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Summary Experiments were carried out on cats, the chloralose anesthesia having been maintained by small doses of Thiopental in about half of the experiments. Intracellular recordings were evaluated from 256 Deiters neurones, which received EPSPs and/or IPSPs upon stimulation of the spinal cord. In respect to excitation, in 70% of these cells, stimulation of the spinal cord at C2-level evoked short latency EPSPs, which showed a bimodal latency distribution. Together with EPSP-latencies observed on stimulation of the lumbar cord the results indicate that a small group of EPSPs is evoked monosynaptically, whilst a major group is mediated via disynaptic linkages of fast conducting fibres. The possibility of a trisynaptic linkage is discussed. Deiters neurones can show rhythmic stimuluslocked discharges, probably based on the organization of synaptic excitation.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (grant Br 242/8).  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of inhibitory effects mediated by spinoolivocerebellar pathways and evoked by stimulation of the FRA was studied in Deiters' nucleus by intracellular recordings and extracellular measurements of positive field potentials. At a geven recording site individual nerves greatly varied in their effectiveness: Q and Saph, Tib and FDL were usually the most effective, while GS had very little effect. When comparing several recording sites, various patterns of dominating and nondominating nerves were found, resulting in a somewhat patchy distribution of responses. The results were supported by intracellular recordings, which showed that CF-mediated IPSPs can be evoked from a limited number of nerves only. The findings show that a discriminative pattern exists in the FRA-evoked spino-olivocerebellar-mediated inhibition. In addition, Deiters neurones were found in which the inhibition was evoked from a large number of fore- and hindlimb nerves. Such a generalized inhibitory pattern may be involved in interlimb coordination during locomotion.  相似文献   

Summary The existence of Golgi type II neurons was verified in the anterior intralaminar central lateral (CL) nucleus of the cat thalamus, and its projection cell types were identified, by means of Golgi impregnation. CL principal neurons were found to display a large- or medium-sized cell body and a radiate dendritic pattern. Their primary dendrites were limited in number, and had a rather long course; they were poorly ramified. The axons of principal neurons were impregnated only occasionally and for a short distance. Projection neurons of the ‘bushy’ or tufted type, described in the main thalamic sensory nuclei, were not identified in the CL in the present study. Typical Golgi type II neurons were found throughout CL. They were mainly small-sized, and displayed a rich dendritic arborization characterized by dendritic appendages. The axons of Golgi type II neurons were seen to give rise to extensive local arborizations. The present findings indicate that in the cat CL, principal cells are mainly represented by radiate neurons. Typical local circuit neurons also are evident in CL, suggesting that the activity of anterior intralaminar structures is regulated by intrinsic mechanisms similar to those operating in the main thalamic relay nuclei.  相似文献   

Summary A study has been made of the ultrastructure of the lateral vestibular nucleus of the normal cat. The study includes light microscopical observations made in Golgi material. The internal structure of the various types of cells is described. The soma of the larger nerve cells is surrounded by a protoplasmic layer, constituted by astroglial sheets, dendrites and boutons; glial cell bodies are usually located outside the layer. The smaller nerve cells display few axosomatic synapses and may be in direct contact with myelinated fibres and glial perikarya. Spines are present on the soma of large and small nerve cells and on all parts of the dendrites. The proximal dendrites are usually the part of the neurons which is most amply supplied with boutons.Various types of boutons and cell junctions are described and an attempt is made to correlate the findings in electron micrographs with those made in Golgi sections.The study serves as a basis for observations made in experimental material where afferent fibres to the nucleus have been damaged.This investigation has been supported in part by Grant NB 02215-07 from the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness, US-Public Health Service. This aid is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary Following transection of the vestibular nerve in cats, the electron microscopical changes occurring in the lateral vestibular nucleus were studied after survival periods of 2–11 days. Material for study was taken from the rostroventral part of the nucleus of Deiters since this is known to receive the primary vestibular fibres.Degeneration of terminal boutons is evident two days after the lesion. Degenerating boutons show an increased electron optic density, mitochondrial changes and a loss of synaptic vesicles. They are often surrounded by a pericellular space filled with flocculent (probably protein) material. At three days and later this space is occupied by processes of astrocytes or of a type of phagocytic cells which surround or engulf the degenerating boutons. Nine to eleven days after the lesion almost all degenerating boutons have disappeared. There is evidence of phagocytosis of axons and myelin sheaths by astrocytes but mainly by phagocytes of yet undetermined origin. The filamentous type of bouton degeneration has not been observed.Degenerating boutons are found on neuronal perikarya and on proximal as well as on thin distal dendrites and on spines. They are common on small and medium-sized cells, but have also been seen on some giant cells. The degenerating boutons do not form series of synaptic complexes. Degenerating fibres and boutons have so far been found only ipsilateral to the lesion.The findings confirm and extend those made in corresponding experiments with silver impregnation procedures, but emphasize the limitations of the latter methods as regards conclusions concerning synaptic contacts.This investigation has been supported by Grant NB 02215-07 from the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness, US Public Health Service. This aid is gratefully acknowledged.A preliminary presentation of some of the findings described in this paper has been made by one of the authors (A. brodal) at a Ciba Foundation Symposium, Myotatic, Kinaesthetic and Vestibular Mechanisms, London, Sept. 27.–29., 1966.  相似文献   

