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《Science & Sports》2002,17(6):312-314
Aim – To study the effects of endurance running (15 m/min during 20 min/day to 28 m/min during 1 h/d, 6 days/week during 12 weeks, corresponding to 62% of the VO2 max of the animals) or of a treatment by isoflavones (Soylife 100 : 400 μg j–1 g–1 of body weight during 12 weeks), either only or cumulated with running, on the osteopenia induced by castration in adult female rat.Results and discussion – Each one of these two treatment has a protective effect of the bone mineral density at the femoral total, diaphysaire and metaphysaire level. But contrary to what had been reported on the cumulated effects of long term endurance running and of a 17β-estradiol treatment 〚3〛, we did not note any additive effect of these two treatments.  相似文献   

《Science & Sports》2002,17(3):135-139
Introduction – Fourty-one retail pharmacists (23 females and 18 males) out of 70 that Yaoundé town counts, participated to this study aimed at determining their attitudes towards and knowledge in doping. They answered a questionnaire concerning their knowledge of doping agents, how they face doping and the role of pharmacists in doping prevention.Synthesis – Results suggest that pharmacists (54%) have been confronted to doping, less than once a month for 27% of them and at least once a month for the rest. Six pharmacists (15%) have been offered to provide doping agents to sport men. 51% (mainly females) consider that the use of food supplements could induce consumption of forbidden drugs. The majority (83%) of pharmacists (mainly females) consider that doping is a public health problem. They agree (88%) that pharmacists have a part to play in doping prevention but also agree (58%; mainly females) that they are poorly or very poorly informed to that effect.Conclusion – The requests made to pharmacists suggest the consumption of doping agents by sport men in our region. It is therefore necessary to carry out an epidemiologic study on prevalence and consumption patterns.  相似文献   

《Science & Sports》2003,18(4):196-201
Objective. – The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of regular gymnastic activity practice on fitness, cognitive function and medication in healthy elderly women.Method. – Twenty-four women were separated into 2 groups, a sedentary group and a gymnastic group. In order to be included in the gymnastic group, women needed to have participated for at least 2 consecutive years in gymnastic sessions for a minimum of 10 months per year. Subjects were on average aged 60.3 ± 1.4 years. All the women filled in clinical and physical activities questionnaires. Then the following tests were taken: Martinet, 6 min walking test, 3 static balance tests and a memory test.Results. Walking speed (P < 0.01) and distance of walking (P < 0.05) were significantly higher in the gymnastic group in comparison with the sedentary women and the consumption of medicine was significantly lower in active compared with sedentary women (P < 0.05). So, regular gymnastic practice reduces the consumption of medicine and could preserve autonomy by maintening an optimal walking speed, thus decreasing the risk of falls.  相似文献   

《Science & Sports》2001,16(3):162-164
Introduction – Study the effects of the castration on skeletal muscle.Synthesis of facts – Physical and chemical muscle characteristics of 90 males, females and males rabbits castrated at three days were studied after slaughter when 14 weeks old. Longissimus dorsi muscle was analysed. LD chemical characteristics were insignificantly modified by castration. LD muscle was significantly more tender for females and castrated males than for entire males.Conclusion – The castration affects internal structure of skeletal muscle of rabbits slaughtered at 14 weeks of age.  相似文献   

《Science & Sports》2003,18(3):134-140
Purpose. – The aim of this study was to compare the mechanical variables from 2 different analysis methods during a sprint exercise on cycle ergometer.Methods. – Twenty-two karate practitioners (international and national level) performed 6 sprints of 8 s (friction loads of 0.4; 0.5; 0.6; 0.7; 0.8 and 0.9 N kg–1). The maximal theoretical values of pedalling velocity and force, the maximal power output and the optimal pedalling velocity were determined from 2 different methods. The friction load method plotted the relationship between the braking force applied on the flywheel and the peak velocity. The SRM method established the relationship between the pedalling velocity and the force applied on the crank — gear from all the 6 friction loads data.Results. – The maximal power output determined from the SRM method was significantly, i) lower (5.2%) compared to the friction load method, ii) higher (16.4%) in the international group compared to the national group. Whatever the method used i) there was no significant difference between groups for the maximal theoretical force ii) the international group showed significantly higher values of maximal theoretical and optimal pedalling velocity.Conclusions. – The results showed no significant effect of the method on the maximal theoretical values of velocity. The SRM method was more sensitive for the measurements of the maximal power output.  相似文献   

