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The inhibitory effects of isoflavones (daidzein, genistein, and glycitein) on human cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2A6 activities were investigated. Daidzein, genistein, and glycitein uncompetitively inhibited nicotine C-oxidation catalyzed by recombinant CYP2A6 expressed in baculovirus-infected insect cells with Ki values of 1.3 +/- 0.3 microM, 0.7 +/- 0.2 microM, and 5.2 +/- 0.8 microM, respectively, but not coumarin 7-hydroxylation. Effects of the intake of soy isoflavones on in vivo nicotine metabolism were investigated with 7 healthy Japanese homozygotes of CYP2A6*1. The cotinine/nicotine ratio of the plasma concentrations 2 hours after chewing 1 piece of nicotine gum under the basal condition (after abstaining from soy foods for 1 week) was 8.8 +/- 2.6 (4.4-11.4). The ratio was significantly (P < .05) reduced to 6.7 +/- 1.6 (4.0-8.2) after consumption of a soy isoflavone supplement (60 mg of total isoflavones/d) for 5 days. The authors found that isoflavone contained in soy products significantly decreased nicotine metabolism.  相似文献   

Nicotine C-oxidation by recombinant human cytochrome P450 (P450 or CYP) enzymes and by human liver microsomes was investigated using a convenient high-performance liquid chromatographic method. Experiments with recombinant human P450 enzymes in baculovirus systems, which co-express human nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (reduced form) (NADPH)-P450 reductase, revealed that CYP2A6 had the highest nicotine C-oxidation activities followed by CYP2B6 and CYP2D6; the K m values by these three P450 enzymes were determined to be 11.0, 105, and 132 μM, respectively, and the V max values to be 11.0, 8.2, and 8.6 nmol/min per nmol P450, respectively. CYP2E1, 2C19, 1A2, 2C8, 3A4, 2C9, and 1A1 catalysed nicotine C-oxidation only at high (500 μM) substrate concentration. CYP1B1, 2C18, 3A5, and 4A11 had no measurable activities even at 500 μM nicotine. In liver microsomes of 16 human samples, nicotine C-oxidation activities were correlated with CYP2A6 contents at 10 μM substrate concentration, whereas such correlation coefficients were decreased when the substrate concentration was increased to 500 μM. Contribution of CYP2B6 (as well as CYP2A6) was demonstrated by experiments with the effects of orphenadrine (and also coumarin and anti-CYP2A6) on the nicotine C-oxidation activities by human liver microsomes at 500 μM nicotine. CYP2D6 was found to have minor roles since quinidine did not inhibit microsomal nicotine C-oxidation at both 10 and 500 μM substrate concentrations. These results support the view that CYP2A6 has major roles for nicotine C-oxidation at lower substrate concentration and both CYP2A6 and 2B6 play roles at higher substrate concentrations in human liver microsomes. Received: 27 October 1998 / Accepted: 11 January 1999  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: CYP2A6 is the major enzyme involved in nicotine metabolism, yet large interindividual variations in the rate of nicotine metabolism exist within groups of individuals having the same CYP2A6 genotype. We investigated the influence of genetic variation in another potential nicotine-metabolizing enzyme, CYP2B6, and its interaction with CYP2A6, on the metabolism of nicotine. METHODS: Two hundred and twelve healthy Caucasian adult twin volunteers underwent an intravenous infusion of stable isotope-labeled nicotine and its major metabolite, cotinine, for characterization of pharmacokinetic and metabolism phenotypes. Five CYP2B6 genetic polymorphisms causing amino acid substitutions (R22C, Q172 H, S259R, K262R, and R487C) were analyzed. RESULTS: We observed that the CYP2B6*6 haplotype (defined as having both Q172 H and K262R variants) was associated with faster nicotine and cotinine clearance, and that such associations were more prominent among individuals having decreased-activity CYP2A6 genotypes. Statistically significant interactions between CYP2B6 and CYP2A6 genotypes were observed (P<0.003 for nicotine clearance and P<0.002 for cotinine clearance). CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that CYP2B6 genetic variation is associated with the metabolism of nicotine and cotinine among individuals with decreased CYP2A6 activity. Further investigation of the roles of CYP2B6 and the interaction between CYP2B6 and CYP2A6 genotypes in mediating nicotine dependence and tobacco-related diseases is merited.  相似文献   

