to care improved as did collaboration between the community mental health team and primary care providers. Conclusion: The GP Clinic is a straightforward and flexible service model that could be used more widely.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine (i) the cost issues which Saudi health care managers perceive to influence overall quality improvement initiatives, and (ii) the relationship between health care managers' satisfaction with such initiatives and their perceptions regarding the influence of different cost issues on the overall quality improvement initiatives. DESIGN: Data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire in August and September 1996 in the Western Region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The participants were 236 health care managers of private hospitals. Data was analysed using the chi2 test. RESULTS: Less than one-half of the health care managers surveyed were satisfied with their hospitals' overall quality improvement initiatives. The issue that was rated to have the most influence on such initiatives was the 'cost of malpractice lawsuits' followed by the budget for the quality assurance programme'. The issue that was perceived to have the least influence on overall quality improvement initiatives was 'data on cost allocation'. Of the 17 cost issues included in the study, eight had statistically significant influence on the health care managers' satisfaction with their hospitals' overall quality improvement initiatives. The most statistically significant was the 'measurement of the costs of quality-related actions'.  相似文献   

Although the population of homeschooled children in the United States is large and growing, little is known about their access to and utilization of preventive health care services. This paper compares the health care access and utilization of homeschooled children and public school children in the United States using data from the nationally-representative 2007 National Survey of Children's Health. Using logistic regression models, this study finds that homeschooled children were significantly less likely than public school children to have access to a medical home, to visit a health care professional annually, and to receive the Human Papillomavirus vaccine. They were not statistically less likely to have health insurance, to receive annual dental care, or to receive Tetanus or Meningitis vaccinations. This research suggests that public health practitioners, medical providers, researchers, and educators should be attentive to the health care needs of homeschooled children.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Accessing adequate medical services remains a major struggle for many Americans, but U.S. medical students' beliefs regarding access to care have not been thoroughly examined. METHODS: All medical students in the Class of 2003 at 16 U.S. schools were eligible to complete three questionnaires during their medical training: during freshman orientation, orientation to wards, and their senior year (n=2316, response rate=80.3%). Students responded to three questions about health care provision. RESULTS: Overall, 35% of students strongly agreed that "physicians have a responsibility to take care of patients regardless of their ability to pay;" only 5% disagreed. Only 8% disagreed that "access to basic health care is a fundamental human right." We found the same significant associations with opinions on access as we did with "responsibility to treat," although the associations tended to be stronger for access. Only 10% of students agreed that "Managed care, as it is now delivered, is a good way to deliver health care to the U.S. population." CONCLUSION: Most U.S. medical students support universal access to medical care, though variations in this support, its decline with additional years of medical education, and concerns about managed care are noteworthy, and have policy implications for America's health and health care workforce.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of biases in cost measures which are used in economic evaluation studies. The basic measure of hospital costs which is used by most investigators is unit cost. Focusing on this measure, a set of criteria which the basic measures must fulfil in order to approximate the marginal cost (MC) of a service for the relevant product, in the representative site, was identified. Then four distinct biases—a scale bias, a case mix bias, a methods bias and a site selection bias—each of which reflects the divergence of the unit cost measure from the desired MC measure, were identified. Measures are proposed for several of these biases and it is suggested how they can be corrected.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that among children of lower socioeconomic status (SES), children of single mothers would have relatively worse access to care than children in two-parent families, but there would be no access difference by family structure among children in higher SES families. DATA SOURCES: The National Health Interview Surveys of 1993-95, including 63,054 children. STUDY DESIGN: Logistic regression was used to examine the relationship between the child's family structure (single-mother or two-parent family) and three measures of health care access and utilization: having no physician visits in the past year, having no usual source of health care, and having unmet health care needs. To examine how these relationships varied at different levels of SES, the models were stratified on maternal education level as the SES variable. The stratified models adjusted for maternal employment, child's health status, race and ethnicity, and child's age. Models were fit to examine the additional effects of health insurance coverage on the relationships between family structure, access to care, and SES. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Children of single mothers, compared with children living with two parents, were as likely to have had no physician visit in the past year; were slightly more likely to have no usual source of health care; and were more likely to have an unmet health care need. These relationships differed by mother's education. As expected, children of single mothers had similar access to care as children in two-parent families at high levels of maternal education, for the access measures of no physician visits in the past year and no usual source of care. However, at low levels of maternal education, children of single mothers appeared to have better access to care than children in two-parent families. Once health insurance was added to adjusted models, there was no significant socioeconomic variation in the relationships between family structure and physician visits or usual source of care, and there were no significant disparities by family structure at the highest levels of maternal education. There were no family structure differences in unmet needs at low maternal education, whereas children of single mothers had more unmet needs at high levels of maternal education, even after adjustment for insurance coverage. CONCLUSIONS: At high levels of maternal education, family structure did not influence physician visits or having a usual source of care, as expected. However, at low levels of maternal education, single mothers appeared to be better at accessing care for their children. Health insurance coverage explained some of the access differences by family structure. Medicaid is important for children of single mothers, but children in two-parent families whose mothers are less educated do not always have access to that resource. Public health insurance coverage is critical to ensure adequate health care access and utilization among children of less educated mothers, regardless of family structure.  相似文献   

