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We have reported recently that mouse liver NK cells and NK1 x 1+ T cells were activated by bacterial superantigens via the IL-12 production from Kupffer cells. In the present study, we examined the effect of staphyloccoccal enterotoxin A (SEA) on human T cells with NK cell markers, CD56 or CD57 (NK-type T cells). After stimulating peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with SEA, PBMC produced a large amount of IFN- and acquired a potent antitumour cytotoxicity. The in vitro depletion of either CD56+ TCR NK cells, CD56+ T cells or 57+ T cells from PBMC significantly inhibited the IFN- production from PBMC. When purified NK-type T cells, NK cells and regular T cells were cultured with monocytes and SEA they all produced IFN-, while the IFN- amounts produced by both NK-type T cells were greater than those produced by NK cells. NK cells as well as CD56+ T cells showed cytotoxicity against NK-sensitive K562 cells, whereas both NK-type T cells showed a more potent cytotoxicity against NK-resistant Raji cells than did NK cells. The IFN- production from each population as well as from whole PBMC was greatly inhibited by anti-IL-12 antibody but not by anti-IL-18 antibody. The antitumour cytotoxicity of whole PBMC was also significantly inhibited by anti-IL-12 antibody while the SEA-induced proliferation of PBMC was not affected by anti-IL-12 antibody. Furthermore, SEA-activated NK-type T cells as well as NK cells showed cytotoxicities against vascular endothelial cells. Our findings suggest that human NK-type T cells are thus involved in bacterial superantigen-induced immune response.  相似文献   

To study the activation states and cytokine profiles of pulmonary T cells in corticosteroid-resistant and corticosteroid-sensitive interstitial pneumonitis (IP) in dermatomyositis (DM)/polymyositis (PM), we examined the activation markers and cytokine profiles of T cells in bronchoalveolar lavage fluids (BALF) from patients with IP in DM/PM before prednisolone therapy and then compared the activation states of T cells according to the therapeutic response of IP to prednisolone therapy. CD25+ CD4+ T cells in BALF were significantly increased in both corticosteroid-resistant and corticosteroid-sensitive IP in DM/PM as compared with those in controls without IP. Furthermore, CD25+ CD4+ T cells in BALF were significantly more increased in corticosteroid-resistant IP than those in cortico teroid- sensitive IP. Moreover, CD25+ CD8+ T cells in BALF were significantly increased only in corticosteroid-resistant IP, but not in corticosteroid-sensitive IP or controls without IP. IFN-gamma mRNA was detected in BALF T cells in corticosteroid-resistant and corticosteroid-sensitive IP but not in controls without IP, whereas IL-4 mRNA was virtually undetected in BALF T cells in both the IP groups. However, there were no significant differences in CD4/CD8 ratio of BALF T cells, HLA-DR+ BALF T cells or CD25+ and HLA-DR+ peripheral blood T cells between the two IP groups. These results indicate that activated Th1-type pulmonary T cells play an important role in the development of corticosteroid- resistant IP in DM/PM and that the increase in CD25+ CD8+ T cells in BALF is a useful indicator for corticosteroid-resistant IP in DM/PM and hence may be an indicator for early use of cyclosporin.  相似文献   

We studied the expression of adhesion molecules affecting recirculation and homing on peripheral blood CD4(+) T cells of patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc), in order to evaluate whether the distribution of tissue targeted subsets could reflect the participation of internal organs or the extent of cutaneous involvement [i.e. limited cutaneous (lc) and diffuse cutaneous (dc)]. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from 51 patients with SSc and 19 sex- and age-matched controls were investigated by cytofluorimetric analysis for lymphocyte subpopulations carrying the following surface molecules: CD3, CD4, CLA, alpha4beta7 and alpha4beta1. Standard routine biochemistry and clinical examinations were also performed in all patients. We found that both alpha4beta1(+) and alpha4beta7(+) cells within the CD4(+) T cell population were significantly increased, while CLA(+) CD4(+) T cells were significantly reduced in SSc, compared to healthy donors. Significantly lower absolute numbers of alpha4beta7(+) cells were found in lc- compared to dc-SSc. Patients with oesophageal involvement had high numbers of alpha4beta7(+) cells, while those with nephritis also showed low levels of CLA(+) cells. Lung involvement was related directly to alpha4beta1(+) cell numbers and inversely to alpha4beta7(+) CD4 cell numbers. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that distinct CD4(+) T cell populations with selective homing properties show changes from normal distribution in SSc, and such changes are related to clinical expression and organ involvement in the course of the disease.  相似文献   

