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5·12汶川大地震后,当地供水设施破坏严重,直接饮用泉水、河水以及井水会引起痢疾、伤寒、霍乱等肠道传染病;而且饮食卫生很难得到保障,腐败变质或被污染的食物可引起肠道传染病或食物中毒;另外地震使大量房屋倒塌,垃圾遍地,污水流溢,蚊蝇孳生,环境卫生受到极大破坏,可能引发传染病的流行。  相似文献   

我国地震活动频繁,地震后饮用水水质受到严重破坏,灾民的生活饮用水难以保证,从而极易导致肠道传染病的暴发或流行。5.12四川汶川大地震后,绵阳市涪城区担负着对重灾区转移灾民临时安置点和北川唐家山堰塞湖溃坝淹没区域撤离居民安置点近10万人的卫生防疫保障工作,本文就四川汶川5.12大地震后灾民安置点饮用水卫生应急措施探讨如下。  相似文献   

破坏性地震是一种常见而严重的自然灾害,往往以突发的形式出现,造成大面积的人员伤亡及财产损失,如果救援不及时或者措施不当,会引起传染病疫情的发生。要做到大地震后无大疫,必须在地震发生的各个阶段广泛开展卫生防疫知识宣传,制定及下发卫生防疫工作要点和卫生防疫措施;严格进行卫生监督、卫生检查及环境卫生治理;加强水质检测及食品卫生管理,防止肠道传染病的发生;注重消灭四害,防止昆虫孳生蔓延;加强疾病的监测分析,防止传染病的暴发流行;周全的防疫措施是取得卫生防疫成功的保证。地震可以给人类带来灾难、给人类带来瘟疫和传染病,但只要人类奋起与地震作斗争,只要我们把抗震救灾卫生防疫工作抓早、抓好、抓实、抓出成效,我们就可以将地震后可能发生的疫情降到最低限度。  相似文献   

地震灾害发生后,灾区群众不仅面临着少食、缺水、无家可归的生存难关,同时,还经受着疾病的威胁。如何在大灾之后确保不发生传染病流行,最大限度地减少人员的伤亡,除了及时做好灾后灾民的生活安置和保障外,还必须积极采取强有力的科学有效的预防性消毒措施,来控制传染病疫情、食物中毒和环境因素引起的次生灾害危害。现结合2008年参加四川省5.12大地震抗震救灾防病现场消毒工作,就地震灾区环境卫生消毒的方式方法作以下探讨。  相似文献   

李新宇 《健康向导》2010,16(6):39-39
<正>近年来,我国遭受了汶川地震、玉树地震以及舟曲泥石流等多次地质灾害,并且2010年,又有多个省市出现洪涝灾害,因此如何预防灾后传染病的暴发与流行,成为人们关心的话题。国家疾病预防控制中心的专家提醒市民和灾区居民,灾后易发的重点传染病主要有肠道、虫媒、鼠媒等3类传染病,  相似文献   

"5.12"汶川大地震给四川人民带来了巨大的灾难,如果说山体滑坡、泥石流、堰塞湖是一级次生灾害,那么,幸存者可能面临二级次生灾害:传染病!大灾之后的大量急性传染病的可能暴发流行!由于地震造成大量人、畜、禽死亡,交通中断,卫生条件恶化,救援人员不能及时到达,同时还有数量巨大的畜禽尸体,灾区的空气污染,饮水困难,食物缺乏,幸存者的身体状况极差,精神处于崩溃的边缘,随时可能被疾病侵犯.  相似文献   

特大地震后,重灾区生还者的生活居住环境条件较差,极容易造成疾病流行,尤其是水源和食源性肠道传染病和虫媒传染病以及呼吸道传染病.因此,及早建立科学、高效、可行的疾病应急监测网就显得尤为重要.  相似文献   

四川省地震重灾区传染病流行特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析四川省18个地震重灾区各种法定传染病发病水平、分布规律及流行特征,为制定灾区传染病防制策略、确保大灾之后无大疫提供科学依据。方法利用数据库报表功能对数据进行处理,运用描述流行病学方法对数据进行统计分析。结果2008—05—13/09—30,18个极重灾县(市)报告法定传染病26种8056例,死亡17人,与前3年同期比较,报告病例数下降43.32%,死亡数下降50%;居前5位的病种为肺结核、其他为感染性腹泻病、乙肝、痢疾和流行性腮腺炎。结论“5·12”汶川大地震发生以来,18个地震重灾区法定传染病发病水平总体平稳,未发生重大传染病疫情,无突发公共卫生事件报告。  相似文献   

