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Multiple Hereditary Exostoses (MHE) is an autosomal dominant skeletal disorder most frequently caused by mutations in the EXT1 gene. MHE affects proper development of endochondral bones, such that all affected individuals present with exostoses adjacent to the growth plate of long bones, while some individuals exhibit additional bone deformities. EXT1 functions as a heparan sulfate (HS) co-polymerase, and when defective causes improper elongation of glycosaminoglycan side chains on core proteins of HS proteoglycans. Although analysis of heterozygous EXT1-deficient mice has failed to reveal any significant gross morphological variations in skeletal development, significant alterations in molecular signaling occur in the developing long bones. Our results indicate that defects in EXT1 and the resulting reduction in HS lead to enhanced Indian Hedgehog diffusion causing an increase in chondrocyte proliferation and delayed hypertrophic differentiation.  相似文献   

Endochondral ossification (EO) occurs in the growth plate where chondrocytes pass through discrete stages of proliferation, maturation, hypertrophy, and calcification. We have developed and characterized a novel bovine cell culture model of EO that mirrors these events and will facilitate in vitro studies on factors controlling chondrocyte differentiation. Chondrocytes derived from the epiphyses of long bones of fetal calves were treated with 5-azacytidine (aza-C) for 48 h. Cultures were maintained subsequently without aza-C and harvested at selected time points for analyses of growth and differentiation status. A chondrocytic phenotype associated with an extensive extracellular matrix rich in proteoglycans and collagen types II and VI was observed in aza-C-treated and -untreated cultures. aza-C-treated cultures were characterized by studying the expression of several markers of chondrocyte differentiation. Parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) and its receptor, both markers of maturation, were expressed at days 5-9. Type X collagen, which is restricted to the stage of hypertrophy, was expressed from day 11 onward. Hypertrophy was confirmed by a 14-fold increase in cell size by day 15 and an increased synthesis of alkaline phosphatase during the hypertrophic period (days 14-28). The addition of PTHrP to aza-C-treated cultures at day 14 led to the down-regulation of type X collagen by 6-fold, showing type X collagen expression is under the control of PTHrP as in vivo. These findings show that aza-C can induce fetal bovine epiphyseal chondrocytes to differentiate in culture in a manner consistent with that which occurs during the EO process in vivo.  相似文献   

Extracellular matrix alterations during endochondral ossification in humans   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Immunohistochemical methods were employed to examine alterations in the cartilage extracellular matrix constituents associated with endochondral ossification in humans. The distributions of chondroitin 4- and 6-sulfate and keratan sulfate proteoglycan (PG) determinants, cartilage PG link protein, collagen types I and II, and fibronectin were determined in iliac crest growth-plate specimens using the avidin-biotin-horseradish peroxidase system. Collagen type II was distributed throughout the growth plate, providing a framework within which chondrocytes divided and formed clusters of differentiating (hypertrophic) cells. The septa between these clusters and their subchondral extensions into underlying bone trabeculae were rich in PG, PG link protein, and collagen type II and resembled the extracellular matrix of reserve cartilage. The territorial matrix associated with the differentiating cells within the clusters contained reduced amounts of collagen type II, PG link protein, and possibly cartilage PG. Collagen type I and fibronectin were detected within the cytoplasm of the maturing and degenerating cells, and fibronectin localized intensely to the pericellular matrix envelopes of these cells. These alterations presumably facilitate the degradation of the matrix associated with the cell clusters by invading vascular tissue, while the septa, which retain the characteristics of more typical cartilage matrix, are not degraded and firmly anchor the cartilage to the subchondral bone.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of F‐spondin, an extracellular matrix protein of osteoarthritic cartilage, during chondrocyte maturation in embryonic growth plate cartilage. In chick tibia, F‐spondin expression localized to the hypertrophic and calcified zones of the growth plate. Functional studies using tibial organ cultures indicated that F‐spondin inhibited (~35%, p = 0.02), and antibodies to F‐spondin increased (~30%, p < 0.1) longitudinal limb growth relative to untreated controls. In cell cultures, induction of chondrocyte maturation, by retinoic acid (RA) or transforming growth factor (TGF)‐β treatment led to a significant upregulation of F‐spondin (p < 0.05). F‐spondin transfection increased mineral deposition, alkaline phosphatase (AP) and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)‐13 mRNA levels (p < 0.05), and AP activity following RA stimulation, compared to mock transfected controls. Using AP as a differentiation marker we then investigated the mechanism of F‐spondin promaturation effects. Blocking endogenous F‐spondin via its thrombospondin (TSR) domain inhibited RA induced AP activity 40% compared to controls (p < 0.05). The stimulatory effect of F‐spondin on AP expression was also inhibited following depletion of TGF‐β from culture supernatants. Our findings indicate that F‐spondin is expressed in embryonic cartilage, where it has the capacity to enhance chondrocyte terminal differentiation and mineralization via interactions in its TSR domain and TGF‐β dependent pathways. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 28:1323–1329, 2010  相似文献   