The data concerning the effects of age on the brainstem are inconsistent, and few works are devoted to the human vestibular nuclear complex. The medial vestibular nucleus (MVN) is the largest nucleus of the vestibular nuclear complex, and it seems to be related mainly to vestibular compensation and vestibulo-ocular reflexes. Eight human brainstems have been used in this work. The specimens were embedded in paraffin, sectioned, and stained by the formaldehyde-thionin technique. Neuron profiles were drawn with a camera lucida at ×330. Abercrombie's method was used to estimate the total number of neurons. We used the test of Kolmogorov-Smirnov with the correction of Lilliefors to evaluate the fit of our data to a normal distribution, and a regression analysis was performed to determine if the variation of our data with age was statistically significant. The present study clearly shows that neuronal loss occurs with aging. The total number of neurons decreases with age, from 122,241 ± 651 cells in a 35-year-old individual to 75,915 ± 453 cells in an 89-year-old individual. Neuron loss was significant in the caudal and intermediate thirds of the nucleus, whereas the changes in the rostral third were not significant. The nuclear diameter of surviving neurons decreased significantly with age. There is a neuron loss in the MVN that seems to be age-related. It could help explain why elderly people find it hard to compensate for unilateral vestibular deficits. The preservation of neurons in the rostral third could be related to the fact that this area primarily innervates the oculolmotor nuclei; these latter neurons do not decrease in number in other species studied. Anat. Rec. 251:431–438, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Intracellular recording from neurones in the lateral reticular nucleus (LRN) demonstrated that, in addition to the previously identified excitatory ipsilateral forelimb tract (iF tract) (Clendenin et al. 1974c) there is an inhibitory tract mediating information from the ipsilateral forelimb to the LRN. The excitatory and inhibitory tracts were similarly organized. The tract neurones were monosynaptically activated by affcrents in the ipsilateral forelimb and projected to the same area of the LRN. They will be considered as excitatory and inhibitory components of the iF tract and denoted the excitatory and inhibitory iF tract (EiF and IiF tracts). Stimulation of the descending ipsilateral dorsolateral funiculus (iDLF) in the C3 segment evoked disynaptic EPSPs and IPSPs in LRN neurones contacted by the EiF and IiF tracts. The responses in individual LRN neurones evoked from the iDLF were similar to the responses evoked from the forelimb nerves suggesting that the EiF and IiF tracts are monosynaptically activated by fibres in the iDLF. The dorsal portion of the magnocellular part of the LRN constituted the main termination area of both the EiF and IiF tracts. Neurones in this area have previously been shown to project ipsilaterally to lobule V in the pars intermedia of the cerebellar anterior lobe and to the paramedian lobule (Clendenin et al. 1974a). IPSPs evoked from the IiF tract in LRN neurones outside the main termination area had smaller amplitudes and longer latencies. This finding suggests that these responses were generated by thin axon collaterals given off from dorsally located stem axons.  相似文献   