地震是一种常见的、具有突发性和产生巨大破坏性的灾害性自然现象,我国是地震多发国家,1976年7月28日唐山大地震,2008年5月12日汶川地区发生8.0级强烈大地震都造成了巨大的人员伤亡和环境破坏。地震发生后,灾区公共卫生状况发生很大的改变,灾区卫生条件恶化极易引起食源性疾病、传染病等突发公共卫生事件的发生。历史的教训提示我们不能放松灾后卫生防疫工作,如何保障灾区食品卫生安全和人民群众的身体健康是地震灾难发生后亟需解决的重要问题。  相似文献   

洪涝、干旱、地震等自然灾害发生后,人与生活环境间的生态平衡被破坏,往往会带来次生传染病的流行,是千百年历史上大灾之后必有大疫的灾害纪实.然而,改革开放后,我国多次灾害后传染病控制的事实证明,大灾之后无大疫,关键是将传染病的防控作为救灾抢险工作的重要组成部分,突出预防为主,强化灾区的传染病防治工作.  相似文献   

传染病是由各种致病性的病原生物(病原体)所引起,是摆在我国居民面前的极其严峻的疾病类型。疫情管理是政府卫生行政部门依据公共卫生法规的授权,进行传染病疫情报告、传染病疫情控制、预防接种等管理与控制。目前我国在控制传染病疫情的发生和传播方面做了许多工作,部分严重威胁居民生命健康的烈性传染病已逐渐减少和消灭。本文首先概述了传染病疫情管理的重要性,并提出了加强我国传染病疫情管理的措施:优化传染病疫情管理流程、提高卫生监督人员的总体素质、优化疫情管理法律体系和加强疫后处理管理。  相似文献   

Within the range of highly contagious diseases there are well-known diseases, and those caused by newly detected infectious agents (i. e. SARS) or, in the worst case, bioterror agents. Public Health Services as well as clinicians and practitioners will be confronted with a new paradigm of infectious disease control: not only the infectious agent itself, the constitution of the host or the environment will influence the spread of a disease, but also globalization, mobile societies and new communication systems. Thus, the emergence, respectively the re-emergence of such diseases demands new or better skills in management of infectious diseases. Finally, the demonstration of national and federal plans for smallpox control focuses on organisational, logistical and financial problems following the implementation of such plans.  相似文献   

目的 通过总结医院2007-2010年传染病患者数及传染病种类,探讨分析预防控制传染病医院传播的对策.方法 回顾性地分析医院2007-2010年接诊的传染病患者数及传染病种类.结果 2007年医院接诊传染病12种共1384例,2008年15种共1068例,2009年14种共1247例,2010年15种共1535例,从2008年起传染病数量不断增加,5234例传染病患者中,肝炎、结核病、手足口病的数量较多且增长较快.结论 医护人员必须加强防护意识,严格按照医院传染病管理的相关规定,形成预防治疗传染病的防护体系,从而积极有效地预防控制传染病在医院内的传播.  相似文献   

常见呼吸道传染病的流行特点与防护措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高洪敏 《职业与健康》2009,25(24):2819-2821
呼吸道传染病是指病原体从呼吸道感染侵入、传播而引起的疾病,主要有麻疹、风疹、流感、流行性脑脊髓膜炎、流行性腮腺炎、水痘等。呼吸道传染病大多数通过空气飞沫经呼吸道和近距离接触传播,人群普遍易感。呼吸道传染病如果暴发流行将会造成较大影响,不仅影响人群健康,还会导致许多社会问题,影响教学秩序、工作、社会安定等。为了更好地预防和控制常见呼吸道传染病的暴发流行,作者就呼吸道传染病的概念、流行特点、综合防护措施、应急机制等方面进行综述。  相似文献   

呼吸道病毒感染传播速度快,部分疾病甚至可引起全球性流行。为探索如何更好地开展病毒性呼吸道传染病监测,本文检索查阅美国、欧盟、中国等的重点病毒性呼吸道传染病监测情况,并针对性提出加强信息化建设、丰富监测手段、加强早期监测预警机制等建议。  相似文献   