AIMS: Previously, we determined the phenotyping of in vivo nicotine metabolism and the genotyping of the CYP2A6 gene (CYP2A6*1 A, CYP2A6*1B, CYP2A6*2, CYP2A6*3, CYP2A6*4 and CYP2A6*5 ) in 92 Japanese and 209 Koreans. In the study, we found one Korean and four Japanese subjects genotyped as CYP2A6*1B/CYP2A6*4 who revealed impaired nicotine metabolism, although other many heterozygotes of CYP2A6*4 demonstrated normal nicotine metabolism (CYP2A6*4 is a whole deletion type). After our previous report, several CYP2A6 alleles, CYP2A6*6 (R128Q), CYP2A6*7 (I471T), and CYP2A6*8 (R485L), have been reported. The purpose of the present study was to clarify whether the impaired nicotine metabolism can be ascribed to these CYP2A6 alleles. Furthermore, we also determined whether the subjects possessing CYP2A6*1x2 (duplication) reveal higher nicotine metabolism. METHODS: Genotyping of CYP2A6 alleles, CYP2A6*6, CYP2A6*7, CYP2A6*8, and CYP2A6*1x2 was determined by PCR. RESULTS: The five poor metabolizers were re-genotyped as CYP2A6*7/CYP2A6*4, suggesting that a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) causing I471T decreases nicotine metabolism in vivo. Furthermore, we found that two subjects out of five with a lower potency of nicotine metabolism possessed SNPs of CYP2A6*7 and CYP2A6*8 simultaneously. The novel allele was termed CYP2A6*10. In the 92 Japanese and 209 Koreans, the CYP2A6*6 allele was not found. The allele frequencies of CYP2A6*7, CYP2A6*8, and CYP2A6*10 were 6.5%, 2.2%, and 1.1%, respectively, in Japanese, and 3.6%, 1.4%, and 0.5%, respectively, in Koreans. The CYP2A6*1x2 allele was found in only one Korean subject (0.5%) whose nicotine metabolic potency was not very high. CONCLUSIONS: It was clarified that the impaired in vivo nicotine metabolism was caused by CYP2A6*7 and CYP2A6*10 alleles.  相似文献   

Nicotine is widely consumed throughout the world, and exerts a number of physiological effects. After nicotine is absorbed through the lungs by cigarette smoking, it undergoes extensive metabolism in humans. Nicotine is mainly metabolized to cotinine by cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2A6. CYP2A6 can metabolize some pharmaceutical agents such as halothane, valproic acid, and fadrozole, and activate tobacco-specific nitrosamines. There are large interindividual differences in nicotine metabolism, and it has been found that the interindividual differences are attributed to the genetic polymorphisms of CYP2A6 gene. This review describes the techniques for determination of in vivo nicotine metabolism, characteristics of each human CYP2A6 alleles, and ethnic differences. The relationship between CYP2A6 genetic polymorphism and potency of nicotine metabolism, smoking behavior, and cancer risk are extensively reviewed. Finally, the usefulness of nicotine metabolism for phenotyping of CYP2A6 in individuals and implication of the significance of CYP2A6 genetic polymorphism in a clinical perspective are discussed.  相似文献   

The in vitro metabolism of (-)-fenchone was examined in human liver microsomes and recombinant enzymes. The biotransformation of (-)-fenchone was investigated by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. (-)-Fenchone was found to be oxidized to 6-exo-hydroxyfenchone, 6-endo-hydroxyfenchone and 10-hydroxyfenchone by human liver microsomal P450 enzymes. The formation of metabolites was determined by the relative abundance of mass fragments and retention times on gas chromatography (GC). CYP2A6 and CYP2B6 were major enzymes involved in the hydroxylation of (-)-fenchone by human liver microsomes, based on the following lines of evidence. First, of 11 recombinant human P450 enzymes tested, CYP2A6 and CYP2B6 catalysed the oxidation of (-)-fenchone. Second, oxidation of (-)-fenchone was inhibited by thioTEPA and (+)-menthofuran. Finally, there was a good correlation between CYP2A6, CYP2B6 contents and (-)-fenchone hydroxylation activities in liver microsomes of 11 human samples. CYP2A6 may be more important than CYP2B6 in human liver microsomes. Kinetic analysis showed that the Vmax/Km values for (-)-fenchone 6-endo-, 6-exo- and 10-hydroxylation catalysed by liver microsomes of human sample HG-03 were 24.3, 44.0 and 1.3nM(-1)min(-1) , respectively. Human recombinant CYP2A6 and CYP2B6 catalysed (-)-fenchone 6-exo-hydroxylation with Vmax values of 2.7 and 12.9 nmol min(-1) nmol(-1) P450 and apparent Km values of 0.18 and 0.15 mM and (-)-fenchone 6-endo-hydroxylation with Vmax values of 1.26 and 5.33nmolmin(-l) nmol(-1) P450 with apparent Km values of 0.29 and 0.26mM. (-)-Fenchone 10-hydroxylation was catalysed by CYP2B6 with Km and Vmax values of 0.2 mM and 10.66 nmol min(-1) nmol(-1) P450, respectively.  相似文献   

