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目的:分析18例卵巢透明细胞癌的临床特点、预后及与子宫内膜异位症的关系.方法:对18例原发性卵巢透明细胞癌患者回顾性分析其治疗方法、对化疗的敏感性和生存率,以及合并子宫内膜异位症患者对化疗的敏感性和生存率.结果:卵巢透明细胞癌患者常发生月经紊乱或绝经后出血,Ⅰ期患者比例较高,多发生于单侧卵巢,常伴发卵巢子宫内膜异位症,是否合并子宫内膜异位症对化疗的敏感性和生存率无统计学差异.结论:卵巢透明细胞癌临床特点不同于其他的卵巢上皮性恶性肿瘤,其临床分期早,对化疗不敏感,易复发,预后差.伴有子宫内膜异位症与否与预后无相关性.本病预后与临床分期直接相关,与肿瘤体积、有/无腹水、肿瘤扩散程度、肿瘤侵犯单侧或双侧卵巢等因素密切相关.  相似文献   

目的 研究子宫内膜异位症(EM)相关性卵巢透明细胞癌(CCC)和卵巢子宫内膜样癌(EC)的临床病理特征.方法 选取CCC和EC患者共167例,根据是否为EM恶变将患者分为EM组(n=84)和非EM组(n=83).比较两组患者的年龄、生育史、EM病史、临床表现、凝血功能、血清CA125水平、超声检查结果、术中情况及术后病理特点.结果 EM组患者的发病年龄、初潮年龄均明显小于非EM组(P﹤0.01),未绝经患者所占比例明显低于非EM组(P﹤0.01);EM组患者的孕次、产次明显低于非EM组(P﹤0.001),不孕症患者所占比例明显高于非EM组(P﹤0.001);EM组中既往有EM病史的患者所占比例高于非EM组(P﹤0.05);临床表现方面,EM组患者的痛经、月经紊乱发生率均明显高于非EM组(P﹤0.01);EM组患者的PT、APTT明显短于非EM组(P﹤0.001);术后,EM组患者的血清CA125水平低于非EM组(P﹤0.05);两组患者超声检查结果比较,差异无统计学意义(P﹥0.05);EM组患者的肿瘤直径明显大于非EM组(P﹤0.001);两组患者的FIGO分期比较,差异有统计学意义(P﹤0.05),其中EM组患者中Ⅰ~Ⅱ期患者所占比例高于非EM组.结论 EM相关性CCC和EC与单纯CCC和EC存在明显不同的临床病理特征,具有确诊年龄及初潮年龄小、绝经比例更高、孕产次更低、既往有EM病史患者所占比例更高、痛经和月经紊乱表现更多、PT和APTT更短、血清CA125水平较低和临床病理分期较早等特点.  相似文献   

卵巢透明细胞癌并不少见,但发生在39岁妇女者较少见。兹将我院收治l例患者的临床病理资料报道如下。  相似文献   

卵巢透明细胞癌并不少见,但发生在39岁妇女者较少见.兹将我院收治1例患者的临床病理资料报道如下.  相似文献   

卵巢透明细胞癌是一种并不罕见的卵巢上皮性肿瘤.病理形态以透明细胞和(或)鞋钉样细胞衬覆的小囊和小管构成为特征.现就对我院10例卵巢透明细胞癌患者的手术病理标本进行临床病理分析如下:  相似文献   

目的 分析I期卵巢透明细胞癌患者的临床特点及预后影响因素.方法 回顾性分析2010年1月至2018年8月期间在郑州大学第一附属医院首诊并接受手术治疗的57例Ⅰ期卵巢透明细胞癌患者的病例资料,随访时间截止至2019年10月.采用Cox回归模型进行生存分析.结果 57例Ⅰ期卵巢透明细胞癌患者发病年龄为(50.51±7.40...  相似文献   

