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目的 探讨瘢痕妊娠治疗同时行瘢痕修补术是否有助于改善瘢痕形态。方法 前瞻性收集40例剖宫产瘢痕妊娠治疗结束半年以上的患者,根据最初治疗时是否行瘢痕修补术分为手术组(n=19)和清宫组(n=21),均行超声宫腔造影,比较两组瘢痕形态及残余肌层情况,根据残余肌层厚度与相邻肌层厚度比将剖宫产瘢痕分为大瘢痕憩室(≤ 50%)、小瘢痕憩室(>50%)、完整瘢痕(瘢痕处肌层无明显变薄)。结果 手术组与清宫组的瘢痕长度、宽度、深度、子宫残余肌层厚度、残余肌层比例、体积差异均无统计学意义(P均>0.05);手术组中,大瘢痕憩室8例,小瘢痕憩室和完整瘢痕11例;清宫组中,大瘢痕憩室6例,小瘢痕憩室和完整瘢痕15例,两组瘢痕类型差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.80,P=0.37)。结论 瘢痕修补术并未明显改善瘢痕妊娠患者的瘢痕形态。  相似文献   

经阴道超声和超声子宫造影对子宫腔内病变诊断的比较   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
目的:评价经阴道超声和超声子宫造影对子宫腔内病变的诊断作用。方法:经阴道超声诊断官腔内异常的44例患者,行超声子宫造影检查,以宫腔镜和病理结果为标准,计算两种方法诊断子宫内膜息肉、黏膜下肌瘤、内膜病变的敏感性、特异性、准确性、阳性预测值和阴性预测值。结果:44例患者,经阴道超声诊断内膜息肉、黏膜下肌瘤、内膜病变的敏感性、特异性、准确性分别为65%、96%、82%;94%、96%、95%;100%、67%、77%;超声子宫造影诊断内膜息肉、黏膜下肌瘤、内膜病变的敏感性、特异性、准确性分别为85%、100%、93%;100%、85%、91%;100%、98%、98%。结论:与传统的经阴道超声相比,超声子宫造影对子宫腔内病变的诊断有很高的敏感性和特异性,是一种简便易行、疼痛少,无合并症的诊断方法。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical relevance of 3-dimensional saline infusion sonography (3D-SIS) in addition to conventional SIS in women with abnormal uterine bleeding suspected of having intrauterine abnormalities. METHODS: All women suspected of having intrauterine abnormalities were eligible. Before 3D-SIS, conventional SIS was performed. The results of these techniques were compared with the "combined method reference standard" (hysteroscopy, endometrial sampling, and clinical follow-up in cases with normal SIS findings). Diagnostic characteristics (with 95% confidence intervals [CIs]) of 3D-SIS and SIS were calculated as well as their respective accuracy in evaluating the histologic nature, the intrauterine extension, and the location of intrauterine abnormalities. Moreover, the reliability (kappa value) and clinical relevance of 3D-SIS were assessed. RESULTS: A total of 49 women were included, and 4 women were excluded. The positive predictive values of 3D-SIS and SIS were, respectively, 1.00 and 0.86 (95% CI, 0.72-0.99; P = .15), and the diagnostic accuracy values were 0.98 (95% CI, 0.94-1.0) and 0.91 (95% CI, 0.83-0.99; P = .08). Saline infusion sonography and 3D-SIS were equally accurate in evaluating the histologic nature, intrauterine extent, and location of intrauterine abnormalities (respective kappa values: 0.85 versus 0.93; P = .88; 0.83 versus 0.83; and 0.77 versus 0.80; P = .81). The reliability of 3D-SIS was good: intraobserver and interobserver agreement (kappa) were 0.78 and 0.72. Three women (6.7%) had the benefit of additional 3D-SIS: in these women, SIS wrongly led to a diagnosis of intrauterine abnormalities (P = .08). CONCLUSIONS: Three-dimensional saline infusion sonography is valid and reliable in women suspected of having intrauterine abnormalities and may indeed have relevant clinical value in addition to conventional SIS.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the diagnostic performance of transvaginal color Doppler sonography (TVCD) and sonohysterography (SHG) in the diagnosis of endometrial polyps. METHODS: Fifty-one women (mean age, 51 years; range, 27-75 years) with clinical or B-mode sonographic suspicion of endometrial polyps were included in this prospective study. Transvaginal color Doppler sonography first and then SHG were performed in all patients. On TVCD, a polyp was suspected when a vascular pedicle penetrating the endometrium from the myometrium was identified. On SHG, a polyp was suspected when a focal polypoid lesion was seen within the endometrial cavity. All patients underwent hysteroscopy and endometrial biopsy, the findings of which were used as the criterion standard. Sensitivity and specificity for TVCD and SHG were calculated and compared by the McNemar test. RESULTS: Hysteroscopy and endometrial biopsy findings were as follows: endometrial polyps, 41; endometrial hyperplasia, 3; cystic atrophy, 4; proliferative endometrium, 2; and endometritis, 1. Sensitivity and specificity for TVCD and SHG were 95% and 80% and 100% and 80%, respectively (McNemar test, P = .5) CONCLUSIONS: Transvaginal color Doppler sonography and SHG had similar performance for diagnosing endometrial polyps.