Genetic polymorphisms of CYP2A6 gene are known as a causal factor of the interindividual differences in nicotine metabolism. We found three novel CYP2A6 alleles. The CYP2A6(*)18A allele has a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of A5668T (A1175T, Y392F) in exon 8. The CYP2A6(*)18B allele has synonymous SNPs of G51A (G51A), T5684C (T1191C), and T5702C (T1209C) in addition to A5668T (A1175T, Y392F). The CYP2A6(*)19 allele has the SNPs of A5668T (A1175T, Y392F), T6354C (intron 8), and T6558C (T1412C, I471T) as well as the conversion with the CYP2A7 sequence in the 3'-untranslated region, in which the latter two changes correspond to CYP2A6(*)7. Ethnic differences in the frequencies of these alleles were observed between whites, African-Americans, Japanese, and Koreans. Wild or variant CYP2A6 (CYP2A6(*)18, CYP2A6(*)19, and CYP2A6(*)7) were expressed in Escherichia coli. For coumarin 7-hydroxylation and 5-fluorouracil formation from tegafur, the K(m) values were increased, and V(max) values were decreased in CYP2A6.18 compared with those in CYP2A6.1, resulting in decreased clearance to 50 and 35% of that of the wild type, respectively. The K(m) and V(max) values for nicotine C-oxidation were both increased, resulting in no change of clearance. In CYP2A6.19, the effects on the coumarin 7-hydroxylation and 5-fluorouracil formation (increased K(m) and decreased V(max)) were prominent, resulting in decreased clearance to 8% of those of the wild type. For nicotine C-oxidation, the K(m) and V(max) values were both decreased, resulting in decreased clearance to 30% of that of the wild type. The changes of the kinetics in CYP2A6.19 were similar to those in CYP2A6.7. In vivo nicotine metabolism was evaluated in whites (n = 56) and Koreans (n = 40). Although the CYP2A6(*)18 and CYP2A6(*)19 alleles were found only heterozygously, a subject with CYP2A6(*)7/CYP2A6(*)19 showed a lower cotinine/nicotine ratio of the plasma concentration compared with homozygotes of the CYP2A6(*)1A, supporting the in vitro results that the CYP2A6(*)19 allele leads to decreased enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

During the last couple of years, cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6; coumarin 7-hydroxylase) has received a lot of attention because it has been shown that it is the principle human nicotine C-oxidase. This enzyme also activates a number of structurally unrelated precarcinogens including many nitrosamines and aflatoxin B1, and metabolizes certain clinically used drugs. There is a pronounced interindividual and interethnic variability in CYP2A6 levels and activity, and much of this can be attributed to polymorphisms in the CYP2A6 gene, where a few inactivating mutations as well as gene deletions have been described. The frequency of the inactive alleles is low in European populations and very few poor metabolizers for the probe drug coumarin have been described in these populations. In contrast, a relatively high allele frequency (15-20%) of the CYP2A6 gene deletion has been found in Asians, resulting in a generally reduced activity in these populations. Because of the importance of CYP2A6 in nicotine metabolism, it has been suggested that the CYP2A6 genotype influences the interindividual differences in smoking behavior as well as lung cancer susceptibility. Several case-control studies have been conducted in this area, but these have yielded conflicting results. The recent progress in the field of CYP2A6 genetics and the development of more specific genotyping methods will facilitate molecular epidemiological studies aimed at clarifying these important issues.  相似文献   