Runx1 is expressed in skeletal elements, but its role in fracture repair has not been analyzed. We created mice with a hypomorphic Runx1 allele (Runx1(L148A) ) and generated Runx1(L148A/-) mice in which >50% of Runx1 activity was abrogated. Runx1(L148A/-) mice were viable but runted. Their growth plates had extended proliferating and hypertrophic zones, and the percentages of Sox9-, Runx2-, and Runx3-positive cells were decreased. Femoral fracture experiments revealed delayed cartilaginous callus formation, and the expression of chondrogenic markers was decreased. Conditional ablation of Runx1 in the mesenchymal progenitor cells of the limb with Prx1-Cre conferred no obvious limb phenotype; however, cartilaginous callus formation was delayed following fracture. Embryonic limb bud-derived mesenchymal cells showed delayed chondrogenesis when the Runx1 allele was deleted ex vivo with adenoviral-expressed Cre. Collectively, our data suggest that Runx1 is required for commitment and differentiation of chondroprogenitor cells into the chondrogenic lineage.  相似文献   

This study describes the enhancement of chondrogenic differentiation in endochondral ossification by extremely low frequency pulsed electric/magnetic fields (EMFs). The demineralized bone matrix (DBM)-induced endochondral ossification model was used to examine the effects of EMF stimulation. [35S]-Sulfate and [3H]-thymidine incorporation and glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content were determined by standard methods. Proteoglycan (PG) and GAG molecular size and composition were determined by gel chromatography and sequential enzyme digestion. Immunohistochemical and Western blot analysis of PGs were done with antibodies 2B6, 3B3, 2D3 and 5D4. Northern analysis of total RNA extracts was performed for aggrecan, and type II collagen. All data was compared for significance by Student's t- or analysis of variance (ANOVA)-tests. The EMF field accelerated chondrogenesis as evidenced by an increase in: (1) 35SO4 incorporation and GAG content, (2) the number of chondrocytes at day 8 of development, (3) the volumetric density of cartilage and (4) the extent of immunostaining for 3B3 and 5D4. No differences in DNA content or [3H]-thymidine incorporation were observed between control and stimulated ossicles, suggesting the absence of enhanced cell proliferation or recruitment as a mechanism for the acceleration. PG and GAG molecular sizes and GAG chemical composition were similar in stimulated and control ossicles, indicating that stimulation resulted in an accelerated synthesis of normal cartilage molecules. The increased expression of PG and type II collagen mRNA as well as a greater immunoreactivity of 3B3 and 5D4 suggest an increase in the rate of differentiation of chondrocytes and enhanced phenotypic maturation.  相似文献   

Axis inhibition proteins 1 and 2 (Axin1 and Axin2) are scaffolding proteins that modulate at least two signaling pathways that are crucial in skeletogenesis: the Wnt/β‐catenin and TGF‐β signaling pathways. To determine whether Axin2 is important in skeletogenesis, we examined the skeletal phenotype of Axin2‐null mice in a wild‐type or Axin1+/? background. Animals with disrupted Axin2 expression displayed a runt phenotype when compared to heterozygous littermates. Whole‐mount and tissue β‐galactosidase staining of Axin2LacZ/LacZ mice revealed that Axin2 is expressed in cartilage tissue, and histological sections from knockout animals showed shorter hypertrophic zones in the growth plate. Primary chondrocytes were isolated from Axin2‐null and wild‐type mice, cultured, and assayed for type X collagen gene expression. While type II collagen levels were depressed in cells from Axin2‐deficient animals, type X collagen gene expression was enhanced. There was no difference in BrdU incorporation between null and heterozygous mice, suggesting that loss of Axin2 does not alter chondrocyte proliferation. Taken together, these findings reveal that disruption of Axin2 expression results in accelerated chondrocyte maturation. In the presence of a heterozygous deficiency of Axin1, Axin2 was also shown to play a critical role in craniofacial and axial skeleton development. © 2009 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 28:89–95, 2010  相似文献   