Objective : Despite many reforms and initiatives, inequities in access to primary health care remain. However, the concept of ‘access’ and its measurement is complex. This paper aims to provide estimates of general practice visit frequencies for ‘attenders’ (those who seek consultation) and the proportion of ‘non‐attenders’ (those who never seek consultation) of primary health care services. Methods : A panel study of people enrolled within a large primary health care organisation of affiliated general practices. Standard and zero‐inflated regression models were assessed. Results : 980,918 visits were made by 388,424 people, averaging 2.64 visits/person/year. The zero‐inflated negative binomial model was superior, and significant age, gender and ethnic differences were observed in attender and non‐attender profiles. More Asian (21.0%), Pacific (19.6%) and Māori (17.1%) people were non‐attenders than European/Other (9.0%) people. Among attenders, males, Asian and Pacific people, and young to middle‐aged adults, generally had relatively lower visit rates. Conclusions : Interpretation of utilisation data must be made with caution because of two distinct characteristics: the differential rates of non‐attenders and the highly dispersed distribution of attenders. Implications : Improved understanding of differential non‐attender rates and attender visit distributions by demographic factors needs to be considered when addressing improved access to general practice services.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the effects of Medicaid managed care (MMC) programs on Medicaid enrollees' access to and use of health care services at the national level. DATA SOURCES/STUDY SETTING: 1991-1995 National Health Interview Surveys (NHIS) and a 1998 Urban Institute survey on state Medicaid managed care programs. STUDY DESIGN: Using multivariate regression models, we estimated the effect of living in a county with an MMC program on several access and use measures for nonelderly women who receive Medicaid through AFDC and child Medicaid recipients. We focus on mandatory programs and estimate separate effects for primary care case management (PCCM) programs, health maintenance organization (HMO) programs, and mixed PCCM/HMO programs, relative to fee-for-service (FFS) Medicaid. We control for individual and county characteristics, and state and year effects. DATA COLLECTION/EXTRACTION METHOD: This study uses pooled individual-level data from up to five years of the NHIS (1991-1995), linked to information on Medicaid managed care characteristics at the county level from the 1998 MMC survey. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We find virtually no effects of mandatory PCCM programs. For women, mandatory HMO programs reduce some types of non-emergency room (ER) use, and increase reported unmet need for medical care. The PCCM/HMO programs increase access, but had no effects on use. For children, mandatory HMO programs reduce ER visits, and increase the use of specialists. The PCCM/HMO programs reduce ER visits, while increasing other types of use and access. CONCLUSIONS: Mandatory PCCM/HMO programs improved access and utilization relative to traditional FFS Medicaid, primarily for children. Mandatory HMO programs caused some access problems for women.  相似文献   