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the typical sonographic findings and clinical applications of color Doppler sono-hysterography and to correlate the vascularity of lesions seen on color Doppler sonohysterography to microvessel density and the presence of vessels greater than 0.5 mm. METHODS: Color Doppler sonohysterography was performed on 25 women with abnormal uterine bleeding. The vascularity (number of vessels > 0.5 mm) and their configuration seen on color Doppler sonohysterography were compared with those obtained on the excised specimen. Microvessel density and histologic features were correlated to the visualization of vessels greater than 0.5 mm and their arrangement on color Doppler sonography. RESULTS: The color Doppler sonographic findings in 18 polyps, 3 submucosal fibroids, and 1 clot showed distinct vascularity patterns. Polyps typically contained a single feeding vessel, whereas fibroids had several vessels, which arose from the inner myometrium. Lesions with higher microvessel density tended to have more vessels greater than 0.5 mm as depicted on color Doppler sonography. CONCLUSIONS: Color Doppler sonohysterography may be useful in distinguishing polyps from submucosal fibroids based on the vascularity of the lesions. The number of vessels seen on color Doppler sonography approximates microvessel density within the lesions.  相似文献   

In this article, we demonstrate the feasibility of saline infusion sonohysterography-based strain imaging for the determination of stiffness variations in uterine masses in vivo. Strain images are estimated using a 2-dimensional multilevel hybrid algorithm developed for sector array ultrasound transducers. Coarse displacements are initially estimated using envelope echo signals, followed by a guided finer displacement estimation using window lengths on the order of 6 wavelengths and 7 A-lines on radiofrequency data. Strain images are obtained by estimating displacement slopes using least squares estimation. In this prospective study, we show that stiffer masses such as fibroids appear darker or as regions with low strain on strain images and are thus clearly differentiated when compared to normal uterine tissue. A high strain boundary around stiffer masses referred to as a "halo" due to increased slipping or sliding of the mass during the applied deformation is also visualized. Uterine polyps, on the other hand, are visualized as masses that are brighter or regions with high strain when compared to the background myometrium, indicating the presence of a softer mass. Axial strain images provide additional new information that may supplement current clinical B-mode imaging used for the diagnosis of uterine abnormalities. Our results show the feasibility of improving clinical diagnosis based on strain imaging.  相似文献   

宫腔超声造影技术(SHG)是指阴道超声(TVS)条件下,插管向宫腔内注入超声造影剂,扩张宫腔,分离内膜,观察子宫内膜、宫腔内肌层病变,对宫腔内占位性病变进行诊断和鉴别诊断.SHG是诊断宫腔内病变的一种简便、经济、无损伤、诊断率高的方法.本文综述SHG的技术操作要领,并对同种诊断方法进行了比较,重点讨论SHG的临床应用价值,介绍该技术应用的新进展.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken to describe the sonographic features of polypoid adenomyomas of the uterus and to determine the diagnostic role of sonohysterography and color Doppler sonography in the evaluation of these lesions. METHODS: The sonographic findings for 46 histologically proved cases of polypoid adenomyomas of the uterus, accumulated over 10 years, were reviewed retrospectively. The pathologic diagnoses included typical polypoid adenomyoma (n = 36), atypical polypoid adenomyoma (n = 7), and low-grade adenosarcoma arising in polypoid adenomyoma (n = 3). RESULTS: Of 46 total uterine tumors, 31 were in the corpus, 12 were in the fundus, and 3 were in the isthmus. The mean tumor size was 3.5 cm (range, 0.5-9 cm). The tumors were polypoid in 30 cases, pedunculated in 11 cases, and sessile in the remaining 5 cases. Of the pedunculated tumors, 5 protruded into the endocervical canal and 2 had prolapsed into the vagina. Three distinct sonographic patterns were identified with respect to the presence of cystic areas: a solid mass (pattern 1) in 12 cases, a solid mass with cystic areas (pattern 2) in 32 cases, and a predominantly cystic mass (pattern 3) in 2 cases. The characteristic sonographic features of polypoid adenomyomas included heterogeneous or homogeneous isoechogenicity relative to the myometrium, a smooth surface, a poorly defined margin with the underlying myometrium, hemorrhagic foci, posterior shadowing, a single vascular pedicle entering the mass, and associated adenomyosis in the myometrium. CONCLUSIONS: Knowledge of the sonographic appearance of polypoid adenomyomas may facilitate diagnosis and may help distinguish these tumors from other polypoid uterine tumors.