Objective: This study was designed to investigate whether the in vivo metabolism of tramadol was influenced by CYP2D6 polymorphism. Methods: The extent of tramadol O- and N-demethylation was calculated by determining the amounts of tramadol and O- and N-desmethyltramadol in 24 h urine after ingestion of a test dose of tramadol. The O- and N-demethylation rates were calculated by dividing the 24-h urinary excretion amount of tramadol by that of O-and N-desmethyltramadol. Volunteers were phenotyped for CYP2D6 polymorphism using sparteine as an in vivo probe. Results and conclusion: High correlation was found between tramadol-O-demethylation and sparteine oxidation in 71 extensive metabolizers of sparteine (r s= 0.544). The mean metabolic ratio of tramadol O-demethylation was significantly higher in poor metabolizers of sparteine than in extensive metabolizers (4.4 vs 0.8). These in vivo results confirm that tramadol O-demethylation is carried out to a large extent by the polymorphic CYP2D6. Received: 9 January 1997 / Accepted in revised form: 23 July 1997  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of CYP2A6 genotypes on nicotine metabolism, focused from nicotine to cotinine and its additional 3'-hydroxylating resulted in trans-3'-hydroxycotinine formation. In the subjects genotyped by PCR-RFLP method, one cigarette smoking experiment was performed and urine samples were collected for 24 h. In all subjects who smoked, we detected nicotine, cotinine and trans-3'-hydroxycotinine in urine by GC-MS analysis. In whole deletion of CYP2A6, urinary excretion amounts of cotinine and trans-3'-hydroxycotinine were significantly smaller than those in the wild-type of CYP2A6*1. A lack of CYP2A6 reduces the formation of cotinine and trans-3'-hydroxycotinine, but not entirely reduces the trans-3'-hydroxycotinine formation. Unknown cotinine 3'-hydroxylating activity except CYP2A6 are suspected in humans.  相似文献   

During the course of investigating the frequency of a CYP2A6 whole deletion-type polymorphism (CYP2A6*4C) in Japanese, an unexpectedly large population of heterozygotes for CYP2A6*4C and the wild-type (CYP2A6*1A) was found. Cloning of a cDNA encoding CYP2A6 from the liver of individuals judged as heterozygotes for CYP2A6*4C and the CYP2A6*1A was carried out to identify the causal allele(s) responsible for a possible overestimation. A clone isolated from the liver cDNA library possessed 58 bp sequences in the 3'-untranslated region, which was replaced with the corresponding region of the CYP2A7 gene. The same gene conversion existed in the genomic DNA, indicating that the replacement was not a cloning artifact. Based on the gene structure of the allele (CYP2A6*1B), this variant was thought to be one of the causal alleles responsible for overestimation of heterozygotes for CYP2A6*4C and CYP2A6* A. To investigate this further, we developed a genotyping method which could distinguish the CYP2A6*A, CYP2A6*1B and CYP2A6*4C alleles from each other. The results clearly showed that CYP2A6*1B was the sole allele responsible for the overestimation. We conclude that the new genotyping method allows determination of six genotypes of the CYP2A6 gene, simultaneously and precisely, in both Oriental and Caucasian populations.  相似文献   

The in vitro metabolism of (+)-fenchone was examined in human liver microsomes and recombinant enzymes. Biotransformation of (+)-fenchone was investigated by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. (+)-Fenchone was found to be oxidized to 6-exo-hydroxyfenchone, 6-endo-hydroxyfenchone and 10-hydroxyfenchone by human liver microsomal P450 enzymes. The formation of metabolite of (+)-fenchone was determined by relative abundance of mass fragments and retention time with GC. CYP2A6 and CYP2B6 in human liver microsomes were major enzymes involved in the hydroxylation of (+)-fenchone, based on the following lines of evidence. First, of eleven recombinant human P450 enzymes tested, CYP2A6 and CYP2B6 catalyzed oxidation of (+)-fenchone. Second, oxidation of (+)-fenchone was inhibited by thioTEPA, (+)-menthofuran anti-CYP2A6 and anti-CYP2B6 antibodies. Finally, there was a good correlation between CYP2A6, CYP2B6 contents and (+)-fenchone hydroxylation activities in liver microsomes of 8 human samples.  相似文献   