目的分析I期卵巢透明细胞癌患者的临床特点及预后影响因素。方法回顾性分析2010年1月至2018年8月期间在郑州大学第一附属医院首诊并接受手术治疗的57例Ⅰ期卵巢透明细胞癌患者的病例资料,随访时间截止至2019年10月。采用Cox回归模型进行生存分析。结果57例Ⅰ期卵巢透明细胞癌患者发病年龄为(50.51±7.40)岁,61.4%的患者以自觉腹部包块为主诉就诊,96.5%的患者为单侧发病,57.9%的患者的肿瘤直径在10 cm及以上(57.9%)。所有患者均接受手术治疗,仅1例未行全面分期手术,3例术后未行化疗,所有接受化疗的患者中,有3例发生耐药,7例复发,1例死亡。中位生存时间为30个月,中位疾病无进展生存时间为29个月。患者的疾病无进展生存时间与肿瘤直径(P=0.008)及化疗周期数(P=0.033)有关。结论Ⅰ期卵巢透明细胞癌患者经过全面分期手术及化疗后,预后相对较好,铂类耐药较少发生,肿瘤直径和化疗周期数是患者预后独立影响因素。  相似文献   

卵巢透明细胞癌少见,国内至今仅见几十例报道,本文收集15例,报告如下:1 临床资料 年龄26~59岁,平均47岁,低于文献报道的50~56岁.均有下腹部包块,阴道不规则出血3例,消瘦3例,腹痛6例,腹水5例.肿瘤位于左侧卵巢6例,右侧卵巢7例,双侧2例.与周围组织粘连5例,破裂3例,转移至子宫2例、大网膜及膀胱1例、腹膜扩散2例、浸润至阔韧带2例.按1985年FiGo分期法分期,Ia期8例,Ib期1例,Ic期3例,Ⅱa、Ⅱb和Ⅲ期各1例.肿瘤大小7×5×5cm~25×18×17cm不等.2 病理 肿瘤最大直径7~25cm,平均15.1cm,半囊半实性10例,实性5例,囊内为粘  相似文献   

目的 探讨术前超声诊断卵巢透明细胞癌(ovarian clear cell carcinoma,OCCC)的临床价值.方法 回顾性分析14例经手术病理检查证实的OCCC患者资料,观察OCCC的临床特征及术前超声表现.结果 3例病灶位于双侧卵巢,11例病灶位于单侧卵巢.超声表现为类圆形或类椭圆形肿块,边界清,有包膜;实性...  相似文献   

丁丁  孔为民 《肿瘤学杂志》2011,17(7):533-536
[目的]探讨子宫内膜透明细胞癌的预后因素。[方法]回顾性分析69例原发性子宫内膜透明细胞癌患者的临床资料。[结果]术前诊刮准确率为69.8%。临床分期、宫颈受累、累及附件、宫外转移、腹水细胞学、脉管间隙受侵、治疗方式及复发与患者预后相关(P〈0.05)。Cox回归分析显示腹水细胞学、脉管间隙受侵、治疗方式及复发情况是影响子宫内膜透明细胞癌患者预后的独立危险因素。[结论]子宫内膜透明细胞癌诊刮准确率低。腹水细胞学、脉管间隙受侵、治疗方式及复发与否是影响子宫内膜透明细胞癌患者生存率的独立危险因素。  相似文献   

Ovarian clear cell carcinoma (OCCC) reportedly develops from endometriosis. However, the molecular mechanism underlying its malignant progression to OCCC remains elusive. This study aimed to identify an essential gene in the malignant transformation of endometriosis to OCCC. We performed RNA sequencing in formalin‐fixed, paraffin‐embedded (FFPE) tissues of endometriosis (n = 9), atypical endometriosis (AtyEm) (n = 18), adjacent endometriosis to OCCC (AdjEm) (n = 7), and OCCC (n = 17). We found that tetraspanin 1 (TSPAN1) mRNA level was significantly increased by 2.4‐ (DESeq2) and 3.4‐fold (edgeR) in AtyEm and by 80.7‐ (DESeq2) and 101‐fold (edgeR) in OCCC relative to endometriosis. We confirmed that TSPAN1 protein level was similarly overexpressed in OCCC tissues and cell lines. In immortalized endometriosis cell lines, TSPAN1 overexpression enhanced cell growth and invasion. Mechanistically, TSPAN1 triggered AMP‐activated protein kinase (AMPK) activity, promoting endometriosis and cell growth. Upregulated levels of TSPAN1 are considered an early event in the development of high‐risk endometriosis that could progress to ovarian cancer. Our study suggests the potential of TSPAN1 as a screening candidate for high‐risk endometriosis.  相似文献   