Transfer of contact sensitivity (CS) responses by immune lymphoid cells was the first finding that distinguished cellular from humoral immunity. CS has remained the most studied T cell reaction in vivo, and is the prototype for a variety of delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses. DTH in essence is the recruitment of effector alphabeta-T cells out of vessels into peripheral tissues. The T cells then are activated by antigen presenting cells to produce pro-inflammatory cytokines. It has been assumed that the alphabeta-T cells alone are responsible, but recent studies show that three other lymphocyte subsets are involved: CS-inducing NK T cells, CS-initiating B-1 cells, and CS-assisting gammadelta-T cells. Therefore, the effector alphabeta-T cells are essential, but cannot be recruited into the tissues without the local action of IgM antibodies produced by B-1 cells rapidly (1 day) post-immunization. The IgM complexes with the challenge antigen to locally activate complement to lead to vascular activation required for T cell recruitment. This process occurs early (1-2 hours) in the elicitation phase, and is called CS-initiation. The essential CS-inducing NK T cells activate the B-1 cells by producing IL-4 rapidly (1 hour) after immunization, and gammadelta-T cells assist the local inflammatory function of the recruited CS-effector alphabeta-T cells. Thus, four lymphocyte subsets are required for elicitation of responses: CS-inducing NK T cells, CS-initiating B-1 cells, CS-assisting gammadelta-T cells, and finally the CS-effector alphabeta-T cells. Three of these four cell types are present in the immune lymphoid cell population that adoptively transfers CS: B-1 cells, gammadelta-T cells, and the alphabeta-T cells.  相似文献   

The proliferation of Vdelta1(+) gammadelta T lymphocytes has been described in various infections including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), cytomegalovirus (CMV) and malaria. However, the antigen specificity and functions of the human Vdelta1(+) T cells remain obscure. We sought to explore the biological role for this T cell subset by investigating the reconstitution of T cell receptor (TCR) repertoires of Vdelta1(+) gammadelta T lymphocytes after human allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). We observed skewed TCR repertoires of the Vdelta1(+) T cells in 27 of 44 post-transplant patients. Only one patient developed EBV-associated post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder in the present patient cohort. The -WGI- amino acid motif was observed in CDR3 of clonally expanded Vdelta1(+) T cells in half the patients. A skew was also detected in certain healthy donors, and the Vdelta1(+) T cell clone derived from the donor mature T cell pool persisted in the recipient's blood even 10 years after transplant. This T cell clone expanded in vitro against stimulation with autologous EBV-lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL), and the Vdelta1(+) T cell line expanded in vitro from the same patient showed cytotoxicity against autologous EBV-LCL. EBV-infected cells could also induce in vitro oligoclonal expansions of autologous Vdelta1(+) T cells from healthy EBV-seropositive individuals. These results suggest that human Vdelta1(+) T cells have a TCR repertoire against EBV-infected B cells and may play a role in protecting recipients of allogeneic HSCT from EBV-associated disease.  相似文献   

The phenotypic characteristics of peripheral blood T cells, isolated from 37 rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients and 17 healthy controls were determined with special emphasis on gamma delta+ T cells and CD4-CD8- alpha beta+ T cells. Two- and three-colour automated flow cytometry analyses were performed using a panel of MoAbs directed against differentiation antigens and T cell receptor molecules. The results demonstrated: (i) no significant difference between the percentages of CD4-CD8- alpha beta+ T cells in patients and controls; (ii) a significant decrease of the gamma delta+ T cell level in the peripheral blood of RA patients relative to controls; (iii) phenotypic abnormalities of circulating gamma delta+ T cells in RA patients suggestive of an activation status in vivo. These abnormalities included a significant reduction in the density of the T cell differentiation antigen CD3 and an increase in the expression of HLA-DR antigen. The level of circulating HLA-DR+/gamma delta+ T cells was significantly higher in patients with active disease. HLA-DR+/gamma delta+ T cells were also present in the synovial fluid obtained from three patients with an active disease. In addition, preliminary experiments showed that the activated gamma delta+ T cells were predominantly V delta 1. Taken together, these data support the involvement of gamma delta+ T cells in the pathogenesis of RA.  相似文献   