The lateral reticular nucleus in the cat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The afferent paths from the spinal cord and from trigeminal afferents to the lateral reticular nucleus (LRN) were investigated by intracellular recording from 204 LRN neurones in preparations with a spinal cord lesion at C3 that spared only the ipsilateral ventral quadrant. Stimulation of nerves in the limbs evoked EPSPs and JPSPs in 201 of 204 tested LRN neurones. The strongest input was from the ipsilateral forelimb (iF) which evoked EPSPs in 49% and IPSPs in 73% of the LRN neurones. Each of the other limbs evoked EPSPs in approximately 20% and IPSPs in approximately 25% of the neurones. Stimulation of the ipsilateral trigeminal nerve (iTrig) evoked EPSPs in 32% and IPSPs in 46% of the neurones. The shortest latencies of the EPSPs and IPSPs indicated a disynaptic connection between primary afferents in the iF and iTrig and the LRN. The most direct pathways for excitatory and inhibitory responses from the other limbs were trisynaptic. Stimulation of the ventral part of the ipsilateral funiculus (iVLF) at C3 (C3iVLF) evoked monosynaptic responses in 189 of 201 tested LRN neurones. Monosynaptic EPSPs were recorded in 104 neurones and monosynaptic IPSPs in 126 neurones. Monosynaptic EPSPs and IPSPs were encountered in all parts of the LRN. Stimulation of the iVLF at L1 (L1iVLF) evoked monosynaptic EPSPs and IPSPs in the ventrolateral part of the LRN. The termination areas of excitatory and inhibitory fibres appeared to be the same. LRN neurones without monosynaptic EPSPs or IPSPs from the L1iVLF were located mainly in the dorsal part of the magnocellular division. Stimulation of the dorsal funiculi (DF) at C2 and the ipsilateral trigeminal nerve (iTrig) evoked excitatory and inhibitory responses in the LRN. The shortest latencies of EPSPs and IPSPs indicated disynaptic connections.  相似文献   

The lateral reticular nucleus in the cat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intracellular recordings were obtained from 204 neurones in the lateral reticular nucleus (LRN). LRN neurones contacted by the bVFRT were identified by the responses evoked on stimulation of descending fibres in the contralateral ventral quadrant of the spinal cord (cVQ) at cervical (C5cVQ) and lumbar (L2cVQ) levels. Stimulation of the cVQ evoked excitatory or inhibitory responses in 124 of the 204 LRN neurones. EPSPs were evoked in 45, IPSPs in 52 and both EPSPs and IPSPs in 27 LRN neurones. The shortest latencies of the responses evoked from the cVQ indicated that both EPSPs and IPSPs were disynaptic. This finding was confirmed by direct stimulation of the ascending fibres in the ipsilateral ventrolateral funiculus at C3 (C3iVLF) or L1 (L1iVLF). In most LRN neurones activated or inhibited from the cVQ, stimulation of the iVLF evoked similar responses at a monosynaptic latency. These results indicate that the bVFRT consists of roughly equally large groups of excitatory and inhibitory neurones monosynaptically connected with the LRN. Excitatory and inhibitory bVFRT neurones had similar peripheral receptive fields and termination areas in the LRN. LRN neurones were divided into those contacted by cervical bVFRT neurones and lumbar bVFRT neurones. The former group consisted of LRN neurones responding to C5cVQ stimulation at latencies below 5 ms, whereas the latter group contained LRN neurones responding to stimulation of the L2cVQ. Cervical bVFRT neurones projected to most parts of the LRN whereas the projection of lumbar bVFRT neurones were confined to the ventrolateral part of the nucleus. Excitatory and inhibitory vVFRT neurones of each group had similar termination areas.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Unilateral labyrinthectomy (UL) causes ocular motor and postural disorders which disappear over time in a process of recovery known as vestibular compensation. Vestibular compensation is due to CNS plasticity which generates a partial recovery of resting activity in the vestibular nucleus ipsilateral to the UL, however the mechanism of this neural recovery is unknown. It has been suggested that other areas of the CNS may substitute non-vestibular sensory inputs for the missing labyrinthine input, thereby causing vestibular compensation. The present results show that resting activity can be recorded from medial vestibular nucleus (MVN) neurons in vitro, in brainstem slices from guinea pigs which have compensated for an ipsilateral UL. This result suggests that MVN neurons are capable of generating resting activity without inputs from many other CNS areas. Perfusion with high Mg2+ solution did not abolish resting activity in most cases, suggesting that part of the resting activity may be generated spontaneously by the neurons, possibly through changes in the electrical excitability of the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Summary The cortex and the lateral nucleus of the cerebellum in the normal rat were studied and compared in the electron microscope for examples of changes or apparently spontaneous degeneration in neuronal perikarya and processes. No degenerating neurons and only very rare examples of altered axons were found in the cortex. The lateral nucleus in the same animals, on the other hand, showed degenerating neurons and examples of alteration in dendrites and axons. These changes are interpreted as being examples of remodelling in the lateral nucleus, or neuronal plasticity. Thus, comparison of these two locations in the cerebellum demonstrates that all parts of the brain do not display neuronal degeneration or alteration with equal frequency. The cerebellar cortex appears to have connections that are more stable than the lateral nucleus, one of the deep cerebellar nuclei.Supported in part by U.S. Public Health Service Research grants NS10536 and NS03659, Training Grant NS05591 from the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke, and a Milton Fund Award from Harvard University.  相似文献   