Sorafenib is an oral multikinase inhibitor targeting Raf and other kinases. The anti-tumor effect of sorafenib is thought to be mediated through its inhibition of the RAS–Raf–Erk pathway, as well as its inhibition of VEGFR and PDGFR. Sorafenib has been effective at treating patients with renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Ovarian clear cell carcinoma (OCCC) is a chemoresistant subtype of ovarian cancer. OCCC is represented by cells with clear cytoplasm that resemble those observed in RCC. Using a microarray database, the gene expression profile of OCCC was similar to that of RCC. The effects of sorafenib against human OCCC are unknown. Therefore, we used sorafenib to treat two patients with recurrent chemoresistant OCCC, and observed good effect in both of them without severe side effects. We believe that sorafenib is an effective agent against OCCC. Given the chemoresistant nature of this tumor, this drug appears to be very valuable.  相似文献   

Clear cell carcinoma of the ovary is thought to arise from endometriosis. In addition, retrograde menstruation of shed endometrium is considered the origin of endometriosis. However, little evidence supports cellular continuity from uterine endometrium to clear cell carcinoma through endometriosis at the genomic level. Here, we performed multiregional whole‐exome sequencing to clarify clonal relationships among uterine endometrium, ovarian endometriosis and ovarian clear cell carcinoma in a 56‐year‐old patient. Many somatic mutations including cancer‐associated gene mutations in ARID1A, ATM, CDH4, NRAS and PIK3CA were shared among epithelium samples from uterine endometrium, endometriotic lesions distant from and adjacent to the carcinoma, and the carcinoma. The mutant allele frequencies of shared mutations increased from uterine endometrium to distant endometriosis, adjacent endometriosis, and carcinoma. Although a splice site mutation of ARID1A was shared among the four epithelium samples, a frameshift insertion in ARID1A was shared by adjacent endometriosis and carcinoma samples, suggesting that the biallelic mutations triggered malignant transformation. Somatic copy number alterations, including loss of heterozygosity events at PIK3CA and ATM, were identified only in adjacent endometriosis and carcinoma, suggesting that mutant allele‐specific imbalance is another key factor driving malignant transformation. By reconstructing a clonal evolution tree based on the somatic mutations, we showed that the epithelium samples were derived from a single ancestral clone. Although the study was limited to a single patient, the results from this illustrative case could suggest the possibility that epithelial cells of ovarian endometriosis and clear cell carcinoma were descendants of uterine endometrial epithelium.  相似文献   

Targeted approaches have revealed frequent epigenetic alterations in ovarian cancer, but the scope and relation of these changes to histologic subtype of disease is unclear. Genome‐wide methylation and expression data for 14 clear cell carcinoma (CCC), 32 non‐CCC and four corresponding normal cell lines were generated to determine how methylation profiles differ between cells of different histological derivations of ovarian cancer. Consensus clustering showed that CCC is epigenetically distinct. Inverse relationships between expression and methylation in CCC were identified, suggesting functional regulation by methylation, and included 22 hypomethylated (UM) genes and 276 hypermethylated (HM) genes. Categorical and pathway analyses indicated that the CCC‐specific UM genes were involved in response to stress and many contain hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF) 1‐binding sites, while the CCC‐specific HM genes included members of the estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) network and genes involved in tumor development. We independently validated the methylation status of 17 of these pathway‐specific genes, and confirmed increased expression of HNF1 network genes and repression of ERalpha pathway genes in CCC cell lines and primary cancer tissues relative to non‐CCC specimens. Treatment of three CCC cell lines with the demethylating agent Decitabine significantly induced expression for all five genes analyzed. Coordinate changes in pathway expression were confirmed using two primary ovarian cancer datasets (p < 0.0001 for both). Our results suggest that methylation regulates specific pathways and biological functions in CCC, with hypomethylation influencing the characteristic biology of the disease while hypermethylation contributes to the carcinogenic process.  相似文献   