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess whether sonohysterography provides added diagnostic value over transvaginal sonography in patients with suspected or known myomas by comparing diagnostic confidence, interobserver agreement, accuracy, and change in diagnoses when 2 independent observers interpreted transvaginal sonography alone and later interpreted transvaginal sonography and sonohysterography together. METHODS: Hard copy images from 72 women were interpreted independently by 2 sonologists on separate occasions, rating parameters (abnormal uterus, myoma in any location, submucous myoma, classification of location of a submucous myoma with respect to the uterine cavity, myoma remote from the cavity, adenomyosis, and focal and diffuse endometrial lesions) on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 indicated definitely no; 2, probably no; 3, uncertain; 4, probably yes; and 5, definitely yes). Correlation was made with clinical and imaging follow-up, surgery, and pathologic examination. RESULTS: The added information provided by sonohysterography resulted in improved diagnostic confidence for most parameters. Interobserver agreement was markedly improved for the diagnosis and location of submucous myomas and focal endometrial lesions. Sensitivity values for submucous myomas and focal endometrial lesions were 100% and 90% for transvaginal sonography and sonohysterography together and 100% and 70% for transvaginal sonography alone. CONCLUSIONS: We found that sonohysterography does provide additional information over transvaginal sonography alone and is an important adjunct to transvaginal sonography in symptomatic women with known or suspected myomas, particularly before surgical or medical therapy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the diagnostic accuracy of saline infusion ultrasonography (SIUS) compared with transvaginal ultrasonography (TVUS) in the assessment of myometrial invasion of endometrial cancer. METHODS: A total of 53 patients with endometrial cancer were examined preoperatively with TVUS and SIUS with respect to myometrial invasion. All patients were postmenopausal. Ultrasonographic findings were compared with histopathologic findings of the surgical specimens. RESULTS: The median age of the patients +/- SD was 64 +/- 7 years (range, 51-77 years). In all patients, the procedure was well tolerated. The median thickness of malignant endometria was 17 +/- 9 mm (range, 2-51 mm). The specimens consisted of 40 endometrioid adenocarcinomas, 2 serous papillary carcinomas, 5 clear cell adenocarcinomas, 2 adenosquamous carcinomas, 3 mixed types, and 1 undifferentiated carcinoma. There were 18 grade G1, 24 G2, and 11 G3 cases. On histopathologic examination, superficial myometrial invasion (50% of the myometrium) was present in 28 (52.8%). For superficial myometrial invasion, evaluation by TVUS was accurate in 19 (76.0%) of 25 cases, and evaluation by SIUS was accurate in 18 (72.0%) of 25. For deep myometrial invasion, evaluation by TVUS was accurate in 24 (85.7%) of 28 cases, and evaluation by SIUS was accurate in 27 (96.4%) of 28. CONCLUSIONS: Transvaginal ultrasonography is a reliable method for assessing myometrial invasion of endometrial cancer. Saline infusion ultrasonography showed slightly better accuracy in the assessment of myometrial invasion than TVUS, but the differences were not statistically significant.  相似文献   

Uterine artery embolization: sonographic imaging findings.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: To examine the sonographic and angiographic imaging findings before and after uterine fibroid embolization for symptomatic leiomyoma. METHODS: This prospective study involved 14 premenopausal women who underwent uterine fibroid embolization for symptomatic leiomyoma. Preprocedure sonography with color Doppler imaging was performed. Bilateral uterine artery embolization was successfully performed with the use of polyvinyl alcohol. Follow-up sonographic examinations were performed between 1 and 3 months after the procedure. The correlation between the sonographic appearance before and after embolization and the degree of decrease in uterine size was evaluated by using the Jonckheere-Terpstra 2-sided P test. RESULTS: Preprocedure sonographic imaging showed a varied appearance to the fibroids. Color Doppler imaging primarily showed the fibroids to be vascular with marked peripheral blood flow. Postprocedure sonographic imaging showed decreased uterine size and echogenicity. Color Doppler imaging showed a marked decrease in the blood flow to the leiomyoma. There was no statistical significance in the relationship between echogenicity and vascularity shown before the procedure and the percent decrease in the size of the uterus. CONCLUSIONS: Although sonography is an efficient method for identifying leiomyomata and determining the reduction in size after uterine artery embolization, we were unable to identify any predictive characteristics of success for aiding the preprocedural assessment.