The rate at which infectious diseases spread through farm animal populations depends both on individual disease characteristics and the opportunity for transmission via close contact. Data on the relationships affecting the contact structure of farm animal populations are, therefore, required to improve mathematical models for the spatial spread of farm animal diseases. This paper presents data on the contact network for agricultural shows in Great Britain, whereby a link between two shows occurs if they share common competitors in the sheep class. Using the network, the potential for disease spread through agricultural shows is investigated varying both the initial show infected and the infectious period of the disease. The analysis reveals a highly connected network such that diseases introduced early in the show season could present a risk to sheep at the majority of subsequent shows. This data emphasizes the importance of maintaining rigorous showground and farm-level bio-security.  相似文献   

Understanding people's risk perceptions and motivations to adopt preventive behavior is important in preventing the spread of recreational water illnesses (RWI) and other emerging infectious diseases. We developed a comprehensive scale measuring parents' perceived risk of their children contracting RWI. Parents (N = 263) completed a self-administered questionnaire with scale items based on 4 constructs of the Protection Motivation Theory: perceived vulnerability, perceived severity, response efficacy, and self-efficacy. Exploratory factor analysis identified 7 underlying factors, indicating 7 subscales of perceived risk for RWI. Cronbach alpha ranged from 0.60 to 0.81. The Precaution Adoption Process Model supported scale construct validity. This study provides the first perceived risk scale for exploring psychosocial factors that may predict or mediate the adoption of behaviors that prevent the spread of infectious diseases contracted by children while swimming. Findings from this study also provide implications for encouraging preventive behavior against other emerging infectious diseases.  相似文献   

After epidemic cholera emerged in Haiti in October 2010, the disease spread rapidly in a country devastated by an earthquake earlier that year, in a population with a high proportion of infant deaths, poor nutrition, and frequent infectious diseases such as HIV infection, tuberculosis, and malaria. Many nations, multinational agencies, and nongovernmental organizations rapidly mobilized to assist Haiti. The US government provided emergency response through the Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance of the US Agency for International Development and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This report summarizes the participation by the Centers and its partners. The efforts needed to reduce the spread of the epidemic and prevent deaths highlight the need for safe drinking water and basic medical care in such difficult circumstances and the need for rebuilding water, sanitation, and public health systems to prevent future epidemics.  相似文献   

可于人群间或人与动物间相互传播并形成广泛流行的疾病,即为传染病。该病由各种病原体引致,具有较高传染性与流行性。我国作为人口大国,当出现传染病时,若未给予及时有效处理,极易造成传染病传播、流行或者造成其他严重后果,威胁公共安全,造成巨大损失。此时,传染病报告卡的存在则具有重要意义,其是传染病防控工作中的一种重要依据,它与了解疾病发病情况、制定相关防控措施以及判断防控措施的实施效果都具有密切联系。报告卡填写信息的准确程度、规范程度以及详细程度都将直接对防控工作起到影响作用。即便如此,传染病报告工作仍旧是传染病防治管理内容中最薄弱的环节,人们的重视度不够,使传染病报告卡的质量及其有效性严重降低,为传染病防治工作带来巨大阻碍。为改善这一现象,这就要求相关管理人员就传染病报告卡存在的问题予以具体分析,并制定相应改进策略,以提升传染病控制力度,增强管理效果。  相似文献   

The estimation of transmission parameters has been problematic for diseases that rely predominantly on transmission of pathogens from person to person through small infectious droplets. Age-specific transmission parameters determine how such respiratory agents will spread among different age groups in a human population. Estimating the values of these parameters is essential in planning an effective response to potentially devastating pandemics of smallpox or influenza and in designing control strategies for diseases such as measles or mumps. In this study, the authors estimated age-specific transmission parameters by augmenting infectious disease data with auxiliary data on self-reported numbers of conversational partners per person. They show that models that use transmission parameters based on these self-reported social contacts are better able to capture the observed patterns of infection of endemically circulating mumps, as well as observed patterns of spread of pandemic influenza. The estimated age-specific transmission parameters suggested that school-aged children and young adults will experience the highest incidence of infection and will contribute most to further spread of infections during the initial phase of an emerging respiratory-spread epidemic in a completely susceptible population. These findings have important implications for controlling future outbreaks of novel respiratory-spread infectious agents.  相似文献   

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