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Plasma levels of adrenaline and noradrenaline during and after submaximal exercise in patients with bronchial asthma were investigated. Three groups were studied comprising 10 patients with exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB), 10 asthmatic patients without EIB and four normal control subjects. Plasma catecholamines were measured at rest, at the end of exercise, and five and 15 minutes after exercise. Changes in airway resistance were assessed by measuring peak expiratory flow rate. Significant differences in catecholamine levels between reacting and non-reacting patients were found. In 10 patients developing EIB adrenaline and noradrenaline levels had risen significantly by the end of exercise and remained elevated up to the fifth minute of recovery. The rise in catecholamine levels in non-reacting asthmatics was insignificant. In control subjects noradrenaline had increased significantly by the end of exercise.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: End tidal inspiratory activity (ETIA) in diaphragm and parasternal intercostal muscles can be evoked in man and in animals by administration of histamine. Exacerbations of asthma and administration of histamine are often accompanied by hyperinflation. The aims of the study were to determine (1) the magnitude of ETIA in response to histamine in man, (2) the relative contributions of chemical and mechanical stimulation of airway receptors to ETIA, and (3) the importance of ETIA to hyperinflation. METHODS: The effects of inhalation of histamine on the electrical activities of the diaphragm and parasternal intercostal muscles measured with surface electrodes were studied in 21 subjects. The experiments were repeated after inhalation of 600 micrograms of salbutamol to prevent histamine induced bronchoconstriction and concomitant mechanical stimulation of airway receptors. Subjects were connected to a closed breathing circuit to measure the changes in functional residual capacity (FRC) for the different experiments. RESULTS: The mean values of histamine induced ETIA were 60.6% and 46.9% of peak inspiratory activities during control conditions for the diaphragm and intercostal muscles, respectively. After salbutamol histamine induced ETIA was reduced to about one quarter of pre-salbutamol values. FRC increased by 427 ml as a result of inhalation of histamine, but after salbutamol this increase was only 53 ml. The data for ETIA and FRC were interpreted as indicating that the contributions of airflow limitation and ETIA to histamine induced hyperinflation are comparable. CONCLUSIONS: Histamine is a forceful stimulus for inducing ETIA. Both chemical and mechanical stimulation of airway receptors contribute to evoke ETIA, of which the contribution of mechanical stimulation is the more important one. ETIA contributes substantially to histamine induced hyperinflation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A study was undertaken to determine whether swimming training improved aerobic capacity, exercise induced bronchoconstriction (EIB), and bronchial responsiveness to inhaled histamine in children with asthma. METHODS: Eight children with mild or moderate asthma participated in swimming training every day for six weeks. The intensity of training was individually determined and set at 125% of the child's lactate threshold (LT), measured using a swimming ergometer. Another group of eight asthmatic children served as control subjects. Aerobic capacity and the degree of EIB were assessed by both cycle ergometer and swimming ergometer before and after swimming training. RESULTS: The mean (SD) aerobic capacity at LT increased by 0.26 (0.11) kp after training when assessed with the swimming ergometer and by 10.6 (4.5) W when assessed with the cycle ergometer, and these changes were significantly different from the control group. The mean (SD) maximum % fall in forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) to an exercise challenge (cycle ergometer) set at 175% of LT decreased from 38.7 (15.4)% before training to 17.9 (17.6)% after training, but with no significant difference from the control group. There was, however, no difference in histamine responsiveness when compared before and after the training period. CONCLUSION: A six week swimming training programme has a beneficial effect on aerobic capacity but not on histamine responsiveness in children with asthma.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The perception of bronchoconstriction varies among patients with asthma and this perception may be related to the covariation of sensory and affective aspects of dyspnoea. A study was performed to evaluate whether there are differences in the perception of histamine induced bronchoconstriction between anxious and non-anxious perceivers and whether anxious perception of bronchoconstriction can be predicted by higher levels of baseline anxiety. METHODS: Seventy eight asthmatic subjects referred for a histamine challenge test undertook baseline measures for anxiety symptomatology and forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) followed by perceived breathlessness (Borg scale), anxiety (SUDS), and FEV1 measurement before and during induced bronchoconstriction. Based on the correlation between Borg and SUDS scores, the patients were divided into anxious and non-anxious perceivers. RESULTS: Forty one patients reported no anxiety during the challenge test. The anxious perceivers (n = 20) had higher levels of perceived breathlessness and anxiety at 20% fall in FEV1 and were more accurate in their perception of airways obstruction than non-anxious perceivers (n = 58). However, they did not report higher baseline levels of anxiety symptomatology. CONCLUSIONS: Anxiety experienced during bronchial challenge testing may result from the accurate perception of physiological changes and further direct attention to airways obstruction.