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of tumor cell dissemination after saline infusion sonohysterography (SIS) in patients with endometrial cancer (EC). A retrospective study was conducted on 173 patients with EC in whom one of the following methods were performed: dilation and curettage (D&C, n = 120) and D&C followed by SIS (n = 53). No selection or randomization of patients was applied to both groups. The presence of positive peritoneal cytology, as well as adnexal or abdominal metastases was considered the endpoint of this analysis. Positive peritoneal cytology was present in one patient (0.8%) after D&C and in one patient (1.9%) after D&C followed by SIS (chi(2) = 0.030; p > 0.05). Adnexal metastases were present in nine (7.5%) patients after D&C and in three (5.7%) patients after D&C followed by SIS (chi(2) = 0.013; p > 0.05). Metastases to abdominal cavity were found in three (2.5%) patients after D&C and in two (3.8%) patients after D&C followed by SIS (chi(2) = 0.001; p > 0.05). Upstaged because of positive cytology, adnexal or abdominal metastases were 13 patients (10.8%) after D&C and six patients (11.3%) after D&C followed by SIS (chi(2) = 0.029; p > 0.05). These data show that SIS does not increase the risk of malignant cell dissemination in patients with EC.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To apply an existing diagnostic imaging test (saline infusion sonohysterography) to characterize the "filling defect" of a previous cervical cesarean delivery scar in the nonpregnant uterus. METHODS: Forty-four patients with histories of cesarean delivery who underwent saline infusion sonohysterography for a variety of gynecologic indications were included. During the procedure, the area below the bladder recess was examined using transvaginal sonography. A filling defect or "niche" was defined as a triangular anechoic structure at the presumed site of a previous cesarean delivery scar. The depth of the niche was measured. Uterine size, the presence of fibroids and polyps, and the number of previous cesarean deliveries were noted. RESULTS: All patients had a niche indenting the anterior uterine-cervical wall. The mean +/- SD depth of the niche was 6.17 +/- 3.6 mm. There was no correlation between the number of cesarean deliveries and the depth of the niche. Thirty-six percent of our patients had fibroids, and 18% had endometrial polyps. CONCLUSION: Saline infusion sonohysterography was able to detect filling defects in women who previously had cesarean deliveries. We hope that by focusing our attention on the transvaginal sonographic appearance of the detectable uterine scar (niche) with or without the use of saline infusion sonohysterography in the nonpregnant uterus, it will train our eyes to look for the scar in the pregnant uterus. In addition, our study patients had a high prevalence of abnormal uterine bleeding. The role of the cesarean delivery scar in women with unscheduled bleeding needs to be further evaluated.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate different sonographic settings (tissue harmonic, frequency compounding, and conventional imaging) and to determine which setting optimizes breast lesion detection and lesion characterization. METHODS: Four hundred thirteen consecutive breast lesions (249 benign and 164 malignant) were evaluated by sonography using 4 different modes (conventional imaging at 14 MHz, tissue harmonic imaging at 14 MHz [THI], and frequency compound imaging at 10 MHz [CI10] and 14 MHz [CI14]). The images were reviewed by consensus by 2 breast radiologists. For each image, the lesion was graded for conspicuity, mass margin assessment, echo texture assessment, overall image quality, and posterior acoustic features. RESULTS: For lesion conspicuity, THI and CI14 were better than conventional imaging (P < .01) and CI10 (P < .01) particularly against a fatty background (P < .01 for THI versus conventional for a fatty background versus P = .13 for a dense background). Frequency compound imaging at 10 MHz performed the best in echo texture assessment (P < .01), as well as overall image quality (P < .01). For margin assessment, CI10 performed better for deep and large (> or =1.5-cm) lesions, whereas CI14 performed better for small (<1.5-cm) and superficial lesions. Finally, THI and CI14 increased posterior shadowing (P < .01) and posterior enhancement (P < .01). CONCLUSIONS: The standard breast examination incorporates 2 distinct processes, lesion detection and lesion characterization. With respect to detection, THI is useful, especially in fatty breasts. With respect to characterization, compound imaging improves lesion echo texture assessment. No single setting in isolation can provide the necessary optimized information for both of these tasks. As such, a combination approach is best.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Clinical and imaging (sonographic and computed tomographic [CT]) findings in 3 cases of giant mucocele of the appendix are described. METHODS: Clinical records of 3 cases of giant mucocele of the appendix were reviewed. All patients had a basal B-mode sonographic examination and a contrast-enhanced sonographic examination using a second-generation low-mechanical index contrast medium. In all cases, a dual-phase spiral CT examination was carried out. RESULTS: In 2 cases, the abdominal masses were discovered in asymptomatic patients; 1 patient had vague abdominal discomfort. A pathologic diagnosis of benign cystoadenoma was found at pathologic examination in all cases, and malignant pseudomyxoma peritonei was disclosed in 1 patient 1 year later. Common sonographic findings were as follows: (1) a huge abdominal mass with a maximum diameter ranging between 20 and 25 cm; (2) a thin hyperechoic border without either solid vegetations or signs of infiltration of surrounding tissues; (3) a complex internal echo structure with anechoic lacunae interspersed between curvilinear, wavy bands of echogenic material (the so-called sonographic onion skin sign); and (4) avascularity of the masses shown on contrast-enhanced sonography with a low-mechanical index medium. At CT, a well-circumscribed cysticlike mass of low attenuation was displayed in all cases. There was lack of enhancement during a dual-phase examination in 2 cases; in the other, a small peripheral area of faint enhancement was appreciated. Only in the latter case could CT reliably assess the origin of the mass. CONCLUSIONS: It is suggested that a combination of sonographic (namely the onion skin sign) and CT findings may aid in the correct preoperative diagnosis of giant mucocele of the appendix.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Portomesenteric venous gas is a rare condition with an unclear pathogenesis. Most studies in the medical literature mention computed tomography (CT) as the primary imaging tool for this entity. The objective of this study was to outline the advantages and disadvantages of sonography in the evaluation of patients with portomesenteric venous gas. METHODS: We describe 7 patients (3 female and 4 male; age range, 47-83 years) with portomesenteric venous gas. Both CT and sonographic examinations were performed in each patient. Our patient population consisted of 2 patients with superior mesenteric artery occlusion, 3 with ischemia of the colon, small bowel, or both, 1 with gastric ulcer perforation, and 1 with ischemic bowel disease presumably secondary to complications of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. RESULTS: Portal venous gas was observed in all 7 patients with sonography and in 6 patients with CT. Computed tomography was unable to show gas in the portal venous system in 1 patient. Sonography showed patchy hepatic gas accumulation (likely within small peripheral portal vein branches) with no correlative findings on CT. Computed tomography showed important associated findings, including pneumatosis intestinalis. CONCLUSIONS: In cases with portomesenteric gas, CT is the preferred modality for showing the underlying etiology. However, with its real-time imaging capability, sonography may also be a very valuable imaging modality in the evaluation of this entity.  相似文献   

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