The goal of this investigation was to explore the mechanism by which NOS and NO serve to regulate events linked to chondrocyte terminal differentiation. NOS isoform expression and NO adducts in chick growth cartilage were detected by immunohistochemistry and Western blot analysis. All NOS isoforms were expressed in chick growth plate chondrocytes with the highest levels present in the hypertrophic region. The enzymes were active since nitrosocysteine and nitrotyrosine residues were detected in regions of the epiphysis with the highest levels of NOS expression. Maturing chick sternal chondrocytes evidenced an increase in NO release and a rise in NOS protein levels. When treated with NOS inhibitors, there was a decrease in the alkaline phosphatase activity of the hypertrophic cells. On the other hand, NO donors caused a small but significant elevation in alkaline phosphatase activity. Transient transfections of chondrocytes with an endothelial NOS isoform caused an increase in collagen type X promoter activity. Induction of both collagen type X expression and alkaline phosphatase activity was blocked by inhibitors of the cGMP pathway. These findings indicate that NO is generated by three NOS isoforms in terminally differentiated chondrocytes. The expression of NOS and the generation of NO enhanced maturation by upregulating alkaline phosphatase and collagen type X expression. Since expression of these two determinants was blocked by inhibitors of the cGMP pathway, it is concluded that NO metabolism is required for development of the mature chondrocyte phenotype.  相似文献   

The role of Wnt signaling is extensively studied in skeletal development and postnatal bone remodeling, mostly based on the genetic approaches of β-catenin manipulation. However, given their independent function, a requirement for β-catenin is not the same as that for Wnt. Here, we investigated the effect of Wnt proteins in both tissues through generating cartilage- or bone-specific Wls null mice, respectively. Depletion of Wls by Col2-Cre, which would block Wnt secretion in the chondrocytes and perichondrium, delayed chondrocyte hypertrophy in the growth plate and impaired perichondrial osteogenesis. Loss of Wls in chondrocytes also disturbed the proliferating chondrocyte morphology and division orientation, which was similar to the defect observed in Wnt5a null mice. On the other hand, inactivation of Wls in osteoblasts by Col1-Cre resulted in a shorter hypertrophic zone and an increase of TRAP positive cell number in the chondro-osseous junction of growth plate, coupled with a decrease in bone mass. Taken together, our studies reveal that Wnt proteins not only modulate differentiation and cellular communication within populations of chondrocytes, but also mediate the cross regulation between the chondrocytes and osteoblasts in growth plate.  相似文献   

In this study morphologic techniques have been used to detail the angiogenic response that accompanies endochondral fracture healing in a clinically relevant, reproducible rat model. In this displaced fracture, the gap fills with cartilage that later is replaced by bone, via endochondral ossification. A transient periosteal circulation, followed by a permanent medullary circulation accompany this progression. From 2 to 6 weeks, vessels grow out from the periosteal tissue and give rise to vascular buds, which abut directly onto the avascular zone corresponding to the fracture defect. From 3 weeks onwards, a second wave of vessels grows out from the marrow to the cartilage-filled fracture defect, terminating as vascular buds and loops lined by endothelial and perivascular cells. The loops and buds stain strongly for laminin but transmission electron microscopy does not demonstrate an identifiable basement membrane, pointing to a region of active extracellular matrix turnover. These vessels are intimately associated with osteoblasts and newly formed woven bone forming finger-like composite structures that protrude into the mineralized cartilage matrix with which they form a clearly demarcated interface. Invading vessels and woven bone successively replace the cartilage matrix to mediate repair. Both the vascular structures and progression of endochondral ossification observed, closely resemble those described in the normal epiphyseal growth plate, indicating that the fundamental processes are similar. However, there is a difference in the spatial orientation of cells such that the healing front in the fracture model is relatively disorganized, compared to the orderly linear array of cells at the epiphyseal growth plate.  相似文献   