目的:探讨子宫内膜异位症与卵巢子宫内膜样肿瘤之间的内在联系及子宫内膜异位症在卵巢肿瘤的发生、发展中的作用。方法:对2例子宫内膜异位症合并子宫内膜样肿瘤的临床资料进行临床病理分析及免疫组化染色,并复习相关文献。结果:显微镜下2例均为子宫内膜异位症合并子宫内膜样腺癌,免疫组化染色检查子宫内膜样腺体ER、PR均阳性。结论:卵巢子宫内膜异位症虽然是良性,但具有交界性、恶性潜能,约有30%的子宫内膜异位症恶变患者有子宫内膜异位症病史。不典型子宫内膜异位症是子宫内膜异位症恶变的癌前期病变,是类似于由良性至恶性上皮渐进性移行的过渡形态。子宫内膜异位症与卵巢肿瘤发病有一定的关系,取材时应多注意,尽量减少漏诊的可能。  相似文献   

目的:探讨卵巢透明细胞癌脾脏转移的临床特点和治疗策略。方法:报告1例卵巢透明细胞癌脾脏转移的详细临床资料,并进行系统文献回顾。结果:卵巢癌出现脾脏转移以浆液性乳头状囊腺癌多见,卵巢透明细胞癌发生脾脏转移极为罕见。卵巢癌出现脾脏转移时间多在卵巢癌术后,少数出现于首次就诊时,多数表现为同时多发性的大网膜及盆腔转移,个别患者可表现为孤立性脾转移病灶。结论:卵巢癌脾脏转移诊断的确立需要结合肿瘤标志、影像学资料和组织病理;治疗方面需采取综合手段,应在准确评估病情的前提下,及时行减瘤术和脾切除术,以提高患者生存质量。  相似文献   

Current research has strongly proposed that contrary to prior beliefs, many ovarian epithelial cancers (OECs) do not, as their name suggests, originate in the ovaries. Recent findings regarding both high-grade and low-grade serous carcinomas has implicated the fallopian tube as a cell source for these OECs, but until now, there has been little insight into the cellular source for clear cell and endometrioid carcinomas. In this commentary review article, we aimed to discuss the new findings that support the possible contribution from the fallopian tube in clear cell and endometrioid carcinomas. Specifically, we have provided results that showcased ovarian surface epithelia (OSE) and ovarian epithelial inclusions (OEIs) as having mesothelial and tubal origins and have strongly recognized the secondary müllerian system and the ability for tubal epithelia to implant upon the ovarian surface as contributing to fallopian tube-derived OEIs (F-OEIs). We have provided initial indications of these F-OEIs and their relationship to endometriosis and then clear cell and endometrioid carcinomas and subsequently offer our new proposal of a probable tubal origin. This new proposal is a paradigm that drastically changes the understanding behind the origin of these OECs and has significant clinical implications in the near future.  相似文献   

目的:探讨卵巢透明细胞癌脾脏转移的临床特点和治疗策略。方法:报告1例卵巢透明细胞癌脾脏转移的详细临床资料,并进行系统文献回顾。结果:卵巢癌出现脾脏转移以浆液性乳头状囊腺癌多见,卵巢透明细胞癌发生脾脏转移极为罕见。卵巢癌出现脾脏转移时间多在卵巢癌术后,少数出现于首次就诊时,多数表现为同时多发性的大网膜及盆腔转移,个别患者可表现为孤立性脾转移病灶。结论:卵巢癌脾脏转移诊断的确立需要结合肿瘤标志、影像学资料和组织病理;治疗方面需采取综合手段,应在准确评估病情的前提下,及时行减瘤术和脾切除术,以提高患者生存质量。  相似文献   

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