J A Roberts  I W Rodger    N C Thomson 《Thorax》1986,41(10):753-758
Leukotriene D4 (LTD4) may be an important mediator in asthma. The effect of verapamil and sodium cromoglycate on LTD4 induced bronchoconstriction has been examined in seven patients with asthma. The bronchoconstrictor response to increasing concentrations of inhaled LTD4 (0.0032-50 micrograms/ml) was assessed by measuring changes in FEV1, specific airways conductance, and flow rate at 30% of vital capacity (V30(p)). Results were expressed as the provocation concentration (PC) producing a 10% fall in FEV1 (PC10FEV1), a 35% fall in specific airways conductance (PC35SGaw), and a 30% fall in flow at 30% of vital capacity (PC30 V30(p)). Neither verapamil nor cromoglycate inhibited LTD4 induced bronchoconstriction in asthmatic subjects. These results suggest that in asthmatic patients LTD4 induced bronchoconstriction is not mediated via verapamil or cromoglycate sensitive mechanisms.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The production of peroxynitrite, an extremely potent oxidant, is increased in inflammatory lung disease. It is therefore important to measure antioxidant activity against peroxynitrite in epithelial lining fluid to examine the physiological effects of peroxynitrite in the airways of patients with asthma. This study was designed to determine whether peroxynitrite inhibitory activity in induced sputum is correlated with clinical characteristics and airway inflammatory indices in asthmatic patients. METHODS: Inflammatory indices were measured in induced sputum from 25 patients with asthma and 12 normal control subjects. Peroxynitrite inhibitory activity was also measured by monitoring rhodamine formation in sputum samples. RESULTS: Peroxynitrite inhibitory activity in induced sputum was significantly lower in asthmatic patients (52.4 (24.5)%) than in normal control subjects (92.1 (3.9)%, p<0.0001). Its activity was significantly correlated with forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV(1)) % predicted (r=0.774, p<0.0001) and bronchial hyperreactivity to methacholine (r=0.464, p=0.023). There was a significant negative correlation between peroxynitrite inhibitory activity and the degree of eosinophilic airway inflammation (% eosinophils, r=-0.758, p<0.0001; eosinophil cationic protein, r=-0.780, p<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Decreased peroxynitrite inhibitory activity occurs in induced sputum of asthmatic patients. Since even in patients with stable asthma the airway lining fluid lacks peroxynitrite inhibitory activity, large amounts of peroxynitrite, which are further increased during an acute asthma attack, would not be completely inactivated and asthmatic airways might have markedly increased susceptibility to peroxynitrite induced airway injury.  相似文献   

J C Henderson  F O'Connell    R W Fuller 《Thorax》1993,48(8):824-826
BACKGROUND--While high doses of caffeine may affect pulmonary function and bronchial challenge tests in patients with mild asthma, the effects of lower doses (< or = 5 mg/kg) are less well documented. Specific recommendations exist for withholding theophylline, but not caffeine, before bronchoprovocation and pulmonary function testing. METHODS--To assess the effect of a single oral dose of caffeine (5 mg/kg) on FEV1 and bronchial responsiveness to histamine a double blind, placebo controlled study was performed in eight patients with mild stable asthma. RESULTS--While caffeine had no effect on FEV1, mean (95% confidence interval) log PC20 histamine was significantly higher 150 minutes [caffeine = 0.99 (0.2) mg/ml, placebo = 0.53 (0.29)] and 240 minutes [caffeine = 0.89 (0.24), placebo = 0.44 (0.26)] after administration of caffeine than after placebo. CONCLUSIONS--Caffeine should be excluded from the diet for a period of more than four hours before bronchial provocation testing. The exact length of time for which it must be excluded requires further study.  相似文献   