Hypothyroidism in children causes developmental abnormalities in bone and growth arrest, while thyrotoxicosis accelerates growth rate and advances bone age. To determine the effects of thyroid hormones on endochondral bone formation, we examined epiphyseal growth plates in control, hypothyroid, thyrotoxic, and hypothyroid-thyroxine (hypo-T4)-treated rats. Hypothyroid growth plates were grossly disorganized, contained an abnormal matrix rich in heparan sulfate, and hypertrophic chondrocyte differentiation failed to progress. These effects correlated with the absence of collagen X expression and increased parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) messenger RNA (mRNA) expression. In thyrotoxic growth plates, histology essentially was normal but PTHrP receptor (PTHrP-R) mRNA was undetectable. PTHrP is a potent inhibitor of hypertrophic chondrocyte differentiation that acts in a negative feedback loop with the secreted factor Indian hedgehog (Ihh) to regulate endochondral bone formation. Thyroid hormone receptor alpha1(TRalpha1), TRalpha2, and TRbeta1 proteins were localized to reserve zone progenitor cells and proliferating chondrocytes in euthyroid rat cartilage; regions in which PTHrP and PTHrP-R expression were affected by thyroid status. Thus, dysregulated Ihh/PTHrP feedback loop activity may be a key mechanism that underlies growth disorders in childhood thyroid disease.  相似文献   

Thyroid hormones (THs), 3,3',5-triiodo-L-thyronine (T3) and L-thyroxine (T4), are important for the normal development of the growth plate (GP); congenital TH deficiency leads to severe dwarfism. In mouse chondrogenic cell line, ATDC5, T3 enhanced differentiation and increased Alizarin red staining, but did not affect Alcian blue staining. In organ-cultured mouse tibias, THs stimulated the cartilage growth, especially in the hypertrophic zone. Interestingly, T4 was as equally potent as T3 in organ-cultured tibias, which suggests that T4 is metabolized locally to T3, because T4 is a prohormone and must be converted to T3 for its activity. Two enzymes catalyze the conversion; type I deiodinase (D1) and type II deiodinase (D2). D1 has a ubiquitous distribution and D2, with a high affinity for T4, is present where the maintenance of intracellular T3 concentration is critical. Messenger RNAs (mRNAs) for D1 and D2 were detected in neonatal mouse tibias and ATDC5 cells. The enzyme activity was unaffected by the D1 inhibitor 6-propyl-2-thiouracil, suggesting that D2 mainly catalyzes the reaction. D2 mRNA was detected in differentiated ATDC5 cells. In organ-cultured mouse tibias, D2 activity was greater at later stages. In contrast, thyroid hormone receptors (TRs) were expressed in neonatal mouse tibias and ATDC5 cells, but their expression levels in ATDC5 cells were stable throughout the culture periods. Therefore, increased T3 production at later stages by D2 is likely to contribute to the preferential effects of THs in the terminal differentiation of GP. This article is the first to show that T4 is activated locally in GP and enhances the understanding of TH effects in GP.  相似文献   

We have used antibodies to chondroitin 4- and 6-sulfate and keratan sulfate along with Alcian blue staining of sulfated proteoglycans to investigate changes in content and sulfation within the avian growth plate. In normal chicks, chondroitin 4- and 6-sulfate content were similar in the proliferating and transitional zones but in the hypertrophic zone, chondroitin 4- and 6-sulfate were slightly lower (13% and 18%, respectively) and keratan sulfate was markedly lower (58%). Compared with the proliferative zone, Alcian blue staining of sulfated glycosaminoglycans was markedly lower in both the transitional (46%) and hypertrophic (22%) zones. In tibial dyschondroplasia, where chondrocyte maturation is arrested at the transitional zone, there was no difference in the chondroitin 4- and 6-sulfate or keratan sulfate staining between the proliferative and transitional zones, which were similar to normal birds. With Alcian blue staining there was no difference in the intensity of the staining within the proliferating zone compared with normal birds but stainign in the transitional chondrocytes was markedly higher (39%). These results suggest that in the early steps of chondrocyte maturation there may be a decrease in the degree of glycosaminoglycan sulfation without any alteration in glycosaminoglycan concentration, and that further maturation may be accompanied by a change in the nature of the proteoglycans which may also affect the level of sulfation.  相似文献   