Back to the future--defining NK cells and T cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The expression of alphaEbeta7 integrin has been related to the selective retention of lymphocytes in mucosal tissues of gut, urogenital tract and lung. To identify potential disease-associated alphaEbeta7 expression patterns on cells accounting for lymphocytic alveolitis in interstitial lung disease (ILD), alphaE expression on CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subsets was evaluated by dual-colour flow cytometry in peripheral blood and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF; n = 18), hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP; n = 20) and sarcoidosis (n = 44) in comparison with healthy controls (n = 15). In both healthy individuals and all patient groups the proportion of alphaE-bearing T cells in peripheral blood was < 2%, whereas the vast majority of alveolar CD8+ T cells consistently co-expressed alphaE. Absolute alveolar CD8+alphaE+ cell numbers/ml were up to 30-fold increased in HP patients. Proportions of alphaE-bearing CD4+ cells in BALF were significantly elevated in IPF (74.0 +/- 2.7%) and HP (70.0 +/- 2.4%) compared with normals (30.0 +/- 1.8%) (mean +/- s.e.m.; P < 0.01). In sarcoidosis, the alphaE expression on BALF CD4+ cells displayed subgroup dependency: proportions significantly lower than normal were noted in chest radiographic stage I (14.3 +/- 1.5%), but increased proportions in stages II (50.0 +/- 3.8%) and III (64.0 +/- 4.8%). Correlations between common markers of T cell activation or BALF transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta ) bioactivity and alphaE expression were not noted. We conclude that the vast majority of alveolar CD8+ T cells consistently express alphaEbeta7 and that distinct patterns of alphaEbeta7 expression on alveolar CD4+ lymphocytes in sarcoidosis are related to the diverse manifestations of the sarcoid inflammatory process in the lung.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of cadmium, lead and arsenic on the apoptosis of human immune cells. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (MNC) were incubated with increasing concentrations of these metals and then cellular apoptosis was determined by flow cytometry and by DNA electrophoresis. We found that arsenic induced a significant level of apoptosis at 15 microM after 48h of incubation. Cadmium had a similar effect, but at higher concentrations (65 microM). In addition, cadmium exerted a cytotoxic effect on MNC that seemed to be independent of the induction of apoptosis. In contrast, concentrations of lead as high as 500 microM were nontoxic and did not induce a significant degree of apoptosis. Additional experiments showed that arsenic at concentrations as low as 1.0 microM had a significant pro-apoptotic effect when cells were cultured in the presence of this pollutant for more than 72. Non-T cells were more susceptible than T lymphocytes to the effect of arsenic and cadmium. Interestingly, MNC from children chronically exposed to arsenic showed a high basal rate of apoptosis and a diminished in vitro sensibility to this metalloid. Our results indicate that both arsenic and cadmium are able to induce apoptosis of lymphoid cells, and suggest that this phenomenon may contribute to their immunotoxic effect in vivo.  相似文献   

