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当前我国医患关系呈现紧张状况,医患关系紧张的原因是多方面的,是医学与人文的不和谐,是社会伦理环境与医务人员的伦理精神的缺乏所致。深刻理解和谐医患关系的伦理内涵,加强医务人员伦理精神的培养和培育良好的社会伦理氛围,来构建和谐的医患关系,实现生命终极价值的关怀和终极追求。   相似文献   

当前青年医生中普遍存在医学伦理教育缺失的问题是造成医患关系不和谐的重要原因之一。通过对医患关系中存在的不和谐现象和道德矛盾冲突等问题的分析,揭露和剖析了青年医生医学伦理教育缺失的主要原因,并由此对如何加强青年医生的医学伦理教育提出了一些基本思路和对策。  相似文献   

站在伦理的视角审视医患关系,发现其是一种特殊的、多层次的人际关系,也是一种社会关系,更是一种道德关系。因此,在市场经济全面发展的体制下,构建和谐的医患关系,就必须引入伦理维度,对中国医患关系恶化的症结进行伦理探讨,提出构建和谐医患关系的伦理对策。  相似文献   

和谐医患关系的伦理维度与法律支撑   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
我国医患关系尚未实现真正的和谐,其原因是多重的。就伦理层面而言,多数医疗纠纷源于医患双方缺乏信任,以自我为中心,过分强调经济利益,缺少人文关怀。就法律层面而言,医患关系重大涉法问题研究薄弱,调整、规制医患关系的法律滞后甚至缺失,医疗纠纷处理机制不健全、不完备以及医患双方法律意识失衡与法律知识不健全。构建和谐医患关系,应当加快立法进程,保障医患双方利益;加强德育,明确医患关系的伦理诉求。  相似文献   

医患关系是医疗活动中最基本最重要的关系。由于诸多原因相互作用,致使今天的医患关系出现不和谐状态,其中医患关系本质由伦理道德关系异化为经济关系和抽象的法律关系不能不查。为了和谐医患关系除了发展医学科学、提高医疗水平外,还要强化政府职责,完善和谐医患关系的制度设计;加强卫生立法和执法,合理医患关系的法律安排;加强文化建设,营造和谐医患关系的社会氛围;加强医院管理,完善和谐医患关系的规章制度;尤其是加强主体自觉,明确和谐医患关系的伦理尊崇。  相似文献   

医患关系作为社会系统的重要组成部分,在创建互助友爱的卫生环境中起着基础性作用。在探讨了医患关系的伦理性质,以及医患关系恶化的原因后,提出了构建和谐医患关系的伦理框架。我们所要实现的目标是建立符合时代要求的新型医患关系,即建立在相互理解和相互信任基础上的平等、公正、和谐和理性化的医患关系。  相似文献   

新时期改善医德医风要做到以医疗体制的完善来促使医德医风的改善;以道德义务和道德权利的对等来保障"德福一致"的实现;以医患沟通来平衡医患之间的信息不对称;以制度伦理建设来建立和谐的医患关系.  相似文献   

和谐医患关系的经济学分析与伦理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
医患关系是一种伦理关系。近年来,医患关系逐渐变成为特殊的交易关系,医患双方因各自的因素而使误解增加,医患关系也越来越紧张。多数医疗纠纷源于医患双方缺乏诚信,以自我为中心,过分强调经济利益,缺少人文关怀。建立和谐的医患关系,应该改革制度,合理保障医患双方利益;加强德育,明确医患关系的伦理诉求。  相似文献   

医患关系的不和谐因素中往往强调的是临床医生与患者之间的不和谐因素,而影像医生(包括超声医生)与患者之间的不和谐因素往往被忽视。影响超声医生与患者之间的不和谐因素包括社会因素、患者因素及医生因素,对其正确理解有助于处理超声影像工作中的医患关系,提高正确诊断率。  相似文献   

医患关系不和谐因素的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
赵虹 《医学与社会》2011,24(7):58-60
医患关系是在医疗实践活动中形成的特定的社会关系,是医疗人际关系中的关键。分析医患关系不和谐的原因,有利于认识并构建和谐的医患关系,有利于当代医院通过人性化服务得到越来越多病人的拥戴。以病人为中心,实施医患沟通,是当代医院全新的服务模式,也是一种崭新的思维方式。目前,国内学者对医患关系不和谐的原因从不同的层面做了大量研究,本文将对医患关系不和谐的因素进行分析。  相似文献   

This fall Ontario braced for possible strikes by public servants and teachers. A year earlier, the province's physicians were preparing their own job action. Walkouts by physicians, which have not been uncommon since the introduction of medicare, create two camps. In one are physicians who say legal job actions are ethical and often improve health care for patients. In the other are some doctors and ethicists who question whether doctors have an ethical right to withdraw services, even if it is legal to do so. Nicole Baer interviewed members of both camps.  相似文献   