Mechanical stresses and endochondral ossification in the chondroepiphysis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In 1911, Gebhardt used a photoelastic model to relate mechanical stresses to the ossification pattern of the chondroepiphysis. Pauwels later conducted a photoelastic study using the same model geometry to develop a theory that the secondary ossific nucleus originates at a position of high-magnitude hydrostatic pressure where the shear stresses are zero. We conducted two-dimensional finite element analyses of the model used by Gebhardt and Pauwels. We demonstrate that Pauwels's photoelastic results are correct but are based on the imposition of incorrect boundary conditions. When more realistic boundary conditions were used, the finite element results changed dramatically. These results suggest that (a) the ossific nucleus appears in an area of high shear (deviatoric) stresses; (b) the edge of the advancing ossification front (zone of Ranvier or ossification grove) also experiences high shear stresses; and (c) the joint surface, where articular cartilage forms, is exposed to high-magnitude hydrostatic compression. These findings support the theory proposed by Carter and associates that intermittently applied shear stresses (or strain energy) promote endochondral ossification and that intermittently applied hydrostatic compression inhibits or prevents cartilage degeneration and ossification.  相似文献   

[目的]分别构建膜内成骨骨修复模型和软骨内成骨骨修复模型。[方法]取BALB/c小鼠64只,随机分为骨皮质钻孔模型组和骨膜划痕模型组。骨皮质钻孔模型组在小鼠右侧胫骨前内侧实施单纯性骨皮质钻孔损伤用于构建膜内成骨模型;骨膜划痕模型组在小鼠右侧胫骨前内侧实施骨膜划痕损伤用于构建软骨内成骨模型。术后第7、10、14和21 d,每组每个时间点处死8只小鼠,观察损伤部位的组织修复。[结果]骨皮质钻孔模型组小鼠损伤后第7 d在损伤部位出现新生小梁骨构成的骨痂组织。损伤后第10 d新生小梁骨充满损伤骨皮质及骨髓腔。损伤后第14 d新生骨痂组织进入改建过程,至第21 d,多数骨痂组织基本改建完成。在修复过程中无软骨细胞出现。骨膜划痕模型组小鼠损伤后第7 d在损伤部位出现新生软骨组织构成的软骨痂,并有部分软骨细胞已分化为成熟软骨细胞。损伤后第10 d软骨痂中心区域软骨基质溶解,第14 d后新生小梁骨出现,逐渐替代软骨组织。损伤后第21 d,软骨痂已基本被骨小梁替代。在修复过程中,首先出现软骨基质形成的骨痂组织,随后骨化中心形成,骨性骨痂组织逐渐替代软骨,完成骨修复。[结论]成功构建了以膜内成骨方式愈合的骨修复模型和以软骨内成骨方式愈合的骨修复模型,为今后深入研究骨愈合机制提供了基础。  相似文献   

Using a rat fracture model, we investigated the effects of a decrease in serum levels of thyroid hormone on the fracture-repair process. Rats were divided into the following groups: (a) controls, (b) those treated with methimazole for the duration of the experiment, and (c) those treated with methimazole and L-thyroxine, receiving both for the same duration. Three weeks after the initiation of pharmacologic treatment, closed femoral fractures were produced. The formation of cartilage tissue in the fracture callus in all rats was not obviously different on day 7 after fracture. In the rats treated with methimazole, differentiation from proliferating to hypertrophic chondrocytes in the fracture callus was less advanced and vascular invasion was clearly inhibited on day 12. Gene expression of alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin in the callus was significantly lower in these rats than in the controls on days 10, 12, and 14. The mechanical properties of the fracture callus were also significantly weaker in these animals than in the controls on day 21, resulting in impaired fracture repair. These results demonstrate that hypothyroidism inhibits endochondral ossification, resulting in an impaired fracture-repair process. L-thyroxine replacement in the rats treated with methimazole caused the impaired repair process to revert to normal. These results indicate that thyroid hormone is one of the critical systemic factors for fracture repair.  相似文献   

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