《Science & Sports》2003,18(6):299-301
Objective. – To carry out the follow-up of 21 high level rugby players by means of the psycho-comportmental questionnaire of the “French Society of Sports Medicine” (SFMS), of the salivary testosterone (T) and cortisol (C) levels and of their ratio T/C during the sporting season.Materials and methods. – The players provided three samples of saliva, at awakening (8 am), just before the lunch (11 am), and at 17 pm in order to assay cortisol and testosterone. The first measurements were done at the beginning of season (T1), 12 weeks (T2) and 24 weeks (T3) after T1. At the same periods, they completed the 54 items of the SFMS questionnaire which allows to give a score (from 1 to 54) proportional to the state of tiredness of the subject. The performance of the team was estimated from the ratio of victories to the number of matches played over the season.Results and discussion. – The increase in the score obtained with the SFMS questionnaire and the variations of the hormonal levels during the season seem to reflect a normal adaptation phenomenon to the training load, a fact which is confirmed by the maintenance of the same level of performance of the team throughout the season. This study permitted to highlight the parallel evolutions between the psycho-comportemental index (score) and the hormonal markers of the state of tiredness. Thus, it appears that the SFMS questionnaire is an interesting and easy to employ tool to evaluate the state of tiredness (or reciprocally of form) of a sportsman during the course of the sporting season.  相似文献   

《Science & Sports》2001,16(2):100-103
Introduction – The aim of this study was designed to measure the evolution of the heart rate (FC) during pool repeated short breath hold at rest and at different underwater swimming velocities.Methods and results – The population was composed of ten male subjects subdivided into two groups: trained (expert) and beginners. Each subject had to perform one series of breath hold divings at rest and three series to different underwater swimming velocities. A series corresponded to six divings of 30 second duration separated by a recovery period of 30 second. Results pointed out, a bradycardia more important for the experts at rest and some tachycardia after the emersion less important for the experts.Conclusion – This difference between the two populations, measured during the series in breath hold with muscular efforts, was identical with the difference obtained during the measure of bradycardia at rest. For the trainer, the determination of a bradycardia in immersion during a breath hold at rest allowed evaluation of the training of the diver and to optimise the underwater swimming velocities according to avoid the breath hold breaking point.  相似文献   

《Science & Sports》2003,18(3):141-149
Purpose. – This study presents a new method for determining the resultant braking force during wheelchair displacement and investigates the respective effects of the level and the distribution of the system’s mass.Method and results. – A three-dimensional accelerometer was fixed directly under the seat of wheelchair and was used to measure the deceleration of the mass-and-wheelchair’s system. Three masses (50, 70 and 90 kg) were laid on a support in 3 positions corresponding to three distributions (10, 40 and 70%) of the system’s total mass upon the front casters. A series of 15 deceleration trials was performed for each of the 9 combinations. Statistical results showed that the system’s deceleration was mainly explained by the mass distribution upon the front casters (92%) and in the least by the system’s total mass (8%).Conclusion. – Considering the fore-and-aft movements of the subject’s centre of mass during wheelchair locomotion, the results of this study let us assume that the resultant braking force does not remain constant along the propulsion cycle. Moreover, the present method could be used to investigate the influence of wheelchair’s adjustments and floor’s characteristics on the resultant braking force.  相似文献   

《Science & Sports》2001,16(5):282-284
Introduction – Balance control in some sports discipline can be the aim of the action, and its breaking off can expose to severe trauma.Synthesis of facts – Some drugs' adverse effects can induce lower equilibrium performance, in relation for example with vigilance drop or vestibular ototoxicity. The drug effect site can concern one or more links in the chain (peripheral or central impact). Individual sensitivity is variable, as well as speed of reversibility.Conclusion – Symptoms induced by pathology for which therapy is prescribed are sometimes difficult to distinguish from those induced by therapy itself.  相似文献   

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