重视急诊医疗中的伦理问题   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的探讨急诊医疗中伦理问题的重要性。方法参考相关文献,并融合本院急诊的特点,探讨目前急诊医疗中所存在的伦理问题,以及重视伦理问题的必要性,并根据本院急诊医生小范围调查结果所反映的问题探讨相应对策。结果因目前急诊医疗的特殊性,产生了与其他科室所不同的伦理问题。结论要重视急诊医疗中伦理问题产生的原因,要完善急诊医疗中相应的政策法规和急诊流程问题;要重视病人权益,加强医患沟通,保障病人返家后的安全;同时也要减轻急诊医生工作压力,加强急诊医生可持续性培训和团队合作精神。  相似文献   

Findings from a Queensland coronial inquest highlight the complex clinical, ethical and legal issues that arise in end-of-life care when clinicians and family members disagree about a diagnosis of clinical futility. The tension between the law and best medical practice is highlighted in this case, as doctors are compelled to seek family consent to not commence a futile intervention. Good communication between doctors and families, as well as community and professional education, is essential to resolve tensions that can arise when there is disagreement about treatment at the end of life.  相似文献   

This paper aims to give clear guidance for doctors working in the UK about their responsibilities when discussing cardiopulmonary resuscitation with patients and their relatives. The ethical and legal framework for making decisions is outlined and the commonly encountered dilemmas are discussed.  相似文献   

随着医学模式向生物-心理-社会整体医学模式的转变,医患关系涉及伦理、政治、经济、法律等方方面面,医患之间的沟通成为了改善医患关系紧张的重要途径。通过对一位糖尿病患者看病经历的思考,分析医患关系的改善。  相似文献   

In the March 1982 issue of the Journal Dr Pheby, a community health doctor, was one of several writers to discuss medical confidentiality. Dr Pheby urged doctors to minimise subjective and judgmental comments in medical records and to make clear when their assessments were speculative. He also urged `vigorous reappraisal of the extent to which information about a patient needs to be circulated' to members of other disciplines, for instance, in child health practice. If doctors did not take such steps themselves legal changes might well be imposed upon them, giving patients the right of access to their medical records and perhaps making breach of medical confidentiality a criminal offence.

Mr Jacob, a lawyer, commenting on the papers by Dr Pheby and Mr Kenny, a health administrator, argued that increased legal intervention in medical ethics could quite possibly actually erode traditional medical ethical standards of confidentiality based on peer review and `the ethic of virtue'.


医患关系是目前医疗社会关系中重点关注内容,医患关系紧张直接影响了医疗行业的从业及医疗人才的培养。临床带教是医药人才培养的关键阶段,为了适应医患关系紧张的现状,避免实习医疗事故及医疗纠纷的发生,防止医患暴力冲突的演变,我们从实际临床带教出发,从加强学生上机操作前的培训,加强职业语言艺术的培养,加强教师带教及实习生制度管理,加强职业道德教育与人格培养,加强法制教育,以及加强保护与自我保护6个方面进行了教学策略探讨。  相似文献   

In this paper, the ethical and legal issues raised by the deactivation of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) in patients with terminal cancer is considered. It is argued that the ICD cannot be well described either as a treatment or as a non-treatment option, and thus raises complex questions regarding how rules governing deactivation should be framed. A new category called "integral devices" is proposed. Integral devices require their own special rules, reflecting their position as a "halfway house" between a form of treatment and a part of the body. The practical problems faced by doctors working in palliative medicine with regard to the deactivation of ICDs are also considered.  相似文献   

当前,我国的医患关系尚未实现全面的、真正的和谐,其原因是多元的。就法律层面而言,主要有医患关系重大涉法问题研究薄弱,调整、规制医患关系的法律法规滞后甚至缺失,医疗纠纷处理机制不健全、不完备以及医患双方法律意识失衡与法律知识不健全等。为此,应从这四个角度入手探讨构建和谐医患关系的法律对策,以期有助于医疗服务领域的和谐建设。  相似文献   

医患关系紧张的心理成因及对策研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
随着前些年“医疗服务市场化”现象的出现,引发了医患双方很多心理上的不适应。“角色冲突”的压力、社会舆论的导向等因素引发了医护人员的道德焦虑;而经济因素的介入、医患之间的沟通质量不佳等因素,又使得医患之间信任度下降。改善医患关系的心理对策应在国家卫生政策适时调整的前提下,从导致医患关系紧张的心理成因入手,采取有针对性的措施和手段,平复医患双方焦虑、多疑等失衡的心态,促进其医患关系良性发展。  相似文献   

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