M K Albazzaz  K R Patel 《Thorax》1988,43(4):306-311
Azelastine, a new oral agent with antiallergic and antihistamine properties, has been shown to inhibit the effect of histamine and leukotriene (LT) in vitro, though not a specific leukotriene receptor antagonist. The effect of both a single dose (8.8 mg) and 14 days' treatment (8.8 mg twice daily) with azelastine on bronchoconstriction induced by LTC4 and histamine has been examined in 10 patients with mild asthma in a placebo controlled, double blind, crossover study. LTC4 and histamine were inhaled in doubling concentrations from a dosimeter and the results expressed as the cumulative dose (PD) producing a 20% fall in FEV1 (PD20FEV1) and 35% fall in specific airways conductance (PD35sGaw). The single dose of azelastine produced a significantly greater FEV1 and sGaw values than placebo at 3 hours, but this bronchodilator effect was not present after 14 days of treatment. Azelastine was an effective H1 antagonist; after a single dose and 14 days' treatment with placebo the geometric mean PD20FEV1 histamine values (mumol) were 0.52 (95% confidence interval 0.14-1.83) and 0.54 (0.12-2.38), compared with 22.9 (11.5-38.3) and 15.2 (6.47-35.6) after azelastine (p less than 0.01 for both). LTC4 was on average 1000 times more potent than histamine in inducing bronchoconstriction. Azelastine did not inhibit the effect of inhaled LTC4; the geometric mean PD20FEV1 LTC4 (nmol) after a single dose and 14 days' treatment was 0.60 and 0.59 with placebo compared with 0.65 and 0.75 with azelastine. The PD35sGaw LTC4 was also unchanged at 0.66 and 0.73 for placebo compared with 0.83 and 0.74 for azelastine. Thus prolonged blockade of H1 receptors did not attenuate the response to LTC4, suggesting that histamine and LTC4 act on bronchial smooth muscle through different receptors. Four patients complained of drowsiness while taking azelastine but only one who was taking placebo and three patients complained of a bitter, metallic taste while taking azelastine.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recent in vitro and in vivo studies in animals have suggested that ambient oxygen tension may influence airway responsiveness to bronchoconstrictor stimuli. These observations may have relevance to the management of acute exacerbations of asthma. The present studies were designed to examine the influence of inspired oxygen tension (Fio2 1.0, 0.21, 0.15) on methacholine-induced broncho- constriction in patients with asthma. METHODS: In a dual study two groups of asthmatic patients performed methacholine inhalation challenges breathing either air (Fio2 0.21) or a hypoxic gas mixture (Fio2 0.15) in study 1 and air (Fio2 0.21) or hyperoxia (Fio2 1.0) in study 2. The gases were administered through a closed breathing circuit in a randomised double blind fashion. The PC20 values (dose of methacholine causing a 20% fall in forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) were calculated after each methacholine challenge by linear interpolation from the logarithmic dose response curve. Plasma catecholamine levels were measured before and after methacholine challenges as well as heart rate, oxygen saturation, and percentage end tidal carbon dioxide levels. RESULTS: The geometric mean PC20 value for methacholine was significantly lower on the hypoxic study day than on the normoxic day in study 1 (mean difference in PC20 values 2.88 mg/ml (95% CI 1.4 to 5.3); p < 0.05), but there was no significant difference in the geometric mean PC20 value for methacholine between the hyperoxic and normoxic study days in study 2 (mean difference in PC20 values 1.45 mg/ ml (95% CI 0.83 to 2.51)). CONCLUSIONS: Acute hypoxia potentiates methacholine induced bronchoconstriction and acute hyperoxia has no effect in mild to moderate patients with stable asthma.


H Magnussen  V Hartmann    G Reuss 《Thorax》1984,39(8):579-582
Since the calcium antagonists nifedipine and verapamil have been shown to diminish exercise induced asthma, the effect of oral diltiazem, a calcium channel blocker not previously investigated in this context, was studied. Ten patients with bronchial asthma were given 60 mg diltiazem or placebo four hours before the challenge in a double blind, randomised, crossover fashion. Exercise was performed on a cycle ergometer while the subjects were breathing cold air, resulting in a respiratory heat exchange which was similar at the two study sessions. FEV1 and specific conductance (sGaw) were recorded before and three, 10, 15, and 30 minutes after the challenge. No significant differences were found between placebo and diltiazem days in the fall of FEV1 or sGaw after exercise. Thus unlike other calcium antagonists diltiazem, in a dose of 60 mg given orally four hours before exercise, failed to protect against exercise induced asthma.  相似文献   