To explore the role of the 10-kDa Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific secreted antigen (MTSA-10 or CFP-10) in modulation of macrophage function, J774 macrophages were transfected stably with DNA encoding MTSA-10. Compared to normal or mock-transfected controls, MTSA-10-expressing macrophages had markedly lower levels of co-stimulatory molecule B7.1 on their surface, while the expression of B7.2 and ICAM-1 was not affected. MTSA-transfected cells also produced significantly less microbicidal free radical nitric oxide (NO) upon stimulation with interferon (IFN)-gamma, lipopolysaccharide or M. tuberculosis cell lysate. Western blot analysis revealed the absence of tyrosine-phosphorylated protein slightly larger than 112 kDa in MTSA-transfected macrophages. Moreover, the treatment of control J774 cells with protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein completely mimicked the effects of transfection with MTSA-10, selectively down-regulating NO and B7.1, but not B7.2 or ICAM-1 expression. The observed MTSA-10-mediated block of B7.1 expression and NO release might contribute to the suppression of antimycobacterial response in tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Para-phenylenediamine (PPD) is known to be a common sensitizer of allergic contact dermatitis and contact urticaria. To clarify the mechanism of contact hypersensitivity (CHS) to PPD, we established a mouse model of PPD-induced CHS. BALB/c mice were immunized for 3 consecutive days by painting topically a 2.5% PPD solution on their shaved abdominal skin. On days 5, 7 or 9 after the initial application, the mice were challenged by applications of a 2.5% PPD solution. Maximal ear swelling was determined at 24 h but another statistically significant and smaller ear swelling was observed 1 h after challenge with PPD in a hapten-specific manner. Adoptive cell transfer experiments demonstrated that the ear swelling of the adoptive cell transferred mice displayed an early response at 6 h and a late response from 12 h to 24 h when the recipient mice were challenged immediately after transfer. Both MoAbs and complement treatment of the transferred cells demonstrated that the phenotype of the early response cells which elicited a response at 6 h after challenge was Thy1(+), B220(+), alphabeta TCR(-), gammadelta TCR(-), CD3(-), CD4(-), CD5(+) and CD8(-). The in vitro treatment of effector cells with MoAbs against not only alphabeta TCR but also gammadelta TCR, together with complement, was found to diminish substantially the late response, elicited 12-24 h after challenge. Gammadelta T cells reconstituted the ability of alphabeta T cells to transfer 24 h CHS responsiveness. The phenotype of the gammadelta T cells that assist CHS effector alphabeta T cells was CD3(+), CD4(-) and CD8(+) and these regulatory gammadelta T cells were neither Ag-specific nor MHC-restricted. Furthermore, gammadelta T cells from normal spleen could also assist alphabeta T cells in adoptive transfer of the 24 h CHS response in a non-MHC-restricted manner. RT-PCR demonstrated that alphabeta T cells strongly expressed mRNA IFN-gamma, whereas gammadelta T cells expressed not only IFN-gamma but also IL-4 and IL-10. These data indicate that not only early response cells and alphabeta T cells but also Th2 type gammadelta T cells may play an important role in the elicitation of CHS to PPD.  相似文献   

We examined peripheral lymphocyte subsets in patients with autoimmune thyroid disease, or subacute thyroiditis, in the active stage when possible. During destructive thyrotoxicosis arising from alpha beta T cell receptor (TCR) negative T (WT31-CD3+) cells and CD8 (CD4-CD8+) cells decreased and those of CD4+CD8+ cells increased slightly, resulting in proportional increases in CD4 (CD4+CD8-) cells, non-T, non-B (CD5-CD19-) cells, and the CD4/CD8 cell ratio. Changes were similar in active subacute thyroiditis. During stimulative thyrotoxicosis in active Graves' disease, the numbers of such T lymphocyte subsets were not changed, but only the number of CD5+ B (CD5+CD19+) cells increased markedly, resulting in proportional decreases in total T (CD3+) cells, alpha beta+ TCR T (WT31+CD3+) cells, CD8 cells, and non-T, non-B cells. A serial study of some of the patients showed opposite changes in alpha beta TCR- T cells, the CD4/CD8 cell ratio, and CD5+ B cells between the active stages of Graves' and Hashimoto's diseases. alpha beta TCR- T cells were mostly gamma delta TCR+ T (IIF2+ CD3+) cells in these patients. These data suggest that alpha beta TCR-T (gamma delta TCR+ T), CD8, and CD4+ CD8+ cells are important in thyroid destruction in Hashimoto's disease and subacute thyroiditis, and that CD5+ B cells are important in thyroid stimulation in Graves' disease.  相似文献   

The beta7 integrins alpha4beta7 and alphaEbeta7 play key roles in forming the gut-associated lymphoid tissue, and contribute to chronic inflammation. The alpha4beta7 integrin-mediated adhesion of activated lymphocytes is largely due to a transient increase in avidity from ligand-induced clustering of alpha4beta7 at the cell-surface. Here, we report that L and D enantiomers of a cell-permeable peptide YDRREY encompassing residues 735-740 of the cytoplasmic tail of the beta7 subunit inhibit the adhesion of T cells to beta7 integrin ligands. The YDRREY peptide abrogated mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1-induced clustering of alpha4beta7 on the surface of activated T cells. A mutated form of the YDRREY peptide carrying either single or double conservative mutations at Tyr(735)Phe and Tyr(740)Phe was unable to inhibit T cell adhesion, suggesting that both tandem tyrosines are critical for activity. The YDRREY peptide was bound and phosphorylated by focal adhesion kinase and src, which may serve to sequester cytoskeletal proteins to the cytoplasmic domain of alpha4beta7. The quasi-palindromic sequence YDRREY within the beta7 cytoplasmic tail constitutes a cell adhesion regulatory domain that modulates the interaction of beta7-expressing leukocytes with their endothelial and epithelial ligands. Cell-permeable peptidomimetics based on this motif have utility as anti-inflammatory reagents for the treatment of chronic inflammatory disease.  相似文献   