Summary Visual responses were elicited by global phase reversal stimuli in cells of the cat dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) after small retinal lesions had been centered on each receptive field. After acute lesions of different sizes exclusively lateral inhibition was found. When GABAergic inhibition was blocked by continuous microiontophoretic application of bicuculline lateral excitation emerged in dLGN cells partially deafferented by small and medium size acute retinal lesions, but not in those affected by large lesions. This indicates the presence of excitatory retinal inputs at the periphery of the dLGN cell dendrites which are normally suppressed by strong, long-ranging lateral inhibitory processes. After chronic deafferentation, the remaining excitatory inputs increase in effectiveness and lateral excitation is seen without blockade of inhibition. The maximal lateral spread of excitation (300 m) in the dLGN is distinctly smaller than the extent of lateral inhibition (1000 m).  相似文献   

Disuse in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the cat   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
1. An attempt has been made to produce disuse in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of the cat, in the synapses between the optic nerve fibres and the principal cells of the nucleus. Evidence is produced that destruction of the visual receptor cells by iodoacetate or 1,5-di(p-aminophenoxy) pentane dihydrochloride effectively silences the optic nerve discharge and so achieves this result.

2. Disuse of the LGN synapses does not cause any decrease in synaptic efficiency. The LGN response to a single stimulus to the optic nerve was not appreciably altered, and the depression which normally follows single or repeated stimuli was much reduced or absent. This increased responsiveness was unaffected by prolonged tetanization of the optic nerve during the experiment.

3. Two possible explanations of the increased responsiveness are suggested: a post-synaptic `decentralization'-hypersensitivity and an increased output of transmitter per impulse. The relevance of these results to theories of learning is discussed.

4. The LGN response of adult cats kept in complete darkness for periods of up to 966 days was not appreciably different from that in the normal cat and there was little or no increased responsiveness. This suggests that many retinal ganglion cells continue to discharge in total darkness for long periods. There is a possibility that disuse may develop after a long time in the dark.


Neuronal responses in the cat lateral geniculate nucleus were analyzed with respect to oscillatory components in 5930 peri-stimulus time histograms recorded in 69 neurons. Oscillatory components were observed in three frequency ranges clearly separated from each other, i.e. in a lower range between 25 and 33 Hz (mean 27.8 Hz), in a middle range between 45 and 60 Hz (mean 52.5 Hz), and in a higher range between 75 and 100 Hz (mean 84.4 Hz); temporal variance within the neuronal populations showing oscillatory characteristics increased with higher frequencies. Although the frequency ranges of the oscillatory responses were clearly separated from each other, a functional dependence between these three populations of geniculate neurons appears to be possible; the numerical relationship of approximately 1:2:3 points to the possibility of a temporal coupling between distinct neuronal populations at an early stage of visual processing.  相似文献   

In the present study we have investigated in the awake cat the response dynamics of vestibular nuclei neurons to visual or/and otolith stimulation elicited by vertical linear motion. Of the 53 units tested during sinusoidal motion at 0.05 Hz (9.1 cm/s), 1 (1.9%) was responsive to the otolith input only, 13 (24.5%) were influenced by the visual input only and 23 (43.4%) responded to both modalities. Neurons were excited either during upward or downward animal or visual surround movement. Most units displayed a firing rate modulation very close to motion velocity. All the neurons receiving convergent visual and otolith inputs (0.05 Hz, 9.1 cm/s) exhibited synergistic patterns of response. Motion velocity coding was improved in terms of input-output phase relationship and response sensitivity when visual and otolith signals were combined. Depending on the units, visual-otolith interactions in single neurons could follow a linear or a nonlinear mode of summation. The dynamic characteristics of visual-otolith interactions were examined in the 0.05 Hz-0.50 Hz frequency bandwidth. Visual signals seemed to predominate over otolith signals at low stimulus frequencies (up to 0.25 Hz), while the contrary was found in the higher frequency range of movement (above 0.25 Hz). The effects of visual stabilization (VS: suppression of visual motion cues) was observed in a small sample of units. As a rule, VS induced a reduction in the amplitude of unit response as compared to visual + otolith stimulation, the lower the motion frequency, the more pronounced the attenuation. VS also decreased the amplitude of the otolith-dependent component of response. The possible modes of visual-vestibular interactions in single cells are discussed. The present study supports the hypothesis that visual and vestibular motion cues are weighted according to their internal relevance.  相似文献   

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