Changes in access to health care in China, 1989-1997   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The post-1979 period in China has seen the implementation of reforms that dismantled much of the Maoist era social welfare system and permitted a significant reallocation of society's resources. The result has been rapid but uneven economic development that has profoundly altered the environment within which consumers make health investment decisions. Many studies report significant and apparently non-random reductions in health care utilization during this period. Scholars have tended to focus on the loss of insurance coverage and the growth of fees for services in explaining such reductions. An alternative explanation is growing inequality in access to care. This possibility has not received much research attention. As a result, our understanding of the patterns of changes in health care access, and of the types of populations that have been most adversely affected, has been rather limited. This research examines the distribution of the changes in several indicators of access to health care across communities during the period 1989 to 1997. We find evidence of relatively uneven changes to these indicators. Money charges for routine services increased consistently, though this trend was less pronounced in lower-income communities. Most communities experienced reductions in travel distance to clinics but increases in distance to hospitals. There were major improvements to the quality of care in wealthier rural areas, but not in poorer villages. Wealthier villages experienced less improvement in waiting time and drug availability. These trends appear to be closely associated with changing economic circumstances during the reform era.  相似文献   

我国新医改旨在建立中国特色医药卫生体制,实现人人享有基本医疗卫生服务,其特色主要表现在理论与制度基础、文化传统和国情民情等方面。新医改是以“四梁八柱”为框架的“大医改”,公立医院改革只是其中一个部分;如何发挥市场机制在新医改中的作用,是医改必须处理好的重大问题。目前,新医改的战略重点仍是“强基层”,在抓好县域综合医改中推进县级公立医院改革。县域综合医改应从顶层设计与立法规划、基层创新与制度建设、纵向联合与全科医生等方面进一步体现中国特色。  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo estimate the causal impact of continuity of care (COC) on total, institutional, and noninstitutional cost among community‐dwelling older veterans with dementia.Data SourcesCombined Veterans Health Administration (VHA) and Medicare data in Fiscal Years (FYs) 2014‐2015.Study DesignFY 2014 COC was measured by the Bice‐Boxerman Continuity of Care (BBC) index on a 0‐1 scale. FY 2015 total combined VHA and Medicare cost, institutional cost of acute inpatient, emergency department [ED], long‐/short‐stay nursing home, and noninstitutional long‐term care (LTC) cost for medical (like skilled‐) and social (like unskilled‐) services were assessed controlling for covariates. An instrumental variable for COC (change of residence by more than 10 miles) was used to account for unobserved health confounders.Data CollectionCommunity‐dwelling veterans with dementia aged 66 and older, enrolled in Traditional Medicare (N = 102 073).Principal FindingsMean BBC in FY 2014 was 0.32; mean total cost in FY 2015 was $35 425. A 0.1 higher BBC resulted in (a) $4045 lower total cost; (b) $1597 lower acute inpatient cost, $119 lower ED cost, $4368 lower long‐stay nursing home cost; (c) $402 higher noninstitutional medical LTC and $764 higher noninstitutional social LTC cost. BBC had no impact on short‐stay nursing home cost.ConclusionsCOC is an effective approach to reducing total health care cost by supporting noninstitutional care and reducing institutional care.  相似文献   

Growing evidence supports the hypothesis that income inequality within a nation influences health outcomes net of the effect of any given household's absolute income. We tested the hypothesis that state-level income inequality in the United States is associated with increased family burden for care and health-related expenditures for low-income families of children with special health care needs. We analyzed the 2005-06 wave of the National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs, a probability sample of approximately 750 children with special health care needs in each state and the District of Columbia in the US Our measure of state-level income inequality was the Gini coefficient. Dependent measures of family caregiving burden included whether the parent received help arranging or coordinating the child's care and whether the parent stopped working due to the child's health. Dependent measures of family financial burden included absolute burden (spending in past 12 months for child's health care needs) and relative burden (spending as a proportion of total family income). After controlling for a host of child, family, and state factors, including family income and measures of the severity of a child's impairments, state-level income inequality has a significant and independent association with family burden related to the health care of their children with special health care needs. Families of children with special health care needs living in states with greater levels of income inequality report higher rates of absolute and relative financial burden.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine whether the current method of valuing time within economic appraisals is appropriate. The cost to society of time taken to use health care may differ from the private opportunity cost of such time. However, demand for health care may be affected by the private opportunity time cost and not by the value of time to society. In this paper we show that the private opportunity cost of time is a better predictor of demand for a screening service than the societal approach. It is important, therefore, to use the private opportunity cost of time when assessing the demand for, and impact of, a health care intervention.  相似文献   

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