The effects of dexamethasone phosphate and interleukin‐7 upon the proliferation of T‐cells and the production of interferon‐γ in the newborn's cord blood mononuclear cell cultures were studied. The capability of dexamethasone to enhance T‐cell proliferation induced by anti‐CD3 with interleukin‐7 in some newborn cord blood mononuclear cell cultures was identified. Dexamethasone suppressed production of interferon‐γ in 68‐h cell cultures stimulated with anti‐CD3 both in the presence of interleukin‐7 and without it. However, a 68‐h cultivation of newborn blood cells with dexamethasone, anti‐CD3 and interleukin‐7 resulted in the accumulation of T‐lymphocytes capable of producing interferon‐γ after restimulation. As a result of it the amount of interferon‐γ producing CD7+ T‐cells and the concentration of interferon‐γ in cultural supernatants were maximal in the cell cultures incubated with anti‐CD3, interleukin‐7 and dexamethasone during the first 68 h and subsequently restimulated with phorbol 12‐myristate 13‐acetate and ionomycin. The stimulation of neonatal or adult blood cells by dexamethasone, anti‐CD3 and interleukine‐7 also causes a decrease in the number of naïve T‐cells and central memory cells and an increase in the number of effector memory CD7+CD45RA+CD62L cells in cultures. It is possible that these effects are caused by the influence of dexamethasone on IL‐7 receptor expression: it is known that IL‐7 receptor alpha‐chain gene is a glucocorticoid‐inducible gene.  相似文献   

Mucosal ulceration of the oral, and to a lesser extent genital tissues is an essential feature of Behçet''s syndrome and is associated with changes in the IgA class of immune responses. Indeed, a significant increase in the proportion of cytophilic IgA1 was found in circulating CD8 and CD4 cells (P less than 0.01), with a corresponding decrease in IgA-Fc receptors on these T cells. Furthermore, 30-40% of the cytophilic IgA1 on T cells may have been of the polymeric secretory type and the rest of the monomeric variety. IgA isotype of B cells was also significantly increased (P less than 0.001), without an overall change in circulating B cells. However, a surprising finding was the significant up-regulation of gamma delta T cell receptor in the CD8 (P less than 0.01) in the absence of a change in the proportion of alpha beta T cell receptor. The results suggest that some common microbial antigen might initiate at the mucosal surface an immune defence reaction characterized by T cells with gamma delta receptors and IgA-specific B cells. However, IgA1 bound to circulating T cells may down-regulate the central T cell function.  相似文献   

Interferon (IFN)-inducible double-stranded RNA-activated protein kinase (PKR) is thought to play a key antiviral role against hepatitis C virus (HCV). However, demonstrating the importance of PKR expression on HCV protein synthesis in the presence or absence of IFN has proven difficult in vivo. In the present experiment, full-length HCV constructs were transiently transfected into two cell lines stably expressing T7 RNA polymerase. HCV expression was monitored under conditions of upregulated or downregulated PKR expression. In addition, IFN was monitored during downregulation of PKR. HCV expression effectively increased PKR expression, as well as that of its regulated proteins. PKR was obviously knocked down by PKR-specific siRNA, which resulted in significantly increased HCV core protein levels. Conversely, over-expression of PKR significantly suppressed HCV core levels in both cell lines. Furthermore, IFN induced high levels of PKR, whereas downregulation of PKR reversed IFN's antiviral effects and increased HCV core levels. Based on these results, it appears that HCV protein expression is directly dependent on PKR expression. PKR is antiviral toward HCV and responsible for IFN's effect against HCV.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring CD4+ CD25+ regulatory T cells (Treg) are potent suppressors of CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses in vitro and inhibit several organ-specific autoimmune diseases. While most in vitro studies suggest that CD4+ CD25+ Treg cells adopt a cytokine-independent but cell contact-dependent mode of T cell regulation, their precise mechanism of suppression in vivo remains largely unknown. Here we examine the functional contribution of Treg cell-derived TGF-beta1 and effector T cell responsiveness to TGF-beta in CD4+ CD25+ T cell-mediated suppression of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). We show that CD4+ CD25+ Treg cells from either TGF-beta1+/+ or neonatal TGF-beta1-/- mice can suppress the incidence and severity of IBD as well as colonic IFN-gamma mRNA expression induced by WT CD4+ CD25- effector T cells. Furthermore, TGF-beta-resistant Smad3-/- CD4+ CD25+ Treg cells are equivalent to WT Treg cells in their capacity to suppress disease induced by either WT or Smad3-/- CD4+ CD25- effector T cells. Finally, anti-TGF-beta treatment exacerbates the colitogenic potential of CD4+ CD25- effector T cells in the absence of CD4+ CD25+ Treg cells. Together, these data demonstrate that in certain situations CD4+ CD25+ T cells are able to suppress intestinal inflammation by a mechanism not requiring Treg cell-derived TGF-beta1 or effector T cell/Treg cell responsiveness to TGF-beta via Smad3.  相似文献   