Approximately 50% of the initiation of tobacco dependence is genetically influenced, whereas maintenance of dependent smoking behavior and amount smoked have approximately 70% genetic contribution (1-5). Determining the variation in nicotine's inactivation is important because of nicotine's role in producing tobacco dependence and regulating smoking patterns (6-11). The genetically polymorphic CYP2A6 enzyme is responsible for the majority of the metabolic inactivation of nicotine to cotinine (12-14). Both in vitro and in vivo studies have demonstrated considerable interindividual variation in CYP2A6 activity (15-17). CYP2A6 is genetically polymorphic, individuals carrying inactive CYP2A6 alleles have decreased nicotine metabolism, are less likely to become smokers and if they do, they smoke fewer cigarettes per day (13,18,19). The decrease in smoking behavior was confirmed by measuring carbon monoxide (CO, a measure of smoke inhalation) levels, plasma and urine nicotine and cotinine levels, and cigarette counts (13,18,19). A duplication variant in the CYP2A6 gene locus has been identified which increases nicotine inactivation and increases smoking (19). CYP2A6 can also activate tobacco smoke procarcinogens (e.g. NNK, 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone); current studies are investigating the role of CYP2A6 in risk for lung cancer. Based on these epidemiologic data it was postulated that inhibition of CYP2A6 activity might be useful in a therapeutic context. Kinetic studies in humans indicated that selective CYP2A6 inhibitors decrease the metabolic removal of nicotine. It was also shown that inhibiting CYP2A6 in vivo (phenocopying, or mimicking the genetic defect) in smokers results in decreased smoking, making nicotine orally bioavailable, and the rerouting of procarcinogens to detoxifying pathways (20-22).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop screening and in silico modeling methods to obtain accurate information on the active center of CYP2A6, a nicotine oxidizing enzyme. The inhibitory potencies of 26 naphthalene and 16 non-naphthalene derivatives were determined for human CYP2A6 and mouse CYP2A5 enzymes. Several comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) models were developed to find out what types of steric and electrostatic properties are required for potent inhibitors. The IC(50) values of the tested compounds varied from 0.55 to 35 400 microM for CYP2A6 and from 1 to 1500 microM for CYP2A5. The generated CoMFA models were able to accurately predict the inhibition potencies of an external test set of chemicals. Potent and specific inhibitors of the CYP2A6 enzyme can be used in the future to increase nicotine bioavailability and thus make oral nicotine administration feasible in smoking cessation therapy.  相似文献   

Inhibition of human cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) by methadone.   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
1. In microsomes prepared from three human livers, methadone competitively inhibited the O-demethylation of dextromethorphan, a marker substrate for CYP2D6. The apparent Ki value of methadone ranged from 2.5 to 5 microM. 2. Two hundred and fifty-two (252) white Caucasians, including 210 unrelated healthy volunteers and 42 opiate abusers undergoing treatment with methadone were phenotyped using dextromethorphan as the marker drug. Although the frequency of poor metabolizers was similar in both groups, the extensive metabolizers among the opiate abusers tended to have higher O-demethylation metabolic ratios and to excrete less of the dose as dextromethorphan metabolites than control extensive metabolizer subjects. These data suggest inhibition of CYP2D6 by methadone in vivo as well. 3. Because methadone is widely used in the treatment of opiate abuse, inhibition of CYP2D6 activity in these patients might contribute to exaggerated response or unexpected toxicity from drugs that are substrates of this enzyme.  相似文献   

The in vitro metabolism of (-)-camphor was examined in human liver microsomes and recombinant enzymes. Biotransformation of (-)-camphor was investigated by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). (-)-Camphor was oxidized to 5-exo-hydroxyfenchone by human liver microsomal cytochrome (P450) enzymes. The formation of metabolites of (-)-camphor was determined by the relative abundance of mass fragments and retention time on gas chromatography (GC). CYP2A6 was the major enzyme involved in the hydroxylation of (-)-camphor by human liver microsomes, based on the following lines of evidence. First, of eleven recombinant human P450 enzymes tested, CYP2A6 catalyzed the oxidation of (-)-camphor. Second, oxidation of (-)-camphor was inhibited by (+)-menthofuran and anti-CYP2A6 antibody. Finally, there was a good correlation between CYP2A6 contents and (-)-camphor hydroxylation activities in liver microsomes of 9 human samples.  相似文献   

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