B M Zainudin  S E Tolfree  M Short    S G Spiro 《Thorax》1988,43(12):987-991
The influence of breathing pattern on lung deposition and bronchodilator response to nebulised salbutamol is uncertain. Three different breathing patterns were assessed in eight patients with chronic stable asthma. Salbutamol solution (2.5 mg in 4 ml) mixed with technetium-99m labelled human serum albumin was nebulised by an Acorn nebuliser at a flow rate of 6 litres a minute. Particles with a mass median aerodynamic diameter of 4.8 microns were produced for inhalation by (a) tidal breathing, (b) six tidal breaths followed by three deep breaths, and (c) six tidal breaths followed by three deep breaths with a five second breath hold after each breath. Each breathing pattern was continued for four minutes. There was no significant difference in the percentage of radioaerosol deposited in the lung or in the distribution of radioaerosol within the lung as assessed by gamma camera imaging. Changes in bronchodilator responses as measured by peak expiratory flow rate (PEF), forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), and forced vital capacity (FVC) 30, 45, and 60 minutes after inhalation were similar for the three studies. The mean (SEM) maximum percentage change in FEV1 was 44 (7.1), 47 (9.2), and 51 (8.4) for studies 1, 2, and 3 respectively. The percentage of nebulised solution deposited in the body was also similar for the three breathing patterns--that is, 11-13%, of which 98% entered the lung. This study shows that inhaling a nebulised aerosol by tidal breathing, the simplest method, is as effective as tidal breathing with deep breaths with or without a breath hold.  相似文献   

E H Walters  J Banks  A Fennerty    B H Davies 《Thorax》1984,39(8):572-575
Inhalation histamine dose-response curves were constructed 15 minutes after inhalation of saline placebo or verapamil (4 mg) for eight patients with mild atopic asthma in a double blind, random manner. No significant change in baseline specific airways conductance occurred after inhalation of verapamil, though there was a significant decrease in sensitivity to histamine (increase in threshold of response) (p less than 0.01). There was, however, an associated significant increase (p less than 0.01) in the slopes of the subsequent histamine dose-response curves.  相似文献   

T R Gravelyn  M Capper    W L Eschenbacher 《Thorax》1987,42(11):877-880
The effect of a heat and moisture exchanger, a device with hygroscopic material for conditioning inspired air, on hyperpnoea induced bronchoconstriction was studied in nine non-smoking volunteers with asthma, aged 19-32 years. Each had previously shown an increase of at least 100% in specific airways resistance (sRaw) to isocapnic hyperpnoea with dry air. On two separate days the subject performed isocapnic hyperpnoea with dry air at 60-70 l min-1 for five minutes. Before, immediately after, and five minutes after completion of a test sRaw measurements were made. Heat and moisture exchangers were placed in the breathing circuit on one of the two days. All subjects had an increase in sRaw of 100% or more without the heat and moisture exchangers (average increase 300%) but were protected from bronchoconstriction with the devices in place (average increase 7%) (p less than 0.005). The exchanger's resistance to airflow was less than 1 cm H2O for flow rates of 100 l min-1. A heat and moisture exchanger designed as a facemask or mouthpiece may allow a person with asthma to exercise without the need for prophylactic drugs.  相似文献   

P Munyard  K F Chung    A Bush 《Thorax》1995,50(6):677-679
BACKGROUND--Nebulised frusemide has been shown to be protective against bronchoconstricting stimuli in adult asthmatic subjects and against cold air challenge in children. Animal studies suggest that inhaled frusemide may be more effective in the young. METHODS--A double blind placebo, controlled, crossover study on the effect on exercise of pretreatment with frusemide (20 mg) from a metered dose inhaler via a large volume spacer (Volumatic) was performed in 12 asthmatic children. Exercise testing consisted of eight minutes of running on a treadmill in an environmentally controlled laboratory. RESULTS--Deterioration in lung function was less after frusemide than after the placebo exercise tests. The mean (95% CI) maximum percentage falls in forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) were 14.4% (7.7 to 21.0) for placebo and 5.7% (2.3 to 9.0) for frusemide. CONCLUSIONS--Inhaled frusemide via a metered dose inhaler reduces exercise-induced bronchoconstriction in children.  相似文献   

Thoracic surgery poses a risk for complications in the respiratory system. In particular, for patients with bronchial asthma, we need to care for perioperative complications because it is well known that these patients frequently have respiratory complications after surgery, and they may have bronchial spasms during surgery. If we can get good control of their bronchial asthma, we can usually perform surgery for these patients without limitations. For safe postoperative care, it is desirable that these patients have stable asthma conditions that are well-controlled before surgery, as thoracic surgery requires intrabronchial intubation for anesthesia and sometimes bronchial resection. These stimulations to the bronchus do not provide for good conditions because of the risk of bronchial spasm. Therefore, we should use the same agents that are used to control bronchial asthma if it is already well controlled. If it is not, we have to administer a β? stimulator, aminophylline, or steroidal agents for good control. Isoflurane or sevoflurane are effective for the safe control of anesthesia during surgery, and we should use a β? stimulator, with or without inhalation, or steroidal agents after surgery. It is important to understand that we can perform thoracic surgery for asthma patients if we can provide perioperative control of bronchial asthma, although these patients still have severe risks.  相似文献   

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