Rapid production of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) in response to malaria by the innate immune system may determine resistance to infection, or inflammatory disease. However, conflicting reports exist regarding the identity of IFN-gamma-producing cells that rapidly respond to Plasmodium falciparum. To clarify this area, we undertook detailed phenotyping of IFN-gamma-producing cells across a panel of naive human donors following 24-h exposure to live schizont-infected red blood cells (iRBC). Here, we show that NK cells comprise only a small proportion of IFN-gamma-responding cells and that IFN-gamma production is unaffected by NK cell depletion. Instead, gammadelta-T cells represent the predominant source of innate IFN-gamma, with the majority of responding gammadelta-T cells expressing NK receptors. Malaria-responsive gammadelta-T cells more frequently expressed NKG2A compared to non-responding gammadelta-T cells, while non-responding gammadelta-T cells more frequently expressed CD158a/KIR2DL1. Unlike long-term gammadelta-T cell responses to iRBC, alphabeta-T cell help was not required for innate gammadelta-T cell responses. Diversity was observed among donors in total IFN-gamma output. This was positively associated with CD94 expression on IFN-gamma(+) NK-like gammadelta-T cells. Applied to longitudinal cohort studies in endemic regions, similar comparative phenotyping should allow assessment of the contribution of diverse cell populations and regulatory receptors to risk of infection and disease.  相似文献   

Mucosal-type mast cells (MMC) in the respiratory and/or gut epithelium play pivotal roles in the development of allergic inflammation and nematode clearance. To determine the role of E-cadherin and alphaEbeta7 integrin in MMC localization to the epithelium, we analyzed the epithelial binding of two types of mouse bone marrow-derived mast cells: S3-BMMC, which developed in medium containing stem cell factor (SCF) plus IL-3, and S39T-BMMC, which developed with SCF, IL-3, IL-9 and TGF-beta1. The latter cells were more similar to mature MMC than the former in terms of mouse mast cell protease (mMCP)-1 expression. FACS analyses revealed that S3-BMMC expressed E-cadherin and beta7 integrin but not alphaE integrin, whereas S39T-BMMC expressed alphaEbeta7 integrin as well as E-cadherin. Mn2+ promoted adhesion of S39T-BMMC to the monolayer of E-cadherin+F9 cells. The adhesion was suppressed significantly by the combined addition of blocking antibodies against integrin alphaE and E-cadherin, whereas either blocking antibody alone failed to do so. S3-BMMC adhesion was suppressed by E-cadherin blocking antibody but not by alphaE blocking antibody. These results suggested that E-cadherin and alphaEbeta7 integrin, which are expressed on MMC-analog S39T-BMMC, play an important role in mast cell-epithelial cell interaction through homophilic as well as heterophilic binding to the epithelial E-cadherin molecule.  相似文献   

gammadelta T cells and dendritic cells are quickly recruited to the lungs shortly after intranasal vaccination with BCG, but the functional in vivo interplay between these two cell populations and its role in the induction of adaptive immune responses is unclear. Using TCR-deficient mice and bone marrow chimeras, we show here that gammadelta T cells provide a non-redundant early source of IFN-gamma in vivo, which enhances IL-12 production by lung dendritic cells. The in vivo-conditioned dendritic cells, in turn, prime a more efficient lung CD8 T cell response against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Thus, strategies exploiting gammadelta T cell function and IFN-gamma production could be valuable for the design and testing of mucosal vaccines.  相似文献   

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