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The aim of the study was to reveal the oral hygienic, nutritional and behavioral habits of Hungarian adult population in different regions of Hungary. The study was performed by the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry (Semmelweis University, Budapest) in 2003-2004. Altogether 4606 persons (mean age: 46.37 +/- 7.89ys), 2923 women (mean age: 48,09 +/- 18,36 ys), 1683 men (mean age: 44.41 +/- 17.14 ys) participated in the study. Probands were selected randomly from the population attending the compulsory lung screening examinations. To make a representative sample of the whole population in the country, the chosen localities covered all regions, the capital, the large towns and villages as well. The data were coded on special sheets by computer in place. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS for Windows 10.0 statistical software version. The daily consumption of sweets was the highest (34%) in the Western Central Region. It was the highest in the age group under 19 ys (40%). In relation to daily consumption of coke and soft drinks, the frequency was 13% in the whole population. The highest frequency was registered in the North Eastern Region (17.5%) and in the age group of 19-year-olds. The results showed that the consumption of soft drinks was significantly lower in women comparing to men (p < 0.001). The consumption of sweets and soft drinks was significantly decreased by the increase of age (p < 0.001). The asked population cleaned their teeth twice a day, mostly using only toothbrush and dentifrice, and only 12% of them used mouthwash, 11% toothpick, and 7% dental floss. The majority of the examined population (68%) visited dental service on an irregular base (only in case of acute complaints).  相似文献   

Dental history, dental status, the need for prosthetic treatment and dental treatment habits were studied in 389 men aged 21--54 years. The men were selected from a group undergoing military refresher training in the south of Sweden. One percent of the men were toothless. About 3% had full dentures in one or both jaws and an equal percentage had partial dentures. About 3% of the men had bridges in the maxilla and 2% in the mandible. Tooth loss was greatest in the mandibular molar segment, followed by the maxillary molar segment. By means of an index for dental status about 8% of the men were judged to be in great need of prosthetic treatment for aesthetic reasons and/or to improve occlusion. Age, place of birth, educational level and smoking habits were among the factors which seemed to be related to dental status. Seventy percent of the men reported that they went to the dentist once a year, while about 10% seemed rarely or never to seek dental treatment. Dental treatment habits were correlated to place of birth, number of brothers and sisters, edentulousness and the need for prosthetic treatment, among other factors.  相似文献   

With the aim to get information on oral health, professional dental care and oral hygiene habits a study was performed on persons aged 60 up to 79 years in Haarlem, the Netherlands. After an interview an oral examination was performed, using a mirror and a pocket lamp. Of all persons approached, 376 (38%) participated in the clinical part of the study. In elderly persons with natural teeth (52% of all participants) the mean numbers of present teeth (third molars excluded), FT and obvious DT were 18.1, 10.8 and 0.7 respectively. The percentage of persons with natural teeth showed a strong relationship with level of education. A comparison with results of a study performed in 1986 showed that oral health in elderly persons is improved. Of all the elderly with natural teeth 91% visited their dentist periodically at least one time a year and 76% of them brushed their teeth at least two times a day.  相似文献   

An epidemiological study of dental health, dental health care, and sociodemographic data in 817 4-, 8-, and 13-year-old children was carried out in 1980/81 in two areas in the county of V?sterbotten, northern Sweden, and in one area in the northern part of the county of Alvsborg, in southwestern Sweden. Dietary habits and nutrient intake were studied in 738 of the children. The aim of the study was to examine the dental health in the different areas and to study the importance of variations in related background factors. The results showed great differences in dental health in all age groups between the two counties. There were also differences between the two areas in the north, but these were not as evident. A discriminant function analysis showed that age when organized dental care started and tooth-brushing frequency had greater explanatory power on dental caries than food habit factors.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to describe self-reported oral health, oral hygiene habits, and frequency of visits to a dentist among pregnant women in Kuwait. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study with an anonymous structured questionnaire was distributed among 650 pregnant women during May-June 2003, when they were admitted to the maternity ward at the largest government maternity hospital in Kuwait City. The response rate was 93% (n=603). RESULTS: Every fourth respondent was in her first pregnancy, while 36% already had three or more children. Every fifth woman felt that her oral health was poor, and one-third of the women believed that they had periodontal problems currently. About two-thirds of the women were brushing more than once a day and almost all (94%) at least once a day. Over the previous 6 months, 40% had experienced dental pain. Half of the women had visited a dentist during pregnancy, mostly for dental pain. Most of the women had received no instructions concerning oral health care during their pregnancy. CONCLUSIONS: A large proportion of the pregnant women in this study had oral health problems; however, half of the women had not seen a dentist during their pregnancy.  相似文献   

The first RCT was instituted in the early 1950s, evaluating streptomycin and bed rest compared with bed rest alone for tuberculosis. This research design has become the reference standard for comparative evaluations of therapies because of its prospective nature and the ability to control bias. Because it is easier to conduct observational studies, they have often been inappropriately substituted for the better experimental study designs. Since the 1950s, however, readers of the medical literature have slowly come to demand quality clinical research to assist them in caring for their patients. Dentists are somewhat behind their medical colleagues in using the strongest research designs to answer clinical questions. In dentistry, observational studies with convenience samples of patients have been commonly used. It is often argued that few dental ailments affect a person's life as negatively as most medical maladies; therefore, experimental rigors are not required of dental research. Although most dental care does not involve life-and-death issues, dentists are as eager as physicians to offer their patients optimal care. Optimal care is best defined through nonbiased research strategies.  相似文献   

The aim was to determine the effect of feeding and oral habits, toothbrushing, socioeconomic status and allergic rhinitis on the development of dental caries in primary dentition. In a cross-sectional study, data were obtained by means of a structured questionnaire on 1,160 children, 4-5 years old (mean = 4.5 +/- 0.5) and born in 1999, 2000 or 2001. The children also had a physical examination by an allergist and dentists. Dental caries was diagnosed according to WHO criteria. Caries experience was measured as number of deft and defs. Logistic regression analysis assessed the association between dental caries and independent variables. The dental caries prevalence was 17.9%, 28.8% of the children had allergic rhinitis symptoms, digit sucking was reported by 9.8% and pacifier use by 13.6% of the children. The mean number of deft of the sample was 1.02 (SD = 2.37) and that of defs was 1.33 (SD = 3.54). Analysis showed that breast-feeding for >12 months (p < 0.01), toothbrushing frequency (p < 0.01), sugar consumption (p < 0.01) and pacifier use (p < 0.01) each had a significant association with dental caries occurrence in primary dentition. Children with pacifier use and allergic rhinitis had more than double the risk of dental caries development. Allergic rhinitis alone has no effect on dental caries. Healthcare professionals attempting to limit dental caries should consider the effect of prolonged breast-feeding, sugary product consumption between meals and nonnutritive habits on dental caries.  相似文献   

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